[1.5] What are Domains? - A Genshin Impact Theory

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3 жыл бұрын

Upsetti spaghetti because after I finished this I found like, 5 other things I want to add in so I guess that's getting rolled into another video...

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@PawClow 3 жыл бұрын
Don't know why but I always get an uneasy feeling whenever the Abyss lore comes up, like the secret of Teyvat is being unveiled and Celestia will silence us :P
@MunchMeisterVT 3 жыл бұрын
There's some really good lore videos and theories, like one of them even said that Celestia is not really a heaven or the god's place, it's actually a prison to imprison vision wielders who have ascended from Teyvat into Celestia (became too dangerous to leave in the world and threaten their power). From the comic, we know of two people who have ascended to Celestia.
@Tsuki2132 2 жыл бұрын
@@MunchMeisterVT vanessa and?
@cloudyisaliveandhere 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tsuki2132 Guhua.
@cloudyisaliveandhere 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tsuki2132 Guhua was the other to ascend to Celestia.
@atsushinakajima661 2 жыл бұрын
@@MunchMeisterVT I mean that’s why I think Baal isn’t evil maybe she stopped giving visions to her people so they don’t get trapped in there and stealing visions to cut off the connections to celestia. This isn’t my theory but if you search up Baal isn’t evil maybe you will get the video explaining why. I just gave short summary
@michaelatbarnett 3 жыл бұрын
That bit about the 7 archons and the 5 archons of the abyss is REALLY fascinating. Very good catch and very good video and lore delve, Ashikai!
@michaelatbarnett 3 жыл бұрын
Oi, I shared theories and was told "no." Encouraged and slapped down. Smh...... 😂
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
A privilege granted only to the bestest of friendos, Joker. :P
@OddsShroom 2 жыл бұрын
@Noval Dillys Indrawan 1635016 There is a theory that Paimon is the God of Time, I don’t remember too much about the theory other than she’s the only being like her in all of Teyvat (that we’ve discovered), aaaand the Paimon menu, which freezes time for everything and everyone except for herself. And through the Paimon menu, you can fast-forward time with the clock, with a limit of nearly 24 hours and a minimum of 30 minutes :v
@shiroxkuro934 2 жыл бұрын
I saw theory about god of life, god of time, and goddess of the moon. Seeing that there's always a moon in Domains and Abyss, we can assume that at least goddess of moon is most likely the archon of abyss.
@swordzanderson5352 2 жыл бұрын
@@shiroxkuro934 Don't forget Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. Most likely God of Void/Space for her space manipulation. God of Time also canonically exists if you check the Sacrificial Sword description. The Gunnhildr once worshipped not only the Anemo Archon, but also the God or even Archon of Time, and is in possession of the sword, which, coincident or not, said sword's passive resets cooldown, as in manipulating 'time'. The passive activation symbol is also a stopwatch seemingly sped up, as if time was sped up.
@spoopydraws8362 3 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best and most grounded theories I have heard in a while wow, very eye opening and I cant wait to see more to this game
@aaravia4904 3 жыл бұрын
We do know that durin is a creation for sure, but there is another character in the game suspected to be created artificially. This character is Albedo. After hours and hours of digging, I've realised that these two may not be the only creations we've come across during this game. I started reading the stories under Albedo, and he seems to think that he does not have biological parents, rather he was somehow created by his master, Gold. He also has a talent called 'homuncular nature' which would suggest he indeed is not a real human, rather he was made by Gold. Now after this I looked up the meaning of his name. His name happens to be a stage of an alchemical process called Magnum Opus. The definition of Magnum Opus is: the process of working with the prima materia (also called dark matter) to create the philosopher's stone(elixir of life). It's steps are: nigredo (blackness) albedo (whiteness) citrinitas (yellowness) rubedo (redness, purpleness) - this is the final product I was thinking since there is a personification of the second step of Magnum Opus (Albedo or whiteness), would it be weird to assume that the other steps could have a human embodiment too? And if yes, who would these people be? Here are the questions I asked myself: 1. If Albedo's name means whiteness which is basically what the second step of the Magnum Opus is, which names in the game could represent the other two, darkness, and yellowness? 2. The art of alchemy or Khemia seems to be from Khaenri'ah. Almost Almost every time Khaenr'iah is mentioned, we hear about alchemy, also the alchemy tables seem to have Khaenr'iahn writing on them. Khemia (which is the art of creation, which is what Khaenr'iahs alchemy seemed to be focused on) is also what brought destruction to this ancient civilization, so can we assume that alchemy is an art from Khaenr'iah? 3. I looked a little bit into the language of Khaenr'iah. Khaenr'iahn writing can be found in places like domains, alchemy tables or the abyss which we know have a connection to Khaenr'iah. I searched for the Khaenr'iahn alphabet on the internet and in this process I learned that the alphabet is not the only thing we have translated into the english alphabet, but we also know that the phrases we get from these writings are all latin. So was the language of Khaenr'iah latin, or at least a romance language? 