48:37 so what if there is actual cheating? We’re not talking about abstract situations. There is more than plenty of real life evidence to show cheating. At the very least for a large part of these situations.
@bobgibby92928 ай бұрын
Look at Acts, read the gospels...... Book of Acts... Ch. 2:22-25 You people of Israel Peter continued listen to this. Jesus of Nazareth was a man marked out for you by God through the mighty works, signs, and portents which God performed through him right here among you, [as you all know]. 💥He was handed over in accordance with God’s determine purpose and foreknowledge-and you 💥use people outside the law to 💥nail him up and kill him. But God raised him from the dead. Death and it’s painful grip on him, but God released him from it because it wasn’t possible for him to mastered by it. Ch. 2:36-42 “So the whole house of Israel must know this for a Fact: God has made him Lord and Messiah this Jesus, the one you 💥crucified”. When they heard this, the people in the crowd were cut to the heart. “Brothers” [jews]they said to peter and the other apostles, what shall we do? “Turn back! Replied Peter. Be baptized every single one of you in the name of Jesus the Messiah, so that your sins can be forgiven and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promises is for you and for your children and for everyone who is far away, as many as the Lord our God will call. He carried on explaining things to them with many other words. Let God rescue you, he was urging them, from this 💥wicked generation.--[Jews who plotted against Jesus] Those who welcomed his word were baptized. About 3000 people were added to the community that day. Ch 3 :1-11 One day, Peter and John we’re going up to the temple at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the time for prayer. There was a man being carried in who had been lame since birth. People used to bring him every day to the temple gate called “beautiful” so that he could ask for alms from the folk on their way into the temple. When he saw Peter and John going into the temple, he asked him to give him some money. Peter, with John, looked hard at him. Look at us he said. The man starred at them expecting to get something from them. I haven’t got any silver or gold Peter said but I’ll give you what I have got. In the name of the Messiah Jesus of Nazareth get up and walk!....All the people ran together in astonishment towards Peter and John, and the man who was clinging to them they were in the part of the temple known as Solomons porch. V12-16 Peter saw them all and began to speak. Fellow Israelites he said why are you amazed at this? Why are you staring at us as though it was our own power or piety that made this man walk? The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the god of Jacob the God of our ancestors he has [glorified his child Jesus], the one 💥you handed over and denied in the presence of Pilate although he [Governor of Rome] had decided 💥to let him go. But you 💥denied the Holy One the Just One, and requested💥 instead to have a “murder” [ Barabbas ] given to you; and so 💥you killed the Prince of Life. But God raised him from the dead, and we are witnesses to the fact. And it is “his name, working through faith in his name”, that has given strength to this man, who you see and know. It is Faith which comes through him that has given him this new completewholeness in front of all of you. V 17-26 Now, my dear family, Peter continued I know that you acted ignorance, just as your rulers did. But this is how God has fulfilled what he promised through the mouth of all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer. So now repent, and turn back, so that your sins may be blotted out, so that the times of refreshment may come from the presence of the Lord, and so that he will send you Jesus, the one he chose and appointed to be his Messiah. He must be received in heaven, you see, until the time which God spoke about through the mouths of his holy prophets from ancient days, the time when God will restore all things. “Moses said, the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me, one from [among your own brothers]; whatever he says to you, you must pay attention to him. And everyone who does not listen to that prophet will be cut off from “the people”. All the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and his successors, spoke about these days too. You are the children of the prophets, the children of the covenant which God established with your ancestors when he said to Abraham, in your seed show [all] “the families of the Earth be blessed”. When God raised up his servant [Jesus]he sent him to you 💥first [house of Israel]...to bless you by turning each of you away 💥from your wicked deeds.--{what was these “wicked deeds” that “this generation of Jews” were doing besides plotting the death of Jesus ? 🇮🇱 repent
@landonhouse93383 ай бұрын
50:30 I disagree with Doug where he says, "maybe they all just worked for it and earned those high positions in the media." How can you prove this, Doug? You can't. It's not anti-sematic to wonder that maybe they were placed in those positions because they're all in the same media club.
@joshmarietta91588 ай бұрын
55:08 but you call out one individual who has deep connections to Israeli intelligence and can’t call out his connection. If we were in any country in the world and one of our cia got caught doing something. They would say the Americans did such and such. No one would call that wrong or would assume they mean every American did such and such or even supported it. So saying Jewish …… does not mean every Jew and I think it’s pretty clear that is what most people mean when saying Jews or Jewish….. of course there are some who won’t fit that but that is not the majority of what is at the heart of this discussion. This whole thing just shows that anything Jewish in conversation is always treated special. It has to be handled with kid glove because every single person is afraid of that tag of antisemetic while you could hurl any other race or ethnicity and it will not have the same effect. You can be anti china. Anti French. Anti Muslim. Anti Christian. Just don’t be anti Jewish. And for the fun part. You don’t get to define or even keep a stable definition of antisemitism. It’s a moving target with fatal consequences.
@goyonman96558 ай бұрын
Doug Wilson's son is married to a jewess and is raising his family Jewish. He has Jewish family
@kvzacomics3 ай бұрын
It's ironic that I agree with most of what Doug said being a dispensationalist myself. I'll never understand how such learned men can be so ignorant on certain subjects. Dispensationalism (true dispensationalism and not Scoffieldian ageism) has NEVER said or even suggested that judaism is a parallel way to heaven, Christ has always been the basis of everyone's salvation throughout all of history (whether looking forward to Him or looking backwards to the cross) and every single believer is part of the one family of God.
@coyotebuttonsАй бұрын
Scoffield dispensationalism is the overwhelming majority of dispensationalism in America, it’s honestly quite understandable why that specific type is in view
@joshmarietta91588 ай бұрын
So “we” put them there? So in that same line of thinking “you and I” are responsible for the decisions made by people who we support maybe zero. So if you break something. One option would be to say. Our mistake and right the wrong. Not just keep forcing that wrong.