Рет қаралды 32
292 days into my carnivore journey, and the benefits keep coming! In this video, I’m trying something new: cooking oxtails for the very first time. Watch as I dive into the process, share tips, and savor the rich, nourishing oxtail broth. Have you ever cooked or eaten oxtails? I’d love to hear your experiences and favorite recipes in the comments!
Here's how I made the oxtails, purchased at Costco:
I DRY BRINED them by coating them with salt and leaving them uncovered on a roasting rack in the refrigerator for 24 hours. I seared them in bacon grease (I always save my bacon grease!) on all sides til brown. I set the crockpot on high for total of 8 hours. (it will only do 6 hours at a time, so it was 6+2) I covered the oxtails about 3/4 up the big ones with filtered water from the Berkey. I added a little more salt and some pepper and about 1/4 of a yellow onion. I covered them. I turned them a couple times over the 8 hours. Once they were done, I made a little gravy by removing about 1 cup of the broth and putting it in a skillet. I added some sour cream and about 2 Tbsp of cream cheese and stirred until thickened.
They were SO YUMMY!
I got no links for you in this one. So, I'll go on about trivial things: LOL! That awesome Ninja Crockpot came from Costco. My sauce pan is Revere Ware. I've had it since we got married, 36 years ago! My coffee cups are Pottery Barn. My new, size SMALL :-) leggings are my favorite, ever! They came from Duluth Trading Company - their AKHG line! And I am wearing an overpriced but awesome sweatshirt from Spanx that I have had for a couple years but has grease stains on it, of course! My cute GIJO (that's my grandma name) necklace is from Mint and Lily! And I use the glass storage containers from Amazon. (I don't like to use plastic.) - There's a link i can give you!
Anchor Hocking glass storage containers: amzn.to/3CI3kf6
Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon!
Beth - The Carnivino
#carnivorejourney #carnivorediet #carnivorelifestyle #recipe #ketodiet #ketovore #healthyeating #reverseaging #nourishyourself #nutritionalhealing #oxtails #oxtailrecipe