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3 THINGS MILLENNIALS WANT FROM A CHURCH | The Truth About Millennials And Church

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Brady Shearer

Brady Shearer

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@brahmabkitty03 6 жыл бұрын
You took the words out of my mouth!!! This is why i left my home church. It didn't matter what i did, it wasn't good enough and i was a kid in their eyes. My generation wasn't included in the church's 100 year anniversary but the elders are upset that my group left. I need to feel included, i need to feel like I'm making a difference, i need to feel like i can help with the future of the church. I'm happy to be at the church I'm at now! Thank you God for your guidance!!!
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
So glad you found a new church where you feel valued 😇
@Jovan14606 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 29 years old, born in 89. I don't feel comfortable when the pastor is around my age. I do prefer someone way older than me because of their life experiences, wisdom and perspective that I don't have yet.
@azaelia2000 5 жыл бұрын
Spiritual maturity is not about age or number.I was 30 when I had a 19 year old as one of my leader in a church project. She was wise beyond her age, and we learned a lot from her :)
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@jw7107 6 жыл бұрын
Church is supposed to be about what God wants. Not what we want. What does God want our churches to be like?
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Jill Walker Are you gonna answer the question? Or just leave us hanging? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
@princesskhaelabarsana3892 4 жыл бұрын
If you want the answer, read the Bible, dear :)
@jw7107 4 жыл бұрын
@@princesskhaelabarsana3892 exactly! Its too hard to explain it all in a chat here. But thank you for asking for my thoughts, Brady.
@paulchristman2456 6 жыл бұрын
A marvelous video. I concur with everything you bring up in it. I'm 57. Church was a huge part of my life when I was growing up. I enjoyed singing in the choir and participating in all of the MYF activities. My boy scout group had its weekly meetings there, as well. Back then, however, Christianity brought every one together and taught and encouraged us to accept each other as we were, warts and all. We were taught to not be judgemental towards one another. Many of my closest lifelong friends are people whom I met at church when I was a kindergartner. However, for so many years now (beginning in the early 1990's) the message that churches have been promoting has often been one of discord. Why is this? Why has cynicism crept into the church?
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@multuminparvo5 7 жыл бұрын
Gen Xers who are single moms have been having the same troubles and trying to address the same unmet needs for years. I'm so glad the millennials are finally getting a voice--this is important. It's hell raising kids while being abandoned by the church and everyone older than you, and it takes a real toll on the children. I'm so glad they're speaking up!
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@locaporti7441 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this enlightening information. I am 40+. The first two things you mentioned, I feel everyone desires in a church: authenticity and love (you called it community). Jesus named it as the single most difinitive sign that a person is his disciple, if we have love one for another. Lastly, I agree with former people who have commented that generally an older pastor/leader has had more experience than a younger pastor/leader in the church and can provide better direction and stability to a church.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@cdcuworld9008 6 жыл бұрын
we need to pray for all.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@sojedadiaz 4 жыл бұрын
John f Kennedy famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what can you do for your country". We live in a culture of ME, ME, ME its all about ME. In the Bible its not about ME its about killing the Self and Serving OTHERS its not about you and the Pleasures that this world offers its about OTHERS. Its about Jesus. "I am nothing but dust and ashes" said Abraham when he approach God, we are Nothing in his presence. Therefore, we must humble ourselfs before Him. How can you be real, by reading the Bible and not picking and choosing what you like about it but grasping 100% of its truth.
@sarco64 6 жыл бұрын
Why aren't there more younger pastors? It isn't because the churches are telling young pastors that they aren't wanted. It's because there is a shortage of young people entering seminary, which is understandable given the large amount of debt that people have today by the time they finish their undergraduate education.
@josephmartinetti9315 7 жыл бұрын
Yep, and that is a problem with Millennials - Number Three! Millennials feel as if they're entitled to the same things that the Baby Boomers and Generation X have worked for over the decades - NOW! You said that they want a seat at the table - to be part of the decision makers. We just went through an interview process with a Millennial. He was in the work force for three years after graduating college and worked for three different companies. Yet, in the interview, he asked if there was the possibility of becoming a partner of the company. He lacked the experience, wasn't even hired yet, and wanted to know if he would have the chance of being a partner! I'm all for reaching out to the Millennials - I'm leading a study using the You Lost Me material from Kinneman - but we also need to be aware of their shortcomings when reaching out to them.
