25 Dumbest Criminals and How They Got Caught

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List 25

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@awkc63 4 жыл бұрын
Bonus #26 In Toronto Ontario Canada, a man once stepped into an EB Games and demanded all the money from the safe in the back. The employee stated that the Sage does not open without ID... So the robber handed over his driver's license. The employee went into the back, called 911, and soon after, the would be robber, was arrested.
@stevenanthony9563 4 жыл бұрын
While I was a manager at a convenience store, I received a call from my assistant manager saying she had been robbed by shotgun point. What the fool didn’t realize is that the when you rob a store during a blizzard and walk to and from, it is easy for the police to follow your footprints to your front door.
@wandasmith-sweat1328 4 жыл бұрын
@curtiswilson4737 3 жыл бұрын
@shadowgamerx2518 3 жыл бұрын
Haha wow just wow
@redrazorx-23 3 жыл бұрын
That is hilarious I can just imagine what was going through his head, oh I’m in the snow from never find my trail…dumbass
@melissaharris3890 Жыл бұрын
Must not have been much of a blizzard if the footprints were still visible
@dodgingpineapples90 4 жыл бұрын
In the early '90's, while in college, I was volunteering at a Phase 2 Young Offenders facility. (At the time, in Ontario, Canada, Phase 1 was 12-16year olds, and phase 2 was 16-18, unless charged and convicted as an adult) One of the "residents" told me that one day he and some buddies had been vandalizing an abandoned building, and partying inside. When they heard the police sirens, and ran, he brilliantly hid behind the fence... A chain link fence! 😂😂😂😂
@riebeckite 4 жыл бұрын
We had an inmate here a couple Halloween’s ago. He had 18 months on his sentence left. He return from his inmate job working on a road crew.. and escaped through BARBED wire fence, stole a pizza delivery car, and got caught not more than thirty minutes later. This is my daughters favorite story because my husband (her dad) is serving 40 years, and this dude only had 18 months to go. Of course now... he has a lot longer.
@kali3665 4 жыл бұрын
My favorite "stupid criminal" story involves a guy who sought to rob a convenience store. Upon learning the clerk had no money in the til, he asked for a check. She asked who to make the check out to, and he gave his name, saying "This better not bounce or I'll be back!" Not for a few years, friend....
@kathryngleason9197 3 ай бұрын
He is back to sleep but he had a little fever at 4:00 this morning so i kept him home . He is going to sleep for awhile i hope his little body needs the rest . How are your eyes?
@cliff_rogers7919 4 жыл бұрын
In Eldorado Arkansas where I'm from. There was a man that robbed a bank then ran outside across the street to a convenience store and called a cab. He was setting on the curb in front of the bank when the cops pulled up and arrested him.
@pollypockets508 4 жыл бұрын
That's amazing
@shadowgamerx2518 3 жыл бұрын
Haha wow
@tammyharris3450 4 жыл бұрын
Country music legend Merle Haggard was once in the book of list for dumbest crimes he tried to break into a bar while it was still open
@dsxa918 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to know - there may have been reason that he was aware of that we're not - that isn't apparent when you say that out loud
@anthonymorphis7804 4 жыл бұрын
How about people getting arrested for the worst reason? When I was about 23 I went to renew my drivers license. I was told by the officer who arrested me that I was being arrested because I hadn’t paid about 18 dollars in late fees on video tapes I rented. The tapes had been returned, just 3 days late.
@anthonymorphis7804 4 жыл бұрын
I once heard of a criminal who walked into a bank demanding money on a piece of paper with another banks withdrawal from the teller told him it was the wrong bank that was across the street. He walked out of the bank and crossed the street to the other bank. The police had already been called,
@shadowgamerx2518 3 жыл бұрын
Haha wow no surprise he got caught
@keelyharris1081 4 жыл бұрын
I used to work at a cleaners years ago and (I wasn't there at the time) some dude acted like a customer, gave a false name, and when the lady went back to check for an order, he stole the register. The cleaners was next to the police station. He was caught in a matter of seconds.
