20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 78)

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Mike Winger

Mike Winger

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@sarahfaith316 2 жыл бұрын
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro 1. 0:07 {Spiritual but Not Religious?} How should we respond when someone says, “I’m not religious, I’m spiritual”? 2. 23:14 {Who is our “Neighbor”?} “Who, then, is my neighbor?” In Luke 10: 25-37, I know the Good Samaritan is me, but who does the "neighbor" he helped represent? I have never met a naked, beaten, and robbed Jew...I don't think. 3. 26:35 {About Mid-Acts Dispensationalism} Can you give some more information on the Mid-Acts Dispensationalism movement? It sounds biblical. 4. 31:11 {Should Ungodly Behavior Cause Doubt?} If I were to doubt Christianity (I don't), it would be because of a lack of holiness. Christians seem to be jerks at the same rate as the world, or more. Why is this, if we have the Holy Spirit? 5. 36:40 {God in the Garden} Who was walking in the garden in Genesis 3:8? Was it Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit, or all three? 6. 41:50 {About Anglo/British Israelism} What are your thoughts on Anglo-Israelism or British Israelism? It is the belief that America and the British commonwealth are physical descendants of Israel. 7. 44:41 {Discerning True vs. False Prophecies} How do you test WOF prophecy when it sounds more like insights/encouragements, not foretelling future events? What SHOULD modern prophecy sound like? 8. 48:49 {Is Fear of Hell a Valid Motivator?} Would a death bed conversion work if the main driving factor is the fear of Hell rather than choosing to trust God? 9. 51:58 {Biblical Advice for Parents} What advice can you give to parents in these times to help them raise children who choose to trust and follow Jesus later in life? Can you do a biblical series on parenting? 10. 55:33 {What Should I Do if I Question My Salvation?} If someone is thinking that they might not be saved, seeing their sinfulness, what should they do? “Not sinning” sort of seems like a Band-Aid on the problem. 11. 1:00:07 {Singular vs. Plural Pronouns for God?} Why is it improper to refer to God as "they" instead of "He," since He is three persons? Example of the problem: "He spoke to Job out of the storm" tends to make us think the Father alone is speaking. 12. 1:03:03 {Can Past Sins Disqualify a Man from Leadership?} If a man’s pre-salvation life is especially disgraceful, could he ever truly be “above reproach” (1 Timothy 3:2)? Could old sin, then, even if confessed, disqualify him from being a pastor or elder? 13. 1:09:07 {About the Geneva Bible} In your study of Bible translations, have you ever looked at the Geneva Bible that I believe the pilgrims used? What is its textual basis? Do you think Christians should read it? 14. 1:12:54 {Is there Room in Christianity for Psychedelics?} Given the resurgence of psychedelics for recreation and therapeutic use in Western society, is there room for it in Christianity, or should its use stay separate from spiritual practice? 15. 1:17:59 {What were the “Horns” on the Altar?} Why did the altar in the Tabernacle have the horns? Could you please clarify this? 16. 1:20:20 {What does it Mean to “Share in Christ’s Sufferings”?} When we share in Christ’s sufferings, does that refer only to suffering that comes in opposition to doing God’s will, or can it also include something like suffering through a disease or a loss? 17. 1:24:35 {Is Anyone Presently in Hell?} Is Hell something that is taking place right now, or is that a future reality after the final judgment (Luke 16: 19-31)? 18. 1:27:19 {Seminary Suggestions and How to Study Well} I’m currently a Junior in high school and plan to go to a seminary after school to become a preacher. How and where do I start studying the Bible to become a true BibleThinker? 19. 1:30:56 {Are there Multiple “Gods” in Jeremiah?} Why does Jeremiah 46: 25 and Jeremiah 51: 44 make it seem like there are multiple gods? How can God punish a god that doesn’t exist? 20. 1:35:41 {Should Prayer be a Dialogue or Monologue?} Should prayer be a dialogue or monologue? How should we determine if instances of humans having a dialogue with God in the Bible are to be taken as normative?
@NewCreationInChrist896 2 жыл бұрын
Only one truth, no Buddha no Allah etc. A half truth is a whole lie. John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”
@ericcasey7593 2 жыл бұрын
@@NewCreationInChrist896 Amen.
@jrjustrespect7032 2 жыл бұрын
@Mike Winger Religion is Of the Flesh you will never obtain Eternal Life in Any Religion But if you live in Spirit You might just obtain What Few Have already obtained Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.” Romans 7:18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. Romans 8:1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:5 For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:13 for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Romans 13:13-14 Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts. Galatians 5:16-17 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. Galatians 5:24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 6:8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Ephesians 2:3 Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. 1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
@jrjustrespect7032 2 жыл бұрын
@@NewCreationInChrist896 Hosea 4 The Charges of GOD Against Israel 1 Hear the word of the Lord, You children of Israel, For the Lord brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: “There is no truth or mercy Or knowledge of God in the land. 2 By swearing and lying, Killing and stealing and committing adultery, They break all restraint, With bloodshed upon bloodshed. 3 Therefore the land will mourn; And everyone who dwells there will waste away With the beasts of the field And the birds of the air; Even the fish of the sea will be taken away. 4 “Now let no man contend, or rebuke another; For your people are like those who contend with the priest. 5 Therefore you shall stumble in the day; The prophet also shall stumble with you in the night; And I will destroy your mother. 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.
@judylloyd7901 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ai7Ae7Son7 You're* (your, is denoting ownership) 😁😁
@brendaokuda2158 2 жыл бұрын
My Mammaw always told me that although I should have an open mind, it shouldn't be so open that my brain falls out. It was like she could see into the future! 🙂
@J3L24O4 2 жыл бұрын
My mom has a plaque on her wall that says something like that lol
@KaoXoni 2 жыл бұрын
In German you would say: "Wer nach allen Seiten offen ist, kann nicht ganz dicht sein." Yours would be the closest adaptation to the meaning of that double idiom.
@paratrond 2 жыл бұрын
I'll memorise that one. Thanks for sharing 👍
@judylloyd7901 Жыл бұрын
Yep, and what Mike is talking about here means that when you have found the truth you were searching for, it's time to close your mind! Lol. You don't want to be open to every foolish philosophy that passes by!
@caroleimani9754 Жыл бұрын
I first heard that "open mind" thing at Church. Nobody in my family home ever said that.......
@LeticiaFrenette 2 жыл бұрын
I call this the 'bookshelf special' shirt
@briggy4359 2 жыл бұрын
Mike's floating head haunts my dreams
@christiskingforever2880 2 жыл бұрын
You guys! 😆
@Max_G43 2 жыл бұрын
@brendaokuda2158 2 жыл бұрын
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! It DOES match the bookshelf! ROFL
@fluffysheap 2 жыл бұрын
What shirt, I don't see anything 🤣
@macnadoodle 2 жыл бұрын
Always seeking but never finding - why I gave up Zen for Jesus.
@ashrenae63 2 жыл бұрын
Pastor Mike!!! God bless you!! I was baptized 9 years ago but lived the majority of that time far from God. I even fell into New Age spirituality the past few years and you brought me out of that and back to Jesus. You are the voice of reason that God used to speak to me through all the nonsense I had fallen into!! Thank you!!!
