5 Keys To Master Any Language (quickly)

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Languages With Moo

Languages With Moo

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@haniyeh-hfp 2 ай бұрын
There are very few teenagers like him, who think of useful things like learning a language, Very respectable, good luck👍🏻 I am 20 years old, but I still only know my mother tongue and a little English, and interest in Japanese, not so much..
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@FrozenMermaid666 2 ай бұрын
I highly recommend learning the prettiest language ever created Norse / Gothic / Icelandic / Faroese / English / Dutch / Norwegian / Danish / Welsh / Breton / Cornish which are way too pretty not to know, instead of trying to learn non-pretty languages such as Japanese or Chinese languages etc and most other languages that have mostly funny-sounding words that aren’t pretty and that are impossible category 10 languages - however, ppl don’t ’master’ languages or anything else, as I am the only Master / Boss / Leader / Princess / God(dess) / Queen / Lady / Star etc aka the pure / superior being aka the only being who masters or rules etc, but, the key to becoming a successful polyglot is always choosing wisely, by only choosing the pretty and easy languages, which are the languages that are on my list of languages I want to learn and improve, including all Germanic languages and most Celtic languages and the true Latin languages and Slovene (which are all category 1 languages) and Hungarian and Latvian and Estonian and Finnish (which are category 2 languages) and Irish and Scottish Gaelic (which are category 3 languages) with the Norse languages and the Norse-influenced languages being the prettiest and easiest languages, and, the best ways of learning are the spaced repetition method (watching and rewatching many vocab videos and idiom videos and grammar videos etc at least 30 times over the course of 3 years, including vocab videos with hundreds and thousands of words, and focusing mostly on learning new vocab, while constantly revising previously learnt words, to learn each word automatically and permanently, and, I would recommend learning at least thirty thousand base words in each prettiest language) and memorising / analysing many lyrics and using the Wiki dictionary and other dictionaries from the Net and G translate and always watching every video with subtitles in the target languages and typing the words and sentences a lot to develop a muscle memory etc, which are also the fastest ways of learning, and when reading text in new languages each new word should be translated individually, and, one should learn as many pretty and easy languages at the same time as one can, like, I am learning over thirty of my target languages, having over fifty target languages, though I focus mostly on the prettiest languages and I learn the others on the side, which is the most fun way of learning new languages that’s also the most efficient and that saves many years, as it takes at least three years or more than three years to get to a native speaker level (and five to ten years to get to a writer level) in one pretty and easy language or in multiple pretty and easy languages, so, the more pretty and easy languages one starts learning at the same time, the more years one saves!
@FrozenMermaid666 2 ай бұрын
Some fun sentences in the heavenly languages Norse / Icelandic / Dutch etc are... Ek heiti Freyja ok ek em at læra Norrænu því ek elski (elska) hana! (Norse) Hann ǫrninn vissi ekki hvaðan kemr Sólin... (Norse) Ek veit alt er þú veizt ekki! (Norse) Ég hef talað Ensku síðan þegar ég vas (var) tveggja eða triggja ára! En ég get líka talað Hollensku og Norsku og Spænsku og FornNorrænu! Ég get talað Íslensku reiprennandi og ég em (er) ekki með neina hreim! Ef ég gæti lært annað mál, hvað væri það? Það væri auðvitað Danska! Ég em (er) að hugsa að það er mikilvægt að læra að minnsta kosti eitt erlent tungumál, eða flest fallegu tungumálin! Svo ég valdi Íslensku og ég héld áfram að læra hana... Ég læri það í samhengi... (Icelandic) Hvíslaðu að svaninum! En ertu frá hinum hlutanum? Þegar ég segi Ísland, hvað er það fyrsta sem dettur þér í (hug) hugi? Als ik Ijsland zeg, wat is het eerste wat naar boven komt bij jou? (Dutch) Some of the prettiest words in Gothic are namo, þein, hunds, þatist, ik, weis, eis, qen, driusaima, wairþan, ains, sinteina, nist, imma, twais, eisarn, swikn, uhteigo, brunna, faíraþro etc! (The words in these heavenly languages are just so pretty and so poetic and so cool, they are true works of art, so I definitely wish I had learnt them in childhood, and I highly recommend learning them all together, as they are way too pretty not to know and so magical, as pretty as Danish and English and Norwegian and Faroese and Welsh and Breton and Cornish and Forn Svenska!)