@ravensshadow2179 4 жыл бұрын
A friend cousin got out a jail for shoplifting walked across the street broke into the post office. When the police arrived he got busted and tried to lie about his name. The officer was his second cousin and knew who he was.
@pollypockets508 4 жыл бұрын
@jcfreak4ever1 Жыл бұрын
Busted!! XD
@shadowgamerx2518 Жыл бұрын
Wow busted
@christelheadington1136 4 жыл бұрын
After I met a friend's brother. she was telling about how when he was a young teen, he and a buddy had found a gun. The two decided to rob a McDonald's. When he pointed the gun at the guy behind the counter, said gun literally fell apart in his hand, pieces dropping onto the counter. The real funny part was when I met her brother, he was in his Deputy's uniform.
@escott1981 4 жыл бұрын
I like reading about and watching videos of dumb criminals. I've seen tons of videos. I remember one where this gang member guy with no belt and low pants came running out of a convenience store with two cases of beer. His pants fell down while he was running, tripping him, sending him and the beer to the ground. Beer spraying everywhere!
@wingnug55 4 жыл бұрын
Bank robbers near my home backed into a snow bank (no pun intended) when escaping leaving an imprint of their license plate in the snow.
@chrismulley9542 4 жыл бұрын
Several years ago, one guy I knew was being anonymously stalked online. He knew it had to be someone that genuinely knew him because he had a major medical problem at the time and he'd done everything he could think of to keep his medical problem private. After noticing somebody wanted to socialise with him more often around about the same time the stalking started, he posted an update on his health on his Facebook but made sure this person was the only person who could see it. The next day his stalker mentioned this update and he responded with something along the lines of "There were only three groups of people who knew that. My Family, My Doctors and My Online Stalkers". If they hadn't focused so much on his medical problem and started socialising with him more often, nobody would have realised it was them and he couldn't have set that Facebook trap up to prove it.
@sherrylhenning5630 4 жыл бұрын
I've got 2. An extremely corpulent individual had returned to the same house to still MORE stuff. They got firmly wedged in the window they were using to enter the house. #2: An extremely successful international diamond thief, after many years of successfully evading the police, couldn't resist buying a well known sports car and getting a one of a kind paint job. The security guard that chased him down the hall and out the back door of the building, was a car nut and easily identified the paint job as being unique for that particular car. The police caught him parked in front of a jewelry store that specialized in diamonds while he was inside in the act of stealing more stones, 10 days later.
@Sunflower8587 4 жыл бұрын
This happened about 20-25 years ago. In a city near me, my then brother-in-law and his business partner were on their lunch break one hot summer afternoon when they were driving by a local bank. They saw a guy coming out of the bank, walking down the street wearing a ski mask. They thought..."Hmm...this looks suspicious," so they followed him. The guy went into a house a few blocks away. So they went back to the bank and asked them, "Did you just get robbed? If so, we followed him and know where he is." The dumb criminal was arrested shortly thereafter. Another dumb criminal story is twice a robber(s) on a bicycle tried to rob the same bank at gun point by riding up to the drive thru. Those bank drive thru windows are bulletproof. Yeah...needless to say...they didn't get any money from that bank either time. I can just imagine the teller waving at him while pushing the button that calls the cops. Unfortunately, I don't believe the wannabe crooks were caught either time. It would have been really sad if it had been the same guy both times. LOL
@joemackey1950 4 жыл бұрын
I recall a story from some years ago. Similar to number 1. This guy robbed a store and fled on foot. The cops merely followed the footsteps in the newly fallen snow to his house not far away. There were a series of pop machine break-ins at a uni here. The two guys thought it would be funny to smile and mug at the security camera. They were both caught and the video used to convict them.
