2004 athens weight lifting clean and jerk

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Bodhisatva Banerjee

Bodhisatva Banerjee

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Пікірлер: 659
@ShannonVenasse 16 жыл бұрын
Amazing! Now that I'm learning these lifts I have a new appreciation for it.
@eisenkrieger 17 жыл бұрын
i was by this competition... live.. in this hall in athen, it was unbelivable to see reza, to see his record lift, i believe..i can hear my voice on this video. best wishes eisenkrieger
@arsenalmanic 15 жыл бұрын
rezazadeh is just amazing man. Clean and Jerk that kind of weight is just amazing. Ive seen few of the WORLD STRONGEST MAN competitors in training attempting clean and jerk but they can only manage to do 200lb less that rezazadeh. that is how difficult and amazing this difficult lift is. rezazdeh also amazing human being too, very nice guy
@IamSaralinka 16 жыл бұрын
I feel intimidated just WATCHING THIS!! GREAT VID, DUDE!!!
@hgintern 18 жыл бұрын
Such discussions are so utterly beside the point. Only if you truly feel the love and respect that comes with weightlifting in your heart can you truly grasp the essence of Olympic weightlifting. That is why Pyrros's Bronze Medal is an epic feat. Trust me, upon leaving his shoes out there, he will have wept. Not out of mourning, but out of gratitude for all that weightlifting gave him.
@doncappa 17 жыл бұрын
Hossein Rezazadeh (Persian: حسین رضازاده , born May 12, 1978 in Ardabil, Iran) is an Iranian weightlifter and the current world record holder in the sport.
@ThePistolpete1963 13 жыл бұрын
awesome!!!!! how can anyone dislike this power?
@dominicisi 16 жыл бұрын
Powerlifters have an incorrect title. Power is how much work is done divided by how long it took to do it. These lifters have such incredible explosive power and their power generating capabilities are unparalleled
@DrDoobs420 16 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy im half persian, im striving to be a personal trainer so this is perfect! Go Reza! Shame he didn't play in this summers olympics.
@aburaihanrez 12 жыл бұрын
What's the name of the song that is used in the intro of the tv coverage? Thanks for posting this awesome session.
@Simplicitywins 17 жыл бұрын
To me, being healthy is the most important thing about exercising. Being as strong as these people = amazing!
@herovillain167 15 жыл бұрын
this guy set the world record for clean and jerk so yes he is
@Antarath 15 жыл бұрын
They use a hook grip. It locks the hands to the bar. That means; they first grip the bar with the thumb, then the remaining fingers grips both the thumb and the barbell
@InFlamesAddictive 14 жыл бұрын
@benjsy The suits you are talking about are powerlifting shirts, they arnt flexible, not flexible at all, theyre quite hard too, thats why all of them hold their arms in front of theirs chests, cuz the shirts r pushing their arms forward
@Rpzzz 15 жыл бұрын
strength and power is important in power lifting, but technique is a major factor in MMA.
@Porgee 14 жыл бұрын
Reza could probably front squat a metric ton. That clean is incredible.
@ilikecheese946 17 жыл бұрын
Just wondering, can you drop bumper plates on cement or do you need something under the bumper plates too?
@jammRJ 17 жыл бұрын
thats even more amazing cos he carries his own weight plus all that extra weight. remember its the same human frame and it does not matter if ur heavy or light , as long as u get the job done.
@Henzzman 14 жыл бұрын
@InFlamesAddictive Thats when you are using a bench press shirt.Normal singlets dont help anything.They are just used for better judging of the lift for the judges.
@Bookstop1337 15 жыл бұрын
@AlanCSSNub So I'm confused, what's the difference between a clean and jerk and a clean and press? And a power clean?
@jammRJ 17 жыл бұрын
so no withdrawal symptoms and u keep the gains for one full year?? WOW I WILL START USING THEM NOW!!
@EmilRinse 16 жыл бұрын
The winner of the OG in the SHW division is officially crowned "The strongest man in the world".
@DracosWrath 18 жыл бұрын
Reza Zadeh-I'm pretty sure that he is not allowed (under Olympic regulations) to enter WSM. Correct me if I'm wrong. But IMO, the c&j is the most accurate measure of overall strenght. You use many more muscles (something like 60%) in the movements. So unless I see a WSM competitor move that kind of weight in C&J, I say he is the WSM. WSM also requires reps for most challenges, or endurance, whereas c&j is one rep, heaviest weight.1 rep should be test for strength, not reps.