4. And the fourth question I asked myself. If my last speculation is true, which people in Teyvat seem to have latin names? Albedo, the person we know for sure has connections to Khaenr'iah and is related to the Magnum Opus (he is literally one of the steps), then maybe these other homunculuses created by Gold for the Philosopher's Stone have latin names too. I looked up all the names we know if in the game and there are only three people with latin names in the game. These names are: 1. Aether 2. Albedo 3. Lumine Now this is where it gets even more interesting. The names seem to align with the steps of Magnum Opus. We have already figured out that the second step is Albedo, his name meaning whiteness. The first step is, blackness and to create the philosopher's stone for our first step we need to find black/dark matter or on its other name, first matter, and if you look up prima materia which is latin for first matter you get this definition: It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence or aether. So that leaves us with the third step and the name Lumine. Citrinitas means yellowness. Lumine's name light, luminescent or a ray of sunshine. So could it be that these 3 are actually all the creations of Gold? Could it be that the twins, just like Albedo, are not real people but rather artificial life created by this scientist we know as Gold? Some more weird things I found that could more or less support this theory: - If you look at the stories of the traveler, and you look at the character details, it says something about a creator "The keeper is fading away; the creator has not yet come. But the world shall burn no more, for you shall ascend." - All Khaenr'iahn people we know of seem to have the Khaenr'iahn star symbol on their clothes, and most of them even on their eyes (Dainsleif and Kaeya). Now we don't know this for sure, since we havent met too many Khaenr'iahn people yet, but the only people who seems to bear the mark on on their clothes but not in their eyes are the twins and albedo. Could it be that the mark in the eye is a genetic thing that is seen in people born of Khaenr'iahn blood? And since these 3 people are not of real blood, they don't bear the star on their eyes? 3. Albedo knows that he doesn't have blood-related parents, or at least he doesn't remember them. Isn't it interesting that there is nothing in the game said about the parents of the travelers? 4. This is my weakest point, so probably shouldn't really even be taken into account, but I'll say it anyway. Since these people are probably homunculuses, maybe they don't actually age like real people. They're not real people at all. However, I don't think that Lumine and Aether know that they're actually created by Gold at the beginning of their journey. It is not mentioned by them at all that they were, and if this really were the case, that they didn't know, we could make sense of something Lumine said during our last story quest. When we offered her to come with us now, she told us that there is no need for that, since there is time to wait and there always have been. I think Lumine could've figured it out that she's not a real human being. On a side note, I'd also like to add that I didn't fully understand this part, but rubedo says something about 2 people and their reunion. Maybe these two people are the twins. Aether's goal is for them to reunite and the last quest was called something like We Will be Reunited.
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
I was not expecting an essay as a comment, but that was really well thought through! Definitely lines up with a lot of my own research and some theories I've seen floating around elsewhere. IIRC, there's a little something that may interest you - "Chalk pursues gold, in time opportune, the eclipse is swallowed by the crimson moon" Chalk = albedo, gold = citrinitas, eclipse = nigredo, crimson moon = rubedo. Definitely some interesting recurring themes here.
@aaravia4904 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai I haven't written my thoughts down on it yet, but if you're interested i could also share some thoughts a bit later about what rubedo could be, both from an alchemical and a color stance. This is one of those theories i dug really deep into, so I do have some interesting ideas about what it could be and the connections it could have with the destruction of Khaenr'iah, maybe even some paralels to Honkai Impact. By the way, love your videos!!
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
Rubedo was traditionally the final stage of Alchemy (chalk > ash > gold > 'rubedo'), as it was supposed to be the color of the Philosopher's Stone, which was the final goal of the Magnum Opus recipe. What I'm REALLY curious about is why Genshin swapped citrinitas and rubedo...
@Daily_Dose_of_Grass 2 жыл бұрын
It will make sense that gold had created albedo for the purpose of destruction to tevyat since albedo does mention the doom of mondstadt also since gold's home land had been destroyed by the archons and archons belonging to celestia therefore by destroying tevyat(first mondstadt/ameno nation then the others) it will lead a great impact towards celestia.
@hyeinified 2 жыл бұрын
wait cause points were made
@redo3073 2 жыл бұрын
HOLY you were right about heralds dropping ley line branches
@niffleraku 3 жыл бұрын
My theory with the domains since most of them have Kaerin'ahn writings and thematically match dain was that these really were just remnants of Kaerin'ah. I figured Kaerin'ah might've grown/spread really wide underground so that's why gateways to the domains could be seen everywhere in Teyvat, but this theory sounds more solid than mine lol
@krislegionau4997 3 жыл бұрын
I know nothing about Genshin so the first sentence hooked me and now I have to know more.
@venti9925 3 жыл бұрын
Oh honey. You're in for literal quantum physics. Prepare yourself and study Honkai Impact first LOL. Then come back to this awesome channel!!!
@jynxnohcyaaare8987 3 жыл бұрын
You should go read the webtoon!!