@aprilbarker1441 4 жыл бұрын
The dumbest criminal that I have seen was: This I was few years ago when an elderly man tried to rob a bank naked. It was in the papers and everything. I joked around a said where is he going to put the money? Under he family jewels? lol
@geraldmulligan5836 4 жыл бұрын
I was working at an all-night diner and a guy came in filled out an application at the gas station next door this whole place is connected and on he filled out an application for Subway put down his name full name and everything hour hour and a half later he comes back and robs a place with no mask and it was on video the cops had no problem finding them that's one of the funniest stories I know. it happened in Chicopee Massachusetts at the 50s diner and that's connected to a pride gas station and it also has a Subway inside he filled out the application for the subway I'm sure it's on some record it happened in the 90s late 90s 99 I think 98
@zelliatorsema9579 4 жыл бұрын
The man that locked his billfold in the safe he had just robbed.
@davidatwood1077 4 жыл бұрын
Around November 2019, we had a man break into our house through the back sliding door. A couple of minutes later he comes out the back door and into the garage. You can see him on camera inside the garage methodically going through all our stuff we just bought down from Montana. He then goes out the garage door and back into the house. He spends a little while in the house until my daughter startled him. Yes, this whole time my 18 year old daughter was up in her room with her boyfriend and her dog. My daughter then came downstairs to make some food and noticed someone on the security panel. She called me and told me someone had been in the house and her boyfriend was checking everything out. When I arrived home I went to the security system to see what happened. The security cameras from the security system that we paid a monthly fee to keep the house safe only picked 1 picture of the back this guys head when he was running out of the downstairs closet. The security cameras that the security company provided didn't pick up anything. Somehow this guy was able to bypass that whole system and I still haven't figured out how he did it. What he didn't realize, was that I had my own personal security cameras that I put up the year before after someone stole expensive items were stolen while we were gone for a weekend. I was able to get video of him walking into the backyard and in and out of the house. Then you see him fly out of the house and into the garage to gather the stuff he stole and then he left. I was able to collect great video and plastered his picture everywhere on social media I could think of. Well just 2 days later after my daughter left for work the doorbell rang. I went to answer the door and on the way to the front door I pass the security panel. Well what do I see? It's the same thief I'm guessing he was checking to see if anyone is home or not. I answered the door not wanting him to think there wasn't anyone home. I had my phone in my hand with 9-1-1 ready to dial. After opening the door and asking if I could help him, he said that I wasn't who he thought I was and turned and walked away quickly. I closed the door and dialed the police. Luckily there was a patrol car a few minutes away and they were able to stop him by the end of the block. He was wearing the same exact same clothes as the day he broke in. His facial hair was a dead giveaway. The police gave me an incident number if you would like to check it out. Just let me know. I haven't been able to check to see what happened to him. I'm pretty sure he's the one who stole from us before but that security company only keeps video for a short period of time then deletes them. Thanks have a great day!
@alexiswelsh5821 4 жыл бұрын
Did you get a new security company?
@davidatwood1077 4 жыл бұрын
@@alexiswelsh5821 No, but installed the cameras and upgrading my own alarm system. That way I have more control over what I want to accomplish.
@crimsontiger6650 4 жыл бұрын
My Grandpa used to be a police officer in California. He and some others were in pursuit of a man dressed in all black that had robbed a store during the night. The robber ran away into the desert. The robber lied low behind a sand dune and the cops waited 10 minutes to laugh a bit before catching him. The robber in his confusion asked, "How the heck did you find me?" My grandpa responded with, "look at your feet and take a step." The robber was wearing light-up shoes.
@leeannecarrington494 4 жыл бұрын
I heard of a story of a bank robber he wore gloves and a ski mask and he was using a high powered gun and he yelled “hurry up and fill those bags with money don’t look at me if you do I will shoot “ the tellers complied and the robber grabbed both bags but he didn’t want to run out of the bank with the money so he walks over to one of the tellers window and give her a deposit slip from his checking account along with both bags of money and said count it and deposit it into my account they called the cops gave them the deposit slip and arrested him later that day
@joanhoffman3702 4 жыл бұрын
#16: Something similar happened on the NYC subway years ago. A guy fell asleep with his duffel bag at his feet. Thief takes bag and opens it in the next car. Cue screaming when thief discovers guy's large pet boa in the bag. Einstein said there were only two things he knew without limits: the universe and human stupidity, and he wasn't too sure about the first.
