One time this person entered the bus and sat right next to me. And there were several other seats available. I was petrified.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
hahah I've been there too
@johnnyrosenberg95223 жыл бұрын
About allemansrätten, there are more rules than mentioned here. Before visiting, make sure you know what these rules are. One of them is that you can not camp at one place for more than 24 hours, another one is that you're not allowed to rise a tent too close to someone's house (unless the house owner allows you to), I think ”too close” in this case means about 100 metres or so. Then there are placed where you are not allowed to camp at all, like in naturskyddsområden and naturreservat (nature reserves).
@KjellEson3 жыл бұрын
Jävligt skumt att hon inte har svarat dig. Det är många som kommer hit och tror att allt är fritt fram. Jag har erfarenhet av missuppfattningen av allemansrätten då jag har en gård mellan Nora och Hällefors. Det är ingen skriven lag. Man kan inte säga till markägaren att här får jag gå och göra vad jag vill. Det har blivit förmycket av skadegörelse (eldning) på träd, nedskräpning, cykling i skogen mm. På grund av att människor inte respekterar allemansrätten så har det kommit upp cirka en halv miljon bommar i Sverige för att stänga ute människor från mindre privata vägar.
@hannavictoriamorck53133 жыл бұрын
Actually fishing 🎣 is usually not part of Allemansrätten/the right of access to nature for all. You need to buy a right. Ett fiskekort.
@andreasrosenberg93173 жыл бұрын
And camping out of site from a home ...
@coggie763 жыл бұрын
Fishing is indeed not a part of Allemansrätten but there are a bunch of lakes and the whole of the coastline where a "fiskekort" is not required. Allemansrätten gives you the right to get close to and access those waters so it still plays a role in fishing to some extent.
@cassu63 жыл бұрын
Aren't you allowed to fish with rod and line?
@cassu63 жыл бұрын
@ Damn that sucks
@hannavictoriamorck53133 жыл бұрын
@@cassu6 nope. Someone ownes the fishing rights. Just like you can’t just hunt a deer, beat or elk etcetera if you do not own that right. If you own the lake you may fish.
@KjellEson3 жыл бұрын
7:38 The fishing rights in Sweden's lakes and watercourses are privately owned and belong to the property owner. To be allowed to fish, a fishing license is required. The fishing license is a personal agreement between you and the owner of the fishing right, which gives you the right to fish for a limited period of time in a certain water area. In public water, water owned by the state, however, everyone is allowed to fish for private use, such as recreational fishing However, fishing rights are limited by special rules that apply to certain types of fish. Those who fish commercially need a fishing license.
@GustavSvard3 жыл бұрын
Maybe it's just me, but I find your pronunciation of the Swedish words to be excellent. Like a native, even. You mentioned living here for 13 years, and I know people who've lived here far longer who still have a noticeable accent. i.e. I'm a bit impressed!
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Tack Gustav, jag försöker få bort brytningen så mycket jag kan!
@huggelion3 жыл бұрын
i mean the queen cant even speak Swedish
@Frendh3 жыл бұрын
I have met people who have lived in sweden longer who did not speak swedish at all.
