5 Secret Signs a Friend Is Mentally Struggling

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Layla Productions

Layla Productions

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@superpear64 Ай бұрын
This really is the first Roblox channel where there's no comedy, no jokes, no gameplay, only discussing serious topics. Took a while for a channel like this to be made, and I'm happy for it.
@Tryhar_D Ай бұрын
Yeah they made the scenes themselves as well
@superpear64 Ай бұрын
@@Tryhar_D very high quality channel do recommend 👍
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
Thank you for the support :)
@superpear64 Ай бұрын
hey guys thanks for the likes! grateful for it and im excited to see some more videos!
@imdefla Ай бұрын
So real though like its a break from usual roblox stuff
@Sentinel_CYN Ай бұрын
My problem with mental health is that I always feel too embarrassed to discuss it when I finally get a decent opportunity.
@josukedrinkingcoffee7346 Ай бұрын
everyone feels emotions. while there are certainly situations where opening up would be more awkward or "socially inappropriate", when you get the chance you kinda just have to take a chance on your friends/family/other people. there's a good chance they'll be able to relate to whatever you're going through to some degree, and maybe even offer advice, like how they've gotten through the same situation in the past.
@TheStopMotionGuy112 Ай бұрын
fr and when you do open up they use it against you or if your talking to a therapist they could send you to a mental hospital
@Spherey Ай бұрын
for me, i deal with a similar problem, but instead of being too embarrassed to discuss it, i become excited at the opportunity to the point i essentially forget practically everything i was going to say; my mood is like shitty object permanence - if i'm not feeling horrible, it feels as if i've never felt horrible ever, and vice versa
@Sans-iv1wy Ай бұрын
well kinda same here, tho Murder drones helped me a lot with mental health stuff, for some odd reason.. but ill take it also hope you are doing well
@Sentinel_CYN Ай бұрын
@@Sans-iv1wy MD definitely helped me, too. I felt like I could never fit in because I didn’t like any of the movies or shows other people did.
@0qere Ай бұрын
i mentally struggle when Layla Productions doesn't upload
@Svnom123 Ай бұрын
Fr 😢😢😢😢
@Albanian1government Ай бұрын
@Jaxbird757 Ай бұрын
@Blake-notlocated Ай бұрын
"Staying away from once-loved activities" I feel that in a mile away... coming from myself writing poetry to another person... *I feel deeply about that*
@Hadeth_a_stepa Ай бұрын
Well, maybe it's a sign of change that will happen in life? I've been feeling the same for a whole damn year, and i've been chasing the love and passion in tihngs i don't love anymore. But i found new ones, quite different from my older preffered activities.
@Blake-notlocated Ай бұрын
@@Hadeth_a_stepa yeah, for me, (instead of beginning to work with poetry, I ended up with writing story arc's) but yeah that's kinda the change of style I have leading myself to this point, but hey it's thoughtful to leave a reply on this comment...
@UxhatUs Ай бұрын
"Staying away from once-loved activities" No way im mentally struggling just bc i dont play roblox anime games with my gaming pal anymore
@UxhatUs Ай бұрын
"Staying away from once-loved activities" No way im mentally struggling just bc i dont play roblox anime games with my gaming pal anymore
@Hadeth_a_stepa Ай бұрын
@@UxhatUs It's not about not liking an activity anymore, it's about lack of any activity overall.
@Spherey Ай бұрын
i'm autistic, i have adhd, i have ocd, and i may also be cyclothymic or bipolar i deal with ocd and a lot of obsessive thoughts extremely often, especially regarding moral issues or activism related stuff which often trigger me and make me feel so shameful to the point of s.h i never learned how to forgive myself because as long as i ever did anything bad, it will always haunt me forever, plus often times what things i did wrong wasn't even out of bad intention, it's just me being silly or doing something without realizing that it could be harmful and because of that, to me i feel like my responsibilities are the same as my faults, because despite me being responsible for many things, i am unable to change my behavior because to me it's just natural curious behavior - either that or i just have habits i can't get rid of because they've been lifelong and if i were to get rid of it it would really hurt me or damage me because i can't live without those habits - because of that, anything i am responsible for eventually becomes my fault because i am literally unable to do anything to change my behavior because i become paralyzed when i try to approach that topic because all i think about when approaching whatever topic regarding what things i am responsible for is that i fear people punishing me (i also deal with pocd rather often too, i have some sensory k1nks involving specific clothing like baggy shorts or socks and stuff but i fear it may be misinterpreted as... y'know) (twitter is the bane of my existence, i used to doomscroll quite often, and plus because of my family and sibling scenario and the fact that due to that i'm not allowed to go outside very often, i have been sheltered for nearly my entire life, meaning i had to rely on the internet for more than 90 percent of my knowledge - i've gotten banned from countless communities online because i kept venting in places i shouldn't be but i had no other choice; i couldn't get a therapist at the time, and i couldn't really tell my parents because they were very unpredictable in their opinions which made me afraid to approach them) i also find it very difficult to apologize for things i feel most guilty about because, to me, apologizing makes me feel vulnerable or weak, and i think one of the possible causes is me being forced to apologize during my childhood over things i didn't really even have a bad intention about - such as stimming but accidentally breaking someone's boundaries doing so, or perhaps copying a behavior that i didn't realize was bad at the time my mood also fluctuates extremely often; if i'm in a good mood, i essentially forget every time i've ever felt bad, and if i'm in a bad mood, i essentially forget every time i've ever felt good to me, my mood is like having poor object permanence; if an object isn't right in front of me and clearly visible to me, then it doesn't exist i don't tend to make self deprecating jokes and i don't tend to show too many signs that i struggle which make it hard for others to see that i am struggling and only in a few instances at school where i end up becoming overwhelmed do i start raging and screaming at the top of my lungs (that has happened multiple times, my dad used to yell often too but character-wise he's much better now than then) and when i make vents online, i tend to write them in pretty verbose ways, inflated with philosophical thoughts and arguments that i struggle to resolve; either i do that or i start off my vents in a vague manner before i become frantic and use more keywords related to what i'm talking about until it eventually becomes super blunt and revealing of personal details in general i just feel like i'm running aimlessly and the only plans i have for the future for me to seem less as if i'm winging life in general is to just disguise and mask everything i do in logic or philosophies employing variables i only ever got the gist of (meaning i'm probably using a ton of definitions wrong but i'm being so verbose that no one can recognize i'm spouting gibberish) and hope that no one finds out what i'm really doing and view me as if i have an ulterior motive because i don't i don't think i ever truly had any ulterior motives, as an autistic person i tend to be pretty honest, but i just fear that people misinterpret me as having ulterior motives or maybe that i do have ulterior motives, only just subconscious ulterior motives driving me to do morally gray or questionable things where i fawn and disguise it as entirely okay oh, and also, one more thing metaphorically, i never strike to assault, i only strike to defend another analogy to explain this is using positive and negative numbers - i never add a positive value to enter the positive range (self-indulgence), i only add a positive value to exit the negative range (self-preservation) i only ever fear what people are capable of punishment-wise
@ebot1944 Ай бұрын
Im so sorry for you😞
@Mathewy7q Ай бұрын
I read the entire thing I dont know how to help you but i can try to get your feelings or atleast be a person that you can trust Also, your feelings are valid, your not crazy ❤
@sk.etch_stari Ай бұрын
Oh my god, you are extremely similar to me.. Man, I'm so sorry for you. I don't know you, but you're awesome, please remember that.
