ENGLISH: 00:00:00.305 --> 00:00:03.105 Welcome to the channel "Dutch Lessons"! 00:00:04.355 --> 00:00:06.305 You hear and see a sentence. 00:00:06.885 --> 00:00:08.725 The sentence is unfinished. 00:00:09.415 --> 00:00:11.145 Finish the sentence. 00:00:12.615 --> 00:00:16.105 Please note: There will be a picture in the exam that may help. 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:22.260 Lucia wants a new job. 00:00:22.440 --> 00:00:24.220 She considers her old job... 00:00:27.785 --> 00:00:29.245 boring. 00:00:31.040 --> 00:00:33.180 Madea has a car. 00:00:33.480 --> 00:00:35.520 She drives a car to… 00:00:38.865 --> 00:00:39.865 her job. 00:00:42.425 --> 00:00:45.645 Mahe has a new car. Now she can... 00:00:50.335 --> 00:00:51.855 drive to work. 00:00:54.645 --> 00:00:56.635 Can I borrow your moped? 00:00:57.065 --> 00:00:58.925 My moped is… 00:01:02.695 --> 00:01:03.695 broken. 00:01:05.975 --> 00:01:08.495 Mai doesn't watch news. 00:01:08.705 --> 00:01:10.415 She considers the news... 00:01:13.315 --> 00:01:14.525 boring. 00:01:17.345 --> 00:01:19.255 Maya is preparing soup. 00:01:19.595 --> 00:01:21.195 Soup is… 00:01:24.565 --> 00:01:25.685 very tasty. 00:01:27.785 --> 00:01:30.645 Malik will not play sports today. 00:01:30.985 --> 00:01:32.485 He has no… 00:01:35.385 --> 00:01:36.435 desire. 00:01:38.655 --> 00:01:41.285 Malik bought a new sofa. 00:01:41.575 --> 00:01:43.435 Old sofa is… 00:01:46.405 --> 00:01:47.465 broken. 00:01:50.195 --> 00:01:53.535 Mendy often eats crisps when she watches a movie. 00:01:53.845 --> 00:01:55.705 Sometimes she also eats ... 00:01:57.655 --> 00:01:58.955 popcorn. 00:02:00.945 --> 00:02:03.115 Manuel is a bus driver. 00:02:03.765 --> 00:02:04.945 He drives... 00:02:08.565 --> 00:02:09.965 A bus. 00:02:11.775 --> 00:02:13.995 Marco wants coffee. 00:02:14.475 --> 00:02:15.805 He also wants... 00:02:19.775 --> 00:02:20.905 A cake. 00:02:22.715 --> 00:02:25.975 Marco is sick. He's calling... 00:02:30.385 --> 00:02:31.575 A doctor. 00:02:33.915 --> 00:02:37.385 Maria has the flu. She needs... 00:02:41.585 --> 00:02:43.085 bed rest. 00:02:44.815 --> 00:02:46.905 Maria is a good cook. 00:02:47.115 --> 00:02:49.005 She usually cooks... 00:02:52.555 --> 00:02:54.295 rice with fish. 00:02:55.820 --> 00:02:58.120 Maria is reading a book. 00:02:58.360 --> 00:02:59.680 She finds it… 00:03:03.415 --> 00:03:04.885 interesting. 00:03:06.725 --> 00:03:09.695 Maria reads the newspaper on Sundays. 00:03:09.985 --> 00:03:11.685 Sometimes she reads... 00:03:14.635 --> 00:03:16.135 A magazine. 00:03:18.445 --> 00:03:20.935 Mariam talks to the teacher. 00:03:21.625 --> 00:03:23.865 She also talks to... 00:03:25.655 --> 00:03:26.695 friends. 00:03:29.075 --> 00:03:31.795 Martin eats an egg every morning. 00:03:31.935 --> 00:03:34.045 His wife usually eats... 00:03:36.525 --> 00:03:37.525 fruits. 00:03:39.925 --> 00:03:42.585 Martin asks the teacher a question. 00:03:42.875 --> 00:03:44.675 The question is about... 00:03:47.795 --> 00:03:48.835 homework. 00:03:51.135 --> 00:03:53.425 Mariam cooks for Dina. 00:03:53.865 --> 00:03:55.785 She cooks... 00:03:58.645 --> 00:04:00.005 spaghetti. 00:04:02.575 --> 00:04:05.755 Masha can sit on the bus today. 00:04:05.855 --> 00:04:07.405 Sometimes she has to... 00:04:09.405 --> 00:04:10.595 stand. 00:04:12.955 --> 00:04:15.345 Max wears a helmet at work. 00:04:15.935 --> 00:04:17.625 This requires his… 00:04:20.685 --> 00:04:21.805 chief 00:04:24.265 --> 00:04:26.365 Maya closes the curtains. 00:04:26.875 --> 00:04:28.165 She goes... 00:04:31.505 --> 00:04:32.795 To sleep. 00:04:35.285 --> 00:04:37.695 Megan is moving today. 00:04:38.065 --> 00:04:39.925 Soon she will live... 00:04:42.815 --> 00:04:44.705 in a big house. 