@@小肉肉-f4u Taiwan is a country, not one of your red provinces. Get a grip and leave us alone. By the way, where is that province in red China name "TAIWAIN" located???
@davidyoung35443 жыл бұрын
You can’t expect much from teaching at cram schools. Unlike formal schools, cram schools normally don’t offer much in addition to the salary. Teaching at formal schools that requires a teaching degree and teacher certificate is completely different. The salary is about the same, but formal schools have better job security and benefits, as well as promotions and pensions.
I think people should not move to ANY new country unless they are ready for challenges and meet those challenges with a positive attitude. So what you shared makes a lot of sense for anyone moving to any country. Another Video idea for you “Are You Moving to Another Country? My top advice for you!” Related, but a different angle.
@Maru-tw2xl3 жыл бұрын
So true.
@juliatwn3 жыл бұрын
Good point. You can say that again.
@johnsonlee35543 жыл бұрын
agrees with you. if no preparation . you have more than 12 reason to go home.
@andy_in_taiwan3 жыл бұрын
I have to say, Alan has made SO MANY videos about how awesome Taiwan is! Alan had done SO MUCH to spread the beauty of taiwan to the world! Taiwanese should be grateful for him! 👏👏👏
@luckyjoey13283 жыл бұрын
@@andy_in_taiwan Are you joking? Is this a sarcasm? Did I miss something?!
Part of what is said in the film is objective facts, but there are also many subjective perceptions, first take a few of them related to culture and language, to review Allan lived in Taiwan for so long but not quite Chinese, language is the first step to integrate into the local, do not want to learn is likely to be rooted in a sense of pride, perhaps many of our people also worship and have blind faith in things foreign, no wonder Allan claims to be handsome! However, compared to Ku from France (KZbin channel: Ku's dream), it's really different, Ku is willing to talk about Chinese, and he just lived in Taiwan for a few years, fluent in Chinese to almost no accent, in addition to Ku, I also found that many foreigners (or new residents of Taiwan) speak fluently Chinese, and these foreigners living in Taiwan only a few years, not more than a decade. We would like to call them Taiwan's new residents, not foreigner. Compared to Allan, who has lived in Taiwan for more than a decade but is less likely to say Chinese, of course, it is difficult to integrate into the local second step: culture. Therefore, everything has a starting point, learn the local language (Chinese) is a starting point, from this starting point and then into the cultural level, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it's not out of place, and not feels like a fish out of water, the native differences will not be magnified, always feel like foreigners, Allan your 12 reasons will gradually reduce! 影片中所談論的有部分是客觀的事實,但也有很多是主觀的認知,先拿其中有幾個涉及文化與語言的來講,就要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文(漢語),語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自傲自大的優越感,也許是我們很多人民也崇洋,看到你們這些人就比讚,難怪Allan自稱帥倫!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年、最多不超過十年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,比起Allan住在台灣超過十多年卻還不太會說中文,當然要融入當地的第二步:文化,是不能類比的。所以,凡事都有個起點,學會當地語言(本地就是中文)就是個起點,從這起點再進入文化層次,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,永遠感覺像是外國人,Allan那12個原因就會逐漸減少!
hey~~~~that is why everyone has its own perfection~
@台灣林㹭3 жыл бұрын
Part of what is said in the film is objective facts, but there are also many subjective perceptions, first take a few of them related to culture and language, to review Allan lived in Taiwan for so long but not quite Chinese, language is the first step to integrate into the local, do not want to learn is likely to be rooted in a sense of pride, perhaps many of our people also worship and have blind faith in things foreign, no wonder Allan claims to be handsome! However, compared to Ku from France (KZbin channel: Ku's dream), it's really different, Ku is willing to talk about Chinese, and he just lived in Taiwan for a few years, fluent in Chinese to almost no accent, in addition to Ku, I also found that many foreigners (or new residents of Taiwan) speak fluently Chinese, and these foreigners living in Taiwan only a few years, not more than a decade. We would like to call them Taiwan's new residents, not foreigner. Compared to Allan, who has lived in Taiwan for more than a decade but is less likely to say Chinese, of course, it is difficult to integrate into the local second step: culture. Therefore, everything has a starting point, learn the local language (Chinese) is a starting point, from this starting point and then into the cultural level, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it's not out of place, and not feels like a fish out of water, the native differences will not be magnified, always feel like foreigners, Allan your 12 reasons will gradually reduce! 影片中所談論的有部分是客觀的事實,但也有很多是主觀的認知,先拿其中有幾個涉及文化與語言的來講,就要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文(漢語),語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自傲自大的優越感,也許是我們很多人民也崇洋,看到你們這些人就比讚,難怪Allan自稱帥倫!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年、最多不超過十年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,比起Allan住在台灣超過十多年卻還不太會說中文,當然要融入當地的第二步:文化,是不能類比的。所以,凡事都有個起點,學會當地語言(本地就是中文)就是個起點,從這起點再進入文化層次,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,永遠感覺像是外國人,Allan那12個原因就會逐漸減少!