@consistentbass Жыл бұрын
Praise God!
@chelseabarker2250 11 ай бұрын
Isn't it nice to realize how much SENSE it all makes? The true meaning of loving God with all your heart, soul and MIND.
@isakhedeen 2 жыл бұрын
The question about discerning true and false prophecy was really good. I’ve had people prophesy healing over me after an accident that left me paralyzed. I was holding on to their words for about 8 months and thought it to be as certain as scripture. I eventually got frustrated that it hadn’t happened yet and used that to doubt God. I have since learned how wrong I was. I do believe that person genuinely thought they had a prophecy about me, but like Mike said I don’t rely on their discernment. Now I just acknowledge that God is watching over me and if he doesn’t heal me there’s a reason for it. after changing my mindset to that I then realized everything that God has done in me and through me due to my injury. if God had healed me a week, a month or even a year after my injury, so many good things (for the kingdom of God) would not have happened. I now rest and trust in God knowing that his plan will be done and his plan/will is perfect.
@JamesRichardWiley 2 жыл бұрын
My brother died of testicular cancer six months after He was healed by a Catholic priest well known as a healer.
@kasaeda 2 жыл бұрын
@@JamesRichardWiley that's pretty sad, sorry for your loss
@osborne4282 2 жыл бұрын
It is true that God knows, but I pray that He heals you still! God bless
@SeanCampbell16 2 жыл бұрын
@@JamesRichardWiley sorry for your loss
@mosart7025 Жыл бұрын
I've noticed that some of the most "afflicted" people have been some of the most used by God to bless others. Joni Erickson Tada (quadriplegic), Nick Vujicic (born with no arms or legs), Cori ten Boom (put in a concentration camp in WW2). Between them they have spoken to many millions!!! Talk about God using the weak things of the world! You are much further on the road to seeing God's mighty hand at work in and through you than many of us are. Praying for you, brother. Thank you for sharing a little of your journey.
@paneofrealitychannel8204 2 жыл бұрын
I was called out on social media as being religious by a guy who claimed to be just very spiritual. I asked him to explain and then listened to his set of beliefs which he claimed to have self developed. I realized pretty quickly that his beliefs were exactly the same as the force from Star Wars....
@jtzutube 2 жыл бұрын
May the Schwartz be with you
@jamesfitzgerald1684 2 жыл бұрын
It always ends up being a self worship.
@teresafarrell6457 2 жыл бұрын
@paulafields3711 2 жыл бұрын
Daniel 11:38 But in his estate shall he honor the god of forces: and a god whom his father's knew not shall he honor with gold,and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. " Gives one pause, doesn't it?
@paneofrealitychannel8204 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulafields3711 Nice catch. That is right up there with, "Noah looked out of the Arkansas."
@Theinternalrewrite 2 жыл бұрын
I remember as a teen at a large weeklong gathering of churches I had a discussion with a friend about how he thought he should act. I felt the Holy Spirit encourage me to tell him he didn't need to compare himself to other people and try to act like them, that God had plans for him and his strengths. He didn't agree with me. I prayed God would have someone else corroborate that message if it was truly from him. But, knowing my friend, I also asked God that the person not be a stranger to my friend so he could respect them but not know him so well that they could be disregarded as saying it under their own understanding, that they would be older than him so he could respect their maturity but I knew we would attend youth meetings, basically not like me because he dismissed my words as my opinion. At the meeting later that day a youth worker from another church came over to him. He was a teacher at my friend's school, not his teacher but a person whose authority he recognised, someone who new his name at least. He said he felt God say he was like a left foot trying to fit himself in a right footed shoe. As Mike says sometimes the message is a good one even if not direct from God. But it's also true that we sometimes need a particular type of messenger. My friend remarked on how similar his message to mine but also how, of all people, it was that teacher who said it. I asked if it had been anyone else in that meeting would he accept it so quickly and he agreed, probably not.
@erikmeissner9899 2 жыл бұрын
The bookshelf camo is next level.
@caroleimani9754 Жыл бұрын
I don't know why you guys are so fixated on the bookshelf?
@Jessica_Jones 2 жыл бұрын
My mistake in describing myself as "spiritual and not religious" is that I genuinely thought it meant something different than any of what you described, Mike. Having grown up as a Christian, I associated the term "religious" as a cold, separated participation in faith rather than an actual relational, engaged spirituality. So when I once thoughtlessly referred to myself in a conversation with a nonbeliever as being more of a spiritual person, I genuinely thought I was conveying "relational Christian" when in actuality, I realized later with dismay, I was reinforcing this person's likely (overly) open-minded beliefs 😣 Since then I have learned my lesson and know to be more clear in my meaning! In addition to this, thank you for helping me to feel more comfortable in thinking of myself as "RELIGIOUS!" 😁🥰
@briangossman8148 2 жыл бұрын
This is something I have wrestled with much. Very profitable to talk about this!
@pwit4186 2 жыл бұрын
I started my faith in a very charismatic/word of faith, non denominational congregation. I used to say "I'm not religious I have a personal relationship" because I thought denomination meant religion and that meant Pharisee/human tradition and no true relationship...
@josephjimorris 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. Sincerely, thank you. I’ve been in leadership in a nondenominational charismatic church for about 9 years and God has been gradually leading me into more clarity. I see a lot of problems in interpretation and habits. Not only confined to that congregation, but in every church there are errors and dogma that aren’t helpful. You’re all saying exactly what I’ve been trying to gently get my friends to see and understand. True religion as God defines it is good and beneficial, not some kind of dead end trap. The difference is in questioning your assumptions and being humble enough to change your mind (repent) if necessary. The truth WILL set you free!
@stevej71393 Жыл бұрын
Good call. When the world hears "spiritual but not religious", they are probably coming to different conclusions than a Christian is who is using thar phrase. It's easier just to say I'm a follower of Christ as revealed in God's holy and inspired word. Whether you call that religion or spirituality is your call.
@chelseabarker2250 11 ай бұрын
Yes we have successfully polarized our language (the upcoming Generation is already tragically having the name the "polars" put on them for this reason 🙄). So yeah you say any certain phrase nowadays and one side hears one thing the other side hears the other. I'm thrilled to see brothers and sisters coming together in unity anyway. I believe Jesus can help them throw off the shackles of division trying to be placed on them at birth.
@AshleyMintz Жыл бұрын
I used to be this person, lol. I was getting into new age stuff and had felt that church was full of judgmental people and was stifling. I just joined a church a couple months ago after over 10 years of not going to a church, and I love having a genuine relationship with God!
@Tintin17Nick-wq4hf 11 ай бұрын
I've heard the Lord say my name in a dream while I was contemplating baptism,I jumped up and then my front doors banged 3 times and I got up and open front and back doors because I couldn't bare it if I had rejected him,and no one there but I believe he was there in the spirit,I got baptized!!🙏
@linbat6148 2 жыл бұрын
When my youngest son was three years old, he went forward in our church service for the Children’s sermon. The visiting Seminary student asked if any one of the children knew what a seminary was? My son cheerfully raised hand and replied, “That’s where they bury people”! The entire church erupted in laughter at the truth of his answer! 😂
@cinfil2368 2 жыл бұрын
I have heard many pastors use your story. Are you the source, was it your son or do many children do the same thing when they hear that word?
