10 Things KILLING Fire Emblem Heroes ☠

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@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
The feeling when you accidentally call Frontline Phalanx Grand Conquest and now everyone thinks you hate that game mode
@Kimo-Cyrus 10 ай бұрын
Does that even exist still? Tap battle is still the greatest game mode ever 🦦
@rejala5840 10 ай бұрын
My most recent Grand Conquest team just so happened to win and I barely played so I full-on bought it XD
@greendino11 10 ай бұрын
The fact that we the player are in Askr, the world of opening doors, makes that fact that we don't have way to communicate with other players very ironic.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@marcosmolares5910 10 ай бұрын
Wow this is so spot on it actually hurts. I wish Negligent Systems would care about their game at least an inch so that they could fix some of these issues...
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Negligent Systems is amazing. I'm stealing that LOL
@chromxrobinandcorrinxcamil9031 9 ай бұрын
What an amazing name. Unintelligent Systems is also the perfect name for those dickheads too.
@guedesbrawl 10 ай бұрын
big yes to "PvP over PvE" as the biggest and final segment. Easily IS's biggest mistake with this game from day 1 was putting Arena and all subsequent PvP modes into the spotlight.
@madcoyote 10 ай бұрын
And even the PVE content is just utterly boring and exhausting...the incredible Tower, as I know it from Sacred Stones was so much fun and most importantly it was challenging. FEH tower = sit down once a month to grind those damn 15 wins for each category to got those petty orbs...
@amelialoyselle2123 10 ай бұрын
Hard agree. The biggest names in gacha gaming now are largely focused on PvE (made this comment halfway, glad to see TOK mentioned it). PvP focus is now pretty antiquated...
@nah4467 10 ай бұрын
Always been the fact that people maximize off the game that it becomes a problem eapescially. You see it in Yugioh as it is here ngl
@Accountthatexists 10 ай бұрын
PvP in gacha games, will ALWAYE ALWAYS be bad idea, cause people can just PAY to beat u, any game like that will always go bad......the most popular gacha games likw all the hoyoverse games are all PvE, and that is the best way to do it
@azuresea7183 10 ай бұрын
Or just co-op or just have a function that only pits whales against whales and f2p vs f2p or at least at least let players choose to pvp whales or pvp f2p and if they select to pvp f2p make bans on the latest powercrept units as well as latest powercrept skills from the last 6 months to a year or only allow certain gen units to be selected while at the same time banning certain units from certain gens as well as certain skills. The same mechanics that I already mentioned for pvp can also be applied to aether raids and arena with regards to choosing to vs aether raids and arena whales or vs aether raids and arena f2p. f2p like to play but don't like getting completely curb stomped all the time by the latest most powercrept units that whales pretty much the major majority of the time have and use.🤔🤨🧐
@evanleah6024 10 ай бұрын
Back in 2017 when this game first came out I was hooked. I adored everything about this game and heavily invested my time into different builds, combos and engaged in every aspect of the game up until late 2019, by then tho, I had take a small break and came back to a meta I couldn't keep up with. Feel terrible investing so much time and effort into a unit I love, only to get 1 tapped by the latest unit with the latest skills. I don't wngage with any of the pvp any because of this, which is a shame because I loved doing Arena and Aether Raids in the early days. Game needs a huge change
@erosennin4444 10 ай бұрын
A much needed video. I really hope a dev from either IS or Ninte. see this video and wise up to the ongoing problems the game has. I'm a big believer of new players having a hard time adjusting to complexity being the biggest issue in FEH. Here's to hoping for a better next year in FEH. I've already tweeted this to anything Nintendo and IS related to get the issues made aware of.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
You're the best 🥰
@xela4854 9 ай бұрын
These problems have been going on for years, I don't think anything will be done about it.
@chromxrobinandcorrinxcamil9031 4 ай бұрын
Lol, no, they’d go out of their way to nuke this video while suing OblivionKnight for $9,999,999,999,999,999…
@guccimasterd8432 10 ай бұрын
As a lifelong FE fan, when I first loaded up FEH I was shocked at how small the maps were. Even Conquest maps are smaller than most maps from the mainline games, save maybe the GBA training maps. IS needs some LARGE map PvE modes, where survivability and strategy are key. Where major plot points are revealed in-battle. Where free units are only given out if objectives are met. Chain several of these maps with "permadeath". Heck, go above and beyond and let players design and share their own campaign maps (Even a huge feh map takes up almost no memory.) Give players the ability to have that classic FE experience on their phones.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Map design in aether raids is actually such a cool design space that hasn't been touched in years. Could be a ton of fun in a less competitive mode
@guedesbrawl 10 ай бұрын
AR being competitive enough that me making a good map can ruin someone's day is the only reason i refuse to engage with what is by FAR my most wanted feature in FE. I guess i just want a FE maker, but this just stings. I want to make some cool stuff not leave people bitter in my wake. @@Oblivionknight
@jonunciate7018 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight hell yes!
@CarissaNomadic 10 ай бұрын
The worst thing about it, IMO, is that it hurts low movement units. Knights already had it hard enough in mainline games D:
@Chronoflation 9 ай бұрын
I feel this, but, at the same time, the original concept for this game was to be a pocket sized Fire Emblem, simplified with smaller maps and the removal of accuracy. Now you read the skills and get more shock from it than a GOAT era YuGiOh player being shown pendulum synchros for the first time with how much text a single weapon or skill might have. 1 Arcane weapon can have more text and effects than an entire kit from year 1. I agree, they've reached the point where they could easily expand on the size of the maps, but they've already completely betrayed their design impetus and that's pretty annoying. I can't believe the 3 main heroes of the main FEH story are still so weak and useless. It's crazy to me that they do nothing to directly buff old units after they get power crept. Like let Alphonse and Sharena get new weapon forges at the very least, or have something happen in-story that grants them and Commander Anna +5 to all stats, minimum. They really need a lot more than just that, but it'd at least be something. Also, a skill shop please. Even if it's a super limited currency like dragon fruits, where it takes weeks or months to save for a single 4* skill, just add in a way to get skills that doesn't rely on foddering new 5* units
@dlburrito 10 ай бұрын
Infernal and Abyssal in the main story and paralogues should have happened by now. Give the old units newer skills in those levels to help players get ideas for building those units themselves.
@TheTrains13 10 ай бұрын
Oh yes please
@MtelH 10 ай бұрын
One of my biggest gripes is that as generous as FEH is with free orbs, they need more to keep up with the fever pitch at which they've been releasing new heroes. With your suggestion, an Abyssal difficulty for the main story maps, not including paralogues, you're talking 445 free orbs. Another thing I can think of is having Version Banners. Like you won't see heroes released in Version 2 in a Version 1 banner and the Version banners would include Special Heroes, as well. That would be phenomenal.
@tanachisan 10 ай бұрын
They need to power up older units not just give newer skills to them because dagger old units are a big weaklings plus they have to make weekly revival banners less useless to summon on because I'd never at this point touch any for more than redeem and they need to calm down with releasing units with insane endurance and right next month or tempest trial in the same month gives the intended great endurance piercing units because I get annoyed every single time they give some unit I start to think I can completely rely on that it will secure me a victory and than it get easily and fastly pierced by a random new unit with piercing special and even very big attack and also omnitanks mostly can only really survive if they have godlike reflexes as special skill and have now day gambit as their B slot skill lol
@shadowelza1923 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@MtelHActually, they don’t have to give orbs on Infernal and Abyssal. Give other resources like dragonflowers etc
@Allmightyimortal 10 ай бұрын
​@shadowelza1923 while dragonflowers are nice and useful, it's honestly orbs people really need. And by people I mean me and probably others
@yaboiskittlez7943 10 ай бұрын
I picked this game up day 1, waiting for its release. I'm a massive FE fan, and it released in the middle of my math class during my second semester junior year of high school. I remember getting my first 5 star, which was a Marth. Followed very quickly by a 5 star Leo. My friend who also got the game was fuming that I walked away with more than one in my first summons. I played the game seriously all the way up until the end of 2019. I sunk money into the game, loved the game. I ended up dropping it for several months, close to a year. And when I came back it was like everything I'd worked for didn't matter. The hundreds spent on the game didn't matter. My Brave Ike, my high plus Michaiah, all of my other units with the skills I'd spent a lot on to get and grinded for. They just didn't matter. I went into arena and literally couldn't beat the newest banner units. Not even my corrupt Robin if anyone remembers that guy, who was plus attack, could deal sufficient damage without being left seriously crippled. I had to stop. I couldn't sink more money in to catch back up just to keep drowning everytime another new banner dropped. I wasn't able to go grind for orbs on old chapters, I'd cleared those long ago. The new player experience in this game is bad. But the returning player experience feels worse. You've less resources to tap into than a new player yet have the same grind. And I couldn't do it
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Thats a great point. At least new players have access to a ton of orbs. Returning players don't have much
@stellarstar6553 9 ай бұрын
There is nothing worse than pulling an at-the-time 5* exclusive hero that's worse than the shittiest bottom of the barrel new-gen Grand Hero. I wanted a 5*+10 Sanaki so bad. She's one of my most favorite characters in the franchise and the fact that right now she's a clown unit locked behind 5* summoning sessions is an incredibly cruel joke. 4* Special drops have fixed none of this, it only made matters worse because they put these extremely degenerate, equally worthless 5* exclusives LIKE Sanaki into that pool as well, so when you get a 4* Special and expect Sanaki you get fucking 5* Luke, the character nobody remembers from New Mystery.