@Joseph_Budzinski 14 жыл бұрын
I just realized how he cleans it so easily. He bounces it off his lower belly fat during the triple extension. What a win strategy haha.
@telkwa 15 жыл бұрын
Strongman competitions focus mostly on strength endurance, as opposed to single-rep lifts that weightlifters and power lifters do. While there is obviously a correlation, I wouldn't expect many single-rep lifters to do well on strength events that last for 30seconds or more.
@bozium 16 жыл бұрын
rezazadeh ftw, though its a shame couldn't participate in 2008 olympics
@htownwrestler 16 жыл бұрын
The song at the beginning is So Cold by Breaking Benjamin.
@maniacalmania 15 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind, these numbers are in KG not LB. Reza Zadeh is lifting more than 500 lb.
@RebelWrestler45 16 жыл бұрын
I agree, but powerlifters and olympians do different types of lifts though, there are many powerlifters out there who can out squat, out deadlift, and out bench any olympic lifters, but there's no way that those powerlifters could clean and jerk or snatch what olympic lifters do. You are correct in saying that olympic lifters are more athletic, but powerlifters have an edge in the brute strength category (though Rez is a beast).
@Ataro104 15 жыл бұрын
I think most of these guys are endomorph or meso-endomorph body types, so they probably won't show that much definition, but they are incredibly strong.
@URAGR8M8 17 жыл бұрын
Some good points, defining strongest is always hard to do. These guys are obviously the strongest in the two lifts of clean and jerk and snatch, but powerlifters are the strongest in the bench, squat, and deadlift, and of course strongman competitors are the best in their own events.
@BassBumpin108 13 жыл бұрын
My two favorite lifts!
@Ikloyd 13 жыл бұрын
Whats the intro song? Also, sick muscles
@needabloodyname 16 жыл бұрын
hahahah wow that was one hell of a line!! hahaahah you have made me smile for today!! thanks
@PMcGuffin 18 жыл бұрын
A clean and jerk cannot possibly test all facets of strength, though in a single lift it comes the closest to it. It means squat as far as real world functional strength,(and I am not counting sports as real world) not everything you have to lift in real life is ergonomically designed to be easy to lift.
@URAGR8M8 18 жыл бұрын
World's Strongest Man Competetions are not just tests of strength - they include endurance, agility, balance, and power. The sport that is most about raw strength is powerlifting.
@PMcGuffin 18 жыл бұрын
We have all had to carry heavy things in our hands and can appreciate the amount of strength and endurance that it would take to carry 350lbs in each hand for over 100ft. Same goes with odd object handling and loading events.
@ako541 14 жыл бұрын
@benjsy those suits wont help them lift the weight as much but will ensure theres no restriction in the movements for example the way most pants stop you squatting balls to floor
@mailmepizza 15 жыл бұрын
This is true. Bodybuilders spend a lot of timing lifting sub-maximal weights (6-12 reps) where there is generally more potential for hypertrophy and less for strength. Weightlifters and the like spend more time using maximal weights (1-5 reps) and are therefore as strong as they look. Charles Poliquin has commented on this, saying he can out-lift guys with better form that are 70-80 pounds heavier than him because he spends more time with maximal weights.
@Hardy_H_H 18 жыл бұрын
i wanna see rezazadeh's second lift, i haven't been able to see it anywhere, the failed 263.5 on his second attempt, wanna see what went wrong.
@Enigmaattv 12 жыл бұрын
was that song really on the opening of this olympics event? lol if so that would be epic
@Simplicitywins 17 жыл бұрын
My definition of healthy would include the following; proper nutrition, cardiovascular exercise for at least 20 - 30 minutes per day, and taking all of your previous injuries into account. Weight lifting is purely a choice, but I make it mine because I both enjoy it and find it necessary to compensate for old injuries. That's my opinion though.
@abarusso 13 жыл бұрын
I am not into weighlifting at all, but I was wondering, wouldn't it be easier for him if he lost a little of his huge belly?
@Feder147 16 жыл бұрын
no, the record for clean and jer is 338 kg, which was done in the 1960s by the strongest man who ever lived
@eamh2002 14 жыл бұрын
Which is easier, going from builder to lifter or lifter to builder? :p
@WillSpengler 15 жыл бұрын
While this may be their sport, you'll find that most of these guys are pretty fit all round. While they focus on the techniques which are part of their sport, it does give incredible benifits to other sports and to the body in general.
