1996 Jason 14

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Jackal & Stone

Jackal & Stone

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@audrabrown Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love Jason's response to never being able to use the car again so he turns around buys a motorcycle drives it into the living room and asks where he should park it
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
I can’t see why people blame Sonny for Jason’s choices and behavior……Sonny showed Jason more respect than anyone else including Ned…….the only person equal to Sonny was Robin.
@tonyaj4545 2 жыл бұрын
“Where should I park it?” 😂😂😂 And Ned and Lila’s face! 🤣Haha. I love Jason..
@thefighter5182 Жыл бұрын
What about Edward's face? 😂😂😂
@giggles1987 9 жыл бұрын
Ned's face when Jason says "where should I park it?"
@fomalhauto 7 жыл бұрын
Lila is smiling too.
@audrabrown3893 4 жыл бұрын
That was bloody hilarious
@jasoncarly 6 жыл бұрын
I have admit, this episode was classic. Remember seeing it when it first aired. Where should I park it. Lmbo
@beegee1960 4 жыл бұрын
So many people think Jason was an asshole during this period. I disagree. What I see is a young man struggling with the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury. He has lost his memory and memories of his family and everyone he has known, including himself. He has an amazing amount of knowledge, but no memory of how he acquired it. He has lost some of his cognitive functions, among them his ability to relate to others, the ability to know right from wrong, the ability to feel certain emotions, the ability to feel fear, and the ability to recognize appropriate behavior in given circumstances. He will regain many of these functions but it will take time. He has had a personality shift which is particularly confusing because he does not remember what his previous personality was like. His family finds that really hard to understand. As do many fans. People tell him what he was like, but he can not relate to the person they describe. He doesn’t feel like that person. And he is aware that the people around him don’t much care for his new personality. And perhaps the worst thing of all was his inability to control the sudden violent rages that are a result of the damage to the control center of his brain. That is something he eventually learns to control, but in the early days he is still struggling with it. And this is a different thing from emotions. It is a physical reaction, not a mental one. The doctors have warned his family that these things have occurred and that they will need to be very patient with him. They also warned them that it was possible, even probable that he would never regain his memory or become his old self. But because he can walk and talk OK, and is not a drooling idiot, they don’t seem to take the doctors warnings seriously. They can’t seem to accept that he will never be the wonderful young man he was before the accident. They seem to think that if they tell him often enough how he just needs time to heal, how wonderful he was and how much they love him and need him, he will eventually heal and come back to them as his old self. But Jason realizes that this is never going to happen. He know he is never going to be their golden boy again. He can see how badly they are disappointed ever time he tells them he does not remember them. And they certainly can’t accept that he doesn’t love them anymore, because he does not know them. They are total strangers to him. He is frustrated that he can’t be what they need and that they can’t accept him for who he has become. He finds it frustrating to be with them and begins to isolate himself, so he does not have to see their disappoint and devastation He becomes convinced it would be better for everyone if he just left. He is not pouting or looking for sympathy, he really believes it. And since he has no emotional attachment to them, he does not feel a loss at leaving. But he must have felt incredibly isolated and lonely, although he denies it to Emily. He is frustrated that they think he is not able to take care of himself or make the simplest decisions for himself. They think he is too damaged and yet at the same time they expect him to know how he is supposed to behave, even though he has lost the last twenty years of training in how society expects him to behave. Edward especially can’t seem to get that Jason really does not remember the rules of behavior. He even comments that Jason has known the rules of behavior since he was a baby. They send him mixed messages. He does not understand that for them it is just a matter of the time he needs to heal and get better, But Jason has no concept of time and to him their idea of getting better seems to be regaining his memory and becoming their golden son again. He know that isn’t going to happen. They know he has retained a lot of information about the world around him, even if not about himself. But they seem to think because he has lost his memory about some things, he must have lost his memory about everything. Like the incident where he takes the car. They are so sure he doesn’t know how to drive, they ignore the fact that he just drove across town to a place he has recently visited. No one suggests that he could be tested out by a driving instructor and if he passes, he could drive. They just tell him he is not ready. Edward forbids him from taking the car in the future. Jason has no concept of time, so to him the future means forever. That is why he bought the motorcycle. He knows he just proved he could drive a car so he must wonder what their motive for pretending he can’t. I think this is where he began to distrust them. and believe they are considering locking him up. No, Jason wasn’t just being an asshole. He was an injured young man bewildered by the world and the people he woke up to. No wonder he lashes out in anger and frustration. It would have been better if the doctors had insisted he go to the rehabilitation center when he left the hospital instead of home. The Q’s were just too emotionally involved. And they were too dysfunctional themselves to know how to deal with a dysfunctional patient recovering from brain damage. Jason needed a place where he would have had structure without the expectations that the Q’s put on him. Professionals would have understood when he lashed out in rage and helped him learn control. And he needed emotional counseling in how to deal with his situation. He got none of that at home. All they provided were nutritional meals and a gym for his physical rehabilitation. If he had done that, he might never have felt the need to leave home.
