I have to defend Torah to Rabbis?

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Chabad of YouTube

Chabad of YouTube

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@russbianchi8120 26 күн бұрын
If you light the Friday candle, 'so you don't trip over the furniture', be also acutely aware not to tip the lit candle ... shalom ....
@WhyWhy-jbj 5 ай бұрын
I'd like to suggest what seems to be bothering those who are opposing what Rabbi Friedman is saying, at least what I understand him to be saying. There is a confusion between two implications or contexts for the word "needs." It seems that the opposition is automatically associating the word "needs" to reflect a lack in the needer. After all, one only needs what one lacks. And this is a true use of the word. For example, humans need to eat (to stay alive), or we need to sleep to be able to function. In these examples, the need reflects a lack on our part. We lack food, and if we don't get it, we will, ch"v, not do so well -- all because of a deeper lack in us, namely the inability to perpetuate our physical existence without adding fuel. Similarly, if we say that a person "needs" love, we are saying that the person is lacking a certain benefit called "being loved," and without the love, the person will fail to thrive, thus demonstrating that life without love is a life of a lack. Moreover, the failure to thrive without love -- just like the failure to live without food -- is reflective of a deeper lack, namely the inability to thrive without being loved. So, we are very conditioned from our life experience to associate needs with lacks. Logically, It is our default perspective, and it seems like the only perspective available. But.... There is a different source for a need other than a lack in the needer. That occurs when the "need" is generated as the result of a desire for something, of a "want." And the desire itself is not reflective of any lack; in fact, the desire might very much bespeak a completeness and a wholeness. The desire can come from such a deep and elevated source within a person that it is actually expressive of a "no lack" or a "lack of a lack." For example, let's say a person has developed to such a level that he is holy and righteous, perfect midos, etc. A tzadik. Now this person wants to open up a huge chessed organization to help poor people. The "want" and "desire" bespeaks the person's completeness (there's no lack there). And once the person has this desire, this "want," now the person "needs" donors! He needs volunteers. He needs an office. Maybe he needs a warehouse. Of course, the person can stop wanting to open a chessed organization; maybe he'll decide to build a youtube channel instead. And when the person ends his desire to build the chessed organization, his need for donors, volunteers, office-space, etc. evaporates. And just as before he had the desire, the person had no lacks in himself, so too after he had the desire, he had no lacks, and after he abandoned the desire, he had no lacks in himself. Nothing changes or changed within him through this process. But so long as he has the desire for some result, for some purpose, he has needs relative to the achievement of that result, the fulfillment of that purpose -- the gratification of his desire. Another example (and a very mundane one): Let's say a person want to go watch the Olympics in person. He doesn't lack anything in himself because he wants to go to the Olympics. He just wants to go -- it's something that interests him and he enjoys spectator sports. Okay, so following on the heels of that want, this person now has needs. Now this person needs a ticket for admission. He needs a way to get to Paris. And if he drops his desire to go to the Olympics, his needs disappear; conversely, so long as he maintains his desire, he maintains his needs. A final holy example: a bochur wants to be in the top shiur of a huge yeshiva. This desire does not bespeak a lack in the bochur at all. In fact, having such a yearning reflects a completeness and a holiness in the bochur (call the shadchanim!). As soon as the bochur has this desire, immediately he has needs: he needs to get admitted to the yeshiva. He needs the rebbe to teach the shiur. Etc. It seems to me that this is what Rabbi Friedman is taking about when he speaks of Hashem needing us. Via the Torah, Hashem revealed to us His desires and His wants. There are dozens if not hundreds of sources expressing Hashem's desires and yearnings and ratzonos. Hey, that's the whole concept of a tachlis (purpose). Underlying every purpose is the desire to achieve that purpose. That's what tachlis means -- the end in mind. The place or goal where one wants to get to. Hashem revealed to us His purpose for choosing to create the world. He wants something to happen with this -- or, in this -- creation. Of course, we can't expect to understand why He wants these outcomes, why He has His purposes and reasons for making a world, but we have to believe Him when He tells us what they are. And Once He has these purposes (which are just wants and desires and yearnings in disguise), He has needs. He is not lacking in Himself, ch"v. But He is lacking the fulfillment of His desires and purposes, until they are, BE"H, fulfilled. Yes, of course, He can abandon the desires or modify them, but until He does that, He has needs relative to the fulfillment of those desires and yearnings and purposes. And since Hashem told us that the Torah is eternal, we can assume that His expressed desires, wants, and yearnings -- His purposes -- are still ongoing. Thus, so too are His needs.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@WhyWhy-jbj these are very nice words and I agree, Chasidik sources say things like this. But I think you slip into the same challenge even with the thoughtful nuanced response. Yes there are Maamari Chazal that say things like מה הוא רחום אף אתה רחום and the like. It surprises me that Chabad claim to be such followers of רמב״ם but completely ignore everything he says on these topics. רמב״ם clearly states that these are terminology that is used to express ideas that we mortals can identify with. But Gd does not have needs, wants, mercy, or anything else. These are all human traits and are thus not applicable “in reality” when referring to the actuality of Gd. The are לשנה תורה כלשון הני אדם, no different than יד ה׳
@WhyWhy-jbj 5 ай бұрын
@@abedanziger2200 Please read the first three chapters of Worldmask, by Rabbi Akiva Tatz. It's basically the torahs of Rav Moshe Shapiro, ztz"l. Not exactly chassidus at all. He discusses the issue of anthropomorphisms. Brilliant and simple and logical.
