The BEST Multiband HF Antenna for Limited Spaces! 👉
@n3jw342 жыл бұрын
This is a terrific video to me, Hayden, as I have an immediate need for a shortened EFHW for 80-10M! Really appreciate your labors in experimentation and the detail included. I use an ATU, so super low SWR not an issue. Looking forward to more on this subject from HRDX. Mike, N3JW, FL USA
@DrSergeyKibalnikov3 ай бұрын
Антенны с концевым питанием • Популярны из-за компактных ферритовых сердечников • Легкие согласующие системы и простота установки Описание антенны VK4YE • Длина 25 м, работает на 80, 40, 20, 15 и 10 м • Нагрузочная катушка емкостью 70 МКГ для отключения хвостовой части на 40 м • Длина антенны 20,2 м, резонанс на 7,1 МГц Компромиссы и ограничения • Ограничение полосы пропускания на 80 м до 80 кГц • Сокращение времени передачи и приема на 1,5 с • Отсутствие ограничений на 40-10 м Радиочастотный трансформатор • Ферритовый сердечник FT240-43, соотношение витков 2:13 • Преобразование импеданса 50 Ом до 2,1 Ком • Пиковое напряжение более 600 В при мощности 100 Вт Проблемы с КСВ • Антенны с конечным питанием требуют противовеса • Использование CMC для предотвращения перегрева Установка антенны • Наклонная установка, высокая опора • 4-метровый кабель от согласующего устройства до CMC Детали конструкции • Использование Jaycar coretype L01238 для мощности до 100 Вт • FT240-43 для высокой мощности • Соотношение витков 2:13, обмотка тефлоновой лентой Изготовление трансформатора • Отрезание 1 м эмалированного провода, создание бифилярных витков • Использование метода перекрестной намотки Reisert • Компенсация индуктивного сопротивления с помощью конденсатора Изготовление загрузочной катушки • Использование ПВХ трубопровода и эмалированной проволоки • Покрытие термоусадочными трубками для защиты Антенный провод • Строительный провод толщиной 2,5 мм • Длина от согласующего устройства до катушки 20,9 м, после катушки 4,2 м Закрепление кабеля и регулировка резонанса • Для закрепления 80-метрового кабеля на изоляторе и регулировки резонанса необходим дополнительный провод. • В блоке необходимо предусмотреть снятие напряжения. • Черный УФ-стабилизированный полиэтиленовый изолятор подходит для крепления антенного провода. Определение резонансной точки • Оставьте дополнительный провод для экспериментального определения 40-метрового резонанса. • При достижении наименьшего значения КСВ на частоте 7,1 МГц подключите разъем к проводу и антенному разъему блока радиочастотного согласования. • Резонансная точка в более высоких диапазонах определяется резонансом 40 м. Использование антенного анализатора • Антенный анализатор удобен для настройки антенны. • Rig ExpertAA54 отображает КСВ-отклик на графике, что позволяет быстро определить резонансную точку и полосу пропускания каждого диапазона. • Для простых инструментов можно использовать aradio и чувствительный КСВ-измеритель. Синфазный дроссель • Последний компонент системы - синфазный дроссель. • Ферритовый сердечник Jaycar LO1234 используется для создания эффективного дросселя. • Коаксиальный кабель RG58, пропущенный через 8 ядер 5 раз, устраняет обратную передачу радиосигнала. • Для CMC мощностью 100 Вт можно использовать четыре тороида по 2 ядра с каждой стороны. Установка CMC • Если CMC устанавливается за пределами радиорубки, к радиотрансформатору должен быть подведен коаксиальный кабель длиной не менее 4 м. Резюме • Тип антенны: концевая подача длиной 25,1 м с загрузочной катушкой емкостью 70 г. • Группы: 80м, 40м, 20м, 15м, 10м, 17 м. • Номинальная мощность: необработанный SSB PEP мощностью 400 Вт, PEP мощностью 100 Вт. • Загрузочная катушка: 120 витков эмалированной проволоки толщиной 1 мм на корпусе из ПВХ диаметром 25 мм. • Радиочастотный трансформатор: сердечник FT240-43, соотношение витков 2:13, компенсационный конденсатор емкостью 90 Пф на основной обмотке. • 5 витков коаксиального кабеля RG58 через 4 ферритовых сердечника LO1234.
