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3 simple exercises to strengthen and stretch your hands. This 5-minute hand yoga is a must for anyone looking to relieve hand pain, or strengthen hands.
Point North Stretch (Bent & Straight)
Point South Stretch (Bent & Straight)
Learn more at www.jamber.com
✋🤚 * ✋🤚 Video Transcript ✋🤚 * ✋🤚
Hi Diana from Jamber here.
I'm going to share some simple stretches for your wrists and forearms. We’re going to do these in two sets, and you're going to hold each position for about 15 seconds, which will be three breaths in and three breaths out. And then you can repeat each one three times.
I'm going to show you each once, and if you want, you can pause the video, and do more petitions. and then restart.
So the first stretch is called Point North Stretch. We're going to do Point North Stretch Bent, and Point North Stretch Straight.
So to do the Point North Stretch, have your palm facing up, with a bent elbow. This is Point North Stretch Bent. So again, Palm up, take your opposite hand and push your palm towards your elbow, and hold that for 15 seconds. We’re going to do three breaths in and out.
Ready. Breathe in, breathe out. Breath in, breathe out. Breath in, breathe out.
Great. Now rest. And now would be a good time if you want to pause this video, and do more repetitions.
Now I'm going to show you Point NorthStretch Straight. It's basically the same thing but instead of a bent arm, it’s a straight arm. Take the opposite hand, pull your palm backwards, and breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Feels good!
And make sure you do that on the opposite side also. So you do Point North Stretch Bent with your other arm, and Point North Stretch Straight with your other arm.
Now we're going to do Point South Stretch. So, as you might imagine, we're going to have our palm facing down. We're going to do this in two variations. One with your elbow bent, and one with your elbow straight.
So grab your palm facing down from the thumb side and push in towards your elbow. If you want to get a little more stretch you can push a little bit more towards your pinky. We're going to hold this position for 15 seconds. So three breaths in and three breaths.
Ready? Breathe In, Breathe Out. Breathe in, breathe out. Then, breathe out. Great.
Now would be a great time if you want to pause and do some more repetitions. And then Point South Straight is just the same thing but instead of a bent elbow you have a straight elbow. You take the opposite hand, and push towards your straight arm. Do this for three breaths.
Breathe In, Breathe Out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.
Great. Shake it out. And now you're going to the same thing on the opposite side.
So that's it for these two pairs of stretches. Point North Stretch and Point South Stretch. I hope you feel great. To learn more hand healthy tips, check out our website at www.jamber.com.
Thanks so much.
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We are not medical professionals, and this is not medical advice or a treatment plan. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. You understand that any physical activity can pose a risk, and by consuming this content you assume all risk and release Jamber, Inc. and its officers, employees, and contractors from all liability. Use of this content is at your sole risk.