@40mikemike 4 жыл бұрын
Tristan deserves a raise
@malindastevens1016 4 жыл бұрын
I would have to say the guy that was dumb enough to try and rob a gun store in Texas......
@alicemoore8802 3 жыл бұрын
As for #9 a friend of mine told me one of their old school pals broke into a pharmacy, opened the narcotic safe ("DDA box") with a crowbar... and swallowed four Tuinal pulvules (super strong sleeping pills). He fell asleep at the scene and was found about ten hours later the next morning by the pharmacy owner who called cops and had him arrested.
@0ldFrittenfett 4 жыл бұрын
The Idea behind the lemon juice was that it is used as "invisible ink", so it turns you invisible.
@disneyboy3030 4 жыл бұрын
That is why he thought of that idea. Since he know that lemon juice was part of invisible ink, he thought that therefore if he rubbed lemon juice all over his face, no one would be able to see his face. Right........ Riiiiiiight. HAHAHAHAHA.
@daqueen420 4 жыл бұрын
Sooo i have a dumb criminal story: When i was 16 i worked at a gas station i always closed by myself and worked very busy nights cause i worked close to a stadium. One slow night i had a few late night customers nothing out of the norm and they just got done pumping gas standing outside talking to each other, while another guy came in between them into the store. He was obviously messed up on something and i felt uncomfortable easily... He asked for two cartons of cigs and i put them on the counter and i had my hand on them he ask for something behind me and he snatched them and ran off. The other two customers saw what happened peeked in to make sure i was ok and said 'did he just rob you?' I said 'yes he did' and then they said 'dont worry well wait for the police... we both know him hes our neighbor.' Come to find out they all lived in the same apartment building in the town next to ours 😆 i dont know how lucky i was for that to happen but i was... I dont know if he had a weapon i believed he did though this was so long ago but ill never forget it
@Theconfirmationtruth 4 жыл бұрын
One of the most funny videos you guys have put out
@rockysolmon1 4 жыл бұрын
The dumbest one I've ever heard of was a guy that went in to rob a gas station and when the lady was putting the money in the bag he told her to put a bottle of liquor in there too! The lady said I can't do that because I don't believe you're 21! The guy then pulled out his ID which had his name and address on it and the cashier took down his address and the police arrested him!
@rebbecachunn 4 жыл бұрын
I have a good one. A relative was out drinking and some other guy was threatening to kick his ass. So the relative called the cops who had a bench warrant out on him. They both ended up leaving the bar. One to jail the other went to the drunk tank.
@sarahbums 4 жыл бұрын
my favorite stupid criminal of all time is that guy arrested for fraud for selling "golden tickets to heaven" that he said he got from a man in a KFC parking lot who claimed to be Jesus, who said that HE had been given the tickets by an alien named Steamy from a planet made entirely of crystal meth
@aprilkuplinger6406 4 жыл бұрын
A bank robber in Buffalo used one of his deposit tickets for his note. I like the one from Hickory, NC. I live near there and it sounds like our kind of bandits.
@janeadams8355 4 жыл бұрын
I read sn article about a bank robber who handed the tell a note telling her he had a gun snd she should give him the money. The note was written on the back of his deposit slip.
@Graytail 4 жыл бұрын
Its not "Doing Tesco, over" its "Doing Tesco over" to do something over is to rob it.
@jenniferlindsey2015 4 жыл бұрын
Locally, a few years back a thief was caught after stepping in laundry soap. Police followed the footprints to the criminal’s home. I bet a few have left footprints in the snow too. That would define stupid in Northern New York!
@djjoel1 4 жыл бұрын
I know a guy who jumped into a newspaper delivery guys' car at 4am while the man was delivering a paper. He put it in drive and floored it for about half a block before crashing into a stop sign, as he had never driven before. He fled into the forest and was yelling his friends name who was with him at the time, as the police were in the same area searching for him. They found him thanks to his yelling and arrested him.
