Viewers from all across the world have sent in their allegedly true encounters with cryptid creatures. Some of these are new and some of these are my favorite stories from the past month. Download Swamp Dweller Scary Stories: Itunes: Spotify: Thumbnail By: TDN Check out the Swamp Dweller Merch store!
@rosiesrandomtreasures10142 жыл бұрын
@N0Sweat81862 жыл бұрын
Swamp I love your voice it is perfect for these kinds of videos and it gives them a more creepy vibe and it is amazing
@Maxx_Thee_Great2 жыл бұрын
Dorado Fassa r tests y Takayama ysratfasta7fsrfaaafuaaayayayffsaa7afafs7yaayf stays a days and ur Australasian a faaa77yu7fy yuyu7ay77t u in Tyr the syatyat Tyr yyyaauy7tf7ydt8ff ur 7d9yt7yatdyf7yaau 7af7d77auuyat7ttdyar7ttudysyfydt7fdystsay7sduttttf777t7y7y7uaauadyfutya7yyd7sy7syuud7y7y78f7dyyu778fyyyd7uudsydyattyyyaF7yudu7fuyd7atya8tyy77y77yd7tt7d77std8ts7tystyttsyytfa7faudu8fy7dyyytyyysttydy7dTY yaydtadydyyt7sayustat7ytat7sdyuddustd7daad7uad87sts77fsyd7ydt tutu is artistry unusable yat7s7d7s7fdust77aya7duayyyus7yy7syd7a7a7df7std7dya7ss77ysfs7day87ad7syy7dsu7s7s7dr7s7dsyyaf7ssts77adt7sa77su8fau7aysd7syy7syts78s7y7s77st7f7dty7syaydddyyaay7d7dayauyud7s7s8d7dadf77f77taudaaydauayy7dtaady7da7duudYusyys7st8fdaf7dysdy7as7dyatsf7ayuyad87s7s7sfuts7afaf7a7tsy7777s7syyfy7t7saufdu7dts7s7t7fa8fyada7dyfafua7fuaa7sfys7ysy7ysysy7ds77f77syyd77ya7d8td77y77sd777ayu7ddaufusy7sd7 u 7rfyfs7ss7dt7d7fa7suy7tyu8f7fyatdyd7s7ytddfit 77tyyay7ayayfydfdf7da7yutafauadusyty7day87futyyd7ad7ttsyyffayy7777ya777add7s8au78uyyau7sd7a7dsddt7aa7st7f7sfyf7afaya8fayf8a7y8fat7d8f7a7suaa8ydyat78fa8fs777ady7s77ds7d7dusyday8ftut8y8tday7auyatyfyst8rtsyya7ayyayf7a7fyy7ayatayya8fftfdafy7far9t7ay7rua7tyy7a7tydyayya8s7afy7u8f8uyasyaa7yyayd7ad7d88f7ddyduusa7s8uyayysuYty7aya77aftuayyy8d7adafyua79yy8dfaaya7aa8aya78tt8ta8dayt7syusyt8yaty7ayyfuytsy8fyyffa7dyaddyyyyfayay7daa8t7fs7da7daf8s8tsyadyt8yst7ydut7d8faadudssff77fafadyyadyu7daf7Yuyya7syu7d777af7fyu77a7a7d7ft7af7dsuy7dd7t8fsa7y8tyyy7s7afydyysau77auddyruad7yf7a7dyyafauatuufadasf7suaffd7ayy7ftyf7atyayyayyd7tyy7d7u7dyatutu ft7ada87ffay8ayyf8at8ayyay it tyatyaUF7tya7dtyaday7dffytttyuta7yd7tay y fayadf7adyf7atu8fdttfyddd7sdfsfy7ad7fs7utf7t8tyyyadadyuffa7y7fasf77FYa7syatt7adfyfuy u yyryad7s7dfa7ddaya7udTY y try u 7adfyusf7ds7tya777ddyry7yyyafyay77y7fyy8f7dtime yf u 7s7yytt8auy7aya7f7fudfauytuu f7r7dufyayt7uay Uru tuf7afud it 7df7tsyty7fs8yd8tat8fyada8f7dy ur ur 7day88dad7yayuytaydyauatatya9yayuuyad7sayaayfa7dfayyay8fayata7t7fatuy7s7us8fafTY try tying 7ar7fyy8fyad7uafayyayayyaay7f7yfuuudy7f7f7fuadyydyysy7ybyyadyayuay77tauay77fadtd7ada8aayuy7afyd7yyafyyay8atayadydy9s7yayafyayayayyaatusd7duu7adafysyayasyayd7aa8aauda7fa7aaffya7atfadyyuty78say7af7d7s7d7fayy8ytry 7 7th