空を見上げて雲を見つめる 過ぎ去りし時の空 雲の行方は Looking up at the sky and gazing at the clouds, the sky of a time gone by, where are the clouds going? 青い桜の花は散らない 小さなこの両手で夢を掴もうとしてた The blue cherry blossom petals do not scatter I was trying to grasp my dream with these small hands 友の声は遥か遠くに 僕の心の中で絶えずに響いて… My friend's voice has gone far away, but it continues to echo in my heart... 朝が来るまで語り明かした 僕らが夢見ていた約束の街 The promised city we dreamed of, talking about it until the morning came 何も恐いモノなんてなかった 目に映る全てが希望に見えた There was nothing to fear Everything I saw looked like hope 道に迷い 笑いあって 目の前の光 探し続けた We got lost, laughed at each other, and continued searching for the light in front of us. 友の声よ遥か遠くに 僕の心の中で絶えずに響いて… My friend's voice has gone far away, but it continues to echo in my heart... あの日の僕等はそこに立っていて 何も言わずにこっちを見ている When we were younger, we were standing there, They stare at us without saying anything. あの日の夢は今も僕の事を縛りつけて 何も変わらずずっと流れてる The dream of that day still binds me and continues to flow without changing. 愛しき人よ 空に歌った 僕らの声は今でも絶えずに響いて… My beloved, our voices that sang in the sky still echo constantly... あの日の僕等はそこに立っていて 何も言わずにこっちを見ている When we were younger, we were standing there, They stare at us without saying anything. 遠くを見るような目で僕の事を睨みつけて 何も言わずにじっと見つめてる He glares at me with eyes that look into the distance and just stares at me without saying anything. 僕らが過ごしたあの日々は Those days we spent 何も変わらずあの日のまま Nothing has changed, it's still the same as that day 明日へ繋がるこの道に On this road that leads to tomorrow 大きな足跡残してやれ Let's leave a big footprint あの日の僕等はそこに立っていて 何も言わずにこっちを見ている When we were younger, we were standing there, They stare at us without saying anything. あの日の夢は今も僕の事を縛りつけて 何も変わらずずっと流れてる The dream of that day still binds me and continues to flow without changing. 形じゃなくて 言葉じゃなくて Not in shape, not in words この胸の高なりよ 届け 僕の想いよ This heart pounding I hope it reaches you.