@siegpasta3 жыл бұрын
I reacted to this aswell, but I thoguth about it for a second and came to the realisation that the PRONOUNCIATION isn't perfect. HOWEVER. one very impressive thing is that, even though she pronounced "ä" in allemansrätten wrongly, she nailed the VERY IMPORTANT PITCH ACCENT which is the very unique swedish intonation and witout this, it doesn't sound like Swedish. Not only are the literal meaning of words and nuances of questions tied to this intonation, but it is also THAT WHICH creates the melody in the Swedish language. Simply put, if you try to speak swedish without the intonation, it will NOT sound Swedish. She absolutely nailed the intonation and that's why it sounded so good, that part I was talking about, wrongly pronouncing the "ä" is almost just a small detail at that point. Which is why I understand your urge of wanting to praise her for it, however I think it's only fair to be honest while also praising her. I study alot about languages, it's kind of my nerdy hobby and swedish is such a special language due to this "pitched accent" or "pitched intonation" (they mean the same.) There are actually only 2 languages in the world that use the very same pitch accent, not only for literal meanings of words and whoel sentences, but also to create the litearl melody of the whole language itself. and that is Swedish and Japanese. It's so cool caus, these languages have litearlly no historical connection what so ever. lmao. Similar with Japanese as with Swedish, if you speak Japanese without the very special intonation, it will just not sound Japanese. To any swede reading this, I can esasily demonstrate the big importance of our intonation when I say "Mimic the swedish intonation for me please" and you would not be able to do it, because in order to hear the swedish melody, you must have words to pronounce. But if I said "mimic the norwegian melody for me please" you would instantly know what I was talking about, that very VERY specific happy way of talking, almost sounds like they are jumping in a happy way, while they speak. This really goes to show the importance of the intonation in swedish, because it's SO MUCH MORE than "just intonation" as you would have in other languages. no, in swedish the intonation is one of the most important aspects of speaking the language. but yeah, she nailed it even though it was the wrong vowel, and I'm very impressed :)
@robhobsweden3 жыл бұрын
It all depends what language you speak natively. The main swedish is a tonal language, so - for instance - if you speak mandarin or cantonese as a native language, you have a lot going for you regarding the tonal parts - but may struggle with the rolling "r"s in some swedish dialects. However, finnish swedish is not a tonal dialect, so there are exceptions.
@dirgniflesuoh79503 жыл бұрын
About the lingonberries ... we never had them with meatballs when I was a child , oth we had lingonberry jam with pancakes and "blood pudding", black pudding. But I compare it to having jellies or cranberry sauce with birds or roasts.
@IsakMagnusson013 жыл бұрын
A few clarifications: In the case of allemansrätten you are allowed to camp or stay the night in any area you want but not for more than 24 hours in the same spot. While it is true that you are allowed to go pretty much anywhere you want (with the exeption of a few protected areas and nature reserves) it is still a bit of a dick move to just go to someones "trädgård" or the land plot directly surrounding the house. You won't get shot but it is still quite frowned upon if you don't have permission from the owner of the house. Also another thing, the reason that swedes don't generally stress about marriage is because we are a very secular nation and a lot of people don't see it as a necessary step in life. If a couple are happy as they are they can just skip the wedding but still have children and be together for life without other swedes being judgemental. This being said, it is still very common for swedes to get married, however it is seen more as a choice rather than a social necessity. You have very good pronounciation btw, and the video was really interesting even for a swede :)
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for watching my video! I would like to adress some things: 1) I have a lot of comments on me not mentioning every single detail about Allemansrätten. It was on purpose because my video would end up only about Allemansrätten. I just mentione the general info. However, I appreciate that sooo many of you have added valuable information about Allemansrätten. You guys rock and I like it! 2) Many of you have asked where I am from! You find the answer in this video! Peace!
@Wigglypops3 жыл бұрын
Meat with fruit is pretty normal in lots of European countries, meats have specific fruit matches, chicken/cranberry/redcurrant, pork/apple. From the UK and meatballs with lingonberry checks out
@cjeelde3 жыл бұрын
Important to know about Sweden: Systembolaget is not a unique thing for Sweden. Also Norway got the same thing (with another company/brand name). I'm not sure about Finland but they might also have that.
@carlpantell67063 жыл бұрын
I Norge heter det Vinmonopolet och i Finland Alko! Jag älskar det. I Sverige heter det Systembolaget, vilket jag tycker är galet. Varför heter det Systembolaget?
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Undrar också varför det heter "Systembolaget"
@robhobsweden3 жыл бұрын
@@leilaland23 Troligtvis för att det är en form av säljsystem. Kan dock inte garantera att så är fallet, utan mer en killgissning. :)
@michaelhammar27783 жыл бұрын
Skulle aldrig gå in på norsk sida. Åtminstone inte kommentera att så är det minsann i Sverige och.Alltid ,alltid dessa norrmän .precis som om det vore av intresse.
