5 Mercy Buff Ideas - Changes I Wanna See! | Niandra

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@AlexanderGarcia-uv7in 4 жыл бұрын
If Rez is on cooldown press it to say something like, "My ressurect is not ready yet", or when it gets off cooldown say the old rez ult "I am ready to revive you" or something like that. For me it would be super useful because I dont talk in voicechat (it gives me anxiety).
@Orphyx 4 жыл бұрын
I FEEL THIS! I get so... Anxious when someone is telling me to res them and I can't say that I don't have it. Maybe if you pointed do a soul and pressed healing it would say the status of your rez
@odisleftpaw5663 4 жыл бұрын
SAME using vc gives me so much anxiety but when they tell me to rez and I can't it gives me even more anxiety I-
@maxil8988 4 жыл бұрын
That is such a good and cool idea! I'm sad they probably won't ever add it tho :(
@kiwio3o387 4 жыл бұрын
@@Orphyx Or just make it so it you press your rez button while it's on cooldown it will say the time on it or it will just say it's not ready yet.
@danielwhite1890 4 жыл бұрын
Just gonna drop this here, especially as a healer(doubly so for mercy) vc is a significant portion of your value that you just aren’t using. Using a mic makes you a better player. It’s half of mercy’s value
@shimmer_22 4 жыл бұрын
maybe to fix the on fire problem, they could increase the amount of on fire points you get for healing teammates while critical. that way the good mercy’s who know how to beam juggle to critical allies will get on fire more often :) also buff healing to 55 or 60 !! don’t touch rez it’s fine !! but i do like the aura around corpses while in valk idea !
@MrLollersnakes 4 жыл бұрын
yo that on-fire idea is smart.
@josephreynolds2401 4 жыл бұрын
On fire is a consolation prize, not a metric for success.
@SasquatchPJs 3 жыл бұрын
Until they deliberately leave you at crit health to farm fire and get you killed...
@CanaryDairy 4 жыл бұрын
A ring to see your Rez range. Being able to cancel ult. Yes, yes, yes! These would be amazing quality of life changes.
@MaerdYsatnaf 4 жыл бұрын
“Heroes without defined roles struggle” Sym mains: **starts sweating**
@sideeswipe 4 жыл бұрын
Mike Yang Oh poor sym she needs to either be reworked into a support or her turrets need to be completely removed and replaced with a new ability
@ramkumarradhakrishnan8523 4 жыл бұрын
She is bit like sombra when you have a group she is powerful, i have seen syms moving bastion around to widowmaker locations in hanamuura, she's is not great for solo q half the team wont even take tp xd
@MrProdigy810 4 жыл бұрын
Don't know if I agree with that statement given, you know, sigma, wrecking ball, baptiste, bridgitte. I wouldn't exactly say they're struggling per say
@MaerdYsatnaf 4 жыл бұрын
Truth_810 I didn’t realise sigma and ball had undefined roles? They’re clearly tank and off-tank respectively. Their kits were designed with tanking damage and creating space in mind. With Brig’s case, I don’t think anyone can deny that before her nerfs to shields, bashing, and healing she was way too OP. The Devs deliberately made changes to allow her to fit into a support role, rather than an odd tank/support hybrid monster. Baptiste.... eh I would argue that with his healing output, a lot of people are just playing him wrong? It always kind of feels bad when I’m playing mercy and I get gold heals over his AOE multi-target healing? There isn’t a reason I should have to switch to Ana or Moira when Bap does an insane amount of healing by himself. 💁🏻‍♀️ Sym’s kit is just kind of.... Plopped together? She has the e ability of a support, turrets of a builder, the ult of a tank, a primary that can only do damage in a specific range with no way to disengage, and a secondary that kind of exists? I have a lot of hours on Sym 3.0, and I have to say that her current iteration is the most underwhelming, especially after they nerfed her damage. 😬
@MrProdigy810 4 жыл бұрын
@@MaerdYsatnaf yeah but plays off tank better than main right now and whether ball is an off tank or main tank has never really been confirmed. A shield doesn't really define whether a character is a main tank or off tank at this point. And right now what is Bridgitte? Cause she has the extremely high healing capabilities and ult of a main support but the utility and lethality of an off support. You're not wrong about sym. I just think these characters also don't really fit into a specific category and they're still doing really well. Sym and Mercy are the only ones not in a particularly good spot. Mostly because of these newer characters and changes. They probably don't know what to do with them
@beanbaghandle 4 жыл бұрын
"getting gold healing over moira or bap usually feels kinda sus" When I do it I often end up worrying that I might not be helping them out enough, only to see Moira charge into the enemy backline and realise what the actual problem is lmao
@KoiPuff 4 жыл бұрын
I hear “Oh on fire doesn’t matter why are you complaining about it?” The thing is, it does matter in lower ranks. Diamond and below it’s used as a stick to beat people with: “Everyone’s on fire except Mercy, you’re throwing!” Just a small change would help with toxicity in a crazy way.
@complicated_names6202 4 жыл бұрын
Get out the lower rank n00b. Jk. But fr, it would help mercy mains a lot.
@KoiPuff 4 жыл бұрын
Complicated_Names Had me in the first half. Lol
@YeahItsJustZ 4 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't care about a change but you can just see how fast your mercy is getting valk,I think that is enough to actually see how she's doing in the match.I don't understand why people just say "You're not doing anything" and it always falls on the supports(and I'm saying this as a tank player)I mean if you're getting killed again and again,maybe your supports are trying their best to save you,not their fault that you're going 1v6,ya know.
@KoiPuff 4 жыл бұрын
ale :/ People don’t pay attention to kill feeds. Especially when it comes to Supports.
@YeahItsJustZ 4 жыл бұрын
@@KoiPuff Actually it makes me a bit sad knowing that people that play supports and are the ones that actually cares a lot about the team just receive so much hate. But I gotta admit this is just the case for some supports bcuz some others just play like a dps or just troll and let you die when they could actually save you :(
@j_m12341 4 жыл бұрын
It would be nice if these became a thing. Especially because they aren't enough to make her overpowered or "broken".