@moniquejones8791 4 жыл бұрын
Amen i torally agree i thinl i actually cried up until he found robin and sonny
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
Alice Soefje I would shake your hand if I could…….your so damn right…..your on target with your comments……..most of the people watching this seem to hve brain damage too.🤣🤣🤣cause they hve not understanding of what happened.
@beegee1960 3 жыл бұрын
@@sandrajohnson4778 Thanks for the compliment.. I always found this storyline incredibly sad. Someone on the writing team did their medical homework because they nailed the medical aspects of. Jason’s condition.
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
@@beegee1960 watching these from 1996 over and your comments still hold true……they made Jason out to a brain damaged idiot but that was not true…..just because he didn’t come back as the loyal golden boy…….what the didn’t see was how scared he was……hurt and unsure…….they all berated Sonny but the never really saw how Sonny treated him……with respect and kindness.
@Granger15 2 жыл бұрын
Damn! You wrote a dissertation
@deannashuemake2532 2 жыл бұрын
If Edward would just mind his business when it comes to the freakin grand kids
@beegee1960 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder what they would have thought if they could have seen the look of humiliation on Jason’s face at being told by the cops that they were taking him home.
@aubreyrachel8090 4 жыл бұрын
Haha oh that was beautiful, Ned and Lila 😆
@nikkialgien 7 жыл бұрын
love this conversation with Sason. now if Only the Q would have done things differently than maybe Jase would have not shut them out so much. calling the cops was the wrong way to go.
@CamilleNadia 7 жыл бұрын
Nikki Algien I agree. Jason was an asshole during this time, but I was kind of on his side here. Calling the cops was overkill.
@jasoncarly 6 жыл бұрын
Camille McKenzie total overkill and yes he was an ass hole back then
@audrabrown3893 4 жыл бұрын
It wasn't really his fault though
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
Jason has a medical reason for his behavior……what was the Q’s excuse???
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
Camille McKenzie I disagree with your comment……he was not an asshole……..but you think so …..can you explain?…….because his family was warned about his attitude and behavior……..with the exception of Ned and Lila and Emily……..the rest of those idiots told him how to be…….how to act……the did not ask him how he felt.
@beegee1960 4 жыл бұрын
Someone needed to tell Monica how to treat her son, she obviously didn’t know. Funny, they think he should know how to act, but not how to do something he just proved he could do.
@DanaDelise 6 жыл бұрын
I am so thankful to Jackal & Stone because this has been such a great way you did the Jason Morgan change I watched all night one night, I had forgotten how he became Jason Morgan but I loved his character as both and I still Love Jason Morgan so thanks for your time in doing this, People that hate him so bad should just not watch is all I can say,,Even when he was a baby they did not want him until Susan was killed, Monica was awful to him back then so I liked this storyline but not so much right now, I don't like seeing a whimpy Jason all the time, SMH
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
D…..same for he……his transition from Jason Q to Jason Morgan was spectacular……and I’m glad he changed.