@trulsjohansson66173 жыл бұрын
I think maybe it's called "Alco" in Finland?
@Sweetycow13 жыл бұрын
I like secondhand and luckily for me I live in the right city for that here in Sweden. ReTuna in Eskilstuna is getting pretty famous around the world.
@jari20183 жыл бұрын
Söder i Stockholm har en massa second hand som Myrorna där jag såg Gösta Ekman flera gånger plus den i liljeholmen ( kläder,böcker ) -man kan ju tro att man är släkt
@ozsfi3 жыл бұрын
i also buy lots of secondhand, you can find many good things. As to lingonberry jam with meatballs, it is good with meat as it is quite sour, you would not use strawberry jam.
@stiglarsson84053 жыл бұрын
Such a nice and polite way to explain it. Only one wrong, you are not allowed fishing.. exept in the sea on the west coast. And take resin frome trees, both two are old and was an income for the owner of the property. (resin was colected and used for glue and paint). Its actualy that adwark, that if one stumble on the owner, they are very seldome unfriendly, if one ask them they often point you to the best place to camp on. The 24 hours rule is a role of thump, kind of common sens, in not so much populated areas, its difficult to find the owner to ask permision to camp for more days. (so one dont if they dont approch you!)
@DigitalAwakening3 жыл бұрын
There are other advantages for businesses to not accept cash. The employees cannot steal, or give back incorrect change. Coins carry a lot of germs, especially annoying if you also handle food. And there is a lot of extra work and costs in handling cash. You need to count it, maintain change, store it in a safe and transport it to the bank. And of course there is always the risk of criminals as you mentioned. It is sad that the older population has problems with the new technology.
@siegpasta3 жыл бұрын
Det värsta med det hela är hur räkningar kan komma på mailen (den digitala) istället för att man får den i brevlådan. Är det någonting jag inte gillar med att allt ska ske digitalt när det handlar om pengar så är det nog det. Att betala folk med swish eller att lägga kortet på dosan, har jag inga problem med, men att man ska behöva vara tvungen att betala räkningarna digitalt är ju fan helt sjukt. Tänk dig hur konstigt det måste vara för någon som är född på 30-talet, är i 80-90 års åldern idag och har genom hela sitt liv, fyllt i dem papper som kommer hem för att betala sina räkningar och sen helt plötsligt är man nästan *tvungen* att äga antingen en dator eller en mobiltelefon för att ens KUNNA betala räkningafanskapet. Jag hade fan inte brytt mig så mycket om man fick välja, vilket man oftast får när det gäller statliga institutioner, men så är det ju inte när det gäller fakturor eller räkningar från privata företag och det är ju ifrån dem man får dem flesta räkningarna ifrån.
@DigitalAwakening3 жыл бұрын
@@siegpasta det går ju att betala med giro och ha fasta räkningar på autogiro för att slippa betala extra för fakturorna.
@siegpasta3 жыл бұрын
@@DigitalAwakening bara om det är någon slags månadsgrej men inte om det är första fakturan från ett företag du aldrig har köpt någonting från tidigare, men autogiro är ju ändå digitalt, vilket förutsätter att man är så illa *tvungen* att äga någon slags dator, mobil, bärbar eller stationär.
@DigitalAwakening3 жыл бұрын
@@siegpasta du kan skaffa persongiro hos din bank. Blanketter som du fyller i och skickar in tillsammans med inbetalningskort.
@muratomar65023 жыл бұрын
We never hid candies from our little daughter and a bawl full of sweets was always on the table, so full indifference to sweets up to now😄
@evawettergren74923 жыл бұрын
Clever. As a kid I was never allowed candy or baked sweets or anything 'fun' unless it was a birthdayparty or some other major event. And then of course there were a lot of other kids around so one had to be fast to eat as much as one could before it was all gone. So as soon as I left for university I gained a lot of weight because I could now buy whatever I wanted to eat and there was no competition for it. It still has taken me around 25 years to get to a point where I can keep candy at home and not eat it all that same evening.