@linbat6148 2 жыл бұрын
@@cinfil2368 These two words probably sound the same to most very young children since they are so similar, however, this really happened to my little son about 43 years ago when he was three. I didn't know other pastors repeated the story, however, it's very possible that my son began the story since our little church was only a couple of blocks away from Western Seminary in Holland, Michigan, and I have no doubts that the visiting seminary student repeated his experience once he returned. It's good to know that God uses humor - even from the mouth of babes - to lighten the load for his future pastors!!! Blessings in Christ P.S. - I have retold my son his experience many times since that day and it also had a very remarkable impact on him. He has graduated since from a Baptist Academy and spends his life working for the Lord - most recently at Logos! Praise God!
@BeugsTheLegend 2 жыл бұрын
I never cease to be amazed at the fantastic questions you guys come up with. I always learn something and I’m grateful for everyone’s wonderfully creative questions.
@oliviagau45 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! I am learning how to think biblically from these questions. One day, when my daughter asked me a hard question, and I thought "let's think what does the Bible say, and how does that apply to your question." And I could actually answer her question biblically. That surprised me. So blessed from all these Q&A.
@tuckertillis 2 жыл бұрын
Spiritual at a restaurant: "I'm always seeking" Waiter: "Well can you pick something? We close in 30minutes"
@chelseabarker2250 11 ай бұрын
@chelseabarker2250 11 ай бұрын
What I like about this comparison is that I have OFTEN heard the "spiritual not religious" phrase come from women. Well guess who else is OFTEN indecisive on what they want to eat! 🙃 (Just playing around, I am a woman 😂)
@moosechuckle 2 жыл бұрын
Pastor Winger, I look forward to every Friday because I get to listen to these videos. These AMA videos and your in-depth research into various topics, helps me to know God better, and really feed my spirit. Thank you.
@psalm421 2 жыл бұрын
Me too!
@steampowered6883 2 жыл бұрын
I would add another category to answer the question: 'Who is my neighbour', as this was also considered in the pivotal English legal case 'Donoghue v Stevenson'. My neighbour is anyone whom I could reasonably foresee would being impacted by my actions or inaction.
@DannyG683 2 жыл бұрын
I can't bear to be without the Lord. I'm in serious need of God's grace. Could somebody pray for me?
@ravissary79 2 жыл бұрын
Sure, what do you want prayer for? Restoration?
@christiskingforever2880 2 жыл бұрын
@susanfanning9480 2 жыл бұрын
Sending a prayer for you now. God bless you and all.
@Ephesians-yn8ux 2 жыл бұрын
I pray that The Holy Spirit would give you guidance, comfort and understanding about drawing closer to Christ and finding peace in salvation. In our Father Jesus Christ’s Holy Name I ask these things, thank you Lord. Amen.
@dentonhahn2907 2 жыл бұрын
Oh dear One, we all are In need of God's grace! God promised to never leave or forsake us. I pray you will feel him near you, Lord bless you, and keep you cause his face to shine on you, and bring you peace, that you will know the joy of being his child. Read Psalms 103 it lifts me up. Blessings to you.
@andrewthomas2353 2 жыл бұрын
"An open mind is really a mark of foolishness, like an open mouth. Mouths and minds were made to shut; they were made to open only in order to shut.“ - G. K. Chesterton
@Nighthawkinlight 2 жыл бұрын
Q16: For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. (Hebrews 2:18) Part of Christ's sufferings which we share is the resistance of temptation.
@JamesRichardWiley 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus was the Hebrew god Yahweh in the form of a wandering messianic preacher who was tempted by Satan when they both knew that Jesus was God.
@duncescotus2342 2 жыл бұрын
Good observation. It's hard to lust when you're in agony.
@josephjimorris 2 жыл бұрын
In Hebrews 12:4, the writer says, “You have not yet struggled and fought agonizingly against sin, nor have you yet resisted and withstood to the point of pouring out your [own] blood.” [AMPC] The suffering of Jesus on the cross is the ultimate and final form of suffering possible, and every believer falls far short in living up to His example. No one has ever, or will ever, suffer more purely or comprehensively than Jesus during His crucifixion. It was not only physical, but emotional, mental, and spiritual agony in a form that only God Himself will ever comprehend. And yet in this tension, God has not changed His mind or His requirements, and we are still expected to seek to emulate Jesus’ example by the indwelling person and power of God through and by His Spirit.
@duncescotus2342 2 жыл бұрын
@@josephjimorris That's possible, but why then does Paul say he is "filling up what is lacking in Christ's sufferings?" Physically, there's little doubt that others were tormented and executed by much harsher means. They weren't sinless, and they weren't God, that much is certain. And in another place, the scripture says, somewhat vaguely, "he who suffered in the body has ceased from sin."
@Benjamin-rp4hq 2 жыл бұрын
every person somewhere in their family history has bad "baggage". We don't deny being a part of our family due to it. I think the same is true with the Christian religion.
@erinperryman1323 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever I have a question, biblical, theological, social, whatever, and I pray about it I have noticed that God gives me direction when I’m ready with the wisdom to understand it. I have found places in my Bible that I wrote a question weeks, months, years ago and I now can understand the answer. There are times when I pray for an answer like you were saying and God shows me through the Word, or through one of your videos or another pastoral message. I also often have what a friend of mine calls “spiritual echos” and they are when you hear the same phrase, or word or maybe even Bible passage over and over again it seems that it’s the Holy Spirit guiding me to some kind of knowledge the Lord wants me to have. I wrote them down in my prayer journal and almost every time they are an answer to an upcoming prayer I will encounter. I feel like God speaks to me through the Word and many other ways. I have never heard an audible voice, I don’t spend a lot of time just quiet listening because I probably ADD and my mind will definitely drift to a billion other things. However I have had instances where I feel a serious nudge and almost audible persuasion to do something. It’s almost always been in the context of prayer- ‘pray for this person right now’ kind of thing.
@saintejeannedarc9460 2 жыл бұрын
I get those echoes too. It seems to come when God wants me to pay attention to something.
@rmk3020 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. I can definitely relate but I may be more scatterbrained. You helped me understand a bit more.
@thereseservais924 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate to that too. Thank you for your testimony and God bless !
@thereseservais924 2 жыл бұрын
About question 20, I remember this out Exodus 33 :11 "The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp..." (NIV). Moses had thos encounters in the Tabernacle. It looks like the initiative came from God : He is the one talking in this passage. Was that something we could call a prayer time ? Also this case seems very unique. The Lord has talked in several ways to and through people, among which His own Son on Earth. But I've encountered the words "as a friend" only by Moses. It's something I let to the Lord's sovereignty. I open my heart to Him, thanking for my joys and praying for my concerns. He chooses what, when and how He answers. He knows better what I need and He is faithful.
@JamesRichardWiley 2 жыл бұрын
It sounds like your brain is solving these questions. Good for you.