yuaydy7dya7fyaa7adysyyduryaausya8taudts7ay7dayys8ayy8fs7dyad7styayyattd7adydaydya7tsty77tyafu8a7fdd7aduduta7yya7yta7tyy u 7d77yaf8fyd87ddfatur 7yayt8tuu 7 7th guys tyadyss88yauf7auatyayd7atd7uua7adaay7dyd7ad7dyydy7adyyyay7d fu ufyaf7aaayu7ayayaty7fsyaaayyay7fyy7a8fyatdf7d7ftfyaauau7dyyu7sduadaydy7t7dyauadyafadfa78aya7y9duau yry 7uad77s7tdaaduadudyudyad7das7d7suafrayyadaryssdat7dattysus7syaadsys ry yaydat7fyaduddaf7uayar8afyaddfay7das77dasyafad7syad7f7dds7da87a7dfuysuysdfds7raustd7da78faud77adu7yadtty8ayayda7d7a9y iTunes ud8a7dydyf8ta77raau7atudta9yf9dad7aaf8afaysdda8tdfsuaua7fafdauyasystayy Tyr ry a7d8dadfsay7aar7yya77fUftayyftysftayad7afdtsdtuasat8d87aayf8faydaasuau8fu7a7d8fay I uayd8ad77d77fdyddydaud7dayyauydyaas7t7adda7duuuayt7ayysai77uasda7auday7dd8rs7d7tsy7ad7fdfd7y7dddd7ad7dd8fd7aayd7ddaduad7aua7d7dydyu d7sfdr7af8t u ddys7aay7y7adfuduyfa87dafuufdd77 guy u8fyd77ay8fuayyy8udaf7dfy 7 7th yuayadu77f7afd7a7dadtfyf8f7da7adyaat7dyaayUtad7fsd7fadfa7afyyytu7a78faraya8fyyy7dyayad77taa98yfd7aay7radyyaaa7fudayfs7dad7d7dd7ydyuadr7ya8f7a7ds7df7ayf7y7syt7faa7dayuyaYuayay7ayyf77atydu7a8f8fayssaa9y7dyaauadttssssssfssassfsfrtataassssssdsssssfdsdssdadsfssdsastsassdfdftffafss a rsssssfssdstssrfsftffffssaads a ssdsfsssssdss a dftssfysfssstssadssassfsssytdtaatsfsdasftdssfffssdaffssfsdasss@fsfsddssfs a rsaaaastaasasafsaassasasadsasdsdsfssssfsfssasaasasassssssssssssfs sad a sad ssfarafaffs a aa season a far as aasr a s!A as afsrsfsaf a assfa a srraaffdssfaafaaf sad asafffdstffaaffdafdaf a arfsfsddaafsffa as fyf!da!ydaafdfffd a Tyr!! Ar!!aaaffafsdfdffdayyfdsA sa a year a atraffsyyass a araffffaffaaas a aAaaaaaaf sa say a farffafffaf A a Sa Sasa s!af!afsffsftfs! A ssf!s!f a safe!! A afrfatsafayf a ry!a!fdsfdsyfsfsyysffyffyyfysyyfsf a rtyyyytytffaf a rtryyyffyyfstytfdfyayyyyfytya a yfyafffftytfsfffffsddssfsdtfyyystsyyffffsafsfstaffs a rrsydffftdfffffdfyfsffadfyfffdffffdyffftfssffffssdfffffffffdyssftdfssfftfssfssydyyyfffftfffaffyfydffffyyffsfdafafsffsffsfffafstydrfffdfsfdf a Truffaut as dtfsfaffffdddffstfaffffdssffff drffffddfffffayfffdfdffafdaffffffdfafdfafdffafffddftsssfafyafsfsftfaafdfffafffafffsffffsddsfsyssdffffffdsffddftfftfftfFff!fdfafyfyfffffssfffafffaffsafffftfafafdsfffffffdftfffsaffdfffffafttssafadfsaffffyafay A yrfyffdfyffffffffdffayffff d dfafffftsfffysffyfyfffsffryfayfffftfftffsydfffafafafaffrff a rfydfdftfffftdaffrfffsffddffffsffaffffsffffyffyfstfyfftfyfa a sdsfffyyay8fy asa8y7dd77daytduduyd7yy7f7dda77dy7d7t8a7dyd777ddydya7fd88add8duf7y78tfyfd7f8fy9f7udfufdydyyydyddyfud7dd7dy7dyd7fyda7y7d7ady7ddyfydy87fydu7d7d 8 f
@r.s.dissendissen67522 жыл бұрын
????????(*WHAT WAS THAT song again??(somebody is watching me. begins like. ":sometimes i feel like somebody is watching me. ,i,ll. Look. That. Band up. For yu....