@WhyWhy-jbj 5 ай бұрын
@@abedanziger2200 As for Chassidic sources, please read all of Sha'ar A of Nefesh haChaim. I won't even mention Sha'ar Gimmel. Derech Hashem is not a chassidic source. In any case Hashem can't use anthropomorphic terms if they are not true, that is, if they are not accurate reflections of "reality." Hashem's seal is emmes. So one has to do more than just say that He uses language that we mortals can identify with. After all, He created us in a way where we would be able to identify with these ideas -- must be that the ideas pre-exist us. So, to quote you, if Hashem is a "king," the He really is The King, and He then created a world with kings and kingdoms in it so that we can understand His truth of being The King. It really can't be any other way. So He really does want -- at least in the aspect of His self that He reveals to us. His full essence is way beyond discussion. But He chose to relate to us via His ratzone and His wisdom. Like I said, Hashem's ratzone is mentioned hundred of times in pesukim and chazal. He is telling us that He has real ratzone. Why shouldn't I take Him at His word? And He has a real plan for this world that He chose to create yesh mi'ayin. And He tells us what the purpose is. Why shouldn't I take Him at His word? He tells us how to relate to Him -- again, to that aspect of His Infinite Oneness that He chose to manifest to us. This isn't so controversial, really.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@WhyWhy-jbj I’m afraid Rambam would violently disagree. See הלכות עבודה זרה and calls that מינות. It is true the Ravad tries to defend people who believe that but Rambam is clear.
@WhyWhy-jbj 4 ай бұрын
@@abedanziger2200 Let's assume that you are correct about Rambam. Unless you are Teimani, we don't pasken like the Rambam. Not in halacha and not in hashkafa. (Please read the beginning of Worldmask where Rambam's ideas are discussed). I'm sure that you are familiar with Ramban's scathing rebuke of Rambam's approach to the malachim in Parshas Va'Yeira. In other words, just because Rambam says something doesn't mean that Rabbi Friedman can't say something else. Again, assuming that you're correct about Rambam's views.
@russbianchi8120 26 күн бұрын
"GOD may be subtle, but malicious HE is not" Albert Einstein quoting Johan von Goethe
@michaelmalech5742 5 ай бұрын
Created by Him and for Him He is one Maker & we are His creations Know your place and watch your words
@KingselyKwafo 4 ай бұрын
Rabi Friedman you do all! You are the Mesiach of this generation i bless God for your life existence Amen!!!
@GENESIS-3 5 ай бұрын
The Jewish community today is in great need of understanding the deeper purpose of why man was created. It is serious if the leadership then does not understand its responsibility to be at the forefront so that ambiguities about this do not arise. The Torah illustrates HaShem's own need for a life partner - with free will (after all, angels do not have this). Bereshis 2:18 “And Hashem Elohim said: It is not good that Adam should be alone; I will give him an ezer (a helper) suitable for him (according to his needs).” Clearly, HaShem wants us to know that Adam was in need of a life partner who met his needs, it also illustrates what HaShem needed. The point: Neither HaShem wanted to be alone, and on his own level be without the stimulating exchange of Man.
@elisheva5785 21 күн бұрын
what about, we do mitzvot to make our Aba 'happy'... He can feel anger, then He can feel. He can feel everything we can feel... If doing His mitzvah's with gladness will make Him happy then ... WE DO THEM... We don't do them so He doesn't kill us. We do them because HaShem asked us to do them...We feel better because we know it makes Him, our Father in heaven, feel good, love, happy, maybe even joyful... To us it should be the right thing.. That's it ! Rav Manus has taught me so much good. Has truly enlightened me to HaShem's absolute GOODNESS.
@SM-dl7ib 5 ай бұрын
It’s hard to believe that rabbis look to pick arguments with R Friedman. He literally says things that are logically indisputable. ( not everything but almost). And instead of learning from him they choose to nitpick. The Baba Sali used to spend time with a chassid in France and when he learned with him he decided he wanted to stay in France. Obviously the Baba Sali moved to israel and lived as a huge Tzadik. But even the Baba Sali when he saw truth he was able to learn from him. So why is it that Rabbis (average or above in a few cases) feel the need to argue as opposed to learn from Rabbi Friedman. They surely don’t know the Chassidus that he knows. Maybe it’s time the misnaged(the part of us that is against growth) will become bitul and we can learn from one of the giants of Torah in our generation.
@levhart32 5 ай бұрын
Well said
@omarschez4706 5 ай бұрын
You don’t have to defend the torah to the rabbis because it is the same laws of the rabbis that contradicts the real Torah from Hashem יהוה
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
He is a Kofer B’Ikar!