@deborahmckinney1770 4 жыл бұрын
My favorite dumb criminal is "the duct tape bandit"
@elizabethcox5911 4 жыл бұрын
Like the clip from 'I Can't Drive 55'
@rupertmorrell6795 11 ай бұрын
I saw this episode of World's Dumbest Criminals Australia where the cops had arrested 3 men for one crime and then added another charge to their rap sheet. The officers had found a pair of flip-flops at another crime scene and 1 cop had noticed that his mates were wearing their flip-flops but one of the three wasn't the policeman put the pair down on the floor and the person without flip-flops promptly walked over and put them on then thanked the officer.
@joshburns4611 4 жыл бұрын
#7 reminds me of what some moron did in my town. A couple years ago someone burglarized a vape store stealing over 100 bucks or something in products. They then sold the stuff on a facebook buy and sell group getting themselves caught 3 or so days later.
@amandahaytasingh6314 4 жыл бұрын
I heard about a man who robbed a convenience store wearing no disguise in his work shirt. Ummm the shirt had his name and the company name on it. He was arrested the next day.
@breakaleg10 4 жыл бұрын
I read about a guy who robbed a bank in downtown Washington DC during lunchtime, and was surprised to find the bank full of police officers and FBI agents pointing their guns at him after he had told the staff this was a robbery Also, from my homeland Sweden, a really tall robber wanted to hide out at a friend and hid under the bed, but forgot to curl up under there. The 210 cm tall robber was easily found.
@worry2much 4 жыл бұрын
I've said this to several people after hearing stories like this people like the ones in the list need to be in jail they are just too stupid to be out in public. I do remember a story from the 80s man walks into a bank to rob it turns out the day he picked was payday for the FBI.
@PrincessAshley972 4 жыл бұрын
thats less stupidity, more bad timing/luck
@0ldFrittenfett 4 жыл бұрын
If you put everybody that stupid in jail, (well, in the USA, you seem to try harder than other nations, as 25 percent of the worlds prisoners are Americans) you will have not many people left.
@homerwoody5054 4 жыл бұрын
@DrgnLdyLizzie2001 4 жыл бұрын
A group of rocket scientists decided to rob a bank, thinking everyone would think them too smart for it. Unfortunately, they forgot to remove their nametags before robbing the bank.
@Jenna2k Жыл бұрын
I love that one. Also they where all dressed as FBI so he had no excuse of not knowing payday.
@jodyharnish9104 Жыл бұрын
I have been collecting stupid criminal stories for years. Here are a few of my favorites. A would-be bank robber in Florida got everyone's by pulling out his gun and announcing, "All right, mother stickers, this is a f***up!". It sure was. Everyone was laughing at him, and he ran out empty handed. The bank put a plaque in the lobby with the robber's words. A Seattle man decided to steal gas from a motor home in someone's driveway and made two mistakes. He sucked on the hose too hard, and he got the wrong tank. The people in the house heard his reaction to sucking in a mouthful of sewage and called the police. They followed a trail of vomit to the guy, who was lying on the ground with a case of the dry heaves. The owners of the motor home declined to press charges, saying that the man had suffered enough.
@jodyharnish9104 Жыл бұрын
A bank robber in Washington DC had the worst luck. He decided to commit his crime during lunch time so he could disappear into the crowded sidewalks. He waited in line, then pulled his gun out and demanded money. Then he heard noises behind and beside him, and he turned around to find that most of the customers in the lines were pointing guns at him. He had tried to rob a bank that was about half a block from FBI headquarters on their payday.
@herpermike_ Жыл бұрын
Dude! A manual transmission is pretty much an anti theft device these days lol!
@helenamoeller8520 Жыл бұрын
In the 1980's a gas station near my in-laws home in Calgary Canada was having a grand opening. There was a draw for a VCR . A couple came in. While the husband was robbing the gas station the wife was filling out entries for the VCR with name address and phone number. The would be thieves were soon caught. My in-laws actually won the VCR.
