LIAN GEe G00N 阿們!不要沮喪!神掌權!神得勝!主神高高在上觀看地上的事!把一切交托給主我們的神,好好歸回讀經禱告行神的道!我們不是要贏過同性戀者,我們是要基督兒女彰顯神的愛與忍耐,問問自己所言所行是否合神心意比贏過同性戀更重要!他們等著我們去救他們,去釋放他們!求主耶穌保守校園孩子清純的身心不被污染!不被污染,奉主耶穌的名求,阿們! 我們在艱難環境,更要謹慎過讀經禱告聖潔生活,並為校園孩子的教育禱告!
Pastor, thank you for your sharing. Praise God for the message God placed in your heart. I’m really blessed and encouraged by it. I’m standing with all my brothers and sisters in Taiwan to intercede. The game is not over and victory is already won by Him. My brothers and sisters take courage fight on in Jesus’ mighty name.