@nine-ji2ub 3 жыл бұрын
This really is interesting! The tiara sets that you've pointed out, I went and read its lore & got some speculation... What if this whole thing is a cycle? First, let's summarize the set: All of the tiaras goes like this... "Once upon a time, the people of the land could hear revelations from heavens (aka Celestia) directly." The "envoys of the gods" walked among humanity, and something happens. This something (depends on each tiara) causes humanity to send a priest, wearing the "white-branched crown," into "the deep places" (Abyss/domain/Ley Lines) The Tiaras probably arrange like this: Springtime > Illumination > Destiny > Wisdom > Springtime Starting with... Prayers of Springtime: "All prosperity must someday end. But this does not mean that nothing is eternal. At the end of a cycle, the earth shall be renewed." "In those days, life was weak, and the earth was blanketed in unending ice". Prayers of Illumination: "The eternal ice had just begun to thaw, and the first fires were still new." "It was a time of great prosperity, when all was left in the hands of such heavenly revelations... But would a day come when such wonderful times might come to an end?" "To this question the envoys gave no answer." Prayers of Destiny: "...the ancient flames were extinguished amidst the first falling rains." "It was a prosperous time, a period of bountiful harvest... But what of the time after, a hundred, a thousand years from now?" "The heavenly envoys, who ever spoke what they knew, were silent." Prayers of Wisdom "...the waters ran dry as thunder first pierced the skies." "Their prosperity brought pride and ambition... so they questioned the heavens' authority, and schemed to enter the garden of gods." "...the envoys of heaven were angry." Then Prayers of Springtime (again): "All prosperity must someday end. But this does not mean that nothing is eternal. At the end of a cycle, the earth shall be renewed." **Summary** The earth at the beginning (of a cycle) was barren and covered in ice, kinda like Dragonspine. Then, something happened, a divine "illumination" perhaps? and the ice melted. Humanity lived with Archons (or something along that line) guiding them, who work (passion-like fire?) to create civilization. After a while, their work paid off with plenty of crops. Civilization is booming. Some questions whether it will last forever, with the Archons (probably went through numerous cycles before & knows the impending doom) keep this cycle thing a secret. Because of the civilizations' prosperity, they grew ambitious, and questioned Celestia's authority, perhaps even tried to use the Ley line powers to gain equal or more power as them. This angered the ancient Archons, who punished them, probably wiping them out, resetting the world into a barren iceland once more. The cycle continues, with chief priests going into the deeps each "era"... and probably dying & giving memory to the Ley Lines, which imbues into the tiaras we see in game. **Further Speculation about the Priests => Archons** I've noticed that the each priest in each tiara has a "vibe" to them. I feel that they represent the Archon/element in someway. It's important to note that ALL tiaras "possesses remarkable resistance," which is like determination, something that ALL vision-holders have. For Prayers of Springtime, it's the ONLY one with the priest story first, then the once-upon-a-time thing. This is like with Tsaritsa, the Cryo Archon. Usually, we meet the regions first, then the Archons, but we feel her presence by her Fatui, even though we didn't go to Cryo region yet. This priest is also the only one who seems to know what's going on, that there's a need of an end to begin anew, like the Tsaritsa trying to end the current Archon system by taking the gnosis. The Cryo element (and their vision holders) is probably the one imbued with keeping secrets, sacrifices, and ice. For Prayers of Illumination, probably the Fire Archon. The priests is humanity's first hope, trying to seek "answers and enlightenment." Maybe the Pyro element (and their vision holders) is probably the ones with hope? Or the Fire Archon trying to seek something? I don't know much here. For Prayers of Destiny, it talks a lot about destiny. That things are "written in the stars, and none could change this divine law." Interesting that this is the only mention of stars (Mona & her astrology *cough *cough*)... The priest seeks "to understand this doom (of when their prosperity might end)", might hint that Hydro vision-holders seek knowledge? But there's Albedo (with Geo), so there's probably more to this... For Prayers of Wisdom, its priest is the only one who "appease the divine envoys". This might hint that the Electro Archon sides with Celestia. There's also this line: "For to question eternity was forbidden." Seems similar to Electro Archon being obsessed with eternity... What do ya'll think? I don't know if someone made this already or not. This is just my take on a four paragraph worth of wiki description XD.
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
I gotta say this is the first time I've seen someone suggest that the tiaras don't all take place at the same time. I think the general consensus was that they were all SalVindagnyr priests, but different ones/perspectives, but this is a neat take. I think I need to mull this one over a little.
@seansmith6380 3 жыл бұрын
During the idol animation why can the traveller produce the same stars as paimon
@alishapannell5414 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I've been thinking lol
@vernonsbible3413 3 жыл бұрын
*idle animation
@jackson3475 3 жыл бұрын
Well, they are the _"Traveller"_ who used to go across several planes of existence like it's the simplest thing to accomplish (before the Sustainer nerfed the shit out of them) so I always thought it was supposed to be a celestial map or something...
@deathwingthedestroyer3632 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackson3475 now I think about it, it might actually be a Celestial map of their multiverse or the sea of quanta
@DisastrousCake 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackson3475 I always wondered why the Sustainer didn't just kill the two Travellers? Why did they just nerf them? Were they too strong? What are they exactly? I really want to know.
@youzeeeee 3 жыл бұрын
the game is getting darker and darker... i'm in awe
@safeusername4925 2 жыл бұрын
Would you look at that. abyss heralds and lectors did actually end up dropping leyline branches
@Ashikai 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man, I forgot all about this.
