This is the Koken! We Learn It From Master Hiro, Who Throws the Fastest and Strongest Fists!

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JEET KUNE DO 1inch channel

JEET KUNE DO 1inch channel

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@chocolarere5602 Жыл бұрын
@candynaCh Жыл бұрын
@えーのー-c5j Жыл бұрын
11:17 また先生の懐に入るのも上手いんだコレが
@gohoura6095 Жыл бұрын
@せんざきやすし Жыл бұрын
そんでまた、ヒロ先生へのリスペクトがダダ漏れなのが ( ・∀・)イイ!! 回を追うごとに本物の凄さを実感してるんでしょうね。
@kumoni-naritai Жыл бұрын
@hiro-uz3of Жыл бұрын
@kid.5053 Жыл бұрын
刃牙読んでないのにハンドポケットの所でヒロ先生が〝居合なんです〟と言った瞬間鳥肌立ったwww 勇次郎と同じ事言ってるw
@umitz1729 Жыл бұрын
ホント最初から最後までめちゃくちゃ面白い・・・ 完全ド素人の自分でも弧拳の有効性、ヒロ先生の凄さがよく理解できて楽しく視聴できます
@rabbit-walk Жыл бұрын
7:37 ヒロ先生が型のように打ってる横の動きと縦の動きが綺麗すぎる😍 完成した動きってのは美しいなぁ😳
@ilibrum2707 Жыл бұрын
鍛錬して手の形を変えると孤拳だけでもこれだけ戦術の幅が広がるんだな 武術の凄さ恐ろしさ、先人達が積み重ねた研究の深さが分かる
@kanemasa888 Жыл бұрын
13:05 ありえん早さでヒロ先生の攻撃動作に気付いてるから、 行雄さんマジで今までの経験で武道の素質磨かれてると思う
@ひろってぃー-t2f Жыл бұрын
@ウェイくん Жыл бұрын
@factspoken9062 Жыл бұрын
Bruce lee found out that chinese kunggu is useless in real he blended Taedwondo, karate, kick boxing, judo and formed Jeet kunedo. Thats what is written in his book
@d1Prczr6b29eM82Y 11 ай бұрын
@rin5245 Жыл бұрын
これは神回 人間鍛えれば全身凶器なんだと再確認しました…… それにしてもここまで鍛え上げる覚悟と胆力、ヒロ先生もまた狂気……
@かえるくんだよ Жыл бұрын
行雄ちゃん異常テロップ集 1:58 ディディー 3:30 ウコ 5:17 アフ 10:50 苦 11:48 オウ?
@hanaa993 Жыл бұрын
@旋風-d3i Жыл бұрын
さすが石井先生の師匠 スピードがはやいはやい
@NABE_Trapper Жыл бұрын
孤拳と掌打の流れるようなコンビネーションが美しい。素人がこの技術どこで使うんだ? と思ったものをしっかりこうやるんだよと示してくれるのは本当にありがたい事です。
@MozChanKun Жыл бұрын
@shingo46490829 Жыл бұрын
@tw2914 Жыл бұрын
@こいし-x6m Жыл бұрын
検索欄にぐねりパンチっていれたら もしかして:弧拳 で、関連したところに白鶴拳とかて表示されるんですね笑
@harry_hurler Жыл бұрын
10:28 とてつもない説得力を数秒でぶち込んでくるラスボス。 ご年齢を考えたらマジで有り得ないムーブだ…。
@gonbenanashino6974 Жыл бұрын
@aiwata55 Жыл бұрын
@akigamyl Жыл бұрын
@オウル-z9i Жыл бұрын
@tsukutsunn Жыл бұрын
@misiru9771 Жыл бұрын
@oueumkha Жыл бұрын
@kaytarner8381 Жыл бұрын
あっやっぱり危ない人たちだったんだ笑と再認識 掌打と表裏一体の孤拳が多人数戦や崩しのコンビネーションとしていかに理にかなっているか一目で示して見せてくれるのは流石です
@弓剣使い-t2u Жыл бұрын
6:40 〜 東吾先生過去攻撃食らった中でいっちゃん声出てたろw
@ケセランバサラン Жыл бұрын
@money5060 Жыл бұрын
酔拳の鍛錬シーンを思い出したわけだけど、あれ本当にやる鍛錬方法だなんて誰が想像しただろう 刃牙を知らずして再現するところなんか見てもラスボスの凄さを感じる ヒロさん刃牙見たら絶対興味津々になると思う
@joker-px6sd Жыл бұрын
@hetarekickboxer Жыл бұрын
@kt-lg6jn Жыл бұрын
@雷牙-j6b Жыл бұрын
@lieutenantcolumbo114 11 ай бұрын
@亜栗鼠 Жыл бұрын
6:40 今まで聞いたことの無い声が😂裏返ってるから相当効いたんでしょうねw
@伊介-h6c Жыл бұрын
1時間練習してみたら手首真っ赤w 手首の脱力がそのまま威力に繋がるのが心地いい!
