I am sorry that I have no Japanese language skills, but my favorite Japanese fighters were the Mitsubishi Zero, Kawasaki and Nakajima and all their variants......The Engine Roar doesn't need an interpreter!
See to me Nakajima built the most beautiful aircraft in Japan inventory, lines are very pure, when it looks right, it flies right. Second is Nakajima KI84. Thanks for this incredible video, would like to know where this aircraft was found and who did such a great job and beautiful restoration. 2 thumbs up!!!
@@Meru9607さん 単純な話、ロンドン上空に押し寄せるドイツ空軍を迎え撃ち追い払った英空軍を見上げたイギリス人は、日本中の空を蹂躙した米軍を見上げた日本人とは意識が違います。 日本中の迎撃戦を見上げた人は異口同音に、ごく一部のリットル字の宙返りができる人以外はどんどん落とされた。リットル模様の飛行機雲を描く手練れは絶対に落とされなかった。でも、弾がなくなるのかすぐ降りてしまい、結局は焼け石に水、衆寡敵せずだった…と言い残しています。 しかし本質は、その単純な話とは少し違うのです。それは、その後の国民世論の醸成プロセスです。英国はロンドンを守りきった空軍こそ最後の砦と大英帝国連邦こぞって称賛し、傾く大帝国の最後の精髄を絞り出して、合衆国さえ匙を投げた垂直離着陸戦闘機ハリアーを難産の末産み出しました、そのハリアーはフォークランド紛争でまた大英帝国の名誉を守り抜きました。ですから英国では戦闘機は最重要兵器であり、国民の期待も高いのです。 日本の場合、多勢に無勢をものともせずに、しぶとく生き残り、何度でも再起する大楠公千早城の志こそ言い伝えるべきでしたが、その後、GHQは最重要極秘計画WGIFを発動。教科書の墨塗り、出版コード、放送コード、尺貫法廃止、公職追放、農地解放、財閥解体、人間宣言、2年間の国名 The OccupiedJapan、日本国憲法、国民主権(現代国家では主権者≡元首です)。日本的なものに価値などないと徹底的に情報を操作しました。その教育的な成果たる人材が、今ようやく社会人として急激に定年、勇退、引退、老害化していっています。 反日教育は、隣国よりもむしろ国内で、徹底的に広範に容赦なく強制権を以て推進され、余波として、個人のレストア愛好家を援助し継いでいく人材の欠如に直結していたのです。
@yunitibi2set12 жыл бұрын
@ooamisannmu76904 жыл бұрын
@TORIKIZETSU4 жыл бұрын
@ericmowrey68726 жыл бұрын
Very nice but a few details are strange. 1. The glass canopy looks more like a P-51 or P-47 than it does a Zero. 2. It very much appears to be scaled down from actual size. It may well be a 3/4 kit plane or home made replica. As a Zero and Oscar lover I admire the work to make this plane but it falls short of the actual beauty of the genuine Mitsubishi of the 2nd world war.
@davidstone23195 жыл бұрын
It doesnt look like a Zero canopy because it is not a Zero. I think the canopy favors the later Yaks more than the P51 or P47. This is full sized; there are no scaled down two row radials to build one off of.
Now Fright + Cost/payload. Idea OK. Meinly B2 spirit. Rosiaa Super Highsobic. Army pease. Japan Kawssaki C2 JR Control Rinia. Orbit .Bigcurcul Anti Graviy Eleveter BASIC possibility. HighScoler Level Msde.
@df-zd8vm4 жыл бұрын
@不破-b9u9 ай бұрын
@steveproctor17482 жыл бұрын
Very lightly armed for a fighter. Didn't make much sense to me. But it's beautiful and I'm glad to see it restored and flying. I would love to see a Kawasaki Ki 61 flying. And I know that there a couple out there.
@Chibanah Жыл бұрын
It was not a rare example of that time from ther late 1930's. Some Soviet aircrafts were similarly poorly armed. Nakajima didn't prefer to put guns on the wings, but also those German and Soviet aircrafts in the early years didn't have guns on their wings either. British Spitfire and American Warhawk were the only one in the early years, which had great firepower. Also when Hayabusa was developed, there were not heavily armed fighters to fight against, also Japan was not in war with the US yet.