@reyfel11 3 жыл бұрын
WOW!! This was one of the best theories out there. I loved your theory and I was wondering about domains too. I would also like to add that once you reach floor 8 of the spiral abyss, you start seeing some symbols on the walls which look a lot like the symbols in a puzzle in dragonspine. Also, in the part where the 7 archons rule the heaven and the other 5 rule the abyss, what if there were 5 regions in the abyss and we only know 2 of them as of now which are Khaenri'ah and the kingdom in dragonspine.
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
That's totally possible! There are mentions of previous dynasties and civilizations that appear to pre-date Khaenri'ah. We also know of above-ground ancient civilizations like the Seelie Civ, Prayers Civ etc. It'd be neat if there was a connection there. Time to investigate...
@jahyunjo1356 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai seelie civ prayers cive what's that?
@shironeko1611 3 жыл бұрын
@@jahyunjo1356 the Seelie civilization is an ancient civilization that existed in Teyvat long before humans. Now they're the blue Seelies we lead to their Seelie courts and get an exquisite chest for that. And I believe the Prayers civilization is the civilization that existed in Dragonspine before the skyfrost nail fell there.
@Saint_8312 3 жыл бұрын
This is soooo underrated, best theories i've ever watched. Particularly the theory of the Abyssal Archons, that is very interesting. That is probably why in the Teyvat chapter's trailer video, Khaenriah isn't mentioned as the 8th nation but instead "??th"-chapter, because the Abyssal Archons may be introduced there (multiple acts, each act for each Abyssal Archons).
@aloevera3975 3 жыл бұрын
“& they gift us with memories of a time long past”, makes so much sense... the artefacts do describe past events and all
@aceslycer 8 ай бұрын
It's so refreshing to hear the difference between your old videos and now. You sound so calm here.
@cold4462 3 жыл бұрын
I love these type of theory’s and honestly thinking about all the theories that people have made makes me question a lot of thing
@bianca-ku4ym 3 ай бұрын
ive been getting into genshin lore and im so happy i found your channel, absolutely so cool to see the depth that the devs and everyone apart of the creation of genshin impact has put into the entire story. the story part of genshin is truly a fundamental and fascinating piece of work. i cant wait to see the end of the travelers story.
@AcreKlein 3 жыл бұрын
I don't really pay attention to the lore when I play Genshin, just on a surface level. Nevertheless, your videos are really nice to follow. I'm looking forward to the next. :>
@aguy3953 2 жыл бұрын
I have a theory Remember the event where we got to try out different teams in a time challenge? Well the challenge for getting buffs it represented the same symbols to start the challenge as those on domain walls (look closely) I theorise that domains are basically an access to a multiversal nexus where different versions of the same artifacts and items also the quest in dragonspine with scribbles on the wall also contain the SAME symbols as on domain walls the space also contains 2 laser eye ruin guards so it's possible that khaneran's made a last minute attempt to escape our timeline , whether they succeeded or not the system of access was destroyed and only the symbols remain and Albedo 's camp is suspiciously close to that place he might be experimenting with the place as the place for our test (in his quest ) was similar to that and also had the EXACT SAME symbols that is sussly sus Edit : the symbols look like keys but not the domain challenge symbols but the key like symbols on walls of domains
@deathbrick3541 2 жыл бұрын
I know this is late but I was thinking that there’s more to paimon. My theory is that somehow the traveller subconsciously created paimon through khemia when they first fell into teyvat. This is backed up by paimons galaxy cape immediately linking her to the abyss and also the travellers idle animations. Definitely worth some thought.
@amorimjt 3 жыл бұрын
This was incredible to watch. Amazing script. And such a nice voice… it felt like i was hearing one of the voice actors of the game…
@athanmrm 3 жыл бұрын
I have found your channel researching Genshin lore and now I can't wait for your next theories and explanations! This game has deeper meanings and inspirations than we are used to in games like these, and definitely John's apocryphal texts and other texts from gnosticism are sources for its lore, so I believe you are very much correct with your ideas.
@socrative9810 3 жыл бұрын
HOLY SHIT thank you for covering this topic!! AND FR IT BUGGED ME why everyone haven't made a video about the DOMAINS of Teyvat (like the canonical lore of it) bc it's so FASCINATING!! (lore wise and aesthetic wise) 😭 It is really an untapped mine of lore potential since almost little to none is revealed about it. The domain in the ice tundra and the fire domains are the most favourite of mine. It's so large inside, but no residents of teyvat has ever talked about it. Do we even "go here", storywise? I like to hope for the next time that a story character brings us again to a domain and tells its lore with us
@socrative9810 3 жыл бұрын
btw your voice is soothing af and its very suitable for narrations 🥺
@shopnil4 3 жыл бұрын
I always thought the Domains + Spiral Abyss were the ruins of Khaenri'ah after the Archons and the ones in Celestia destroyed them cause they were getting to powerful.
@purplephantom2441 3 жыл бұрын
Your theories are great and well researched. You deserve way more attention!