@DivineIno 4 жыл бұрын
The “on fire” is something I complain about all the time. I just wanna be ignited as much as my team always is 😭😭😭😭
@ghostily 3 жыл бұрын
all my friends always say "good players on fire" :,(
@Niandra 4 жыл бұрын
What sort of buffs and changes do you guys wanna see to Mercy - or are you happy with her current state? Also just some other things: 1. The night before this video went up, I was browsing the blizzard forums and saw a few posts talking about how ages back, the developers were talking about giving Mercy a new ability on her reload key. I totally forgot about this!!!! I didn't wanna push the video back so that's why it's not mentioned but I absolutely would've replaced number 5 with this. There were a lot of good suggestions like temporary heal increases as an alternative way of making Mercy's healing feel better 2. Near the beginning, I have a lil diagram of main healers vs off healers and Brig is not included. This is because my Discord and I couldn't decide where to place her - I felt like no matter where she got placed, someone was gonna leave an unhappy comment asdlmjasdk
@j_m12341 4 жыл бұрын
I think they should turn of DAMAGE BOOST beam breakage when using the communication menu for "Group up" or "My ultimate is charging". I don't know if this is just a console problem but it is really annoying and makes no sense. We could just bind a button for a certain tbing but controllers don't have as many buttons as a keyboard. And only the damage boost beam breaks when using the menu.
@studiocapone6313 4 жыл бұрын
Niandra I feel like they should buff her healing to 55 and make her able to heal a max of 2 people near the original target (just for 30 hps tho). Kinda like Seris from paladins. Also give her insta res while ulting
@jisification9148 4 жыл бұрын
My list would be - 1. 55 HPS or New ability (on reload key) that temporarily increases healing/DB by 10-20%, kinda like baptiste 2. Valk Buffs - That burst heal thing on activation, make rez instant and have a longer activation range
@xxxvalkyriex85 4 жыл бұрын
Niandra I had a concept that when rezing in valk mercy could get a Armor buff or take less damage while rezing in valk, I mean it would make it easier to go for those risky rezes ❤️
@make_up_mike9988 4 жыл бұрын
I think I would rather see her as an off healer now lol. I like the idea of massive increase to valk healing an lower left click healing. My idea for mercy is to change rez possibly to something like a single version of immortality field. Where she can shoot something (brig armour pack style) at an ally which will prevent them from losing HP below X amt for X amt of seconds, and then giving her a rez during valk only. I feel valk is more of a cooldown ability than an ult. I don't see them increasing her HPS for her beam though because they keep decreasing healing on other characters and I think they want to reduce healing in the game altogether, keeping focus on the fps elements. Also love the GA idea. I use prefer beam target, but when I get disconnected and no one saves me I just die...feels bad
@NicolasDominique 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that On Fire thing is bugging me since the rework.It's quite hard to reach it, yet you are losing it almost instantly.
@mothecodfish4926 4 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty okay with her current state, but if I had to think of a buff, I'd like it if her healing beam acted like Symm's where it gets more powerful the longer it's active on a target, and resets if you disconnect/switch to damage boost. Say, it starts at 50hps, then starts to gradually increase 1hps up to 55hps after every .5 or 1s? Especially useful for healing tanks. Idk, I'm just apprehensive of the playerbase's reaction, because Mercy "doesn't take (too much) skill" to play and that she shouldn't be "too powerful", especially with her already high mobility and rez.
@freske2659 4 жыл бұрын
Omg imagine Pharmercy with this X_x
@ritz-menardi 4 жыл бұрын
I don't like that as much because it'd make Pharmercy more oppressive and make Mercy more focused on tank healing, instead if ping ponging between half dead people. It's more fun to ping pong imo. Also you'd feel apprehensive about switching to damage boost, and damage boosting is very important.
@parkermaybe9018 4 жыл бұрын
I think the biggest buff they can give her is to finally define her role as a support again. They have left her in this weird "no role support" state for a very long time now and with the game constantly changing now, it feels like shes constantly getting left behind because no one can seem to figure out what to do with her. She can't consistently keep the whole team alive, but she isn't exactly an off-support either. At this point, I would still want her to be buffed into a main healer, as the player base still sees her as the "healer 101" character. I don't mind her staying somewhat weaker in terms of healing. However, the in-between role has to go.
@knockersminaj471 4 жыл бұрын
She’s their token healer, EVERYONE knows who mercy is yet she can’t even keep someone alive even when pocketing someone. She needs justice
@tiggle5485 4 жыл бұрын
Post-valk mercy wasn’t busted because of 60hps, she was busted because she had two rezzes that were instant
@magicee_maria 4 жыл бұрын
I want to be able to cancel rez. I feel like mercys just asking to die when you try and go for a rez sometimes. I mean they made reaper cancel wraith why can’t mercy cancel rez. I think it’d be so helpful!
@odisleftpaw5663 4 жыл бұрын
wow the area healing when she ults is such a cool idea, just imagine getting in the middle of a teamfight and just ulting and healing your team by like 100-150 hp, just Sombra ult but the opposite
@Andriatic 4 жыл бұрын
As you mentioned, the power creep is the only thing that makes me think they won’t buff healing and think blizzard will just “wait and see”. When you mentioned you considered whether or not you damage boost too much, I really feltr that 😂 I recently dropped about 500+ SR (4.2k to 3700, currently back in high masters tho). And when I initially dropped I thought maybe that was my issue. As I was dropping I was averaging about 8k heals per 10 and 3.2k Damage amplified per 10. So I’d do really great in games with good main healers but worse in others. I started flexing to Moira and saw a huge difference in games healing wise. Which showed me that even tho I’m boosting really well, the team isn’t getting the sustain they need. After messing around a bit more and adjusting my Playstyle to the meta. I now average more like 10k per 10 healing and 2k per 10 Damage amplified. I’m winning more now, but it’s frustrating for my Playstyle to seem less effective because of lack of healing. All these buffs seemed really nice tho I think, and honestly canceling Valk early, or the AOE heal burst upon activation were super creative and I loved those in particular. Great video as always :p 💙
@risennova4826 4 жыл бұрын
The funny thing about the Mercy healing nerfs is that after they were implemented. Mercy average healing per game didn’t really drop too much. What did was her damage amplification. By needing her healing people had to upkeep their healing beam and had much less wiggle room to damage boost (her most impactful part of her kit). Kinda sucks lol.