@aubreywilliam9048 6 жыл бұрын
Joseph Martinetti shut the fuck up
@brendaboykin7150 5 жыл бұрын
Thanx,Bro Brady. Keep it up!
@prochurchtools 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching Brenda!
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@tatinho416 6 жыл бұрын
I like this bro thanks for making this video.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@pip9828 6 жыл бұрын
Some youth want to belong and grow,but dont share there elders ambition to take there place in ministry.Its very intimidating to be told theres no place for youth activities outside church,and im not talking about parties,drink,drugs sex..just healthy kid stuff!
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@onehappydawg 6 жыл бұрын
How about we look at the Bible and read the book of Acts to see how, not to do Church but, how to be the Church. If you want authenticity in community stop making it about us or them and make it about Jesus. If you want to impact culture, speak the Word of Truth and don't worry about what people think. People who are actually seeking God and real truth will hear and come to your service. But if all you care about is putting millennial butts in the seat just keep playing the music loud, playing games and telling jokes during your sermon without speaking any hard truths, I'm sure that'll keep them coming. It's worked for Joel Osteen.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@BoundyMan 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a Gen-Xer, or Xennial, I was born in 1976, and I too would like to find these three things in Church. But a 4th thing I'm also looking for is a church that doesn't take everything in the Bible literally. I do believe that God inspired the books of the Bible, but not everything it says applies to us today. For example, in 1 Cor. 14:34 Paul says women should keep silent in church. Many churches use that text to say women can't be leaders in church without looking into the history of why he said it.
@onehappydawg 5 жыл бұрын
Sean Boundy there are two places Paul talked about women and the one you site has to do with the culture of that time and if that was the only scripture then you would be correct in you thinking, but when Paul was telling Timothy how to organize and run the church he was overseeing he said, “...Women should learn quietly and submissively. I do not let women teach men or have authority over them. Let them listen quietly. For God made Adam first, and afterward he made Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived by Satan. The woman was deceived, and sin was the result...” This statement has nothing to do with the culture of the time, he refers to scripture to explain why he does not permit women to have authority over men in the church. This does not give men the right to lord over women, it just sets up the structure of the church. Paul also tells men to love their wives as Christ loved the church and He gave His life for the church. So it is very possible to follow what Paul says and not allow women to have authority over men in the church and still love, respect, serve and lift up women in the church. It’s all about rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
@Himmiefan 3 жыл бұрын
@@onehappydawgIt is all about the culture of the time, particularly in contrast to today where women get far more respect (particularly outside of the church) and participate in all walks of life. How many people - men and women - reject Christ because of the wives submit/women cannot preach or lead because they don't have the Holy Penis, the magic wand of God's favor? Seriously, why would a woman join a group like that (Follow Christ! And if you're a woman you can't lead or preach, but hey, follow Christ!). SMH
@Hadloc411 7 жыл бұрын
I would disagree with his idea on younger pastors, my pastor is in his late 20's a few years older than me, and he does a good job, but the idea of older men leading the congregation should not be overlooked just for the greater amount of experience in their walk with God.
@prochurchtools 7 жыл бұрын
Neil Hadlock this video isn't about older pastors being an issue, it's about ONLY older pastors being the issue. We need both. We need balance.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@Jereton 7 жыл бұрын
I love your heart behind this. Great points. Though, I'm of the personal opinion that it's good for millennials to wait their turn. You mentioned that we want a seat at the table (and I agree with that because that's where important mentoring can occur) however for the most part we should speak at that table only when we've been called upon. We should be in the room learning from those that have gone before us. Again, that's just my opinion at the moment.
@prochurchtools 7 жыл бұрын
Jereton Yeah I don't necessarily disagree, it's just interesting that just a couple decades ago the average age of pastors was 10 years younger than it is now. That's a bit worrisome. The group of pastors currently in charge were much younger when they took the pastorate, but now that they're older, they're not willing to allow those younger pastors to rise up just like they did when they were young. Other factors obviously involved. But it's just curious.