@keiko195 3 жыл бұрын
THIS IS SO COOL. I have the same opinion about all of this. Im feeling unsafe in domains and ruins 😮
@mcdonaldskaedeharakazuha4736 2 жыл бұрын
I like to listen to genshin theories when im drawing
@2triedforthis830 3 жыл бұрын
When I was in coop I stopped for a few seconds to listen to the music in the domains. They make me feel uneasy and worried
@spiritandsteel 3 жыл бұрын
Holy crap- this just showed up on my recommended vids and I’m so upset I didn’t find your channel sooner. Incredible analysis, wonderful pacing, excellent voice work. I used to study gnosticism years ago, and the subtle references in Genshin are amazing. I never would have caught that connection with the rings, though (or really anything you mentioned… it’s been years). That’s so damn cool.
@atriyakoller136 2 жыл бұрын
The symbols on the walls of some domains are a giveaway for their connection to the Abyss. Dainsleif's quest, where you see the remnants of an Abyss spell, you see the exact same symbols. As well as even before that some Abyss mages have those symbols around them As well as when you first open the Spiral Abyss, younsee those rune-like symbols
@DNSchank 2 жыл бұрын
I think Rubedo is the union of the two twins and it´ll probably mean the end of this world (Tevyat) that why Lumine doesn´t want to be with him yet, she knows the truth but she has other plans before that happens. He´s gonna see the entire world and when he´s over, he´ll have to make a choice and together, destroy Tevyat to see the real world behind it all.
@themagikconk 2 жыл бұрын
This was already a really good and well thought-out theory, but enkonomiya more or less confirms it. Nice
@magicalgirl4 2 жыл бұрын
I love how its implied people return to the earth through the ley lines when they die, since its a lot like the lifestream from ffvii, a game with also as many references to Gnosticism as GI
@sillychotu Күн бұрын
7 Archons in Teyvat and now we know of 5 “sinners” in the abyss. You hit the nail on the head!
@promisemeonething 3 жыл бұрын
I got an ad for genshin impact on this video haha
@shiroxkuro934 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact Archon is actually called Majin in Japanese which mean Demon god and Chinese one also share the same meaning. Other than the fact that every archon have demon name, Barbatos, Morax, Baal Decarabian, we can assume that they not actually divine and the true divinity lies in the Original god which the translation of original title of Genshin Impact which is Yuánshén. Perhap the original god can be found at the roots of the leylines. Just grasping straws
@orlandosanchez1925 3 жыл бұрын
Coincidence that the sibling mentions that they have travel through this world once before as if the world is in a loop..hmmmm
@hito5oritsu_hebi 2 жыл бұрын
Watching this after the abyss heralds have been added in Enkanomiya is so interesting because the abyss heralds in the over world do in fact drop ley line branches when defeated. I find this a really good point especially since it’s become fact rather than speculation
@koi1762 2 жыл бұрын
14:45 that's very very similar to the underworld of Chinese mythology, according to Chinese mythology, when someone dies, their soul goes to a local shrine, where they are guided to go down a winding spiraling path with 9 levels (九泉)eventually reaching the underworld, passing through a river of "despair" and reaching the underworld capital. in China, underworld is not hell, spirits live their lives, they have their own civilization and culture. considering Genshin is a Chinese game, this connection might not be accidental. there is another parallel: Chinese mythology has three realms interconnected too. "up middle down" "heaven earth underworld" where the heaven looks over both earth and underworld. and earth and underworld have their own ruling system of Gods that are very similar, though the underworld's god system is a bit smaller. drawing the parrallel you mentioned of 7 archons for teyvat, and 5 archons for the abyss
@Ashikai 2 жыл бұрын
Oohhh! That's so cool! I didn't know any of that. Now I have something new to research :0
@koi1762 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai yeah, I just learned about these quite recently too, turns out, unlike Japanese myths, it's really hard to search up a "canon" for Chinese mythology. especially if u don't speak any Chinese. if u need any help translating mihoyo messages or Chinese media for further research, feel free reach out on my email.
@lord_ainz4020 3 жыл бұрын
Turn tyvet upside down then guess who's in heaven 😉 also I really like this video so please make more!!!
@torrancescales3565 2 жыл бұрын
You really deserve more followers, your theories by far are the best kinds I see on genshin impact
@stormauror2642 5 күн бұрын
@belldeparture3339 2 жыл бұрын
When you go to the floating island above Qingyun Peak, you can read this in a book: Read: "This place above the clouds is built on a foundation of Plaustrite, one of the marvels of the world. Its original purpose was to serve as my private sanctuary, somewhere where I could get away from the world and escape the highs and lows of normal life. Read: Then the adepti took over the place as somewhere they could focus on seeking ultimate truth in seclusion. Now that Taishan Mansion is sealed off, they finally returned the place to me. Read: It's great to have it back, but I'm over it now. I want to go back to the world for a bit - I'll probably start with Guili Plains. Fitting, really - a round trip to the Plains of Returning and Departing, as they're also known... Hover around for a while, then hover away on a hovering stone... Heh." "Taishan Mansion is sealed off." It seems that in the past, endless monsters would periodically emerge from the dungeon. The adepti cleaned up the area and used their adepti arts to seal off the domain, so that only those who enter intentionally may fight the monsters that are now trapped inside. When you look at domains on a map, you see either a small circle (for one-time domains or boss fights) or a large circle (for artifact farming, weapon ascension farming, talent level up farming). It seems that the repeatable domains contain endless hordes of enemies which pose a danger to the public unless sealed within their domain. Taishan Mansion is a talent level-up domain. Taishan Mansion has this description: Once, people who sought the path of the adepti had to pass the trials of heavens and earth. Taishan Mansion served as the trial of "earth." Now that the adepti have long departed from this realm, Taishan Mansion has also turned into a common treasure trove. It appears that proving combat ability in the endless hordes of the Taishan Mansion was part of what people viewed as the road to becoming adepti. It is not clear when Taishan Mansion was sealed, and if people tried to prove their combat ability there before or after it was sealed.
