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#MRE # ICR #Spain_mre
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Spanish Fuerzes Armadas Ración Individual De Combate
One of the world's best combat ration, the entire 24-hour Spanish army combat ration has been reviewed.
(세계최고의 전투식량중에 하나인 스페인군 전투식량 24시간 완전체를 드디어 리뷰했습니다. )
This is called Individual Combat Ration (ICR). It is written in three languages on the front of the package to support other armed forces and citizens. (English, French, Spanish) It is also stored in the small size Moly Pouch because it is small. (It's about 30 rounds of magazine length. 175 X 110 X 70)
[방소팔님의 댓글 내용 정리했습니다.]
Individual Combat Ration (ICR)이라고 합니다. 포장전면엔 타국군이나 타지역 대민지원을 위해 3개국어로 쓰여있다고 합니다(영어, 프랑스어, 스페인어) 의외로 크기가 작아 스몰사이즈 몰리파우치에도 저장됩니다 (약 30라운드 탄창 길이쯤됨 175 X 110 X 70)
▷ BREAKFAST Menu No. 4 (아침식사 메뉴 4 번)
2 Bag of instant coffee. 2 g.
3 Bags of sweetened condensed milk. 25 g. (연유)
1 Bag of cereal flakes with fruit and honey. 30 g. (과일과 꿀이 든 시리얼 플레이크)
1 Packet of sweet biscuits. 80 g. (달콤한 비스킷)
1 Chocolate with milk. 25 g. (우유 초콜릿)
2 Water purification tablets. (정수정제)
2 Solid combustible tablets.
1 Bag of oral rehydration salts of 5 g. (경구용 재수 화 염)
1 Chewing gum.
1 Envelope of matches (20).
1 Stove for warming.
1 Bag with cellulose paper (10 sheets).
1 Toothbrush.(칫솔)
1 Fluoride toothpaste. (불소 치약)
1 Instant hand disinfectant. (손 소독제)
1 Information label. (정보 라벨)
▷ LUNCH “A” Menu No. 5
1 Bag of chicken and pasta instant soup of 13 g. (치킨 수프 파스타)
1 Tin of tuna salad-country style of 195 g. (야채 참치 통조림)
1 Tin of cooked lean pork of 200 g. (리안 포크 : 돼지 살코기)
1 Tube of apple cream of 50 g. (애플잼)
2 Water purification tablets.
3 Solid combustible tablets.
4 Bags of defatigant isotonic powder with vitamin C of 5 g.
1 Chewing gum.
1 Envelope of matches (20).
1 Stove for warming.
1 Bag with cellulose paper (10 sheets).
1 Fluoride toothpaste.
1 Instant hand disinfectant.
1 Information label.A5
▷ LUNCH “B” Menu No. 3
1 Bag of vegetable instant soup of 20 g.
1 Tin of beef in sauce of 200 g.
1 Tin of mackerel in brine of 120 g. (고등어 통조림)
1 Tin of pears in syrup of 190 g. (배 통조림)
1 Tin of pate of 70 g. (빠떼)
2 Water purification tablets.
3 Solid combustible tablets.
4 Bags of defatigant isotonic powder with vitamin C of 5 g.
1 Chewing gum.
1 Envelope of matches (20).
1 Stove for warming.
1 Bag with cellulose paper (10 sheets).
1 Fluoride toothpaste.
1 Instant hand disinfectant.
1 Information label.
• 진상도 전투식량, MRE 재생리스트
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