@FrozenMermaid666 2 ай бұрын
By the way, when it comes to pronunciation and accent, it kinda depends on the pretty and easy language, as some pretty and easy languages like Norse / Gothic / Icelandic / Faroese / English / Dutch / Norwegian / Welsh / Breton / Cornish / Manx / Irish / Scottish Gaelic / Venetian / Esperanto / Latin / Galician / Italian / Slovene / Latvian / Hungarian / Limburgish / Finnish / Sicilian / Estonian etc have an extremely easy pronunciation and an accent that’s naturally very easy to imitate, so I could sound native in languages such as Icelandic and Norse and Dutch etc even at a beginner level, though I am now upper advanced level in Dutch and advanced level in Icelandic and Norwegian and upper intermediate level in Norse etc, while other pretty and easy languages such as German and Danish and Swedish and French and Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese etc have a pronunciation that isn’t easy and an accent that is not easy to imitate, so, with languages like these, one should also practice pronunciation and accent a lot - re accents in Dutch, I would recommend learning the prettiest and easiest Dutch accent, namely the Dutch accent that has the softest Gs, which sound like soft H-like sounds, and the unique vowel sound that’s between a normal E sound and a normal A sound in words like fijn / trein / pijn etc, which comes right before the normal i sound in the words that have ij / ei diphthongs, and the soft Rs such as the soft normal R at the beginning of the word and the Americanized R aka de gooise R in the middle of the word and at the end of the word, which are all soft Rs aka a tap with pretty and refined sound, like the soft normal Rs used in Norse and Gothic and Icelandic etc and a bit like the American R tho the Americanized R used in Dutch is more like a different R that is between an American R and a soft normal R sound!
@agatastaniak7459 2 ай бұрын
@@FrozenMermaid666 Portugese. Among the prettiest you have forgotten Portugese. Totally agree with Icelandic and Faroese. As for Welsh, well, if someone is up for the challange, then why not to give it a try? Norwegian in modern day version isn't that hard and happens to be useful But as for pretty sounding- old Norwegian songs sound just lovely. Breton and Cornish? How come those have mever crossed my mind in this category? Sounds like I should test for myself how well do they much "the prettiest language" category.
@EnglishwithJoe 2 ай бұрын
Wise beyond your years! Took me 20 years as an adult language learner and ten as a language teacher to realise that we need to stop trying to learn languages and just acquire them instead. So much more enjoyable, sustainable and effective. You are a great communicator!
@LanguagesWithMoo Ай бұрын
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the video!
@EditorMarley 2 ай бұрын
The way you speak is really clear, your oratory skill is exceptional!
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
I'm flattered, thank you! :-)
@animefilms3235 2 ай бұрын
For a first video, this is pretty amazing! As a polyglot I totally agree with your tips here and actually learnt something (start slowly with input and phonetics, especially the phonetics part). Great stuff, you're going to be big!
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed it :-)
@threemeninaboat 2 ай бұрын
that was awesome mate, i've picked up some new ideas from this vid and now i can't wait to implement them into my learning process. thanks a lot and wish you best of luck!
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Glad it helped you out! Thank you for your kind words and good luck on your journey!