@RejectedInch 2 жыл бұрын
Great video ( ok, ALL your videos are great). I had some PTSD flashbacks by seeing the " Peak of Vinegar" domain though. ( yes, vinegar: it stinks)
@Martintomas7 Жыл бұрын
6:56 You nailed it! They drop branches too O.o Your videos are great! Thank You!
@swtormadness 2 жыл бұрын
You just answered all my questions about the Domains which I screamed into the void each time I entered them.
@MAR-db7hi 2 жыл бұрын
oh wow. i always had a feeling (i mean, it's pretty obvious since even the decoration patterns are the same) that reward domains had something to do with all of that, but i couldnt grasp on it and honestly i didnt have any idea to where to begin my research. so thank you so much for connectig the dots and going far beyond that. i was so invested in you talking that i got disappointed when i heard the video was ending, i want to hear about more and more connections!! im so hungry for the lore of this game, especially with how cured and detailed it is
@s4rcelle 2 жыл бұрын
I love lore and theory videos like these so much!!! Ahhh great work!
@erenesqandarrazor8706 2 жыл бұрын
*It just sad when most of player doesn't realize how big scenery that full of mystery and story behind every domain that exist instead its just a place just to satisfy our gambling resin*
@drinkthestorm275 3 жыл бұрын
I thought the rings were actually meant to represent the tiaras
@drinkthestorm275 3 жыл бұрын
Also, can someone point out to the theorist community that abyss mages, lectors and the like don't show any sign of the "dark alien blood" which is one of the few things that we can use to identify Gold's monsters from 500 years ago, therefore making it unlikely that Gold made/turned abyss creatures? I'm not on Reddit and i don't know any Discord servers that have genshin theories
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
Dark alien blood? Can you point out where that reference came from because I've literally never heard of it.
@drinkthestorm275 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai Chunk of Aerosiderite
@drinkthestorm275 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai But i'm referring to the strange corruption that Durin carried, of which there is no sign in Abyss creatures so far
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
@@drinkthestorm275 thanks! I'll look into it.
@scarahua 3 жыл бұрын
this is a really good theory, and i think something that could add onto this and maybe even expand lore surrounding the irminsul tree is honkais lore. in honkai impact, they also have a large tree, called the imaginary tree whose roots span to every corner of the world, it contains all memories, and essentially has a similar description as the irminsul tree one of its descriptions being: _Time flows in the trunk of the Imaginary Tree and branches out into an infinity of worlds. Every branch is a form of civilization, while every bud is their past and present etched onto the dimension of time. Each twig is a world line and each leaf is a bubble universe._ the "bubble universes" are born from this tree as all universes are said to be born from the imaginary tree because it is the origin of all life, both past and present. the world of teyvat is suggested to be one of the many universes connected to it. in honkai impact, the tree has been very integral to the plot of the entire series and is sought after by one of the main villians. the houkai might even have a role in genshin as it deals with similar themes of humans questioning a gods authority, the imaginary trees wiki explains more what houkai is, and that humanity cannot escape it as its goals are to either keep humans primitive or wipe them out entirely, just like what had happened with khaenri'ah. overall, its implied the irminsul and imaginary tree might be the same tree. its very interesting and something you should look into if you're interested!
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah! I'm going to talk a lot more about leylines and trees/plants in Genshin (with some Honkai references thrown in because there are so many), but it's proving to be a really big project so it's taking a while... @_@;
@scarahua 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai i'm excited to see how it turns out! ☺ your video was done so well, you explain everything clearly which is difficult with genshin lore,,, and honestly with honkai lore its even worse, its like going around in circles because of the bubble universes like "oh.. is that a main timeline thing or a thing that only happened in the bubble universe, but then what if its related to the main timeline-" it can get so confusing but the way you explain your theories make a lot of sense so i look forward to your video
@vlad0vlad0vlad Жыл бұрын
why did i only now discovered this chanel. This is so interesting
@arosdeco1629 2 жыл бұрын
Hmmm yall are forgetting about Yggdrasil. If this tree beneath Teyvat is anything close related to the Yggdrasil or inspired by it, to use its power is to drain from the life of the planet, risking ruin and Ragnarok.