@LonkABonk Ай бұрын
i hope u see this, ur not alone (gonna copy your format here because its much more cleaner than a long paragraph hope u dont mind lol) -this is one of the most relatable things I've seen in a long time. -i too struggle with OCD and only recently have been mentioned to may have depression (im not too suicidal just more of sad) and ADHD. it's quite a living hell when all i can think about is being clean to the point where my handwashes and showers times are extremely long. -i too struggle with forgiving myself when ive unintentionally or accidentally done something bad. or even if someone puts the blame on me for something i cant help (this relating to my OCD) i would still feel bad for and sometimes feel like there is something wrong with me -my mood also fluctuates like yours, when im doing good i forget when i felt bad and when im doing bad i forget when i felt good also descending into an endless spiral with negative thoughts relating to what made me feel bad -excluding my mood and about my parents, whenever im dealing with my OCD well it seems like my parents dont acknowledge it until i mention it to them. when im not dealing with my OCD well (which is completely normal since progression isnt always going to go up, its a zig-zag of down and ups) it feels like my parents attack me for it. even though they really do care and worry about me, what they say to me that they think will "help" just brings me down and is sometimes utter useless (me having some of language barrier too since im born american) -some other thing is that I have no self-confidence whatsoever. i hardly think that some things i can do are cool and i mostly think down on myself for the things i have done bad (mentioned above) -im too afraid to talk about my other problems because they seem so wrong and disgusting to me, myself, but ill just keep dealing with. i want to keep walking but its so hard sometimes yk? these arent my full thoughts but ill like to get this out to you 👍❤
@Elioenahf9 Ай бұрын
I do not go outside often. Honestly the things I like to do are the things my parents don’t want me to do. So I thought, “Why can’t they accept what their child likes to have instead of forcing them to be better?” Because they think I will become a bad person. That’s just their opinion. Whenever they force me to stop, I still continued. Whenever I say something bad, they get mad at me. But I do not care about their words. This is MY life. No one can control my actions in the future. I have my choices confirmed and followed. Whenever I am alone, I feel like something isn’t right on my back. Loneliness terrifies me the more I stay alone, relying on my own questions and answers for my life to continue. That’s why I always talk to my friends. I need their opinions on what I should do, and their suggestions for seeing if that makes a change in my life. I talk to them because I cannot stay alone at home in one corner, feeling the shivery presence of such souls. I also talk to my self conscious, or that’s what I call, for my very opinions about certain situations, but sometimes I treat it differently than how I see it in my eyes. For example, one person being harmed by the other. If I saw that, I would help the victim. But if I’m the victim, I get distressed and serious. If I’m the bully, I laugh in insanity. I hate how it is to be extraordinary. I’m like an introvert because I stay at home like 99% of my life now, but I used to go everywhere and enjoy the rays of the sun, or enjoy the puddles of the rain. I wished I stayed the same as my past self. Yet I already changed. I cannot turn back now and I have to deal with the present. I also cannot eat properly. Sometimes when I am doing something I like to do, I felt like eating later. But I eat only snacks from to kitchen. So I’m not feeling the right way I should be feeling. And also, I wished to be free from limitations. I cannot stay at the bottom line forever, you know? I try to stand tall like the others, but there are downsides too. Like being envied by many people because of my sudden rise of talent. I don’t really brag about it much, but some say they are good at something they actually cannot do, and vice versa. *sigh* some people can change while some can’t.
@memelord8611 Ай бұрын
mfw i go "yeah im not mentally broken" and then i watch this video to realize i have most if not all of these symptoms of mental struggle:
@getqwered Ай бұрын
well i gess we have somthing in commen
@Iamacertifiedsandvich Ай бұрын
Keep going man, you got this
@getqwered Ай бұрын
@@Iamacertifiedsandvich i have been pushing thru for over 2 years
@memelord8611 Ай бұрын
@@Iamacertifiedsandvich its not a problem for me lol, but thank you for the kind words anyway :)
@Iamacertifiedsandvich Ай бұрын
@@memelord8611 :)
@Katavic.01 Ай бұрын
I hate how cruel the universe is i got recommended this right after my best friend just killed themselves 6 hours ago. I fucking hate KZbin atm.
@camera2178 Ай бұрын
That situation awful and I hope you can get through this hard situation. I’m sorry you lost your friend, it sounds like you really cared for this friend and I hope you can get past this tough time.
@hywellim Ай бұрын
@@Katavic.01 damn, sorry for your loss
@v3cu 28 күн бұрын
I don't know who you are, but I hope you feel better now.
@IronGamer0X 26 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry, random person on the internet. please, stay safe, and I hope you get better.
@Superkid33 26 күн бұрын
Oh no! I am so sorry! That must be salt in your wounds. I am truly sorry for your loss D:
@doofusy0 Ай бұрын
this channel deserves more views, its too underrated :sob:
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
Been doing my best to get us back and running 😅
@OO0RI Ай бұрын
I feel like nobody talks about appetite, but especially when someone starts eating less. We’re so used to diet culture, people don’t think about it as self destructive. We need nutrition to keep going. I had a breakdown and stopped eating for a full week, lost the most weight I had in years, and was told I looked good for losing weight. It would’ve been the case, if not for the worst reasons. Thank you for highlighting that struggle.
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm so sorry that there was a time you felt you had to put your appetite away because of an unfortunate breakdown. There's been a multitude of factors surrounding social media that continues to drive nutrition away (e.g. fast food brands, tiktok "diet hacks," stigmatizing other diets or ways to eat such as forcing others to be vegan or mediterranean, etc.). Watching you or someone else's appetite in a positive way can mean a lot despite how on-the-surface it may look at first.
