3 Self-Defense Moves Everyone Should Know

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The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal

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@Averagebum21 10 жыл бұрын
Well, done, Tim! Great to see you teaching like this.
@jonnythunder75 10 жыл бұрын
I have done martial arts for years....this simple 3 move technique for the untrained to learn is great....so long as they practice this at home a few times a week so it becomes instinctive. Well done Tim Larkin...!! Great basic moves to teach someone......love it.
@fcadcock 9 жыл бұрын
I hope you were being sarcastic. This guy is a total fraud and a douchecanoe. In 3 techniques he has showed himself to know very little about self defense and even less about teaching it. Attacking the throat of someone pulling you towards them is not a great idea. The movement created by pulling is likely to lower their chin and the body instinctively does this when it detects an attack to the throat is coming. She's more likely to hit him in the chest or face than the windpipe. I would advise her to attack the eyes or the bronchial notch with a thumb over the windpipe. They're smaller targets but are easier to attack in a fluid situation as they don't require nearly as much force. As long as you can get your hand to either place, the thumb is strong enough (or nails are sharp enough) to do the work for you without having to swing an arm that can miss. Large movement = bad movement when small movements will work. Economy of motion is a real thing. You don't attack the solar plexis with a horizontal elbow strike. The ribcage is in the way. Also, you don't tell a woman in 3 inch heels to spin her body into an attack without teaching her to rotate on her toes. If she did this at full speed, she would twist her ankle and fall. There is a reason that stances are taught before strikes in martial arts. Without propper stance and footwork, no techniques can be used effectively for reasons just like the one expressed above. Kicking the groin is a great technique, but it damn well not be the last one you use. Kicking a man in the groin flips a switch in his head. Before, he may have only wanted to rape you (That's bad enough, I am in no way defending rapists here.) but now he wants to kill you. I teach this all the time to students. A groin kick is a useful tool to set up an attack, it is not a safe attack itself though. Anyone who has any experience being kicked in the groin will be able to move their hips 3 inches to the side quickly enough to take the kick to the thigh instead of the groin. Go teach a children's TKD class for a few months and see how well you learn to avoid getting kicked in the junk. As pointed out above, the guy's a joke. He's a stolen valor artist who thinks too highly of his style while relying on putting down EVERY other style to get clients. If you have to say that X style is bad to make Y style look decent, Y style isn't very good itself.
@jonnythunder75 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Forrest...I'm surprised by the emotion in your response...I honestly didn't intend to incite the amount of tension you felt from my simple comment....that's cool mate, no big issue. Reading your stuff it is obvious to me that you know what you are talking about. You make some great credible points in your dialogue, that's for sure. I'm sure though that Tim isn't the bloke you make him out to be in your reference to him in a personal sense. Please remember Tim is someones son (it's obvious we all have a mother and father regardless of the circumstances), someones friend and probably someones brother and uncle. They all love him for who he is. Imagine what Tim's parents would think reading what you have posted about their son. What would your parents think reading the same posted about you? My suggestion is you go for a long walk and have a think about how you see the world. Maybe having a chat with your doctor might not be a bad idea and a good start to start the process of trying to kill the bug up your ass. Kind regards.
@fcadcock 9 жыл бұрын
Jonny Thunder I am not at all concerned about what this man's friends and family think of my comments. Hopefully, they see them and hold his feet to the fire for his lies. He flat out lies about his military service and contributions to the special operations community. He claims to have been a SEAL officer even though he washed out of BUDs. He claims to have developed the current SEAL martial arts program even though his style has NEVER been taught to the SOF community in any way and the current SEAL program and it's creators are not classified and can be found online with very little trouble. If my parents read those same comments about me, they would either defend me against false accusations or call me and ask why I was lying about my service. They do not know everything about my time in the military, but they know enough to know when something is as clearly false as this guy's comments. Yes, I am VERY emotional about false claims of valor. It is a felony to sell goods or services based on a false claim of military service or awards. I am VERY emotional when someone claims to have been in special operations units that they were not part of. As someone who earned his way in, I take it very personally when someone who didn't bleed to get in lies about getting in. I am VERY meotional when horrible instructors pass on bad knowledge. As someone who started teaching classes at 13, I have the experience to know what to teach and how to do it. This guy may know how to fight, but he is completely unqualified to teach others as this video and it's failures show clearly. Let me ask you a question. Why defend him? His techniques are horrible and would probablydo more harm to the woman than the man, and even his stories of serving as a SEAL are feloniously false. What point is there in defending such a liar and cheat? Do you have some personal or financial interest in his claims or instruction?