@russellthompson8414 Жыл бұрын
Many years ago my daughters picked a "dumbest criminals" book from the book fair. It was so much fun we got more. I figured out most of these people turned to a life of crime because they weren't smart enough to hold down a job. Sadly, that also meant they weren't smart enough to be a criminal. I miss getting those books. Now I just have to see them on KZbin. Thanks for the laughs.
@christophergraham3160 4 жыл бұрын
#15. Anyone who represents themselves in court has a fool for a client.
@hauntedhannah1364 4 жыл бұрын
Two criminals fell asleep on a pile of cash in am elevator.
@davidpowell2892 4 жыл бұрын
Those criminals were very dumb indeed. They weren't the smartest of criminals.
@garycarpenter2980 3 жыл бұрын
I live in NC and im an hour away from Hickory and never heard this.....when did it happen
@alexiswelsh5821 4 жыл бұрын
How did #3 think that think that lemon juice would make him invisible? Invisible ink does not work on skin, also, wouldn't he test it before committing the crime? Did it EVER occur to him that even IF cameras couldn't see him, workers and clients could and the heat of the sun might make him visible?
@brianmcintyre6132 4 жыл бұрын
There was a man in Vancouver Canada who tried breaking into a liquor store after it was closed by throwing a 25 pound cinder brick at it. The window was made of plexy glass so the brick bounced back and knocked him out, all this was on camera.
@Tim_Lehmann Жыл бұрын
Great examples of what we used to call "Felony Stupid."
@davidlink3787 4 жыл бұрын
I remember one from a few years back, a guy goes into a convenience store to rob it with a knife. He cuts the line to do so, standing in the line is a cop, in uniform.
@julianngoodell9378 4 жыл бұрын
Got a story for you. My sister and I work at a Wal-Mart and a guy once stole a kayak from our store by tricking two of our co workers into loading it on his vehicle for him, he then proceeded to go down the road to the liquor store and steal a bunch of alcohol and then went a few miles down the road in the opposite direction to take his stolen kayak out for a spin on the local setback (kind of like a pond but it opens into the river). Well as you might guess alcohol and water sports don't mix well and he fell out of the kayak and drowned, and our parents were there fishing when it happened, in fact our mom was the one to call 911!
@lisaquinlan1292 4 жыл бұрын
In Detroit about a decade ago (but you can’t forget things like this!!). A woman was accused of battering her husband with a frozen steak! The husband left and decided to walk to the local police station to report his wife! By the time police showed up at the house, the weapon was nowhere to be found!
@jons.6216 4 жыл бұрын
#7 - Three bike seats, two turtle doves... and a partridge in a pear tree!
@garystein8610 9 ай бұрын
Here's my favorite dumb criminal story. I heard about this a number of years ago. A bank teller decided to rob his bank on his day off. He wore a mask, showed a gun, and said, "Give me all your money." The teller, who he worked with, recognized his voice and said, "John, is that you?" He was promptly arrested.
@julieisthatart 10 ай бұрын
The one I remember is from the distant past, St. Louis, MO. A guy held up a bank. He was easily caught later the same day, a few blocks away, strolling down the sidewalk. He was recognized easily. He'd covered his face during the crime, but was still wearing the same gold lame suit, gold shirt, gold tie, gold shoes and socks.
@todddougherty9492 4 жыл бұрын
I like the thief that threw a rock at a plexiglass window. It bounced straight back and knocked dude out cold. It was hysterical.
@raychang8648 4 жыл бұрын
I remember the birth certificate guy mentioned in a Danger Dolan video. Funny! "... leave your god damn birth certificate at home ..." HAHAHA
@mareeyarwood1332 4 жыл бұрын
When my brother was 8 years old, he found my dad's handcuffs and cuffed his two hands. My dad (who was in the Astralian Fedral Police - Austalian equivalent of the FBI) didn't have the key so had to take my brother down to the local police station to get them off. My dad had no criminal record but I bet he was extremely embarrassed.
@orcaman8794 4 жыл бұрын
I once heard a story and saw the video of two 14 year old boys who tried to rob a police station.
@HoosierDaddyOfficial 4 жыл бұрын
Ok thank you.
