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@samiaajmal38273 жыл бұрын
I am very happy That I could understand like 85% of this video!
@yvonnemeneksheikram57854 жыл бұрын
I like this method very much! It’s great! It’s exactly at a natural speaking tempo and therefore perfect for intermediate learners. Thanks a lot!
@nicolasduweit36112 жыл бұрын
videolar icin cok sag olun. Asagi yukari üc aydan önce "beginner"-video ile basladim ve bu (intermediate)video hic anlamadim. Simdi bu video da anliyorum ve neredeyse her soru dogru cevaplandiyorum. Her video bazi yeni kelimeler ögreniyorum. Belki üc daha aydan sonra "Advanced" video ile calisabilirim.
@Abeturk4 жыл бұрын
21+ tenses in turkish language... Anatolian Turkish.verb conjugations A= To (toward)(~for) (for the thick voiced words) E= To (toward)(~for) (for the subtle voiced words) Okul=School U=(ou)=it= (it's that)=(it's about ) Git=Go (verb root) Mak/Mek (emek)=exertion /process Git-mek=(verb)= to Go (get-mek =to get there now on ) Gel-mek= to Come Gör-mek= to See 1 .present continuous tense (now or soon, right now or later, currently or nowadays) it's used to explain the current actions or planned events (for the specified times) YOR-mak =to tire (~go over it) (~ to try , to deal with this) (for the subtle and thick voiced words) A/e Yormak= to try only mentally (to arrive at a non-final conclusion) I/i/u/ü Yormak=to try both physical and mental about (to arrive wholly on it) is used as suffix="Yor" (iəʊr) positive. Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-yor-u-sen ( School-to Go-to-try it's-you) (You try-to-Go to school) Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-men ( Home-at-then /try-to-come-I-am) (from home I try to come) negative A)..Ma= Not B)...Değil= it's not (equivalent) examples A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you are not going to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-i-yor-u--sen (School-to go-Not-it-try that-you) -(You that try-it's-not-Go to school) B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you are not going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen (You aren't try(ing)-to-Go to school) Question sentence: Ma-u =Not-it =(is) Not it? is used as....suffixes ="Mı-Mi-Mu-Mü " Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school?)= Okul-a Ma-u Git-i-yor-u-sen ? ( To-school Not-it You-try-to-go ?)(~Towards the school or somewhere else are you going ?) Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do You go to school?)= Okul-a Git-i-yor Ma-u -sen ? ( To school Try-to-go Not-it-you?) (~Are you going or not going towards the school ?) Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ? (~Are you the one going to school ?) 2 .present simple tense ( it's used to explain our own thoughts about the topic) (everytime, always or never ,at all, often,rarely, any time or sometimes, now on, soon or afterwards, so it's possible of course inshallah) In the question sentences it's means: what do you think about this?, is not it so positive VAR-mak =~ to arrive (at) ...(to attain).....(for the thick voiced words) is used as....suffixes ="ar-ır-ur" ER-mek=~ to get (at) ...(to reach).....(for the subtle voiced words) is used as....suffixes ="er-ir-ür" examples Okula gidersin ( you go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen (You get-to-Go to school) Arabaya Biner (s/he gets in the car) =Araba-y-a Bin-e-er (s/he gets-to-ride to car) Kuşlar gökyüzünde uçar ( the birds fly in the sky )=Kuş.lar gökyüzü.n-de uç-a-var ( the birds arrive at flying in sky) Gece olduğunda uyursun ( You sleep when it's night)= Gece ol-du-ka-u-an-da uyu,y-a-var-sen (You arrive in asleep at that which time it became night) Bunu görebilirler = (they can see this) = Bu-ne-u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =(They-get-to-Know-to-See what's-This) =They've got inform to see this negative Bas-mak =to dwell on, (~ to press onto/into) (~to pass over) (for the thick voiced words) Ez-mek = to crush (~ to press down) (~to compress) (for the subtle voiced words) Ma= Not Ma-bas=(No pass)=na-pas=(not to dwell on)=(to give up)=(vaz geç-mek) (in the thick voiced words) suffix ="MAZ" Ma-ez= (No crush) =(do/es-not)=(to skip)=(es geç-mek) (in the subtle voiced words) is used as suffix ="MEZ" example Okula gitmezsin ( you don't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-ez-sen (You no-crush--Go to school)=( you skip of going to school) O bunu yapmaz (s/he doesn't do this) = Bunu yap-ma-bas ( s/he no-pass--Do this)=(s/he gives up doing this) Niçün şuna bakmazsınız = (why don't you look at that )=Ne-u-çün şu-n'a bak-ma-bas-sen-iz (2. plural)= what-that-factor at that you give up looking 3.simple future tense (soon or later) it's used to explain the events we thought that will happen Çak-mak =~to fasten ~to tack (for the thick voiced words) Çek-mek=~to attract , ~to will, ~to bring beside, ~to take (for the subtle voiced words) suffixes= ("CAK"-djäk) - ("CEK" -djek) positive.. Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen (~You bring (it in the mind)-to-Go to school) (~Attracts-you -to-Go to school) Ali Okula gidecek ( Ali is going to go to school)= Ali Okul-a Git-e-çek (~Ali takes (it in the mind)-to-Go to school) negative A. Okula gitmeyeceksin ( you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-e-çek-sen (You will-not-to-Go to school) B. Okula gidecek değilsin (the one is not you to go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen (it's not you take-to-Go to school) 4 . simple past tense (currently or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're sure about Di = now on (anymore) Di-mek(demek) = ~ to deem , ~ to mean, ~ to think this way is used as...suffixes=.(Dı-di-du-dü) positive Okula gittin ( you went to school)= Okul-a Git-di-N Okula gittin mi ? (did you go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-di-N Ma-u ?( You went to school Not-it ?) Dün İstanbul'da kaldım (I stayed in Istanbul yesterday)= Dün İstanbul-da kal-dı-M negative Okula gitmedin ( you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-di-N Bugün hiç birşey yapmadık (We did nothing today) =Bu,gün hiç bir,şey yap-ma-dı-K Beni zaten görmediler (They did not already see me) =Ben-i zaten gör-me-di-Ler 5 .storial past tense (which we did not witness)- (just now or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're not able sure about MUŞ-mak = ~ to inform , (muş=moush) (muşuş=mesaj=message...muştu=müjde=evangel) means... I'm informed about - I realized that- I got it- I learned such - I heard that - so they say...or it seems such (to me) if it's within any question sentence .Do you have any inform about? .do you know..have you heard?.are you aware?. or does it look like this? is used as suffixes= (Mış-miş-muş-müş) positive Okula gitmişsin ( I heard about) you went to school)= Okul-a Git-miş-sen (I'm informed about) You've been to school) Bir hata yapmışım (I realized I made a mistake) = Bir hata Yap-mış-men (Seems that I've made a mistake) negative A. Okula gitmemişsin (I heard that) you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-miş-sen (I learned about) You're not gone to school) B. Okula gitmiş değilsin (I've been informed about) you hadn't gone to school)= Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen (Got it) You haven't been to school. İbrahim bugün okula gitmiş mi? (do you know /have you heard-Did Abraham go to school today?=(İbrahim bugün okul-a git-miş ma-u) 6.Okula varmak üzeresin (You're about to arrive at school) 7.Okula gitmektesin (You're in (process of) going to school) (~ you have been going to school) 8.Okula gitmekteydin (You had been going to school) 9.Okula gitmekteymişsin (I learned that /you had been going to school) 10.Okula gidiyordun (Okula git-e-yor er-di-n) (You were going to school) 11.Okula gidiyormuşsun (Okula git-e-yor er-miş-sen) ( I heard that) You are going to school)(2.I learned you were going to school) 12.Okula gidecektin (Okula git-e-çek erdin) (You would go to school after/then)(2.~I had thought you'll go to school)(3.~You'd said going to go to school) 13.Okula gidecekmişsin (Okula git-e-çek ermişsen) (I heard that) then You'd like to go to school)(2.I learned that you'll go to school) 14.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin) (You used to go to school bf) (2.~you would go to school bf/then) 15.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin) ( I remember you went to school) (2.~I saw you'd been going to school) 16.Okula gitmiştin ( Okula git-miş erdin) ( I know that) you had gone to school) (2.~I had seen you went to school) 17.Okula gitmiş oldun( Okula git-miş ol-du-n) (you have been to school) Bu bir Elma = This is an apple Bu bir Kitap = This is a book Dur-mak=to keep to be present there Durur=it keeps to be present there is used as suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür- or Tır- tir-tur-tür) It's usually used on the correspondences and literary language... (formal) Means within the official speeches =(that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= This is an apple (that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= This is a book (that keeps to be present there) Means within the daily speeches =( I think that or I guess that) (informal) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= (I think) this is an apple Bu bir elma gibi duruyor=Looks like an apple is this Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= (I think) this is a book Bu bir kitap gibi duruyor=Looks like a book is this 18.Okula gidiyordursun =(Guess that) You were going to school /before or after that) 19.Okula gidiyorsundur =(I think that) then you are going to school ) 20.Okula gidecektirim =(Guess that- probably) I'd have going to school /before or after that ) 21.Okula gideceğimdir=(I think that) ~I'm going to go to school )(it's pointless to use about ourself) 21.Okula gideceklerdir=(I think that -probably) they are going to go to school ) 22.Okula gitmiştirler =(Guess that) they had gone to school /before or after that) 23.Okula gitmişlerdir = They have been to school (officially) 23.Okula gitmişlerdir =(Looks like that) they have been to school ) ....(informal) 16..."Okula gitmişlerdi"or"Okula gitmiştiler" =They had gone to school Anlayabilir misin= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er Ma-u-sen? =Not-it-you Get-to-Know to-Understand = Can you understand ? Anlayabilirim= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er-Men = I Get-to-Know-to-Understand =(I've got an inform to understand)= I can understand Anlayamam = Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Men = I doNot-Take-to-Understand = I can not understand Aŋ= moment Aŋı= memory Aŋıla=get via memory (save in memory)