@jonnythunder75 9 жыл бұрын
Forrest C. Adcock Yawn.....im bored with you now.
@fcadcock 9 жыл бұрын
riiiight. you post some huge diatribe telling me to go see a psych because I have serious issues with a guy and his problematic teaching and when I can tell you why those problems exist you just run away. Thanks for playing. He's still a #douchecanoe and you probably aren't much better. Tell me, how many top secret, super black ops missions were you on as a Delta Ranger Seal? You're one of those guys too, aren't you?
@cathiehutto700 4 жыл бұрын
WOW, Thank You So Much For This Video.
@vinrod34 3 жыл бұрын
@retrogabor8518 4 жыл бұрын
Köszönöm szépen a feltöltődést. Ezt. Meg egy. Kuzdosportba. Járatlan. Is. Könnyen alkalmazható.
@retrogabor8518 4 жыл бұрын
Köszönöm szépen a feltöltődést. Kezdőknek cipő nélkül hatásosabb.
@tecton47 9 жыл бұрын
Never underestimate the mental and physical vulnerability of the throat in any kind of self defense attack. I took the fight right out of a guy by grabbing him by the throat, squeezing and shoving him into some chairs which caused him to stumble. He responded with the typical, "I'll see you outside!" When I came outside I had a bicycle U-lock in my hand and he decided it was wiser for him to shut up and go on with this day.
@FoleyBenjamin 3 ай бұрын
Nice man
@ronnyguy1892 6 жыл бұрын
I believe if you strike someone's throat, solar plexus, in the same five second frame, it would be hard for him not to lose cautiousness.
@retrogabor8518 4 жыл бұрын
Köszönöm szépen a feltöltődést. Ime itt a példa közép koro hölgyek is elkezdhetnek önvédelmi tanfolyamra jArni. Sosem árt. A. Rohanó világban
@retrogabor8518 3 жыл бұрын
Köszönöm szépen a feltöltést. Ebből is látszik nem csak fiatal Lányok részére alkalmas az önvédelmi technikák. Hanem 3D fölött Nőknek akár Szingli ELVALT nem baj ha otthonosan mozog a kuzdosportok világában. Egy hatásos rúgás a megfelelő helyre ütés a megfelelő helyre. Minden NŐ hord magánál ridikult. Abban pedig számtalan tárgyat hord fujos dezodor kulcs csomó. Foltekert újság. Vizes flakon. Hajcsat. Lényeg egy kéz fej uteskor támadó golyóit megcsavarni két láb közti ellenfél játékát megszoritani. Szemből érkező támadás esetén a Nő két újjat két szemébe nyomhatja egy hatásos pofon az arcra támadót fejelni. Fel húzott térdel a támadó ágyék rúgás két láb kozze rúgás és ha cipő hátulról érkező támadás esetén nyugodtan cipő sarokkal támadásba lendulhetunk konyokel ütés a hasra arcra. Aztán ottvanak a női körmök amit szintén bevethetunk női táska meg utesre is alkalmasak. Ökölbe szorított kéz fejel egy hatásos Jóbbhorog bevitel a hasba. Esernyő ütés térdre. Nappal sem árt ha egyik kar szabad. Ha otthon mozog valamilyen harcba meg állhat és megkerdezheti az ellenfelét hogy miért követi ha küzdeni kell életbe maradás ér akkor kuzdjon fiatal Lányok még nappal se hallgasanak utazás közben mp3. Telefonon zenét mert nem hallják a veszélyt..NŐ a táskát ne a karján hanem akassza a nyakba. Így nehezen tudják letepni a táskát. Ekkor is cipő sarokkal vedekezhet ismét. Bankból kifelé jövet jobb ha táskát magunkhoz szoritsuk
@samgateoz1 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry but why would anyone give this thumbs down - what you don't like the fact people are fight back. thank you for posting this.
