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Homemade Wanderlust

Homemade Wanderlust

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@cindella204 Жыл бұрын
As someone with chronic health issues, I prefer to solo so I don't have to be self-conscious about taking lots of rest breaks. In July, I did a trail in the White Mountains where I was stopping every quarter of a mile during the steepest part, which probably would have been infuriating for someone else. But I had a great paperback with me, the weather was nice, and I was able to summit a (small) mountain without aggravating my health problems and feeling sick later in the day. I appreciate the tips :)
@Maydoggie Жыл бұрын
Same here. I don't get to go backpacking much anymore. Last time I went, I was stopping every 50-100 yards to catch my breath on the long uphills. I know that wouldn't be fun for someone else.
@amberbydreamsart5467 Жыл бұрын
I don't.. thiiink I have any specific health issues, but I'm relatively out of shape and hate uphills so I do this too just to let my heart and breath catch up with the slope.. if it's steep enough I count out 50 steps between 1 minute breaks. Whatever gets you up the hill!
@juliamarple3785 Жыл бұрын
EXACTLY! 1st I went out by myself so I didn't have to get on a syncronated schedule with others, but then, MY ARTHRITIS. Sometimes I can hike 1/2 a mile before I hobble back in pain, and sometimes I can hike 9 miles. I couldn't be a trustable hiking buddy for someone else.
@boromirofmiddleearth557 Жыл бұрын
awesome way to make things work for yourself!
@dagnolia6004 Жыл бұрын
@@juliamarple3785 huzzah to you for hiking that HALF mile!!!!
@bigchief4044 Жыл бұрын
I started backpacking alone because I was tired of not going while waiting for other people to be available someday.
@themaestro3034 5 ай бұрын
Its definitely a problem waiting on other people to get their sht together to go or even in the morning on the trails.
@wakeandblakevideo Жыл бұрын
Aaron plugging himself in for "there have just been a few that I get some off vibes from" was awesome. Well done. (6:10)
@stanbyme7874 Жыл бұрын
Hey y’all! I’ve bad depression. Bought ton of backpacking stuff 2017. Still haven’t hit trail. When I see a video & hear "hi y’all" life becomes a wee bit brighter. Thank you for sharing. I’ve learned a lot for that future trip (outside 😬)
@NeilEvans-xq8ik Жыл бұрын
I'll do it if you will, buddy. I'm subscribing to your channel. Film your trip, upload it, we'll chat there.
@marywilliams3772 Жыл бұрын
I hope you can get out soon! Maybe a short trip to start, but do go!
@jgalt99 Жыл бұрын
Take a short hike with the intention of camping outside, but where you could easily get back to your vehicle if you just weren't feeling it. My first hiking experience was a few weeks after I got back home from Iraq and it was a really bad time in my life. Being out in nature alone was such a positive experience, (even though I was totally unequipped, wearing jeans, had my sleeping bag wrapped in a garbage bag on the outside of my pack because it was a walmart synthetic bag that wouldn't fit in my pack, and I had random pots from my house to cook in, and no stove, ball park franks to eat along with actual cans of beans, etc) it reaffirmed my faith in life. It was not type 1 fun at all. I hiked maybe 7 miles to a stream and collapsed in agony and didn't emerge from my tent for 11 hours. I carried over 60lbs of gear for a 2 day, 1 night hike and had visions of roasting hot dogs and black beans over a wood fire I'd build. I got lost on easy trails and bushwhacked over a mountain completely draining my phone doing gps maps. It was amazing. Life can be wonderful or awful. When it's really awful it's so hard to see the parts that are wonderful. You don't feel you even deserve it to be wonderful or even OK. But you need to get away from that and just immerse yourself in a situation where there is a potential for wonderful things to occur. Take your gear and maybe have an awful experience amidst wonderful nature. It won't be awful by the time you get home.
@corposant Жыл бұрын
Or if the idea of solo backpacking is not something you are ready for, Meetup is a fantastic resource for all manner of activities including hiking and backpacking. It's how I was able to get into these activities and I have learned so much from all sorts of people. I cannot say enough about it, though I definitely credit Dixie for providing me with a great deal of information so as to be ready to go backpacking. I had really bad social anxiety and it prevented me from enjoying these wonderful things, but I cultivated the strength to do so and it has done wonders for me; mind, body and spirit. I hope you get out there!