@_1essam12 2 ай бұрын
Bro i mean before anything you're a good talker and you really know what you're doing right there,keep going
@kapikordi 2 ай бұрын
GAAAAHHH THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO!!!! i’m 14 years old and im already fluent in two languages, english & spanish. i consider them both my ‘native languages’ because i naturally picked them up both when i was younger, but since i never actually studied them in a traditional sense i have ZERO idea how to productively learn languages. which also sucks for me because im quite ambitious and i already have a couple languages that i want to learn (brazilian portuguese, finnish, haitian creole, american sign language and MAYYBEE italian if im feeling silly) one of which (portuguese) ive already been trying to learn for like the past YEAR with quite poor results so far 😭 its cool to see someone my age be so passionate about languages, most videos ive encountered are adults trying to sell you courses or whatnot so its a nice change of pace and its nice knowing im not alone in this language learning journey. this video was truly helpful, cant wait to see you upload more videos in the future!!
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Thanks man, appreciate it! Glad that I could inspire others around my age, good luck on your journey!
@tota5733 2 ай бұрын
that’s amazing you have the experience of a pro. Great jop, and please keep making videos like those if you can, this one really really helped me and your explaination is more than fantastic !!!
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! I'm flattered that you benefited from the video, thanks for watching :-)
@Jellyfish.pancake Ай бұрын
I like the tips that you made in this video! I am 17 years old and am learning Japanese and I agree with all of the points that you made in this video
@LanguagesWithMoo Ай бұрын
Thank you! Good luck on your Japanese journey!
@agiota-san1085 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips, it's pretty cool. Btw, any tips for someone who wants to learn 3 languages at same time? I'm learning English (B2), German (A2), and I'm currently thinking about adding French and studying these 3 languages until I get fluent in all of them.
@agatastaniak7459 2 ай бұрын
Easy answer? Establish routine for each on a different day. Especially if they are closely related and if you are not above the B2 level at any. Best advice would be- pick those not closely related, make sure that you are not a complete begginner or well belowe B1/ B2 level on all of them. What else? Multilingual word lists, two-way phrasebooks and textbooks, multilingual visual vocabularies. Your mix looks fine to me, however given your levels in German and English I think you may struggle with grammar at times. Some studies show that below B1 level learners of German shall not be too busy with English grammar. Those studies are made on German native speakers below the age of 16 but maybe there is something to it. I do mix such level of German with English but I am C2 level in English and C1 in French, so my mix is similar to yours in a way but the only true "learning " would be happening with my very basic German while in English I work and live just like any native speaker would and French is something I'm refreshing but passively know since childhood almost as well as English, so yeah, this is probably how people in real life go about many languages at the same time- adding one really knew to those they are already quite fluent in. And this is what I think it's most true to life of multilingual people.
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
My pleasure! My advice is to wait until you get better in German (ideally B2), since it'll be easier then to focus more on French. Think about it as fallowing, you'd want to cycle through periods of focus for each language while keeping on practising each one daily so you don't forget the other two in the process (for e.g. you're focusing on French so you decide that you'll practise English on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and German on the days leftover). Periods of focus could be 2 months more or less depending on what you feel really. Just make sure to never link words to words rather link them to images, audio or context (feelings, action, etc). I'll discuss more on how to memorise/acquire a language on my next video so keep on the lookout!
@fatimaallawati947 2 ай бұрын
I've tried Preply and I have found a great French tutor on there
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Great to know! I will try it out hopefully in the future to practice my Spanish, thanks for sharing!
@Improvemypronunciation Ай бұрын
Great job! 👏🏾
@alexandraiacob9514 2 ай бұрын
Amazing tips!!! You're really helping people
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Glad I helped!
@genolouis236 Ай бұрын
I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and experience. Thank you my brother. Have a good one.
@LanguagesWithMoo Ай бұрын
My pleasure, thank you for watching!
@duaaahmedgad 2 ай бұрын
شكرا جزيلا وفيديوهاتك مفيدة جدا
@julieng3108 2 ай бұрын
Great video . Im french guy and I have been learning for 4 months. Thank for you advice
@N.O.N-fk9mw 2 ай бұрын
Props to you lil man
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate it!