@JulyFourth1776 4 жыл бұрын
Because this is bullshido. 🙄
@tecton47 9 жыл бұрын
All I wish is that I could get my GF and her daughter to take self-defense seriously and not get comfortable in that "It'll never happen to me" zone. All rape victims probably thought the exact same thing. But then one day, an innocent young lady is going to the underground garage to get in her car after working all day and out of the shadows some fucking dirtbag grabs her by the throat. She doesn't know what to do and she can't scream because he's squeezing her throat...... "In this morning's news, a 22-year-old Denver woman was raped and killed as she was leaving her downtown office yesterday afternoon. It was dark in the parking garage so the security cameras didn't pick up anything. Officer Thompson from the Denver Police Dept is quoted as saying, 'If only more women would take the time to learn some basic self defense moves, then I wouldn't have to see a pretty young woman, naked, beaten and violated with her throat cut. It doesn't have to end like this.' If you can help please call Crime Stoppers."
@Gregorypeckory 9 жыл бұрын
Kevin S. Its kind of odd how hypothetical discussions of how to counter the threat of rape almost always center on the same type of scenario, where a stranger suddenly attacks from the shadows, given the fact that the majority of rapes are committed by someone known to the victim: family members, people they thought were friends, dates, boyfriends, spouses, or acquaintances. We will never know how many potential attacks are avoided by the application of common sense risk avoidance combined with a decent ability to read people, combined with not ignoring the intuitive sense that often manifests as a variant of "he gives me the creeps"; much less exciting and sensational than the actual successful use of violence for self defense, but that skill set arguably saves many more lives than the successful use of violence in self defense. I am all for knowing how to disable and if need be, kill an attacker, but as in most things, an ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure. One thing is for sure; many females who were murdered by people they knew, would still be alive had they refused to tolerate violence from the first sign of it. No woman should ever tolerate so much as a slap. Signs like that are rarely a one time occurrence; it is almost always a warning of escalating violence to come, once the precedent has been established, and the creep is still is allowed in her life. A woman who gives second chances to any violent man, might as well get a target tattooed on her face.
@blatnick81 9 жыл бұрын
I have an ex girlfriend I'm trying to help learn self defense. But she's stuck in the mind set of "I don't want to hurt anyone" while her husband beats her for shit like getting a haircut, going to the zoo without him, or even burning a steak on the bbq grill. She is more afraid of him retaliating and hurting the kids then she is for her safety... it drives me bonkers that she is so used to being a punching bag for him that she can't defend herself. I honestly don't want to see her on the news or in the obituaries... but there is only so much I can do
@tecton47 9 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that and I can't imagine how frustrating that is. I'm certainly not a therapist, but I've been going to one for over 5 years and it sounds like the first thing she needs to tackle is her low self esteem. Once she realizes she is worthy it will become much easier for her to even consider hitting him back. Best of luck to both of you!
@blatnick81 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Even though she is an ex I still care about her. We are better off as friends then we were a couple and I know she has a lot of things to work through, but I fear that its going to take him damn near killing her for her to get the help she needs
@tecton47 9 жыл бұрын
The girlfriend that I referred to here is now an ex girlfriend, but I feel exactly the same way as you do: I will always care about her and her daughter and their well being. It had gotten to the point that when we were together we would drive each other crazy so we opted to not have any contact for a while. I tried to talk her into buying a .22 automatic pistol (because of the moderate recoil) and let me teach her how to use it safely but she refused. It sounds like we will both have to cross our fingers and hope for the best, at least for now.