@kjbdn Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you have such strong depression. I have found that being outdoors is a great remedy for depression. And, I've also discivered that when I don't feel like getting out, that's when I really, really need to get out. Best wishes to you.
@sherilgreen7495 Жыл бұрын
Dixie, you have inspired this 88 year old former girl scout to take up backpacking again. I'm in the process of acquiring lightweight equipment that l will be able to carry easily. Right now it is too hot to do a lot of hiking but I will be ready when fall comes. Thanks so much for the advice and encouragement.
@kjbdn Жыл бұрын
Good for you!!!!! 😁 Go for it!!!!!
@SassySquatchHiker55 Жыл бұрын
Good for you! I am 60 and most of my friends are younger and still most think I am crazy for my love of hiking. I love to hike and I feel a need to be alone to clear my mind and soothe my soul.
@teslah2997 Жыл бұрын
wow, so you are 88 amd still able to hike?!?? This gives me hope that I will still be able to be active for many more years. I am 72, female, and walk everyday, usually about 3 miles, sometimes more. Do you workout at a gym or what tips do you have for me so that I might still be hiking/walking miles every day at your age
@teslah2997 Жыл бұрын
@@SassySquatchHiker55keep on trucking…..don’t listen to the naysayers
@memathews Жыл бұрын
Congrats on restarting your backpacking! You'll be astounded how lightweight the equipment is these days. Mature women are easily 30% of the hours I see as a Forest Service wilderness volunteer, so you should have plenty of company on the trails. I'm a couple months shy of 70, myself, so you are my newest hero!
@syberphish Жыл бұрын
Omg yesss blanket forts are the best!! My daughter and I love making those. I keep my earbuds in when on the trail at night. It's like Jurassic Park, but different. If I can't hear them, they can't see me! 😆I'm 6'7" and I'm still scared of the dark, go figure.
@shmerelize 2 ай бұрын
I was about to comment about the fun blanket fort!
@LMay64 Жыл бұрын
Great tips! Thank you so much for mentioning that music and podcasts are fine for the folks that bring it along. I've read that it makes others "sad" to see hikers on trail with ear buds in. Well, it could make me sad to see other people carry heavy packs or perhaps bring a chair that I personally wouldn't bring, but its their choice and in no way affects me. So I don't feel anything and try not to judge. It's their hike and their comfort. Same with my earbuds. It really does assist me with motivation and distraction when conditions get tough. I tend to get into my own head when I'm tired or sore. A bit of music helps establish a better pace and picks up my spirits. Good tip though about keeping the volume low enough for safety reasons and to be aware at all times of surroundings. Another reason I've found earbuds useful is they discourage strangers on trail from trying to engage or beginning a conversation with me. I've put the earbuds in without any media playing just to discourage interaction if I don't feel like saying hello to everyone who may pass me on trail. I know it sounds a bit anti social, however a few trails are far too busy or crowded and I'm out there to get away from other folks. I'm able to smile or nod at folks without feeling obligated to speak.
@roydane9861 Жыл бұрын
How ironic. I'm doing a solo hike of the Porkies ( Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park in The U.P of Michigan ) when I found I had service, and this awesome video popped up. Thanks Dixie !! I would also recommend that if you are doing a long hike ( a week or more ), you should probably have a few people that you send a text to every night to let them know you're OK. Also, keep a journal!! Years after your hike, you can pull it out and relive it in your own words. It's also a good reference for future hikes if you write down what worked and what didn't.