@Dazed-tc5en Ай бұрын
Man the last one kinda describes how I don’t even care for myself I bottle up my feelings, help others instead of myself, and few other things so yea :3
@1milebehind Ай бұрын
i'm sorry to hear that, i wish u the best in life
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm sorry about that. However, whether you have a family member, partner, or just a close friend to go to, it's always a good idea to talk to them about how you feel. If you don't have many or lack trust, you can always make a new friend and slowly talk to them, whether physically or online. Don't light yourself on fire to warm others around you 💜
@Dazed-tc5en Ай бұрын
School is starting for me in a few days that alone just makes me destroy myself more with how I procrastinate on homework which I force myself to stay up at night to finish it on time ( thanks for the nice comments btw
@cool_guybutnot Ай бұрын
Im suicidal and this is SO true
@jycie8511 24 күн бұрын
same thing here i always bottle it and helped my friends higher than everyone and myself
@Whenthewhensoyouyeah Ай бұрын
I show some of these, I’m glad you talk about this, I’d cry of joy, but I’ve bottled a lot of tears for years, so I’ve basically forgotten how to cry. It sucks.
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm sorry about how you feel. Bottling your emotions up can be difficult to comprehend, seeing that it can promote mental isolation. I would try finding a friend that could care for you and break that bottle of emotions. Whether it's finding a friend online or in-person, it can mean a lot finding a friend who you can truly trust in positively venting out your emotions.
@Whenthewhensoyouyeah Ай бұрын
@@Layla.Productions I have, seriously though, you’re a great man. I think I’ll get better, I’ve been smiling more. continue making these videos, you inspire people.
@Zqily Ай бұрын
I once had a horrible day to the point of mental breakdown due to parental pressure and fear of the future (though only for a few minutes) Next day, I couldn't care less about anything, whether it be my friends, whatever they were teaching in school, or.. myself. I... felt empty, it felt like my life had gone to waste, and anything I do to recover it won't matter. Thankfully, I had good friends, which cheered me up for basically the entire day and convinced me to just take it easy for a while. Which I did, and now I'm back stronger than ever.
@AidenTykeUrielGreenwood Ай бұрын
@@Zqily Hey man youre strong dont forget that, theres strength through our greatest adversities and where would we like to draw wisdom through our experiences is simply written "Out of suffering emerged the strongest souls, the most massive characters are seered with scars". Take care, i hope you find whatever it is youre looking for (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm glad things have gotten better because you had friends who were there for you. I hope things continue to get better for you :)
@joemama-yz1zn Ай бұрын
i only watch these kind of videos to cope and at least relate to something that is familiar to me, as they show how i be actin sometimes i do see myself in those clips, it motivates me to be better mentally and physically, as well as stop those bad mental health signs, and maybe even reach out to someone.
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm so glad these videos are relatable and you feel more motivated to improve physiologically. I hope these videos continue to help you out with whatever you may be going through 💜💖
@Localweirdkid Ай бұрын
“A change in appetite” YES. EXACTLY. This is something huge for me and a few other people I know and if you’re looking for a change in your friend this is definitely something you should look out for.
@Z1Alt-x8h Ай бұрын
idk but this channel is just so underrated
@br41nd34dXD Ай бұрын
Yo! I'm braindead. And I am a part of the majority that have depression. It all started when I started growing up where my parents had to change their attitude towards me, since well, I am getting more mature of course. But their attitude was kind of different than the usual ones where they give light punishments. Oh! No, no, no. They liked hitting me over the smallest things. Like: Being clumsy, spilling a bit of water, singing at lunch or dinner, etc. And yeah, this all started when I was 7. I am now 12 years old and still suffers from their mentally crushing punishments. I do not feel emotions anymore, I don't care when they give me sermons and stuff, and yeah. That's basically it. I hope people learn in this video that their friend isn't always actually happy, but is trying their best to cover their sadness and hardships. And when that's the case, you should always comfort them. Remember, If you two separate one day and have no way of communicating, you will either remember them in your heart, *or just become a burning memory.* That's all I have to say, thank ya!!
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm sorry that you feel you are being mistreated over the simplest things, and I thank you for telling us that. I would try to talk to a close friend about this whenever possible, seeing that you may not be able to go to your parents or reach out to a therapist regarding this. Try to stay safe! 💜💜
@MrVoidzYT Ай бұрын
Man even tho we dont talk anymore and my words mean nothing, it makes me so happy seeing you reach goals, and yk being able to do what u do!
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
Hi, Voidz! It really has been a while since we last talked 😅 I hope you eventually reach your KZbin goals soon! You can always message me anytime :)
@deotexh Ай бұрын
@@MrVoidzYT Awww, so wholesome
@JaydenM12 Ай бұрын
How to make a Bacon and Cheese Omelette Grilled Cheese Sandwich Omelette. Take 3 eggs and mix them with a small amount of milk. Then, put the mixture into a 10 inch round frying pan. Put the lid of the frying pan on and set the heat to 5/med. Wait until the mixture has no raw/wet spots. Now, put a reasonable amount of mild cheddar onto the cooked egg mixture. You can also put bacon with if that’s what you prefer. After, fold the omelette once (it should look like a semicircle). Now, take the omelette out of the pan. Grilled Cheese. Take two slices of Brioche bread and spread some lightly salted butter or mayo on one side of each slice of bread. Then put a slice of Vermont cheddar cheese on the opposite sides of the bread slices. Put the omelette in between the bread slices (the butter and cheese should be connected to the bread during this process. Now, put this sandwich onto the same pan. Cook each side to your liking, whether it’s perfectly cooked or not. After you are done cooking it, cut it down the middle so that there are to triangle slices of grilled cheese. Enjoy Thanks for this video, bro, I’ll remember to watch this
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I hope these recipes help anyone who may feel they or a friend are having a change in appetite. :)
@JaydenM12 Ай бұрын
@@Layla.Productions fr 🙏
@camera2178 Ай бұрын
Thanks my bro Grilled cheese is always the answer
@JaydenM12 Ай бұрын
@@camera2178 np, now go make it trust me 🙏
@camera2178 Ай бұрын
@@JaydenM12 fr fr grilled cheese to the rescue
@randomname9554 Ай бұрын
My friend ghosted me and blocked me ago, a couple months before he did that, he told me he had pancreatic cancer. I hope he’s doing alright now…
@mkiopllimikjl-x5b Күн бұрын
he's dead
@ClydeOfficiaI Ай бұрын
After watching this video, i finally realized whats going on with one of my friends. I'm going to try my best to help them, i don't like seeing people i know and love just suffer and hide from things that keep hurting them, i wanna help them.
