Have you heard of this type of pole, you might not consider it a ‘real’ pole because you can’t do these same type of tricks on it, but I think it’s called a ‘wobble pole’ or ‘whip pole’ and they are usually in the center of tables in clubs. They are only 5 or 6 feet tall, and they wobble back and forth and around like a video game joystick because of a ball bearing at their base, like a joystick . I don’t know if they can support the full weight of a body, and I think performers use them as a tool to do ground work or twe rking around, and as an aid to get up. They are very thin, about 30mm or 35mm. I also think they use them to do ‘pole vaulting’ type moves,(because of their rocking-back-and-forth capability), similar to Olympic pole vaulting (lol), but on a much smaller scale obviously and with somersaulting and fan kicking as they do it, and even flipping or twisting over the TOP of the pole, which would be impossible with regular poles. Do you know of any tutorials on how to do these ‘vaulting’ type moves on this type of pole? I have heard from someone I used to know, that there are many crazy kinds of poles that clubs use that you wouldn’t find in a studio, like bouncy poles that bounce up and down like a pogo stick on hidden springs, spiral/corkscrew pole that resembles one of those swirly poles at a playground, fully motorized spinning poles, poles with a seat or knee rest built in, or poles with other kinds of extensions or seats protruding from them for extra acrobatic ability