@Jereton 7 жыл бұрын
It's definitely a stat that stands out.
@KnowDoFix1985 6 жыл бұрын
Perfect perspective, Jereton, and spot on. The third point of "what mils want - a seat at the table" assumes mils are the first group to "ever" be the biggest shift-moving group. They're not. In the 80's, the "boomers" were in the exact same positions that the mils are in now - biggest voting group, largest workforce, young overtaking old, largest communication shift, moving away from past "how things were done" etc etc. And before the boomers was "the greatest generation" - of primarily legal immigrants. But the boomers and greatest gen had some respect to know that a "seat at the big table" (where decisions are made and voices are truly heard) was something to be "earned and learned", not "handed" - which is the biggest difference between the "young" boomers and young "greats" (back then) and the "young" mils now. And the Boomers and Greats got down to business truly earning that seat - in business, in industry, in the military, in churches, etc. The mils, unfortunately as they were brought up and taught (by boomer parents, no less!) find themselves accustomed to "demand/expect" it. There is a taught feeling of "equality regardless of performance/experience" that has been pushed at mils, and reinforced, very early in schools, in sports, and to some extent in homes. Thus, the third point is no surprise. The "strength in numbers" isn't a new story, its the same old story just with a new generation. But the mils' response to their own data is interesting, if not telling. Sad, really, but interesting to watch it all play out....again. Cheers and God Bless!
@daltonldavis1995 5 жыл бұрын
Brady in these comments with the 👏🏻 backs.
@prochurchtools 5 жыл бұрын
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@zakkshanemusic 6 жыл бұрын
Great information.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@michaelrayministries308 4 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. Thank you.
@prochurchtools 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching Michael!
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@dongaking 6 жыл бұрын
What's the response of millennials to small groups? I mean the men's fellowship and women's fellowship, the singles' groups etc. What are the preferred small groups for millennials?
@DerpOtron9k 6 жыл бұрын
As a millennial myself, I like small groups, even if it's with a group of older men. Fellowship is a big part of community and millennials value community.
@aaronkirchinger 6 жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as adulting but thanks for your opinion. To be an adult, you take responsibility for your own life. Thanks also for your input on Church. What millennials need in a church is what all people of all age groups need also. It is as follows: 1. Truthful Bible preaching and teaching 2. Fellowship 3. An opportunity to serve 4. A pastor/church leader with a vision. The vision should include a clear message of how to grow the local church such that as the world population grows, so does the number of souls that are reached with the gospel of Christ. This is the biblical vision of the church as it pertains to God's commandment about the Great commission with teaching the word of God and baptizing in all nations. 5. A pastor/church leader with a plan to carry out the vision
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Aaron Kirchinger. Thanks for the clarification, Aaron!
@LadyTracyOfTheDisk 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think authenticity is something that only certain generations want. I'm a Baby Boomer and that always bothered me. I guess my generation, though, just gave up trying to say anything.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@daregon11 8 ай бұрын
Are you going to do a updated version for Gen Z
@nerdynerdface 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Brady, great thoughts! Can you break down different generations and give the ages for each one. This seems to be different all over the internet and I can find a good answer to the question. Thanks!
@prochurchtools 7 жыл бұрын
Heath Dotson Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers are the three main generations currently. And they're pretty widely agreed upon when it comes to rough dates. I don't know them off by heart, but just give it a quick Google! 😎
@multuminparvo5 7 жыл бұрын
Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 and later. Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 to 1995. Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976. Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964. Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@purelifephotos 5 жыл бұрын
Not for nothing but when I hit about 35 I began to realize just how little I actually knew after spending my 20s thinking I knew as much as those in there 40s and up. I didn't I was a dumb ass who just thought I had the wisdom that only comes with experience.
@prochurchtools 5 жыл бұрын
Constantly learning. :)
@angelaharbison3271 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I love your videos. They are very helpful to a beginner like myself. Have you done videos on story boarding?