@lstarsabb 2 жыл бұрын
So we have Edward to think for Jason being into bikes 😂
@johnathanhouston2893 7 жыл бұрын
Jason is talking to Sonny tell him he knows what Jason is going through that Sonny has the same anger issues like Jason but different causes was Jason is a brain damage with sonny will be bipolar disorder
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
@Trajay0 4 ай бұрын
Sonny didn't know, Jason had brain damage. I believe if I am wrong sorry
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
Edward was one of the reasons why Jason ran from that family……he was a bully!!!
@ScottMorrisIV 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I still love Edward don’t get me wrong on that, but what he doing is wrong by mistreating Jason.
@sandrajohnson4778 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScottMorrisIV and the problem was that they didn't really care.....as long as their Jason comes back.
@sarahswomley2580 2 жыл бұрын
It took Alan's death for Edward to soften his attitude towards Jason
@sandrajohnson4778 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarahswomley2580 but did it really?....lol....I did not see it.
@sarahswomley2580 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandrajohnson4778 Edward had a nice conversation w/Jason after Alan died and it was all about acceptance. sure he'd go after the "heirs", but he told Jason Alan was proud of him just as Edward was of Alan, he just didn't show it enough. Both Alan and Jason needed to take their own paths away from the family business
@soapgirl15 4 ай бұрын
Well they did say he was forbidden to drive a car but said nothing about riding a motorcycle.
@natalieps2387 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder if jason q would have married sam still . He probably would have been with liz ack
@stevensb.guillaume4754 4 жыл бұрын
Or Keesha
@aubreyrachel8090 4 жыл бұрын
Elizabeth would have fix Jason Q perfect that how boring and annoying she is
@sarahswomley2580 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt Jason Q would have been with Sam or Liz. I doubt it would have been Keesha as few 1st loves last. I'm not even sure it would have been Robin. Maybe in the beginning, but she was going off to school. He was kind to Stone and was a friend to Robin. and something may have developed, but KMc was going off to school and eventually, she would have left. Elizabeth eventually became Emily's best friend and their main connection was when Lucky "died" and if he wasn't working for Sonny, she wouldn't have needed to save him in the snow. Sam might have seen Jason Q as an opportunity b/c he'd be a rich doctor, but she probably would have stayed w/Jax or Sonny. The only reason why Jason was with Sam is b/c Sonny asked him to. He'd probably be a boring doctor and married a nice nurse or doctor.
@audrabrown Жыл бұрын
😅 where should I park it at 13 minutes
@brianmonisse2147 2 жыл бұрын
Ned Jason ride Motor Bike
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
So I ask……was what Jason just did…..riding his bike into the house Sonny’s fault???🤔🤔🤔
@whumpcookies 3 жыл бұрын
No I don't think it was, Jason was told no car..they didn't say anything about a motorbike! Plus his been pushed and pushed to be "their" Jason, his morals though still there were newly developing same as reasoning. He did the only thing he could. Over the years Jason has developed, from a mixed up person to a enforcer with his own code he lives up to.
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
@@whumpcookies……I asked that question because of people blaming Sonny for everything that happens under the sun……the Q’s stifled Jason so much they made it difficult for him to hve a decent relationship with them in the earlies.
@whumpcookies 3 жыл бұрын
@@sandrajohnson4778 oh I totally agree, Sonny didn't push him even tried to stop him, Jason was and is a new person, he back in 96 was still learning about the world but had a skill already there.
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
@@whumpcookies yes he did……and Sonny helped him hone it……honestly I don’t care about anyone of them……my people are Sonny and Jason and whichever woman Sonny is with……I love him……he is honest even though he lies…..I believe he has honor and lives by a code…..he admits when he’s wrong…… he’s arrogant and hot!!!
@whumpcookies 3 жыл бұрын
@@sandrajohnson4778 I'm not for the sonny is hot but I do love his character, there is something there about him that is pure brilliance, The best is when he met Jason and became his mentor and friend but when they became brothers now that is magic!
@sandrajohnson4778 3 жыл бұрын
Just saying!!!
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