@Greywulff58 Жыл бұрын
My “caterpillar” was once a porcupine 😂 and another time, a moose. 😳 Heading to Iceland next week to solo hike the Laugavegur and I just wanted to thank you, Dixie for the inspiration. I did my first solo hike at 17 up the Hoh River in Olympic National Park. I dreamed of thru-hiking the PCT. I have done many solo backpack trips since then but as years passed - life, work, injuries, illnesses, age and an f’g pandemic happened. I thought at age 64 my solo backpacking days were done but then your channel turned up in my feed. Watching your trips stirred something in me, rekindling a passion for the solitude of wild places and seeing you fed a tiny, faltering belief that I could regain the capacity to have those experiences again. When I saw your video on the Laugavegur, I knew I wanted to go. I started training six months ago, lost 20 lbs and and last week, did a 10 mile, 2,000 ft elevation day hike with my fully loaded pack - and felt pretty darn good the next day. So, I’m headed to Iceland next week but my happiness is rimmed with sorrow because my spouse recently received a life-altering diagnosis and while we can’t know the future, I am grateful to be in a position to do this hike now while it’s still a possibility. Without your inspiration, I probably would have missed this opportunity. Thank you, Dixie. May you be happy, healthy, safe and at peace in your life.
@musingwithreba9667 Жыл бұрын
I love hiking solo. I'm an introvert, and generally don't like people 😉 Plus, I only have a couple of friends who like hiking, and they have other responsibilities that I don't (ie: children and/or partner) so can't always get out with me. I have never yet listened to music or podcasts or anything while I'm on trail. I prefer to be able to hear if a bear or axe murderer is trying to sneak up on me 🤣 I like the sounds of nature, thats why I'm there. If I was out for a 6 month thru-hike, I may change my tune! I'll let you know. There is nothing more empowering than a solo hike. Whether it's 1 night, 1 week, or 1 thru-hike.
@floorticket Жыл бұрын
I took "hiking alone" to mean the actual walking part. Camping I prefer to do with other people. Hike separately, camp together.
@michymoo839 Жыл бұрын
So timely! I recently had someone tell me I was stupid for hiking alone. Seriously. Squirrels romping around in dry leaves can sound like a menace to society.
@Swearengen1980 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I still hear it from my mom, even at 43. Not the hiking part really, but camping in BFE alone. I grew up in the country, I trust no one, and I'm always well armed (even when backpacking). I'm not letting the what-ifs of ill intended people ruin my life. Sure, killings do happen around the AT, but the odds are like being bitten by a shark. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions go to the beach in Florida and you hear of maybe one incident a year with a shark. The odds are so low, it's just not worth stressing about. Some people are just worry worts.
@amberbydreamsart5467 Жыл бұрын
I had my brother in law's mom get in hysterics about the concept as well. She was especially worried about the other people I might meet on the trail... I don't understand how people think I'm in more danger from people far away from civilization on trails that it's hard to get to than I am living the rest of my life in a large city. I'm seeing a fraction of the people and the people I'm seeing also had to put in some real effort to get here. I'm far more worried about widowmakers or ticks than people
@michymoo839 Жыл бұрын
@@amberbydreamsart5467 Exactly! I have met the most amazingly wonderful and genuinely kind people while backpacking. Not something I come across much in my “regular world”.
@grumpygord Жыл бұрын
I have been backpacking for 30 years and I have hiked with someone else about five times. I do agree that sometimes it is nice to have someone else at the campsite. I have had a couple of times when I was sorry that I had someone else at the campsite. Some people just don't know when to shut up.
@emmajoy1752 Жыл бұрын
As someone with asthma/medical issues/allergic reactions, don’t forget to have a safety plan in place when solo! I always make sure I have a clearly marked med bag in case someone else needs to get my epipen or inhaler, and also make sure to listen and trust my body so I know if leaving earlier would be a good choice :) I’m also one who likes to be 3-5+ miles from the trail head, but for now I’m still learning where my body’s limits are I go to national parks that have pretty solid cell service!
@emmajoy1752 Жыл бұрын
Also consider some sort of med-alert badge (like a Road ID, or something similar) so, if someone crosses you while in a med emergency, they can have info as quickly as possible
@g.f.peterman4165 Жыл бұрын
I've been hiking since the mid '70s and I've always liked to hike alone. While it is nice to have companionship at night, I only hike with very close friends when I go with others. As I've grown older more and more of my trips are solo because most of my close friends have quit backpacking. One of the highlights to me is the feeling of self-sufficiency that comes from solo hiking. A perfect trip is one where I am alone from the time I leave my car until I get back (only hike 3-4 day trips).