@healthfitness7530 7 жыл бұрын
@rsine100 9 жыл бұрын
I just came by to read the comments by the internet tough guys.
@sirfield 4 жыл бұрын
There's definitely a lot of opinions out there. Some valid, some not so much.
@x00p3 6 жыл бұрын
That woman's best defensive move would be: Don't go to an abandoned area like that.
@clgmafnas 8 жыл бұрын
he constantly reiterates "follow through with all your weight"...doesn't take much when a forearm hits your throat unexpectedly. ..
@MindBat 7 жыл бұрын
Christopher Mafnas ... That's the idea. The addition of body weight force should be disabling long enough for her to get distance and help and shelter.
@micaelahb7329 8 жыл бұрын
ok, for all you people saying "this would never work w a girl as small as her and a guy as big as Tim". That's the point of Krav Maga- to use the other persons weaknesses against them. Otherwise there is no hope for girls basically. And for the people saying that what theyre showing is wrong, its not. The thing is that there are SO many different scenarios. Tim was just giving an example if a guy approached u and didn't actually hold you. If the attacker held her arms, she would have to obviously use different moves. The main thing when facing attackers is just to fight like CRAZY. Attackers don't like hard targets. If you disagree or have suggestions plz let me know (nicely!) I would love to learn, thnx.
@rsteffenca 8 жыл бұрын
+Micaelah B poke him in the eye and kick him in the kneecaps is much easier and will get better results.
@micaelahb7329 8 жыл бұрын
rsteffenca knee caps hmm haven't heard much about that as a weak point but i'll look into it thanks!
@christophermyska5811 6 жыл бұрын
Micaelah B Tim was iterating the fact that while being pulled like that gives you the momentum to attack and use it to your advantage the techniques shown as an example of how to attack the body based on the way it moves to injury not pain when he tells her step through his center or off to the side that's the primary key without that principle all techniques are worthless to injure him is simple the all the way past his feet as mentioned above and then bend your knee or both knees as you twist your hip and extend your arm or leg just pick the method you want to use like an elbow or knee etc etc keep it flexed and fixed lock your arm at you're to rib area and then step in then follow the other described as key principles above you'll need structure tight fist feet plant flat on the ground etc etc this stuff is violence the stuff rapist and killers are to use on you contrary to popular opinion martial arts and fighting are not real violence hope this helps
@thebatski 6 жыл бұрын
You're spot on.
@thebatski 6 жыл бұрын
@@micaelahb7329 Knee caps are good.
@4321djembe 7 жыл бұрын
wear running shoes will improve 100 % the blast of the impact and a powerful escape
@budsyremo 9 жыл бұрын
i m gonna use this on my roommate for listening to justin beiber without headphones .
@miriamschiro1773 4 жыл бұрын
budsyremo 😂
@misterjohnson466 5 ай бұрын
@4OB19 8 жыл бұрын
Everyone should see this
@naorikokorone3063 8 жыл бұрын
@newjacka94 10 жыл бұрын
lol that was a cute ass running
@KiM-vr1fj 3 жыл бұрын
What about negotiating?
@huntertill2692 10 жыл бұрын
I'm a 6"5 guy from Norway, how the fuck is a (hypothetically speaking) a woman that size gonna stop me? Even if you're a Ronda Rousey type, there's no fucking chance! My opinion, carry a small weapon or some-sort. I love woman and I would never touch or attack one, but come on let's be honest for a second. For the ladies out there...carry a weapon!
@brucefrank6119 10 жыл бұрын
And NOT in the purse, but on your person. A thin blade knife in a thigh holder or a small 38 in a body wrap holster. But, even a 6'5" Norwegian can be taken down with a kick or up-swinging forearm to the groin.