@mozzy646 4 жыл бұрын
Something incredibly small but how I wish Mercy had a voiceline or a regular comm like example "fall back" or "I need healing" that said "I need a taxi" or "Help me get back in the fight" (since she has a "Let's get you back in the fight) line on rez. As stated, it's not really a change it's just adding a new line. But I think it would be incredibly impactful since Mercy players without mics or usually just players in lower ELO will need to type in chat "Can some one taxi me" or something if they want some one to pick them up hoping some one actually understands what it means. If Mercy had a taxi voiceline or communication line it would be so much easier getting some one to pick you up from spawn. Mercy has the gift of GA and mobility, but it's soo unfortunate when you can't even use it as people do not give you that chance. I usually only get taxis in QP when It's a friend, and when it's in comp it is usually my second support (they probably understand the struggles of playing Mercy!) but when it's my second support the rest of the team is down healing. Another thing i'd like to see with this is being able to directly use this voiceline to some one. When you press your healing bind looking at a teammate, it will say "come to me for healing". I wish you could use the bind while looking at a teammate and it will say "X I need a taxi". There is really no reason not to help your Mercy out. The beauty of playing Mercy is that I always make sure to Taxi my Mercy, and hell when I play DPS it may even get me extra damage boost! Getting Mercy into the fight that few seconds quicker may be the difference between regrouping and pushing and the enemy regrouping and setting up. Another problem is players not helping Mercy if she gets booped off the map or something. When you have a Mercy on your team, you need to acknowledge it. Mercy is special in the way that if she gets booped off the map, compared to some one like Ana, she has a chance of surviving therefor not being down a teammate. If on Ilios Mercy is booped into the well and has no one to GA to, if you are keeping tabs on your supports (i.e. Staying in Ana's LOS, being a flight path to Mercy, Knowing when Moira throws a heal orb if you're low and not running from it) you can easily peak her for a split second and she can safely fly to you. When I get booped and there is a teammate close enough to save me I usually spam "Group up" or "I need help" and also "I need healing" while looking at the teammate so essentially "X Come to me for healing". When your Mercy (Any support, but Mercy specific) is spamming a line, please go to her! I know you can see her and you should know where the edge of the map is so you should know she is falling to her death! It doesn't matter if you can't get to her on time and she dies, atleast you'll know you tried and you will also be encouraged to work on helping your Mercy more often, and hey, you could even go taxi her! I know I'm making Mercy kinda seem like an infant and her teammates are like the parents comforting her when she cries, but when you have a support who can survive situations most heroes cannot survive in, it makes it that much more important to be aware of her.
@chalklaterain6163 4 жыл бұрын
The on fire rate is the most minimal thing they could do for her. I have to wonder why its being so ignored.
@Aetheriea 4 жыл бұрын
I think 55hps would be fine. I had a friend who played the game on release (that's the last time she played), we both liked Mercy and her only comment was "Holy cow people take a lot of damage now", compared to the first month it was out of beta. I'm like, yep. And Mercy just doesn't do enough sometimes. It highly depends on your team mates not playing stupid, because it doesn't matter how good you are, your beam literally only does x amount of hps. She can't keep anyone alive if they can't be bothered to hide behind cover every few seconds (if the enemy is firing away, we all know how quickly even a tank can get melted now: matter of seconds) and damage boost only helps if they actually shoot and hit the enemy. :C I can't make her work in most of my games, and in several of the games when I give up and swap to Moira the game goes from being stomped to pushing the enemy back. It's a *very* noticeable difference. A lot of people argue her hps needs to stay 50 because of her resurrect ability, but, in most of my games my team mates die in places where they cannot be resurrected and nobody provides cover to resurrect. Another good reason to just pick a different healer. There is also that whole argument "resurrect is such a strong ability", yes, but so is just preventing the death in the first place ;) I like the idea of a visual area showing the range of resurrect.
@Thiccems69 4 жыл бұрын
Holly Miller 55 would be fine, 50 is to little
@TheOzxc 4 жыл бұрын
There were a few I haven't thought about but things I wished were changed: healing amount, prefer beam target hybrid, no beam breakage when ulting, representation of rez range, ON FIRE RATE. IF they addressed any of these issues I'd be super happy, but the one that wouldn't make a difference to Mercy's winrate but would be a huge difference to me personally would be on fire rate. It's so discouraging to be juking 2 enemies that are on your tail, healing up your team , rezing someone and winning the fight on overtime (you know those moments when you're playing out of your mind) just to look to your portrait to see you're just half way to being on fire. Meanwhile, playing with other supports, it feels like for no reason you're suddenly on fire. Like what? The fight hasn't even started and I'm on fire??? One thing that I don't know if they are paying attention to when calculating on fire rate is self heal. I think it could be a good indicator of your survivability. Although they'd need to figure out a way to separate survivability against feeding (taking trash damage and damage you shouldn't have taken). Maybe it only counts if you survive for 5s after taking heavy damage? Maybe if you survive constant heavy damage for some time... idk.. it's just some food for thought
@natt3346 4 жыл бұрын
Niandra I love your videos so much that I could watch 1 hour of them and wouldn't be tired
@CR-vn5op 4 жыл бұрын
Call me insane, but I’d want to see Mercy get another ability like a form of AOE heal or something, I mean Brig and Hammond already have like seven abilities so
@koto2211 4 жыл бұрын
BTW for #3, The reason the tool tip for Valkyrie says something about enhancing her abilities but it does not enhances Rez is because Valkyrie originally did and the developers decided to delete any enhancement to Rez when using Valk (CD reset/CD reduction/Rez charge) because players would use Valkyrie for the Rez enhancements, and Blizzard removed that because they wanted Valk to be the standout ultimate and Rez to be just an ability so it couldn't be a part of it. But the forgot to change her tool tip. Not that I'm disagreeing with you just pointing that out
@elasiaval904 4 жыл бұрын
really i just want a mercy heal buff, and a rez-in-valk buff, the ultimate feels incomparable to something such as moiras ult that can literally beam down targets from far range aswell as heal her team a huge ammount. Being able to rez, then valk and get another rez, could feel super impactful in winning team fights. Or if blizzard want her to go down the more off healer role, i would buff heals in valk and make rez faster to use
@crestren5996 4 жыл бұрын
They can just make the rez cast time slightly faster, like 1s since it is an ultimate after all, there is still a window to counter it, but that just depends on how good the enemy team is at it. Id just want Valk cut down from 15s to 8-10s in compensation, make it more burstier, because, it just seems like it lingers too long and it lacks any burst potential compared to other ults. Moira does 140hps, Baps does 100hps AoE, Ana's 250hp insta burst, Mercy? 60hps chain healing.
@gianlukeoni1776 4 жыл бұрын
Wtf boys you are talking about how the old mercy was, and she was literally the most powerful and broken character in the game (not talking shit, she had a 98 % of pickrate on master +). She was obviously broken, almost invincible, so the blizzard logically nerfed her
@YeahItsJustZ 4 жыл бұрын
@@gianlukeoni1776 Exactly,that Mercy ult that they're talking about was already in the game before and if it got nerfed i guess it was for a reason...
@crestren5996 4 жыл бұрын
@@gianlukeoni1776 its depends on which 'old' mercy youre talking about. Mercy 1.0 or Mercy 2.0. 1.0 had Mass Rez and strangely, pretty UP, it was 2.0 that broke the game because who knew that rezzing targets one by one was extremely broken.