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I hope things start to get better for you and your friends. It can always hurt seeing someone fall down behind your back and feeling unsure on how to help them.
@ClydeOfficiaI Ай бұрын
@@Layla.Productions I've been doing my best for them, and finding ways to help them if they are in any problems.
@supandbup 18 күн бұрын
i once had a fake friend for 6 years that absolutely destroyed me inside im still trying to recover thanks for making this! :)
@ID1OTB0Y_669 Ай бұрын
Man. This video definitely hit harder than I expected. I’m currently 22 Dealing with several issues that I never thought I’d ever have to face. I have Paranoid Schizophrenia, OSDD-1b, BPD, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, And Autism. This video was really an eye opener for me, but it’s an eye opener that has been re-occurring for years on end. Within the past 4 years I’ve had life absolutely kick my ass. I’ve been left by over half of what my friend group was due to a single person who hated me spreading horrifically gross accusations against me, Been in the hospital multiple times because of my own hand, And I’ve now been raising my 14 year old sibling by myself after getting my horrifically abusive mother arrested and have struggled with money to the point of being borderline homeless 24/7. I’ve had so many ups and downs constantly that its gotten to the point where I can’t even bring myself to bounce back, and sort of wallow in my own feelings and self doubts because professional’s don’t really even know how to help me anymore. I’ve been diagnosed with so many things and yet I wake up every day and know that there’s something wrong with me but yet I can never find an answer, and it’s completely destroyed my personal life. Art and Animation used to be a passion of mine but now I can barely even push myself to get through a single drawing, and I usually just lay in bed talking to my friends and watching youtube 24/7 because I don’t really know what to do with myself, and I was never taught how to deal with my emotions as an adult because I’m always expected to be perfectly fine since I’m not a kid anymore. Seeing stuff like this makes me feel a bit better because I know that there are some younger people out there who can actually watch this and know how to help themselves and others and do what I never could as a kid. Kudos to you man, it is amazing to see and its the kind of content we need more of in these trying times ❤
@aobaichiko122 Ай бұрын
I relate to you a lot. I have BPD as well, it’s been a struggle with loneliness because I was kicked out of a friend group due to my mental health and one of my closest friends just couldn’t stand me anymore. I’m currently 20 & although I love Roblox, I quit because i was just trying to recreate old memories again. Thank you for sharing, even in comment sections like this i don’t feel as isolated.
@gdPoros Ай бұрын
a good friend of mine unblocked me recently and even tho hes the first of many to come back it gave me hope (funny how it happened literally a day after i tried taking my life)
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm glad things are starting to feel a little more hopeful for you now, and I'm so sorry that you felt you needed to resort to taking your own life at some point. I encourage you to search for any resources or to contact any close friends regarding this. Much love 💜💜
@THEREALPA_19 Ай бұрын
I lowkey miss the positive content but this content is bringing in the views that you deserve so 👍
@Grey_Soldier_Productions1270 Ай бұрын
This is positive content
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
Yeah, I tried to integrate some more positivity in my recent videos, since it's always good to look at the positive side of life as well 😁
@sn0wcarter Ай бұрын
this video almost made me cry because I'm going through this myself, I'm not mentally well. I'm not self-diagnosing it's just... I don't feel like myself anymore and I sometimes feel empty, today I had a really bad parental issue because of abuse, and I cried for around an hour straight, but I usually try to ignore it as much as possible and try to move on thinking this is alright... and to be honest it really isn't. and my friends have been worrying a lot more about me after it has gotten worse, and I seem emotionless now. I love that people are spreading awareness about others, it gives me at least some hope..
@sn0wcarter Ай бұрын
I also go out of my way to try and help my other friends before helping myself, I don't show any care or love for myself really..
@aobaichiko122 Ай бұрын
You gotta take care of yourself too, you’re in a situation where you don’t have much control over what happens. But there’s one thing they can’t take away, and that’s your mental autonomy. You may not be able to control your thoughts or feelings, but it’s up to you to take care of yourself & love yourself so you can be resilient, and get out of the abuse one day. But we all need to help each other. You deserve a good life. Start with being open to your friends. They’re worried, let them help you.
@sn0wcarter Ай бұрын
@@aobaichiko122 thank you, I'll try my best.
@leeafster Ай бұрын
I wish i could have a friend seeing this video..
@silverisok Ай бұрын
These signs are so true. I remember when I was in a tough time and struggling (I'm doing a lot better now) I exhibited all of the signs in the video. Please, if you're worried about your friends, let them know you care about them and that they can open up to you about their struggles.
@silverisok Ай бұрын
Forgot to mention this, but another sign a friend needs help is if they isolate themselves from everyone else. Like if they decline your invites every time you want to hang out with them. I did this often when I wasn't doing so well, and my best friend would often ask me why I didn't ever want to hang out with her and if she did something wrong. I didn't give her a straight answer and told her it wasn't her and it was me when she asked me this because I didn't quite know either why I was so disinterested in hanging out with her even though she was literally my best friend and I wasn't ever upset with her. What I'm just trying to get at is that it helps a lot if you and your friends are honest and transparent with each other on how you are feeling and if you or your friend needs help.
@Zenuis2021 Ай бұрын
Sorry for your friend
@mypfpisfire-wv4sw Күн бұрын
the change in attitude hits hard for me. like one year im cheerful af then a month later im just quiet and questioning life
@IKEA_----_WARLORDD Ай бұрын
this is accurate 😭, i have been quite down lately and my appetite has gone on a major decline.
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling down lately, and your appetite has been in a decline. I hope this video helps you in finding a friend who may help you with whatever you may feel 😊💜
@Mr.Malware1299 Ай бұрын
I stay away from people constantly I don't like to be with other people... I don't know why but when I was a kid I was.. so..... energetic? It just doesn't come to me anymore... it hurts to go back to memories of me actually having fun times because they rarely ever happen these days... It's really just a struggle for most people including myself to think of reasons to I guess... Exist? not being able to find what suits them.. it's better for most to help each other out and even though I'm self destructive mainly.. I will at least take into note some of the things you said in this for some other friends I stopped talking to a while back.. Thanks! (and thank you User for listening to what I had to say... I rarely ever talk about stuff like this... and.. this video just mainly brought up these topics from in me and I couldn't resist to not talk about them.. Thank you for sticking around and reading this..)
@qwerty-o9h Ай бұрын
I'm no expert, but i think you're depressed my man. Try to talk to someone out this.
@Mr.Malware1299 Ай бұрын
@@qwerty-o9h I mean even myself I know that just I'm not open to talking about stuff like this yet..