@heatherann4390 Жыл бұрын
I am very used to and prefer hiking in remote places by myself but the further out I go the more I worry about black bears and grizzly bears in Canada and possibly even a polar bear if I go way up north which would be AMAZING. So I joined a hiking group and I am going to take a Bear Awareness course and a remote wilderness first aid course. I am so excited.
@susietopspin Жыл бұрын
I love hiking by myself. I do sometimes listen to music or a book reading but mostly not. Maybe in my tent, at night if I am solo. Thanks and happy trails.🤘🏻🥾⛰️
@samgoeshiking Жыл бұрын
I agree with camping with others but I prefer hiking alone. I like to enjoy the wilderness by myself, go at my own pace, take breaks as I want them. But it's fun to have dinner with others.
@RyanSchell Жыл бұрын
I really liked the extra battery power tip. Never thought about that and makes good sense. Thank you!!
@erict5878 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff Dixie! I absolutely LOVE hiking alone. I find so much peace in it, I am not a " get from A to B" the fastest way person. I really enjoy walking slow and taking in EVERY bit of Mother Nature that I encounter. THIS is why I hike alone! I don't get out often so I NEED to enjoy every step along the way! I walk slow so I can take in every moment of my adventure. I carry a Garmin mini so I know I'm good no matter where I go.
@lisawoodward1892 Жыл бұрын
Great advice! Thank you so much! Thoroughly enjoy all your very informative videos!
@rjhikes6248 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget pepper spray and your HW neck knife 🤗👍❤️
@rickkaylor8554 Жыл бұрын
Good advice for anyone wanting to go it alone. I've been backpacking solo since I was 17 (I'm 67 now) and have always enjoyed it more than when I backpacked with others. Backpacking solo really helps get you in tune with the natural world. It is amazing how your hearing and eyesight change when you aren't distracted by other people and sounds. I highly recommend it.
@KimberlyGreen Жыл бұрын
We need to get Dixie a greenscreen for building her tent fort. Then Aaron can lay in all kinds of fun backgrounds from previous hikes, etc.
@dagnolia6004 Жыл бұрын
nah, i like the blanket fort.....
@KimberlyGreen Жыл бұрын
@@dagnolia6004 Oh I love it too. I was just thinking how fun it would be to have different scenes projected behind her. Like Daisy running in the snow, etc.
@dagnolia6004 Жыл бұрын
@@KimberlyGreen oh you are so creative! i would never have thought of that!!!!
@memathews Жыл бұрын
Sound booth 🎙️
@RovingReader Жыл бұрын
Nah, this is way more fun :)
@edhespin4104 Жыл бұрын
Good tips. I camped and dirt bike Colorado, Arizona, California for weeks alone when no one to go with. It was a little dangerous because a little old and I crashed often on the difficult trails. If injury(rairly) or horrible weather was predicted for many days I'd get a room. Eventually I became decent on my motorcycle and expert at truck camping. I paid my dues, eventually I was proficient. I would have made a good trail angel.. I would forage mushrooms around day break, go exploring on dirt bike for a few hours. Later in day camp life and cook up a storm. Dutch oven. Banana bread split pea soup, beef stew, things like that. Some of the best times of my life. The only animals that scared me was mountain lions. I would prefer looking at a bear, a rattlesnake. Racoons were a real camp problem. Never feed them. They are camp raiders, thief's. Dangerous because they will come up to you while you're eating. I've had them right next to me in the dark and I didn't know they were there. They have rabies more than you think.. I ran into them foaming at the mouth acting bad in Florida and other states. . I never had a human frightening me on the trail, every one was nice or quiet. A woman would have to be more careful than a man in some areas, obviously. Sorry for long response Dixie delete if to weird. Playing on sailboat with my dog in the heat wave. Love from south Louisiana
@dawnsteisslinger353 Жыл бұрын
I hear ya on those raccoons. I had one come to my campsite a few times in same night. First time he wanted to steal my bag with my leftover food off the bench. I waved my hot dog stick at him telling him to go away. He came back again and I did the same. Next night he came back but I’d used my stove that night and had taken food for a sunset. So when he came and I said I had nothing he believed me that time. Nothing to smell.