@renegadeoftruth2891 2 жыл бұрын
The whole "I'm a seeker" remark always reminds me of the U2 song "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For".
@sethtrey 2 жыл бұрын
It's always in the last place you look. Unless you quit looking.
@lizweekly1483 Жыл бұрын
Hi Pastor Mike, First off, Thank you for your hard work in presenting these questions in a Biblical way to us! Your long hours of studying God's Word helps us to understand the in-depth study of His Word. I am 68 years old, have a wonderful daughter and 2 delightful grand daughters. I personally have come back to Jesus after a 'disillusionment' I have had over some years, but always knew that God was there for me. Over the past year, The Holy Spirit has brought me back! I am grateful for that everyday. Amen! I would like to say that, if you were to become a father, that I truly believe that you would make an excellent father for your children. God Bless you and your family! Blessings, Liz, from Ontario, Canada.
@LifeWithJuan 2 жыл бұрын
I used to say, "I'm spiritual, not religious." When I said this, I thought by saying I would somehow communicate that I wasn't saved by my religious practices (aka works) but by my spirituality (aka in by faith in Jesus). But I then learned about the flaws associated with the phrase, so I stopped using it.
@mandyrichart9698 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Pastor Mike. I used to say that all the time when I was unsaved and in the new age religion. I grew up in a legalistic Baptist church. I knew all the stuff but I lacked the personal relationship. These days, I'm following Jesus. He lead me out of a WOF/NAR church I was saved in. Learned a valuable lesson there on the importance of being grounded in His word or you will be decieved because I was very deceived. I'm still unlearning a lot of religious stuff that upon further information is not biblical. I don't identity as religious. I am actively seeking Jesus and pursuing a relationship with Him.
@lisaburke7506 2 жыл бұрын
Amen. And let's not forget that Jesus defined religion as caring for the widows and the orphan. There is such a thing as "good" religion--it is hearing the word of the Lord and obeying it!
@josephjimorris 2 жыл бұрын
@@lisaburke7506 I would define it this way: only Spirit-led Christianity is true religion; anything else is false religion or legalism. Jesus is the original; satan is the poacher (poser?).
@Ed_Man_Fam 2 жыл бұрын
Man Pastor Mike hitting the nail on the head!
@pappywinky4749 2 жыл бұрын
the position of trusting God even out of fear blew my mind...I struggle with imposter syndrome, I want to trust in God and his atonement, I've always struggled with the idea I'm not a real christian because of my doubts concerning my own motivations, truth, etc. But I know God is the truth, I just wish I could rest in Him fully.
@saintejeannedarc9460 2 жыл бұрын
It's good to trust God far above yourself. It's good to stay humble. Trust in God to heal this insecurity and search the scriptures for answers on this.
@sethtrey 2 жыл бұрын
God can forgive your motivations. He was a person like you, even He was afraid to trust God sometimes. (Luke 22:44). Try struggling against that idea instead. My personal suggestion is to doubt more of your thoughts.
@chuckw8391 Жыл бұрын
@mchevalier-seawell4438 Жыл бұрын
God has spoken to me in an audible voice more than several times. It was always a shock and I have difficulty saying anything but not always. It was certainly not normative. Years passed between instances of his audible voice. The message was always short and extremely important. he used this method to save my life on more than one occasion. This method of audible voice was never a message for me to pass on to someone else. Only my closest family knows of these instances and I have written them in a book for my daughter. But Prayer is a monologue. And like you Mike, he gives wisdom but that is nothing like an audible voice. He shows me patterns and then I know things I could not have known. I have never used the words that I have a message from God for them except once when I stayed up all night to tell my mom that whatever happened, don’t go into the street. The fire truck came. She knew the driver but when she saw her hands on the screen she remembered my words and repeated them to her employer. They did not go out. They did not see the car speed around the back of the building, whizzing past where my mother/employer would have been. But they were inside. God’s track record with me is 100%. But my prayer life is a monologue. He told me to be a physician. When I was 12. I didn’t want to, so I put it off but finally obeyed. I was told by admissions ppl that I had a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of acceptance despite grad summa cum laude in chemistry. But when the time came, the doors of two institutions swung open and the money was there too. He frequently whispered guidance about patients. They were always shocked. How did you know to speak those exact words today, they would say. I also saw several bonefide miracles. Documented and without doubt. A few of these I had prayed for but more than half were by home prayer groups etc. I also was asked to lead a small church at time because we had broken away from the Episcopals when they endorsed a gay bishop. I started leading them in corporate praise and what I suppose one calls street evangelism. We were not youngsters. We prayed for ppl on the street, gave them Bibles and recommended they start attending a Bible believing church…not necessarily ours because we weren’t doing it for church growth but for the love of Jesus. God walked with me through all this life and now that I’m old and sick…he is still here.
@chuckw8391 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing🙏🏼❤️
@Liz10842 2 жыл бұрын
So greatful for the search feature! Thanks Mike and admin team.
@robertthompson2587 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up listening to my Dad read the King James Bible. The old language was not a problem for me. I don't think the youth leader you talked about was lying when he said that the kids in his class could understand it fine. 1:11:26 We use the King James Bible for kids questions in our Church. The kids do very well answering the questions.
@ibealion1 11 ай бұрын
Many adults today can't even understand a dumbed down translation today... but I think that's a spiritual problem and has less to do with actual mental capacity to understand words and concepts that are unfamiliar. However, some of the kids I work with who are unsaved and uneducated have a hard time with basic English. At that point, we're working for days explaining a single thought... and it's still challenging.
@temjiu9915 Жыл бұрын
When I think about open minded, it reminds me of 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
@kimbers1238 2 жыл бұрын
What I feel about question 20 is relief. Relief from ur answer. Makes me feel free.
@davidfayfield6594 2 жыл бұрын
How does it make you feel free?
@davidfayfield6594 2 жыл бұрын
I guess my question would be as an outsider, how do I know if someone really heard audible god voice vs them being delusional. What evidence should I be looking for ?
@davidfayfield6594 2 жыл бұрын
So when you speak to god, does he hear it? I mean does it register with him? What do the scriptures say ?
@kimbers1238 2 жыл бұрын
@@davidfayfield6594 because if I am expecting God to speak to me more as a norm other than a rarity it allows me to not feel disconnected when I don't hear from Him. It relieves me from the rabbit trail of do I have sin? Idk. But is He ignoring me? Idk. Am I less special than others? And on and on. It frees me to pray to God knowing that He will speak to me when He wants to.
@davidfayfield6594 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimbers1238 I see. That makes sense.
@ElleeZee289 Жыл бұрын
Q1: “I have a relationship, not a religion” used to resonate with me as a young Christian because “religion” had the connotation of being legalistic or hollow. Religion could be seen as a set of rules that one follows externally but has no effect on the heart. Relationship with Jesus was seen as the main thing that would result in external fruit.
@Samsungsamsung-ec5gl 2 жыл бұрын
I like your long videos. I listen while I get ready for work and I appreciate the content.