@JCanipe 18 жыл бұрын
It takes more than one or two lifts to determin who is the world's strongest man. If there was a competition that included the squat, bench press, deadlift, clean and jerk, and weighted chinup, all done without support gear, we might be able to say who the strongest man is.
@onepounch 16 жыл бұрын
what about reza´s second lift which he missed, anyone got a video of that? i never saw him miss a lift...
@YoungPLER 13 жыл бұрын
@RapRnB4u Yes, if you have progressive overload and a calorie surplus.
@danny156wc 17 жыл бұрын
If any of the bodybuilders would try pulling what Reza Zadeh pulls here in the Athens Games better have some background with the exercises. A person would have to be crazy to lift with little experience. The Clean and Jerk is a more compound complex exercise compared to the exercises bodybuilders would commonly practice. That and among practicing training principles effectively, food, sleep, etc. Reza Zadeh is where he is because he takes the sport seriously. He doesn't fool around.
@L0RRED 14 жыл бұрын
@giammira condivido il tuo punto di vista ma ti chiedo di guardare il polacco marcin dolega e di dire se nonostante lo sport che pratica non è esteticamente perfetto...
@lordoftheriffs79 17 жыл бұрын
so relaxed during the process
@MattyHild 15 жыл бұрын
either i suck at clean and press, or these guys are super awesome. right now in a set of 12 reps i am only doing 85lbs
@nova68nova 14 жыл бұрын
@stealthbenny The superheavy class has no upper limit. These guys are essentially always in a gaining phase, eating ungodly amounts of food and training hours and hours each day. There is no body fat test, no penalty for having a "big gut". The ONLY thing that matters is how much weight you can put over your head.
@DefeatClinton 17 жыл бұрын
what kind of lifting routine do these guys have?
@HonkeyKongLive 16 жыл бұрын
So what lifts do we use to define who's strongest in the world? Personally I'd say you have to throw in Zydrunas Savickas and Mikhail Koklyaev.
@wa84rd 17 жыл бұрын
this is the most beautiful sport, i yousto lift but i was too tall and skinny to excell at it but i love watching it!
@TheTruthHurtsYup 14 жыл бұрын
@Bertziethegreat they are in the gym nearly everyday. Your body is able to adapt. If you teach your body that it only has to work hard once every 5-6 days, then your body will recover slowly. If you teach it that it has no choice but to recover fast and you feed it the proper nutrition so it can accomplish the task, then you will see how the body will adapt and be strong almost 100% of the time, the body will have true strength.
@kayaksta 17 жыл бұрын
im all about the weight ratio. a 160 lb kid like myself doing a 500 lb deadlift. of course i cant do that. i can only manage 345. which is still an accomplishment none the less. but the little guys doing the big weight should get just as much recognition
@BrowncoatMustache 12 жыл бұрын
this man could tear someone in half.
@theuppercut 17 жыл бұрын
god DAMN tons of respect for that dude.. what a beast.. sucha brute... love it!
@dougm4310 15 жыл бұрын
@thekingisnear whats the point of looking strong if your not.
@abouyouy 16 жыл бұрын
he screams " ya abbas " that's what's written on his shirt too, the Abbas is the prophet's uncle and he is legendary.
@twistedneck 17 жыл бұрын
Rezaz.. one bad ass human being. that was impressive.
@slyster12 15 жыл бұрын
If you want to know they competed nude because in the original Olympic games there were several types of garments, derived from a basic tunic.The Olympic Games originally contained one event: the stadion (or "stade") race, a short sprint measuring between 180 and 240 metres.First they ran fully clothed that was difficult because of their tunics.Once a tunic fell of from a competitor and he won outrunning others significantly.From then on more and more competitors ran naked..
@tehranimahdi 15 жыл бұрын
don't give up on hossein rezazadeh
@TOBigNasty65 14 жыл бұрын
olympic weightlifting is the most badass thing ever
@wickedhick 13 жыл бұрын
"he was our leader coming out of the snatch"...awesome
@Redkonvict 15 жыл бұрын
How do they clean it when they don't look nearly half as explosive?
@bubbyj 15 жыл бұрын
I am unfamiliar with kilo plates. Are they 25kilo?