@TheNoCodeTech2 жыл бұрын
Great video man. I use a 49:1 EFHW On the rare occasions I get on HF. Quite educational and entertaining. Thanks.
@HamRadioDX2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@WoodyPhillips Жыл бұрын
Built 2 of these (gave one away to a new ham). Works great!
@daveh7720 Жыл бұрын
Great presentation! I'm looking for ideas for a packable antenna for portable use, and this might be a contender. One suggestion on the egg insulators at 4:01 though: those are designed so the rope and wire are meant to thread through the hole at the far end. That way the loops themselves will still be intertwined and support the antenna if the insulator breaks. It also means the weight of the antenna is compressing the insulator instead of trying to stretch it, so it'll be stronger. Not a big issue for a lightweight wire antenna and ceramic insulators, but for plastic or 3D printed insulators it can make a difference.
@tomon7dc2252 жыл бұрын
Nice explanation. Thanks, you give me more idea's to experiment with EFHW.... I'm trying to make a vertical EFHW for 20M.... first test show workable on 20, 10 and even 6m.... have to fine-tune and the check again.... Next: an 80M.... but in a zigzag pattern.
@K6TJO2 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see a video of the techniques used measure the loss of the transformer. Other YT videos seem to indicate fairly significant losses can be mitigated with varying winding pattern and using high quality capacitor
@K5ATA Жыл бұрын
Great video... Basically, I just want to say thanks for sharing!
@HamRadioDX Жыл бұрын
Thanks Steve! I appreciate it mate
@AvocaSingleTrack2 жыл бұрын
Great video Hayden. You should make a similar video on Fan Dipoles . I racked my brain for 3 days with mine. It was always 20 and 10m that were the problem, even though i had physical elements for 20 and 10 , in additional to full elements for 80 and 40 . No luck, thing would just not tune 20 or 10 . I ended up adding to the 20m wires and med it 30m which tuned. Got 80, 40 and 30 , nothing else below 2:1 . I never remember having such probs with fan dipoles when i ran then years back...
@n3jw342 жыл бұрын
And I just became one of your Patrons. An old guy now, labor limited. Hope you'll consider some way to package this as a kit when in final version, to sell. Maybe have a third party handle the heavy stuff? (Amazon, etc.)
@DonzLockz Жыл бұрын
I seen an older video recently where Steve Ellington said to use a capacitor in the middle of the antenna wire to get better VSWR on 20 and up. Have you heard of that Hayden?
@8thspirit2 жыл бұрын
Good 49:1 makes life ez. Thanks for content.
@chilskater2 жыл бұрын
I have 2" diameter of PVC pipe and 2.5mm insulated many turn i need for 80m band?
@multilecful2 жыл бұрын
Why are you still twisting the primary? My test seems to suggest it is a waste of effort.
@m0aze6112 жыл бұрын
This is one of the most fascinating subjects I've been experimenting with for quite a few years now. The great thing about KZbin is highlighted by the excellent presentation you've put together. I came across EFHW out of needs, I have enough room for the G5RV I started out with, moving on the a multi band dipole the difficulty for me was getting the centre point high enough without raising my profile with the neighbours. A wooden mast 30 foot high needed maintaining. Fast forward a few years and I did a lot of research in the days before KZbin. EFHW have been my antenna of choice for home and portable working - it works. Is it the best; probably not, but installing a Hexbeam would not go down well with the station master or my neighbours. Yes I'm a coward. Every day is a learning day and I'm always finding ways to improve what I have. On the question of counterpoises I took to measuring current flow in the wire. Thanks for posting 73 de M0AZE Mike
@HamRadioDX2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mike! Glad you found it interesting!
@oldfartonabmx21222 жыл бұрын
Sounds just like the kit I just built. Currently my coax enters the metal shed at about 3 meters from the un un and I don’t have a counterpoise yet. Wondering if I should. I take it you hook into the outside of the SO239?