@JunyaVH 2 ай бұрын
You’re absolutely correct I avoid learning Chinese characters first as I need to know how to read pinyin and master the tones then learn characters and I don’t have any problem with learning characters I’m having a problem in speaking and hearing
@naarakevilyn5532 2 ай бұрын
great video!! your tips actually help me here, and i'm going to apply them to my french studies! could you please make a video on how to improve my writing skills? i'm struggling a lot with this
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! I don't believe a video would be necessary since I think it'd be too short so I'll just tell you here! My advice is to master the phonetics like I mentioned in the beginning of this video, associate the sounds to the words/letters. And whenever you're writing, think about the pronunciation of what you're about to write (this helps me a lot). Try this out and practise everyday (I go a little over this in my next video so stay on the lookout!). Hopefully your writing skills improve drastically!
@chrisholland3552 2 ай бұрын
Nice video with useful information for me. Subscribed.
@Amazeyt05 2 ай бұрын
Super useful video. Please make a video about the ways you learned English and resources you used ❤️🔥
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it! I'll think about it surely!
@EMR_Beatz 2 ай бұрын
Nice video bro
@JunyaVH 2 ай бұрын
I started learning languages since 2020 but then left this hobby but now getting back after 4years or 5
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Good luck on your journey and welcome back!
@LuigiCotocea 2 ай бұрын
3:00 As a Romanian that's how i learned english back in 2012 when i started. At first i thought they were speaking romanian silly me! :) Edit: That was very fun cause i watched Minecraft and Modded Minecraft so it was a great time back then...
@panpanx18 2 ай бұрын
Thanks the video has really helpful ❤
@Andyhards 2 ай бұрын
Keep it up brother
@imadcheriff 2 ай бұрын
Good job 👏
@tera_manraj6374 2 ай бұрын
keep uploading good videos buddy
@Tiara71954 2 ай бұрын
Ignored the thinking of falling behind, i've learning only english, from many years from school but watch you gives me patient to learn, wish you luck moo. Quick question can i learn other language while the first one still in the process?
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Hey there, thank you for watching! You can definitely learn 2 languages or more at the same time but you'd need to reach a certain level with one language in order to start learning the other one so that you don't burnout. And great English you've got there but there are some mistakes which I will correct down below if you don't mind.
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
"Ignored the **thought** of falling behind, I've **been** learning only English **for** many years from school but **watching** your (video) gives me patience to learn, wish you luck Moo. Quick question can I learn other languages while the first one **is** still in process?" I'm really happy that I inspired patience in you, good luck on your English!
@Tiara71954 2 ай бұрын
@@LanguagesWithMoo no i don't mind it at all, thankyou
@lenten5201 2 ай бұрын
How to find my goal and purpose to learn a language, iam learning germen but i don't feel like i had a reason to learn, at the same time i just love it Am nativ arabic so it's not hard for me but i feel the reason of this that I don't have a purpose.
@lenten5201 2 ай бұрын
Also my ability to learn a new thing is good but the thing that stops me is this reason
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Haha! You've just answered yourself! Your purpose to learn German is simply the pleasure behind learning it! It's totally okay if you don't have an "actual" reason to learn a language (I don't have one to learn Dutch nor Spanish but what is motivating me is the mere pleasure behind it, yes I might be a maniac 😂 but that's fine with me!) The most important drive to have when learning a language is simply enjoying the process. Keep on learning German! You may find a use for it some day. Good luck on your journey!
@agatastaniak7459 2 ай бұрын
It depends on you but Germany has a great diaspora of people from islamic countires. True, second largest minority is Turkish but isn't Arabic 70% Turkish? And if it is, then why not ot learn German to travel to Germany and to hang out and mix with people from various arabic speaking countries? No idea what your interests are but even business-wise proftiable contacts between speakers of arabic and German are still common. Hard to offer you advice if you do not narrow down on your personal interests of professional interests or hobbies.
@cagatayocal7049 2 ай бұрын
i speak english turkish (little arabic) and currently learning French. any advice?