@paulkick7870 Жыл бұрын
Nice fort!
@LostAgainwithJim Жыл бұрын
I prefer to not listen to anything. Even on long hikes. But that’s just me. Everybody’s different!!
@jodibillingsley Жыл бұрын
I'm the same way! I thought I would love to listen to music, I even got a beanie that had built-in speakers but I still didn't enjoy it. I truly want to just listen to nature. Or my thoughts 🤣🧡
@Stoney_AKA_James Жыл бұрын
I agree, it's much harder to have situational awareness when your blocking your sense of hearing.
@philipreasons3298 Жыл бұрын
Fun blanket fort
@shawnieadams1319 Жыл бұрын
I love that Perk and Aaron footage is used for avoiding the weirdos. 😆💗 Thanks for the great info.
@wyodrill8447 Жыл бұрын
I have been using the spot for 15 or more years (since I first found it) it works around the world. Gives me peace of mind in all my solo adventures. Also using lithium batteries gives extra long life. Set up in the dark and wakening in the morning is a surprise to see where I am in the daylight. Fun!
@kathycasey9153 Жыл бұрын
All good advice Dixie. I live directly across from New York City. I have come across Copperhead snakes on every hike I have taken on the Palisades. Every hike has its challenges.
@camillecarlson3858 Жыл бұрын
I always solo! It’s easy to find friends for day hiking but overnight adventures I’m on my own.
@bobmalk1 Жыл бұрын
Great advice for all. I’ve done and loved solo backpacking late in life, but she has distilled down great advice I have given to others. Also saw a video clip from the shelter above Burke’s Garden on the AT in VA. A very great place.
@francesprice618 8 ай бұрын
Second time I have watched this video (I've watched quite a lot of them more than once), and your blanket tent made me smile all over again. Thanks, Dixie. 😊
@richardmorris127 Жыл бұрын
Great tips as always! When I arrive at the trailhead I like to leave my itinerary, emergency contact number at home and my cell number on a note I tape to the inside of my car window. When I'm on a new trail I like to stop periodically and take pictures of the trail behind me. Especially so when I come to unanticipated detours or forks in the trail.
@JW-lw8pc Жыл бұрын
Love hiking to music . It's my peace on earth
@rjensen2586 Жыл бұрын
I love listening to podcasts for two main reasons: to keep me company and to keep bears away
@rjensen2586 Жыл бұрын
And I also just wanna say how much I love the FREEDOM of getting out there by myself. Setting my own pace and sleeping wherever the hell I feel like it that night is so liberating as a woman and a human being.
@amberbydreamsart5467 Жыл бұрын
Great advice! I can highly recommend starting out on a little, one night trip like you said, that's how I eased into it! My mom isn't a fan of camping at all and I actually hadn't tent camped in the wilderness ever before when I went out for my first solo camp, hoping to graduate into multi-day backpacking. I went to Paris Mountain State Park in SC, which has a handful of hike-in sites 2-2.5 miles away from the nearest parking lot. It was a trail I'd walked a dozen times before, and I was pretty certain I could get back to my car by the light of my phone flash in the middle of the night if I had to. That certainty made it a lot less intimidating, and I had a great time! I haven't done anything super crazy since then, 2 years ago now, but I've done a half dozen single-night trips, one 3 night trip and one 2 night trip, and had a great time! I'm still figuring stuff out and trying to get in shape to enjoy my time out there better, and I'm hoping to aim for a first weeklong thru hike of a trail this next spring - could be one of 2 different trails, depending on circumstances
@judyjrasmussen339 Жыл бұрын
Very good advice. I love car camping by myself- with dogs. Able to be selfish then. Have done backpacking overnight with others but that usually means I can’t bring my pups. I am encouraged now that I may want to backpack/ hike alone, with or without my trusty canine companions. Since one is a truly reliable storm “alert”;dog who tells me 15-20 minutes in advance of any approaching serious storm - to get in the tent by his motions & alerts, maybe I will try to be a 1-dog hiker/backpacker soon!