@christhewritingjester3164 2 жыл бұрын
RE Questions 20: When I pray for a specific issue, it's with the intent of asking God to help me with the wisdom or acceptance necessary over making a decision or accepting an outcome. There have been a few times over my 40 years where I felt a supernatural peace and direction over something, but that's never something that I purposefully ask for. I'm not sure I could adequately describe that feeling for those instances, but I felt like they were direct responses and answers to those situations. I have no reason to doubt they were genuine or were me convincing myself to do something.
@linak7155 2 жыл бұрын
I am grounded in the faith of belief in Jesus while attaining new revelation. Some of the teachings I held to tenaciously in the past have been cleared. We need to be like the Bereans n understand that we could be so open minded that our brains 🧠 can spill out.
@churchoftheformerdaysaints 2 жыл бұрын
The thing about "who is your neighbor," and the answer being "the one who helped," is that the answer was "go and do likewise." What this means is Jesus says the neighbor is you, and the point of "love your neighbor," is to say that you should love every person adjacent to you.
@seanmartin2185 Жыл бұрын
Enjoying your series very much and the Holy Spirit confirming every word of Truth I hear! Definitely have a family member like this I have been looking to understand more and why they respond this exact way whenever I start to talk about the Lord. Like the red flag goes off and it's immediately brought up to be a defense mechanism. Now I have a greater understanding of what is going on in the minds of these people and in their hearts. As a result the Lord is going have the victory over this area in my life and I can only stand and trust that the Lord will give me the exact words to say when the time is right. Thank you very much brother and God bless you
@kellypatton1220 Жыл бұрын
That's what I pray for. The right words at the right time.
@janetdavis6473 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, my favourite book-case shirt!🤓
@collegepennsylvania837 2 жыл бұрын
“Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near. Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the Lord that he may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously. “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55:6-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬ God has His arms open to all of us to receive salvation. Let us turn to Him and receive His amazing grace and love. Also let us turn away from our sinful ways and live in obedience to God. There is no wiser thing we can do than to obey God because He knows everything and wants what is best for us. He wants to help us and show us mercy, but we need to turn to Him to receive it. Remember that God’s ways are far beyond what we could ever imagine. He can work, and is working through all things for our good and His glory. Hopefully this helped you and brought you hope today. God bless you!
@guygifford 2 жыл бұрын
Mike, Seminary Suggestions. None should even consider seminaries until they've read every word of the Bible, which is free, and really, they should have read all of it more than once.
@Psalm2710_ 2 жыл бұрын
Today I was just discussing #17 with my husband and here it is! Many times you answer questions that I was just discussing or wondering about, God is so good!
@rickybailey4085 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. It is interesting. Psalm 16:10 seems to indicate that they are currently in hell.
@turtlepants Жыл бұрын
I'd like to hear more about this one issue. If Hades is a holding area, then it is exactly like the Catholic, Purgatory, which I do not believe is biblical.
@rickybailey4085 Жыл бұрын
@@turtlepants i believe the catholic belief of purgatory they are still suffering while they atone for their sins before they go to heaven. So while they are not in hell, they aren't just waiting. That being said. Psalm 16:10 speaks of not leaving them in the grave, that they look forward to the Resurrection. This would make sense as the conversation Jesus had with Martha about Lazarus would agree with that. So then what are they doing in the meantime? Ecclesiastes 9 says that the the dead know nothing. There is no planning, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave. Again it is like Jesus said they have gone to sleep. It's like a deep sleep and then one day He will wake them up
@angeladodson2693 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding question 20, continuous prayer about a specific situation doesn't always reveal an answer or a revelation about the situation. It does however give me peace in God's sovereignty and rest in His presence in me life.
@JukeBoxHero82 2 жыл бұрын
08:19 "Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid." G. K. Chesterton
@Fern_Thaddeus 2 жыл бұрын
Sooooooooo GOOD! Ay, yyyy, yyyyy!Thank you for putting to words what I couldn’t well. “Mom-brain”, I’m tired, and you help refresh my mind, through God’s help. Thank You!!! Thank our beloved Savior, Jesus!! So good!!!
@lynnbehnke6910 11 ай бұрын
When I was a young Christian (during the late 60's and early 70's Jesus People era) and studying voraciously on my own, the thrust of many of the books I read was that being a Christian was a "relationship," not a "religion." I've never claimed to be "spiritual," (too vague and not necessarily even Christian) but the word "religious" still sticks in my craw from that early teaching. I think I associate it with "going through the motions."
@sethtrey 2 жыл бұрын
"For my friend said that he opened his intellect as the sun opens the fans of a palm tree, opening for opening's sake, opening infinitely for ever. But I said that I opened my intellect as I opened my mouth, in order to shut it again on something solid. I was doing it at the moment. And as I truly pointed out, it would look uncommonly silly if I went on opening my mouth infinitely, for ever and ever." G K Chesterton The Extraordinary Cabman, one of many essays collected in Tremendous Trifles (1909)
@Gonexxxxxx11111 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a seminary grad. The issue with people leaving the faith is because they come to school with beliefs that are not accurate and it shacks them and they walk away. This is covered by some authors.
@dansmith9724 2 жыл бұрын
If someone asks me if im religious, I usually say I guess so, I'm not really any particular religion, I believe in God and class myself as a Christian. The big religious group I guess you're right, have to much baggage, the many scandals that have gone on within some of the big churches. Every organisation, no matter if religious or not, there always a certain sort of person that will try to take personal advantage of their position and like the power they think they have. My childhood was baptist Sunday school and youth group. But then join the work force, mostly a loner, although married and now adult children, I do my own bible reading and very grateful for online teachings like Mike does. I often wonder how many others, similar me prefer to be on their own studying the bible mostly. I've never really been into group things even sport I played I always played individual sport, more an introvert. Just my 10cents worth.
@christinalafferty6073 2 жыл бұрын
Every time you said "I've got no strings to hold me down", I instantly thought of Pinocchio lol
@jamesbarringer2737 Жыл бұрын
While I’m no Bible expert, I’ve been reading the Bible for 30 years, most days of the week. It’s completely clear from the New Testament Jesus wanted us to form and meet together in churches.
@devinmiracle7680 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate that question #18 was answered in a way that didn’t push seminary. It’s not possible to go to school to become a preacher/pastor. That calling has to come from God. I am also a pastor with no formal education, and I completely agree with what you said. Search the scriptures. Dig into what God has shown us in His Word. Find Godly commentaries and use them as a supplement as you study, remembering to keep the text primary. Also, the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you as you study in preparation to teach and preach His Word to others. Thank you for the work you do in this ministry brother Mike.
@macnadoodle 2 жыл бұрын
The BEST Damascene conversion story I've ever heard of is the life story of the British Pastor Mick Fellows, of the Church on the Street in Burnley, Lancashire. Raped as a young teen, and thus falling into a life of drug use and crime, he became a gangland enforcer, brutal and violent. He was waiting to kill a man for selling drugs on their 'turf'. He had a fail-proof pistol with a filed down hair trigger. He saw his target come out of a gym, with a small child. As he got ready to shoot the man, the child looked right at him, and out of her hand flooded pure light. He himself broke down, tried to kill himself with the fail-proof pistol under his chin. It misfired. He served his sentence, became a christian and eventually ordained. He later met an old man living homeless on the streets. Though the old man did not recognise him, Pastor Mick remembered him as the man who had raped him as a teen, all those years before. Mick cared for the man until he died, never telling the man where and how they had met before. Mick is still, to this day, running his church out of a van, on the streets of Burnley, helping the homeless.