@harue_san 2 жыл бұрын
the way i had goosebumps the entire video😩 this is such a good theory,, that i want it to be real
@musulman7899 3 жыл бұрын
The work you do here is amazing, can't believe it 🥰
@swizzamane8775 Жыл бұрын
KH nerd here... you brought up 5, 7, and from that, the equating 13... 7 Sins, 5 Vitrues, 13 Rulers (13th being "One Above All"). Where in KH we have the 5 Foretellers, 7 Princesses of Heart, and 13 Keys to open Kingdom Hearts... I know this video is old... but might be worth exploring that series in relation to this aspect
@luiscarvalho6780 3 жыл бұрын
that last passage of the vid was amazing. great video amazing job!
@YiquanNetwork Жыл бұрын
Utube just recommend u to me today. I love u videos, listening to u when I relax or exercise now!
@dm6450 Жыл бұрын
long after the battle, but... What about Kaenri'ah being inside a domain ? Surrounded by Abyssal Nothingness or chaotic void... just before a breach appear in the wall. Looking at the trailer "we will be reunited", I always found strange that the image of Kaenri'ah in flames was under the sky... But there's sky inside domains, even underground. And when we see the twin running with red moon in the back, I initialy thought this was amongst Kaenri'ah ruins, but... the twin finaly arrived on top of a hill. So, this wasn't Kaenri'ah ruins we saw before and looking more precisely to architectural design, it appears to be the same as the Abyssal spyral upper floors. I think the twin was climbing or descending a spyral (Abyssal?) to get to Kaenri'ah. After freeing from Sustainer ? Or perhaps this place isn't Kaenri'ah at all... ps : Your soulboxes theory appeals to me.
@TheMitso 3 жыл бұрын
Really good vid Ash! Love the new series, your lore videos are great, though I’m getting used to your narration voice - still used to your voice during gameplay haha. Hope this series gets the traction it deserves :)
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Mitso! :D
@CosmicBlitz001 2 жыл бұрын
You rly deserve a lot more subscribers.
@_badmadsadlad 3 жыл бұрын
you've earned a sub! i don't play anything else your channel covers but i definitely wanna stick around for the next genshin lore video!
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
That's totally ok! I'm mostly planning to post genshin theory/lore videos going forward with an occasional stream, so you're in good company. :)
@jackson3475 3 жыл бұрын
(14:14) Technically there were at least 12 Archons already in the Genshin lore since out of the 7 nations of Teyvat only Mondstat and Lyiue's Archons (Being Rex Lapis and Barbatos) are the original 7 founders, the other 5 nations already had their archon change to someone else with the same title.
@homuraakemi2932 3 жыл бұрын
this explanation seems more reasonable and the way you noticed how the figures are drawn on the domains wall i guess this makes you the best and most true theorist so far
@conanedogawa2759 2 жыл бұрын
There is one hint that might either connect the Abyss/Domains witht he Fatui or at least hints at them knowing more than us, because at the end of the story of the Unreconciled Stars event, Scaramouche, who we found out to be a Fatui harbinger dropped the line : "The sky is a lie". Which might be connected to the 7 archons of the sky and the thing that you explained with how the overworld might be considered the sky in this context.
@EsEnKeI 2 жыл бұрын
I love your intonation and pacing!
@EtelleTodoroki 2 жыл бұрын
And they said it's just a game, I am invested in Teyvat more than in my own life-
@Ashikai 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, you're learning a lot about cultures and history from around the world just by playing. :)
@EtelleTodoroki 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai yeah that's true
@kasukashikun9735 2 жыл бұрын
You need to do more game theory this channel is way too underrated.
@mYmsKy 2 жыл бұрын
Great theory, now im going to binge watch all your videos :) keep it up, you got a new sub
@jackson3475 3 жыл бұрын
Are the Ley Lines basically Genshin Impact's version of the Life Stream from Final Fantasy? (06:21) Also, there's always the possibilty that the people of Khaenre'ah were the ones that created delusions and the Cryo Archon just scavanged some of their technology after the Kingdom fell, the Fatui Agents are oddly technological in nature with camouflage technology, cibernetic implants in their backs (for the Cincin mages), the hydro and cryo agents having tanks with their elements on their back and so on.
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
I'm honestly not that familiar with FF lore in general so I can't say...
@darknez09240 2 жыл бұрын
or final fantasy's void they are pretty similar in creepyness and mysterious
@amorimjt 3 жыл бұрын
This video deserves 1mi views… all Genshin players should watch this. Loved this girl energy
@b1gorno426 Ай бұрын
It's been a while since that video huh Even back then your video were so captivating
@jimenaroldan549 2 жыл бұрын
Ash your videos are amazing
@KoolAidPianist 3 жыл бұрын
Great stuff! Splitting the archons into Heavens/Abyss opens a lot of doors.
@samsamuelson9852 3 жыл бұрын
This is very interesting! best lore vid ive ever seen, gj!
@evantan7796 2 жыл бұрын
Underrated channel. Subscribed :D
@xz-guvnor8411 3 жыл бұрын
Finally found another great theory channel.....Great Video!!!
@nothanks2417 3 жыл бұрын
you bold for going into dragonspine with only one pyro character on ur team lol
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
I go in with none sometimes.
