MY TESTIMONY I am a Believer and follower of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am a 54 years old ex-transwoman from Malaysia who is living a wonderful life in Christ. I choose to respect people’s choices and I would appreciate it if people would also respect my choice of living this amazing life that I have with my wife Pastor Amanda who WAS an asexual. We are blessed with two biological beautiful children. Ex-LGBTQIA+ people like us do exist yet we have often been told to shut up and not speak about how Almighty God has redeemed and changed us but I don’t think we will ever stop talking. We are on all social media platforms, just search EXTRANSGENDERPASTOR to follow/subscribe. Come signup to be a Befriender to help others who are in the Journey of Recovery (JOR). 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