@manuscriptistn47433 жыл бұрын
devam eT
@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
The language of Thoeruk people living on the planet W.. Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion (process) Çün=(chun)=factor Ka=(Qua)= (which) U=(ou)= it's (that) (Ka-u)= Ki=(Qui)=which that (Çün-ka-u)=(factor-which-that) =Çünki =(c'est-pour-quoi)=(that's why))=(therefore)= Because U-Çün = that Factor İçün=it's for= için=for Gel-mek için = for coming =(it's factor to the process of coming) Görmek için= for seeing Gitmek için= for going for deriving new adjectives from verbs A/e=to ...A/e U-Çün =It's Factor To .. suffixes..(Icı-ici-ucu-ücü) (the pronunciation is like~yuji) (geç-e-u-çün) =it has the factor to pass =Geçici = transient /temporary (uç-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to fly = Uçucu = volatile (kal-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to stay = Kalıcı = permanent (yan-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to burn out = Yanıcı = flammable (yanıcı madde=flammable material) (bağla-y-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to biind/connect = Bağlayıcı = binding/connective for deriving new adjectives from nouns and adjectives suffixes.. (Cı-ci-cu-cü) or (Çı-çi-çu-çü) Yaban-cı = foreign-er İş-çi= work-er kapıcı=doorman demirci=ironsmith gemici=sailor denizci=seaman for deriving adjectives from the numbers U-Ne-Çün =that-what-factor suffixes..(Ncı-ncu-nci-ncü) (Bir-u-ne-çün)=Birinci= first (initial) (İki-u-ne-çün)= İkinci= second (Üç-u-ne-çün)= Üçüncü=third (Yüz-u-ne-çün)=Yüzüncü=hundredth (Mu)=Bu= this (Tsu)=Şu= that (ts=~th)=θ (Hou)=(Ou)=O= it (he /she) (Al)-/El=(bearer) /carrier (Iz)- iz= S (plural suffix for doubling) Der/Dar=(der)= diger= other ...(dar)=(nearest to the other) (Ler/Lar= plural suffixes) (ɜ:ne)=Eun= Ön= (fore- first) =~uno- one (ilk) önce=~firstly) (öncesi=~before) (öncü=pioneer) (Kendi= own)=(Ka-eun-de-u= which's it at fore-which one at first) (ɜ:z=Öz= self ) (kendisi=oneself) (This one)= Mu-eun= (Men)= Ben= Me (That one)= Tsu-eun= (Tsıen)/thien= Sen= You (These ones)= Mu-eun-iz=(miŋiz)=Biz = We (Those ones)=Tsu-eun-iz=(siŋiz)= Siz =You (Plural) Hou-al=Ol =O= it (he /she) El=someone else (El-der)= Eller= other people (someones) Hou-al-dar= (Ouldar) =Onlar (The bearer and other-s nearest to it/him) Hou-eun-dar= (Ondar)=Onlar= They Dayı=(maternal) uncle Dayım=my uncle Dayımlar=my uncle and other ones closest to him=(~my uncle and his family) or (~my uncle and his close friends) Dayılarım=my uncles ikiz=(two similar ones) =twin ikiler =two and other dual ones üçüz=(three similar ones)=triplet üçler = three and other triple ones Men-ning=Meniŋ=Benim=My Sen-ning=Seniŋ=Senin=Your Ou-al-ning=Olniŋ=Onun=his/her/its Miŋiz-ning=Bizniŋ=Bizim=our Siŋiz-ning=Sizniŋ=Sizin=your (Plural) Ou-al-dar-ning=Oldarnıŋ=Onların=their Ka=(Qua)= which U=(ou)= it's (that) Ka-u=Ki=(Qui)=which that (Meniŋ-ka-u):=which that my...= benimki=mine (Seniŋ-ka-u):=which that your = seninki=yours (Olniŋ-ka-u):=which that his/her/its= onunki= his/hers/its Annemin pişirdiği tavuk çorbası =(Anne-m-niŋ Biş-dir-di-ka-u Tavğuk Şorba-tsu)= the chicken soup which (that of) my mom cook-ed... Babanın gitqen şehir = (Baba-n-nıŋ Git-ka-eun Şehir) = The city which (one of) your father goes Arkadaşımdan bana gelğen mektubu okudum= (Arkadaş-ım-dan baŋ-a (gel-ka-eun) mektup-u oku-du-m)= I've read the-letter (which-one-comes) from my friend to me Sen eve giderken = (Sen Ev-e Git-e-er u-ka-en) = (that-which-time You get-to-Go to-Home)= While you go home Seni gördüğüm yer = (Sen-u Gör-dü-ka-u-m yer) = (which-that-place (of) I Saw (that) You) = Where I saw you İşe başlayacağı gün= iş-e başla-y'a-çak-ka-u gün (.Ki o gün işe başlayacak)=(which) the day s/he's gonna start to work Ben dükkana anca varmışken=Ben dükkan-a an-ça var-mış-u-ka-en=when I've just arrived at the shop
@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
The names of some organs in our body In turkish.. Ak= ~each one of both Yan= side Yan-ak= each of both sides=Yanak=the cheek Kül-ak = each of both roses=Kulak= the ear Şak-ak=şakak Tut-ak=dudak=the lip Dal-ak=dalak=the spleen Böbür-ak=böbrek=the kidney Paça-ak=bacak= the leg Paytı-ak=(phathiack)fatyak..hadyak...adyak..=Ayak= the foot Taş-....= Her iki-ciğer...=Akciğer=the lung Tül-karn-ak =the covering of each one of both (dark-covert) periods= her iki karanlık çağı örten (tül). Zu'l-karn-eyn=the owner of each one of both time (periods) Dhu'al-chorn-ein=two horned one=Herne the hunter= Cernunnos