@SM-dl7ib 5 ай бұрын
@@abedanziger2200unfortunately I think you may be projecting. Please use quote your sources when making such a strong accusation. I sure hope some guy named abe is not taking a huge stab at one of the great Rabbis of our generation. I am guessing Abe doesn’t learn much Chassidus and I am hoping there is something he can hang his hat on in nigleh. Although I doubt it. If not a public apology in video may help dilute the punishment. Now that I think about it. Maybe there is room for punishment in Judaism. I guess someone that knows how to learn and can’t control their disdain for torah scholars greater than them may warrant a small redirect in their attitude.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@SM-dl7ib I am sure rabbi Friedman means well, as I am sure you do too. It is the main issue with Chabad that they only know Chabad or what they call Chasidus. There were thousands of years of Gedolai Torah who were the leaders of Klal Yisrael. So I ask you @sm… be honest, have you ever learned רמב״ם מורה נבוכים, רס״ג אמונות ודעות, רבינו משולם, כוזרי, חובות הלבבות שער היחוד, ריב״ש, רבינו ניסים? Just to name a few. Well I have, and they would ALL disagree with Rabbi Friedman. It is possible the Chabad sources say something different. I for one follow the time honored tradition of the Gedolai Hakadmonim and Rishonim over a source from the last 200 years even if he is interpreting it correctly. BTW these same sources that I mention say almost to the last one אין לי עסק בנסתרים loosely translated as stay away from UNKNOWABLE topics. Not because they were not as smart as Rabbi Friedman but because these are topics where we are all blind and even the slightest misunderstanding will have great distortion. Learn what we are required to learn and don’t delve into subjects that we can’t possibly understand.
@lovethyANGELS 4 ай бұрын
The saddest thing of all is that this point he makes (after he makes it) is so simple. 😢😢😢
@russbianchi8120 26 күн бұрын
Reread THE GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED by Moses Maimonides
@1BestCookie 5 ай бұрын
Why is it bad to say the Torah is the blueprint God used to build the world out of. God is a oneness, alone, forever, he uses his time to think of different possibilities of worlds he can create, he writes the Torah as a blueprint and then creates the world. Because the blueprint is created by an eternal being, the Torah is eternal as well.
@shabsikabacznikesq.5487 4 ай бұрын
“It can be said that when our Sages, of blessed memory, stated, ‘And what difference does it make to the Holy One, blessed be He,’ this refers to the service itself (meaning the specific details of the service). However, the result of the service, through which the purification of creations is achieved-even in ordinary creations, a lowly creation undergoes purification and refinement, which is the concept of transformation from existence to non-existence-this affects even the level of the Divine Essence.”
@davidr27100 5 ай бұрын
Manis Friedman Great!!!
@micheldaillet8144 5 ай бұрын
God does not need, but desires us. God desires us more than we desire Him.
@shmelke30 5 ай бұрын
Rabbi Friedman, how would you explain what it says in the מענה לשון on page 8 "ואין אני לצרכך כלום כי אם בחסדך הגדול לזכותי בראתני" ?
@russrussel3947 5 ай бұрын
35:14 (Compassionate and have Good Actions: "A Spirit Of Holiness".) Compassion requires being Patient. Be patient with Confused, sometimes Angry Patrilineals and Clingy, Eager Noahides. If Jews don't practice Judaism, who will ? Rabbi Friedman has said that he worried about "being relevant". 🥰 I Love him and he's Relevant, but being Emissaries of Judaism to halachically Non-Jews like Cosmopolitan Patrilineals is CRITICAL and requires Outreach. Noahidism can bring Compassion and Good Action to REPAIR the DAMAGE of INTERMARRIAGE and rescue Confused Cosmopolitan Patrilineals out of Sinister Idolatry.
@ahavahyisrael 5 ай бұрын
Eating matzah and cleaning the house from chametz is about learning bitul. That is something humanity needs to be reminded of continually, as long as we don't have the understanding to stand in awe of the Creator
@rick9870 Ай бұрын
Rabbi Friedman uses what sounds like "heybishte" what is the translation of that word?
@naftalistein4094 5 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work you're bringing thousands of life's Closer to HASHAM ❤❤❤
@DeathTolleRises4211 4 ай бұрын
@RabbiYoniKatz 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, I will
@southernsass3947 5 ай бұрын
You tell that child “it’s not about you”! Our thoughts, speech and actions have an effect on everything. Correct and appropriate thought, speech and action have a positive influence on the entire system. Negative thought, speech and action also impact the entire system. Do you want to serve the the master of the universe in a positive manner or a negative one? But what do I know, I was raised southern Baptist 💕
@frankzelenko2825 5 ай бұрын
Try listening next time. Rabbi Friedman is saying that everything is about G-d and what He wants.
@southernsass3947 5 ай бұрын
@@frankzelenko2825 I know that is what he is saying. I also know this to be true. Not sure what you think my motives were but don’t assume things of people. That’s projection and harmful for everyone involved. No group has an exclusive claim to G-d because we are all one. And understand, I’m not here to try and tell you how to be you. That’s simply not my job! I dont see how snarky judgements are helpful to repairing the world, do you?
@Bluebaggins 5 ай бұрын
@@southernsass3947 Become cognizant of the adversary. It starts with the serpent in the garden.