@kofabillion 21 күн бұрын
@@Mr.Malware1299 Maybe to at least help or make your situation better, just starting saying out loud that positive comments about yourself. It can be appearance-wise, hobby-wise, and whatever---just make sure its a positive comment. Im just a 13 yr old stranger on the internet, but I hope you'll get through this and reach a part of your life where you feel happier :D
@NotAMoron42 10 күн бұрын
Y’know, I’m gonna be a hundred percent honest: I showed none of these signs when I began having mental issues, but I’ve had friends who had. Really, just discuss it with them and if they don’t want to talk it’s best to give them time.
@jeffknowsall8913 19 күн бұрын
One time, in seventh grade (I won’t mention my current grade for privacy), a friend of mine somehow picked up on my secrecy and said “Dude, are you bipolar?” I didn’t understand that word at the time. Then I went home and googled it. And I absolutely sank that night. I cried my eyes out in my room because I knew full well that he was right. And as of late, I’ve been trying to keep myself in even more secrecy, and I’m constantly forcing myself into a happier attitude, because I hate when people worry about me. Not because it bothers me, but because I feel it’s not worth the time and effort, like I’m not worth worrying over.
@Pobeehpo Ай бұрын
My problem with my mental health is that *I don’t know what’s wrong.* everybody always asks if I’m okay and I say yes because again, *I don’t know whats wrong.* and since I don’t know what’s wrong people can’t help me.
@GiftOfGod77 Ай бұрын
Same. I've gotten used to it, though.... Don't be like me... Haha..
@aobaichiko122 Ай бұрын
It takes a lot of time. It’s very difficult to figure out what the problem is, but with introspection and asking yourself questions you’ll uncover what’s wrong. Not knowing what’s wrong can be because you have a lot of repressed emotions.
@aaronisunderyourbed 22 күн бұрын
@lrclouder8088 Ай бұрын
This channel is actually really underrated
@roambuilder8825 Ай бұрын
My family members desperately need this in their recommended considering how ignorant they are
@subspacetripmine0 21 күн бұрын
this is the first animation type content that didn’t have unhinged jokes or any “trend like things”
@Scythephighting Ай бұрын
The only reason you know is because of depression: Having mental health issues Kys messages death threats And break ups thta affected then mentally
@Needy_Yang Ай бұрын
hey! just wanted to say that ive enjoyed your videos alot, some are interesting, some are relatable, and some are one the sad side, but theyve still helped me through some times so id like to leave this comment and say thinks!
@Layla.Productions Ай бұрын
I'm glad to hear that our videos have helped you get through some difficult times in life :)
@whipcreamderp757 Ай бұрын
TLDR: No one listened to me and when they do, nothing is done about it/they have an excuse to do nothing about it, every single time. My problem is people tried to help me too late, and now I’m stuck with a bunch of diagnosed mental health problems, and I barely eat enough to keep myself going. I’m never able to really be the way I want to inside the house I’m in because there’s loads of double standards that the me not being able to part only applies to me and no one else. Every time I’ve tried speaking my mind, I get shut down, told I come off as xyz, I could’ve said or phrased xyz better, I’m too this or that. I’ve tried being kind, and at this point, I don’t give a shit anymore. I’ve tried for 5 and a half years, and I’m done listening, sure I’ll do the chores my mom asks, but I will no longer apologize because they got offended that I feel a certain way, and am telling them to leave me alone as I’m about to blow up. I’m done with their bullshit, and I don’t care if they all have their issues, so do I, but I don’t use it as an excuse to why I can do something and they specifically can’t. (Sorry about the rant and nice video)
@whipcreamderp757 Ай бұрын
Also I kept this a lil short bc if I said everything, there’d be pages of text
@aobaichiko122 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry that they don’t support you, “my problem is people tried to help me too late” I definitely relate to that. It seems like you’re treated as the scapegoat in the household. It’s not your fault, dealing with being shut down everyday it’s exhausting. Sometimes it be your own family. It sounds like they’re putting you down because they would rather not deal with their own issues. You’re very right about that, and you have the right to be angry because having issues is no excuse to take it out on someone else. Never feel sorry for your emotions & expressing them. I sincerely hope you stay strong. You won’t stay in that house forever. It gets better.
@scorpionhdkid8972 Ай бұрын
One of my Discord friends (who is also in my Roblox friends list) has recently changed his status to Do Not Disturb, with the bio ‘I’m not fine’ He acts just like he used to: hasn’t stopped building, still acts friendly. And he did say he was fine, but I just don’t know.. you don’t just say ‘I’m not fine’ as a joke. Update: He talked with one of his friends, he’s doing better now :)
@kofabillion 21 күн бұрын
I'm glad he's doing better now!
@Zynith0 Ай бұрын
I wish I had other people that actually listened to stuff like this for like 2 years. Luckily I have managed to get a friend to really, really help me and I'm very happy about that. Just saying it uh.. would've been nice a little earlier lmao
@Hoodedtiger9757 22 күн бұрын
I never discuss about mental health. Instead I sometimes go completely quiet, probably stay in my room alone. Sometimes doing nothing
@Arthur_Doors Ай бұрын
As someone who lost there father when I was only 8 years old the first one really explains a lot As since I’ve been pretty depressed at a bad age to be depressed
@PlatinumHaIo Ай бұрын
However, you should look at the person deeper, not everyone is gonna be like the signs mentioned in the video, some, like me before, can hide these just by fake smiling, their smiles will always look very genuine, but deep down, when their alone, they aren't doing very well with their mental health. Make sure to always ask someone how they're doing and also try to look deeper into them if they're hiding something, and if they are, just reach out.
@parrotblossom Ай бұрын
One thing I'd like to add on the first one. Sometimes a sudden positive attitude is a red flag too
@fadhylgaming Ай бұрын
We got psych2go roblox edition before GTA 6
@waterwaslefthere Ай бұрын
I don't want my mom to understand what's going on, but I also really want her to help me. But she's been through a lot the past 3 years and I don't want to worry her any more than she is right now. The most I could ask for was therapy (I couldn't exactly explain why because it was hard for me to do so, but she agreed.) and hope for the best. I'm happy people make videos like this and bring awareness to mental health. This also helped me realize something is definitely wrong with my best friend, so I'm gonna try and help him more. Thank you.