@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
Ka=(Qua)= which U=(ou)= it's (that) Ka-u=Ki=(Qui)=which that An (en) = time (moment) Da/de Ta/te = at (in/on it) Ne=what Ça/çe ...Ca/ce= as Yaptığı zaman= (Yap-tı-ka-u zaman)= which-that-time s/he do-ed = that when s/he did it Yaptığında= (Yap-tı-ka-u-an-da)= at-which-that-moment s/he do-ed = at while s/he did= when did s/he do it Yapacağı zaman= yap-a-çak-ka-u zaman (...Ki o zaman yapacak)=that when will s/he do it Gideceği sırada= git-e-çek-ka-u sırada (...Ki o esnada gidecek..)= that when s/he would be going Yaptıkça = yap-tı-ka-çe= how many (in that time) have s/he done=(whenever s/he kept to do) = as s/he does it (in each time) Yaptığınca=yap-tı-ka-u-ne-çe= how much (in that time) have s/he done= as much as s/he does it Yapınca=yap-u-an-ça= by that moment which s/he does= when s/he does it Yapıyorken=yap-ı-yor u-ka-en=that-which-time s/he tries to do= while s/he is doing it Yaparken=yap-a-var u-ka-en=that-which-time s/he gets to do= while s/he does it
@h_hande40846 жыл бұрын
Türküm ve izleyerek kafa buluyorum sjsjs
@dominiquelaurafreire66722 жыл бұрын
@dinara17104 жыл бұрын
Teşekkürler, çok ilginç
@tannazkhoshahval22196 жыл бұрын
teşekkür ederim çok yararlı bir video
@AboveTHATUSA6 жыл бұрын
Hocam ben turkum zaten turkceyi biliyorum ankarada yasiyorum bi ingilizceyi nerden ogrenebilirim ogretiyormusunuz
@Z.h.S.B.4 жыл бұрын
Bir application var adı duolingo bide lingodeer ve memrise var Bunu deneyebilirsiniz Ayrıca KZbin'da İngilizce öğrenmek için videolar arayabilirsiniz eminim bulabilirsiniz Hatalarım için özür dilerim Türk değilim Hatalarım için özür dilerim Türk değilim çünkü
@BatuBey.3 жыл бұрын
@@Z.h.S.B. You're doing great :) All your saying is understandable don't worry gj. I hope you succeeded in learning dude.
@lychee88602 жыл бұрын
Oydem kurumlarına git sadece odtü mezunlarını çalıştırıyorlar
@AboveTHATUSA2 жыл бұрын
bu yorumu 3 yıl önce yazmışım güncelleme : Pandemi sırasında ben ingilizceyi öğrendim ve öğrenmeye devam ediyorum. intermediate orta seviyeyim. Discord kanalları sayesinde insanlarla konuşa konuşa ve polyglot denilen insanları izleye izleye (altyazıyı okuyorum o sırada tabi) izleye izleye öğrendim :) örneğin orada zenci bir adam var (ırkçı değilim örnek veriyorum) bir anda ingilizce konuşurken çince konuşuyor japonca konuşuyor ve karşısındakini şaşırtıyor ve güzel anılar ortaya çıkıyor.. bu sayede o hissiyat ile beraber sanki orada doğmuş bir insanmış gibi dili öğreniyorsunuz :) discord sayesinde bir çok insanla tanıştım.. bazı hikayeler duydum newjersey e zamanında birisi gitmiş 30-40 yıldır orada yaşıyor ve türk mahallelerinde yaşaya yaşaya hiç bir gram ingilizce öğrenmemiş. sürekli türklerle takıla takıla* ve bundan benim çıkardığım : ÇEVRE ve Ortam sizi etkiliyor. dil öğrenimi sürecine devam ederken telefonunuzu googleyi youtubeyi her şeyi ingilizce yapın öğrenmek için*** :) türkiye olmanız veya amerikada olmanız ingilizceyi öğrenmemek için bir engel teşkil etmiyor. önemli olan istemeniz ve öğrenmeniz.. şu an 18 yaşımdayım :) bu yukarıdaki yorumu yazdığımda 15 yaşımdaydım.. ingilizce hello play vs. basit kelimeleri biliyordum cümle kuramıyordum how are you bile diyemiyordum şimdi elin norveçlisiyle hollandalısıyla amerikalısıyla bir çok milletten insanla konuşup anlaşabiliyorum hala kelime haznem az ama az kelime haznem ile o conversation = konuşmayı iyi döndürebiliyorum :) JUST DO IT step up! go ahead buddy you will achieve it i believe you don't try to find a reason to study. just start to study you will figure out you will find a way :) Thank You, Remzi Mete a younger guy who's 18 and trying to build his life and to make better
@Niko-Bellic.lifeinvader Жыл бұрын
@@AboveTHATUSA laoshu50500 hakkında konuşuyorsun dimi adam çok güzeldi
@gitarphgcustom2243 жыл бұрын
I must slow it down to 0.5x to read the english subt first🤩
@nagwaluula78355 жыл бұрын
Wow helpfull video.👍👍
@TurkishClass1016 жыл бұрын
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@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
21+ tenses in turkish language... Anatolian Turkish.verb conjugations A= To (toward)(~for) (for the thick voiced words) E= To (toward)(~for) (for the subtle voiced words) Okul=School U=(ou)=it= (it's that)=(it's about ) Git=Go (verb root) Mak/Mek (emek)=exertion /process Git-mek=(verb)= to Go (get-mek =to get there now on ) Gel-mek= to Come Gör-mek= to See 1 .present continuous tense (now or soon, right now or later, currently or nowadays) it's used to explain the current actions or planned events (for the specified times) YOR-mak =to tire (~go over it) (~ to try , to deal with this) (for the subtle and thick voiced words) A/e Yormak= to try only mentally (to arrive at a non-final conclusion) I/i/u/ü Yormak=to try both physical and mental about (to arrive wholly on it) is used as suffix="Yor" (iəʊr) positive. Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-yor-u-sen ( School-to Go-to-try it's-you) (You try-to-Go to school) Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-men ( Home-at-then /try-to-come-I-am) (from home I try to come) negative A)..Ma= Not B)...Değil= it's not (equivalent) examples A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you are not going to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-i-yor-u--sen (School-to go-Not-it-try that-you) -(You that try-it's-not-Go to school) B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you are not going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen (You aren't try(ing)-to-Go to school) Question sentence: Ma-u =Not-it =(is) Not it? is used as....suffixes ="Mı-Mi-Mu-Mü " Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school?)= Okul-a Ma-u Git-i-yor-u-sen ? ( To-school Not-it You-try-to-go ?)(~Towards the school or somewhere else are you going ?) Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do You go to school?)= Okul-a Git-i-yor Ma-u -sen ? ( To school Try-to-go Not-it-you?) (~Are you going or not going towards the school ?) Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ? (~Are you the one going to school ?) 2 .present simple tense ( it's used to explain our own thoughts about the topic) (everytime, always or never ,at all, often,rarely, any time or sometimes, now on, soon or afterwards, so it's possible of course inshallah) In the question sentences it's means: what do you think about this?, is not it so positive VAR-mak =~ to arrive (at) ...(to attain).....(for the thick voiced words) is used as....suffixes ="ar-ır-ur" ER-mek=~ to get (at) ...(to reach).....(for the subtle voiced words) is used as....suffixes ="er-ir-ür" examples Okula gidersin ( you go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen (You get-to-Go to school) Arabaya Biner (s/he gets in the car) =Araba-y-a Bin-e-er (s/he gets-to-ride to car) Kuşlar gökyüzünde uçar ( the birds fly in the sky )=Kuş.lar gökyüzü.n-de uç-a-var ( the birds arrive at flying in sky) Gece olduğunda uyursun ( You sleep when it's night)= Gece ol-du-ka-u-an-da uyu,y-a-var-sen (You arrive in asleep at that which time it became night) Bunu görebilirler = (they can see this) = Bu-ne-u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =(They-get-to-Know-to-See what's-This) =They've got inform to see this negative Bas-mak =to dwell on, (~ to press onto/into) (~to pass over) (for the thick voiced words) Ez-mek = to crush (~ to press down) (~to compress) (for the subtle voiced words) Ma= Not Ma-bas=(No pass)=na-pas=(not to dwell on)=(to give up)=(vaz geç-mek) (in the thick voiced words) suffix ="MAZ" Ma-ez= (No crush) =(do/es-not)=(to skip)=(es geç-mek) (in the subtle voiced words) is used as suffix ="MEZ" example Okula gitmezsin ( you don't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-ez-sen (You no-crush--Go to school)=( you skip of going to school) O bunu yapmaz (s/he doesn't do this) = Bunu yap-ma-bas ( s/he no-pass--Do this)=(s/he gives up doing this) Niçün şuna bakmazsınız = (why don't you look at that )=Ne-u-çün şu-n'a bak-ma-bas-sen-iz (2. plural)= what-that-factor at that you give up looking 3.simple future tense (soon or later) it's used to explain the events we thought that will happen Çak-mak =~to fasten ~to tack (for the thick voiced words) Çek-mek=~to attract , ~to will, ~to bring beside, ~to take (for the subtle voiced words) suffixes= ("CAK"-djäk) - ("CEK" -djek) positive.. Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen (~You bring (it in the mind)-to-Go to school) (~Attracts-you -to-Go to school) Ali Okula gidecek ( Ali is going to go to school)= Ali Okul-a Git-e-çek (~Ali takes (it in the mind)-to-Go to school) negative A. Okula gitmeyeceksin ( you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-e-çek-sen (You will-not-to-Go to school) B. Okula gidecek değilsin (the one is not you to go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen (it's not you take-to-Go to school) 4 . simple past tense (currently or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're sure about Di = now on (anymore) Di-mek(demek) = ~ to deem , ~ to mean, ~ to think this way is used as...suffixes=.(Dı-di-du-dü) positive Okula gittin ( you went to school)= Okul-a Git-di-N Okula gittin mi ? (did you go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-di-N Ma-u ?