@alleyoop13673 жыл бұрын
一一回覆Alan: (1)Alan說外國人在台灣的工作僅限於英語教學或短期工程,這只能說他的同溫層朋友沒有涵蓋更多在台外國人,他至少應該去多看看相關資料或影片,不過,可惜他不太懂中文,否則他會知道有很多外國人在台灣長期工作,也有不少外國人在台灣創業,其中也有科技業。 (2)Alan抱怨關於外國人教英語的薪資,我認為沒有甚麼好抱怨的,一方面這種工作替代性很高,你不滿意要離開,老闆再找一個就好,世界上凡是替代性很高的工作都不會太有錢途,誰叫你沒別的專長,只能把母語當賺錢工具,否則你可以到譬如科技業去工作,替代性就不會比教英語來的高。 (3)Alan抱怨台灣薪水低,這是主觀的事實,但相對稅負低、物價低、健保低廉等,所以按照各國人均國內生產毛額(以購買力平價計算)排列,世界銀行的2019年排名,台灣排名第17名,國際貨幣基金組織的2021年預估台灣排名第12名,還在德國、比利時、芬蘭、法國、英國等之上。 (4)Alan抱怨台灣很貴而無法存錢,但存錢本來就對外國人來講不是像受到儒家文化的東亞人來的有觀念與有紀律,存錢是節流,想要開源,就不要一輩子平庸教英語,才能有更好的頂級生活。 (5)Alan抱怨台灣交通流量,這是事實,台灣地小人稠本就已受限,但仍是有進步的地方,譬如台北自從捷運路網發達起來後改善不少,敬請出門盡量搭乘大眾交通工具,大家少騎車少開車可減少碳排放與交通量。 (6)Alan抱怨語言問題,想請問到哪裡不都一樣,我們移民到英國當然也要學習英文,且也不容易融入當地主流社會,還會被歧視。不過,先要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文,語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自大的優越感!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,有句英文 When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 很值得借鏡,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,抱持著自大的優越感,當然永遠都是格格不入的外國人!請參考法國學者高格孚的訪問: kzbin.info/www/bejne/pWWnh4Sppsp9ntE 、 kzbin.info/www/bejne/pWWnh4Sppsp9ntE 。 (7)Alan抱怨文化與語言溝通問題,這有很多層面可以探討,第一,交往了好幾個台灣女人,也不和分手好幾次,那麼不如交往非台灣的女人,譬如同樣來自英文環境的女人(怕這種女人沒有崇洋而看不上你嗎?),第二,與其抱怨別人,先反求諸己,第三,這不是只有文化和語言才有問題,而是每個人都會有溝通問題,即使是家人,第四,放下執著與優越感,把中文學好,你也能使用中文溝通與吵架。 (8)Alan抱怨台灣離祖國太遠,這沒甚麼話好說的,建議回國工作,或到附近的法國等地工作,bye bye ! (9)Alan抱怨台灣太小,來了超過十多年還不習慣的話則建議離開台灣吧,不過話說回來,為什麼有外國人就執意要留在台灣,因為他們享受台灣。另外,根據萬事達卡公布的最新調查報告「全球目的地城市指數」,2018年全球出國旅遊人次最多的國家,台灣排名第十,排名在前面的都是人口比台灣多的國家,譬如美國、中國、德國、日本、等,若是出國旅遊人次除以人口總數,台灣絕對是翹楚,且台灣觀光客每年出國總花費超過八千億。所以,若是Alan有錢,也可跟這些台灣觀光客一樣,就不會覺得台灣太小。 (10)Alan再來抱怨文化與祖國不同,真的不習慣又不願融入的話,還是建議回國去吧。 (11)Alan抱怨社會福利問題,我想世界各國的社會福利當然是優先照顧本國人民啦!這還用講嗎? (12)???我看完了影片,好像有提到11點原因,但找不到第12點,有可能在第6點至第7點之間談到語言與文化問題,因為話題太相似而分不太清楚段落。關於Alan抱怨很多語言與文化問題,很多是優越感作祟,建議先從學好中文開始,放下執著,就會正向迎來新世界新觀念。
Great video! I love getting a more balanced perspective on moving to Taiwan. My partner and I used to live in SE Asia and a lot of these points apply to all the countries in the region. When we visited Taiwan, we swore we would come back and have been considering moving there. I'd love to hear your perspective on people that work remotely or are self-employed moving to Taiwan.