@gianlukeoni1776 4 жыл бұрын
@@crestren5996 obviously talking about the 2.0 mercy resurrect system
@kriblar98 4 жыл бұрын
The title gave me a ptsd flashback to #reworkmercy
@Niandra 4 жыл бұрын
no forums were raided in the making of this video
@zain-hu6kx 4 жыл бұрын
Niandra omg hahah
@koto2211 4 жыл бұрын
@@Niandra The SHADE
@Kamisato. 4 жыл бұрын
I just want her to heal like before she got reworked
@annacarlson1044 4 жыл бұрын
Great video, as usual! I have a video request. Is there any way you could make a short video about the signs of when ults are about to be used? Like the best ways to predict them? I know it's a pretty simple concept for a lot of people, but I tend to struggle with keeping track of enemy ult charge, and even if I know they have it, I still can't seem to pick out WHEN they will be used in a fight...
@GayRiku 4 жыл бұрын
I love all of these and the point you made about mercy's need to shotcall when playing with healers like Ana. I would love to see at least one of these changes 🥺 Thanks for the great video Niandra!!
@penguinspy3478 4 жыл бұрын
I love that 2nd point with the hybrid ga. When i pocket a Pharah in the begginging of a game I wanna be able to ga to the pharah while still being able to look around while also having the option to go to someone else if I lock on them
@Aci_yt 4 жыл бұрын
Tbh any healer with a brig basically has to soloheal because she's so bad
@Ryuu39 3 жыл бұрын
I completely forgot that brig is even a healer
@khan_of_tartaria 3 жыл бұрын
In my (medium elo) experience she's a better healer than Zeny because she can stack two or three meds and give a health burst to a cornered tank for example.
@elara1925 4 жыл бұрын
These all seem great niandra good video maybe consider making a forums post and talking about these ideas for when the experimental card comes!
@Petitfleur_ 4 жыл бұрын
Super well-thought out & insightful as always! 😊✌🏼 personally I feel like I could take or leave cancelling valk early (knowing me I would mess it up & end my ult early by accident lol) but I like all your other suggestions! At the top of my list would be them doing something with her healing output, maybe not even a straight buff to it. Maybe something more interesting like healing more based on how low health the target is, a burst of healing when you initially lock your beam on a new ally, or even the reverse & increasing healing when you’ve kept your beam on a target for a while. I dunno, a straight heal buff would be fine of course, but I’d like to see them really play into the fact that Mercy is a solo-target healer, make that a strength & not a weakness.
@itchyanklez5045 4 жыл бұрын
“Traditionally, heroes without a defined role struggle...” THE SHADE THROWN *Cries in OCD*
@raibaby272 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like I’ve been getting on fire WAY more recently, like almost every game. I don’t know if it’s just how I’m playing or a sneaky thing they added in one of the “hot fix” updates
@Jayfeather4x 4 жыл бұрын
lol that would indeed be a HOT update
@rallo9635 4 жыл бұрын
Jayfeather ba dum tsh
@Jayfeather4x 4 жыл бұрын
I loved this video, personally I quite often make concepts for heroes and characters that I make up or just reworks for new ones or already existing ones and these kinds of videos can be rly inspiring. Def would like more of these video types in future if you are up for it :D
@NiklasRunkel 4 жыл бұрын
I love the simple and small tweaks! All so creative, I have also wanted the resurrect range indicator for a while. Nothing too extreme, which I personally have just gotten tired of. I like that you specified you didn't think mercy was a bad hero, just without a proper role. Maybe you could have said that earlier though. Refreshing video!
@five8890 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like damage boost being so important atm, you can draw parallels in mercy's utility to zen & she almost makes sense as an off healer, it's why I thought making valkerie into a full on defensive ult like beat/transcendence would be a good idea initially but I think a lot of current mercy players enjoy getting to do what they want with valk & if it became a defensive ult just through a buff to the healing then suddenly their teammates are getting mad about mercy players that "don't use the ult the right way" (pressing Q and holding heal) looking at clips on twitch & shared on twitter I get the impression mercy players enjoy when they get to valk & giving it a perceived set purpose/use would take a lot of those moments away You can pick mercy right now, walk to point A on 2cp or hybrid to defend & then the doors open & out walks a comp that you just literally don't have the healing to sustain against It has felt like blizzard intend to lower damage output across the board but if we don't keep seeing damage numbers going down I'd really like to see a buff to mercy's staff healing, I really like your valk cancel idea, rez coming back with valk activation could be a big deal & I'm not sure what I think of it but I'd be happy to see it tried, I don't like the idea of lowering rez cast time because I feel like cancelling a rez with a boop is one of the most rewarding feelings in the game & it's quite difficult to pull off as is. I like that you present a lot of ideas for buffs but I hope mercy doesn't get some token buff without an attempt to address her healing output, first. (or more nerfs to damage!!) at the end of the day I do think most mercy players want to feel like they are able to heal their team & squeezing more utility out of her other kit with some buffs doesn't address that
@Groanola 4 жыл бұрын
Overwatch kinda needs more defensive support ults. There are literally only Lucio’s and Zen’s. I would also love if they made another support that had Symmetra’s old shield generator ability but make the range of it shorter
@Yurusan717 4 жыл бұрын
Immortality is not an ult but it does act as defensive ult, though I agree we can use more of those
@fabulosobroham 4 жыл бұрын
I like all of these but not all at once, either make the quality of life changes, increase the healing, or add the shorter cast Rez in valk. These are very well thought out and I would really like to see at least one of these things in the future.
@MercedezFox 4 жыл бұрын
Love the ring around the body for rez I so need that, lately I been accidently canceling it when super jumping. The burst healing while valking is awesome too.
@erenari9710 4 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more about the fire rate. It's so sad when your whole team is on fire except mercy just because you had to fly constantly off the point in way to survive or hide from sight (control maps especially) and if you got multiple rezes and two valks in the same fight the game simply doesn't care ahah! The hybrid GA beam|target is also a blessed idea. I personally use the prefer target instead of beam but when I have to overextend off the map to dodge ulties or CC I kinda start to panicking because who knows if your allie is still gonna be there when your GA cooldown refresh ahahah! I'm looking forward to see her healing increased. I'm tired of being asked to switch to Moiraaaaa! Even if I main her too. Love your videos, you're my inspiration and favorite mercy master out there. Keep up the great work!
@crestren5996 4 жыл бұрын
1) I think buffing her healing would go in a long way of solidifying her as a main healer for mobile comps. 50hps is too low, but 60hps is just right. Personally, I want her to have a ramp down effect where her healing goes from 65hps slowly down to 45hps overtime if shes pocketing someone, so it would at least encourage more beam juggling and decrease pocketing. 2) I think the problem with Valk is that it lacks the "Ooomph!" factor, or well, life saving potential. It doesnt have to necessarily be Zen or Lucio style levels of saving, Moira and Ana is a good example. One does 140hps beam and Ana does insta burst of 250hps. Mercy? 60hps chain healing. Get where Im coming from? A simple way to fix Valk is to cut down the duration in favor of more burst potential. 3) Cut Valk's duration to 8-10s, Rez cast time is 1s, main beam is 85-95hps, chain beam is 50hps, perhaps, maybe as well, make dmg boost main beam to be 40%? Maybe too much, but im just spitballing. The point of the changes is to have a higher impact while increasing Mercy's decision making, faster cast time allows her to get back in the action quicker as well as the beam changes is to allow more juggling and be able to heal targets faster, because you know. ITS AN ULTIMATE?