@naotohex 10 ай бұрын
I think its absolutely STUPID that not every banner has a spark. I summoned on Duo Laegjarn's banner and I summoned 120 times for a SINGLE COPY of Laegjarn. I only summoned 3 5 star units and it was the most painful experience. I just wanted a single copy but since there is no spark I lost MONTHS of resources for basically nothing.
@ordinarycheesewizard 10 ай бұрын
I agree! I think it also could make people spend more if they know they're guaranteed to get at least one copy of a focus unit.
@hannahtornatore8685 10 ай бұрын
I remember i also lost a lot of resources for those banner features that were limited to the feh pass or banner types because i couldn't tell whether i should or shouldn't be able to use it. And I still can't get over all those times because i would spend 30 days of orb farming to end up not winning one focus hero and also losing up all the meanings to farm hard for the next banner focus. I love gachas and FEH, but as a F2P my actual relationship with this game is almost masochist, and this saddens me a bit.
@lifequality 10 ай бұрын
I LOVE this content. Not because I crave for negative things, but because I love Fire Emblem´s IP and FEH as a (mobile) game. Videos such as this one highlight the problems of such a game without sugarcoating anything. And that by a great fan. I returned to the game in september of 2023 after a 3 year hiatus and took the effort to re-learn the game once again. I still love the game, but yeah, there are problems with it and i am interested in all of your thoughts once I watch the whole video. I wish nothing but the best for this game, but IS and Nintendo need to change things up for the better.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
100% everything I say here is out of love for fire emblem and feh. I think its always important to critique the things you love, especially when they are making poor decisions
@Scarecrohh 10 ай бұрын
As a newer player who started playing FEH as of March this year, as well as having FEH be their first true gacha game... This video was everything I wanted to say after playing through these last eight months. The new player experience is absolutely dreadful considering how you can't lift a candle to veteran players even if you tried due to how many time gated resources FEH holds from you, and how little FEH aids you in trying to learn about the game. (Heroes Path is absolute trash and needs a massive rework.) Add that with FEH's obsession with publishing light novels on every new unit's skill and weapon description, and it's no wonder so little new players wish to play. Even Fire Emblem diehards refuse to ever touch this game due to the culmination of every one of these issues. I hope an IS intern watches this video and forwards it to the main FEH dev team. FEH really can be so much more, but right now it feels like it's just stuck on neutral until IS begins to listen to the dedicated fanbase.
@Spore9996 9 ай бұрын
I downloaded it in December last year for two reasons: Ascended Fjorm, and story/characterization! Sadly, the former was outdated even before I got into the game, but at least the writing is there...
@CASantos 10 ай бұрын
Re: skill accessibility. They need to just make you inherit the entire skill tree (which is available at the time of unit's release). Literally no reason to inherit just a lv1 or 2 skill.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
That would be very nice
@krislee3155 10 ай бұрын
I've been playing Feh since launch, and it kinda speaks volumes that the only content that I've had fun with and genuinely look forward to is Seers Snare, which was added this year in April. To be honest, I find myself playing Touhou Lostword over Feh more often these days. Another thing I would add is how certain materials are just hard to get. For example, Infantry Flowers and Forma Souls. I have plenty of infantry units I want to invest more in, but they demand so many flowers to be at their absolute best like Adult Tiki, who needs 3000 flowers at this point. Them with this HoF right now, I really want to use this opportunity to upgrade my Marcia with new skills, but I'm hesitant because I only have 1 Forma Soul and they could potentially put something I really want. Either way, I agree with all your points, especially about summoning. Christ, I started out gathering everything to build Ricken earlier this year. We're at the tail end of this year, and he's still sitting at +9 because I just can't get that final merge.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
I originally had a whole section complaining about dragon flowers, florets, etc but it got cut the cus the video was way too long lol. They absolutely need to address it though
@benk50000 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight In my opinion dragon flowers should just be farmable at this point. So many units I would like to build but can't because they require too many infantry flowers which means I'm far less tempted to pull for skills and arcane weapons for those units. I would love if one of the main draws of a new PvE mode was being able to grind for dragon flowers. In fact, I would like to see them replace training tower with some kind of dungeon crawling mode when your goal is to find treasure chests and an exit within a fog of war map. I had an idea for a mode like this awhile ago but the full details are too long to post here. Basically, it would have its own story and boss battles related to that story after a number of floors. We would get a new dungeon story somewhere between every three mouths or twice a year depending on how much effort is put into it. Being able to farm infinite dragon flowers from this was one of the main draws, but they could also have skill manuals and such as 1 time rewards for each story. Giving out meta skill manuals only usable by the askr trio would also help them out a lot. Finally, the dungeon story would allow for more cross game interactions for characters not exclusively from feh. For example, my fist dungeon story idea involved a victorious version of Duma invading askr at full power. While Alm, Celica, and Alfonse would play major roles in the story, so would other logical character choices from other games, in this case I picked Awakening Tiki, Marth, and Edelgard to also get notable roles in the story. The bosses for the first dungeon would be Jedah, Fallen Berkut, Fallen Celica, then finally Duma. They would all be buffed with large heath pools and enemy exclusive Prfs for this mode. Duma for example had an effect that makes him nearly immune to damage unless you have dragon effectiveness.
@franciscogolden1 10 ай бұрын
Man seers snare was the greatest mode they added in years for me that was so fun, wish it more in depth and was permanent or had coop features.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
There is so much they can do with that mode and they've done nothing 🙃
@franciscogolden1 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight Really hope IS sees this vid and makes the positive changes this games needs and enhances the good gamemodes further.
@SadFace229 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight What ideas did you have in mind for improving Seer's Snare? I think it's a very fun mode to play.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@@SadFace229 adding an additional hard mode after you beat it the 1st time. That way you can use all the cool skills you got through the 1st play through
@dagger341 10 ай бұрын
I hope IS sees this video and takes it to heart. I fell in love with the series with FE7 on the GBA, and it was the PVE, and the character interactions that made me fall for the series. Being grounded in their own logic, and taking themselves seriously enough that I could believe what they were selling was one of the major draws. Right now, Fjorm is my favorite FE character, and I really enjoy how she keeps getting more to do, but even I can recognize that the other OCs need love too. Heck Book three made me completely reevaluate Alfonse, and gave me a really close connection to him! Sharena got less love in "her book", and Anna has completely become a background character. I think the last good male OC that hasn't died was Hrid! There is so much potential to work with, and I hope IS will absolutely turn things towards building up this game I have loved since launch!
@Smashking27 10 ай бұрын
Agreed to pretty much all of those points. I'm looking to get more involved with the game myself, but even I've had to binge watch content from you and other FEHtubers just to understand what the heck I need to do in this game to be even slightly competitive. I would love for IS to be more open to player feedback, and perhaps add in a co-op game mode or two, which I'm still shocked they haven't added into the game after 7 years. I would play the heck out of co-op content and it might put FEH on top for me. Hopefully someone at IS sees this video and they can come up with some solutions.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Coop would literally fix so many things and be a massive boon to the community
@michaelwright248 10 ай бұрын
I agree. Some new, fun PVE game mode is needed that can be accessible for new players. Alphonse and Sharena and Anna need a second refine, or some kind of upgrade that you can unlock for them because I hate having to use them in quests because they are so underpowered and I just haven't invested the dragon flowers into them to keep their stats relevant.