Swamp coming thru like a champ! Home sick looking for a nice long Cryptid narration. Thank you so much!
@kezzter132 жыл бұрын
No one cares. Just enjoy the video. You don’t need to comment just to talk about yourself when no one asked.
@christineparis56072 жыл бұрын
Pay no attention to the killjoy lecturer who wants to try and ruin someones day to make themselves feel important. I hope you feel better soon!! I always love scary narrations to take my mind off being trapped in the house when I'm not feeling that good!
@annieb38832 жыл бұрын
@@kezzter13 says the person commenting just to be a cunt
@annieb38832 жыл бұрын
@@christineparis5607 thank you so much!! Cryptid stories are my favorite what are yours?
@christineparis56072 жыл бұрын
@@annieb3883 Hi! I am completely fascinated by dogman after I met some hunters who saw one in East Texas while on a hunting trip. They were friends who had spent their lives in the woods and said that when they saw this thing, all they could think was that their guns weren't going to bring it down...that this creature looked like the werewolves from dog soldiers (fun movie!!). This guys friend never could go back in the woods again. These were men in their fifties, not over imaginative teens, and they are just a few people who have told their experiences. Whatever they're seeing, it's really, really big and mean....
@moshpitmachine2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact, green lake in Onondaga County (near Cayuga and Seneca lake) also has areas where the bottom has not been found. It's believed by locals that all 3 lakes are connected by underground tunnels
@_Ph0enixx_2 жыл бұрын
Hell yeah! I love the cryptid stories, especially when u give us over an hour of them. With the time change it’s still dark at 7am and I love getting back in bed and cozied up listening to your narraration.
@dansavka76482 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more with you. My ex died a horrible accident not too long ago and these narrated stories help me relax and go to sleep
@Smokey-Garage-Girl2 жыл бұрын
Love it when I can enjoy my coffee and morning smoke sesh in the Swamp. And it’s the first day of spring break for us. Double the good times
@daniroseheart6202 жыл бұрын
@linklinksson68852 жыл бұрын
It's fun to stay at the- *uh.. idk*
@Unidentica12 жыл бұрын
It's fun to stay at the pleasent point, usa
@A1.sauce43452 жыл бұрын
first one isnt mothman its the giant flying squirrel that lives around shenandoah national park
@daniroseheart6202 жыл бұрын
@@A1.sauce4345 I’ve never heard of that one😅😅😅😅Thanks
@linklinksson68852 жыл бұрын
@@A1.sauce4345 His name is Randy Cheeks he's a cousin of Sandy Cheeks
@shaynagordon87352 жыл бұрын
i love being able to listen to your stories, i’ve had the flu for so far two days and your stories keep me entertained because i cant go to work or school. thank you swampy! your voice is so soothing, i really like cryptid stories and SW ones too. the way you talk about them though makes me nervous as i am Native American. you are very brave saying the “SW” word fully. best of luck with your channel!