00:04:45.955 --> 00:04:48.665 Melissa is waiting at the station. 00:04:49.065 --> 00:04:50.655 She's waiting for her... 00:04:53.755 --> 00:04:54.965 friend. 00:04:57.065 --> 00:04:59.875 Ms. Perez no longer has a car. 00:05:00.425 --> 00:05:01.805 Now she should… 00:05:04.655 --> 00:05:05.655 ride a bike. 00:05:07.895 --> 00:05:10.465 Mia sews herself. 00:05:10.625 --> 00:05:12.595 Today she is sewing... 00:05:15.545 --> 00:05:16.545 A dress. 00:05:19.045 --> 00:05:22.045 Mia needs to go home urgently. 00:05:22.045 --> 00:05:23.415 She's going by… 00:05:26.555 --> 00:05:27.555 bus. 00:05:30.505 --> 00:05:33.705 Mikael doesn't like tennis. 00:05:33.705 --> 00:05:34.935 He loves more... 00:05:37.705 --> 00:05:38.735 football. 00:05:41.025 --> 00:05:43.825 Michelle often watches movies. 00:05:43.825 --> 00:05:45.635 She loves movies about... 00:05:48.655 --> 00:05:49.885 animals. 00:05:51.965 --> 00:05:53.945 Michelle does her homework. 00:05:54.385 --> 00:05:56.345 She considers it… 00:06:00.035 --> 00:06:01.035 complex. 00:06:03.395 --> 00:06:05.695 Miguel finishes work. 00:06:06.255 --> 00:06:07.555 He is… 00:06:11.335 --> 00:06:12.335 ready. 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:15.920 My car broke down. 00:06:16.200 --> 00:06:18.040 Now I need to… 00:06:21.585 --> 00:06:22.805 go. 00:06:25.035 --> 00:06:27.255 My boss rides a bike every day. 00:06:27.725 --> 00:06:29.125 I do not do this... 00:06:32.665 --> 00:06:33.785 never. 00:06:36.035 --> 00:06:37.865 Gasoline has run out. 00:06:38.455 --> 00:06:39.635 Now I need... 00:06:43.695 --> 00:06:44.765 refuel. 00:06:47.055 --> 00:06:49.235 My brother doesn't like to swim. 00:06:49.985 --> 00:06:51.945 He always gets seasick... 00:06:54.925 --> 00:06:56.035 on the water. 00:06:58.155 --> 00:07:00.065 My brother sings a lot. 00:07:00.375 --> 00:07:01.655 He is… 00:07:05.735 --> 00:07:06.775 A singer. 00:07:08.985 --> 00:07:11.505 My neighbour loves to play music. 00:07:11.985 --> 00:07:13.285 This is ... 00:07:17.005 --> 00:07:18.105 annoying. 00:07:20.105 --> 00:07:22.835 My grandfather takes a walk every day. 00:07:23.245 --> 00:07:24.535 This is… 00:07:28.015 --> 00:07:29.045 healthy. 00:07:30.895 --> 00:07:32.855 My grandfather is sitting on the sofa. 00:07:33.335 --> 00:07:34.655 He watches… 00:07:39.165 --> 00:07:40.365 TV 00:07:42.295 --> 00:07:44.325 My phone is broken. 00:07:44.745 --> 00:07:46.215 Now I can't... 00:07:49.815 --> 00:07:50.865 call. 00:07:53.205 --> 00:07:56.485 My train leaves in 30 minutes. 00:07:56.575 --> 00:07:57.875 I'm on my way now to… 00:08:00.925 --> 00:08:02.155 the station. 00:08:04.025 --> 00:08:06.675 My dad has a horse. 00:08:06.675 --> 00:08:07.675 He's going to… 00:08:11.955 --> 00:08:13.375 ride a horse. 00:08:15.225 --> 00:08:17.855 My father walks with a stick. 00:08:17.855 --> 00:08:19.345 My father is… 00:08:22.875 --> 00:08:23.875 aged. 00:08:26.225 --> 00:08:29.265 My father loves to listen to the news. 00:08:29.265 --> 00:08:30.905 He also loves to listen to… 00:08:34.185 --> 00:08:35.185 music. 00:08:37.045 --> 00:08:39.845 My sister always drives fast. 00:08:39.845 --> 00:08:40.845 I think this is... 00:08:44.715 --> 00:08:46.165 dangerous. 00:08:48.305 --> 00:08:51.255 Mike's leg hurts. 00:08:51.255 --> 00:08:53.005 He also has a pain in his… 00:08:56.075 --> 00:08:57.075 hand. 00:08:59.395 --> 00:09:01.705 Ming often rides a scooter. 00:09:01.745 --> 00:09:03.015 He does not want to… 00:09:07.005 --> 00:09:08.005 ride a bike. 00:09:10.320 --> 00:09:12.520 Mira wants coffee. 00:09:12.700 --> 00:09:14.300 She drinks coffee with... 00:09:17.765 --> 00:09:18.765 sugar. 00:09:21.425 --> 00:09:24.405 Mo and his family play a game. 00:09:24.915 --> 00:09:26.465 Then they will go to… 00:09:28.815 --> 00:09:29.905 eat.