@muratomar65023 жыл бұрын
@@evawettergren7492 Happy for you👍😁🤗...
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience!
@clara_hp62543 жыл бұрын
Some of that stuff is quite common in Germany as well. For example we put lingonberry jam on our „schnitzel“ as well. And many people live together without being married. Also we have the same system of Recycling bottles. It’s called Pfandsystem in German.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
How interesting! Thanks for sharing!
@ArchieArpeggio3 жыл бұрын
Those are common things here in Finland too. When i was kid at 80s, i had same regulations about candy. Only on saturdays. My mom also made jelly from berries so we didn´t ate jam but basicly same idea. We don´t have so strict regulations for getting alcohol. but it can be sold from 9am to 9pm and if you want over 5,5 you have to buy it from Alko witch is same kind of store as Systembolaget. I think that the social distances here is more of that what you discribed. Sweadish are much more opened and social than regular finn.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experiences! Interesting how different it is even though we are neighbours.
@ArchieArpeggio3 жыл бұрын
@@leilaland23 Differences are quite small compaired to many other European country. I also lived in Tensta Stockholm couple years as a small child (early 80´s) with my mother. Blodpudding & lingånbärsylt was one of my favourite food and Skogaholms limppa favourite bread 😁. We moved back to Finland but every time we visited at my uncle or my aunt i wanted to get those two things. My uncle still buys that bread if i go to visit him and some times i buy one package to go so i can treat my self with it 😁.
@sixx47713 жыл бұрын
Haha the idea of "saturday candy". Born up with it. We implement it hard on my sisters kids now. Gonna do it on my own kids aswell.
@cecilialeitet27943 жыл бұрын
I think the most uniqe thing about Sweden that you didnt mention is that all school children are provided a free hot lunch every day. (For some kids with a bad home situation this may be the only hot meal they get) If I remember correctly, Sweden is one of only three countries in the world who provides this.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
A really good point! Hot lunches at school were so nice to have!
@cendriia37383 жыл бұрын
Children’s rights are taken very seriously. The guaranteed meal is one of the reasons why they didn’t want to close Swedish schools during the pandemic in exchange for distance learning. That and because kids need to be seen by adults outside the home to be able to seek help/be noticed incase of abuse. There are also rules that say that the parents income shouldn’t affect the children’s schooling (not being able to afford a computer or stable internet for example would be an issue in distance learning).
@marsukarhu94773 жыл бұрын
All this applies to Finland too, except you need a permit from the authorities to fish and you can camp on anyone's land, but not make fire there without a permission from the landowner. AND you can buy some alcohol (beer, cider etc) in supermarkets and kiosks, but wine, vodka, whiskey etc. only in "Alko" (Finnish Systembolaget).