@agnisingh342 2 жыл бұрын
paimon also has those rings on top of her head like a crown she might be one of the 5 that Yaldabaoth sent to the abyss.
@okipullup6103 3 жыл бұрын
It all fits together now. Incredible. Keep it up. 👍
@pasttense69 2 жыл бұрын
What’s interesting is we got a present from albedo a few days ago and he wants us to visit him. Maybe it’s nothing, but who knows.
@user-ib8fv9vw3x 3 жыл бұрын
The thing about the five abyssal gods had me thinking that the unknown goddess is one of the five abyss gods
@cdlhanley 2 жыл бұрын
Can't belive i didn't watch this sooner, this is so good sjsjjsjsj
@dixieenormis1783 3 жыл бұрын
Love your Genshin Videos!
@Sui0Generis 2 жыл бұрын
Damn, if we later find out about 5 archons of the abyss in the future, I'm going back here.
@clairdeloona 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting thought: The tiaras all are prayers to something that sounds like it could be an archon’s ideal, but since almost all of them are known, (Tsaritsa changed ideal from love to unknown ideal???) these do not fit. This makes me think that these were the old Archons ideals. Destiny- Old Hydro Archon (Current- Justice) Illumination- Old Pyro Archon (Current- War) Wisdom- Old Electro Archon (Current- Eternity) (Now dendro, but Baal was archon during Khanrieh calamity so no overlap The last one is springtime which doesn’t really make sense to me, but maybe the Archon had the ideal of rebirth, represented by spring? So cryo- rebirth (Qiqi being a zombie makes sense here) We know that different archons of the same element can have different ideals because after the death of the God of Wood, the God of Wisdom took his place It makes sense that they would be praying to the archons, but this could’ve been pre-archon war, so this could obviously not be true.
@phatanhduyle7259 3 жыл бұрын
Another interesting point is, if according to the theory of Genshin and Honkai are related to each other, the leyline theory is very very reasonable. As in Honkai, everything begins from the Imaginary Tree. The trees they have infinite amount of branches which consist the worlds where each world is different from each other, but they are the same world. It is stated that in Honkai, when a person die, they don't go to heaven, but rather return to the Imaginary Tree, which is similar to the leylines.
@aloevera3975 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit this is amazing... thank you for the brain worms, I’m so invested in genshin
@nickdinoso9858 3 жыл бұрын
your voice is so relaxing and you sound just like Ganyu imo, great video btw.
@deedlefake 2 жыл бұрын
12 archons? Finally a reason for there to be 11 Fatui harbingers. One for each of the archons other than the tsaritsa.
@joshhaworth2155 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed that the tiara of flame mentioned "antediluvian ruins." The word antediluvian refers to the world before the biblical flood of Noah's Ark. Considering the parallels with that story and Teyvat mentioned in the video about Honkai and Genshin being connected, I wonder if these were ruins of previous worlds destroyed in past impacts. I'm binging videos after finding this channel, so ignore this if she already addressed it.
@scp3999 2 жыл бұрын
reminds me a lot of evillious chronicles. there's multiple "periods" which basically function as hell, earth, and heaven throughout the story, but are actually old worlds that were left behind after cataclysms, and at the end of the story all souls get dragged down to the hell period. and iirc only the first was an actual physical world, the rest were made as simulations. is there something like this in genshin's inspirations? with the whole cyclical nature thing i could imagine current teyvat (regular world)→new abyss, celestia→brought down to become the new regular world, a new heaven is made, rinse and repeat
@kai-gm9re 2 жыл бұрын
i keep thinking about the 5 archons of the abyss and the god of time in mondstadt. maybe there are 5 more archons?? there’s also theories of paimon being a god, and she jokes that she’s the god of protection in the traveler’s voice line.
@katsukibakugou7751 Жыл бұрын
when you sai why they exist in world of tevyat....and brain immediately said...to give me def artifacts
@mimamamomu 3 жыл бұрын
Domains are places where we suffer and get trash artifacts
@depressednoodle8579 2 жыл бұрын
There was a domain (i forgot which one) that was quite literally an underground cave. It was similar to stormterror's lair except it was more closed but there was still a small amount of light coming through. Maybe it was a character quest domain, buuuuuut... i dont remember Perhaps it's a part of Khaneri'ah after the catalycsm
@debanjanchakraborty9946 3 жыл бұрын
That 1 dislike is from a person who got a trash artifact
@divyasree4355 3 жыл бұрын
I've noticed that there are tons of similarities between paimon and the domains. Paimon has a similar head piece and the design on her outfit is similar to the symbol we see on the wall behind the domain's tree. I've always thought it had something to do with paimon, but could've figure it out until watching this video. What if- paimon is one of the 5 archon of the abyss? Or maybe she ONCE was, or somehow related to it. Amazing video! Look forward to seeing more!
@Ashikai 3 жыл бұрын
That's actually one of my theories about Paimon. I want to make a video on it at some point...
@divyasree4355 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ashikai looking forward to it >-
@mateogamboa9876 3 жыл бұрын
That was a great analysis!
@mlg920 2 жыл бұрын
2:45 that's remand me of upside down city in the chasm
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