@taro9916 Жыл бұрын
掌から孤への連動無駄がなさすぎて半端ない。 破壊エネルギーの終わりが無い感じ
@Masquerade-ur1oe Жыл бұрын
最後の行雄さんの股間の守りが、先生が動きの起こりに入る前に構えてた。早すぎる。 行雄さんも第六感を鍛える修行で覚醒し出してる
@所長風 Жыл бұрын
孤拳の腕立ては出来ないですよ、ましてジャンプはもっとヤバい。 流石はヒロ先生凄すぎる。
@matumatuseijin2046 Жыл бұрын
@シリウスの瞳 Жыл бұрын
@大島歩-r6u Жыл бұрын
@佐藤寿-s6e Жыл бұрын
ラスボスの動きの1つ1つがキマっててカッコよすぎなんですよね 一回演武を見てみたいです
@クッキー改 Жыл бұрын
腕立ての姿勢を手首の裏で支えた時に驚いた。そのままジャンプして手首だけで支えた時にびびった! (お、折れる、折れちゃうぅぅ💦)
@hararatti Жыл бұрын
@おっさん-s3x Жыл бұрын
ユキオさんの危機察知能力が上がっている😂 ヒロ先生の動き速すぎてヤバイ😂東吾先生油断して狐拳くらってガチの悲鳴😂誰かヒロ先生を止めれる人はいないのか。笑😂マジヒロ先生凄すぎ
@underholdYT Жыл бұрын
@kopkoptat Жыл бұрын
@赤敵-f1k Жыл бұрын
@ohanatei Жыл бұрын
@hiro_ogu Жыл бұрын
@seanimlove Жыл бұрын
@八神正季 Жыл бұрын
@やまもと-g5k Жыл бұрын
@森雅史-j2r Жыл бұрын
@naonao1168 Жыл бұрын
@Kaz-ve5lz Жыл бұрын
ヒロ先生、リアル刃牙!って。カンベちゃんのワクワクが伝わる! それにしても、狐拳を1%erのポスターに選ぶなんて、さすがワンインチチャンネル視聴者!
@tokaraboze Жыл бұрын
@トロウ Жыл бұрын
@mettyamendokusai Жыл бұрын
8:18 アニメ見る見ないの方向に会話が進んで流れちゃったけど、東吾先生が「バキ読んでないのに!」と驚いてる通り、ヒロ先生の「抜拳=居合」という言葉は、バキの中で言われてる通りの原理。バキを読んでないのに一瞬で言い当てるヒロ先生、達人過ぎwそしてそんな凄い達人の発想と同じ術理を思いついて作品に取り込んでる板垣先生も凄すぎ。達人同士だからこそ通じ合った感じ。どっちも凄すぎw
@FACTJKD-qe6jp Жыл бұрын
こういうのめっちゃ好きです 骨のここを当てる〜とか技自体がカッコいいから純度高い男子系おじさんは真似したくなります(笑)
@mono-hito-koto2279 Жыл бұрын
@xqs1 Жыл бұрын
@nora-nyao Жыл бұрын
@石杖カナタ Жыл бұрын
唐突な実演ありがとうございます! にしても重い音しましたね。
@UNIKUDA Жыл бұрын
源氏皇流の話になると何言ってるかわからなくて急にうさん臭く感じるけどこうして部位鍛錬の粋を見せられると"本物の武術家"って思える 凄い
@諏訪湖の隣は琵琶湖 Жыл бұрын
@2-vd7uu Жыл бұрын
人の身体って本当に不思議ですね 鍛錬次第でその人の限界まで到達出来るんですから。勉強も運動も仕事も遊びも武術も。 性格も変わりますもんね!