@traskth 10 ай бұрын
Acsended alts were *Right There* when Askr (and Ash) where introduced. IntSys originally defined acsended as "units who gained power from a god" and abandoned that with Joshua. They even couldve been part of the book 6 story with lord Askr granting power to Alfonse and Sherena and made them free units (hell, add them to the cycle of the askr trio)
@tomanders4746 10 ай бұрын
Something I’ve realized is that in every Fire Emblem game the main lord gets a sick promotion class (some too late *Roy*). Why haven’t Shareena, Alfonse, and Anna gotten their’s yet? I’d kill for them to be upgraded into legendary units with new movement types, weapons, and skills.
@myplantsaidno 10 ай бұрын
Shout out to the legendary/mythic abyssal maps, they are genuinely where the game shines the most. They're nice challenges that aren't hit by power creep near as much as PVP modes.
@Acnheevee 10 ай бұрын
I’m also glad that you bought up tactic drills. While yes, they have a beginner mode that can teach new players things like weapon triangle, effective damage etc, the issue is that every new hero banner gets an intermediate level, where the game expects you to already know how every skill,weapon, effect works and interacts with each other. Now this mode can be a fun add on for more experienced players however when new heroes come with new skills with new effects (which is as inevitable as death and taxes at this point.) and no one knows how they work, instead of giving us beginner tactic drills to teach us how the new skill works for even us veterans who may not understand, they’re thrown into the intermediate levels right away, giving new players or just anyone no chance to learn how these new skills work, thus we all just wait for phoneixmaster to make his video where he just does the steps for us and we follow along, and even through this we don’t even get to learn what the skill even does. I thought tactic drills were a neat idea for the reason of teaching newer players the skills and mechanics, maybe even be a little handholdy with them like the tutorial at the very start of the game is, or even have pop ups that give the glossary definition of skills and effects, and then tell players how they can access it if they forget. So much can be done to make the game mode that has a beginner difficulty more beginner friendly, and the fact that sentence even exist is baffling.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
It really could use some work. It has so much potential if it was just handled better
@ordinarycheesewizard 10 ай бұрын
It would also be nice if tactics drills addressed team building and not super specific scenarios that you probably couldn't set up on your own if you tried.
@KenMeiSLG 10 ай бұрын
Very nice video, the last point really made me realise what makes FEH different from the mainline game. I think changes I'd be most ecstatic about would be the summoning changes (mostly the pool and skills found within it), the skill inheritance cap (with either getting rid of it or increasing it to something like 5 or 10), some cooperative game modes, and maybe also the way they pace the story. (also, thanks for including me in the amazing roster of FEH content creators you had featured🥰)
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Summoning definitely could use some work. Hopefully we get some changes with book 8 or the anniversary
@Dakress23 10 ай бұрын
As someone that joined midway through Book 5, I think point 1, 2 & 8 are by far the most damning when it comes to make FEH bleed it's playerbase while gaining little to no few players. Every one of the new hero type additions Book 5 onwards are heavily aimed towards players who have invested in old units and want to make them work. And given how the most recent ones run on FOMO syndrome just to they may carry newer banners, that gives potential newcomers not actual reason to... summon at all, more so since the game's been adding lately 1-2 new 5 star units into the main summoning pool, whom are by comparison more newby friendly. Point 2 is pretty much straightfoward, but it just can't be understated given how much 3H showed how much narrative and character writing matters into a "collect the character" sort of games (like, just see CLY 4 & 5 as an example). And given how FEH has its own OC which the devs want players to pull for... Finally, complexity creep is just flay out intimidating and not fun to try understanding without testing stuff yourself. And that's a problem when IS wants people to pull for even more complexity creep by trying to make giant walls of text as a selling point (character appeal is YMMV). Have IS adress those 3 points, and I can legit see the state of the game improving quite a bit, which can then allow them to adress other stuff like the disparity between PvE & PvP content.
@nickelouscage 10 ай бұрын
I think this video really gets it. I was all in on getting some +10 units from 3-4 pool in the early game and trying new skills on heroes in PvP, but somewhere before Fedelgard I gave up. I think seeing how crazy AR could get turned me off. I came back to Arena just in time for Fedelgard to arrive, and quashed any thought about trying PvP. I can’t play with my favorites while everyone else is armor-save/canto/damage reduction buff, with the novel of text for weapons and skills. With the onslaught of stupid skills on super buff units, I do just as you said: I don’t really play much of the game anymore. I play TT, I play arena (on low difficulty because I’m only there for the summon ticket), I get my 3 auto AR matches for the rewards, and I move on. GC? I auto one at a time for the HM farming, but even then does it matter? My old joy of finishing a unit’s HM is dashed every February. The Pokédex can’t be completed (not realistically, anyway). I came into FE during Awakening - stubbornness kept me from playing earlier as I loved the Advance Wars offerings from IS - and I’ve logged in every day since launch, but sometimes I feel like I’m only clinging to FEH waiting for the End of Service announcement. Again, great video, and best of luck with pvp as the game moves forward 👍
@GreyPikmin334 10 ай бұрын
There's a reason people get so excited by the Refines/Remixes of old Heroes--because so much of the game revolves around the competitive aspect people get really excited for their favorites to finally have a chance of being relevant again, like a balance patch they will only ever get *once*.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@Paiguy7 10 ай бұрын
It's so heartbreaking when that one chance comes out undercooked or doesn't play to how you wanted it to go. Suddenly your favorite unit may as well be dead forever or relegated to a cookie cutter arcane build.
@vortexoblivion85 10 ай бұрын
RIP Dancers and Demote Healers refine though. Between the fact only Legendary/Mythics Dancers getting ones, Phina getting snubbed and the fact Azama got a Resplendent despite his subpar stats, you could tell November 2023 will be forever known as the one of the worst months of FEH's history.
@FEH 10 ай бұрын
Love this video!! We’ll find out in a week if Dev 1 was in charge of this book or not. I’m in copium mode right now.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Same. I just gotta inhale all the copium for now
@dash3705 9 ай бұрын
This video definitely called out to a lot of my feelings. As someone who started only a few months after its release and played it for many years, I slowly started to not login and play the game anymore with the release of Fallen Edelgard, watching more and more units coming out with new skills and realizing the fast progression towards a powercreep I wasn't sure of. Its crazy now seeing the skills that have come out in just the one year I've been out of the game, and being glad I dropped it if mostly for my own sanity. The pressure of needing to pull new skills to keep my favorite characters consistently updated and being able to get surprised by a banner for a favorite unit of mine became exhausting, and it seems not much changed in those terms. I hope they fix more of the issues for current players, and I appreciate the effort you put into this video confronting the issues the game has.
@jeremylogan8812 9 ай бұрын
You got me at the start with the new players. I've been playing FEH since year one and fire emblem since sacred stones. I was able to adjust to all the new complexities it added. I've told people when asked what I'm playing because it looks interesting, "I'd introduce you to it, but it's so conplicated at this point, you wouldn't know how to move forward." So i just show them my collection of hereoes, and they're usually satisfied with that 😂.
@residentevil1223 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. I did dislike AR and SD, a lot. But powercreep is the reason I quit over the summer. I had my favorite units, year 1-3, all +10, max dragon flowers, with tier 4 skills. And I couldn't even beat the seasonal maps on lunatic for the quest orbs. That was it. My invested units couldn't kill a Summer Fjorm and survive the map to get the 1 freakin orb. I quit the map, and then the game. I spent so many orbs, paid orbs, getting my favorites to +10 with all the skill fodder, and it wasn't enough. I just wanted to use my favorites to beat the PvE maps, and IS made that just near impossible.
@fedenxt7108 10 ай бұрын
I played feh for abt 4 years as completely f2p, officially dropped it like 3 months ago - literally every 2 weeks a new "meta defining" skill Is being released, it's completely ridiculous I just dont have the time to keep up with the power creep
@SweaterPuppys 10 ай бұрын
I just feel like if Intsys put heart into feh (or anything) the game would be actually pretty fun to play but everything is for profit and not for the sake of actual fire emblem fans
@BioTroy 10 ай бұрын
Increasing the skill inheritance limit to 5 is a baby step but would genuinely be a very meaningful change that a lot of players would love.
@JacktheLightningRipper 10 ай бұрын
I’ve seen some people make the point to be worried about that because around the time they increased the inheritance cap to 4, Tier 4 skills were introduced. It would help, but at this point, Tier 5 skills look more and more possible as much as I hate to admit it.
@weebsquit347 10 ай бұрын
I agree with the new players thing. Its very overwhelming for a newcomer. It throws a lot at you the moment you truly start. It's not just a new player issue either. If you're a returning player that hasnt played in a very long while, it's also a little overwhelming. You really have to commit to the game for a while.