@HamRadioDX2 жыл бұрын
I used the coax as a counterpoise and then placed a common mode choke consisting of some turns through a FT240-43 I think toroid.... but a counterpoise will also work, and yes it was a binding post just connected to the shield of the SO239
@Aga4ga4 ай бұрын
I love these kind of vids, but it does feel like hams have to keep discovering stuff that that is already known. Don’t get me wrong, I am new and do not know it, but it’s like rediscovering the wheel. Great if you just want to mess about, but hasn’t this already been done?
@HamRadioDX4 ай бұрын
I don't know about discover... probably more "learn". Ham radio is so big there is something new to learn for each individual everyday
@ericgilman54572 жыл бұрын
Question on your home made choke using rg8x. What size and mix toroids did you use there?
@HamRadioDX2 жыл бұрын
I think it was FT140-43... several of them. But now I use FT240-31 with several turns through it
@1shARyn32 жыл бұрын
why the 100pf cap?
@HamRadioDX2 жыл бұрын
The bit of capacitance helps to bring down the SWR on the higher HF bands, 15m and above
@1shARyn32 жыл бұрын
@@HamRadioDX ok, I see it. Thanks
@DonzLockz2 жыл бұрын
You said you used FT240-43 but linked FT240-31. I'm confused.🤔 Looks like you have been busy Hayden, I guess you would still use your internal ATU for better VSWR. I thought you have to ground all EFHW's. I heard the amalgamated tape was not UV resistant, probably won't matter much but maybe use a UV tape over it, dunno.🤔 When is this going to be mass produced?😉👍
@HamRadioDX2 жыл бұрын
Oops! Good catch, I better update that link. Yes usually use the inbuilt ATU especially if the whole band can’t be covered. Amalgamating tape isn’t UV resistant so I give it a wrap of electrical tape over the top, which is. Mass produced, ha! There’s plenty of other end feds out there that are better ;) thanks Don
@DonzLockz2 жыл бұрын
@@HamRadioDX Thanks Hayden. The PDF said grounding was tested but found not to be necessary. I do want to build one down the track for sure.🍻🤓
@mabo48482 жыл бұрын
@thelydiaspringexperiment64376 ай бұрын
use thicker wire on the transformer
@antennafarmer73802 жыл бұрын
I use the 80m 1/2λ and 10m reception has always been poor. 6m is even worse. I don't think most ceramic capacitors work well on 6m.
@MrTalaue2 жыл бұрын
Only a trap could electrically disconnect the part of an antenna following the trap and that only at resonance.
@chrissmart97612 жыл бұрын
Ok. Ok. Ok cool. Ok. Yep. Mmm hmm. Ok. Ok. Well and truly. Cool. Yep. Yeayeayea. Cool. Ok. yep. Ok. Christ mate, Please be quiet and let him present!
@MirlitronOne2 жыл бұрын
"If ya can't say nuttin' nice...".
@chrissmart97612 жыл бұрын
@@MirlitronOne That was constructive criticism. I enjoyed the video and subscribed to the channel as a result. And, that was mild as KZbin comments go. (I couldn't figure out a way to connect antenna experimentation to Hitler)
@laurie4g3v2 жыл бұрын
I thought I'd be the only one thinking what the OP thought. A brilliant presentation but constant prompting, interruptions and comments by his associate tends to break focus from the presenter and one's train of thought. Just sayin...
@Trent288882 жыл бұрын
75pf works better
@jimlips Жыл бұрын
Great info. However, please stop saying "Basically..." - this offends me. What I get from you saying basically is that the viewer is dumb, so you have to lower the explanation so that they can understand. In reality, you are using "basically" as a filler word. If you need to stop and think, just pause, but please stop saying "basically..." Thank you.
@HamRadioDX Жыл бұрын
Sorry you got offended. Basically, I can’t do much about it.
@RingwayManchester Жыл бұрын
Nobody cares if you’re offended. Basically, go and watch something else. Great video Hayden