@cachemacstrailtime Жыл бұрын
My favorite is "take precautions, but don't stress." I took this one to heart on my last section through the Wind Rivers Range. If you listen to others about this area, you would never hike it. I knew I needed 6 days of food other than that I went with the flow each day. It was amazing. Thanks Dixie!
@josephdragan7734 Жыл бұрын
An audible book can be a real pleasure as you relax in your shelter. A luxury that doesn't weigh one extra gram!
@patrickvanderhyde Жыл бұрын
I backpacked the JMT alone and enjoyed it a ton. Dixie gets to an issue I had to learn - don't ask others - especially women (if you are a guy) where they are going to stay or going to. I guarantee that if you are respectful of others, you will create friendships on trail - probably some of the best ones of your life. Most people are good and 99 percent of backpackers are great but not all. So... guys. When you encounter solo female hikers. - give plenty of space, listen for any queue to move on or away and don't give advice or mansplain unless asked.
@gmonteith Жыл бұрын
My first backpacking trip was with my 15-year-old daughter, at Isle Royale National Park, in 2001. I was hooked and couldn't wait to go backpacking again. Every trip in the 22 years since has been by myself. While my wife has never been crazy about me going off alone, I have done it for so long now I can't imagine what it would be like to have to share a schedule with somebody else.
@colettelongo2080 Жыл бұрын
Im a 62 yof and i hike and bike tour alone. I like being able to take a break from the busy world. I'm glad to know there are many others doing it.
@carolynmetzler8980 9 ай бұрын
Another safety hint - as a solo woman backpacker, when I come to a road crossing I stay back, hidden, until there is no traffic before I cross. That way nobody sees me and might follow me in. Canyonelder
@NorthWoodsWalks Жыл бұрын
As far as backpacking goes, I don't care if someone else is going with me. But I'm not waiting for a partner, either. That being said, I've never had a designated partner, but I've made tons of friends along the way. 😊 And as for music, I like to hear my surroundings, especially when I hiked the AZT this past spring. The rattler fear is real! ...but, on my last day, a 21 mile hike into Oracle (God I miss Q!) I popped in some earbuds and blissed out for a few miles. Everything in moderation!
@richardwysocki8300 Жыл бұрын
Like your studio (almost as much as your cool multi-colored braid). Great tips, too!
@Wondering_Fireball Жыл бұрын
Leaving no trace is the most important tip. If no one knows you were there . No one can stalk you! We have lost so many wildlife creatures because they have become dependent on us being on trail.what a waist of life that could have been prevented. Thank you for tips and wisdom of hiking on trail as a solo being!
@backpacker3421 Жыл бұрын
Yup. I'm one. Definitely a solo hiker.
@roncross1945 Жыл бұрын
So many times I have tried to get people to hike with me and they always had excuses. Now, I decide when I’m going, give an invitation and if they join me, fine, if not, I’m going! All your tips were good.
@oscar3eyes Жыл бұрын
Alone on the trail, especially in isolated areas, I sing!
@Jermeister Жыл бұрын
The Blanket Fort is back! ❤🥰
@JamieHitt Жыл бұрын
I’ve taken on the role as the official scout for a multitude of possible group trips with my friends and family. My “job” is to gather information. Create detailed maps of every point of interest, every potential hazard, water sources, potential campsites, etc. That idea of “being on a mission” is what keeps me company during those solo adventures. It keeps me focused and energized. I purposefully move at a quicker pace and deny myself the opportunity to fully “take in” the scenery. That way I have saved it all to enjoy later during the group trip and I won’t suffer that “been there/done that” feeling. The other upside is that I am somewhat over-prepared for those solo trips. And I am hyper aware of potential hazards, because people are depending on me to make note of them. It’s been my system now for the last eight years. And it has worked out great.
@georgemartin1498 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Dixie! I’ve been soloing for decades for all the reasons you mention, with one personal caveat: I enjoy going along with just me and my mind but my mind doesn’t seem to like it 🤔😁
@anulacourtistownboard Жыл бұрын
Great video, I am a solo hiker and appreciate these tips.