@Mustgowon 9 ай бұрын
Heck not even a new player here but a returning player (that new guy for book 8 looks so hot I had to see what’s going on) I feel like everything you said is spot on. I don’t remember the exact day I left but It was somewhere around book 5, but coming back and seeing the wall of text on basically everything, skills, weapons, it was just crazy! Also my highly invested characters at the time being basically almost worthless in PVP content was crazy. I mean I wasn’t even fully invested in PVP when i was still an active player from day 1, however I didn’t get smacked by one character in like 3 turns! At least my characters back then would put up a fight but now it’s hilarious how fast I got rolled!
@TimtehAmazing 9 ай бұрын
Great video! I Played Feh since launch and quit a few months back; couldn't keep up as free to play with the powercreep of the game and the intensity of the PVP game modes. This video captured a lot of the frustrations I felt.
@Rodi_1111 9 ай бұрын
One thing I would add that I think would help tremendously would be to lower the price of orb packs considerably, and increasing the value that FEH pass brings. While I would gladly help support FEH monetarily, one thing that always stops me is the absurd cost of orbs; I just can't justify spending the price of a brand new game for an old forma (that I can't afford the dflowers it would take to make them viable) and MAYBE one new hero of my choice if I'm lucky. Only the tiniest percentage of players would. If orbs were more affordable I and many others would gladly spend frequently on orb purchases feeling we're getting our money's worth. Same goes with increasing FEH pass benefits. Rather than catering to and relying on a few whales (and what happens if they quit?), it would be far, far more lucrative (and wise) to cater to a much larger percentage of their players who would spend on affordable prices. This would also create a healthier and happier community because more of us would be able to get what we want and not feel the unfairness of having to compete against whales.
@kingtomador5655 10 ай бұрын
When they added azama as resplindent, i really thought that IS is killing their own game
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@atobe42 7 ай бұрын
Didn't think I'd revisit this video so soon and be so wrong. The #1 thing killing FEH isn't PC but Valentines Lyon KEKW.
@Oblivionknight 7 ай бұрын
@theaceofnoobs9377 10 ай бұрын
If we turn time a little bit back, There was a Gamemode Introduced called Seers Snare, if I remember correctly this gamemode was well received by the audience of Feh, they can do and have pulled off PvE events, Rokkr Seiges is also another good example tho it got blown to bits with everyone’s favourite Hero by force, Bridal Catria
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Yep, Seers share needs to be ran monthly and also probably needs a few more improvements, but overall people like it
@andreasnicolasbritoserafim2949 10 ай бұрын
Sees snare is only mode I don’t like because it prevent you for using duo or harmonic skill or save skill , while on arknights Integrated strategies you can abuse it to your heart contend picking op units like Texas alter , Yato alter both triviaze the entire mode , Golden Glow only triviaze ending 2 because skill 3 turn her range into global and kill the boss even her is frozen by the boss passive
@bailingfromthecart6838 7 ай бұрын
Power creep is pretty much the parent issue to the barracks issue I think. As a pretty casual player who pulls for favorites instead of for meta, I usually end up sinking orbs into old seasonal banners. I love Chrom, and I think he’s adorable in his santa outfit, so I pulled for winter chrom. I don’t regret pulling for him, but I have very little opportunity to use him because he’d get absolutely rocked against newer units, even in PVE modes. So instead I have the meta team that I use for basically everything, and then a few teams I use for the training tower quests every month (even though they usually have old heroes who get obliterated if Lucia happens to show up).
@Quiqueleal85 10 ай бұрын
we need a krafting system like Hearthstones where you could get ANY heroes you want in manual feature for merge or fodder for additional resources cost related to book’s year. that way you could merge your favorite heroes and new ones by saving. the only way to get heroes is bound to summoning ON SPECIFIC banners which sucks. the skill inherit system is still my biggest gripe with this game.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Even adding an item we could get once a year that added merges would be a step in the right direction
@Quiqueleal85 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight plus we need Ascended Florets on the Shop! at these rate i dont think we are getting em anytime soon! in a rate we need
@davidgonzalezfernandez6656 10 ай бұрын
>"Grand conquest: Dont" felt that, honestly is crazy how many amazing gamemodes they have designed to then screw them up by adding PvP, I still remember how hype everyone was with the reveal of Pawns of Loki; FEH auto chess? that is awesome, then it became PvP, everyone optimized the crap out of it and now you just do it quickly because there is so little control on the result unless you have the units and the investment needed
@Paiguy7 10 ай бұрын
This type of video is totally my jam. I really wish IS paid more attention to this sort of thing because they have so many clear paths to extend the life of the game and make it more enjoyable to everyone (encouraging spending) but it's so frustrating that they completely ignore the biggest problems the game has. The biggest thing I've wanted for years and years on end that they never give us is a nice consistent PvE mode to use our enormous barracks in. The extensive focus on PvP content drives people away because Fire Emblem in not primarily a PvP series to begin with and it's not why many of us are even here. Was nodding my head the entire time when you finally got to number 1 and it was exactly what I expected. Honestly AR would be a very good starting point to make a good PvE mode that still utilizes player created content. The tools to have player created map challenges are right there, they just need to remove the competitive aspect from it. Couldn't agree more with everything about summoning and skill availability/inheritance complaints, it's all a dumpster fire. I honestly am in agreement with the entire video but I'd be here all day if I typed about everything. Absolute banger video.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@TurbulentEitri 10 ай бұрын
Co-operative PvE modes with better integration and features of the friend list would be nice. The Seer's Snare mode was such good fun, but it appears so far and few between, and it doesn't have any long-term progression like with Aether Raids.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Seers snare should at least be once a month. And I would love if they added a hard mode you could play after the 1st round, so you had a real chance to use all the crazy builds you just made
@SquidSystem 10 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you've said so far, except kind of the story chapters, but that's only because I do them *exclusively* with the Askr trio at as low investment as I physically can, which I think says more about how bad they are than anything. (for the record every map seems to be beatable except for the book 7 braves, go figure). I genuinely think the glossary feature would solve the complexity issue almost completely, but the only other thing I would say would help is just... Letting us see how many stats they'd get when they initiate/we initiate without actually having them do it. These things already get calced and displayed so it wouldn't be that hard, it would just be a matter of adding 2 little buttons to the ui. A lot of feh gets obfuscated by just the UI being too simplified, which made sense at one point, but not anymore. Feh is honestly more complicated at times than mainline FE, and the UI doesn't reflect that. Honestly, this is a universal problem for FEH, so much of the UI is just not descriptive in combat, or tedious outside of combat. Why is it that if I realise I need to spend grails or grab a unit from my reserves for fodder, I have to abandon the setup and search I was already doing to go do it? I feel like every time I comment down here I have to mention Pokémon Masters EX, and today I have to do it again. Their ally growth menu is excellent because all of the things you could need to do can be done in the same menu and swiftly. There's nothing stopping FEH from doing it other than not wanting to use any dev resources for any reason.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
I need to check out the pokemon ui cus it sounds convenient. Definitely something feh could learn from
@eightyears9850 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video! I didn't get into fe until after the release of heroes and I had been playing a couple months since its release up until my first genuine hiatus 4 years later because of the repetitive content cycle and insane powercreep. Ever since then I've been playing off and on due to every reason listed in this video, so I really hope that IntSys follows the solutions you've set up because a coop game mode sounds killer!! It sounds so fun and gives the player an excuse to show off their units while also engaging with other players.
@catman9222 10 ай бұрын
Gheb isn't in heroes, this is clearly the biggest reason the game isn't doing better.
@wiz_7130 10 ай бұрын
At lot of these points I agreed with, but wow the last point is very true. I only play arena because it gives orbs and do the 3 free day things I AR. We need more PvE
@kevton1397 10 ай бұрын
I played Feh since the beginning mainly because it was like an introduction to me to the fire emblem series (I am the kind of fire emblem fan who became one because of he was influenced by smash bros). I never really play Feh competitively and just chill with the game and mainly summon on banners that either has some units with interesting gimmicks or has some of my favorite characters. Also I do find it annoying on how IS shoves a yellow border skills every new banner but I took it as a reminder of how annoying the inherit skill slots because they keep releasing these new skills and still only allow us to inherit 4 skills.