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Angela Harbison Nothing official! But follow our Instagram account @Storytape! We’ve done story boarding behind the scenes there :)
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@god563616 4 жыл бұрын
Yes yes yes from a Millennial
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@jeanh916 5 жыл бұрын
So--if I understand you--Millenials feel they need to be catered to & to have church be real, not relevant! . Now you see--That's where I think I can steer you all in the right direction. Church won't save you, church can't heal you, church probably should not just be entertaining. You should be seeking Jesus. Read his word. Increase your faith by hearing the Word of God. Don't leave the church to do this for you. Once you have established a true relationship with your savior, and btw--he is the one that created you. THEN you can figure out where you fit in and amongst people who believe as you do. I'd be in trouble if my church catered to mine and everyone else's needs. That's not the "Churches" is everyone, working to gather, to praise the Lord, fellowship with believers and serve those that need serving. You become a community when you do these things together.Don't expect to go to a new church and not volunteer and yet think everyone is unfriendly. Insert yourself into the fold! BTW--the fold consists of all types of people--if you are turned off, just because there are too many old people in your church, well then, if Jesus is no respecter of persons, why can't you be happy that God has place people of all kinds in that church! The church is the people. I've been to churches, whose big thing is an amazing music ministry. Jesus didn't say he needed perfection, in order to sing praises to him! Get you faith increased by reading His word, know what he wants you to do to be a productive member of the fold (or church he leads you to) I'm seeing SO many churches trying new gimmicks to increase their fold and to make church fun.......not exactly the way the bible describes that "gathering of the saints".....Make sure, that no matter what age your are, that the church you go to teaches you from the bible. Seek first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness and all things will be added unto you .....That's a word that will never change...Keep it real, Keep it simple!
@gagoochi2292 4 жыл бұрын
So first of all, I'm quite certain you did NOT understand this video. First of all, no one is saying we shouldn't have a true relationship with Jesus because that's not what this video is about. It's clearly addressing the people making the dumb gimmicks and the ones wondering why millennials aren't going to their churches. No one said it's the church's job to do anything, all that was said was basically if you want millennials in your church more, these are some things that would actually work. You sound like you either commented on the wrong video, severely misunderstood it or are being defensive because your church isn't like the ones he's talking about so you assume all aren't like that or something. I think maybe you should re-watch the video and actually LISTEN TO WHAT HE'S SAYING before commenting something this stupid and use your God-given discernment in the future when commenting on videos.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@elisabethkharis6431 3 жыл бұрын
The more church wants to meet these youth needs to attract people to church...the further they draw away from the bible....
@socrayhte 7 жыл бұрын
Lord, how do you do these quality and well collated videos? Hopeful that you don't mind my asking as someone who admires your presentations; "Do you make a write-up with a teleprompter in your front or Just free-flow?" You are free with doing a "How I Do My Videos" video.
@prochurchtools 7 жыл бұрын
Yep! I write them and present with a teleprompter.
@Jereton 7 жыл бұрын
Teleprompter tips pls.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@MatandEst 7 жыл бұрын
Really interesting points! love your point about it being real... I wonder if the culture here in England is lagging behind US as the churches that still rock the skinny jeans and are in the 'relevant brigade' still seem to be doing far better then others?
@prochurchtools 7 жыл бұрын
May just be a perception too. Cool churches get more publicity than modest ones. Just the way it is.
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@gogg6 7 жыл бұрын
The one thing that you don’t mention that’s very important is the SPIRITUAL aspect of a Christian Church.
@prochurchtools 7 жыл бұрын
Russ Hadick What’s more spiritual than Christ-centred community?
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@iamsentme9754 6 жыл бұрын
This are good points but I have to shock you but everyone when they was in there 20s where still considered kids. The big deference is the other generations understood the had a lot yet to learn and had enough respect to thier elders to lesson.. the problem others have is that millinals want to jump to the top without earning it. They think they are owed it.
@YouMe-gx5uu 6 жыл бұрын
How about stick to, and preach God's word. The Holy Spirit convicts. Has nothing to do with catering to any generation But ALL to do with, GODS WORD, GOD'S WILL, GODS WAY. If God is God there is absolutely No need for data on ANYTHING. He draws men to himself.
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Jonathon Ferraiuolo Yeah, I mean, if he draws men and women to himself, maybe we shouldn’t do ANYTHING at all - right?
