同意,感觉川普的风格不会只有一出老把戏,他会升级,会像当初的贸易战一样给人当头一棒的感觉,特别打击中国的手段方式,会无所不用其极,另外估计他要想办法赖账,债得赶紧抛干净了。做好准备,迎接风暴!不再高来高去搞政治,下场实战了,撸起袖子,机遇还是困难,让历史的车轮跑起来吧!会是惊心动魄的几年!加油!让川普make us great again!
The next financial crisis is on the way, when will it be? In my impression, I have experienced four financial crises in my life. 1981~1983 Oil crisis 石油危機 1999~2099 Dotcom bubble 2007~2008 Subprime Mortgage crisis 2019~2020 Covid-19 Epidemic crisis Every financial crisis almost makes me lose my job. Thank God, since I retired, I no longer have this worry, but I still worry about the new generation of young people.