@InsiniTyGhost 9 ай бұрын
This sums up all the perfect points of why i stopped playing FEH back when Fallen Edelgard came out. my main problem is the focus on PVP and Summoning along witht he lack of resources you get for building up units to be viable in the Arena and ather raids. I would like to add to summoning when it comes to PVP and Scoring: having the orbs/money to +10 a unit is crazy given how many units you CAN get spooked by and of course having to have FEH pass for a spark along with the other copies is insane given the rates, they may be good but having to get 11 of the same 5* isint easy compared to 1 and thats the core problem to me: the PVP and Summoning. We need more videos like this honestly, people always said i was weird for quitting FEH when i did so thank you for this video.
@SOMEGUY7893 9 ай бұрын
Yeah compare it to something like Fate Grand Order where since it's pve focused even if you only ever get one copy of a character and not the six you'd need to max out their Noble Phantasm they're still usable because you don't really need them to be fully maxed like you would in pvp setting.
@shuichichirocks33 10 ай бұрын
You’re so right with powercreep I realized it after ALL of the godswords and all of the speed creep when my Alear started to be too slow 😭😭
@xela4854 9 ай бұрын
I used to spend hours theorycrafting builds and AR set ups. I loved AR, but the pace of powercreep was too much and I hated saving for merges. Many of my favorite units were infantry, so I invested an insane amount on infantry pulse defense teams, and at one point it was only good against outdated offense teams who don't care anymore.
@stev4v 10 ай бұрын
summoning pool is the biggest point here. Honestly we need to have heroes in rotation asap
@TheGreatMageblood 10 ай бұрын
Completely agree on everything. I think the best way to spread this around would be not only to share it throughout the community, but to use the in-game feature of Feedback. Send it directly to support and the devs... but let's be honest, after the first year of FEH and the 40+ question survey the devs did (anybody remember that?) They stopped caring about feedback. They won't look. Even Customer Support doesn't care, they get paid to copy/paste from their company provided manual, they have always sounded like machine responses to me rather than humans. There was one guy who did go above and beyond, even tried to be more friendly rather than "professional" but he disappeared from support as far as I could tell. I hope the guy is doing well now. I used to put in some money here and there because I enjoy the franchise, but once FEH Pass was added, I slowed down a lot, then it got more benefits while f2p got nothing, and then it got even more benefits, that's when I stopped putting money in entirely. Quality of Life features should NEVER be paywalled in ANY game and I will die on that hill.
@Kaius. 10 ай бұрын
look mom, i'm an example!
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@vicentegatica34 9 ай бұрын
At this point idk, i just come back to read the story that its kind of fun, and to pull for a new tiki alt...but just that (my team for a year has been the same) Also, i really like the rythm game, i think it should be always up, not just for events.
@DTMFEH 10 ай бұрын
This was a really good video! We've discussed a lot of this before and hopefully IS does resolve some of these things. There is one point though that I 100% disagree with and that is on barracks being too big or wanting the game to reward having a more expansive pool of unit. Personally I really do not want that to happen more than it already does as I feel it would make the game more P2W or more for whales if there was any need for a wider pool. The fact that we only need a select few units to succeed is a good thing and a situation where we should want to keep it. Already with Limited Hero Battle, I hate that mode because I often don't have the barracks to be able to do those maps and often can't complete them, and that is already like "casual" content and there is that pressure. Imagine if there was something like that in a more competitive sense (that is also why I don't like SDS as much as SDR). Being able to succeed with very few units and not needing many units is an amazing thing that IS should keep doing. Anyways, besides that one point, yeah totally agree on the video. Especially on coop and PvE. I feel like that is like the perpetual topic in the podcasts and its crazy how it hasn't been a thing yet. Coop especially would be so good for the community. Like as much like Reddit rag on SD, one of the very good things is the community that has popped up around it. Imagine now if there was actual coop, it would be insane.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, but I mean a game mode where I can use my bigger barracks, not where it is necessary. Its why I love Grand Conquest because I can play with 25 heroes and i can even swap based on the movement type bonus if I want. Its not necessary at all, but let's me if I want to
@DTMFEH 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight Yeah I do get that and I do agree that it would be nice for people with huge barracks to be able to use more of them, but I don't exactly know how IS can do that in a way that is both engaging and have depth and make it so it doesn't feel necessary or so there's no pressure to have a huge barracks. The reason why there isn't that pressure in GC is honestly because many people can just use their friend's units and honestly can just autobattle it like any other casual mode. But even if there is no restrictions, if say we have mode that required you to have a team of 20 units, I feel like that pressure to have a huge barracks would be there regardless unless again it is to a point where you can just autobattle or use your friends units. Maybe such a mode that uses a huge barracks would need to allow friends units? It would be interesting to see if there can be a mode that fields like 20 units that both doesn't have that pressure while also being engaging and deep. There are probably some ways that it can be done, just need to brainstorm more.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@@DTMFEH i guess it comes down to the definition of "huge barracks" and a "built" unit. To me having a barracks of 20-25 built units isn't much of an ask even from a f2p player. A majority of new units can just inherit an assist skill or special and get a sacred seal and they are essentially built. So I don't really think it would be that difficult. The real investment would be needed when tackling game mode with the difficulty level of SDR, but I don't think difficulty needs to reCh that level for pve. And if we do have a difficulty level that high then it should act as a challenge and a goal people can move towards. Similar to how people had to slowly build up units and teams in AR over months of investment. The only thing left to consider then is that the investment can withstand the test of time lol cus powercreep
@fireembliam9090 10 ай бұрын
@ronaldvexdian2182 10 ай бұрын
I woke up an hour ago, and I see this video for a game I stopped playing years ago. I remember playing FEH in high school, constantly on the grind when ever I can alongside FGO. But I gave up for many of the reasons stated in this video. I remember the dislike people had to book 2(?). Surtr and his overly evil and bland personality, Gunnthra and her immediate death, and much more. Another issue I had when skill inheritance came out is that it completely removes the uniqueness of characters. Because every character could get most skills, it turned them from characters to stat bots. Where as FGO, every servant has some unique skills, and you can’t just a take a great skill and give it to someone else. But powercreep is the big issue that “killed) FEH. I remember the controversy of Ayra and her CYH bst. So many characters I had are now irrelevant due bst and skills. I built a sword Corrin constantly upgrading him, but it doesn’t matter when new heroes were better in every way. But the biggest issue FEH has/had is that it doesn’t make me care for the characters. Unless I had already played that game, FEH gave me no reasons to care about them. Compare that to FGO or Honkai where the longer story allows me to grow invested in the characters.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Completely agree. FEH relies on the franchise itself to endear you to characters which is a big weakness
@Team5A5K 10 ай бұрын
I heard there was going to be a new endgame mode where you use your units to raise small gnomes who provide account-wide bonuses such as (Gnome's Wrath, Sol of the gnome, and Lunatic gnome true path) Super excited for the new update great video btw 8))
@auraswan951 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, a video like this reminds me of why I play FEH so infrequently. I dropped the game entirely to play Dragalia Lost when it was active because it was more user friendly for older units because you were equipping the skill (wyrmprints) and forgeable weapons for the characters. I've wanted to get back into FEH lately to satisfy an itch but the power creep is so not user friendly that units I was focusing on building up are straight no longer viable. This makes it basically a waste of the resources and time put into it.
@mr.erniexd590 10 ай бұрын
If Intelligence System wanted to focus on pvp for fire emblem, they should of made it into a MOBA and sell skin and battle passes.
@jigglyhamburgers9366 10 ай бұрын
It's criminal that IS hasn't put a fire emblem-like game mode into the game. Seers Snare/Tempest Trials is the closest they have come but imagine a game mode that plays like Hall of Forms, but the map is something like 16x16 (Similar to Resonance Battles) with a defeat boss objective instead of only route objectives. You should be allowed to build your own team for the event, but all units start at lvl 1 with no skills with bonuses coming from specific titles for some team diversities. Every 2 levels or so, the unit will gain one random (or you get to pick) skill one level at a time (atk/spd clash 1, then atk/spd clash 2 etc. not imediately jumping to atk/spd clash 4). During the event, if a unit falls in battle, they are gone for the rest of the run, however, you can gain prebuilt units every 7 or so levels. These units can be created/tuned by IS to be similar to units that join mid game in FE. They could make units that are already leveled and have some decent skills equipped or give you a unit that is really low level but has insanely strong skills that they can learn. At the end of the game mode, you can spend a forma soul or something similar to obtain a unit that you leveled (that way IS has a way to monetize the game mode). I believe that something like what is mentioned will not only draw in FE players, but also draw in new players as they have the opportunity to use units that they have never seen before. Tag on for any critiques or questions that you guys may have as a FE-like experience could really save the game.