@PlatinumAltaria 4 жыл бұрын
1) Reduce health from 200 to 150. 2) Increase base healing from 50 to 60. 3) Swap Valk and Rez: 3a) Valkryie now grants flight and chain beams (no heal/boost increase) for 5 seconds, with a 10 second cooldown. 3b) Resurrect now revives all targets within 5 metre radius of Mercy, but without armour health. Cost is increased from 1820 to 2150. Cast time reduced from 1.75s to 1.5s. 4) Caduceus Blaster replaced with "Pacifier". Launches slow (25m/s) projectile that empties the target's primary weapon and adds a 1 second cooldown to reload. One shot, 3 second reload. Projectile deals 20 damage.
@Aci_yt 4 жыл бұрын
I still think Mass Rez can work with a LOS requirement, range, cast time, no invulnerability and the enemy being able to cancel it. Not only was invulnerability the problem, but so many area denial abilities & ults have been added that it would be easy to counter it. If anyone is interested I suggest you read "Why I have yet to not despise Mercys current state" on the forums, the author did a great job explaining it.
@hanalua5018 4 жыл бұрын
loved that video! honestly i would love the hybrid GA option, i've grown so used to GA prefers target on that i can't do without, but i also see how practical the other option is, and i'd love for example to switch it up with the interact key (when there's no TP) so i can use both depending on the situation :o the on-fire rate is defo sth i wish I had, i see the difference when I play ana and even with my sucky aim i can get on fire very consistently (one good sleep, a huge nade, and voilà) meanwhile as mercy i mostly get on fire when I suuuuuuuuuuper multi-task or hunt down lone widows lol the beam breakage too... AHH I LOVE THOSE SUGGESTIONS HFJRHF
@mricyberr 4 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the way you made these suggestions without them being overpowered.
@imjusthere7970 4 жыл бұрын
i want mass rez for custom games and just old abilities in general for custom games
@amess6671 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe an ability where Mercy temporarily has a beam that both heals and damage boosts? I don't know how I feel about that idea but I thought I could share it.
@cennix 3 жыл бұрын
oh yeah like during her ult maybe? something like Moira, i think it would be a good idea if they balance it a bit.
@animeislame8880 4 жыл бұрын
I love being mercy and having at least 16k healing and being silver in healer, means that both me and my other support are doing so much
@cennix 3 жыл бұрын
omg I love the idea of that tiny burst heal when activating valk, it makes so much sense
@Sleepininthegarden 4 жыл бұрын
The Symmetra sitting is a mood in itself. 💜 I've been pretty torn over time with Mercy in terms of changes I think would be good. I think removing the beam breaking upon Valkyrie would be a good quality of life change. As for buffs, they could try 5 more base healing. My main wants would be to Valkyrie, maybe increasing the healing from 60 to 100 per second (optional is having 120 to the attached beam target and 60 to all people it's connected with) with the possibility of an initial burst of 100 upon activation as well. I think of Valkyrie as a Hybrid ultimate; these changes would give Initial burst that feels like a defensive ult that can potentially save lives without forcing into being a defensive ult where it's only used as such. Kinda like Ana where she can use it to save a key person or damage boost a ulting Genji/Reaper for example.
@samusai 4 жыл бұрын
Oh cool the Rez aura indicator made it in. I remember bringing that up a few times in your streams and on the forums.
@moth5414 4 жыл бұрын
I have some ideas too to balance mercy. If you read pls tell me your opinion. Mercy Caduceus Staff Healing Beam - Base healing increased from 50 to 55 hps Resurrect - Beam stays connected to the current ally during the resurrect cast - Movement speed reduction reduced from 75% to 70% - (Cast time reduced from 1.75s to 1.25s) - Cooldown increased from 30 to 35s Valkyrie - Beam no longer breaks upon activation - Ult Charge requirement raised by 5% - Healing increased from 60 to 65 hps -[Blaster damage increased from 20 to 25 per bullet (like in Valk 1.0 PTR Version)] As you can tell the magical number is five, cuz it makes a lot of things so much easier to balance since it isn't too low nor too high of a number.
@yorukomitsui8654 4 жыл бұрын
I've been playing Overwatch for a year now. I haven't been around or even knew Overwatch existence when Mercy was in her "troublesome" state so I can't give fair opinion As I started playing in comp I usually was the only healer which made me pick Mercy. And it's sad to see that for the whole year I've been playing her there was no buffs in sight Because of metas shifting I picked up Ana and Moira (when dps are shit) but lack of mobility as Ana and the playstyle of Moira always made me think - if only Mercy had more healing per second My dream is to find that beatiful thing in patch notes "Mercy - increased healing to 60 hp/sec -increased beam length to 24 m" And something crazy I thought of today while watching her staff spin left for healing and right for damage boosting - in Valk you get all the current benefits, but beam turns GREEN - for both healing and damage boosting If anyone read through all of this - you have a lot of free time luv. Have a nice day/night/life 💛💙💚
@jaspspiritual8966 4 жыл бұрын
I love your ideas this would help her so much and make her so much more valuable
@SnowDoom 4 жыл бұрын
I think that maybe for her ultimate, it can be reworked to make it how it was before (The 2 rezzes in Valk) However, instead of it being instant rezzes, it can be like the normal Rez we have now. This will make her Valk more important and we already know that Blizzard probably won’t give her a proper good buff because of all the controversy and stuff but it would be interesting to see maybe :P Cause they’ve done 2 rezzes in Valk anyway so it wouldn’t be that hard to rework and they can just put her back to the way she was easily, or just test it on the PTR (which they should add to console btw) and see what happens
@Kyle-hn8qs 4 жыл бұрын
Bring back the mercy that got two resurrects and could resurrect instantly when Valkyrie was activated
@dentedcarrot7464 4 жыл бұрын
Kyle Brinkman yes that was my favorite mercy when she got reworked
@chicknwing2742 4 жыл бұрын
I want to see an over-healing mechanic that would give up to 20% additional health to a target at full health; decaying over 3 seconds if the beam connection is broken.
