いつだって君は嗤われ者だ やることなすことツイてなくて 挙句に雨に降られ お気にの傘は風で飛んでって そこのノラはご苦労様と 足を踏んづけてった You've always been hated Unlucky, you're made to do things And at last, get caught in the rain The wind blows away your favorite umbrella Saying "good work" The stray over there steps on your legs いつもどおり君は嫌われ者だ なんにもせずとも遠ざけられて 努力をしてみるけど その理由なんて「なんとなく?」で 君は途方にくれて悲しんでた As usual, you're hated Pushed away without doing anything Even though you tried The reason is "vague" and You're both confused and sad ならあたしの声を使えばいいよ 人によっては理解不能で なんて耳障り ひどい声だって 言われるけど きっと君の力になれる だからあたしを歌わせてみて そう君の 君だけの言葉でさ So, you should use my voice Some people say it's incomprehensible And a dissonant Bad-sounding voice But I'm sure it will be of use to you So please let me sing With your own, your very own words 綴って 連ねて あたしがその思想を叫ぶから 描いて 理想を その想いは誰にも触れさせない ガラクタの声はそして響く ありのままを不器用に繋いで 目一杯に大声を上げる Spell them out and put them together Because I will scream out those words I won't let anyone touch The ideals and feelings that you paint And so the voice of a piece of trash echoes Awkwardly connecting the truth A loud voice raised to full volume いつからか君は人気者だ たくさんの人に持て囃され あたしも鼻が高い でもいつからか君は変わった 冷たくなって だけど寂しそうだった Eventually, you became popular I'm also proud that you're recognized by so many people But eventually, you changed You became colder, but also seemed lonely 「もう機械の声なんてたくさんだ 僕は僕自身なんだよ」って ついに君は抑えきれなくなって あたしを嫌った 君の後ろで誰かが言う 虎の威を借るキツネの癖に! ねえ 君は一人で泣いてたんだね There are plenty of voices of opportunity "I am myself." And so You then uncontrollably Began to hate me Behind you, someone said "Even though he's just pretending" You must have been crying all alone 聴こえる?この声 あたしがその誹膀をかき消すから わかってる 本当は 君が誰より優しいってことを ガラクタの声はそして歌った 他の誰でもない君のために 軋んでく 限界を超えて Can you hear? With this voice I'll drown out all the insulting words I understand, you really Are kinder than anyone else And so the voice of a piece of trash sang For no one else, but for your sake Overcoming the grating and squeaking limits 二人はどんなにたくさんの言葉を 思いついたことだろう だけど今は何ひとつ思いつかなくて だけどなにもかもわかった 「そうか、きっとこれは夢だ。 永遠に醒めない、君と会えた、そんな夢」 Together, surely we came up with A lot of words But now, we cannot come up with anything But I understand everything "I see, this is a dream. A dream that I'll never wake up from, where I met you" ガラクタは幸せそうな表情をしたまま どれだけ呼んでももう動かない 望んだはずの結末に君は泣き叫ぶ 嘘だろ 嘘だろってそう泣き叫ぶ Wearing a happy expression, the piece of trash Won't move anymore, no matter how much how many times it's called for In the conclusion that should have been desired You cry out. "It must be a lie. It must be a lie." So you cry out 「僕は無力だ、ガラクタ一つだって救えやしない」 想いは涙に ぽつりぽつりとその頬を濡らす "I'm powerless. Unable to save even a single piece of trash" The emotions turn to tears And run down those cheeks その時世界は途端にその色を大きく変える 悲しみ 喜び 全てを一人とひとつは知った 言葉は歌になりこの世界を 再び駆け巡る 君のために その声に意志を宿して 今 想いが響く At this time The world immediately Changes color Happiness and sadness I know that everything is One and the same In this world where words turn to songs Once again, I begin to run for your sake Putting intent into my voice Now, feelings resound