Why are you using first nations people and not aboriginals because there was never mentioned anything regarding first nation people's in the 1967 Referendum but what your saying it's that the Commonwealth and the state government of the states Can make law's regards the aboriginals but never mentioned of the northern territory aboriginals the state s aborigines had the rights to vote in The federal referendumback then which the aboriginals in the Territory had no rights what so ever. And yet at the same time aboriginals of wave Hill was on strike a year prior to the referendum yet that was never mentioned about they fight and even after the referendum still nothing was ever mentioned and yet the strike went on for another 8 yrs explain why is that . And other thing didn't the first nation people of The state were against the land right given to the aboriginal people of the northern Territory what I know is that the aboriginals people in the NT frought for their rights and Voice to be heard but history shows that the first nations of NSW only frought for the rights to become Australian citizen and have the same rights as other Australian and new Australian yet their claimed that the aboriginals struggles was theirs struggle included them by saying that their doing its for all first nation and aboriginal nation wide which crap