@southernsass3947 5 ай бұрын
@@Bluebaggins everything starts with the one. There is none but him. If I’m experiencing adversity it’s a correction. It wasn’t always that way. I carried a cross through hell for 40 years. When death came there was nothing to collect but my clothes for I was already dead.
@Bluebaggins 5 ай бұрын
@@southernsass3947 If one follows the adversary, adversity follows too. I understand your meanings, it was the adversity that created the situation from which you needed to be saved from. Take care.
@humblebrag 5 ай бұрын
Torah drama! Love it!!
@ConstantinVictor66 3 ай бұрын
Do angels not serve God? Why do some think that man was created without purpose? God is a supreme judge and the owner of all that it is, not a servant for man. And when he intervenes on you it doesn't matter if you deserve it or not, his intervention is for his purpose. We serve its purpose. Ezekiel 36:22, Isaiah 48:11
@notakuperman5312 4 ай бұрын
It does not seem that these Rabbis studied the bar mitzvah maamar or Tanya .
@jslevy2597 4 ай бұрын
Avodah is the epicentre of the relationship. The creator who needs to be served. This notion would have been completely uncontroversial and in fact obvious to Jews during the first and second temples.
@michaelmalech5742 5 ай бұрын
Torah is the story of mankind The story of thy Maker is known by none
@sarameiragootblatt1819 5 ай бұрын
@gregsokol4443 5 ай бұрын
Rabbi, are you differentiating between ratzon and need?
@davidr27100 5 ай бұрын
This was unbelievable, everything he is saying IS RIGHT, makes 100% sense.....😊
@ahavahyisrael 5 ай бұрын
On RH we declare Hashem is the King, and we are His people...a Sovereign needs a people, so He created us.
@shiphrahleibrandt2029 4 ай бұрын
If G-D is the mitzvahs then yes he needs us to perform the mitzvahs
@RunesandReapers 5 ай бұрын
Hes kinda like a Rabbinical Jordan PEterson : )
@2024HaranHassan 5 ай бұрын
The Kabba …lah 😂 that ending my goodness
@guindialberto 5 ай бұрын
@RabbiYoniKatz 5 ай бұрын
great idea
@guindialberto 5 ай бұрын
@@RabbiYoniKatz just do it please. I know Rabbi Mizrachi and Rabbi Reuven will be more that happy to make this happen. Whoever wins the debate is going to automatically make the other part and their followers to take the responsibility and correct themselves and promote what is correct.
@milkshakalaka6461 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@guindialbertoeven though I don’t agree with rabbi Friedman at all on this matter, Rab katz has already tried to arranged this "debate" long time ago and none of them (Rab mizrahi and Rab Yaron) accepted to join it.
@guindialberto 5 ай бұрын
@@milkshakalaka6461 well Rabbi Reuven says it's the complete opposite. He tried to debate him and r. Friedman won't agree or won't show up
@milkshakalaka6461 5 ай бұрын
@@guindialberto I know which video you’re talking about because I also watched it, but Rabbi Yaron didn’t say he tried to debate rabbi Friedman. He said he tried to talked to him over the phone in a more private environment but couldn’t reach out to rabbi Mannis.
@kimanthonyvitug3863 5 ай бұрын
Shabbat Shalom rabbi manis.. ..
@sarameiragootblatt1819 5 ай бұрын
I want to say something my very special Mashpiah and Rebbetzin told me (super chassidishe lady): Not everybody is as profound thinking to understand chabad Chassidus. penimiusly.
@Pinishaool 5 ай бұрын
תתקע"ד דורות לפני בריאת העולם נכתבה התורה How do we understand that
@sergeshow4292 5 ай бұрын
זִכְר֤וּ לְעוֹלָם֙ בְּרִית֔וֹ⁠ דָּבָ֥ר צִוָּ֖ה לְאֶ֥לֶף דּֽוֹר (דב"ה 16:15) איך צוה לאלף דור ? הרי קבלנו תורה אחרי 26 דורות ? הרי חסר כאן תתקע"ד דורות ?
@dinushblau4247 5 ай бұрын
I am shocked. I was sure Rabbi Schochat knows better.... 😢
@ahavahyisrael 5 ай бұрын
We're not becoming 'godly' , that's the argument of nachash.
@marcosb5850 5 ай бұрын
Rabbi Friedman, the Rabbis teach: ''Be careful with your words..." You overestimate your levels of understanding and insight, and this is the real problem, leading to the promulgation of odd teachings on your part.
@christ.8547 3 ай бұрын
*the mitzvah isn't for g-d(hashem)..**it's to connect more consistently..***too the "hashem" in '🫵🏽'....💙🌎✌🏽😇.
@akai.christo 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Rabbi Friedman!! Gut Shabbes!!💪🔯🙏♥️🔥🍷🎶
@andreasgigmai7707 3 ай бұрын
Who created this world? Who created you and me? Who created the earth and all that is in it? Who created the seas and all that is in it? Who has always been and who will be ?, so Who needs this world to be good? ..., my search for answers...?