@baxmusskywalker5524 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who doesn’t main her but does play a lot of Mercy I really really want a buff for her ASAP
@0kcomput3r_ 4 жыл бұрын
Now that the experimental card is out, it would be kinda cool if they make changes or buffs to heroes and put it there
@razrv3lc 4 жыл бұрын
I truly don’t think they’ll do anything for her unless it’s after fully removing Rez. It’s such a strong ability that I’m pretty sure they’re scared to make any of the rest of her kit any stronger. I’d be glad to see it go if it meant Mercy got to be a main healer again. As it is now, I can’t play her in comp except in dive comps and that’s only if the Winston leading is playing very smart, otherwise I have to play Ana to make up for mistakes. People immediately assume I’m throwing if I pick her and honestly I’m not sure they’re wrong. I have an above 50% winrate with every main healer but her and hers is in the mid 30s, which is atrocious. I’ve always done fine on her in comp until GOATS happened then every season since my winrate with her has dropped a bit more than the previous season. I remember seeing a clip on reddit a few days ago of a Mercy getting two Valks in a single fight and still losing it. No other support could get two ults in a single fight and still reasonably lose.
@LEWIS1992 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not a Mercy main but I agree with all of these points. Perhaps a fair trade would be to decrease her gun damage in exchange for one or more of these buffs. The "on fire" thing definitely needs sorting out though.
@babyangeltea 4 жыл бұрын
The hybrid idea is exactly what I want! I currently have GA prefer beam target on only because of my rank (I'm low plat) and because of the amount of times I'm told to play pharmercy while also having to observe my entire team and I just haven't mastered switching back and forth between the pharah and the team. That being said, I always wanted an in between because I want the benefits of both survivability off ledges and being able to fly to other players without cutting beam connection.
@ericdissing 4 жыл бұрын
Completely agree about it feeling bad having gold healing when you have an Ana or Moira on the team. I’m not trying to toot my own horn but I’m low diamond high plat where I am currently stuck, I seem to consistently get gold healing as mercy..and Moira or ana. I had a friend defend mercy getting gold healing more often by saying she has consistent healing but why am I able to maintain gold when I’m not on mercy? Mercy is in the same state as symmetra (albeit not nearly as niche) because I feel she doesn’t fulfill a specific role. Anytime I play mercy, I feel completely ignored by the team, except of course when they die. Mercy’s impact on games should be improved and the suggestions you made are valid, but I feel like because of the way her kit works no matter what she will be better than the others. Mobility is the best advantage in overwatch in my opinion and if mercy were able to outshine other healers in the healing department, there would be no reason not to pick her 100% of the time. Although I would hate this, I think a nerf to guardian angel is understandable. If she wasn’t able to be so slippery ALL of the time, they could buff the other parts of her kit. If GA cool down were to be increased slightly it would open up more opportunities to counter her amazing healing (in the instance that they nerf GA and buff healing output). The other thing about Resurrect is that I feel it really has no place in this game. Sure it’s fun and impactful to res a tank or a dps if they get caught out but having that in her kit ruins the rest of her play style. I think she should have an ability that gives increased healing to her target or her team in some way, similar to Ana’s grenade.
@squishyboo3897 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly love these ideas. I think either an increase to her staff HPS or a second ability of reload key as a cool down (maybe called 'caduceus overcharge') buffs mercy staff healing for 30-40 percent once activated would be good. This would be amazing in valk too because you could dish large burst heals when needed.
@otozinclus3593 4 жыл бұрын
I think she needs buffs AND Nerfs. Like you already said, Mercy can do everything, but nothing very well. There is never a situation where Mercy is a must pick, phara mercy is the only excuse. My Ideas: 1. Idea: Nerf Rez, but make the Healing higher. Cadeus Stuff: Hps increased to 65hps Rez: Increased Couldown to 45seconds Valk: Healing on the target is now 70hps Mercy can use Cadeus staff during the casting time This changes will change her kit to a good single target healer with some nice utilitys in the back. 2. Idea: Make Mercy to a utility Healer Cadeus staff: Healing will start at 40hps and needs 0.5 seconds to reach 50 hps Damage boost: will increase over 1.5 seconds to 40% Rez: Mercy can use GA during the rez Couldown start at the moment she use rez If the rez fails, the couldown gets decreased by 10 seconds Gives you 200 ult points (ca.11%) Valk: Duration decreased to 12seconds Increase damage boost to 40% decrease casting time to 0.2 Set Movement speed to 11m/s This changes will nerf her ability to change her target to heal everyone who needs heal. Now she has to concentrate on one target who needs heal. Just increasing the Damageboost will make boostet Firestrikes, moira-orbs and Roadhog Hooks to strong, on this way it wont effect these abilitys to much, becauce you have to damageboost him for a small amount of time to get the 40% boost. On this way it will make boosting regular damage more usefull, without boosting abilitys to much. The Change on Rez will allow Mercy to use GA during the rez, this will buff high rank players a lot and increace the skill gap of mercy, becauce you can start your GA at the end of rez to get away instant after the animation. To support risks, like going in the back during the rez and try to superjump-rez, a failed rez doesnt hurt so much like now. The Problem with valk is, it doesnt has a instant effect and casting time, so you have to use it a small moment before you need it. This is not the way how a Ult should work, so i want to decreace the casting time and boost the power of Valk a bit (The Healing during Valk is still 60hps) and decreace the time until the ult is charged (by giving ult charge by rezing people). To balance this, i decreased the time Valk is active. I increased the Speed of VAlk, becauce good MErcy players will use Valk to get a chance to kill any support or DPS, like Ana, Zen or Widdow, who cant escape quickly, but it wouldnt be worthy if you need a small amount of time to reach the enemy, becauce the effect of valk isnt that long anymore.
@TelsMaviston 4 жыл бұрын
How would you feel about ramp up healing? Say she starts healing someone for 25 hp per second, but over the course of 1 to 2 seconds, it ramps up to something like 75 hp per second? Valkyrie could then do something like buff the ramp up time, or just have instant full healing. As a trade off, this means flicking between damage and heal will be less effective.
@RemoLiao 4 жыл бұрын
When you have GA preferred target on, it would be nice to be able to cancel the beam easier to go to a different target; let's say, press both both mouse buttons at the same time or something.
@foolhardyskrub3680 4 жыл бұрын
I thought about the first 2 but not the last ones. Both the burst heal idea and the heal break for ult casting were super interesting and I would love that. There are so many times I’m healing a tank and can’t take my beam off but it would be a PERFECT ult time. I’d like to see how that would work. And yeah idk I was talking about this yesterday with my friend. Mercy is in a weird place rn. Not saying she needs to be going back to the best healer but now she kinda seems heal not or like a Pharah passive only which I personally find kind of annoying.