@robhobsweden3 жыл бұрын
As a Swede, I hate the week numbering system, and it confuses me as much as it does other cultures as well. I think that the social distancing has a little to do with that our country is very sparesely populated in reference to the total area. This is more true the more to the north you are. Also, our cities are very spread out at a very big area, especially outside the central parts. Often, there is no clear limit between the urban and the rural areas, it just thins out. The swedes are very split about the Systembolaget, so in general, and generlising, swedes has a love hate for that system. However, one can buy alcohol in regular grocery stores if you are over 18, but not stronger than 3.5% alcohol in the bevereges. Usually, it's beer, ale, stout and cider. Regarding lingonberry jam. Yes, it's sweet, but foremost it also has a sour taste. The same goes for apple sauce, that is used in some Swedish cousine. So, it's foremost about the sour taste. We wouldn't just mix any sweet jam within our meat cousine. I think you missed that Sweden has the most single household count in the world, if I'm correct, so we also has the "Särbo" phenomenon, i.e. the couple living in two different places - even having children raised in this situation. The cashless society was presented just as that, to make things safer, making store and bank robberies less. The thing is that it has moved towards personal robberies instead. It is somewhat practical though, to wear a plastic instead of cash. The two foremost common (and popular) cards in Sweden is Visa and Mastercard, if you come here as an tourist. Make sure that they have chip or contactless, even if most terminals will still accept swiping the normal magnetic band. AME will probably be accepted, but those are not common among swedes. We still do have cash, and there is an protest among some, against the cashless society too. There are even stores that won't accept cards, only cash, but not really that common. Allemansrätten don't give anyone right to enter the zone around a residential house, called "hemfridzon" (home protected area). Often these are enclosed by fences near the house, but not necessary. This means, that you can't just enter these areas without explicit permission, nor can you pick berries or fruits in those areas, neither can you camp out or raise a tent. Rule of thumb, if there is a house that has a fence and looks like it's someone who could live there, or if you are not sure if that it is such an area, don't enter at all. Otherwise, you are free to roam wherever you like - even in cattle areas (at your own risk and discretion). However, if you enter such a fended area, it's your obligation to close any gate you open, and make sure that the cattle doesn't run away. You are of course not allowed to hurt the cattle in any way. Actually, you pay a pawn fee for the bottles and canisters, even most of the glass ones, when you buy a beverage in Sweden. When you recycle them at the grocery store, you get the pawn fee back. So, no, you don't get paid for the bottles you have bouhgt yourself, when you recycle them at the grocery store. However, if you find a bottle on the street, you will get the pawn fee back, that another person has paid, when purchasing the beverage.
@ozsfi3 жыл бұрын
I love your video. I have lived in Finland , Denmark and Norway and the Nordic countries are generally very similar, we have the same characteristics and laws that you describe. In Norway every third person cohabits.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching ausfi! :)
@mockupguy35773 жыл бұрын
I am Swedish since at least 10 generations and I don’t like jam with meat one bit.
@MrClaudioAgostini3 жыл бұрын
2 m social distance? That's why they didn't impose any lockdown: they don't need it!
@evawettergren74923 жыл бұрын
There was a common joke in Sweden (and also Finland) when they started with the social distancing at the beginning of the pandemic... 'We have to stay 2 m apart? Why so close?"
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Haha kinda
@marcofsw3 жыл бұрын
7:53, biking is not allowed in nature, only on roads
@Shovel033 жыл бұрын
when i was a kid i ate lingonsylt (lingonberry jam) on everything. i could even just eat it straight from the jar. home made jam is the best one. i never ate the store bout jam, and now when im older i dont even like store bout jam. (exuses my bad english)
@alexanderahman48843 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I did too as a child, exactly! I had it on everything and making sure we had enough lingonberries every year was super important. Funny to think about. Lingonsylt is the best!
@Shovel033 жыл бұрын
@@alexanderahman4884 yeah, i also made sure we hade a lot of it
@ozsfi3 жыл бұрын
Linnea - Yes, home made jam is better than the bought one.
@Bleckman6663 жыл бұрын
Ett tipps angående köttbullarna: Ät dom med rårörda lingon istället. Betydligt friskare och mindre sött. (Tar du exvis Bob lingonsylt så blir det ju i princip samma sak som att äta jordgubbssylt till dom.) Men släng inte lingonsylten, den funkar fint till att göra vispad lingongrädde till pannkakorna efter ärtsoppan en torsdag!
@poojajayagobi16072 жыл бұрын
Nice video. I am planning to visit Sweden in December n then go to icehotel and Abisko. Can you suggest any place in Stockholm I can buy warm clothing for the weather in those areas?