@omarschez4706 5 ай бұрын
The BiG Question is; should we follow the Torah written to Moshe by Elohim or the oral laws of the rabbis??? If you answer this correctly, then you have solved the dilemma
@pete4670 5 ай бұрын
The prophets say forget things of the past, im building a new thing. Remember deuteronomy, and listen only to the prophet who speaks, and I [God] bring his word to reality; him did i send
@hanna319 5 ай бұрын
Torah is a collective name for the written Torah and the oral Torah, both of which were given to Moses at Sinai.
@JesusChrist-q4g 5 ай бұрын
​@@hanna319TORAH is the LAW of the Universe. The written Torah is but a portion of it. I have revealed the Full Law of God.
@hanna319 5 ай бұрын
@@JesusChrist-q4g Of course you did.
@ahavahyisrael 5 ай бұрын
Becoming 'godly' or becoming 'holy'...? Understanding bitul is the prerequisite to become holy. 'Godliness' doesn't equal 'holiness'. Humans becoming godly is paganism, that is the argument of nachash. Being united does not equal godliness.
@shabsikabacznikesq.5487 4 ай бұрын
11:47 minute he makes a big mistake = clearly says in medrash ב"ר רפמ"ד. תנחומא שמיני ח וכי איכפת לי' להקב"ה למי ששוחט מן הצואר או מי ששוחט מן העורף, לא ניתנו המצוות אלא לצרף בהן את הבריות You have to learn the Rebbes Tora! ויש לומר, שזה שאמרו רז"ל וכי מה איכפת לי' להקב"ה כו', קאי על העבודה עצמה (דהיינו פרטי העבודה), אבל התוצאה של העבודה שעל ידה נעשה צירוף הבריות, שגם בבריות בעלמא33, ברי' פחותה, נעשה צירוף וזיכוך, שזהו"ע האתהפכא מיש לאין, הנה זה נוגע גם בבחינת העצמות34
@reidsander4703 5 ай бұрын
@yosefzayrov8229 5 ай бұрын
"I have to defend Torah to Rabbis?" - What you purport is not Torah, it is Manis-Friedman-ism, a new cult never heard of before. Torah actually says the opposite of what you say. See Job 35:6-7. See BaMidbar Rabbah 21:17
@debbyschweighardt5810 5 ай бұрын
I think it makes sense. We are made in the image of G-d. We have needs. Why can't G-d have needs? The Holy One gave us free will. He did not have to. How much more meaningful for both of us, that we choose to have a relationship with G-d, learn Torah and do mitzvot.
@torahbits3750 5 ай бұрын
So rabbi shochat ur sating god needs us to need ?
@adam9997100 5 ай бұрын
כבוד הרב אני צופה בסרטונים שלך באנגלית אני בקשר עם רבים בעולם שאינם יהודים יש לדבריך השפעה מקרבת מבורכת יש לי חברת ילדות בפולניה , קתולית אדוקה ואשר מאז שנחשפה לסרטונים שלך , חל מהפך באמונה שלה ואני מתרשם שהיא לא היחידה המשך בפועלך המבורך
@redbirdln254 3 ай бұрын
I could listen for only 17 second. The background sound was disturbing.
@BonnieBlue2A 3 ай бұрын
Do you ever stop complaining?
@redbirdln254 3 ай бұрын
@@BonnieBlue2A It wasn't said to offend. It was said to help. How about you? My hart was in the right place. Was yours? Did you like that music? Did it help you or prevent you from understand what was being said? Did you think at all whether you agreed or disagreed with my statement? Did you consider any of the nature of the situation? Maybe we are just to different, I am red and you are blue and we just see things different. I'm joking. The answer to your question is NO. I'm just getting started
@KohenGodol 3 ай бұрын
I find these teachings to be childish. Everything we say about God is only in relation to us. We have no information about God's essence and arguing about it is pointless and a waste of time imo.
@SM-dl7ib 5 ай бұрын
I would way rather do a mitzvah because Hashem likes it than because I will connect to Hashem through it. It reminds me of a husband that buys his wife flowers. Did he buy the flowers because his wife wants them and it will make her happy or because if he buys her flowers he will considered a good husband and his wife will love him more.
@JesusChrist-q4g 5 ай бұрын
Matthew 25
@florin1977 5 ай бұрын
God doesn't need something because God is One! Meaning God is everything, so if u are everything, u can't need something. Besides that God is everything with or without us. We need him for everything but God is One without humanity too.
@roberteli84 5 ай бұрын
You just limited G-d, he can be perfect and need.
@roberteli84 5 ай бұрын
Also it pure understanding of what you hear, rabbi Friedman said it in the video (the Rebbe said numerous times), having a goal (a need) does not make you less or more perfect, it brings you pleasure (ta'anug).
@MrInfinite43 5 ай бұрын
​@@roberteli84With all due respect, a goal IS NOT a need, more of a desire. Hashem doesnt NEED anything.
@roberteli84 5 ай бұрын
@@MrInfinite43 Did you listen to the video. Do you suggest that he wants something he doesn't need, that's childish. I noticed that all the people that the word needs bothers them has a basic hurdle to think out of the box, his need is not your need. not out of limitation, out of true real essential place.