( You went to school Not-it ?) Dün İstanbul'da kaldım (I stayed in Istanbul yesterday)= Dün İstanbul-da kal-dı-M negative Okula gitmedin ( you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-di-N Bugün hiç birşey yapmadık (We did nothing today) =Bu,gün hiç bir,şey yap-ma-dı-K Beni zaten görmediler (They did not already see me) =Ben-i zaten gör-me-di-Ler 5 .storial past tense (which we did not witness)- (just now or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're not able sure about MUŞ-mak = ~ to inform , (muş=moush) (muşuş=mesaj=message...muştu=müjde=evangel) means... I'm informed about - I realized that- I got it- I learned such - I heard that - so they say...or it seems such (to me) if it's within any question sentence .Do you have any inform about? .do you know..have you heard?.are you aware?. or does it look like this? is used as suffixes= (Mış-miş-muş-müş) positive Okula gitmişsin ( I heard about) you went to school)= Okul-a Git-miş-sen (I'm informed about) You've been to school) Bir hata yapmışım (I realized I made a mistake) = Bir hata Yap-mış-men (Seems that I've made a mistake) negative A. Okula gitmemişsin (I heard that) you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-miş-sen (I learned about) You're not gone to school) B. Okula gitmiş değilsin (I've been informed about) you hadn't gone to school)= Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen (Got it) You haven't been to school. İbrahim bugün okula gitmiş mi? (do you know /have you heard-Did Abraham go to school today?=(İbrahim bugün okul-a git-miş ma-u) 6.Okula varmak üzeresin (You're about to arrive at school) 7.Okula gitmektesin (You're in (process of) going to school) (~ you have been going to school) 8.Okula gitmekteydin (You had been going to school) 9.Okula gitmekteymişsin (I learned that /you had been going to school) 10.Okula gidiyordun (Okula git-e-yor er-di-n) (You were going to school) 11.Okula gidiyormuşsun (Okula git-e-yor er-miş-sen) ( I heard that) You are going to school)(2.I learned you were going to school) 12.Okula gidecektin (Okula git-e-çek erdin) (You would go to school after/then)(2.~I had thought you'll go to school)(3.~You'd said going to go to school) 13.Okula gidecekmişsin (Okula git-e-çek ermişsen) (I heard that) then You'd like to go to school)(2.I learned that you'll go to school) 14.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin) (You used to go to school bf) (2.~you would go to school bf/then) 15.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin) ( I remember you went to school) (2.~I saw you'd been going to school) 16.Okula gitmiştin ( Okula git-miş erdin) ( I know that) you had gone to school) (2.~I had seen you went to school) 17.Okula gitmiş oldun( Okula git-miş ol-du-n) (you have been to school) Bu bir Elma = This is an apple Bu bir Kitap = This is a book Dur-mak=to keep to be present there Durur=it keeps to be present there is used as suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür- or Tır- tir-tur-tür) It's usually used on the correspondences and literary language... (formal) Means within the official speeches =(that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= This is an apple (that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= This is a book (that keeps to be present there) Means within the daily speeches =( I think that or I guess that) (informal) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= (I think) this is an apple Bu bir elma gibi duruyor=Looks like an apple is this Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= (I think) this is a book Bu bir kitap gibi duruyor=Looks like a book is this 18.Okula gidiyordursun =(Guess that) You were going to school /before or after that) 19.Okula gidiyorsundur =(I think that) then you are going to school ) 20.Okula gidecektirim =(Guess that- probably) I'd have going to school /before or after that ) 21.Okula gideceğimdir=(I think that) ~I'm going to go to school )(it's pointless to use about ourself) 21.Okula gideceklerdir=(I think that -probably) they are going to go to school ) 22.Okula gitmiştirler =(Guess that) they had gone to school /before or after that) 23.Okula gitmişlerdir = They have been to school (officially) 23.Okula gitmişlerdir =(Looks like that) they have been to school ) ....(informal) 16..."Okula gitmişlerdi"or"Okula gitmiştiler" =They had gone to school Anlayabilir misin= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er Ma-u-sen? =Not-it-you Get-to-Know to-Understand = Can you understand ? Anlayabilirim= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er-Men = I Get-to-Know-to-Understand =(I've got an inform to understand)= I can understand Anlayamam = Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Men = I doNot-Take-to-Understand = I can not understand Aŋ= moment Aŋı= memory Aŋıla=get via memory (save in memory)
@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
Ancient turkish language.. (Ou)=U=( it's - that) (Mã-u)=(Mu)=Bu= this (Thã-u)=(Tsu)=Şu= that (şu=~xiou) ..(ts=~th)=θ (Hã-u)=(Hou)=O= it (he /she) (Al /El)=(bearer/carrier) (Iz- uz) = S (plural suffix for doubling) Der/Dar=(der)= diger= other ...