@leilaland232 жыл бұрын
There are quite a few places, you could buy in Stadium, Intersport, Igor Sport, Naturkompaniet, XXL etc., I think most of the stores offer winter collections. You just need to find what suits you. Also, you can of course buy it in the second hand as well. Before going to Abisko, you could watch my other video on how to dress for Abisko I think it will be helpful for you :)
@poojajayagobi16072 жыл бұрын
@@leilaland23 thank you… I already watched your Abisko video… that’s how I started following you.❤️
@TheReddeadmovie3 жыл бұрын
when someone ask your birthday you simply say the date haha no one say between week to week
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Well, yeah in this case, but otherwise, people answer in weeks (in job and study related topics, of course not everyone)
@cjeelde3 жыл бұрын
One interesting thing about Sweden is that the cars also got license plates at the front. In USA it's only license plates on the rear side? I would say Sweden is so much better than USA in this area. USA should watch and learn from Sweden. Should be both front and rear plates on cars in all countries.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
I didn't know about this thing in the US. Thanks for sharing.
@rakadtwitta3 жыл бұрын
What made you move here? Work?, Study?, Love?
@xpqr123453 жыл бұрын
Regarding "allemansrätten": it is not actually codified in law, even if it is referenced in one of the constitutions. Allemansrätten is not a low on it's own, but more the empty space between other laws and pressure from public interest. Many foreigners get it wrong in one way or another, and many Swedes growing up now are never taught the boundaries of it by their parents, so I suspect that we will be seeing allemansrätten limited in coming years.
@tomparker59343 жыл бұрын
When you say it's possible to buy secondhand items, do you mean just clothes or also furniture, tools, hardware and so on?
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Everything! Porslane, clothes, furniture and so on.
@marie-louisepalm95953 жыл бұрын
Hej! När du pratade om allemansrätten sa du inget om trädgårdar. Där gäller inte allemansrätten och man får inte gå in där.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Hej! Menade självklart (och underförstått) skog, berg, fjäll och inte trädgårdar. Ska försöka vara ännu tydligare i mina videos!
@Mirvra3 жыл бұрын
@@leilaland23 Missade också att det fins krav på at begära markägarens tillåtelse om man är en störe grupp mäniskor som slår up 3+ tält.
@mockupguy35773 жыл бұрын
Where are you from?
@bodan11963 жыл бұрын
Frihet under ansvar. - Freedom under responsibillity. (Without responsibility freedom can't exist.) That is; you have the freedom to do something, as long as you accept a responsibility of 'doing no harm', before, during and after doing it. For example: leave a place in the same or better condition as you found it, be it a camping site, a toilett or a bank. Pick up, and take with you, your trash. Recycle what can be recycled and place the rest in an appropriate rubbish bin.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
This is a really good point "Frihet under ansvar"
@andualemdebas55563 жыл бұрын
can anyone stay in the backyard of another's property?
@janbjorkman32793 жыл бұрын
@derekroberts66543 жыл бұрын
Im watching this now… when you mention social distancing, I automatically assumed it was about Covid 19 pendamic but no, they do it on a normal basis? With that said, would you say that Sweden would be great country to move to during a pendamic? It would seem logical to me. (PLEASE excuse my simplemindedness about this topic, im just trying to understand…i know it sounds elementary…)
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
It's not that black and white as you mentioned, but it's kinda normal to be distant from people especially in the public transport.
@derekroberts66543 жыл бұрын
@@leilaland23 that would actually be more help to me personally because i am vision impaired im blind in my right eye… im originally from Texas but im living in Mexico with my mom in a tourist island called Cozumel.. crowded outside here…😩 its hard for me to walk… and even during COVID, its a little less, but still. Luckily i wear my mask and i had my shots. But i do not get out much and i try to avoid crowds when possible, normaly, crowds scare me. I even avoided crowds BEFORE Covid started. Ive been avoiding crowds all my life… I guess maybe subconsciously i was looking for an excuse to live in a place less crowded.
@beib41593 жыл бұрын
Лейла,are you from Kazakhstan?As far as I know Leila is one of the most common names for girls and also you look like a Kazakh woman
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Hej! No, I am not from Kazakhstan. Thank you for watching my video!