@Yawnyaman 2 жыл бұрын
I know of the guy, he is a really humble man.
@claudiapoe8439 Жыл бұрын
Mike, I greatly enjoy your Q&As and especially your studies. They challenge my beliefs and, sometimes, change my perspective. One question, what exactly is it that you have against Baptists? That you group us with Catholicism? According to the Bible, I am to follow Jesus and his teachings, recognize him publicly as my Lord and Savior, pattern my life and faith in accordance with is in the Bible, not what some person tells me to believe. Jesus is first in my life. He is infallible. People are not. The only thing that I see as different from other denominations is the Baptism itself. For me, this means that I have publicly dedicated my life to God. I recognize that what I do reflects my commitment and desire to represent Jesus in my daily life. I don’t consider the things that my denomination wants from me as important or relevant. God’s word comes first. I refuse to teach anything that I don’t believe, although a lot of the teaching aids, studies, and knowledge that I have gained have brought me closer to God on many occasions. Good Christian friends dedicated to serving the Lord provided the fellowship, support and discussions that honed my understanding of biblical concepts. Going to a private Southern Baptist College and Seminary increased my knowledge and showed me that not everyone who chooses this path is a Christian or true believer. Although, it is not my place to judge, I can say that I was greatly disappointed. Pride and status accompanied by the resulting monetary gain and potential veneration were decided factors. The most recent issues, which for me have been the past ten years, have been getting more and more controversial. My parents, then me, have been too ill to attend church for the past few years and covid did not help. Thankfully, I am on the mend and look forward to finding a church family. Living in a city that has more churches per capita in the United States will make this a challenge. I look forward to God’s guidance. And contrary to what some people may think, I have never joined a church that God did not direct me to. My previous church was fantastic when I joined, but gradually changed. I didn’t feel comfortable with the way things were going. More materialistic, educated and upper class. I fit in wherever I go. I just felt that God was being left out of the decision making.
@DaWhiteTyger Жыл бұрын
To further Answer #4 because Mike's answer left me very much wanting. Humble Ol' Mister Winger (NOT demeaning!!) hasn't had too many personal dealings with the world and spiritual issues and his lack of knowledge in that area is apparent but I'm glad. He doesn't need to see what other screw-ups have done and why we seem to be much worse off than non-believers at times. Christians are in a constant state of trying to fix themselves, and too often we have to deal with non-belivers while trying to figure out how we can get back and right with God. Therefore, we seem worse off because we have far more placed because of the world, because of the enemy of God, and the worst one is ourselves because we do forget to take a kneee and bow before God and say HIS will be done, not our own. Doubt anyone would read this, but there are kinda few questions that I've been running into that has kinda soft and less known answers in terms of spirituality. Want proof? Check out my prior comments on KZbin itself... I was a horrid person in comments to other videos in general. (This perhaps foolish comment was mean to help or edfy, MODS please feel free to delete without question. Thank you AJ, Hope Kuhn, Rock and Roll, and especially @sarahfaith316 aka the 'Zoomer' Zimmer who all of you seem to work overtime. You're helping to carry YHWH's message and those were were lost for one reason or another, we're waking back up or first starting out and trying to push for God's will instead of our own selfishness. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!) This is not mine, but why not have an ongoing Discord chat for those of us still needing more after the streams end? PLEASE Do not hesitate to delete this IF this interferes in anyway negative. Yeah this isn't staying up long, anyways God bless and take care! discord(DOT)gg/4CjASNq2eA
@truthtransistorradio6716 2 жыл бұрын
Something my dad said when I was little, "I'm not religious, but in a relationship." Not sure if Mike would think of this phrase any differently. But I will say that the people Mike is referring to I agree completely! A lot of Christians will say this as an excuse to not be in regular fellowship with other believers. New Agers will say the same thing. So I get all that. But something that what my dad said has always stayed with me is that I don't follow dead religion. Going to meetings, doing rituals, etc. Perhaps it depends on how one defines religion. But what I do say, is that the bible is truth. So, yes I seek, but I seek the word of God for truth. I question the theologies of men. I grew up being involved in 4 different denominations and several non denominational churches/schools. So I heard different views. The bible then became my foundation. But regular fellowship with other believers is also important to keep my accountable and for encouragement.
@howaboutthisone100 2 жыл бұрын
Mike has actually commented on this, and I agreed with his answer: it's not one or the other, it's both.
@ll.8367 2 жыл бұрын
Not one to lable myself to much, yet I'm a Bible believer.
@FalconOfStorms 2 жыл бұрын
Basically this common saying is a vestige of the Jesus People movement of the 1970s, meant to point out that following Christ is what saves us and take away the stigma of organized religion -- which was particularly being rejected in the 70s era. A lot of what Mike said about "spiritual not religious" applies to this phrase as well, though "relationship not religion" is more often used by genuine born again Christians who don't realize that they're using a manipulative and misguided phrase. Christianity is indeed a religion.
@ll.8367 2 жыл бұрын
@@FalconOfStorms agreed. Calling ones self a Christian doesn't always mean the same biblical theology. To me a JW claims to be a Christian, yet lacks personal growth in a relationship with Christ due to the structure to their religion. False religion - same name.
@FalconOfStorms 2 жыл бұрын
@@ll.8367 The first thing I ask people who tell me "we need Jesus, not theology" is "Jesus? Tell me Who that is without using any theology."
@maxeriksen9086 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Mike when I first stumbled upon your channel I wanted to listen you. But the videos were too long. So I intentionally have to not listen. Now you made it so convenient for your listeners like me. So I'm so thankful to you for that. I don't think one can get this sort of teachings on biblical doctrine in bible schools anywhere in the world, in my humble opinion.
@erinnrobertson 2 жыл бұрын
The quote of “opening your mind to close it” is G.K. Chesterton. I am reading the collection of essays by Ethan Nicolle and they are incredibly relevant still.
@anthonywhitney634 2 жыл бұрын
To the Q18 person, it's great you want to go to Bible College, I just have one tip - spend a year or two working a regular job after high school. I think it will aid you incredibly as you seek to relate to the average person.
@Katie.JesusIsKing 5 ай бұрын
I have a lot of respect for the KJV Bible and is what I grew up on. I never understood the Psalm "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" I never understood why don't I want Him? He's the good shepherd. Literally a year ago, I'm almost 26 and I'm reading the NLT and it says "The Lord is my shepherd, I have all I need" And the way I went OOHHHHHHH. I still read the NLT. And I love NIV, NKJV, ESV, CSB all of them. I read NLT though because I understand it best. And since this past year I have rededicated my life to the Lord I truly want to understand what the message of the Bible is saying. Thought for thought vs word for word. I'm sure I will mature onto different translations. But for now my brain is jello and the Lord has blessed me to be living in a time to have the NLT and understand the gospel and the Old Testament
@jamesfitzgerald1684 2 жыл бұрын
The way I always preached "works" is we have works because of our faith.