@endlessdemise60 Жыл бұрын
@shirotsubame2555 Жыл бұрын
ヒロ先生の横に立つ時は複数人でも油断してはいけない 油断してなくても気配察知を緩めてはいけない それでもくらってしまう
@ipe-guma Жыл бұрын
昔空手やってた時に「手首痛めないようにね!」って最初教えてもらったけど まさかここで攻撃するなんて・・・すげえ・・・
@ちいかわ-v2z Жыл бұрын
@斉藤智康 Жыл бұрын
ヒロ先生 最近良く出てくれて嬉しいです 大分前に東吾、タク、海でやった瓦割りを是非 ヒロ先生にもやって欲しいですね
@ブリリアントやさい Жыл бұрын
不意打ちも「武術家たるものいかなる時でも気を抜くな!」そう言っているようなヒロ先生の無言の指導に見えます。 信頼できる子弟関係あってこそだと思います。
@ks-ij8sc Жыл бұрын
八木先生は弧受けという形で紹介してたけど、この形で腕を弾いて指先で首を刺すという、また恐ろしい用法だったな… 特に剛柔流は中国武術に近いので、似てるところが多くて面白いわ
@p0none799 Жыл бұрын
刀の居合は腰を後ろに引くことで刀を抜きやすくするけど抜拳は腰が前に出ることで拳をポケットから出すのか それを歩くモーションに紛れ込ませて見えなくすると
@panipani- Жыл бұрын
@_3589 Жыл бұрын
孤拳はたしかに手の形であるとか、突きの種類のひとつとして認識はありましたが、具体的な用法まで踏み込まれた書籍なり映像は少ないと言うか、無かったと思いますので、今回は貴重ですよね! 凄いのひと言に尽きると感じます、ご紹介していただき感謝いたします。 ありがとうございます😊😊😊😊
@shusugai Жыл бұрын
@ぶどうジュース-m6i Жыл бұрын
@johndough8115 Жыл бұрын
In Chinese arts, these are often described as either being the "Crane's Wings" and or "Serving Wine"... as seen in Drunken Kung Fu... Where as the hand shape looks like you are holding a cup of wine / tea. A lot of the power comes from the whipping motions. In Drunken style, its even more powerful than most... because its often launched from a "Full Body" whip, and or an actual "Forward Dive". In Drunken, your whole body remains extremely Relaxed and Fluid... to the point, when you choose to Attack.. the amount of Energy you can get from your full body whip... becomes Extremely Powerful / Lethal. The use of the three "Finger Tips" attack, is referred to as the "Cranes Beak". You use it like a beak, to Peck at specific small targets, like Pressure points, and the Eyes. Very similar to Snake or Mantis finger strike attacks. The same handshape, is also used to HOOK the attackers Arm, and redirect it away from you. And or as a means of temporarily Locking the attackers arm. You will especially see these methods, in arts like Mantis (interceptions, hooking, and locking... as well as striking). Palm Strikes, and Bent Wrist strikes, are especially good for Close ranges... where you do not have as much space / runway. When used with Explosive power (Fajin), at Masterclass levels of output... these techs can be very Damaging / Lethal. I once used a forearm deflection against an MMA fighters punch... and it almost broke his arm. I had only used about 10% on that Deflection. Within less than an hours time, the injury swelled up almost double in diameter... and he was in great pain, for many days to follow. For a beginner, the most simple first step, would be to just lean forwards into a wall... and rest most of your weight on your bent wrists, that are resting on the wall. Hold this position for a long period of time. The next step, would be to do something like Pushups... But rather than doing Full pushups, you can use the Knee-Cheat, to Reduce the amount of Body Mass weight, that your wrists will be supporting. You dont even have to do an actual pushup. You can just see how long you can hold all of your mass, on your bent wrists. The next step, is conditioning. You can hit a wall mounted Sandbag for this task, or a table mounted Iron Palm Bag. The canvas bag should be Packed tightly with Coarse Grain beach sand. You can either mount the bag to a solid concrete wall... or, make a very Study Iron Palm Table... and place the Iron Palm bag on top of it. The table should probably be about waist height. Maybe a little lower. When you strike downwards into it, you also are dropping all of your mass vertically downwards... adding to the impact forces. When Conditioning on the Sandbags... you want to get some Chinese Iron Fist Lineament... and rub a few drops into your fist / bones... both Before you start to hit.. and right After you have finished hitting the bag. It will eliminate any swelling, in less than 5 minutes of application. It will prevent injuries, drastically speed up healing, and will help create faster + superior conditioning Results (Denser Tissues + Denser Bones). You always want to be breathing Deeply and Non Stop, while conditioning. This will develop the proper Iron Body level Results. If you hold your breath, and or breath too shallow... your results will be Inferior. Proper breathing, will cause the body to develop much greater circulation channels. The tissues will slightly Expand, and fill with more oxygenated Blood. It becomes like a Hydraulic Shielding + Strengthening Effect. Liquids (like Blood) can not be Compressed... as such, a properly developed Iron Body, is very protective.. as well as able to deliver much more damaging Impacts.