@innocentshine2778 10 ай бұрын
100% agree with everything. I personally would've put powercreep in first, because if you think about it, why do people hate pvp so much? A big part of it is because you have to play against the meta, which is getting more and more annoying to deal with, and is polarized around the most broken stuff (usually the newest things) and the counters they're progressively selling to beat them. But I also agree that neglecting the PVE content is a big problem on its own. Although honestly I'm not sure how they could make a PVE mode that is interesting, challenging enough, that we get to play often and doesn't get too repetitive. Something I would've added even though it's tied to things you covered: It is getting increasingly harder to use your favorites, which is the n°1 thing most people like about this game to begin with. This is because of multiple reasons: skill powercreep that completely killed any possibility to use a budget build, combined with skill inheritances issues that you mentioned, plus now X skills, makes it so you need to spend tons of orbs just for 1 build (that will eventually be outdated); prf weapon/prf skill powercreep makes prfless or outdated prf units much worse than the gifted ones and forces you to get arcane weapons that are still worse than prfs; dragonflower investment necessary to use an older unit is completely out of control, has gone far beyond reasonable and will only get worse. Optimizing just one old or neglected unit is overall an insane commitment that isn't even rewarded properly. And it gets much worse if you think about it from a new players perspective. Something else about the new player experience that I've noticed, is that the story maps (usually the first thing a new player tries) are just way too easy it doesn't really make for an engaging gameplay experience. One time I tried to introduce someone to the game they quickly dropped it because they didn't find it interesting to steamroll everything with whatever free CYL unit they picked or any new unit they pulled. Especially since you usually start with the normal difficulty that is completely pointless, and have to do the same boring maps on all difficulties to get all the orbs.
@TheSilentChloey 9 ай бұрын
I think you hit the nail on the head, unfortunately I have pretty much given up on Heroes and only really have the short time spent on the PvE stuff. I still play but not as much as I used to and I almost never play the PvP modes if I can help it.
@BlutgangHer0 10 ай бұрын
Well said! As someone who both loves using faves and reaching top rank with them, it was a struggle for me to keep up with the SD meta due to its dynamic nature and I didn't feel like pulling for every meta unit or skill unless if I have to. Heck, I hadn't touched SDR/S for many moons until recently when I reached higher tiers thanks to a favorite of mine getting an OP refine. AR is still my favorite competitive mode since the player-made maps kept it engaging and I have no trouble consistently staying in VoH despite mostly using favorites over meta units thanks to experience, but I definitely agree that getting the Mythic merges can be daunting without luck on your side. Chaos is at least the closest we've gotten to a more balanced AR and I feel they should air it bimonthly instead of once per month but that's just me.
@lancezheng504 10 ай бұрын
got into FE from 3H and boy does FEH feel different, especially today. I tried to be competitive in PVP modes for a while and realized that it's not sustainable. I don't need a mobile game to become as taxing as all the other things I already need to worry about in life. I'm now just a casual player that dabdbles with real PVP modes only when I feel like it, which is roughly once a month. edit: oh yeah, I forgot to say that I agree with pretty much every point you made in this video. got a bit carried away, lmao
@ze_darku_magician5504 10 ай бұрын
What I would love to see from book 8: An actually good gripping story. If I don't have to cringe every 5s I am willing to read it. (I'm the kind of persons that reads Genshin Impact sidequest text even though I mostly don't care). Meaningful ways to interact with other players: (Borrow a unit from your friends list to play Arena or other modes for a match or two; In-game chat, etc...) If IS added an actual co-op mode were you could play alongside other players in real time and just have a blast flexing your dumb unit builds to each other that would literally change everything for me. I spent hundreds of hours of my life playing Bloons TD5 co-op on my old tablet starting with banana farms round 1 and watching the game devolve into a race about which player can amass the most money before we loose of not building new towers for 30 rounds. That was the shit and I enjoyed every second of it. Some game mode that incentivizes me to use the 50+ units I really like, have invested in and enjoy using but mainly just have withering away in my barracks because I pulled a newer, better and more fun unit. And I do not want this kind of "You can only use each character once and you have to play 7 matches in a row" sort of shit. I have 1 L!Eliwood and I after getting every single relevant unit in my barracks to exactly 63 atk I refuse to not have him in my team (this is 50% joke 50% truth). Shortened descriptions with keywords and a rule-book to look up keywords. And lastly: better skill inheritance. Make it cheaper to get skills and let us inherit more than 4 skills at a time (at least 5, preferably just all of them. I did spend my orbs summoning ALL of that unit after all so I want to be able to use ALL of that unit in some way or another). One Idea I had was to revamp the limited divine codes section entirely: Instead of having an assortment of (admittedly rather mediocre) units every month and unique codes for each months units I'd think they'd should make 1 singular code currency and have a weekly/monthly rotating shop of limited 5* manuals that are actually valuable. They can make them more expensive if need be but just make them useful. Maybe let us use that currency to easily buy lower tier versions of premium skills like Atk/Def Finish 3 and all the others that straight up don't even exist?
@tiredbunnyy 9 ай бұрын
Summoning really does hurt. I've had a few moments where I've summoned enough times to get a 5 Star...IF I bought FEH Pass. The worst summon session I had was in the Choose Your Legends Banner, which had the free 5 star after 40th summon. I had 30ish orbs, so I GRINDED until I had 130ish, I was on the last day when I got enough orbs, I was desperate to get ANY of the Brave units, I used all free tickets, ran out of orbs, grinded some more, I had the 3 Focus charge blue orbs lit up, and had nearly enough to get a 5 Star from summoning 40 times, I was maybe in my 35th summon, still had 3 Focus charge blue orbs lit up, I needed a few more summons to get a pity summon from BOTH the blue orbs and the 40th summon, but guess what? I spent so much time grinding, that I ran out of time and couldn't get ANY of the CYL Brave Units. I got maybe 4 non focus units out of 160ish orbs worth of summons. I kept summoning on that banner after spending all of the free tickets, ONLY because I had lit up all 3 Focus charge blue orbs after using all of my free tickets. All 3 within 20 summons. The blue orbs literally blue balled me into spending more orbs 😭!!! 1000% a scam for sure!!! Also slowly running out of ways to grind for orbs doesn't help.
@ACLozMusik 10 ай бұрын
I`m a 1-year old player and my fav things about FEH are: building units (more often the idea of doing it rather than actually doing it), Aether Raids as a kind of PvE game but where other people designed the map and the art they add to the franchise through new units and alts. I also have been using FEH Pass for a long while for a couple of reasons, but would most likely have stopped playing without it: - It takes away a lot of the tedious of the game thanks to auto - Extra resources - Being able to get Spark on most banners for a guaranteed reward Basically it allows me to get the +0 o +1 of Units I like and this keeps me interested in the game, and then looking to perform decently in the modes I care for and those that are good at rewards. Not looking to be number one or going out of my way for merges to gain extra score. New Refines and stuff keep me hocked into to seeing if there`s anything interesting to call future project, and then never actually build because of lack of resources. It`s crazy how many old Units I like I could potentially +10, just for the sake of it because I like them, but have to always put away because I`m always short on Feathers for scoring merge projects or inheritance. They wouldn`t even be good, yet I can`t do it. Rearmed/Attuned Heros are great for improving the foddering of skills, but then it only exposes how outdated and studpidly restrictive the inheritance system is because I have to save months to get a Young Mia copy to efficiently fodder A!Nino once. I also would have quitted without great and entertaining content creators that helped me understand modern Units in Keywords, breakdown newer Units, build posibilities and how unnecessarily complex and restrictive most scoring systems are. IS is really lucky to have such a dedicated community, otherwise the game would have broken apart much earlier. That being said, the content in the form mostly of art they provide and how they adapt thing of the mainline game into FEH is what I likely appreciate more of this game.
@human-user 10 ай бұрын
Superb analysis !! Let's hope some things improve soon.
@RL-vh8vd 9 ай бұрын
I'm a day one player of this game and used to play this game heavily, but have really only been opening the app for login bonuses for the last few months/years. I don't even do the quests or new campaign levels for the free orbs (not even if my favorite units are on a banner) because I don't see the value in doing them. Like you said, this is mostly because I despise pvp, especially if it's in a gacha game. There's no reason for me to dedicate any time to the game if pvp takes the center stage. The older pvp modes like arena and arena assault aren't really pvp - it's just a computer piloting a player's units - so I excused that and played those modes. But summoner duels really killed my enthusiasm for the game as it then became actual pvp. Now factor in all the other classic tropes of a gacha game - constant power creep, lack of premium skills/units for F2P, etc. and you have a recipe for disaster. I do hope that pve gets a larger focus but it can't just be new campaign maps or the same old auto battle ad infinitum. It has to be more engaging than that.