@Ardeshir07 17 жыл бұрын
ba hameye ehterami ke bara nazare shoma ghaelam,fekr mikonam shoma dar eshtebahid,va shayad ba manbae na motabar dar tamas boodid,ya hadafe khasi darid donbal mikonid,dar har soorat momkene khalafe meile shoma bashe,reza zadeh bedoone tavajoh be aghayedesh,hameye Iraniha doost darand
@DustinOranchuk 17 жыл бұрын
man, in 2000 there was like 4 guys who opened at 250, what a difference
@Miiiiiiighty 17 жыл бұрын
Reza Zadeh is strong as hell
@jeffhatef 15 жыл бұрын
With the use of a bench shirt you mean?
@YoungPLER 13 жыл бұрын
@superjeff299 Fast twitch and slow twitch muscles are produced in equal amounts when muscular hypertrophy occurs, just saying.
@Workhard1994 15 жыл бұрын
Thank you! THis is a genious way of training :D i wasnt the one asking, but still :D thank you friend
@Nurnbergundy 13 жыл бұрын
how do you get the bar to your shoulders then........
@L0RRED 14 жыл бұрын
@giammira fantastico finalmente italiano... io credo che l'apparenza non possa essere l'obbiettivo di uno sport, ma ti chiedo di guardare tutte le categorie inferiori ai 105+ e di trovarmi tra esse un solo "brutto" noterai che sono esteticamente perfetti, come effetto collaterale e non come obbiettivo, infine builder=chi fa body building
@rockpaintballer92 14 жыл бұрын
@benjsy it probably has to do with resistance or something. with a regular shirt and shorts it's loose on your body and may "get in the way" i guess for lack of a better phrase. with suits like that it's tight on your body with little resistance. that's my guess anyways. if anybody actually knows please say so
@spacetrance1 13 жыл бұрын
i am 18 and i started to do weight lifting with one plate of 45 on each side.is that good?i just have done it 3 times and i like to do it.
@danny156wc 15 жыл бұрын
Weightlifter bodies comes in various forms and sizes. You cannot stereotype them as easily as that. The amount of work they do with exercises is far more than any other sport.
@Saeraen 14 жыл бұрын
Like how you cut out his 2rd attempt when it was a NO LIFT.
@NewDeal1917 15 жыл бұрын
don't forget Taranenko to mention
@tehranimahdi 15 жыл бұрын
don't give up on rezazadeh
@jeffhatef 15 жыл бұрын
i think olympic gold is a little more important than being an MMA champion
@BestFightScenes1 16 жыл бұрын
wow. that's completely awesome. that's how it's done!
@toolong46 16 жыл бұрын
perrsian pride good opening song my fav band
@Nikilwig 16 жыл бұрын
Just keep changing iti up. The high rep for building mass is a myth. Do lowreps (4-6) for a few weeks. Then changeit up to high reps (9-12). Your muscles adapt so it'll slow your progress if you always do the same rep/weight/set ratios.
@Obsidian1392 13 жыл бұрын
@Alikinghog you sound like you're still young.
@snowstormcan 12 жыл бұрын
That sounds about right. These are powerlifters, not bodybuilders.
@PMcGuffin 18 жыл бұрын
Ok there really is no comparison between these two sports, strongman is all about testing every aspect of a persons strength with different events in ways that can relate to real world applications (most of the time).
@pmilleroly27 14 жыл бұрын
anyone know a good place to by an Olympic bar with needle bearings? Most gyms don't have them. I'm pretty sure the cheap bars online don't have needle bearings. I don't want to have to pay 500 plus dollars for an Olympic bar.
@hyper9braker 15 жыл бұрын
what about the 77kg class what body type is that???
@adanilia 13 жыл бұрын
he was great. wow, how could a person lift such a heavy weight. good job
@khoiktran 17 жыл бұрын
That dude is one strong man!!
@jesuistahmid 15 жыл бұрын
@kappkids don't do squats with heavy weight if its your back eh! i find deadlifts/squats put a lot of pressure on my back
@BeeDubDakota 16 жыл бұрын
"he was our leader coming out of the snatch" nice.
@mrtypr 12 жыл бұрын
Hey how heavy was this?
@eric71 16 жыл бұрын
You never know, he could be genetically gifted
@jammRJ 17 жыл бұрын
theoretically they have huge explosive power and that means he can sprint....probably 20 meters before he runs outta gas....the key is 'explosive' he will be quick fr a few seconds and then tired.
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