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
I suggest you shift 80% of your focus to phonetics for a week (if you need 2 weeks then go for it) since it will help you imagine the word in your head which will improve your writing (therefore improves everything) and obviously improve your pronunciation by a mile! And definitely learn the words with their determinant (le/la) so you can memorise their gender (genre) and not make mistakes when speaking or writing. You should definitely learn the verb forms (les temps) you NEED, this depends on what your goal is but assuming that your goal is to simply speak the language, aim for mastering l'indicatif présent, imparfait, futur et passé composé; le subjonctif présent et passé; et le conditionnel présent et passé (1er forme). Of course tips vary depending on the goal but in my opinion those are the most important ones. Check out others who specialise in French on KZbin, they might mention more tips I haven't mentioned here. I'm going to make a video explaining the most efficient way to acquire a language so stay on the lookout!
@moatazm.abdelrahim4107 2 ай бұрын
keep it up bro
@Yasmina_ahmed 2 ай бұрын
Whatching you from egypt ❤Hii
@Theoutsider-dj2yp 2 ай бұрын
Go ahead❤
@dwapoiuytrew526 2 ай бұрын
thanks for help you are one angel
@KaruMedve 23 күн бұрын
full name of Heidi book please
@vitaliy1858 2 ай бұрын
Nice video, but when you say "for languages, using the two main senses are enough which are vision and audition" in the memorisation part, I don't believe it to be true for every language. I'm studying Mandarin and vision and audition are great to learn new words, that's correct. You learn how to read them too, but it's still passive learning when it comes to Mandarin, because you need to write the characters to fully grasp and sometimes even remember them. (I know some people might be able to remember how to write them from memory without writing them, but from my experience, other students at my university who were only learning pronunciation and reading while barely writing any characters were struggling very hard in various types of exercises, because it's mainly muscle memory Anyway, I just thought it was an interesting aspect to point out, because Mandarin doesn't have an alphabet (apart from the use of pinyin) so it obviously is different from most languages people might learn!
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate your comment! And I agree with your points here! I believe I've mentioned writing in the practice section but very briefly (I've used the term "journalling"). I should've went more in detail since writing is important to acquire any language. I will go more into detail on how to effectively memorise in my opinion on the next video so stay on the lookout! Thank you for pointing this and good luck on your learning journey!
@vitaliy1858 2 ай бұрын
@@LanguagesWithMoo thank you, and thank you for sharing your advice!
@jonalves700 2 ай бұрын
Conteúdo muito bom, sou brasileiro e estou aprendendo inglês
@Hassan-3 2 ай бұрын
Great video thanks for your tips 🥰 From Somalia 🇸🇴 I'm learning English for one year and I understand 70% , and i wanna start Arabic bro can I start , can i learn both
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
My pleasure :-) You can definitely but keep in mind that Arabic is a very challenging language to acquire. So I'd suggest you have a native like level in English (C1/C2) before you start with Arabic. And when you start learning Arabic, don't forget to practice/maintain your English! Good luck on your journey and enjoy the beauty of Arabic!
@user-lr4xp8wv6b 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for video) How much words you memorize per day? And what do you think about mnemonic associations? Thanks in advance for reply))
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
My pleasure! Personally it varies since I always experiment when learning a language to find what works effectively. But I'd suggest to memorise at least 10 words per day and no more than 20 to not overwhelm yourself. You can try to go for more if it's easy. And using mnemonic devices can be great for some, I can't say for sure as I have never had the need to use mnemonic devices but you can try! I will cover about memorisation much more in detail in my next video so stay tuned!
@user-lr4xp8wv6b 2 ай бұрын
@@LanguagesWithMoo , I've been learning English for a while now and I have approximately 8000 words of vocabulary. But I still feel like language is an endless pile of new words. On some days, this can be somewhat frustrating🤔
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
@@user-lr4xp8wv6b This is true, but remember, languages are tools we use to communicate! This means that in our day to day lives, we use just a couple of thousand words out of 170,000! So the goal is not to keep on memorising words rather it's to understand and speak with fluency and ease! There will be surely times where you come across a word you've never encountered before and that's normal! Just focus on consuming content (I recommend more reading in this case) to increase your subconscious vocabulary, maintain the language and improve your overall use of it.