@rubenfuentesiii51692 жыл бұрын
I love these stories, I wish there was an artist who would be willing to draw these cryptids and you can post them. The story on 47:21 is wild! I would love to see an artist draw that.
@shaynagordon87352 жыл бұрын
having pictures would be so much better, but i have a great imagination, most of the stories he’s read i’ve been able to see. pictures can help everyone else!
@xJakeeyy2 жыл бұрын
@@shaynagordon8735 I swear I know you from somewhere! are you from northern Oklahoma or am I crazy 😭
@shaynagordon87352 жыл бұрын
@@xJakeeyy i was born up there and lived there till i was yes technically
@xJakeeyy2 жыл бұрын
@@shaynagordon8735 WHAT EVEN. dude I swear I know you from somewhere else. This always happens to me. I think I’m psychic or something 😭
@shaynagordon87352 жыл бұрын
@@xJakeeyy no idea. i am from oklahoma though
@bartsimpson72902 жыл бұрын
I love your channel, been falling asleep to these every single night for a year !
@swampdweller2 жыл бұрын
Great to hear!
@dominiqueblanton88692 жыл бұрын
@Poke_Doll2 жыл бұрын
Yesss! I've been waiting patiently for a Cryptid stories comp & it's even better that it's over an hour. Thank you Swamp! 😄😄😄
@glendashubin49212 жыл бұрын
As always, perfect timing!!! Bedtime with Swamp Dweller!!! 🌹❤️
@tyrranicalt-rad61642 жыл бұрын
Sick in your bed sipping chicken soup and Gatorade and listening to swamp is where it's at. 🍲🐊👻👹👽
@arsenicbelle4222 жыл бұрын
Right there with you! 🍲 😷 👻
@michaeldaniel732 жыл бұрын
Sounds awesome, except for the sick
@strawberryleefields2 жыл бұрын
get better soon!
@deaganachomarunacathasaigh43442 жыл бұрын
Same, I'm struck down with Covid so I'm missing out on all The Lá Fhéile Pádraig celebrations 😢 But Swamp is keeping me company with all these great stories. Bob Gymlan too
@hollymower68102 жыл бұрын
Thank you for another great upload Swamp Dweller! 😍
@elizabethsisney91452 жыл бұрын
Thank you Swamp! Was so hoping you would upload tonight and you did! Now time for my snacks 😋 🍿🍿🥤🥤
@connorhaggett96682 жыл бұрын
I finished ALL your stories on the chilling app, back to KZbin lol
@Libertybaynurse2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Swamp! Goodnight!
@kristinowens8992 жыл бұрын
I needed this tonight, thank you so much!!!
@ellielane23132 жыл бұрын
Rochester is pronounced rah-chester 😊 love your channel!! Love my city being mentioned in one of your videos
@Nyctophora2 жыл бұрын
That was a great collection!
@TdawnT2 жыл бұрын
I love the stories where someone's like, "I heard footsteps in the woods. Does anyone know what it could be?" Ok psychic friends, let's join hands and seek the universe...👐🌍🌛🌟🌞🌟🌜🌍👐
@banjoadventures93152 жыл бұрын
As a lifelong resident of the pinky finger lake of the finger lakes, I can tell you there's some weird stuff that goes on. But on Seneca and Cayuga lake, all I can tell you is they got some great wine tours.
@badwolfXIII2 жыл бұрын
Sweet! Thank you for these
@elemento05882 жыл бұрын
Very good stuff swamp always coming threw always the best
@iriecornell70522 жыл бұрын
Yesss finally gonna get some sleep you uploaded just in time! 💜
@stephenpmurphy5912 жыл бұрын
Prefect timing Swampy! On this chilly windy foggy night! 🌬☁️🕰🦌👍🌲
@Goblin_0.02 жыл бұрын
I just got new headphones so I’m gonna listen and game 🖤🖤 thank you Mr.Dweller 🖤 Goblin
@tbradley62502 жыл бұрын
Glad I stayed up!