@KittyMaverick3 жыл бұрын
I think being honest about the downsides of living here is great for setting realistic expectations about moving here from overseas. And frankly, it helps locals understand what we need to do better in. So kudos and thank you for doing this video! What you're doing is constructive criticism, which is highly valuable.
@sam79323553 жыл бұрын
@uartchang3 жыл бұрын
After watching this video, I decided to join your VIP, I hope everyone living in Taiwan can try their best to improve the problems you mentioned.
@lifeintaiwan3 жыл бұрын
Yeahhhhh Charlie!!! Welcome welcome!!!
@turksandwich3 жыл бұрын
I didn’t feel the tone was “negative” at all. Felt like an honest discussion about why some people may not enjoy living in taiwan….every country has its pros and cons. always enjoy your vids.
@Prozzie3 жыл бұрын
11:11 see how well foreigners are treated here? This lady cleaned off the bench with her own hands before Allan sat down. Big respect shown for the guy in the hat
@hu20983 жыл бұрын
@justysu15693 жыл бұрын
@PeterTaipei3 жыл бұрын
12:16 Maybe the lady's poodle just pee on it. hahahaha......
@chichester213 жыл бұрын
yes, all taiwanese will do that for foreigners.
@jackstyle89003 жыл бұрын
just for foreigners
@ydlu3 жыл бұрын
Very fair comments, specially on salary, traffic and how Taiwanese treat/look different color's foreigners. Excellent video.
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan topped the charts for the third year in a row in the survey of 12,420 expats conducted by InterNations, a Munich-based expat network with about 4 million members. Expats appreciated Taiwan's medical care, on top of quality of life. A full 96% of respondents were happy with the quality of care, compared with 71% globally. Expats also reported they were more satisfied with their job security in Taiwan and state of the local economy than their peers in other locales.
@lilucien14693 жыл бұрын
Nothing is perfect. Discussion of one thing with different angles leads different conclusions. It just depends how people look at it. Don't worry about the influence when you talk about negative things of Taiwan. It's a free country.
@aurelusidler59353 жыл бұрын
The guy was just being straightforward. One of the most realistic videos I've ever watched about Taiwan. Thank you for pointing out all those factors foreigners are indeed facing here. Great work boss!
Thank you for being honest to point out our shortcomings. Those are problems we have been facing in past decades but without apparent improvement. Hope we can face them rather than just getting used to them.
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan topped the charts for the third year in a row in the survey of 12,420 expats conducted by InterNations, a Munich-based expat network with about 4 million members. Expats appreciated Taiwan's medical care, on top of quality of life. A full 96% of respondents were happy with the quality of care, compared with 71% globally. Expats also reported they were more satisfied with their job security in Taiwan and state of the local economy than their peers in other locales.
Fair. Informative. Down to earth. You left one thing that’s scorching summer...
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally).