@BlessedOne0721 4 жыл бұрын
I still chuckle about the guy who tried to rob a bank wearing a whipped cream mask.
@spacebound7247 11 ай бұрын
Very clever characters fs 🤣🤣🤣 Great list again guys 👍👍👍 Big up list 25 massive 🤣🤣🤣
@list25 11 ай бұрын
Big thanks
@leafyfeatherz6975 4 жыл бұрын
I work at a grocery store. A lady ran out with a cart full of groceries. When i got out there she was chucking them in the back of a U-Haul. I yelled for her to stop 3 times and said okay, Ill just call the cops. She took off and left half a cart of groceries......and her purse......It was great.
@somanyhumanssolittlecommon6947 4 жыл бұрын
It's disappointing that they left out one of the dumbest things about the attempted wheelchair robbers. The woman donned a trash bag upon entering the jewelry store...one she couldn't see through! The security footage shows her basically stumbling around the store, waving her arms around and blundering into display cases like a drunk Halloween celebrant in a bad ghost costume!
@wdwerker 4 жыл бұрын
A thief crawled in through the doggie door late one night at friends house, two 80 lb dogs chased him back out followed by a naked veteran with a large gun. Police arrived and overreacted to a naked man with a gun, thief escaped. Detective found thief’s wallet just inside the doggie door, he only lived 2 streets over. He was in jail before sunrise.
@njpham 4 жыл бұрын
I like the guy who wore whipped cream to rob a bank instead of a mask. Then he waited in line. By the time he started the robbery the police was there & his mask had melted.
@kimstevens5156 4 жыл бұрын
Portsmouth, Virginia, 1970's - A man robs a bank that sits out in the parking lot of a strip mall. He manages to get away from the bank before the police arrive. There are only two major problems with his getaway - 1) he goes into a drugstore, in the same strip mall, and 2) he was still wearing his mask. He wanted to buy his girlfriend a Valentine's card and gift. After the drugstore called 911, the police walked over from the bank and arrested him.
@scottferguson1020 4 жыл бұрын
Living proof that even evolution has kinks in it. 🤣🤣🤣
@himikoichikawa6893 4 жыл бұрын
A job about 3 years ago I was working at the guy thought it was ok to touch my arm. In a creepy way like a slide and I yelled at him So did my supervisor and he goes and tells our boss I yelled at him n tells him why we yelled at him.
@Washougalite1 11 ай бұрын
I have 6 KZbin notifications but this looks more entertaining 😂
@Washougalite1 11 ай бұрын
I was not disappointed 😂😂😂
@PGar58 4 жыл бұрын
I knew a kid a long time ago who got in with a bad crowd. They hot wired a car only to find out that no one knew how to drive a stick. All were arrested. Still hilarious. One of my friends was like ‘Do you know where X is?’ ‘No.’ ‘Jail.’
@curtiswilson4737 3 жыл бұрын
Criminal #7, smart move Magnavox, to put the anti theft tags in your pockets.
@ronfreniere8769 7 ай бұрын
I got one for you, back in the late 60's. This This guy ( who I personally know) Owed a lot of money to the mob for gambling, so one night he into a western union and rob it with a toy gun. The clerk handed him the money and he ran out of the store. Since he didn't drive he was in a city he didn't live in. He didn't know where to go, so he went to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus. He was standing there when the police rolled up and arrested him.
@homerwoody5054 4 жыл бұрын
One of the best ones I heard about was a man robs a bank and decides to hide in the next door building. Pretty smart right? Not really the building was the city's Police Station.
@AndersPuschel 4 жыл бұрын
22: So, basically a 10-year-old made a citizen's arrest of his own dad. Police detective material.
@mikealford8215 4 жыл бұрын
Heard about a guy who robbed a bank after shaving his head and stripping naked. He was caught almost immediately. He said he thought it was a good plan since witnesses always describe the clothes and hair of the criminal.
@andrewcollins5339 4 жыл бұрын
There is someone I've heard got stuck trying to break into a house through a dog door. Firemen had to chop him out. Another person I've heard of tried to break into a convenience store by throwing a cinder block at the window. Little did he know that the window in question was made of Plexiglass. the cinder block bounced back and hit him square on the head, knocking him out.