@sarahg.27722 жыл бұрын
Thks SD woke 2 see Ur new upload. Great content, 💜 the stories. ☮
@wolfman752 жыл бұрын
Cool video!!!! Yeah almost 2 hours!!!! Thanks man!!! 👍😎🤘
@scottdove44612 жыл бұрын
Imagine my surprise at hearing my hometown mentioned in the first story! I'll definitely have to be on the lookout for whatever the writer of the story mentioned
@aliwebb33442 жыл бұрын
i’d be more freaked out! 😂
@classiccat22212 жыл бұрын
Swamp dweller coolest storyteller about unknown creatures and cryptids.
@tripunk2 жыл бұрын
Man, Diane in the 3rd or 4th story is the real MVP here - checking on shit in the dark, carrying blacked out partner back to the car etc
@mum.of.4.goblins2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Swamp Dweller! 🖤 I truly needed these this morning.
Always awesome over here at the SWAMP....... . 👊💀🍻🏴☠️🍻
@elizabethsisney91452 жыл бұрын
Truthfully, before I ever heard of "Cryptids," I never ever felt comfortable swimming in lakes... I always had this fear that something more besides fish may be in these lakes. Needless to say, I hardly ever did! I believe I only did it a few times. Now I am so thankful I that I hardly ever did 🏊♂️ in a lake or river!
@sarahg.27722 жыл бұрын
I hear that. I live close to Lake Mempremagog which is well known sea monster resides there. Part of these huge Lake resides in 🇨🇦 & the other is in Northeastern Vt. I Agree 💯 as I also do all of my 🏊♂️ in A pool!✌
@toresque12 жыл бұрын
@@sarahg.2772 only monsters in that lake are the french, cant even make up their own creature, gotta steal nelly. Typical.
@dansavka76482 жыл бұрын
It's a very common fear. It's what we don't know can sometimes intimidate us and knowing that we cannot breathe in water and it's a really common fear. I am certified in deep diving scuba diving I have been down 460m before and there are some very interesting things at the bottom of lakes but I have never seen anything other than huge fish
@shaynagordon87352 жыл бұрын
i cant swim in places where i cant see the bottom because stories like these were told to me when i was younger. it’s so scary, even worse when a fish touches your foot😅
@willemvanstaden32922 жыл бұрын
There's a type of catfish here in South/Southern Africa which is called a "barbel" - now the largest one I've physically seen caught was +-6 feet in length weighing almost 100kg. But I've seen photos of far larger specimens; and according to legend in the Vaal Dam there are barbels so large and fat they never even swim close to the surface and just prey on other large barbels. Now I mean - man-eating size barbels. My mother's friend, when she was in primary school, was simply pulled underwater by something (likely a barbel) and never seen again - you see, even for a mere 6-footer it would be easy to eat a young child; now imagine the monsters that state-csi-divers claim live in the very deep, very murky, Vaal dam. Imagine - a barbel isn't even a cryptid - it's an actual type of catfish! Then again, most animals in Africa can kill a human when cornered.
@ginger_3152 жыл бұрын
Upstate New York! Nice!
@Froglover1152 жыл бұрын
I love the owl man and the moth man story’s i love them
@hunternoonan36332 жыл бұрын
I love these stories because of my (wendigo) encounter 2 years ago
@linklinksson68852 жыл бұрын
Tell it man
@CarlosFourTwenty2 жыл бұрын
Absolute gold 🥇
@brandihoward76122 жыл бұрын
I'm from WV- a few hours from Point Pleasant!🤞😉🦋
@snakewhitcher41892 жыл бұрын
I got stuck in Harrisonburg VA for a few days. Creepy town. James Brown played there the week after I got my car working.
@paulmccormick2 жыл бұрын
My partner has really bad insomnia and can usually only fall asleep if I stay up just talking shit so she can doze off ! But I introduced her to the swamp and raven reads she loves nothing more than going to bed earliest convenience. Thanks swamp dweller
@queenbrooke8603 Жыл бұрын
I live 15 minutes away from Harrisonburg, if fact I’m watching this in Harrisonburg 😭😭😭😭😭 rippppp
@daviddemuth60752 жыл бұрын
Woah man bats are so chill they just mind their own business 👏
@classiccat22212 жыл бұрын
I like listening to stories of cryptid
@alexisromero95132 жыл бұрын
I’ve had many encounters In California it’s so frightening to speak of but I gave to find these beings need to be sealed back
@ericjames55952 жыл бұрын
Sealed how?