I usually watch and never comment but today is well worth it. This is bay far the best video so far in your channel. The music choice is great too! Something new and refreshing at last! Kudos
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally). In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan's healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
@VictorxGrace3 жыл бұрын
Yes!!! You really need to open your mind culturally and socially in Taiwan! It’s an amazing world once a foreigner settles in. And Traffic 100% agreeeeeeee. All the busses in Taipei just cut you off in your little scooter. 😭
@lifeintaiwan3 жыл бұрын
Yeah Taipei is another animal!! Think 台中 is bad but I’m happy I’m here and not in Taipei
@台灣林㹭3 жыл бұрын
Part of what is said in the film is objective facts, but there are also many subjective perceptions, first take a few of them related to culture and language, to review Allan lived in Taiwan for so long but not quite Chinese, language is the first step to integrate into the local, do not want to learn is likely to be rooted in a sense of pride, perhaps many of our people also worship and have blind faith in things foreign, no wonder Allan claims to be handsome! However, compared to Ku from France (KZbin channel: Ku's dream), it's really different, Ku is willing to talk about Chinese, and he just lived in Taiwan for a few years, fluent in Chinese to almost no accent, in addition to Ku, I also found that many foreigners (or new residents of Taiwan) speak fluently Chinese, and these foreigners living in Taiwan only a few years, not more than a decade. We would like to call them Taiwan's new residents, not foreigner. Compared to Allan, who has lived in Taiwan for more than a decade but is less likely to say Chinese, of course, it is difficult to integrate into the local second step: culture. Therefore, everything has a starting point, learn the local language (Chinese) is a starting point, from this starting point and then into the cultural level, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it's not out of place, and not feels like a fish out of water, the native differences will not be magnified, always feel like foreigners, Allan your 12 reasons will gradually reduce! 影片中所談論的有部分是客觀的事實,但也有很多是主觀的認知,先拿其中有幾個涉及文化與語言的來講,就要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文(漢語),語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自傲自大的優越感,也許是我們很多人民也崇洋,看到你們這些人就比讚,難怪Allan自稱帥倫!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年、最多不超過十年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,比起Allan住在台灣超過十多年卻還不太會說中文,當然要融入當地的第二步:文化,是不能類比的。所以,凡事都有個起點,學會當地語言(本地就是中文)就是個起點,從這起點再進入文化層次,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,永遠感覺像是外國人,Allan那12個原因就會逐漸減少!
Your comments are all very genuine he‘s a something the government all the people should think about in terms of improving it thank you so much Taiwan needs a person like you
@egg52213 жыл бұрын
真實的表達台灣的好與壞 中立的觀點 身為台灣人 我認為這才是對台灣有所幫助
@mehxsquared3 жыл бұрын
the points you shared were definitely very fair. and its good to shine some light on them, hopefully to encourage improvement. for example, better traffic regulations, better social welfare, and less language barriers but still encourage culture preservation.
Great points all well made Allan. Keep up the good work ( Formerly known as Mike Waterford) The First time i landed in Taiwan it was like landing on another planet compared to Ireland. Took some time and many visits to adjust.
@lifeintaiwan3 жыл бұрын
Got you Mike!
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally). Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan's healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
Part of what is said in the film is objective facts, but there are also many subjective perceptions, first take a few of them related to culture and language, to review Allan lived in Taiwan for so long but not quite Chinese, language is the first step to integrate into the local, do not want to learn is likely to be rooted in a sense of pride, perhaps many of our people also worship and have blind faith in things foreign, no wonder Allan claims to be handsome! However, compared to Ku from France (KZbin channel: Ku's dream), it's really different, Ku is willing to talk about Chinese, and he just lived in Taiwan for a few years, fluent in Chinese to almost no accent, in addition to Ku, I also found that many foreigners (or new residents of Taiwan) speak fluently Chinese, and these foreigners living in Taiwan only a few years, not more than a decade. We would like to call them Taiwan's new residents, not foreigner. Compared to Allan, who has lived in Taiwan for more than a decade but is less likely to say Chinese, of course, it is difficult to integrate into the local second step: culture. Therefore, everything has a starting point, learn the local language (Chinese) is a starting point, from this starting point and then into the cultural level, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it's not out of place, and not feels like a fish out of water, the native differences will not be magnified, always feel like foreigners, Allan your 12 reasons will gradually reduce! 影片中所談論的有部分是客觀的事實,但也有很多是主觀的認知,先拿其中有幾個涉及文化與語言的來講,就要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文(漢語),語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自傲自大的優越感,也許是我們很多人民也崇洋,看到你們這些人就比讚,難怪Allan自稱帥倫!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年、最多不超過十年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,比起Allan住在台灣超過十多年卻還不太會說中文,當然要融入當地的第二步:文化,是不能類比的。所以,凡事都有個起點,學會當地語言(本地就是中文)就是個起點,從這起點再進入文化層次,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,永遠感覺像是外國人,Allan那12個原因就會逐漸減少!