(dar)=(nearest to the other) (Ler/Lar= plural suffixes) (ɜ:ne)=Eun= Ön= (fore/first) = uno/ one (ön,ce=~first,ly)-(öncesi=~before)-(öncü=pioneer) (Kendi= own)=(Ka-eun-de-u= which's at fore/which one at first) (ɜ:z=euz=Öz= self) (kendisi=own self/ oneself) (This one)= Mu-eun= (Men)= Ben= Me (That one)= Tsu-eun= (xien/thien)= Sen= You (These ones)= Mu-eun-iz=(miŋiz)=Biz = We (Those ones)=Tsu-eun-iz=(siŋiz)= Siz =You (Plural) Ou-al=Ol =O= it (he /she) El=someone else (bearer / hand) (El-der)= Eller= other people (different persons) Ou-al-dar= (Ouldar) =Onlar (The bearer and other-s nearest to it/him) Ou-eun-dar= (Ondar)=Onlar= They Dayı=(maternal) uncle Dayım=my uncle Dayımlar=my uncle and other ones closest to him=(~my uncle and his family) or (~my uncle and his close friends) Dayılarım=my uncles ikiz=(two similar ones) =twin ikiler =two and other dual ones üçüz=(three similar ones)=triplet üçler = three and other triple ones Men-niŋ=Meniŋ=Benim=My Sen-niŋ=Seniŋ=Senin=Your Ou-al-niŋ=Olniŋ=Onun=his/her/its Miŋiz-niŋ=Bizniŋ=Bizim=our Siŋiz-niŋ=Sizniŋ=Sizin=your (Plural) Ou-al-dar-niŋ=Oldarnıŋ=Onların=their Annemin pişirdiği tavuk çorbası =(Anne-m-niŋ Biş-dir-di-ka-u Tavğuk Şorba-tsu)= the chicken soup which (that belong) my mom cook-ed... Babanın gitqen şehir = (Baba-n-nıŋ Git-ka-eun Şehir) = The city which (one of) your father goes Arkadaşımdan bana gelğen mektubu okudum= (Arkadaş-ım-dan baŋ-a (gel-ka-eun) mektup-u oku-du-m)= I've read the-letter (which-one-comes) from my friend to me Sen eve giderken = (Sen Ev-e Git-e-er u-ka-en) = (that-which-time You get-to-Go to-Home)= While you go home Seni gördüğüm yer = (Sen-u Gör-dü-ka-u-m yer) = (which-that-place (belong) I Saw (that) You) = Where I saw you İşe başlayacağı gün= iş-e başla-y'a-çak-ka-u gün (.Ki o gün işe başlayacak)=(which) the day s/he's gonna start to work
@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
Question words in turkish .. (Mu)=Bu= this (Tsu)=Şu= that...(ts=~th))=θ (peltek S) Ka=(Qua)= (which) U=(ou)= it (that) (Ka-u)= Ki=(Qui)=which that Ne = what (Ça -çe)(Ca-ce)= As An (en) = time (moment) Dem= time (demurrage) Vakit= (time) while Saat=hour (Tsu-dem-an)=(the-time-moment)=- Zaman =the time (Dem-u-en)= Demin= Just now Di= now on (Tsu-dem-di)= Şimdi=(the-time-new on)= now Tsu-an=Şu an= this moment (now) Tsu-an-da =Şu anda= right now (currently)(at present) Hal= situation (status) Hal-en =Halen= currently Hala= still Henüz=yet Hazır=ready Hal-i hazır-da=hali hazırda= at present Hem-di =emdi=imdi=Now on Hem-an =Hemen=(all the same-as moment)(exactly the same time)=in no time (Hem-ma)=not exactly the same ...(amma) Ama= but (An-ça)= Anca =as moment= (just) for now (An-ça-ka-u)= Ancak =here now just this=(just this for now)=all but=( but just this ? ) Denk=(deng)=equal Denge=balance (equilibrium) ....(deŋer)=değer=value Dar= nearest to the other- (narrow) Dara=specific weight (Ka-dara)= which specific weight.. (Ka-değer)= which value.. (Ka-dar)= which proximate Kader=~potential (measure) Kadar=extent (Ka-u)=Ki=(Qui)=which that=(it's so)= so that (Ki-mu)=Kim=(which that so this)= Who (ki-mu=kimi=gibi=like) Ki-mu-tsu-ne=(kimesne)= kimse=any one (whosoever) (U-çün)= İçün=için= (that factor..)(because)= For.. (that's for) (Ne-u-çün)=Niçün=Niçin=(what-that-factor)= Why.. (what-for) Ne-ğe = Neye=(what to) what-where toward = ~for what Ne-u-ğe=Niye =(what that to )= Why (Çün-ka-u) =Çünki =(c'est-pour-quoi)=(that's why))=(therefore)= Because Ne-çe = Nece=How.. (like what) (as what) (Ne-u-çe) = Nice=what as that= how long... (how too much) (Ka-u-ne-çe)=qınça= how much that (Ka-çe)=kaç..=how many.. O Bunu Yaptığınca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-u-ne-çe= (how much (in that time) s/he did this)=as much as s/he does this O Bunu Yaptıkca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-çe= how many (in that time) s/he did this=as s/he does this (in each time) (Ka-ne-çe)=Kança ............(Ka-çe)=Kaç........ =How many (as a numerical quantity) (Ne-ka-dar)= Ne kadar =(what extent)= what-which-nearest= How much (as the attribute) Ne-ğe ka-dar= Neye kadar =what which closest to Ne-yir-ğe ka-dar=Nereye kadar =where which nearest to =where up to Ne zaman=When ......Ka-çe-an= Haçan= when.... Ne vakit= when Ne zamana kadar=(when which nearest to)= when up to Ne-yir-e-denk = Nereye dek=(where equal to)= where till Ne-yir-e denk-u-en= Nereye değin=(then where equal to)= where until Ne-zaman-a denk-u-en= Ne zamana değin=(when-equal-to-then)= when until (Ka-en)= Ken=which time=~(When) (U-ka-en)= İken = (that-which-time)=when it's (that when...) (Ka-ne-u) =Hani =which what so Ka-u-tsu= Kaysı.... Ka-ne-tsu=Hansı..... (Ka-ne-ki) = Hangi =which Ka-ne-ki-tsu=Hangisi=which one that Ka-yir= which place.... Ne-yir= what place Ka-yir-de= Kayda=harda= where.......Ne-yir-de= Nerde=nerede= where Ka-ile-u=Kalay....Ne-u-ile=Neyle....Ka-ne-deng =kanday........Ne-asıl=Nasıl= How Ne-de-en=Neden=thereat what (then at what reason)= why Ne-yir-de-en=Nereden (nerden)=thereat where =(1.where from)=(2.under what condition)=when- where and how Da-en=(Dan-Den) =from (at.. then) (than) (thereat)