@Maniiscool92 Күн бұрын
Bro,i can literally feel you,im in a very similar problem as my mother has also been through alot practically most of her life and if she realises im not happy may break her even more,setting that aside,my best friend(most likely only real friend) is far from me as we moved countries so we cant meet in person and discussing online for me doesnt make a much of a difference.The worse thing is that even when im having a good day,the main reason of my (probably,im not diagnosed as i havent told my mother and im never telling my father ever in my damn life,i do not trust him anymore.)depression just comes and ruins it.And even after we go away from that reason,ill be almost alone as here i have some people who i care for left but after we move the only ones ill have is my mother and my little sister.When will i stop getting separated from the ones i love and care about,when will i meet them again,my own father is unpredictable. what do i even do.
@Maniiscool92 Күн бұрын
I do hope your situation does get better its probably worse than mine.i wish you the best of luck,btw dont assume im hopeless,it still makes me break but i still im trying to hold on.
@StarAmai 10 күн бұрын
As someone with some mental health problems, im trying to see signs of distress in other people so i can help them! This video helps a lot! :]
@courtneyadams-l2k Ай бұрын
i had this friend named ziah and she was struggling with mental health when i met her so i changed my personality to be more caring and accepting toward her. this was a recipe for disaster. she started to tell me that i was making her uncomfortable when she's the one making ME uncomfortable because she's hypersexual. and i had no other friends because i always talked to her. so, being kind and understanding, i stayed away from her and sat alone at lunch everyday (or talked to iris, but she's annoying) until the last day of school when i had a mental breakdown for being so alone (and did i mention that i also had a crush on her?) if it wasn't for mr leone having that pizza party, things would have ended MUCH worse. ty for reading!!!
@Le_German Ай бұрын
Being caring and accepting is hella problematic but if you can handle the mental problems it's really nice. I have that as my personality when it's needed. But hey at least you can change, anyone can IF they try. Keep you're head up!
@Jesgabyl Ай бұрын
Dude, seeing this video just shaped me in so many ways. I'm at my lowest when it comes to my mentality right now, with stress, thoughts, and just feeling kinda down. Looking back at this, it didn't just show much about my friends, but about me too, even then I don't like going into depth with that because it gives me the feeling that my mind just makes me feel this way for clout or pity, and that just further adds onto things. This really just made me see things in a bigger picture with what's exactly up with me, and I thank you for that deeply. There's no other's words to say but thank you very much Layla Productions. I also watch another video of yours regarding your hard worked content compare to other less-effort ones, and yeah. It's unfortunately part of KZbin, nothing to do but carry on and strive to do better, but look at the bright side, your acknowledgement and awareness to mental health didn't just pay off for you, but to your audience as well. Had to get this off my shoulders, continue to make content and inspire Layla, I hope you chase after your goals, ambitions and your reasons to make content like this.
@PyxledBoi Ай бұрын
all these tips and signs are really helpful. I havent been going through anything too hard but now i get why a lot of my friends worry about me as i match a lot of these traits.
@JoeTkrYT Ай бұрын
i went through alot of things in my life and now i feel completely empty and lack of empathy, its been to a point i dont even care about my struggling, its been like this all my life and i dont have any friends nor family, at this point i dont even know what to do.
@ellis_the_dee Ай бұрын
I'm mentally struggling. The biggest change was a change in passion. Not a loss of passion, but a change.
@Th3nox13 Ай бұрын
Definitely gonna try being the therapist friend when school starts again😅
@Veox-REB Сағат бұрын
finally that one roblox channel that talks about psychologies, keep it up, u earned a sub
@ihatemice_elf Ай бұрын
me watching this video to see if i present any of these signs like
@KrazyKillerKira Ай бұрын
Im at the point where i barely bother hiding my problems. Alotta people know im struggling but no one really does much about it including my family and myself.
@pent6841 Ай бұрын
I've never seen a channel like this before. These channels are a hope in these tough times :D
@ALOF_ Ай бұрын
I always wanted to break the ice and talk alot more but after certain events in my life and stuff that happened recently, I started turning away and bottle up even more. Once I was relatively happy and outspoken guy, turned into a quiet self destructive and mentally unwell comedian. I always thought that if i just push away or ignore my problems and help others i'll feel fine but it never felt that way. I'm too afraid to talk too cluttered and too useless to find a solution to everything I've been facing. I feel overwhelmed and when I do have friends to talk to I just let go and start to feel like i'm wasting their time. I'm too attached and still face with trust problems. I don't even know if the people I call friends call me friends, i just don't know anymore.
@ALOF_ Ай бұрын
I always want to cry, just let things out seek help and such but I can't imagine how taxing it can be to the people I seek it from, I never felt this useless or felt unimportant. This isn't a joke or making it dramatic, I was planning to kill myself last year to just end it all because who would want someone like me as their friend? Thankfully few goods things came as a clutch and I've been out of that mindset since, things dont get better that I have adhd *diagnosed by a doctor, I was 7* I really do wonder if all of this is my doing where I got myself here, I did this to myself and I dragged my ass down to this cesspool. I never once blamed or shamed people, I'm a kind soul at heart but i feel used because of it.
@kofabillion 21 күн бұрын
Since you try to push away or ignore your problems by distracting yourself----which isn't working out, perhaps you should face the problem by telling someone. You could talk to someone you really really trust (you said you have trust issues), like the person who you trust the most out of everyone you know. If you feel or think that something is wrong, you should tell a friend and just not push it away. You aren't wasting their time by telling them your concerns---whether its about a minor topic or a more serious topic!! Please don't kill yourself! Life may seem gloomy and it may suck, but just keep going! There are people out there who want you to live! I may be a 13 yr old stranger on the internet, but I'd like you to be happy. Have a great day/night.
@CloudsAllyFF Ай бұрын
I wish this appears on my bestfriend's recommendation.
@KristianNamedKaboomWCUE 26 күн бұрын
My favourite thing about this is the first Roblox channel where there's no comedy, no jokes, no gameplay, only discussing serious topics, and he doesn't beg to subscribe or like. He's just trying to help us and benefit us and not him. He only said to "feel free" to like or subscribe to help US with our problems. Thank you, Layla Productions, you have a new subscriber. ❤ this really helped alot.
@Facepalmz Ай бұрын
Underrated ❤ thank you for addressing these serious topics.
@davidcook9975 Ай бұрын
If you insist on solving this on your own, there is a solution. Go through a metal spiral of insanity and after 2 years come out as a new person. I did that to regain my sanity(idk how this works)
@Idkwhattoputhere...306 Ай бұрын
I Think i kinda get what u mean. Although for me it was an existential crisis. My moral values got crushed and influencd by my environment and i adjusted to say the least and i definetly am happy now cus i kinda got my awnsers to my own shit.