@Sunkenmaple98 10 ай бұрын
I came back to this game after the end of Gen 4 and I literally feel like a noob again, all my units get One-shot and can't kill anything.
@butthemeatwasbad 10 ай бұрын
You know, I tried getting into AR when it came out, but I felt like I didn't quite grasp it and I thought I was just missing some good units/buildings or something. So I stopped playing for a little to watch the meta evolve waiting for a spot to jump in, but the longer I waited the more daunting it became and now I haven't touched it in years.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Feh definitely has a problem with how game modes evolve and become more difficult to jump into. They need to add some kind of catch up mechanics to help
@NihilRefertSubSole13 10 ай бұрын
I was still playing until the end of reginn's book and the game died for me there. The game peaked for me personally in eir's era, and went downhill for me there until i realized i don't love playing the game anymore and it just become a routine. 3pm was the reset time in my country and it's precious time for me because i once was excited to play FEH every reset looking for banner predictions, event predictions and some competitive FEH CC's like akariss and guides by PM 1. I long since moved on from this game and i'm glad i did. Some things we must absolutely let go to move on.
@espada9000 9 ай бұрын
16:18 Let's not forget that most of the new skills that is very useful is not inheritable. That's obviously another big problem.
@Chronoflation 9 ай бұрын
I feel this video so hard. I downloaded the game again after giving it up 2 years ago and immediately had my maxed out character who I put full investment into, best skills, fully merged, summoner supported, getting one shot or just barely surviving a single combat encounter with an enemy that ace had a weapon triangle advantage against. I'm absolutely stunned by how far the power creep has gotten since I quit in late 2021 or maybe early 2022. I totally fell for the trap of P2W when I got crushed by a Gullveig who attacked me 2 or 3 times in a single turn without even using Galeforce. It's insane to me that the game has come to this. I'm about to delete it again, after I just finished the story, as I just am remembering so badly why I quit a few years ago. I saw the writing on the wall. But it's still amazing that I was able to make this character who could perform like a God on the battlefield tanking and striking back against some of the strongest enemies even if they had weapon triangle advantages against her suddenly getting destroyed by single units who she supposedly had an advantage against, and barely being able to scratch them when she attacked as well. This game had its heyday, but that is definitely far behind it and I am somewhat looking forward to IS closing down shop for it and letting it sunset. This is worse than YuGiOh powercreep
@farewell_youtube 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for a great video. The funny thing is, I just canceled my FEH Pass subscription myself last month. After seeing a new type of hero with "X-Skill", I knew I couldn't keep up with the game anymore. Like you mentioned, it would be killer if this game has new PvE mode. Just imaging a mode with large map, like in main Fire Emblem game. And you can build your team with all your favorite heroes up to 16-20 units to challenge it.
@reidskull5018 10 ай бұрын
It's unbelievable that we don't have a demote or grail with TP3 or Spiral 3. It makes it feel garbage to try to inherit the T4 version
@Susanoo_T 10 ай бұрын
I honestly agree with all of your points. This game needs some major changes regarding summoning, pve/pvp and skill accessibility to be able to have a consistent and growing playerbase. great video.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Thanks mneumvis! Hopefully we get some good changes with book 8
@fireembliam9090 10 ай бұрын
@heartofthefluft8541 9 ай бұрын
You did an amazing job, Oblivion K. I really liked this video, at the start I thought you were speaking more opinions as a jest, but after starting the second half, I can see you spitting some real true facts!!!! I agree with the summoning section, although it is much better now than in the past...I still hurt a bit when I cannot see the basic level 3 versions of a skill on the new 3/4 star rarity pool. Like come on, what's stopping IS from releasing Atk/Spd Catch on somebody like base Inigo now????? Now that we got the pretty shiny Prime skill 🤣🤣🥲🥲 I have to pull more orbs and SACRIFICE a New Hero I like having in my barracks???? 😢😢 I also like your study about the PvP and PvE section. I did not had any idea than the most successful Gacha online games are the ones who are based more in PvE INSTEAD of PvP...whoa. You opened my eyes. Thank you so much for everything ❤❤ it has been fun to listen to you, and also very informative. If I ever become a gameDev, I will make sure to make both kinds of gameplay fun...
@Bodybagfor8bucks 10 ай бұрын
The glossary idea would be absolutely fantastic. Start there and then work on the PvE modes. Competitive updates or new modes will most likely be controversial.
@mtxdarky 7 ай бұрын
As a new player saying the game is over complex is an under statement, i just play it for collections purposes ahaha
@giygas9305 9 ай бұрын
I remember having some fun playing this game about 6 years ago in High School and the memory is kind of nostalgic… but that was because it was my only only Fire Emblem game I could get :( some good memories, I can’t believe that was 6 years ago. Needless to say I don’t see how someone could play this game that much. It was pretty much a small time killer back then.
@Lukemyfather1 10 ай бұрын
One of the things you just barely said at around 28:00 is the "super hardcore" fanbase. Those people envelope the pvp community, and since they are hardcore, they will by far spend the most money on the game. The "I wanna summon who I like" will just have spikes every once in a while, or never, depending on what character they like. Its tough but, balancing making money and player enjoyment is a really big problem with gacha games, or games in general. So as much as I would wanna say "I would make PVE content if I were making a fire emblem mobile game", sadly there isnt much money in it
@espada9000 9 ай бұрын
25:31 Meanwhile FE Three Houses made the most sales out of all of them and I can definitely understand why.
@fosterthecat6625 10 ай бұрын
This video was so cathartic, I've played since day one fire emblem heroes and the idea of me waisting my life playing this game daily slowly got higher. Now I don't feel enjoyment playing nothing in this game, I only do it because is to late to leave it. I've decided since some months ago to not play at all AR or any game mode that doesn't have orbs as rewards, and it became more bearable. But at the same time is sad that the only thing that keep me hooked is the possibility to summon in the future. I remember the last time I got excited for feh was when Seer Snear mode appeared, it was just perfect, an opportunity to use all of your heroes, create fun strategies, 16 skills, options, bosses, great rewards and fun. What a shame they only release that game like 3-4 times... Also I want to adress other problems I got with feh, IS definitely lose the touch with fans, the stories are not good or worth the wait, each new OC seems to lose that care and detail based on mythology and now they tend to be a horny cash grab. Also I sincerely think that the new X slot will definitely kill feh, forcing another skill in the meta at this time of the run is illogical.
@fosterthecat6625 10 ай бұрын
I've just researched about Seer Snear and we only got that mode 3 times.... wow
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
@@fosterthecat6625 ya....
@benk50000 10 ай бұрын
I used to be super into AR and even managed to get a number of gold thrones but the powercreep just became to much. I stopped trying on light season after Embla made nearly all tanks useless and stopped trying all together after Freyr subsequently completely ruined my main set up for astral season. Recently I've also stopped trying in arena because the scoring system and bonus unit requirements are so restrictive that it forces me to run non-optimal kits and at least one unit I don't want to use which sucks out a lot of the fun that could go into team building for arena. I can get crowns if I want to, but doing so is not fun. Running synergetic teams or theme based teams of units I've also heavily invested in but don't score well is far more fun and I wish it wasn't punished so heavily. I do have a fairly synergetic "arena core" that can get me crowns but using the same three units every week gets boring and building multiple "arena cores" that score well and are fun to use is near impossible and a waste of limited resources.