@2besavedcom-7 2 жыл бұрын
Sorta like works are the evidence of faith. You will know them by their "fruit."
@jamesfitzgerald1684 2 жыл бұрын
@@2besavedcom-7 As James says it.
@fabiancortez2256 2 жыл бұрын
Essentially, the works you perform demonstrate you have real faith. Anyone can make claim of having faith with their mouth. Yet, in almost every case ACTIONS speak louder than words and this is true with faith. If you read the entire New Testament as well as the old everyone who claimed to have faith supported it with ACTIONS. Just read all the faith demonstrating actions Paul speaks about at HEBREWS 11. These faithful worshippers of old were people of ACTION.
@cherieroe2878 2 жыл бұрын
Listening to Mike Winger's first response got me questioning to myself " what is the difference between people pleasing and not seeking to offend?". On both of these there can be compromise on some level.
@somethinggood9267 2 жыл бұрын
I think one is motivated by the flesh and one by the holy spirit. One is driven by fear and the other driven by holiness
@disgurluvsmuzik 2 жыл бұрын
So glad you are talking about this I never know how to address people that say their spiritual. I love watching your videos and listening to them when I drive.
@joshuakan4531 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry Mike, we love your long videos!
@Kepi_Kei 5 ай бұрын
I don't know if you will see this. I am sitting in front of my computer with tears streaming down my face because of what you said about a death bed conversion because of fear of hell. My mother was not a Christian, though she was raised in a Christian home. She actually was quite wicked, physically, mentally and emotionally abusive. She tried to kill me 3 times (not exaggerating). In a word, evil. She got cancer 4 years ago and died. In spite of everything I loved her very much, and agonized over where she went. My aunt told me they talked many, many times about whether God would forgive her. Shortly before she died, she was sorry for the way she lived and asked God to forgive her. I did not think she would be in heaven because I thought her conversion was only because she was afraid of hell and it tormented me. I can live in peace now knowing that God is so merciful and so gracious and so forgiving that if someone is sincere He will save them. You will never know how much that means to me. I am so grateful for your Q&A videos, I just found you and have been binging on them. You are making a tremendous impact on people's lives.
@randallhatcher6028 10 ай бұрын
We seek Wisdom , knowledge and understanding , desiring truth .
@Uldy Жыл бұрын
I've been saying it for years : the people that say this are the most mundane and materialistic people I have ever met... this has been very consistent..
@Luke_Radiosmash 2 жыл бұрын
I think prayer can be a dialogue in the sense that I'll be reading the Bible as I pray and it seems that he speaks to me both in the general sense of it being his Word and at times more specifically, helping me to see how the passage applies to my life.
@rjvalentini Жыл бұрын
For question 1, I've heard something that stuck with me. "Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out." Only heard it said once and made tons of sense to me at the time.
@amylamb2768 2 жыл бұрын
Yay! New episode! Love you, Pastor Mike!
@betsiecrother1443 2 жыл бұрын
I just wanna say I enjoy ALL Mike's vids. . . . but my favorite thing is the intro-beard-rub :):) LOL I expect it EVERY video.
@lightbloom986 2 жыл бұрын
"that's for another video...or maybe never" 😂😂 thank you for your work in doing these videos Mike. Appreciate them 🙏
@psalm421 2 жыл бұрын
So many awesome questions today. Thank you Mike!
@J3L24O4 2 жыл бұрын
Q13 In my church we also use KJV for all ministries including children church; when there’s words that have different meanings in modern world we say stuff like “ that’s Bible speak for ..” example in the book of Daniel when he asked for pulse rather than the kings meat we say “Pulse is Bible speak for fruits and veggies”
@AmericanTorah 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the horns of the altar, I agree with Mike on the practical uses, but I believe there is also some mystical symbolism intended. God's altar was to be made of primarily of earth or stones covered in bronze, presumably with the horns made as part of the bronze shell. Horns are symbolic of power and strength, bronze of judgment, and the earth of mankind while God's dwelling was thought to be in heaven. The altar was a place where man came to connect with and worship God as well as to submit to divine judgment and appeal to God's mercy. Horns on the altar are representative of God's power and are also pointing heavenward, like connecting points between heaven and earth. The blood of sacrifices was placed on the horns of the altar, symbolically (at least) interrupting the flow of judgment from heaven (God) to earth (man), while the smoke of the burning flesh rose to heaven as worship and prayers of repentance.
@victoriasteward1186 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much
@bradycarbol9442 2 жыл бұрын
Love your podcast and way of presenting both sides. From one worship leader to another. Be blessed!
@markw5805 Жыл бұрын
Yes, helping whom ever you encounter, but the point is beware of those you have something against. Don’t make your help conditional.
@ROKMO 2 жыл бұрын
So so great Sir Winger!!
@thereseservais924 2 жыл бұрын
About question 20, I remember this out Exodus 33 :11 "The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp..." (NIV). Moses had thos encounters in the Tabernacle. It looks like the initiative came from God : He is the one talking in this passage. Was that something we could call a prayer time ? Also this case seems very unique. The Lord has talked in several ways to and through people, among which His own Son on Earth. But I've encountered the words "as a friend" only by Moses. It's something I let to the Lord's sovereignty. I open my heart to Him, thanking for my joys and praying for my concerns. He chooses what, when and how He answers. He knows better what I need and He is faithful.
@Yawnyaman 2 жыл бұрын
Question 15 - see for example Joab's fate in 1 King's 1. Very helpful answer. He was dragged from the horns on the basis of his deliberate killing of Abner, albeit many years previously.
@robertthompson2587 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your ministry!
@randallhatcher6028 10 ай бұрын
I'm a born again Christian. It's my faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christianity is my Faith .
@malaynaschulthies1087 10 ай бұрын
to the person asking about the Daniel Fast...I went to church with Susan Gregory and she was doing that to get well personally. As people saw her getting better they asked her what she was doing. she did not set out to change the world with a diet. it's a really great way to eat to get better health.
@Kingdomconsultinggroup 2 жыл бұрын
The signature beard grab :)
@thebest2897 2 жыл бұрын
I just went down the rabbit hole of your channel regarding contemporary social issues, especially the ones that got sent out to a more broad audience. 1. How do you keep from being angry while being compassionate enough to reply to their critiques/arguments. While some people are well meaning, a lot were just mocking under the guise of intelligent speaking 2. I watched the video about a secular argument against homosexuality. I think you should revisit that topic for 2 reasons: a.) the culture has went far past LGBT in the 6 years. b.) it would be helpful if you cited your sources and vetted them more carefully Thanks for enduring whatever you have to go through personally to run this channel to help people learn about Jesus!
@osborne4282 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! I wanted your opinion (and preferably Biblical references) on Christians owning and using weapons. As in are Christians able to be in a offensive military action? Or even using violence for self defense? Not sure if you have answered this before 😂
@bglynch3176 2 жыл бұрын
James 1:27 gives us our Creator's definition of "religion". Watching flawed people and following them instead of Jesus Christ and the Biblical teaching He provided gets us off The Way and into the weeds. Not sure why, but God wanted us to look for Him. Acts 17:27.