@YouMe-gx5uu 6 жыл бұрын
Pro Church Tools with Brady Shearer I am not trying to be mean or condemn you, so sorry if you took it that way. What I'm saying is, if God has called you to be a pastor or start a church, you should be leaning on Him and His word alone. Trust in me with all Thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge me and I will direct thy paths. Not saying you do nothing, but there is no need to worry about what this generation is doing, God's word is alive, a living word, He is enough, no need to conform to this world in fact were to be set apart. God Bless
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Jonathon, great response. Follow-up question: you say "there is no need to worry about what this generation is doing" - but Jesus commands us to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." So how can we follow the command of Jesus if we don't consider the people God calls us to reach?
@YouMe-gx5uu 6 жыл бұрын
Pro Church Tools with Brady Shearer Great question, if God wants them to be reached He will reach them through willing vessel's, but the problem with the Church today is conforming to the world to bring more people into the Church, as you stated. Praying and asking God to lead His way, and looking to Him in all things, listening and being guided by the Holy Spirit is the way. Many Prophets preached what God told them too and it was not popular, in fact some were stoned, imprisoned etc. What I'm saying is it's not about what is popular, but what God says. He needs to be leading, narrow is the way and few there be that find it. So you go out and evangelise, spread the Word in love, but we are just planting the seed, God gets the increase, there is no formula, nothing we can do, he uses the foolishness of men's preaching to win souls to himself, we don't have to be conformed, just submitted to His will.
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Jonathon Ferraiuolo Not sure if you got a chance to watch this video before you commented, but the three recommendations as they pertain to young people are: 1. Authenticity (don't be fake) 2. Community (don't be shallow) 3. Inclusion (don't be blind to the needs of others) Considering your original comment suggested this video was "catering" to Millennials. Which of these three mandates is "conforming to the world"?
@talilkr5238 7 жыл бұрын
very true
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@Ijknapp 6 жыл бұрын
I love how all these millennial videos are basically "give millennials what the studies show they want and stop what the studies show they don't like", as if the whole church world is supposed to cater to us and clamour about whether or not we will be pleased with their services. Millennials need to stop acting like the world revolves around us and get over the mindset that everything should be built around our wants and needs. This is coming from a 27 year old.
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Ian Knapp So you’re suggesting we purposefully avoid empirical data to “stick it to” Millennials? Or what do you suggest is the better approach?
@Ijknapp 6 жыл бұрын
Pro Church Tools with Brady Shearer No, what I'm suggesting is that millennials lay aside our constant self-centered approach to everything and go to a church not worried about whether or not our every want and need will be satisfied and if they aren't make videos listing all of our demands. How about we go to church for something biblical, for the sacraments, the word and for prayer. How about we go selflessly not looking to check off a list, but to go to be a part of the church, whether it be old or young, cool or old school, and let the Bible trump the surveys. But what do I know...
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Ian, for what it's worth, I 100% agree with you. Selfishness is something we should all be working to rid ourselves of - but to imply that one generation is selfish and others aren't is simply untrue. Also, and more importantly, at no point in this video did I ever suggest churches should neglect the sacraments, prayer, etc. Perhaps you inferred that, but I never said that. The three suggestions in this video are each elements of a Christ-centered church that have perhaps become a little forgotten in the past couple of decades or so. Simply put, Millennials value the three items mentioned in this video a great deal, and if you care to reach them and minister to them, you likely won't want to neglect them.
@jacobwoods6153 4 жыл бұрын
@@prochurchtools This is coming from a millennial and somebody who wasnt raised in the church (former Atheist). I understand the points you're making but I think theres something bigger going on than just millenials arent getting what they want therefore they're not going to church (which is selfish anyway). One of the things that influences us is that millenials want pragmatic, practical answers to everything.. that is why self help is so popular. The bible has practical solutions to things, but its main goal for change is transformation which takes time. Self help is if I cross my t's and dot my i's on whatever I'm trying to get better at then my life will improve. The bible is totally antithetical to this, it is about carrying your cross and dying to your self. You don't have to have permission to do that and God will honor it and exult those who do so and it really wont matter who is at your church... God's annointed will make head waves through the church whether the older generation likes it or not. We're not here to please man, but God; let's start with that and stop with the worrying about the older generation.