@ronaldrose7593 Жыл бұрын
Hello 👋 Dixie, thank you for sharing this, most informative, video. You always do a great job. Stay safe and healthy out there. Don't forget your sunblock. 🤗
@meredithheath5272 Жыл бұрын
Ill bet, as a very small young girl, you started making those blanket forts! Thank you- Ya'll❤
@Jermeister Жыл бұрын
I agree with you, Dixie, and practice the habit of being a tad aloof when asked by another hiker where my plan to head to is. I do provide the general direction, in case they might have useful information about what lies ahead, but I mix it up by also saying that I might be taking other routes in that area: _"I haven't quite decided yet"_ 🙂🙏
@jasonfitzpatrick414 Жыл бұрын
99.9 percent of the time i go alone. I dont have to wait on others to find the time. I have my pace and others have their pace. I prefer the quiet. She seems happy, is it the blanket fort or did she get engaged? Dixie should try bike packing, the silver comet trail is pretty cool to ride. I get angry when im tired so hiking with a crowd on a long trip just would not work.
@mirandaprak2110 Жыл бұрын
Just finished some beautiful hiking alone in Scotland. Its bliss to be by myself a couple of days and I agree with all Dixie says. My biggest issue with hiking alone is my lack of concentration, which leads to making lots of extra miles to find my sunglasses, hat, sittingmat, poles etc. Thats the only time I miss someone to help me think.
@tomellis3218 Жыл бұрын
Your videos are so educational & you are such a good story teller. Love it. 😊
@EatCarbs Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video
@JimRodgers Жыл бұрын
Great tips! I've been backpacking solo a lot more in recent years. I started downloading movies to watch before turning in at night. Comedies and action movies are great distractions from the quiet moments.
@elisaadams2292 Жыл бұрын
I run a Facebook group for older women and this is probably one of their number 1 concerns. Thank you for addressing the issue. Happy Trails.
@gordond8 Жыл бұрын
During the daylight find the privy, at nighttime in a rush is not the best time. If no privy, have an idea where to go for a safe distance from the camp area and a safe distance from closest water source.
@michael-ms4ho Жыл бұрын
Thanks Dixie prefer hiking myself as well appreciate the tips
@Vikiwastestime Жыл бұрын
Love the blanket fort! Good info...
@SCSlimBoiseID Жыл бұрын
Was that the "Big Agnes" blanket fort? 🤣Looks like it wasn't too difficult to set up. Either way - solo or with A friend (as in ONE) is fine by me. Groups are nice around campfires, but I'd rather schlogg out the miles by my lonesome, or with ONE like-minded buddy. Cheers.
@motorolas Жыл бұрын
75% of my trips are hiking solo. It's great being able to be in my own thoughts. With the purchase of a Satellite communicator, I'm encouraged to get out more often in the next few season.
@NotYou9311 Жыл бұрын
I mostly just leave the electronics turned off, when on trail. Mostly. Being alone with my own thoughts is usually enough - but my thoughts, to be honest, aren't that exciting. So, occasionally, it helps to listen to music or watch Dixie on a video, or something. 😊 Or, maybe, film myself as I go through my day, so I can produce videos that hundreds of thousands of people would love to watch. (Just kidding about that one - I would NEVER want to see such video, let alone anyone else !)
@frisk151 Жыл бұрын
Love your new studio!! :) Good info as always!
@dagnolia6004 Жыл бұрын
that pic of Perc coming up out of the water!!!!!
@JohnClutch1 9 ай бұрын
Nice tarp system! 😊
@joanhennes2249 Жыл бұрын
Great info Dixie! I've solo hiked a lot srltarting at age 18. Some additional things I've practiced are to stay alert. That means, stay sober unless you are around people you can trust. Make sure you know your water sources. Try to get up early and start hiking. BTW, you are amazing!
@brucewarren5248 Жыл бұрын
Good thoughts. Thanks.
@jurassicstroller803 Жыл бұрын
As far as being selfish goes; let others be selfish too. Pay attention to social cues. If others don't want to talk to you don't try harder. Say goodbye and get on down the trail. I know I appreciate that the occasional times when I want to stay in my head.