@josephjimorris 2 жыл бұрын
By a simple secular definition of religion, all true, sincere acts of worship and service directed toward God for His glory and our good (along with our neighbors’) would qualify by the words of James.
@elizabethshaw7472 Жыл бұрын
"Truth be told, I'm actually against organized religion. Which is why I make a point of our ideas being very unorganized." -Ryan Long
@Alice-lq5nb 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your videos there very helpful! 😃
@monabo1 2 жыл бұрын
Love you pastor mike. May God bless all that you touch.
@woodyg768 2 жыл бұрын
As for Q#1- I think it's not just about the actual definition of "being religious" but more about what we view the word "religion" to be,or to mean,or what we believe it to mean,to us, individually. I've always thought of it to be a good thing, but I've noticed a lot of pastors, preachers, and teachers have associated the word "religion"with the different scriptures referencing the pharisees,and the law before Jesus. Also the practices of sacrifice before Jesus .so to make , I guess, their point, to be religious would be to follow a denomination, for instance, when Jesus was born,began his ministry, was crucified, placed in a tomb, brought back to life by God, remained 40 days then ascended back to the father, the pharisees ("religious" leaders) went on with religious business as usual. And scripture saying, such as, led by the spirit,and having a spiritual relationship with God, kinda makes people think it's one or the other. Spirit or religion. I get where you're coming from,I'm not some kind of free,no strings attached christian, but I do fall in the category of one who doesn't get moved by the repetitious practices of (just as an example) catholicism, but there are others. But you are right, this view has caused me to fall out of fellowship with my church,I'm praying and wanting to get started back, hopefully soon, thanks 🙏
@handicrapped798 7 ай бұрын
You are SO WISE. Before you I used to feel so alone when it came to our culture attacking religion / christians. For a while they were not allowing Christians to speak. They were acting as though it was wrong for Christians to speak. I remember being an ethics class and everyone there including a kid that was going to go to school to become a pastor but changed his mind because of what the culture is believing at the moment, was attacking Christianity and the right for Christians to speak. At the time, I was considering being a Jew, but that's because I didn't know that Begotten meant, "God's one and only son". So I bought into the possibility that Jesus could just be a profit. Or not even someone of importance. I only know that begotten means God's one and only son, in the Greek because of you. There was no way I could have known that on my own. But this class was all in a frenzy on how Christians shouldn't be allowed to speak. So the teacher allowed only one more response in the class. I thank God she called on me. I used the fact that I was considering being a Jew so that the class wouldn't shut me out based on the fact that I was a christian. I wasn't sure if I was a Christian at the time though, let me be clear of that. But I used it because I thought that freedom of speech is important. All the non-christians were very big on saying what they felt but they were being hypocrites because on the other hand they did not feel that Christians should be allowed to say what they believe at all. But I put it to them this way: I told them just for argument's sake to pretend that Christianity was actually real. Pretend that there really was a God and his son was Jesus and that if you didn't believe in Him that for all of eternity you would suffer and you would not get into a place of extreme joy for the rest of all time. Just imagine for a moment that, that, was true. And this God was making it a requirement that the people who believed in Him spread to everybody else all the news of Him. That means even if other people don't like it, it would be wrong of those people not to preach what he wants them to preach. The bottom line is, no one can say that Jesus isn't the son of God and that there isn't a real God that says that everybody has to preach about him to bring as many people to be saved as possible. No one can say that that isn't real. Because it is a possibility that it is. Because of that it means that people have the right and should preach about their religion if they believe that it is true. Because that is what their God requires of them. No I preached this nearly 15 years ago. Obviously it didn't spread. So I felt alone. I did decide to stay a christian. Only because I didn't know what was real and what was true so I figured I should just pick one. I grew up as a Christian so I decided to stay with what I was used to. But until you let me know that the word begotten means one and only, I really didn't know if Jesus wasn't just another child of God like the rest of us. You are so wise. now what you said today is very true. I wouldn't have known how to say it though. Every generation we just follow along with what our culture believes like a bunch of dodo birds. Still don't know how to say it is eloquently as you do though. But I think God for you because you are helping me so much and now I know for sure that yes, Jesus is the son of God. The Bible does say that straight out. It is always just been translated in a way that it wasn't apparent. It was kind of a secret that was hidden.
@Perktube1 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard different definitions for the word Religion. When reading texts from the colonial era, religion is often defined as Christianity itself. In atheistic material, it refers to all religion, but sometimes refers to Christianity as well if the text is from an article written in a country where Christianity has had a strong influence. In evangelical writings, the word religion is often used to depict a life of robotic service to the church, actions without the life of the Holy Spirit, etc., as opposed to relationship.
@caroleimani9754 Жыл бұрын
"Religion" in the Bible, means taking care of widows and orphans and keeping yourself "unspotted from the world."
@leahbergstedt7444 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciated your answer to question 4. Such a clarifying way to rethink this idea. I have been confused by things that the culture is making into a moral issue that Christianity doesn't fully embrace.
@DamonNomad82 2 жыл бұрын
1:33:53 Minor correction on details when the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant. That happened about a generation before Saul was crowned as King of Israel, so it wasn't due to Saul's bad leadership. It was part of God's judgment on the family of Eli the High Priest, due to the wickedness of his sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who were killed in the battle in which the Philistines captured the Ark. You got the rest of the story right, though.
@Child_of_TMH 2 жыл бұрын
For question 19 I have to agree with Michael Heiser on that because he makes a really good case in his book The Unseen Realm about how humans weren't the only beings that "fell." Beings in heaven also had a fall; fallen angels that enticed mankind to worship them instead of the Most High. They are created beings with divinity that blasphemously rebelled against God. Edit : So essentially they are still false gods but their human worshipers are deceived. Also there is a difference between false gods and idols.
@mickknight6963 Жыл бұрын
#8, you said it right, Bro Mike, we cannot separate our desperate and urgent need to be saved from the fact of a real Hell. I dont know the questioner, but I do know where it comes from. There has been this thought out here in some circles that say it's not right or not noble to come out of fear of Hell to Jesus for salvation from Hell. But we should only come just because we see and want the love of Jesus. That's sweet and nice, but tell that to the Holy Spirit, Who scripture says comes to convict us of "sin, righteousness and judgment to come!" He shows us our sin, our lostness, and that we are headed for Hell, that is judgment for sin. And then He shows us the only way we can be made righteous is in Jesus Christ! This is the Holy Spirit's work in salvation. That question tells me they dont understand salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit. Again, not attacking the questioner, but this idea is something I have fought in evangelism since I got saved. And I'll bet they were pressed for that question by this idea from these folks who believe talking about sin and Hell is wrong! Like it's giving the church a bad look....? Lord help us go with the Spirit of God and not worry about scaring anybody. They need to fear the judgment of a Holy God. Thanks Mike.
@Acts-1915 2 жыл бұрын
I like listening to the whole thing. Lotsa nuggets of goodness here. 😁
@temjiu9915 Жыл бұрын
That was great! when you brought up God walking in the garden I was about to bring up the principle of Jesus being the one (the Septuagint describes it as the logos of God walked in the garden), but it sounds like you already have a series on it! that's awesome man, going to go watch it as soon as this vid is done.
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