@dontwakethedeadp.jankey95922 жыл бұрын
Have heard a couple stories multiple times but by different narrators. I don't mind because each of my favorite narrators brings their own spin on the story.
@eukaziggy2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has lived within an hour of Harrisonburg my whole life I do remember hearing about and seeing something that resembled a bat the size of a man in the late 90s 96-98 ish. I would have been about 5 at the time and remember hearing my grandparents (very religious and don't believe in the paranormal) talking to my uncle and neighbors about it. And then seeing it flying over the mountain in front of my house a few weeks later.
@A1.sauce43452 жыл бұрын
ive heard storys about it too never in person but ive read them online one report states it being seen in shenandoah nation park and describes it as a giant flying squirrel which are greyish in color
@TheBlindPhotographer Жыл бұрын
Hey Swamp Dweller, you should try to find stories from Idaho's northernmost County. I live near Idaho's northernmost town, which is basically a village. Population is 874.
@michaelsnyder8661 Жыл бұрын
My grandpa used to own a shooting range called the flying rabbit in Harrison burg va! I’m referring to first story.
@sierraacker22572 жыл бұрын
No no no. As someone from Harrisonburg va, I hate whoever told this story. I’ve never once encountered anything like it but now I’m FREAKED out!! I’ve always known about moth man but not in this area.
@elizabethsisney91452 жыл бұрын
To everyone who goes camping, take a powerful led flashlight 🔦 buy the XHP90 120,000 lumin flashlight, It costs only 29.99. Anything with at least 9000 lumens or above. The higher the lumens the farther, and wider range it will cover which is important when camping. Your phone flashlight is not for camping!
@IvanBias242 жыл бұрын
12:27 "Honey! Get My Golf Club"
@deshistoiremysterieuses86702 жыл бұрын
Hey Swamp
@dansavka76482 жыл бұрын
Anybody else single by choice? My ex died a horrible death and this narrated stories help me sleep at night
@mrs.walleysremakes91012 жыл бұрын
Cleaning my house listen to awesome cryptids
@snakewhitcher41892 жыл бұрын
I saw the Goatman once. He said it isn't bad to get mad.
@JUSTICEshsyedZaC2 жыл бұрын
🥂 Brother SWAMPY these are the best type of stories 📙 📖 nicely done for the 🎧 upload. I'm ➕ plugged 🎧 🛌😴😪💤
@A1.sauce43452 жыл бұрын
bro i legit live close to the first story and theres been reports of a large flying squirrel creature around shenandoah national park and skyline drive near where the story takes place
@Slicer14752 жыл бұрын
Goose flesh? He could've chosen anything else to describe goose bumps. But nope, he had to go with goose flesh.
@girlysweetandsalty79102 жыл бұрын
Really like the "normal" true stories. Tired of the paranormal creature stories everyone is doing.
@speciallong68202 жыл бұрын
Whoa! The first story….I live there..
@A1.sauce43452 жыл бұрын
same and ive heard about it before watching the vid too
@lambert4392 жыл бұрын
I gotta lie I really liked the first story
@sharkt98772 жыл бұрын
Ok hear me out... I think the moth man is like the windago or the skin walkers. Speaking of them give them power. They are a truly mythical creature and speaking of them gives them power.
@yashvardhanpandey4523 Жыл бұрын
1:26:00 video is not there sadly
@Raquel-vz8ev4 ай бұрын
Ive been looking for a video where they tell a certain story where the thing makes the group of people think its been friends with them for their whole life to get inside the group and kill them easier. idk what video it is i need help.
@andyandchristinluchies50402 жыл бұрын
Hi everyone
@douglascornett66052 жыл бұрын
Wings like a bird or like a moth? That’s two completely different shapes. It was flying with its wings down by its side? It was flying sideways? Don’t think any of them are possible, obviously very made up.