@user-lr4xp8wv6b 2 ай бұрын
@@LanguagesWithMoo , yeah. I totally agree. It's just that when there are not a couple of new words in the chapter, for example, but 100 new words, it feels overwhelming sometimes. So it's crucial to find material that's just in the middle between "too easy" and "exhausting". Some people say that you need only 5000 words to understand movies. Over time I realized that this can't be less true, because even if 90% of speech - is the first few thousands of most common words, this 10% of words is a key slice, from which significant parts of the plot consist of. And if we are going beyond the basic definition of "vocabulary", we should count things like phrasal verbs, idioms, national heroes of the target language country, names of films, books, brands and so on and so forth as vocabulary as well. I just think that, at the end of the day, it's important to look at it as mining for gold and not the endless digging of holes in the dirt that it often seems to be on bad days
@_NOOR_17 2 ай бұрын
I am learning a language. do I need to practice with people ?
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Of course! In the end, we are all learning in order to communicate in some way with others. Now not everyone has the luxury of knowing people native in the language they're trying to learn but that's totally easy to achieve, especially in our age! Either you choose the "free" route, where you try to find communities or people online in your target language or go through the "paid" route where you can hire a tutor online very cheaply and practice with them. I recommend the paid route for facility but the free route is something I've tried and currently trying to learn Dutch (it's not as easy as the paid route but very interesting). But you can also practice alone through talking to yourself in the mirror or recording yourself (which I suggest so you can see where you are lacking) or through writing (which is essential to learn a language properly). All of these are viable ways to practice any language but the most important of them all is talking to someone. I hope this answered your question and good luck!
@agatastaniak7459 2 ай бұрын
It would help you. Even AI does not handle perfectly different spoken forms. It has problems with how kids and elderly people speak like for example.
@marlinbalena 2 ай бұрын
I want to learn, but I feel that I don't have time :(
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Hey! We've all been there my friend, and it's totally fine to feel that way. I suggest you take just 30 minutes of your time for the language you want to learn, whether if it means waking up earlier or using your breaks. It's quite astonishing how much one can do in 30 minutes if they set their mind to it. Of course if you have more than 30 minutes then use whatever time you have. Don't give up buddy!
@agatastaniak7459 2 ай бұрын
Choose learning options designed for short lessons/ units- like 15 minutes per day or half an hour per day or two pages of one unit per day. Learn on the go like me, so podcasts, audiobooks, radio, daily news.
@mafiaboy410 2 ай бұрын
where are you from? what is country
@Me5908r 2 ай бұрын
I think he's from Britain
@mafiaboy410 2 ай бұрын
@@Me5908r thank
@CODEBADR1 2 ай бұрын
Your videos are great, I hope you succeed, and be a monetize in this year, for getting more views make a thumbnail for your videos
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! I share the same hopes, one day my friend!
@CODEBADR1 2 ай бұрын
@@LanguagesWithMoo you are welcome
@smellymelly3289 2 ай бұрын
what languages do you speak?
@LanguagesWithMoo 2 ай бұрын
I speak Arabic, English and French on a native level and I'm currently learning Dutch and Spanish. Thanks for watching though! :-)
@watermelon3679 2 ай бұрын
​@LanguagesWithMoo where did u learn these languages
@agatastaniak7459 2 ай бұрын
@@LanguagesWithMoo I would love to know what reasources you are using for learning Dutch. Maybe make a video on this topic some day?
@JunyaVH 2 ай бұрын
@@LanguagesWithMooI would love to hear your Arabic accent
@askyshen 2 ай бұрын
برافو علیك ٲخي👏
@leonardogrance 2 ай бұрын
british accent
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