@keatonmullen3435 4 жыл бұрын
They should give Mercy a bike so she can go places even faster
@xxsknnylgndxx8548 4 жыл бұрын
My 5 buffs I’d like (obvi not all of them just at the very least one of them) 1. No beam breakage in valk 2. Small aoe burst heal during rez 3. Just the reset cool down on rez when you ult (but it wouldn’t shorten the cool down like it used too) 4. Valk would allow you to heal and damage boost (I was thinking something like if you were pressing healing it would chain the healing but only apply dmg boost to the target you’re attached too and the other way around for dmg boost) 5. Heals go to 55/60 hps
@Kouhai 4 жыл бұрын
I think a lingering heal after breaking beam could be a good addition. Similar to how Moira’s heal work where you can stop spraying and let the HoT do the rest. This would help with worrying about beam breakage and you can start thinking more steps ahead. Or maybe a charging heal similar to how symmetra’s will increase in damage, maybe a healing beam that increases in healing to a cap could be an option to huffing her healing overall but not unanimously.
@parasol3561 4 жыл бұрын
I have a cool idea, so taking your cancellation on Valkyrie, once you cancel it something called the Butterfly Effect happens. The Butterfly Effect would be a small chance move, so once you valk your “wings” will flutter down quickly, and when you touch the ground you have a 5% chance of an area healing or damage boost for 5.5 seconds. (Also not on topic, but if the wings are still yellow in Atlantic skin change it purple.)
@TheHarimir 4 жыл бұрын
damage successfully boosed gives a small burst of extra healing upon switching to healing for a short time after healing the range of your beams are increased the base range of beam slightly shortened this has desition making and counter play built into it. if the enemy team keeps pumping dmg into mercy's team without scoring a kills they indirectly give heare more survivability buy way of more positioning options. from mercy's perspective boosting now is the optimal state as it leaves your more prepared to save someone taking damage downsides: this makes mercy something of a "win more" character and disincentivises boosting to dmg shields. some other ideas: an enemy hit buy mercys pistol does half damage in their next instance of damage against mercy or heare beam target this gives more survivability and a means of saving allies, infinite duration also means you can "pre-pop" a sniper to gain some measure of safety you go for a flying trip pistol is now a cooldown that locks your curent beam target and enables pistol shooting for a set time, (maybe pistol hits temporarily boosts beam effect) gives some offensive play, more vulnerable to assassins new abilety to joink beam target towards yourself. potentialy pulling htem out of (or into ^^) danger this lets you have a more fokused vertion of lusios speed buff and open manny posebileties for escape/entance rutes for less mobile charaters. also probably my favorite and has paticular playmaking potential if alongside the first idea
@mish322 4 жыл бұрын
Also remember the one second immortality mercy got in huge rez why not in valk too ? Damage received by allies reduced when using damage boost during valk. Also seconds to ally respawn over corpse
@lysave1238 4 жыл бұрын
It would be great if we could gain ult charge from Rez. I find that Rez only feels immediately rewarding if I Rez a pharah or a reaper who then ults and I often neglect to use it just because I can't see its potential. Since it's such a risky ability, I'd love to see mercy gain ult charge from it and I think alongside a Valkyrie damage boost buff (ie she damage boosts at a higher rate during valk) it would allow her to have more value out of rezzing. I think touching healing or Rez time is v.dangerous and therefore I think that having a more utile Valkyrie (dmg boost buff) would put her in a role where she could greatly enhance team momentum. I disagree with making valk a defensive ult as mercy was always in a niche utility slot and combined with micro defensive ability such as immo field, d.va matrix, sigma succ and even ana nade she doesn't need to be the "defender" I also feel like if every play a team makes can be cancelled with an enemy ult it makes the game less worthwhile and fun. I kinda find the game more fun when I'm not forced to play Moira and just sit and heal so I actually think high healing would make mercy kinda boring to play.
@teacup623 4 жыл бұрын
The comment about reload ability. Hold reload to charge up h/ps (80-100?). While charging, beam is unavailable. Charging up is a very easy duration to tweak, as well as duration of boosted heals and boosted heal max. Of course, the less you charge the beam, the less downtime you have charging up and at the end to let the staff "cool off" a bit. Al very easily tweaked statistics.
@diamonddnomaid7573 4 жыл бұрын
I once saw a buff idea that said “You’re healing is dependent on how much your ally’s health is missing.” I actually really like this idea. For instance, if your ally is missing 75% health you will heal 75 hps. Therefore, as they get out of critical and into say 10% you will heal 10 hps. I think that this could be converted into Rez. For every enemy you have looking at you, your Rez will have .25 less cast time. Meaning if you have the entire enemy team looking at you, your Rez has a .25 cast time. Or another idea is the exact opposite. By this I mean for every enemy not looking at you, you have .25 shaved off. So instead of the entire enemy team looking at you gets you a .25 cast time, nobody looking at you gets you a .25 cast time. I agree with everything you said in the video. I think that the main reason that people don’t like Valk is because we went from an extremely powerful ult that had instant results and made the entire fight swing* around, to an ult that requires a lot more deficient making that’s less impactful. I think that if we started the game off with Valkyrie, people wouldn’t hate it so much. Lastly, I have two more buff ideas. They are basically the same, but the first is if you Rez someone, you get ult charge from it, the second is if you are in valk and you Rez someone you get ult charge from it to contribute to your next ult.
@danielepolverigiani2493 4 жыл бұрын
The On fire rate is really unbalanced if you compare how many Ress you could do before the last ress rework and it is the same for her achievment, it's really hard to ress 5 people (every 35sec at best) and never die. There are matches when I never die but usually: a) we are popping so I have almost no one to ress b) the match ends too soon For the On-Fire rate I would like to see some "partecipation" of her passive ability. Award mercy some points for her self healings and maybe let her lose less points during inactivity time if she didn't die in the last... 1min? The core point of mercy is to stay alive, this could reward her for "dhoing her job" xD
@Nessa-939 4 жыл бұрын
Now, i'm no gm or anything, but i've never had much problems with brig mercy. Maybe in higher ranks people are more aware to focus down people when you lack burst heals?