@kainenmeadows57572 жыл бұрын
First sentence and he calls out my home town, wow
@GachaJahmilkXD2 жыл бұрын
1:26:08 where was the link?
@milenko00762 жыл бұрын
@bunnieeees_2 жыл бұрын
I love you
@bluegiger Жыл бұрын
Hmmm... I wonder... most of us might not even notice until the name-drop if you did your mid-roll sponsor bits in the same cadence and general manner of delivery as you do the story content. Got ya thinking now, don't I?
@Luciferianreject2 жыл бұрын
Are these true encounters or creepy pasta stories?
@al1452 жыл бұрын
Swamp Dweller uses Hello Fresh, but cryptids would actually use Hello Flesh
@StarlitJourneys Жыл бұрын
Love these stories! On our channel, we`ve made a video with short fictional tales from a 'Haunted Manor' in a series called 'The Guestbook'. Keep up the great work!
@20katana0614 күн бұрын
Lake Gogebic IS NOT the largest natural lake in Michigan. Lake Houghton is. Gogebic is 13,000 acres and Houghton is over 20,044 acres
@Froglover1152 жыл бұрын
I live by the senaca and kauga lakes
@Hfeel8932 жыл бұрын
"14 years old 5 '3 and big kid " unless this was a girl that's pretty damn small
@SillyHistoryGuy2 жыл бұрын
Depending on what the color was the alabama creature could have been Alabama White Thang. If you don't know what that is its basically the Alabama version of Bigfoot.
@iLovedWhatiHated2 жыл бұрын
@Swamp Dweller- What do you bench?
@hayden21682 жыл бұрын
I know what the thing is when the Boy Scout was fishing
@smallcheesebread65312 жыл бұрын
Why did they kill the serpent? Is it possible that they could could use a remote control submarine to explore the bottom?
@cheesedino56802 жыл бұрын
Does anyone else hear the broodmother death sound at the start of the video?
@Darkdreams792 жыл бұрын
What happened to time swamps?
@hammy38812 жыл бұрын
God damn. Why did he have to kill the dinosaur. It didn't understand.
@robertferguson59352 жыл бұрын
Anyone care to cuddle up to S D !
@bluberry15172 жыл бұрын
49:54 "gooseflesh" wat
@snakewhitcher41892 жыл бұрын
Here comes. Chuckle De yums
@OfficialCxP2 жыл бұрын
Alright alright alright…
@Twister_thespinnerdolphin2 жыл бұрын
Hey brother wendigo
@lizardboylizardous77072 жыл бұрын
The first story was a real story of a month man encounter.
@A1.sauce43452 жыл бұрын
nope not mothman as a local i can confirm sightings of the creature but it resembles a flying squirrel and it lives around shenandoah national park
@HARD2KNOW.2 жыл бұрын
😢 you lied to me about the videos being on screen it was black 😔😞😞
@xantonysyntropyx17872 жыл бұрын
Uhhh, am I the only one who feels like this sounds how an updated automated narrator? Social experiment maybe to see if ppl can pick up on it? Especially when he's mentioning locations
@swampdweller2 жыл бұрын
It sounds like you spend too much time on the internet.
@xantonysyntropyx17872 жыл бұрын
@@swampdweller I spend almost no time on the internet, sounds like you need your hearing checked, because that's exactly like you sound bro. It takes all the heart outta it, go check out Mr creeps, or Be.Busta, or CreepsMcpasta, compare how they have the heart that this is missing. And get some background ambience. I had to shut this off halfway through because of how difficult it was to stay focused on the story and not the automated narration. Then I state a perfectly normal question, and you insult me? Clearly struck a nerve, and some of the comments are clearly fake. Now I'm showing everyone since you wanted to be toxic about my question thanks.
@MrNubCake Жыл бұрын
I see this while listening to “Big Iron” and just think “yeah fuck them cryptids *THIS IS AMERICA, WOOOOOOOO!*
@DawgWithWifi2 жыл бұрын
"Medieval battle war"
@giana9892 жыл бұрын
You kinda sound like steve from shameless
@theend4752 жыл бұрын
Swamp why aren't you part off free podcast why I unsub of your premium.