@emmaing3233 жыл бұрын
May i Ask, do your surname start with a K and end with an A? You look so familiar to me
@perhammarstrom45593 жыл бұрын
And there are no landfills any more!
@Delgertsetseg.D Жыл бұрын
Hej ❤ R U 🇲🇳 ???
@nordscan90433 жыл бұрын
As a conservative Swede I don't think it's right to have children out of marriage, it spells disaster for the nation. Not Swedish people agree with it, Sweden has both liberals and conservatives. We don't all think alike.
@robertjonsson57503 жыл бұрын
If you always have some alcohol at home you must not plan ahead when to party. When you are recycling bottles you don't get money for it, you get your money back.🤓
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Good points! Thanks!
@herrbonk36353 жыл бұрын
Not all of us speaks in weeks, I never do.
@tommyolsen32573 жыл бұрын
I say its only for office pepole with a calendar on the wall
@liorean3 жыл бұрын
@@tommyolsen3257 ...and school children.
@lindaleffler77083 жыл бұрын
Vad gäller allemansrätten, så är du också skyldig att vara rädd om naturen, inte störa djuren, inte bryta grenar från träd mm
@PennyAfNorberg3 жыл бұрын
Jag vill så ett slag för jordgubbsylt till blodpudding.
@bodan11963 жыл бұрын
Ett slag i luften mao? ;-) Rårörda lingon är mitt förslag.
@akersjon2783 жыл бұрын
Hej Leila, ett litet förslag bara. Du sa flera gånger "i min kultur", men du sa aldrig var du flyttade ifrån, du kanske ska skriva det i beskrivningen och kanske lite kort om varför du flyttade till Sverige... Ha det bra.
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Hej! Tack för att du kollade på videon och tack för din input!
@beorlingo3 жыл бұрын
@@leilaland23 @Leilaland Ska vi ha gissningstävling kanske !? Den som gissar rätt vinner en gratis lektion i kyrilliska alfabetet! Som du märker har jag redan börjat gissa! Jag är väldigt mycket för frågesport och gissningstävlingar! Ber om ursäkt om jag är lite för framfusig. Jag förstår ju att det kan tänkas vara problematiskt att skylta med om man är politisk flykting.
@Joe__Smith3 жыл бұрын
@@beorlingo Det är också möjligt att Leilaland känner, att vissa uppgifter är privata och inte går att dela med hela internettet. Det får vi respektera.
@boreopithecus3 жыл бұрын
@@beorlingo Jag hade gissat Kazakstan.
@beorlingo3 жыл бұрын
@@boreopithecus och mer specifikt hade jag gissat på Uzbekistan.
@ricsweden3 жыл бұрын
Well, this Swede hates second hand :) Nice video however!
@leilaland233 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Well, yeah, second-hand is not for everyone!
@fromSweden4u3 жыл бұрын
Hello. Varför pratar du inte svenska? Dessutom låter det som om du varit här 3 månader typ. Alla vet vad du pratar om och har du bott här 13 år borde du komma med något nytt. Vilket land kommer du ifrån och vad gör du i Sverige??? Berätta! Just saying..
@matildarindberg11563 жыл бұрын
Oj har du vaknat på fel sida eller? Självklart vänder hon sig inte bara till svenskar, hon kanske har följare över hela världen som också vill förstå vad hon säger
@Henrik_Holst3 жыл бұрын
Quite obvious that she is making this video for people outside of Sweden that might be interested in visiting.
@Mycenaea3 жыл бұрын
Vilken dum kommentar.
@fromSweden4u3 жыл бұрын
@@Mycenaea Inte alls man vill veta hennes bakgrund.
@YunaQQQQQ83 жыл бұрын
Vad är du för inavel?
@kenjohan2 жыл бұрын
I thought the year had 52 weeks even in Kyrgyzstan :-) If you think that Systembolaget is "an interesting place" you should beware!