@aobaichiko122 Ай бұрын
I might know what you mean, I went through a coming of age phase where I was in a rut cycle for about a year, but as time passed I was forced to get out of it. my family needed me to help them so I got a job. I had a lot of mental breakthroughs after that, I going through the cycle until I didn’t have the option to anymore.
@davidcook9975 Ай бұрын
(this way also isnt fun)
@PaintbruhREAL 12 күн бұрын
Thank you youtube for recommending me this video after i had a mental breakdown. And this video for existing.
@DrBlueWin Ай бұрын
i heavily relate to the last one. i often struggle with self-confidence issues, because of myself having experienced bullying at school because of my mental disorders for many years. (adhd and tourettes) once it went to the point of me trying to (ykyk), and luckily i had a friend that was right there at that exact moment, but i havent talked to them in a while due to me not seeing them much in school. i also have been feeling extremely lonely recently, due to myself being ghosted by plenty of my real life friends, them not wanting to talk to me. it makes it feel like its me thats the problem, and i just hate that the friends i care so much about, that are there for me just dont even bother to talk to me or message me. it really messed with my self-confidence, and made me hate myself for who i am. another reason on why i hate myself, is because i can't even be myself when im at school, because if i am, ill just get bullied for it. i hate that i have to be under a mask all the time, and not even be myself. i just wish people could treat people that are different with respect instead of bullying them or making fun of them for something thats out of their control. it makes me feel like theres no hope in humanity. I also love helping others, which is what boosts my will to live, and i often help others more than myself, but recently its been hard due to me not being able to talk to my friends, them being busy, not talking to me, etc. i just wish i had someone that could be there for me no matter what, and that i could have a person to vent to, because if i vent to my parents, they often misunderstand and make it even worse. i have to keep my feelings hidden, because i dont want the situation to get worse, or get called an "attention seeker". (sorry about my little vent. also if its hard to understand what im commenting about, english isnt my first language.)
@jayu-t1m Ай бұрын
You said to write your own story in the comments, so here I go. About a month or two ago, my online gf broke up with me from something that could've been solved pretty easily. She's a bit moody, so it wasn't anything too unusual other than the fact that she herself broke up with me, for context she would tell me things like 'i would never break up with you, you'd have to do it' and stuff like that. So, me being me, I panicked and did almost everything I could to try to talk to her. Looking back, that was my mistake. I kept trying to talk to her over and over, in constant worry. I asked my friends since we shared the same friend group, and they said that she basically just pretended I didn't exist. Just hearing that really bothered me a lot, so I got even MORE anxious and kept trying to talk to her MORE. She never really gave me a direct answer on why, but she eventually blocked me, everywhere. Anything that had me involved she removed. Pictures, artwork (she makes beautiful art, some I still have saved and I don't have the guts to delete yet), and more, gone. What makes it worse is I never got any closure, so I just feel like a bottle in the ocean, lost at sea. I didn't even do anything wrong. I treated her right, gave her gifts, always was there for her, comforted her when she got assaulted (the best i could while online), did basically everything for her, and now after promising things like marriage and looking forward to see each other, now it's all gone. While she's blocked me everywhere, sometimes her bios in things are confusing, almost as if she misses me, which just makes me even more confused and hurt. Still doesn't want to talk to me though, says she's scared of talking it out. Also hurts. Now I live almost every day where I think of her at least 10 times. She helped me through high school and I even got a job just specifically for her in mind so I could afford plane tickets one day for us to meet. And it could've been better, I could've given her space and I could've done things differently, but nope, this is how it went down. But that's just life, huh? Well at least I hope me in another universe is happy with her. Oh, also since we are from the same friend group, I left it for her sake, and now nobody talks to me. They say they're here for me but nobody really checks in on me. And if I ask if they want to play they say they're busy playing with 'them' (meaning her and some other people) though honestly i only have one friend who actually cares for me but thats it haha. Anyway that's my sob story 🤣
@Number1ratedsalesman1997-m 14 сағат бұрын
Okay, you caught me. Geez. Didn’t have to make a whole video about it.
@BearsChannel69 Ай бұрын
all these comments make me wanna cry :( this is a really good video though, ive never seen a roblox channel be serious like this until now
@therealcatroblox Ай бұрын
i wish my friends watched this
@Mirtik9010 Ай бұрын
thank you for this video, im trying my best to learn from you and other youtubers to help out my friends, i really want to help my friends when they specifically ask me for help.... but i don't know if i can do it :(
@flashorusflashy Ай бұрын
This is actually really helpful ive kinda struggled to understand how to help those who are struggling cuz ive alawyas been scared that i'll say something wrong and it'll bring them down even more so thanks
@DevilixlyLilyx Ай бұрын
I'm a child who lives with mentally none caring parents and every time me or my siblings open up or show a negative emotions we are yelled at or punished for being "disrespectful" I ain't adding anything, i just want to say that for some reason, it's a heartbreaking thought knowing that people whom you've never met on the internet can be wayyy more understanding than your own parents
@Notthebrightest-l2h Ай бұрын
a roblox channel finnaly talking about serios topics??? rare sight innit? edit: most underrated channel i have ever seen in my life
@jrtoz2 5 күн бұрын
thank you for telling me, now i can know the tips and pretend im always happy!!
@sanitydrainer_31 3 күн бұрын
thank you so much for this vid man. i used to have this friend in my neighborhood who was very cheerful and overall, very nice to hang out with. however, things started to go downhill for a variety of reasons, but I tried to be there for them. they have moved away during their stressful time, which did add to their stress, but their doing much better, and we talk ever so often.
@Ineophile 11 күн бұрын
i dont have friends so i watched this to see if im mentally struggling spoiler alert: i relate to all of these
@Dave0439 6 күн бұрын
i personally was able to open up on the discord of a still rather small community, unknown enough to not have it interfere directly with my life, but human enough to sympathise
@Donut_cookie.akaza69 26 күн бұрын
it could be more like they don’t really answer your texts or something to but they might just have stuff going on with their life so idk if they going share what’s wrong but as a friend you need help them know you will help. You’re underrated you need more views your underrated your content is fking good
@Hexagonal865 Ай бұрын
What if the challenge the victim is facing is purely from the toxicity of other people, both online and in real life? You can't change people, you can ignore them, but it still hurts, and trying to retaliate ends you up in trouble and only gives them what they want. What if everyone around the victim, save for very few, is toxic and damaging to them, and there's nothing they can do to stop them?