@shardamaraj2693 10 жыл бұрын
Very true. I'm 5ft 5 and tiny and even with this video and my usual pepper spray, 2 blades and stillleto dagger pendant, i won't feel like i have much chance against someone bigger.
@fcadcock 9 жыл бұрын
6'5 isn't invinible. While you'd likely beat this news reporter, Rousey would break your arm. That being said, your advise is great. Much better than the advise in this video. My wife asked me to teach her how to defend herself after being assaulted at a truck stop one night, I took her to the shooting range and told her that if I ever caught her with pants on without a knife or gun on them, I'd assault her the same way that guy did as negitive reinforcement (He did NOT harm her, I wouldn't threaten to physically harm my wife. Just grope her and use the same words that guy used), She's failed that check exactly once. Point being: I know how to fight. I spent decades learning from men and women who had even more decades of experience than me. The fastest way I can teach someone to defend themself is to teach them to use a handgun or a knife. Most people understand the basics of using a knife without ever being taught. It has a safe end and a dangerous end. Hold the safe end and stick the dangerous end into the other person as many times as you can or until they stop attacking you. It can get deeper than that, but it's the basic principle of using a knife for defense.
@Modern_Patriot 7 жыл бұрын
I agree they should carry some type of weapon, everyone should. I would be willing to guess a hammer fist to the collarbone (striking with as much force as she could get) or an eye gouge Push the thumb or fingers into an attackers eye socket) would be pretty effective no matter what size an attacker is.
@MindBat 7 жыл бұрын
For a woman of small stature, the element of vulnerability and surprise should also come into play.
@moistbagels3420 9 жыл бұрын
John Wagner you're right A hit to the groin doesn't hurt nearly as much as one to the shin or face
@ydoieven3126 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks, now I won't die from a clown attack
@CusterFlux 3 жыл бұрын
"Lesson #1 - you ALWAYS know things are about to get serious when you hear pr0n wah-wah guitar from the 1970s"
@macaron1652 7 жыл бұрын
when i see the thumbnail: i have to watch this
@nomercy5457 5 жыл бұрын
u got kik?
@verywarybear3588 8 жыл бұрын
2 minutes of practice isn't going to help a whole lot. The best instant advice for her is to wear sneakers in a abandoned area not heels, and be on alert so she can run. These techniques are very good if done correctly and if she has enough practice to do them before he hurts her.
@SpiceBoy7UK23 Жыл бұрын
Move number #3 is from the Jon Jones self defence playbook.
@retrogabor8518 3 жыл бұрын
Köszönöm szépen a feltoltest A műsor vezető Hölgynek se ártana egy kis ízelítőt az Önvédelmi Technikák bol nem baj ha egy Nő jártas az Önvédelmi Sportok háza tájékán. Sosem tudhatja milyen Műszak ba osszák be. Riporter Nőnek se ártana ha meg jobban elkezdene választani meg valamilyen Küzdősporttot. Gondolom őket is várják haza. Férj Barát vagy egy GYEREK. Milyen érzés lenne nekik hogy Feleség BARATNO Anyák helyet egy telefon hívás Rendőrségtől kenne tudomást szerezni hogy baj történt. Számtalan Női Önvédelmi oktatás folyik választék van bőven. Mindenki a megfelelő napon megfelelő időpontba szeretettel várják őket. Akár a 10 éves kislányt is így ANYUKAVAL edzhetnek.
@peterdyson9590 3 ай бұрын
Another very nice looking lady , she will now be able to stop an attacker . I hope it doesnt happen. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@jbaz007 8 жыл бұрын
creepiest smile while doing it. make sure to do that.
@feyriefire 7 жыл бұрын
Firstly, I do appreciate what this video is trying to teach. But what I'd really like to know is how my 5'3" self would be able to reach the neck of a guy who is, say, 6'2". Goodness, I can't even reach the top shelf in my kitchen! :D
@KPSS12 7 жыл бұрын
My girlfriend is 5'5'', and I'm 6'2'', once during a discussion she kicked my testicles which made me howl with pain and roll on the floor for about 10 minutes. This is the best defense for a woman, especially for a petite girl. Doesn't matter how big is the man, he has 2 very sensitive testicles dangling between the legs.