@briangray925 6 жыл бұрын
Bible studies are closer to what church is suppose to be. If you read the scriptures you can plainly see that. Todays church is more of a worship, sing and dance, and have a teacher lecture. Not the edification the Word wanted us to have.
@SomeUserNameBlahBlah 6 жыл бұрын
Agreed. For me church should be Bible study, breaking bread in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice and having a small real community of people. I get so annoyed over constant music, videos, alter calls and people showing up because it's "what we should do". Back in the day the church had the only copies of God's word so people showed up to learn. Since Bibles can be purchased anywhere today the church had to find a new way to be relevant instead of sticking with what worked.
@briangray925 6 жыл бұрын
good points and I agree
@j.p.4910 6 жыл бұрын
Millennials need to humble themselves and really repent of their pride. (yes, I am one, I know). Gen Y is far more responsive to the Gospel thankfully. Its painful to admit but millennial are largely a lost generation, for now.
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Gen Y and Millennials are the same thing
@elisabethkharis6431 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you...I see anger as well in the millennials..setting their rules...and not obedient to authority I wonder if they went to sound churches...or listened to sound doctrine ...or read their bibles from a to z
@michaelcurtis4627 6 жыл бұрын
I miss being able to think critically like this. Sadly though the bible is what it is. Your opinions, thoughts, "decisions" don't matter. You are either there or not.
@marcosguerra 6 жыл бұрын
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@tonyb816 6 жыл бұрын
This is excellent than you Brady!
@enoe4444 4 жыл бұрын
Marvel & DC Artists have worked together to create over 100 evangelistic outreach and Bible study tools to reach Millennials and youth. Take a look > Bookmark and Share
@zanmyers8611 6 жыл бұрын
Who cares what millennial's want? Thats the problem, everyone has been catering to them their whole lives so they expect it now. They need to worry about getting to church ON TIME, bringing their OWN Bible, not eating and drinking in the sanctuary, taking off their hats inside, not treating their kids like they're the priority over silence during the service...Ya know, basic manners, most things anyone over 35 sees as common sense. And lets be honest, tithing isn't their thing....
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
Zan Myers Your church sounds like fun.
@jumpergal111 6 жыл бұрын
Interestingly, studies show that it's authoritarian parenting (and churching) that makes narcissistic behaviour more likely -- not being catered to.
@luis9484 5 жыл бұрын
grow up Zan.
@cdcuworld9008 6 жыл бұрын
video makes sense
@williamkinkade2538 6 жыл бұрын
Hooray! For the Millennial. Baby boomers screwed things up SORRY!!!
@jacobtennyson9213 5 жыл бұрын
Well Baby Boomers where fighting our civil rights, and feeling free from counterculture and government corruption from the Lost generation.
@davidgraham3162 3 жыл бұрын
Spoken like a millennial..
@LucasLabradorX 6 жыл бұрын
Hmmmm... I think you have rather missed the point... Never mind millennials.. What about God. My advice to you, albeit unsolicited, as a minister, is don't go looking to church for those things you speak of. Keep away from Christianity and allow the Lord God, if He is going to, to engineer your repentance and bring you to Christ. As a side note.... men of God are not made in five minutes, and you will not find men of God such as actual pastors who are young, because they have no time to learn the ropes and know how to move in the things of God. It takes time.
@prochurchtools 6 жыл бұрын
LucasLabradorX I don’t disagree with your last point. But in 1968, 55% of pastors were under the age of 45 - in 2017, only 22% of pastors were under the age of 45. A curious difference despite Millennials being the largest generation living in the American workforce.
@LucasLabradorX 6 жыл бұрын
Hello....I was only a lad in 1968, but there was still a churchgoing principle in the UK. Hence the burgeoning number of churches and pastors. I think adding in other factors to your thinking such as the current 'falling away' as you see in 2.Thes.2, and the factor that spiritual wisdom and maturity, not acquired in a few years, is rare today. Most people have no idea what the gospel is about, and have only experience of churches. What you care to believe is nothing to do with me, and I have nothing to say about it, however, you have utterly missed the essence of the gospel. Church such as you are familiar with is nothing to do with Jesus Christ. You will do well to keep away from it. Find your community somewhere else.
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