@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion (process) Çün=(chun)=factor Ka=(Qua)= (which) U=(ou)= it's (that) (Ka-u)= Ki=(Qui)=which that (Çün-ka-u)=(factor-which-that) =Çünki =(c'est-pour-quoi)=(that's why))=(therefore)= Because U-Çün = that Factor İçün=it's for= için=for Gel-mek için = for coming =(it's factor to the process of coming) Görmek için= for seeing Gitmek için= for going for deriving new adjectives from verbs A/e = to ...A/e U-Çün =It's Factor To .. suffixes..(Icı-ici-ucu-ücü) (geç-e-u-çün) =it has the factor to pass =Geçici = transient /temporary (uç-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to fly = Uçucu = volatile (kal-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to stay = Kalıcı = permanent (yan-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to burn out = Yanıcı = flammable (yanıcı madde=flammable material) (bağla-y-a-u-çün) =it has the factor to biind/connect = Bağlayıcı = binding/connective for deriving new adjectives from nouns and adjectives suffixes.. (Cı-ci-cu-cü) or (Çı-çi-çu-çü) Yaban-cı = foreign-er (outsider) İş-çi= work-er kapıcı=doorman demirci=ironsmith gemici=sailor denizci=seaman for deriving adjectives from the numbers U-Ne-Çün =that-what-factor suffixes..(Ncı-ncu-nci-ncü) (Bir-u-ne-çün)=Birinci= first (initial) (İki-u-ne-çün)= İkinci= second (Üç-u-ne-çün)= Üçüncü=third (Yüz-u-ne-çün)=Yüzüncü=hundredth
@Abeturk3 жыл бұрын
(LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=it's got) LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ekleridir... (Have)(~With) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri sahip olmama ekleridir... (Have no)( ~without) (...less) O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) woman has two children Çocuksuz adam = (which) man has no child Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= it has no sugar = (without sugar) = sugar free Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (git-mek-li-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (gitmek-in gerek-li) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (gitmek-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go Ankaralısınız (Ankara-lı-sen-iz)=( you have Ankara) = you're from Ankara (LAK-LEK) (alak=which thing to have need- what to get) LIk- Lik-Luk-Lük ekleri gereklilik ve gereksinim ekleridir... Which thing(what) is requested or required for.... Which dress is requested or required for the summer= Yazlık elbise= the dress for summer=(summer dress) Which handkerchief is requested or required for single use =Tek kullanımlık mendil= The disposable wipe Which work is requested or required for one hour= Bir saatlik iş =a work for one hour = one hour work (man hour) Which thing is requested or required FOR EYE= Göz-lük =Gözlük= Eyeglasses Which thing is requested or required FOR EAR= Kulak-lık =Kulaklık= Headphone Which thing(what) is requested or required for getting.. Which thing(what) is requested or required for having.. Which thing(what) is requested or required for being.. Kötü=bad Which thing(what) is requested or required for getting BAD.=Kötülük=badness Karar=decision/judgment Kararlı=determined (this has a decision/judgment) Kararlılık=determination/decisiveness/stability (Which thing(what) is requested or required for getting determined or for having a decision)
@nehicy5 жыл бұрын
“Hıangi daiyreye bakacaklağr” diyo resmen QŞWNSŞSMSLDNDLDMDLDMWİM 1:24
@nanaa57395 жыл бұрын
Good job!
@martjenk3 жыл бұрын
Çok iyi ancak 5:30'da kahküller "bangs" anlamı değil aslında kahküller '"fringe" demek.
@abdirahmanfiqi34995 жыл бұрын
Ne güzel derse
@gullldubusra6 жыл бұрын
If anyone wanna learn turkısh or english or korean so I can help you guys ! Türkçe , ingilizce ,korece öğrenmek isteyen varsa yardımcı olabilirim :)
@xychen90286 жыл бұрын
Büşra Güldü where are you
@xychen90286 жыл бұрын
Büşra Güldü do you have WeChat
@gullldubusra6 жыл бұрын
RazuN Instagram var ordan ulasabilirsiniz = busragulldu
@gullldubusra6 жыл бұрын
Xy Chen Hey I am here
@gullldubusra6 жыл бұрын
Xy Add me on instagram = busragulldu
@ilo15356 жыл бұрын
Olm çok komik lan cplcsşvldlvlsşvlspc
@ozencgencmert4 жыл бұрын
Türkçeyi unuttum teşekkürler
@ismimyok77824 жыл бұрын
seslendiren yunus emre gündüz değil mi?
@KamilBayrak924 жыл бұрын
Kahhkül ne ya 😂 seslendiren arkadaşlar nereli merak ettim.
@manuscriptistn47433 жыл бұрын
@ghulammohamadsalem44276 жыл бұрын
They are talking very fast that one can not pick up!
@burakgenc67284 жыл бұрын
set to video speed 0.75x or 0.5x
@minatochannel9344 жыл бұрын
If you can't understand this it simply means that your Turkish listening is not at intermediate level up till now!
@vornamenachname16284 жыл бұрын
I am native turkish speaker why im here
@purpleplum4158 Жыл бұрын
aynisi bende sorguluyorum
@elnaznazari43935 жыл бұрын
@bileltayar76244 жыл бұрын
Neden Turkler bu kadar hızlıca konuşuyorlar ?
@yagmur02584 жыл бұрын
Actually turkish people are some different, you should come turkey to understand what i mean, they dont speak turkish carefully so maybe you are better than they. lol
@sametozkurt49684 жыл бұрын
@thenar58894 жыл бұрын
Bunlar çok kolay. Bunu da anlamayan Türkçe öğrenmesin zaten.
@theyo47164 жыл бұрын
This is the worst language lesson I ever saw on the net
@eduvisionary4 жыл бұрын
and yours is the least helpful comment that I've seen on the net. If you can figure out why, then you can also be more helpful in your comment.
@minatochannel9344 жыл бұрын
This is not a language lesson, Its just a listening practise so that you can test yourself out!