This was very informative and important. I wish we had Canadians doing programmes like this! --- very interesting that more than 800 elections were decided by one vote (the difference or a tie breaker)in the USA last year (I didn't check back on the exact details. I hope my recall is correct!!) I had heard a programme talking about the difference of one vote in past American History. We had a provincial election 12 days ago in BC and I heard a senior citizen say: my one vote won't make a difference. -- actually a few ridings in the province were very close with several re-counts where the difference was basically less than 100 votes. Sadly, the NDP (socialist) won by 2 seats and the Greens (socialist and think that "plastic straws" were the most important issue on the ballet!) won 2 seats. But the Lord worked amazingly because the Conservatives who had not had a seat in the legislature for 100 years until a year ago are now almost equal to the NDP. The only places where there were any NDPs voted in were on the West Coast and one small area in the southeast. Apart from the 2 Green seats the whole rest of the province (a huge area) voted Conservative! The Lord is still on the throne and prayer changes things!
@maryannplumlee2889Ай бұрын
Critical thinking would tell u that past performance is no guarantee of the future.
@tikytembo8819Ай бұрын
He is an adulterer. How can you support someone who doesn't follow the 10 commandments?