I pray the person asking “since we are grafted in shouldn’t we be honoring the feasts, etc?” sees this. The answer - YES! Those are God’s appointed times set up for Himself forever! Forever means forever. Why is the church is so adamant about preaching disobedience to God’s appointed times, sabbath, etc. while claiming the covenants & blessings of Israel all the while equally rejecting what was given by God for all? The feasts are not Jewish, God set them aside for himself & they are a blessing. Saying “but Paul” makes 1. Paul preaching against Jesus words & life in the NT / God in the Old or 2. You follow Paul rather than the words & life of Jesus or 3. You would have to say that maybe you are misunderstanding Paul. I think the latter. Paul & Jesus were Jews and honored the feasts, sabbath and God’s law (not man made law). There is no covenant for the house of gentiles. “We are in the new covenant” - the new covenant is Jesus blood for “forgiveness of sins” to bring us out from under the law of sin & death, and “to the house of Israel writing the Law on their hearts”. The feast and sabbath are kept in the New Jerusalem - why not honor it now in obedience? There isn’t 2 kingdoms; one for them and one for us. Lastly, Paul references 7 different laws in Romans and you have to understand him to know which he is talking about. Not under the law is the law of sin & death. Nobody should be preaching disobedience, as that is directly reprimanded in scripture. I pray you receive this in sincerity and encouragement.
@mackle491 Жыл бұрын
The New Testament is very clear that Gentiles are brought into the church without becoming Jews and being obligated to fulfill Old Testament ceremonial law, circumcision being the obligation most strongly argued against (Acts 15:8-11, 28-29; Romans 4:9-12; Galatians 5:2; I Corinthians 7:19). Not only did the Old Testament law establish the feasts, but it also established the Levitical priesthood with daily sacrifices in a physical tabernacle or temple. The Levitical priesthood and daily sacrifices have been superseded (Hebrews 8:6-7, 13), so we no more are required to keep the feasts than we are to have priests descending from Aaron sacrifice animals. The Old Testament ceremonial law was to guard the Jewish people as a distinct group and point them to Christ (Galatians 3:24-25). But now Christ, having fulfilled the Old Testament law in its entirety for us, has made that separation obsolete and Gentiles are "fellow citizens" by faith in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:14-19). Therefore, we are not to be judged according to whether or not we keep the festivals. This is stated explicitly in Colossians 2:16-17. It does no harm if you want to celebrate Jewish holidays if you choose. But to portray them as an obligation for Christians is a road to denying the sufficiency of Christ, who is the substance of what the feasts were only a shadow/sign (Colossians 2:17). Because of how clear the New Testament is, we must understand the use of "forever" in the Old Testament regarding ceremonial law to be "indefinite." Otherwise, we miss the fulfillment brought by Christ.
@RealDefinitionsMatter Жыл бұрын
God gave the intro to His appointed times in Genesis prior to the giving of the law & Jews. He established what those appointed times were in Leviticus. We GET to HONOR Him through his feasts. We DO because He DID. It takes absolutely nothing away from Christ - it does the opposite! We glorify Him as He gave &!commanded. Nobody is trying to make gentiles Jewish, but dismissing the OT as “for the Jews” is inaccurate and actually puts Jesus against God who He is. Jews have man-made traditions that they have “added to” scripture and christianity has “taken away” - both are bad. The feasts and sabbath are in the Bible (though man-made tradition is not) and if the Holy Spirit is working on someone to honor Him as HE DESIRES, I certainly would not set my opinion of doctrine above the work of the Spirit! Thank you for your reply, though I do feel your are reading scripture through a skewed, passed down lens. Nothing I say or show you will convince a hardening, so may the Holy Spirit work on you and through you.
@mackle491 Жыл бұрын
Which one of us actually directly referenced scripture? The Bible is clear. If you base your relationship with God on keeping the ceremonial law, you are attempting to please God by the flesh and put yourself at risk of the curse of the law by not fulfilling it in its entirety (Galatians 3:10-11). You have to read Galatians 3 over and over until that sinks in. You are not going to stand before God more righteous celebrating the Day of Atonement for example, because truly fulfilling the day requires the Levitical high priest to make a sacrifice (Leviticus 16). Modern celebrations of Jewish holidays do not perfectly fulfill the ceremonial law established in the Torah. We must rely on our priest, Jesus Christ, who is not a descendant of Levi and therefore a new priesthood and the associated new system of worship (Hebrews 7 & 8).
@mackle491 Жыл бұрын
Even in the Old Testament, God stressed that the feasts are not what ultimately matter (Amos 5:21-24). God cares more about justice and righteousness than celebrating feasts.
@jean-louissantilli6738 Жыл бұрын
As christians we should be familiar with Jewish feasts as they are relevant today, ex: Passover/Easter ; Shavuot (Pentecost or Feast of Weeks) ; etc... Old Testament is New Testament concealed and New Testament is Old Testament revealed.