Very interesting, like that you have added the txt. Gives a bit of extra learning for us that's not up to speed on the cw. LB1KI
@LB8IJ8 ай бұрын
Tnx, nice to be of help to cw learners. GL
@ct1gfk8 ай бұрын
Tnx fer QSO. Vy QSB but all ok. 73 CT1GFK
@LB8IJ8 ай бұрын
Yes, not the best conditions that day. Tnx for all the qso I see I have you in the log on sevral activations. Tnx
@miketaylor2538 ай бұрын
I wonder what battery you are using to power the 891 when portable please Oystein?
@LB8IJ8 ай бұрын
I did all parks on a single 9ah lifepo4 battery. I suprised myselfe. 20w cw, 35w ssb if i remember correctly.
@Tamlin738 ай бұрын
Hi øystein, how much power did you use on the radio? Are you "5w Qrp" or 100w? always cool when you have a new video out, and thanks for the Cw key, its great. 73 LA-M160560
@LB8IJ8 ай бұрын
I tend to use 20w on CW and 35w on ssb. I only used a single 9ah battery for this Rover.
@Tamlin738 ай бұрын
@@LB8IJ I own a Yaesu ft897d. Im just a listening station right now as you know, but i wonder if i realy need this radio when i get my license, im more of a Qrp guy, im thinking about a Xiegu G90 for Cw. It has a great tuner and analyser, but i dont know about the decoder, i realy need one of them, i struggle with my memory so its hard to always remember everything when i have to the most 😄 but i have heard many great things about the Xiegu G90 and 20 watt.
@LB8IJ8 ай бұрын
@@Tamlin73 I found decoder mostly useful while learning, but you should strive to be able to copy without. So its not the most important part to consider in a radio when you are ready to get on the air. Dont know to much about G90 and CW but seems to be a great qrp rig