As a Taiwanese, I think that what Westerners like most about Taiwan is the convenience of being vegetarian. The most annoying thing is probably the traffic conditions. I totally agree with this.
@Natenie3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely true. Would love to see a followup video interviewing both the locals and foreigners and diving into all these points because we don't usually see this kind of content about Taiwan.
@icegogogogo71723 жыл бұрын
@wang9823 жыл бұрын
台灣的各位面對這個內容,都沒被標題影響 都有好好思考問題 ,然後回答實在值得讚許💪
@hwang5709113 жыл бұрын
艾倫真的非常了解台灣 你說的都是我們知道的事實
@denise04553 жыл бұрын
一針見血! I wish I could refute your points of view but I found I can’t. I almost cry out after your video, what you talked about in this video which are so real, it’s sad, but it’s my home country, I still love it.
Pretty much covered the whole topic so nobody needs to make a video with this title ever again! Unless it gets 100k views and I’ll take another look at it in a few months! 😂
@台灣林㹭3 жыл бұрын
Part of what is said in the film is objective facts, but there are also many subjective perceptions, first take a few of them related to culture and language, to review Allan lived in Taiwan for so long but not quite Chinese, language is the first step to integrate into the local, do not want to learn is likely to be rooted in a sense of pride, perhaps many of our people also worship and have blind faith in things foreign, no wonder Allan claims to be handsome! However, compared to Ku from France (KZbin channel: Ku's dream), it's really different, Ku is willing to talk about Chinese, and he just lived in Taiwan for a few years, fluent in Chinese to almost no accent, in addition to Ku, I also found that many foreigners (or new residents of Taiwan) speak fluently Chinese, and these foreigners living in Taiwan only a few years, not more than a decade. We would like to call them Taiwan's new residents, not foreigner. Compared to Allan, who has lived in Taiwan for more than a decade but is less likely to say Chinese, of course, it is difficult to integrate into the local second step: culture. Therefore, everything has a starting point, learn the local language (Chinese) is a starting point, from this starting point and then into the cultural level, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it's not out of place, and not feels like a fish out of water, the native differences will not be magnified, always feel like foreigners, Allan your 12 reasons will gradually reduce! 影片中所談論的有部分是客觀的事實,但也有很多是主觀的認知,先拿其中有幾個涉及文化與語言的來講,就要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文(漢語),語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自傲自大的優越感,也許是我們很多人民也崇洋,看到你們這些人就比讚,難怪Allan自稱帥倫!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年、最多不超過十年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,比起Allan住在台灣超過十多年卻還不太會說中文,當然要融入當地的第二步:文化,是不能類比的。所以,凡事都有個起點,學會當地語言(本地就是中文)就是個起點,從這起點再進入文化層次,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,永遠感覺像是外國人,Allan您那12個原因就會逐漸減少!
Heaven is the only one place which is perfect and need no improvement. As a Taiwanese, I agree with most of what you said and thanks for your honest. Besides, as a Taiwanese living in Germany, I think most of what you mentioned can apply to the foreigners living in foreign countries. By the way, I am from Taichung, and I found that the area where you live and activities seems to be near my hometown in Taichung~ Hahaha...