@confidential303 6 жыл бұрын
girls this is so naive thinking this would be of any help. psychological when the moment is there you just cannot apply it since there are different factors and reaction taken place. I can show you how to punch someone k.o. but the fact is your opponent will not be waiting for you when you finishing the punch. it takes time and lots of training and create such a reflex. my advice just take someone with you as bodyguard brother nephew strong niece ... don't trust anybody easily .. prevention is still better
@ChristAcolyte 5 жыл бұрын
None of these phoney moves will work against an attacker that is willing to harm or kill you. If you're serious about self defence, buy a gun, get a ccw permit and then sign up to a BJJ, Muay Thai or MMA gym that does sparring.
@JulyFourth1776 4 жыл бұрын
This is bullshido bro
@haileyturner8219 6 жыл бұрын
Awww she's so cute
@marcd1981 3 жыл бұрын
I know Tim has a good reputation in this area, but this is not realistic for someone that does not train regularly, or at least train these three moves regularly. If someone was grabbed like this woman in the example, the "advantage" she would have is she is close to her attacker while he is holding her. The first targets should be within arms reach, the eyes, nose and throat. 1. if she is holding her keys, jab them into the attacker's eyes. If not, her fingers will be able to cause pain when jabbing his eyes. (Anyone that watches MMA knows what happens when even a pinky accidently gets poked in a fighter's eye. It's an immediate reaction from the pain. 2. The next would preferably be the throat, because it is another area that does not take a lot of force to cause pain and disorientation. With the attacker now worried about his eye(s), she should strike him as hard as she can in the throat. Men have a built-in target, the adams apple, you hit that as hard as you can, it will get their attention. 3. I said preferably the throat second, but if the attacker is bending over, or just in an awkward position and you can't quite get the throat, the nose is the third choice. With your hand open (no closed-fist punching, you can break your hand, and it's back to advantage, attacker), you strike the attacker with the heel of your hand (the big meaty part at the base of your thumb), aiming straight at his nose. Actually being smaller can give another advantage here, you will be striking upward into the nose, causing even more pain for him. The weakest areas are the eyes and throat, and that is where I would concentrate striking to get the attacker to let you go, and allow you to run to safety. This will not take weeks of training to learn, and does not take super strength to accomplish. It is just you knowing what / where to strike if you have to. Here's hoping no one has to use this!
@streetsmarttaekwondo Жыл бұрын
Very well said I couldn't agree more! The technique he's showing here, requires somebody with much more training. Even so, I would never use an arm or an elbow to the throat area. When a fist is much more direct. And the same goes for the solar plexus. Oh and last thing. Groin shots do not always work on all guys.
@rogerkreil3314 8 жыл бұрын
If he has really strong stomach muscles, will the shot to the solar plexus still work?
@micaelahb7329 8 жыл бұрын
+Roger Kreil with multiple fast strikes in the right area, no matter how big the person is he will be disabled and in pain
@ChristAcolyte 5 жыл бұрын
None of these phoney moves will work against an attacker that is willing to harm or kill you. If you're serious about self defence, buy a gun, get a ccw permit and then sign up to a BJJ, Muay Thai or MMA gym that does sparring.
@nikkuznecov6259 4 жыл бұрын
Another idea for girls to carry pen made of steel which is completely legal ,its pen for writing after all but in case of emergency and when there's no escape you need to start begging for mercy pretending you look for valuable to give out then suddenly use pen to the face does not matter outcome ,you life is on the line.
@nikkuznecov6259 4 жыл бұрын
Another idea for girls to carry pen made of steel which is completely legal ,its pen for writing after all but in case of emergency and when there's no escape you need to start begging for mercy pretending you look for valuable to give out then suddenly use pen to the face does not matter outcome ,you life is on the line.