@SakuraiCatshop Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. As you mentioned in details, I think Ko-Ken is a major hand-shape in traditional Chinese arts but it seems that is hard to strengthen enough to use in real fight… as we cans see in this video.
@johndough8115 Жыл бұрын
​@@SakuraiCatshop You could say that about almost anything. For example... todays fighters only tend to fight with Gloves on, and have heavily Taped wrists... When these modern sportized fighters get into a REAL barefist situation, they tend to break their knuckles, and or even their Wrists... because they have never done proper bare fist conditioning. In fact I had met an MMA fighter, that got jumped by 3 dudes. He managed to scare away a few of them, and got one of them to the ground. He tried the "Ground and Pound" method that you see in the UFC / MMA schools. However... the UFC ring is made with Rubberized flooring, and the entire ring often has a springy suspension system (to reduce impact damages from falls / throws). When he tried to punch this dudes head... which was braced against solid concrete... and he lacked the protection of Shock Absorbing Gloves... ALL of his energy just got rebounded back into his own fist... and his Middle knuckle was driven about 1cm deep into his own fists. Its a permanent disfigurement, and looks quite awful. The thing is, he was lucky to have survived the event... because competent fighters would have all attacked at the same time.. and would never have ran off so easily. Anyway... I remember the first time that I tried to do pushups on my bare knuckles... and was in an incredible amount of pain and suffering... even for like 20 seconds worth of time. It took quite a lot of training, for my fists to gradually change into "Iron Fists". Of course, that was not the only thing that I worked hard to condition, either. I trained my fingers for finger strikes. And I even conditioned my Toes, so that I could used them to Stab with. Such as the time I was sparring a Kyokushin Karate instructor.. and I used the Toe-Stabbing kick to strike his inner thigh muscle. That caused him to partially buckle, and he was temporarily unable to move. As such, I was easily able to step in with a flurry of handstrikes.. well before his nervous system was back to normal. He stopped sparring, asked me what the tech was called... and was so impressed at our session, that he wanted me to teach his students, the things that I learned + mastered. Additionally, I also did some pretty hardcore Iron Body conditioning (Basically, hitting every part of yourself, for one hour long sessions). For example.. one of my Demos.. is to chop my own throat, about 7 times in a row... as fast and hard as possible. I do not choke, nor is there any bruising from it. It totally freaks everyone out... including the MMA fighters! heh But even just my Fist training, was pretty intense. Typically 1 hour long session, hitting the wall mounted sandbag. And let me tell you... that hitting a sandbag (with your bare fists) that doesnt move... is very different than hitting a soft kick bag, that easily moves around... and while wearing some form of gloves + tape. Soft bags are good for developing penetration strength... but not for much more than that (Most sport fighters get their actual conditioning, from hitting each other... Not from the heavy bag work). I will add.. that you should never underestimate the strength and power of the wrist bone. Its a lot stronger than most peoples knuckles... as its quite a large + thick bone. Of course, when you are speaking about high impact power... its far less about what you are hitting with... and far more about Short-Range / Explosive Power. (Masterclass / Lethal level output potentials) Many Wing Chun practitioners, for example... have "OK" power with strikes that are 12 inches or longer, in Travel distances. But what if you are very close, and only have 3 inches of available Runway? Many of these guys have virtually no power at all... from 6 inches or less, of runway. Not because of the Arts methods... but because they simply never train themselves to reach that level of Mastery / Potentials. I did... but Im one of the very rare few on this Earth, that puts in the kind of Time, and Hardcore Training Efforts... that can eventually get you to such results. Thanks for your comment. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Best Regards
@LunaticReason Жыл бұрын
We use it in Northern Mantis as well.