@sussyslurp Ай бұрын
I know exactly how you feel my dad was a narcissist and all of my friends from high school subsequently were aswell. The thing about what toxic people say is that it's all a projection of their own insecurities and you do have to try you're hardest to just completely ignore them. Even for the things that aren't about them like if they make fun of your height or your toe size. It's because they're scared they won't be loved unless they are "perfect". There is always something you can do and that's to observe those signs and avoid the next toxic person's BS. Anger is a very mild anti-depressant and those people are just trying to numb their own emptiness. Don't argue with someone who lives in that emptiness it's just physiologically impossible, like an ant fighting a troll. In fact paying no attention to their tomfoolery ENRAGES them. They crave your attention so don't give them anything to work with.
@EcoMeeco2 Ай бұрын
Change in appetite like I don't eat everything anyways😭 (Before, I ate many things. While I was stuggling, I ate many things. Now, I eat many things. MWAHAHAHAH-)
@ThànhTrầnGia-w5v Ай бұрын
well, im constanly worrying about death and i am overthinking because i just want everyone to be happy..
@beccasflyingrainbow7886 7 күн бұрын
I feel so broken and I don’t want anyone else to feel this way
@Sakura_gaming1 12 күн бұрын
I have been struggling with mental health issues ever since i went to a private school and i got bullied there a lot, made fun of because of a rumour and that put me into a bad depressive state. This didn’t help me because that year i lost 2 of my family members. I was crying every time i came home from school but ignoring all the mental health signs and kept on trying to be a normal student. Then one day it just stopped i genuinely thought everyone has realised i am an actual person with actual feelings but no the second year it started up I went depressed again, having attachment issues, anxiety and begging myself to leave but i couldn’t that was the best education in the state and i want to do well in life right now i dont know what to do….. I just found this channel and its really relatable :) - sakura
@idkMyHeadHurts Күн бұрын
why does this make me wanna cry bc now i feel like i changed alot
@Kneecaptain 21 күн бұрын
i dont even have these problems im just watching because its so comforting
@MrDogeOfficial Ай бұрын
I noticed these signs from my friends a few yrs ago, I didn't understand at first, Now I know. W video tho!!
@paulantonguirigay7408 7 күн бұрын
Had one friend that was thinking about ending it all and he disappeared months and returned feeling better
@llllavemder 28 күн бұрын
the cons of having long-distance friends online is that you can’t really be there physically when they need the help the most, a friend of mine constantly spirals and sometimes tries to off themselves, and the most we can do is just beg them not to, it’s a very helpless feeling because the only thing we can do is just wait these episodes had happened so frequently, i cried at first to try and stop them but i don’t know what i can say anymore when it just keeps on happening, just hope someone in their family or a real life friend is close by and keeping them hanging my version of help is just being a distraction, being there, but what can i do when they’re too caught up in their sadness to even see these distractions? ☹️
@Leopard_Tank Ай бұрын
you're forgetting self deprecating :sobs:
@pyrowolf681 Ай бұрын
I personally have a huge issue what you mentioned in 5. From my past it’s lead to me disregard my self and put others forward not looking at my own mental issues. The issue is it developed into PNES. Which is Psychological non epileptic seizures…I’ve gotten better but those reading this please consider your health don’t bottle things up like I have.
The 2. sign could potentially be that your friend could also be going through a personality change
@calincs Ай бұрын
Very nice vid, its actually very true
@Plumswiey Күн бұрын
as someone who is mentally struggling, this is all real
@rayda8647 Ай бұрын
Number 5 is literally me. And I'm very glad that I'm not the only one going through it and that it's acknowledged by others. I hope everyone suffering from mental health will get better soon, and best of luck.
@SmoothBroccoliatdclvinqomega 28 күн бұрын
As a person who has dealt with tough family related problems, 3:44 is quite relatable. Back then I ate a lot of greens, but now I mostly meat and less healthy food. 1:38 Had a childhood friend, he used to be more kind, but recently he's been mean, keeps bullying me, and curses at me very often. 10/10 video, educational and pretty relatable.
@TurkingAndDoombringer 12 күн бұрын
This comment is to show a real life story I, myself have experienced. TRIGGER WARNING! One day I was rock bottom, having thoughts of trying to end it all with a simple curtain, and to be honest I genuinely felt like I had no one to talk with. I've gone to that point due to the number of things that's clogged my mind - as in bullying (laughed at), putting myself down (saying negative thoughts in my mind), or even past events. I was (luckily) on a discord call with my friend I really knew, who knows me a lot, but did not expect what to come out of a sincere friend who cared about the group. I didn't want to talk with him that much because of the little bits of trauma building up from both the past and present. I always thought that a person like me was just a forgettable person as shown by no one in my so called 'friend group' always never noticed me, but it was true. After this thought, I kept being silent and having a mental breakdown. At that moment I started telling him through text that amount of times and how I'm going to k!ll myself, which he then shown to one of his mothers. Then police arrived at my house and started interrogating me on what I've been doing recently, how I'm doing, and giving me tips on how to actually cover. After around 5-15 minutes of a conversation, I felt slightly better. When I went back to school the day after, one of the 'guardians' came over and had another conversation with me. Never have I ever felt such a heartwarming moment, like ever. And after that, I got psychology tips on how to over come this from a therapist. Me and my old friend aren't friends anymore. Neither is the group I still sit with to this day. I feel like I'm a sociopath now, but all I want is to talk with my friends instead of being treated like absolute crap. I hope I can make other friends than those kids.
@HenaShr0omie_ Ай бұрын
Hi :D I dont think i have any of those,But my friend Heroninoz,Kept saying i used to be lighthearted,friendly and were very supportive.. Now im a bit "cold," get pissed at small things where he just tease me lightly,What used to be replying with Jokes,Long words to me just saying "Okay." "Cool." And we had to go through with almost breaking our friendship apart. Though Honestly,I dont think nothing much diffrent happened to me. I cried too much from little things,Get angry from small things either way. I really dont know why i kept crying at smallest things honestly,I dont get forced by something i know of it,but i just keep crying. He also have problems,But i dont really think i can. My parents,who ive been so uncomfortable with (They're nice. But they used to hit me as punishment. But they dont now,I promise they're good people :D) And friends that i keep drifting off to. Thank you for reading this lol. Rn im somehow crying. But i think im still supportive. Im trying to. I mean,I have chatted to people who had liked my stuff in other platforms,and thanked them. Im sorry if. I added to much.
@DaBrruh 2 күн бұрын
i just didnt have anyone to casually talk to when i had obstacles
@Krazy_1237 15 күн бұрын
The ironic thing is that I actuallly have most of these "symptoms" but people don't really seem to notice it, I am known for being quite funny in my class so they usually don't see what true feelings are deep within me, only the funny, joking classmate I've always been
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