@angelsighting 4 жыл бұрын
people might think fire rate is frivolous but fire points / min actually seems to contribute quite a bit to the small fluctuations your sr gain per game along with (game avg - current sr) but dont quote me on this
@aaronaei6758 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with the one to increase Mercy’s healing output when I got Overwatch the other week I was going to main Mercy I played her and I couldn’t get close to the career average healing rate Mercy is the best healer in my opinion as she can Rez people and can boost heroes which makes her usable in every composition but she NEEDS a better healing output as right now I feel the only healers that are being used are Moira and Zenyatta and Mercy has nobody using her unless there is a bastion comp I think a healing output buff is NEEDED
@oliviabailey7174 4 жыл бұрын
Do you think a heal over time would be a good addition to her heals? When you stop healing someone it gives them a small heal over a couple of seconds, this way you can heal more targets at once, switching between them to give the heal over time, the same thing could work with damage buff too, maybe have one cancel out the other so you cant have both effects at the same time
@GaussianEntity 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, she should simply get a second rez on ult again but keep the channeling. This way, Mercy actually has a threatening move like other supports. Popping Valk has no threatening impact for the most part, which is kinda bad because what's the point of the ult then? Buffing healing or even damage boost wouldn't increase Mercy's threat level on its own imo. A wackier idea is to increase pistol damage to 25. This allows players to 8-shot (4 if headshots) enemies, which again increases Valk's threat. Edit: Beam Target Hybrid would be a nice QoL improvement. It's not a direct buff as preferring beam target is a cost players have to pay regardless but it's a nice idea.
@Yeriav 4 жыл бұрын
4:06 I really want this option so much like they could let use them in deferent buttons will be really great. I use it “on” but i really want to use both.
@EnchantedYT 4 жыл бұрын
Here I was a couple weeks ago thinking I had thought up a new idea for GA prefers beam target but Niandra did it over a month before me and gave it the same name of hybrid I thought to use too Tsk tsk you're too smart for me
@anadoesthings2999 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know if you're still looking at comments but an idea for her healing to make it more useful and also to reduce battle-Mercy in the elo's that it's prominent is to increase the amount of healing she does dependant on the amount of time she's been connected to a certain player. My idea is that her base healing is 45hps, but say she's been connected to one player for a minute - on that player she'll maybe have like 55 or 60 hps or even more etc. You could make it have no cap and the rate of increase slower the more healing you can do to that person to stop her from being overpowered. Also it should reset when she dies. I feel like this promotes Mercys to stay alive at all costs, try to beam multiple people to increase your healing to each person, while also giving more healing to those who seem to need it a lot. Say if you have a Rein that constantly takes a lot of damage throughout a round, over time you'll be able to heal faster. For Valk's heal buff, maybe have a temporary modifier increasing the heal rate by the same ratio as current Valk, so the healing is 1.2* normal during Valk maybe. Idk, just an idea for anyone that reads this. Also, I do think that while Valk is active, it should reset cooldown at the start and also reset cooldown once the Valk ends - or reduces the cooldown for the next Rez, similar to the old Mercy but without the ability to Rez two people at once.
@stormfallvalkyri8389 4 жыл бұрын
One idea ive always had was to double on fire points earned in valkyrie. It would give it the effect of feeling more impactful without breaking her.
@Raaaww 4 жыл бұрын
I think she needs 10hps more and R button could switch beam or fly to beam target when staff equiped. In many situations its impossible to switch beam and not having to use a completely different play style just to be able to fly to beam target would be nice.
@jacksonmallia-walker8687 3 жыл бұрын
4:24 hey i got some GREAT news for you
@katharinas6899 4 жыл бұрын
While I agree with everything you said, another change I'd love to experiment with is simply some form of reducing stun on healing beam targets or ignoring purples. Imo that would make a lot of sense, given she is actually a renowned medical professional, unlike all the other supports. One could argue that baptiste is, but he's a field emergency response medic, not a doctor. It'd be curious to see if that might just be enough buff for her and put her in a counter spot for ana / CC heavy teams as consistent healer, even if comparatively low healing output.
@itsnotyouitsme4081 4 жыл бұрын
So here’s my thoughts on mercy. (Feel free to prove me wrong.) mercy is in her own category of pocket support. She has no off support trademark defensive ultimate and no high healing output like a main support. You can’t buff her healing to make her a stronger main healer because she doesn’t have aoe and all the main supports have a form of aoe healing. (Ana’s Nade, Baps secondary fire, Moira’s primary.) if they were to give her a healing buff, in order to make her a strong main support the numbers would need to be absurd. But if they were to do that, people could just sit on one person and just keep them alive 24/7. I think they need to push mercy into the off support role. Baptiste immortality field is just way better than mercy’s Rez, as it has no cast time and a shorter cd, as well as is aoe whereas Rez is solo target. During Valkyrie, they need to: A: Immediately reset the cool down of Rez when Mercy hits her valk key. B: make Rez a much shorter cool down during valk. C: make mercy’s Rez have no cast time during valk, but she will continue to have only 1 Rez, or D: Give her two rezzes during valk with cast time. This will allow her to get more out of valk (making it a much higher utility ultimate) whereas right now it just buffs her beam, which she can still be outhealed by any main healer in the game. I know we all want to see mercy as that really great main healer that we used to see, but with the introduction of bap and Moira, she just can’t go in that direction now. The way to make mercy stronger, but not OP, is to make valks utility better.
@magicee_maria 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree with all of this!! I just want her healing to be back up to 60 or even 55, it’s frustrating when I can’t even play with off healers as the supposed main healer!
@maxil8988 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Niandra! Have you tried contacting KarQ to possibly remake the old 1 Mercy tip vs Every hero? I feel like you'd be the perfect candidate for it 🥰
@Niandra 4 жыл бұрын
I am on his list of potential guests for it so there is hope!!
@maxil8988 4 жыл бұрын
@@Niandra Ooh nice!
@sirgoatchops7648 4 жыл бұрын
Me watching 3 months later with the buffs she described already in place : 👁👄👁
@christiandesanto7249 4 жыл бұрын
I think this is a nice, educated video that doesn’t ask for ridiculous buffs or think Mercy should be overpowered. I like you :^)
@rdr1973 4 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see some way to use gaurdian angel to fly in any direction she chooses in death match, or just mabey some changes in general to her for death match, she wouldn’t be the first to receive this treatment with Ana being able to self ult
@zadinal 4 жыл бұрын
My idea is to give her a skill based addition to her primary ability. Let's reduce the base healing to 45 and allow a ramp up to 60 if you are able to keep the reticle over your target over two seconds with a drop off after they leave that reticle zone. Have a similar mechanic for damage boost but maybe increase the time it takes to ramp up.
@-MrMazw- 4 жыл бұрын
A buff Ive thought about for a while would be getting some ult charge from reszing(dont know how much but those sorts of thing are easily tweaked) I feel that basically getting valk more often could be fun, getting it more often would allow to heal more during it as well as dmg boosting in general. Maybe they would have to shorten the length of Valk a bit but this is just a concept, nothing set in stone
@TheBojanglesPanda60 4 жыл бұрын
Classic OW heroes (ie ones at release) seem to just be less adaptable than newer heroes. Increasing pure statistics like healing is treading on dangerous ground with power creep, especially since stats have been getting slightly lowered recently. Perhaps a new addition to her kit that would add to her adaptability without compromising her ease of use. A second passive maybe?
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