@wgrish3619 Жыл бұрын
These are great tips. I'm not quite as nice as Dixie in responding to someone who asks where I plan to camp or hike. I would suggest being honest about not providing that information or that answering such a question makes me uncomfortable. I think it's important to let people know it's not as innocent (or appropriate) a question as they may think.
@garthrogers2269 Жыл бұрын
As I've gotten older, my preferences have changed towards hiking alone. With modern safety devices like e-purbs, its far safer than it used to be if things turn to crap.
@mayfieldcourt Жыл бұрын
Good advice, thank you!
@alangauld6079 Жыл бұрын
I'm easy about solo or accompanied hikes. But I keep it to one or at most two companions. Also I tend to keep my solo trips to less than a week, if its more than that I try to find a companion. (Although the longer the trip the harder they are to find!) I do most of your "tips" although we don't really have any danerous wildlife in the UK, and an angry farmer with a shotgun is probably the biggest threat! I also don't carry an inreach type device because I Ieave a route card in my car (or at home if not using the car) and we are rarely more than a days hike from civilisation in these parts (plus an inreach costs about as much as my entire gear load!).
@yousweetpotato1 Жыл бұрын
Love how much of this advice is about my relationship with myself, setting intentions, and preparing to avoid ways that people frequently beat themselves up. Love the tips about taking advantage of rare freedoms, too. Such thoughtful and beautiful advice as always, Dixie. Thanks!
@Go_Boltz89 Жыл бұрын
I solo hike all the time because of the freedom of choice it provides but really want to backpack by myself and have been thinking about it a lot recently, I am taking this video as a sign, hopefully before the summer is over I get a chance to get out there.
@jasonfitzpatrick414 Жыл бұрын
You can walk two or three miles into the woods and stay overnight to get the experience.
@Get_Some_Nature Жыл бұрын
Blanket Fort!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@janwaller3585 Жыл бұрын
Great points !
@claramullen Жыл бұрын
When I thru hiked the A.T. alone back in 1979 we had only a little over 300 people on trail that year. So I didn't see many on trail my whole hike.
@michaelcrawford9425 Жыл бұрын
Great tips Dixie!
@doylehignite6073 Жыл бұрын
Generally, I prefer to hike with my kids and without electronics. But, when i don't have them, hiking alone is also perfectly fine too.
@2sennheiser Жыл бұрын
Some southern thruhike blanky tent therepy right here😁
@duseylicious Жыл бұрын
Haha, I love moo’ing at the cow, hoping it talk back after being alone on train for too long 😂
@MinibikeMike-c1k Жыл бұрын
Dixie the older you get the prettier you get one gorgeous creature
@machineman6498 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this
@sonofagun9856 Жыл бұрын
hi dixie i've been catching up with your content and i have been loving it, keep up the great work and i look forward to what you have planned in the future love from England 🥰
@ironpig701 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this great video. Gave me some food for thought with asking about somebody's plans. Yes its just an honest question not in a stalker way but I can see where one can be concerned.
@hengis73 Жыл бұрын
Ha. I thought you were in your van in dark mode. Now I see it's two chairs. Love it thanks for another good video
@proehm Жыл бұрын
"Welcome to Fort Mills!"
@elevatelife-nk7896 Жыл бұрын
Dixie / Jessica - I'm just so happy to see you doing ANY backpacking video. It's always a pleasure to just hear your calm and positive information about one of my favorite topics! I think about you often and hope that your health is improving with all of the work you've been doing to try to get to the bottom of that autoimmune challenges. Perhaps you have a new perspective on hiking alone since your recent med-evac situation, but just glad you made it out of there safely!
@TRIChuckles Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@guillaumekeulen219 Жыл бұрын
Tip from my dad Shortwave radio when no inreach or spot! Lissen everyday to weather forecast every night & morning on local stations!
@merder911 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement and confidence. I am hoping to go backpacking here shortly but really unsure of myself to go alone. I don’t think I’ll do it alone but we’ll see 😅
@yichispiritual Жыл бұрын
These advices are also applicable for living alone /single life :)
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