@YSM19713 жыл бұрын
Same here in Australia
@台灣林㹭3 жыл бұрын
Part of what is said in the film is objective facts, but there are also many subjective perceptions, first take a few of them related to culture and language, to review Allan lived in Taiwan for so long but not quite Chinese, language is the first step to integrate into the local, do not want to learn is likely to be rooted in a sense of pride, perhaps many of our people also worship and have blind faith in things foreign, no wonder Allan claims to be handsome! However, compared to Ku from France (KZbin channel: Ku's dream), it's really different, Ku is willing to talk about Chinese, and he just lived in Taiwan for a few years, fluent in Chinese to almost no accent, in addition to Ku, I also found that many foreigners (or new residents of Taiwan) speak fluently Chinese, and these foreigners living in Taiwan only a few years, not more than a decade. We would like to call them Taiwan's new residents, not foreigner. Compared to Allan, who has lived in Taiwan for more than a decade but is less likely to say Chinese, of course, it is difficult to integrate into the local second step: culture. Therefore, everything has a starting point, learn the local language (Chinese) is a starting point, from this starting point and then into the cultural level, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it's not out of place, and not feels like a fish out of water, the native differences will not be magnified, always feel like foreigners, Allan your 12 reasons will gradually reduce! 影片中所談論的有部分是客觀的事實,但也有很多是主觀的認知,先拿其中有幾個涉及文化與語言的來講,就要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文(漢語),語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自傲自大的優越感,也許是我們很多人民也崇洋,看到你們這些人就比讚,難怪Allan自稱帥倫!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年、最多不超過十年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,比起Allan住在台灣超過十多年卻還不太會說中文,當然要融入當地的第二步:文化,是不能類比的。所以,凡事都有個起點,學會當地語言(本地就是中文)就是個起點,從這起點再進入文化層次,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,永遠感覺像是外國人,Allan那12個原因就會逐漸減少!
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan’s healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
@humarco29153 жыл бұрын
@tiyace3 жыл бұрын
Negative aspects are necessary for the improvement of a country. Thank you for sharing your opinions!
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan’s healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
@PlusEVpush3 жыл бұрын
Each of these twelve reasons is a very true representation of the status quo in Taiwan. I really enjoy this kind of video, ty for your hard work and sharing.
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally). Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan's healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
@shehmo3 жыл бұрын
4:14 I would recommend you to translate traffic to 交通 or 交通流量. 流量 alone means the views of a video. 8:29 I would simply use 講廢話 instead of translating it straightforward. Overall, I agree with you completely. Your points are recognised and approved by most of the Taiwanese including me.
@Iamspooky2213 жыл бұрын
感謝分享~ 連同這集一起看,確是給有興趣來台者的優良指南!
@dustinhoffman17633 жыл бұрын
I think all your points are relevant to anyone who live someone else's country. As an American who had lived in Germany for many years, I was always an "Auslander" in the mind of a German. Even though I have white skin too. Where ever you go , money is the king. Even In Germany though there are social assistant there, as a foreigner, your social assistant is limited, when you are out of a job, you are pretty much screwed. My work permit will eventually expired and no one will hire me. Prejudice exist in every country, not just Taiwan. I think Europeans are as bad. They are able to identified who is Polish, Czech, etc in the crowd, we all look white. No, your video is not negative. It is an eye opener for many who has never traveled out of the country. I, as an American, I learn to love my country more than ever after I have traveled and lived in another country. I have learned to appreciate what my country , where I was born, did for me. I think you should too.
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally). Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan's healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
@hsiumei03053 жыл бұрын
@jax52323 жыл бұрын
I'm a Taiwanese-American and I've been living on an off of Taiwan my whole life and I agree with the points you made in this video! The older I get the more I un-enjoy living here due to your reasoning in this video. What sucks for me is because I speak fluent English but I don't get to earn the foreigner pay because I am Asian and not a "foreigner" meaning I don't have blond hair and blue eyes... So in a way I also feel this video also applies to people like me. Anyways I don't know you will get to see this comment or not I just want to say that I do enjoy watching your videos from time to time and thank you for providing a prospective not a lot of people don't get to see about Taiwan.
@cheungs73 жыл бұрын
I would say this video applies to us "bananas", since we would experience the same sentiments as Allan @lifeintaiwan. But because we look like a local, there's another level of difference in terms of treatment. One minute I could be telling them my passion for Taiwanese Beef Noodles, but next I could be talking about English breakfast and how I miss a toasted teacakes. When I tell locals I'm from UK, they seem very confused.
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally). In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan's healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
I really enjoyed this video. I was expecting more of the phony "if you don't like having a good time, then Taiwan is not for you" but Allan has come up with some pretty honest reasons, I think. The "communications in relationships" point starting around 07:00 really resonates with me. It's tough having a heart-to-heart disagreement/argument with a significant other speaking a second language. I know that myself. Anyway good work - added some very useful balance to the channel I think.