@CASantos 10 ай бұрын
5:25 YES! They could reduce the new hero income, but yes you hit the nail on the head. We're not incentivized to use an array of heroes. Maybe some stuff like a more competitive(ish) mode on a big map, like GC/RD could incentivize it, especially with features like how Seer's Snare has the focus games.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Exactly, big maps are so underutilized
@CASantos 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight especially bc that's what feels the most like actual FE ☠️
@DubExp 7 ай бұрын
I been playing this game on and off for years. Take long breaks and come if something seems interesting. I can breeze through story on all difficulties. But the special maps that are 40+ plus I can barely do. I feel pretty "new" due how are far I'm behind beefing up units. But I agree with this all
@ccdtofer7259 10 ай бұрын
Great video overall ! I'm also feeling the same way about the game ! SO many stuff to rant about. I'm still enjoying the game to a certain point by merging and building my favorites. To do some new flashy build and try to beat invested players in AR and sometime in SD. It feel incredible to make a older units nobody believe in look OP. But this last year took aways a big part of my motivation... :/ I love to invest into units I like, to make some old book units very strong but I feel the powercreep litteraly force more and more player to pull for X or Y shiny toxic recent unit to be able to keep winning. Powercreep make a lot of people perform way more than they should and I gonna admit than loosing to players who still win with almost no effort just make me salty lol. I also hate colorshare a lot... D: They definitly try to do something about that to make it less painfull, like: You can trade 3 copie of the unit who share for 1 copie of the unit you want. I feel since years the game have QoL problem or just balance issue overall and they either never fixed it or just adresses it poorly... :/ It just give me the feeling they on greed mode and just try to pressure the whales, who are obsess on that rank1 from a biaised scoring system, to summon on everything to keep that ranking. Sorry if I offend someone with that, but I feel the ranking system is completly non-relevant in this game. :/ It seem IS clearly focus on pleasing those mega whale who just aim for a easy rank1. :/ I had some hope for the game when they started to add Arcanes and better inheritable T4 skills, but that was followed by a insane year of powercreep. Also, I recommend you to send them a Email with your video, it seem useless to some but I'm always encouraging people to express their opinion to them, more than once: fire-emblem-heroes-support@nintendo.co.jp
@giratinalight 10 ай бұрын
Yeah emailing them sometimes help tbh they do sometimes reply to it.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Thats a great idea
@MorganDeacetis 10 ай бұрын
Unfulfilled being the last song to play in the video seems about right... Excellent points, i concur.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
I'm glad someone caught that
@tritonslullaby 10 ай бұрын
I really like Limited Battles. It forces me to do title-themed teams that I don't often do (mainly because X unit from a different title has a skill I need). I often am frustrated when Binding Blade or the Jugrdal games land on the Abyssal map because I just don't have built units from those games. I'm willing to do it to an extent, but I need time to figure out teams or fodder (god forbid summon more). Remember Grand Hero Party? Give me that. Put all the maps up. Give me a year. And I can cycle through each map by beating them with different teams. Some will take longer than others.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
We need more limited battles tbh
@MonadoBoy42 9 ай бұрын
Nice video. I play feh to collect heroes and play some of the harder maps, but I just auto battle everything else and don't bother with PvP. I think the biggest issue for me is how complex the game has become, I can't really calculate what will happen now and it puts me off playing the harder maps even. Usually I just use 2 super tanky units with saviour, a healer and someone to take out the biggest threats. The most annoying thing I find is the damage reduction skills. You read that your hit will do 30 damage and come to the conclusion that you can defeat this enemy with what you have. Then it actually does 12 damage and you lose a unit. Why didn't the game just tell me that? I can no longer trust the games own battle previews. One thing I'd love to see now that we have a large cast is story chapters from older games being added, but with a few twists. You start at chapter 1/prologue with the units from that game at LV 1 and level then up while learning skills and recruiting new units like in a regular fire emblem game. If you haven't summoned many heroes then you have to use their base skills. But if you have a copy of that hero, then you can get them to learn any inherited skills that you gave them as well. You can promote into legendary or seasonal units later. For heroes you end up not using for that run, you can lock yourself out of using them in that run of the story for more SP, with summoned heroes granting more SP. Or transfer their skills and weapons to another hero that you will use for that run. And there's permadeath of course. Add in the usual alternate story routes, score systems so we can compete each week and all the dialogue from past games, etc. and I think it could be really good. It would be like playing through various fire emblem games at a quicker pace. We could finally experience FE 3, 4 and 5's stories legally! I think this could be really good fun, and IS would have the opportunity to add in new side stories where we can play as the villains or the legends of old etc. It would give me a reason to continue to build older units with the abyssal difficulty runs requiring a well thought out team with lots more summons and inherited skills to stand a chance. There would also be reason to return to these game modes once you have finished them on a certain difficulty. If a unit gets a new alt that they can promote into, you might be able to get a better score than last time. And IS could add in more side stories and alternate story routes over time.
@vicarious9416 10 ай бұрын
Great video and analysis. I agree 100%. Sadly, at this point I'm convinced IntSys is like a short-sighted greedy man who's reluctant to almost any form of advice, and only corrects themselves when it's suitable and/or profitable, giving us the absolute bare minimum. For them to change their ways would be truly something to behold, which is why this video is even more real and depressing. EDIT: Btw found you in SD-S last night, going into T23. You got me haha I was sloppy, GGs! :) hope the rest of the run went well!
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
Ya, I think a lot of game companies have become way to profit driven to the point they don't care about the product anymore. GG I tried to find you on discord, but I don't think we're in the same servers
@vicarious9416 10 ай бұрын
@@Oblivionknight I don't use Discord, I just kinda play my SD matches when I can haha.
@kel2502 9 ай бұрын
I remember playing this game at launch. I'm not the biggest fan of Fire Emblem, but I thought that this was an enjoyable game and I had some decent fun with it. Seeing how overly complex the game has become is really alienating, and I can't see myself getting back into it after all these years :(
@TrueTgirl 10 ай бұрын
Man, I more or less left this game behind around the time summoner duels started (edit: okay I just checked on the timelines and tbh I was barely still in by then, and my investment actually started to break about a third of the way through book 5), occasionally popping my head back in to play like 5-6 new story chapters and god knows how many paralogues every now and then, and it sounds like the stuff that drove me out is *still* going on, and worse than ever. It just makes me sad, honestly. My favorite thing to do was make theme and/or crossover teams of characters I love, and this includes quite a few FEH originals! I really like Fjorm and Laejarn! I enjoy the four fairy dancers! Eir speaks to me on an oddly personal level! But none of them have ever, or likely will ever, reached anything even close to their full potential as characters. But, to my previous point: my favorite way to play, with fun and interesting teams that I put care and joy into making so that I can then take them up against the odds and figure out how to win (y'know, like how I play main series FE games), just gets spit on at nearly every turn. The turns where it's not being spit on only lead into long-abandoned shacks that are falling apart. Just. Gods. It makes me so sad.
@charlieal2jr 10 ай бұрын
Oh that story point you made was really good. That's been a weak point for a long time, even if I missed story for a few months it really didn't feel like I missed much. As an interesting point when they brought over Alphonse and Veronica to the Dragalia Lost crossover they gave them story and that finally gave some much needed character development, at least of course in my opinion.
@Flutterdark_ 10 ай бұрын
feh is more complicated then yugioh cards at this point. and yugioh gets memed at times for the REDICULOUS long card texts
@TheZintastic 10 ай бұрын
I've been playing a bit over a year now and I look ENVIOUSLY at your 7.4k Sacred Coins... As for the powercreep, can't say I disagree. I feel it's expected with gachas, but nevertheless. Female Shez was my first +10 3-4 star unit, by some miracle, and because of that I decided to build her up. And with a perfect timing as well since I managed to get the final copy of her just a bit before the release of Ganglöt and Arcane Downfall, which she then inherited. In the end I fully invested into her, build ended up being: Arcane Downfall (spd), GLR, AS Finish, QR 4 and Spd Smoke, and she also received the (then max for her) +5 flowers as well . And for a long while whenever I needed a melee axe unit, I had just the girl for the job! ...And because of that it's honestly sad to confess that she just ain't the same beast she used to be anymore... Quite frankly, she dies (even in PvE) far too easily nowdays. I COULD upgrade her once the next (probably spd based) axe comes, or just give her her PRF back and give her Vital Astra, but honestly... I feel like it's just better to let her be as she is rather than desperately trying to keep her relevant by foddering every new hero into her, no matter how much I like her. And this pretty much sucks since the thing I like the most in FEH is building up my favorites and having fun with 'em. And in that sense it's kinda horrifying that the oldest Arcane Weapons, the things that were meant to (quote on quote) save older units, have now been powercrept so much that they kinda make much of a difference really.
@Oblivionknight 10 ай бұрын
feels bad for sure. I've felt that way about a lot of my favorites too
@MitoRequiem 9 ай бұрын
I think youre absolutely right on the story and PvP focus combo, the story if FEH has never been interesting to me after Book 3 and I don't see too many people covering the books or doing any retrospectives passed Book 2(please correct me if im wrong) I prefer Fighting games for my PvP so playing a PvP focused gacha of my favorite franchise that is mostly PvE makes me a bit sad
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