@FelineRed 3 жыл бұрын
Self-defense tip #1 is always wear sneakers. ALWAYS!
@meaversand 7 жыл бұрын
a bit more of an advice for woman..take of high heels when you run, perhaps you would be faster and get away..just a thought
@sirfield 4 жыл бұрын
Very true!
@bobadams7654 3 жыл бұрын
Great for stamping with, terrible for running.
@rollsgracie268 3 жыл бұрын
My god what’s wrong with human beings hasn’t Gracie Jiu Jitsu taught the world to let go of stupidity
@moistbagels3420 9 жыл бұрын
Apparently I have an invincible crouch because I can take any hit there and the other person is going to fight dirty to duh why are these things always for women
@vwhisp1394 8 жыл бұрын
Some creeps are now turned on after that. Damn creepy
@christywright5439 8 жыл бұрын
The area just under the nose is very sensitive so push the nose upwards hard from there.
@brucefrank6119 10 жыл бұрын
Solar plexus? Most young punks have some center torso musculature. A skilled punch to the solar plexus can be disabling, but not likely that a small stature untrained woman is going to take the punk down with a forearm to the gut. The second, or even the fist move, should be a self guided shin bone to the groin. Self guided in that if your aim isn't perfect the V shape of the legs guides the kick into the most sensitive part of the male anatomy. From conversations I have had over the years, women do not fully understand how a hit to the male scrotum, impacting the testicles hanging there, is an absolutely debilitating and most overwhelming pain that can be inflicted. I have even had some say,"Oh, I couldn't hurt anyone that bad!" I suggested that the leave in their will that those words be written on her tombstone so her husband and children can better understand why she is now dead.
@kpkp469 6 жыл бұрын
Lady, use your shoes
@MegaRyan123456 9 жыл бұрын
anyone who can actully fight aint going to stand front on so u can wack them in the guts there likely going to drop there chin to this kind of self defecnce is useless against a half decent fighter who attacks you self defence is about mindset dont be intimidated dont pansy around then again not much can help you if you get a brick over the back of your head
@myonedelight 7 жыл бұрын
And fifty awesome points to you if you can do all of this in 6 inch stilettos... :)
@retrogabor8518 4 жыл бұрын
Egyedül álló hölgyek számára is könnyen alkalmazható. Egyedül gyereket nevelő anyák is alkalmazhatjak. Tízen éves lányok is könnyen alkalmazhatjak a önvédelmi technikákat.
@giuseppecangiamilla8138 4 жыл бұрын
Mmmmmm.... Oouuch!!!
@thomasthorne4010 9 жыл бұрын
This is gonna sound CORNY, but taking a page from Karate Kid, in self defense, you must become primal and while the ' moves ' are not overly technical, in an ACTUAL confrontation, you need something BASIC. The Quicksilver Method: Can't See Can't Breathe Can't Stand Now, one would have to adjust for ALL of these, but with focus training and muscle memory, this is all you need
@kemalens1635 9 жыл бұрын
@capturedbytee 10 жыл бұрын
*finish him*
@dennisgoe3537 5 жыл бұрын
Lol. Won't work body shots to a tough man will fail.
@MoSalah-df9jj 8 жыл бұрын
i'm short, so i wont be able to hit anyone in the thorat
@Simon9Mr 8 жыл бұрын
Then you reach up really high and hit him in the ankle. Seriously, a groin kick (or punch!) is something most everyone can do and as any man can tell you, it hurts horribly.
@sanjaychandran7607 3 жыл бұрын
@vladimirspetznaz6569 9 жыл бұрын
Tim larken would get destroyed by Vadim Starov
@carteri246 10 жыл бұрын
Most men would just smash this little women. Those terrible techniques will only make the attacker more furious and thus more dangerous. Learn Jiujutsu. That is the most effective way for a smaller person to disable a bigger stronger person.