@lucasrinaldi9909 Жыл бұрын
@@johndough8115 This sounds bullshido af.
@johndough8115 Жыл бұрын
​@@lucasrinaldi9909 The Chinese are known for watching Animals and Insects fight... and modeling some of their movements after them. They also tend to be a little "Poetic" at times. I used to think such things were foolish, and could not work, in high speed combat. Then I ran into a dude that knew about 7 different arts.. with most of them being Chinese arts. He mopped the completely Floor with me, for about 45 minutes straight. The most I got on him, were like 2 "Grazed". He was on a whole other level, compared to Anyone I have ever fought... and I have sparred a LOT of different artists, from all different arts. I was no joke either. I used to be nearly untouchable to the local blackbelt fighters. My Wing Chun skills were developed to Masterclass levels... and FAR surpassed their Sportized methods. But this time.. against this dude? I was on the other side of the Fence. He knew almost everything I did... and a LOT more. He could go from modern JKD / Wing Chun.. into deep horse stances from Shaolin Longfist, create a trap or distract you for a split second... and get a Chi-Na grapple on you.. and finish you off with a powerful sweep+throw... while you were about to escape his partial Lock on your wrist. All fluidly, and brutally... and everything worked flawlessly.... to my pure amazement. Even the things that looked like they were only for "Show" or "Artistic" reasons... were 100% Functional.. and downright Scary. Of course, he was also a Masterclass Level (flawless techniques + lethal levels of output potentials)... unlike the Majority of artists, in these modern times. And that really is the main difference between why something doesnt work... and something that DOES work. Things fail pretty quickly and easily... when you have not fully mastered them. If you had only cooked as a burger flipper, and at most, only made a few complex meals at your home... you would never be able to compete against someone like Gordon Ramsay, in one of his top restaurants. You would be making all sorts of mistakes... from Little, to Large. And even if your cooking was pretty On-Point.. he would still whoop you in pure Experience. Realize that the Chinese were no Joke. They used to start training as young as 3yrs old, and they trained over 8hrs every single day of their lives. They reached full mastery, and were complete BEASTS, by the time they were like 18. They put their best minds, to the task of developing new combat and training methods. And they tested the stuff, on Live Animals.. Live Prisoners... and in countless real Lethal fights (and wars). They would also test their Art, against other arts.. regularly. The losing arts methods, either created new Counters... or, they adopted the winning arts methods. This development, testing, and fighting... went on for a solid +2000 years... until Mao and his Commies, over-ran any of these fighters, by using massive swarms of armed troops to attack them with. That was also likely about the time where Firearms, drastically changed the Value of hand to hand combat. Over 70 million Chinese lives were destroyed / ended, in Mao's violent takeover process. A lot of the high technology from the arts, were lost. And even more potentially were lost... when Mao put a ban for over 60 years, on any practice of any combat art. Though, many of the Chinese citizens risked their lives.. and taught privately, in secret... to keep their arts Alive. You and your Generation, are way too easily Influenced by the "Elite's" Psyop programming methods (they dont want the Lemming Slave-Class, to be effective in highest level combat methods). And you make FAR to many IGNORANT ASSUMPTIONS, without having a SHRED of knowledge nor experience, with the things that you "Mock". But me? I went out there, and politely asked for these various artists to "Show Me". And after a little convincing that I was not Malicious... they agreed. I learned the hard way, about how Little I really knew, about the combat arts... and it elevated me to a whole other level of knowledge, and eventually, in a whole other level of Capabilities.