@florin1977 5 ай бұрын
@roberteli84 needing something or someone is a human necessity. Why is that? Because without it, we can't exist, be happy, stay alive, etc etc. God is everything, has created everything so he can't need something. Friedman is making his own religion. His conclusions aren't based on Thora but just his thoughts about why God created the world and us.
@omar1187 5 ай бұрын
Does God need you? or do you need God? Are you doing God a favor by existing? Or is he doing himself a favor by making you exist? or there may also be that realistic possibility that God does not need you per say, and we are all living life as a test and to learn important lessons. Cause at the end of the day God has given you everything you have and he can take away everything you have. God doesn't owe you anything. He gave you a promise based on his knowledge of the past, future, and present. It was not a promise as if he owes you something. we put our trust in God to take care of us, while we work, diligently, towards that which makes God happy, and that which we want to achieve within the parameters of God's approval. The big question is do you see yourself as a servant of God, serving God by building Israel? Or are you serving yourself and doing God a favor as if you are on equal terms with God, like you are bros or something? That may be a part of the corruption of Zionism speaking. The mitzvahs are there because they are necessary for your success. Transgressions lead to failure. This question you're asking is very relevant to Islamic theology. The truth is you are not meant to know this truth yet and so that is why you will reject this message for now. everything that is happening is by God's will because he is the true one who is in charge. You are where you are supposed to be in your growth process, as am I. We are all where we are supposed to be. But that is due to the actions we take in life along with our external environment. There are two things we can control. One we can control our actions and how we behave, but also we can control our environment by changing our environment. But at a much deeper level, the only true thing we have the most control over, to a level of degree, is our thoughts which have an influence on everything else. But even our thoughts deceive us the same way that your thoughts deceived you in this video.
@richardogwang8164 4 ай бұрын
All this you've said is meaningless if there is no purpose. God had a purpose for creating the universe. That's why after every creation God saw that all he had done was good. Good to who? To him. He liked what he had done. What he had done was pleasing to him. He derived pleasure in whatever he had created in the entire universe including humans. God created the good and the bad and after creating all these, created man in his own image. So just as out of his free will he made the good and the bad, he also created man with the free will of choosing to aither do good or bad. That's why he gave the torah out of love for man so that he can express his wish to man. So the truth is that when you give birth to children, you can't say you never needed children. Of course you need the children. But don't forget that the children also need you. So as much as God needs us, we also need him.
@richardogwang8164 4 ай бұрын
In Genesis chapter 1:4,10,12,18,21 and 25 after every creation, God saw all that He had done was good. Meaning that He was pleased ( had pleasure)with creating the universe, man included. He created the good and the bad out of his free will and after creating man, also with free will of making choice between the good and the bad, since man was created in His likeness, saw it wise to give man the torah which was an expression of his wish to man. Parents also sire children because they need them but the children also need the parents. So God needs us but we also need God. It is very wrong to say that God doesn't need us because this is like saying that our existing is not from God and has no purpose or meaning.
@jonatanmpa 5 ай бұрын
Ah, they are jealous of Rabbi Manis popularity. HaShem needs us. Over and out. Manis message is a messianic message.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה! The Gemorah says the world preceded the Torah by 10 generations. So who has fallen into a tragic Matzav, as he says, the Rambam or Friedman? And to make himself out to be taking the position of Rambam is the most shocking part of it all. The Rambam would tear Kriah if he heard his words. Learn a little Moreh Nevuchim or just הלכות יסודי התורה!
@bmax613 5 ай бұрын
If I am not mistaken, this phrase appears in the Midrash (ויקרא רבה) which is sometimes allergical.
@roberteli84 5 ай бұрын
After reading your comments of few videos now without replying, since it was hard to tell what's your background, now it's clear, looks like your a learned man. But it's also very clear that you don't understand what you're learning on the most simple level, you go deep without understand the foundation. Please look deeper into the statements you're making. דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה from below to above, Torah was before creation (before any ארץ) this is the first Rashi, that's elementary. My serious suggestion is dedicate time and learn hasiduss from Hasidim not by someone who doesn't understand the foundations of תורת הבעש"ט and תורת החסידות (תניא).
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@bmax613 it’s actually a Gemorah and may very well be allegorical but even so, if the Torah preceded the world it would not have phrased it in such a way.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@roberteli84 I have no idea how you see this in the first or for that matter any רש״י
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@roberteli84 and btw, there were thousands of years of Torah and Gedolai Torah before the Besht or the Baal Hatanya. I would suggest you ground yourself first it the large corpus of Torah that preceded Chasidus before you study. Chasidus ועדין אולי
@bayreuth79 4 ай бұрын
Rabbi Manis is such a poor thinker: God commands such and such for your sake and for the sake of the community. The mitzvoth are for the purpose of human flourishing. There is nothing liberating about Rabbi Manis' views: God doesn't need you means that everything he gives you is a gift, its something to enable you and others to flourish.
@lovethyANGELS 4 ай бұрын
Tell me you missed the whole point without telling me you missed the whole point.
@bayreuth79 4 ай бұрын
@@lovethyANGELS What's the whole point? Rabbi Manis is a notorious attention seeker.