@ronnyguy1892 6 жыл бұрын
You're thinking of Akkido.. using the person's strength and weight against themselves.
@0815Snickersboy 5 жыл бұрын
@@ronnyguy1892 no matter what you need to practice. Womans that think watching a video helps them will get them screwed up.
@miesvaillanykyisyytta3252 4 жыл бұрын
No. Jujitsu is 50% size and strength unlike those techniques he showed there. Elaborate and complicated grappling moves take a long time to learn and might still fail so that's why they're impractical to learn for average people. Have you ever allowed a woman to kick you in the junk with all her might? Did it make you more dangerous? Countless police and hospital records that it won't make you "more dangerous"; numerous men and women have saved their lives that way.
@dylanhurrle7004 4 жыл бұрын
I've been fighting in the streets and cages all my life and I know what works and it not what's in this video
@sirfield 4 жыл бұрын
I was surprised the height difference wasn't a factor in which techniques to use
@adzzil 9 жыл бұрын
i am sorry but these moves seem unrealistic no way in hell if someone attacked you that he be so far from your body
@micaelahb7329 8 жыл бұрын
+Adil Idrissi there are tons of different scenarios
@joshtastic4380 8 жыл бұрын
@oaf1575 3 жыл бұрын
None of this would actually work
@weschappelle1154 9 жыл бұрын
This is absolute rubbish techniques. As a woman you should not try to knee as potential to grab the leg and take the victim off balance, resulting in a more vulnerable position on the floor, withstrained. especially against a naturally heavier stronger attacker being male. Who grabs near the elbow? Its more likely that you would be grabed near the wrist, to control more. These ideas will get you into trouble!!!
@micaelahb7329 8 жыл бұрын
+Wes Chappelle that sounds right what youre saying but are you a professional self defense expert like he is?
@ChristAcolyte 5 жыл бұрын
All these dumb techniques he is teaching will just straight up get you killed in a fight. Any self defence training without full contact sparring against a resisting partner is worthless junk.
@shantoreywilkins651 2 жыл бұрын
@fightnuttube 7 жыл бұрын
This is some seriously useless nonsense.
@radmanpedram3214 5 жыл бұрын
fightnuttube that’s Morden day liberalism for you
@MaharlikaAWA 10 жыл бұрын
TFT Is so fake and pathetic. Tim Larken is a joke. None of this would work and he overreacts to this ladies strikes. Sorry but she is not strong enough to make anyone move backward like that. I trained in TFT for a college semester and it sucked.
@supawit1282 10 жыл бұрын
i really disagree. I travel world looking at modern systems and really rate it.I like both the methodology and way its taught and rate it as being in top 10 worlds defense systems
@MaharlikaAWA 10 жыл бұрын
Panalee Naklor So you are a "modern system" expert? What gives you such qualifications? Also can you explain why you like the methodology and way it is taught? What are the top "defense" systems? As a martial arts expert I see so many flaws in this training and even took a full semester of college PE in this by a certified TFT instructor. I have also been in real fights and know nothing at all would ever go down the way they say it will with such movements. Nothing that lady did could ever have been effective against aguy his size. Its simply silly.
@MaharlikaAWA 9 жыл бұрын
Jack Attack No actually this is not effective training at all and this female could never pull this off on a man of his size and it is ridiculous. TFT trains incredibly stupid in slow motion with no real cardio, no pressure testing just dumb slow motion bullshit. Its a way to rip off dumb people. Just because the NAVY Seals may at one time have used something does not mean it was truly that effective. You dont see them using it now do you? lol
@MaharlikaAWA 9 жыл бұрын
Jack Attack No I trained in TFT for a full college semester. I know what the hell I am talking about. I am also a martial artist of over 20 years. real training is live sparring and perfection of technique. Not this slow motion bullcrap. Its a scam. I understand it fully and think Tim Larkin is scamming you.
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