@ずんぞー-m9g Жыл бұрын
@大向ひろき Жыл бұрын
@アテツコズキ Жыл бұрын
@14seconds_at_Rostov Жыл бұрын
@アウルさんとソラくん Жыл бұрын
今回もお疲れ様でした! やはり文章よりも実際の動きがあればかなりわかりやすいですね!! 威力は東吾先生の顔が全てを語ってました(・・;)
@前田正幸-z5k Жыл бұрын
@frisk8724 Жыл бұрын
最初っからすごそうな人だなーとは思ってたけど 最近の忖度無しヒロ先生見てると あっまじで達人なんですね……ってなってる 別に疑ってたわけじゃないんだけどね。。
@佐藤優一-k1b Жыл бұрын
ケンガンオメガで空手の必殺技集みたいなのがあってその中に孤拳も出てきて あまりにかっこいいので使っている所がぜひ見たいと思っていたので感動してます! 映画も絶対見ます!!
@直樹澤口 Жыл бұрын
この動画を見て、弧拳を使ってみようと思いました^ - ^何回も見て、鍛練、練習します^ - ^ありがとうございます^ - ^
@ちいかわ-v2z Жыл бұрын
@LeftEyeoftheSky Жыл бұрын
@ahoy7626 Жыл бұрын
@ssannhiro3686 Жыл бұрын
@山田秀樹-w9e Жыл бұрын
@hiroaki3894 Жыл бұрын
身体の意外な部位を使う技や武術など有れば、ヒロ先生と東吾先生に 掘り下げてほしいです😊
@tmptead Жыл бұрын
@saku-3176 9 ай бұрын
@ひろってぃー-t2f Жыл бұрын
@motokisp_line Жыл бұрын
手首腕立てはやばすぎるw これが一番簡単な鍛え方とかw 武術は奥が深い。
@penicillin2000 Жыл бұрын
@くうちょん Жыл бұрын
受けサイボーグ 2号かな? 平良さん、お元気ですか?
@user-freestyletripper Жыл бұрын
@漱石枕流-p9e Жыл бұрын
6:41 コレはヤバい w
@user-mh4rt1db9k Жыл бұрын
9:07 ここマジで速すぎて意味わからん
@鳥阪雅和 Жыл бұрын
わりと有名な所だとベストキットのペンキ塗りで練習してたのが弧拳ででんでん太鼓で教えたのが影武流の鞭打だったから ベストキットって凄かったんだと思った
@くるぶし-m2j Жыл бұрын
でんでん太鼓は体を左右に回して拳を連打するのを映画的に誇張してでんでん太鼓に例えただけで 鞭打は腰を回さずに体をしならせて打ち込む方法らしいから、ちょっと違うんじゃないかな
@鳥阪雅和 Жыл бұрын
鞭打じゃなかったっけ? 何かのパンチの説明ででんでん太鼓みたくと説明はしてたと思う 確か打ち込む時の腕の振り方の説明で脱力した打ち方の表現してたと思う
@くるぶし-m2j Жыл бұрын
空手の正拳突きは腰を回して打つもので映画での最後の連打でも思い切り回してたし、影武流は腰をひねらないと聞いたので二つの突きは違うんじゃないかなと思った まあでも腕の脱力の仕方とか共通してるかもしれませんね
@Cooa_Annon Жыл бұрын
ヒロ渡邊先生は「東吾が大げさだ」と仰いますが、映像で見るだけでも決して大げさではないと再確認できる威力でした😂 東吾先生が行雄さんが食らうのを見ながらヒロ渡邊先生の解説を聞くという、完全に油断していたタイミングで食らって絶叫&悶絶していのを見て「あれは誰がもらっても同じリアクションするだろうな😱💦」と思いました。 あと今回はカンベさんの喋りが多めに入っていて安心感が高かったです。
@wordswaves Жыл бұрын
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