@johnmccallum8512 4 жыл бұрын
Here is a few that I have heard of Going to trading standard office to complain about the quality of the pot /hash you were sold, tring to rob a martial arts club whilst it was practacing for a competition, robing a bank withe a pillow case as a disguise but forgetting to cut eyeholes in it. there are probibly thousands of more that usualy only get mentioned in the local news.
@AtrumNoxProductions 4 жыл бұрын
We had a drunk driver in a stolen car crash onto our lawn and do about $5k damage. He left his phone which had a wallet case in the car when he ran off.
@ketikatz 4 жыл бұрын
We actually just had a guy leave his ID on someone's driveway after jacking their car 😂😂 it was even funnier for me because I kinda knew the guy lol he was my friend's brother
@christospoulios1991 4 жыл бұрын
Hello guys how are you
@ATtravel666 4 жыл бұрын
In the 90's my car was parked outside a workingman's club - type of pub in Britain. Some little bastard had tried stealing it. He failed to remove the steering wheel lock. He left a watch behind, plus his fingerprints. At his trial his excuse was he did not remember being in the area and did not know how his finger prints ended up inside my car. I gave a witness statement to the police and mentioned the watch should be good evidence, to be asked "what watch?" A policeman had stolen it from the evidence locker.
@robertp6845 6 күн бұрын
Saw You Three Years in the Future Mike. Looking Fit. Good on you. Keep it up. Nice stories too,lol.
@list25 5 күн бұрын
Thank you kindly
@davidnewton5295 4 жыл бұрын
I heard about a guy who held up a bank and then went across the street to McDonald's to get some lunch, and the cops caught him sitting there eating a Big Mac that he had bought with the stolen money !!!
@roserollins9800 Жыл бұрын
Was that the First Citizen Bank in Lexington South Carolina?
@cbman4767 4 ай бұрын
When I was a security guard at a local hotel with a bar. I found 2 guys trying to take liquor from the storage room. All I did was close the door and put a chair in front of it. Called the police and waited. When the police arrested them they were so drunk they couldn't even stand.
@christophergraham3160 4 жыл бұрын
Here's one for you. Officers with the Lakeview Police Department arrested a man after he left an El Lago restaurant without paying his tab. According to a police report, an employee at Gabacho's Mexican Restaurant in the 4400 block of NASA Parkway called police to report the theft When officers responded, they learned that the man was seen walking toward a vacant building on the other side of the road after leaving the restaurant. Police checked the area and found an open door in the back of the building. An officer went inside and called out, "Marco." The man's name was not Marco, detective Tim Dohr said. Instead, "the officer was trying to inject some humor into the situation." Police found the suspect after he responded, "Polo." The restaurant manager declined to press charges for the theft.
@whitneyalexander3358 4 жыл бұрын
Mike you are looking so good.
@nancyomalley9959 4 жыл бұрын
Picture in #11-CUTEST BOXER EVER!!!
@sidkemp4672 4 жыл бұрын
Around 1976, a car thief broke into my friend's car and tried to hotwire it. He had a hard time doing it, and we saw him in the car when we came out of a show to drive home. We yelled and he ran. But, as he was big and had a hard time getting below the dash, he emptied his back pocket to get more comfortable. He left his walled on the seat of the car he coudn't start. To make the cops' jobs even easier, his parole papers were in the wallet.
@groot3737 4 жыл бұрын
Where’s Florida Man?
@anonymoususer855 4 жыл бұрын
Shaking heads? I think you mean "scratching heads".
@davidwhittington7638 10 ай бұрын
A few years ago in Cyprus, the Mediterranean Island, a couple of bank robbers, stole paper cash and bags of coined money from a bank. The Police reported that they were following a money trail. It was thought at the time, that this statement meant the bank notes had been marked. No, one of the coin bags. had a hole in it, so the police followed the dropped coins all the way to the bank robbers door...
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