@ericphilson1119 5 ай бұрын
This seems on the surface like a Christian/Sabbatian argument. If mashiac is a mitzvah for G-d to do, then that man/mitzvah is Hashem...thus Hashem is a man...or manifest as a man so we can handle it? This does not sit correctly... I perform mitzvot. I live to do mitzvot. Yet I don't worship mitzvot. I worship Hashem, who is One.
@bmax613 5 ай бұрын
Wait a minute. Mashiah is not a mitzvah. It's a title or a historical role. So it's part of the creation.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
Your plain text and simple logic goes against everything the Tanaim, Amoraim Geonim and early Rishonim have said.
@Firearms_Defense 5 ай бұрын
Blanket statement with no proof.
@truepremise2053 5 ай бұрын
There Is An Foe
@truepremise2053 5 ай бұрын
& Stop Rubbing Your Fucking Hands
@joshwander 5 ай бұрын
Sorry Rabbi, we aren’t Mormons and do not become God. Wrong religion.
@BlindTom61 5 ай бұрын
Manis ego is out of control.
@SM-dl7ib 5 ай бұрын
Ok unless you yourself are some iluy, which I am guessing your not, you should chill. My guess is you don’t understand 1/100 of the Torah that R Friedman knows. As opposed to criticizing him why don’t you have some bitul and try and learn from him. And that goes for all the rabbis that don’t compare to him in understanding. As for the other rabbis they can differ in opinion if it’s respectful as many do.
@BlindTom61 5 ай бұрын
@@SM-dl7ib You'd be surprised...
@hanna319 5 ай бұрын
"...והוי זהיר בגחלתן שלא תכוה, שנשיכתן נשיכת שועל, ועקיצתן עקיצת עקרב, ולחישתן לחישת שרף, וכל דבריהם כגחלי אש.."
@my2cents49 5 ай бұрын
🙄 Really huh... I missed the part where he announced how great he was and why you should worship him. Care to give a time stamp? 🙄🤦‍♀️
@roberteli84 5 ай бұрын
@@BlindTom61 I guess I'll be surprised too
@pete4670 5 ай бұрын
Read job, god tells job all this. Jobs deeds do nothing for God, the world belongs to Him, what does he need from you? What can you gift to someone who created everything? The prophets say forget things of the past, im building a new thing. Remember deuteronomy, and listen only to the prophet who speaks, and I [God] bring his word to reality; him did i send It says in deuteronony 31-32, that the jews, who have the law, the best of humanity will fail. This tells me theres another stardard God has. Deuteronomy is life to those who up hold it, but it is not what brings a person to eternal life. It tells me that deuteronomy is a direction, a compass to its navigator, but the path to eternity we must discover through the scriptures
@Bluebaggins 5 ай бұрын
Gen 1 : 1 Son of Man, Father Light, Ela the Mother Goddess. Know thyself. מ
@rbranch57 3 ай бұрын
Isn't it better to just say G-d desires
@Sweet_Yerushalayim 5 ай бұрын
Why can't he stick to teaching the torah and mitzvos like most Rabbis? Why the need to say controversial statements? Even without going in to the correctness or otherwise of his statement discussed here (and many great Rabbis have come out against him), this in itself is suspect. He could talk about normal torah topics. Isn't that what Rabbis normally do???
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
He says ridicules and unsubstantiated ideas. If you confuse your mind with kabbalistic ideas that you have no idea what they mean, you end up with this Kefirah. אין עוד מלבדו? Take a look at the רמב״ם הלכות יסודי התורה and you will see he defines it very differently that manis Friedman. Mumbo jumbo
@RabbiYoniKatz 5 ай бұрын
would you be opne to doing a zoom with the rabbi?
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@RabbiYoniKatz it would be my pleasure.
@pastordavidberman2091 5 ай бұрын
Sorry this is really stupid. God does not need anything or anyone. He is self existent and completely whole in himself. This is rabbinical nonsense, not from the Torah
@moatd1 5 ай бұрын
if you're a pastor, you should know a little better, in the Beginning was the Word (= Torah), and the Torah was with G'd, and the Torah was G'd. read Bereshit (genesis, hope you can read Hebrew otherwise you miss to much). what Rav Friedman is explaining, is the essence, unfortunately not taught by any religion... rav Friedman is right, it should be elementary knowledge, but seemingly you need to become or approach this concept as a child otherwise we won't get/grasp this. our minds, our flesh (mine included) are to polluted with our own needs that it doesn't understand the concept of true need anymore. a man shall not live by bread alone...