@lifeintaiwan3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I really tried to think of the really difficult things as opposed to “the foods so good you’ll get fat” etc etc
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally). Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan's healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.
@趙昱瑄-s9r3 жыл бұрын
I like this kind of commentary that tells the truth better than those that say how good Taiwan is. I think Taiwan really has a lot to improve.
Part of what is said in the film is objective facts, but there are also many subjective perceptions, first take a few of them related to culture and language, to review Allan lived in Taiwan for so long but not quite Chinese, language is the first step to integrate into the local, do not want to learn is likely to be rooted in a sense of pride, perhaps many of our people also worship and have blind faith in things foreign, no wonder Allan claims to be handsome! However, compared to Ku from France (KZbin channel: Ku's dream), it's really different, Ku is willing to talk about Chinese, and he just lived in Taiwan for a few years, fluent in Chinese to almost no accent, in addition to Ku, I also found that many foreigners (or new residents of Taiwan) speak fluently Chinese, and these foreigners living in Taiwan only a few years, not more than a decade. We would like to call them Taiwan's new residents, not foreigner. Compared to Allan, who has lived in Taiwan for more than a decade but is less likely to say Chinese, of course, it is difficult to integrate into the local second step: culture. Therefore, everything has a starting point, learn the local language (Chinese) is a starting point, from this starting point and then into the cultural level, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it's not out of place, and not feels like a fish out of water, the native differences will not be magnified, always feel like foreigners, Allan's 12 reasons will gradually reduce! 影片中所談論的有部分是客觀的事實,但也有很多是主觀的認知,先拿其中有幾個涉及文化與語言的來講,就要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文(漢語),語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自傲自大的優越感,也許是我們很多人民也崇洋,看到你們這些人就比讚,難怪Allan自稱帥倫!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年、最多不超過十年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,比起Allan住在台灣超過十多年卻還不太會說中文,當然要融入當地的第二步:文化,是不能類比的。所以,凡事都有個起點,學會當地語言(本地就是中文)就是個起點,從這起點再進入文化層次,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,永遠感覺像是外國人,Allan那12個原因就會逐漸減少!
@我是台灣人-v6b3 жыл бұрын
一一回覆Alan: (1)Alan說外國人在台灣的工作僅限於英語教學或短期工程,這只能說他的同溫層朋友沒有涵蓋更多在台外國人,他至少應該去多看看相關資料或影片,不過,可惜他不太懂中文,否則他會知道有很多外國人在台灣長期工作,也有不少外國人在台灣創業,其中也有科技業。 (2)Alan抱怨關於外國人教英語的薪資,我認為沒有甚麼好抱怨的,一方面這種工作替代性很高,你不滿意要離開,老闆再找一個就好,世界上凡是替代性很高的工作都不會太有錢途,誰叫你沒別的專長,只能把母語當賺錢工具,否則你可以到譬如科技業去工作,替代性就不會比教英語來的高。 (3)Alan抱怨台灣薪水低,這是主觀的事實,但相對稅負低、物價低、健保低廉等,所以按照各國人均國內生產毛額(以購買力平價計算)排列,世界銀行的2019年排名,台灣排名第17名,國際貨幣基金組織的2021年預估台灣排名第12名,還在德國、比利時、芬蘭、法國、英國等之上。 (4)Alan抱怨台灣很貴而無法存錢,但存錢本來就對外國人來講不是像受到儒家文化的東亞人來的有觀念與有紀律,存錢是節流,想要開源,就不要一輩子平庸教英語,才能有更好的頂級生活。 (5)Alan抱怨台灣交通流量,這是事實,台灣地小人稠本就已受限,但仍是有進步的地方,譬如台北自從捷運路網發達起來後改善不少,敬請出門盡量搭乘大眾交通工具,大家少騎車少開車可減少碳排放與交通量。 (6)Alan抱怨語言問題,想請問到哪裡不都一樣,我們移民到英國當然也要學習英文,且也不容易融入當地主流社會,還會被歧視。不過,先要檢討Allan住在台灣這麼久卻還不太會說中文,語言是融入當地的第一步,不願學習則很可能是根著於一種自大的優越感!不過,對比從法國來的酷(KZbin頻道:Ku's dream酷的夢),真的天差地別,Ku很願意講中文,而他只不過住在台灣幾年而已,漢語流利到幾乎沒有口音,除了Ku,我也發現不少外來新住民的中文很棒,而這些住在台灣才幾年的外國人,說著一口流利的中文,我們很願意稱之為台灣新住民,有句英文 When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 很值得借鏡,所謂的入境隨俗就比較不會格格不入,原生相異點也才不會被放大,抱持著自大的優越感,當然永遠都是格格不入的外國人!請參考法國學者高格孚的訪問: kzbin.info/www/bejne/pWWnh4Sppsp9ntE 、 kzbin.info/www/bejne/pWWnh4Sppsp9ntE 。 (7)Alan抱怨文化與語言溝通問題,這有很多層面可以探討,第一,交往了好幾個台灣女人,也不和分手好幾次,那麼不如交往非台灣的女人,譬如同樣來自英文環境的女人(怕這種女人沒有崇洋而看不上你嗎?),第二,與其抱怨別人,先反求諸己,第三,這不是只有文化和語言才有問題,而是每個人都會有溝通問題,即使是家人,第四,放下執著與優越感,把中文學好,你也能使用中文溝通與吵架。 (8)Alan抱怨台灣離祖國太遠,這沒甚麼話好說的,建議回國工作,或到附近的法國等地工作,bye bye ! (9)Alan抱怨台灣太小,來了超過十多年還不習慣的話則建議離開台灣吧,不過話說回來,為什麼有外國人就執意要留在台灣,因為他們享受台灣。另外,根據萬事達卡公布的最新調查報告「全球目的地城市指數」,2018年全球出國旅遊人次最多的國家,台灣排名第十,排名在前面的都是人口比台灣多的國家,譬如美國、中國、德國、日本、等,若是出國旅遊人次除以人口總數,台灣絕對是翹楚,且台灣觀光客每年出國總花費超過八千億。所以,若是Alan有錢,也可跟這些台灣觀光客一樣,就不會覺得台灣太小。 (10)Alan再來抱怨文化與祖國不同,真的不習慣又不願融入的話,還是建議回國去吧。 (11)Alan抱怨社會福利問題,我想世界各國的社會福利當然是優先照顧本國人民啦!這還用講嗎? (12)???我看完了影片,好像有提到11點原因,但找不到第12點,有可能在第6點至第7點之間談到語言與文化問題,因為話題太相似而分不太清楚段落。關於Alan抱怨很多語言與文化問題,很多是優越感作祟,建議先從學好中文開始,放下執著,就會正向迎來新世界新觀念。
@gbotw993 жыл бұрын
👍 Too hard to figure out these great points as a native. Another lesson learnt for me!
@meowfelis30633 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is ranked the best destination in the world for expatriates for the third time in a row, according to the Expat Insider 2021 Survey released May 18 by Munich-based InterNations, the largest global network for people living abroad. Respondents' level of satisfaction was gauged across five indices: cost of living, ease of settling in, personal finance, quality of life and working abroad. Taiwan scored first in quality of life for the fourth year on the back of strong showings in the subcategories of health and well-being, where it topped the list, and travel and transport, where it claimed eighth place. Taiwan was rated well ahead of global averages for job security (83 percent vs. 61 percent), state of the local economy (85 percent vs. 62 percent globally), happiness with one's job (75 percent vs. 68 percent), and life in general (80 percent vs. 75 percent). In addition, expats in Taiwan rated the quality of their host country's medical care very highly at 96 percent (vs. 71 percent globally), and 94 percent were pleased with Taiwan's affordability (compared with 68 percent globally). In particular, 94 percent and 96 percent of expats in the country respectively appreciate the affordability and quality of Taiwan's healthcare, while 90 percent give the local transportation infrastructure a positive rating. Taiwan also led the world in the index of working abroad due to its high rankings in the subcategories of career prospects and satisfaction; work and leisure; and economy and job security. Overall, 83 percent and 85 percent of expats in Taiwan are satisfied with their job security and the state of the local economy, respectively.