@pastordavidberman2091 5 ай бұрын
@@moatd1 respectfully you’re talking in circles it’s very simple. He said that God needs man. God does not need man. I am a pastor and that’s why I know this is true. If you don’t know, this is true then there’s something wrong with your understanding of the self existent, almighty Yahuah
@moatd1 5 ай бұрын
@@pastordavidberman2091 you're a pastor and that's why you know this is true. than you also probably know that having an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and being in need of constant, excessive admiration is one of the main symptoms of narcissism. Another, you also probably know; expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements. if you're a victim don't be/become a perpetrator, get to the root and deal with it. Get your true soul/identity back, don't copy one or both of your parents, sounds they messed up, your "needs" as a child where seemingly not properly met. Shalom
@pastordavidberman2091 5 ай бұрын
@@moatd1 no you are the one that brought up the fact that I am a pastor and then accused me of not knowing. And then made a crack against me saying “if you’re a pastor you should know “I’m telling you I am a pastor and because of Pastor, I have studied for 40 years and I do know. You are simply a jerk, you don’t care about kindness or discussion you come right out and attack a man’s character
@dannydani2424 5 ай бұрын
What a joke, God needs us and he's the one who created us, absolute non sense, God does not need us, we need him
@spencermorris5873 5 ай бұрын
I love rabbi Friedman, but a lot of his opinions are outright insane. He truly states these opinions as facts, which is very entertaining. God bless him.
@stormbytes 4 ай бұрын
Garbage Pharisee "logic" here. Regardless which role is perceived as active, the union is mutual.
@aaronmason9332 5 ай бұрын
How arrogant and selfish. How did this guy become a rabbi? No you are here to serve God. Not your own selfish needs. You are just too arrogant to see that.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
Just to point out how off base and foolish he is… at the very end he says doing a Mitzva without knowing why is לא לשמה… I ask you rabbi Friedman, did אברהם אבינו know WHY HaShem told him to go to the עקידה? Of course not. He did it because HaShem told him to do it. That is is ONLY reason we do any Mitzva unless you think you know better than אברהם. Oy… we really need Moshiach now!
@bmax613 5 ай бұрын
Sorry, but you seem to have misheard. He said "if you don't know why you are doing it and you do it anyway it's a lot better than coming up with a wrong reason". Avraham Avinu likely knew that he was doing it for HaShem and not for a reward 😊
@roberteli84 5 ай бұрын
@abedanziger2200 You just keep digging yourself further.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@bmax613listen to 42:10 on. I will paraphrase what if someone asks why to do a certain Mitzva, what do you say? Other than Schar v’onesh and that you’re not supposed to say. This is the entire point! If you learn theהקדמה לרמב״ם ספר המצות he says clearly that the real reason for any מצווה is a command from HaShem end of story. So you want to introduce your mystical ideas of what Mitzva are and how they relate to HaShem… lovely… but that is not Rambam or any of the Gedolai Harishonim that our Mesorah is based on. We do a Mitzva because we are commanded to… yes Schar V’onesh.
@bmax613 5 ай бұрын
@@abedanziger2200 IMHO the point that Rabbi Friedman is making is that there are 3 ways to do Mitzvot: altruistically, egoistically, and automatically. So if we must do Mitzvot because we are commanded so, then it's close to doing it automatically (without any motivation). But if you feel that you are doing something important for HaShem then it would be a higher level of service.
@abedanziger2200 5 ай бұрын
@@bmax613 he says as clearly as possible that we are not supposed to talk about Schar v’onesh. We can dance around the issue all day long, but that is what the man says. That comment is well outside of the Hashkafas Hatorah as handed down to us throughout the generations and as clearly articulated in the Torah. The reason to do a Mitzva is because HaShem commanded us to do it. The reason not to violate the Mitzva is because we will be punished. זהו. Now that may not go over well for the people he is trying to attract but if we distort the Torah, what are we attracting people to???
@SAL.O.MAN-BOOKS 5 ай бұрын
Judaism is full of speculation
@Prinsendam 5 ай бұрын
You have created something that is millions of miles far from biblical law and Moses. Shame on you will pay every punishment that God will fit for you all. Wake up
@JesusisaMuslim 5 ай бұрын
Deuteronomy 18:18-19 was Prophet Muhammad. Deuteronomy 33:2 was the 10,000 army of Prophet Muhammad who conquered Mecca. Isaiah 42 was Prophet Muhammad who would be sent to all gentiles and bring them out of darkness. Verse 11 says the villages of Kedar wiuld rejoice. Kedar is second son of Ishmael in Genesis 25:13-15. Verse 21 says he will magnify the Law which was the Qur'an that was promised to be given also in Isaiah 29:12 and 29:17-18.
@angerycamel2 5 ай бұрын
Sorry we don't bow down to warlords. Our prophet moses was a liberator, your prophet was an enslavor. You cannot persuade us improperly translated insertions of your warlord into our religious texts. Although it is good you are a monotheist and there is a reward for you, just know that you must learn morality from someone other than a man who conquered, enslaved and raped his way to becoming your prophet.
@roberteli84 5 ай бұрын
Haha your agenda is clear! I suggest switching your audience
@JesusisaMuslim 5 ай бұрын
@roberteli84 Not my fault you haven't studied
@russrussel3947 5 ай бұрын
​@@JesusisaMuslim I've studied the Q. and Hadith. No mention of anything other than Israel in it.
@JesusisaMuslim 5 ай бұрын
@russrussel3947 It mentions a lot of other things
@YishuvHaDaat 5 ай бұрын
You are done Friedman. And you know it. It’s just a matter of time.
@jasonlax2102 5 ай бұрын
Are u threatening
@mweiss505 5 ай бұрын
Rabbi shochat the first one has no idea what he talking about. Learn somech vov.
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