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5 Ways a Super Empath Destroys a Narcissist

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Danish Bashir

Danish Bashir

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@narcabusecoach 2 ай бұрын
Betrayal Trauma After Narcissistic Abuse:
@mimisha3253 2 ай бұрын
Facts 😂
@tanushrees3863 2 ай бұрын
mistaking kindness for selfishness......they dont fkin deserve attention...i hv been a super empath and seen a lot of changes
@akunakii3782 Ай бұрын
lol..."super-empath" child recognizes, that this sounds like grandios narzissistic...wake up man
@sherrymurphy855 2 ай бұрын
They make the mistake of believing that our empathy is our weakness.
@glenimlach1892 2 ай бұрын
Kindness is not weakness,it’s your strength
@user-jp1hs6sl3h 2 ай бұрын
See, empathy in itself can make someone be less "strong" in how they handle people. Because most generally to be kind and caring means you have less capability to be strong enough to speak out against someone. This is why they are so easily manipulated or intimidated into doing what the Narcissist wants. But as the super empath, it's still having that core empathic ability, while still being able to have that strength to not be intimidated and be able to stand up to whoever it is that's seeking to control them
@kit2130 2 ай бұрын
But it’s a super power, a 6th sense
@joseenoel8093 2 ай бұрын
Because they are that dumb, when we stick up for ourselves they are full blown narcs out calling us selfish, my sil even pointed out she was trying to be nice to me, wow I'd hate to see what being mean meant, she'd called and I'd not spoken to her in 5 yrs, the truth sayer, me, repeatedly hung up on, did she think I'd gone 5 yrs with no one being nice to me, undoubtedly!
@ryangrundy4290 2 ай бұрын
Well said
@klarissam8719 2 ай бұрын
Narcissists think empaths are weak because of the empathy, love, and kindness we have. The narcissists believes empaths are not supposed to make mistakes, and narcissists believe they're perfect because of their false sense of self. Narcissists will use your past against you and they're controlling monsters. Narcissists play the victim in every situation, and blame empaths in every situation, and they're very abusive. Narcissists love to interfere with empaths peace, they love to torment you. They always like to be around a lot of annoying people like them. They'll mess your whole life up, like calling the police on you for no reason, when they're the ones causing problems and bothering you, and the police are narcissists just like them. The best thing to do is to stay away from these monsters and go no contact with them, because they'll mess up your whole life.
@amart3632 2 ай бұрын
My mom has called the police on me about 5 times. My kids were taken away from me. My little 5 month old baby! Bc of my narc mother and her narc bf trying to control my entire life! But this is the year! This is the year to expose these vampires! Once and for all.
@klarissam8719 2 ай бұрын
@@amart3632 I'm so sorry this happened to you!! I PRAY your situation makes turn around,and rule in your favor!! I had situation at my last residence with a run in with the police. From trouble my narc mom created,and other narc family members joined up on me. I had to take my child,and flee to another place.They are always trying to paint one in a negative view. Such as "unstable","crazy" to try to get my child taking. My narc mom,and her narc husband are always trying to control my life. Exactly "vampires" the evil they do they will stop at nothing. They use the police to weaponize. They interfere with the best interest of your child/children.So they can be separated from you. They will mess with a person's place to live. To cause trouble,and get one put out for rules violations.
@louhortonsculpture 2 ай бұрын
Oh great point about “empaths are not supposed to make mistakes” that’s how one started a smear campaign against me. Meanwhile, I was told to let all her mistakes go. 🤷🏽
@beastly.warner 2 ай бұрын
Don't forget...they force you to forgive. I have no control over what God is entitled to. My forgiveness is simply a sign of weakness....and I no longer afford it to them. That's upto whatever God they believe in. Not me. I have no right to give that gift.
@klarissam8719 2 ай бұрын
@@beastly.warner Yes they do try to force it on someone to forgive them. These people never repent of their evil. They continue to abuse,and want you to forgive & forget about it.
@NoliesonLysatya 2 ай бұрын
I understand now why my ex husband’s hatred for me grew over the years. I grew stronger and he wasn’t able to break through the shield I built around myself for self protection from his BS. I stopped biting his bait whenever he wanted a fall out, started saying ‘No’ to his flying monkeys, refused to fawn over the enablers he wanted to score points with, ignored his tantrums, disengaged when he was unreasonable and went no contact when divorce was filed. It was almost as if I cut off his oxygen supply when I deprived him of his entitled expectations. He totally went crazy and lost control. At that point, I video recorded his stunts to be used as evidence in court and my children finally saw his true colours.
@annettejohnson3625 2 ай бұрын
So true. The kids seeing and hearing him is the worst part. 😢
@joseenoel8093 2 ай бұрын
Wow sounds like a mini series in 5 mins or less, I'm glad you showed him who he had the misfortune of screwing with, they're bent on trying to make us into persons we are not, I'd never want a puppet, hate guys who act like, no sin being able to think for yourself, mine wanted marriage and kids, time to grow up, it is the shock of their lives!😊
@zangief963 2 ай бұрын
Well done! It’s not easy to put Narc’s in their place and to serve justice where it is due but what you did is master class! Blessings on your healing journey.
@lisaibrindle2230 2 ай бұрын
Your vivid description of him is parallel to how my mother is. I have yet to be around her anymore.
@bewarefalsenonprofits 2 ай бұрын
The video/audio recordings are key to protection from them
@kika-ge5qr 2 ай бұрын
Ignore the narcissist. They can't handle it!. ❤️
@annettejohnson3625 2 ай бұрын
Yes. This is true as well. Sometimes I put my ear buds in and say.....sorry I can't hear your crap!
@SillyMoo-uf2ny 2 ай бұрын
They stomp around hahaha, I've got a neighbour who stomps around really angry all the time, it's so funny xxx
@kika-ge5qr 2 ай бұрын
@@SillyMoo-uf2ny 😂
@mananoint 2 ай бұрын
​@@SillyMoo-uf2nyyeah, they got a weird gait/walk. They are posers. They try hard, but often goes over the top.
@llhannah9297 2 ай бұрын
​@SillyMoo-uf2ny I stomped around too to let him know I knew what he was doing. I think it freaked him out lol
@sherrymurphy855 2 ай бұрын
Yes this is true - we will "question them without fear" - we "cannot tolerate injustice" - we "take steps required to stop it."
@MeganS1995 2 ай бұрын
So I got really into Socratic questioning (used in psychotherapy), which *could* poke holes in their arguments/deception. Using psychotherapy in potentially harmful ways is ethically debatable, though. Really have to let go of the fantasies of justice and possible moral anxiety afterward depending on your ethical views. Because they're *still* not going to change. And chances are you'll be gaslighted in return... Which still wears down on you because psychological abuse is insidious. So I learned that the best boundary is to stop engaging, use the JADE technique, and focus on your own healing. I think they thrive on the attention, really.
@ladye215 2 ай бұрын
​@MeganS1995 what's the JADE technique?
@sherrymurphy855 2 ай бұрын
@@ladye215 do not Justify - do not Argue - do not Defend - do not Explain.
@user-df3eo9qx9p 2 ай бұрын
Narcissists are their own worst enemy. They just don't, and won't get it. A Super Empath will take a stand for what is right and wrong, what is just and fair, will challenge the narcissist's nonsense and will make them sit up and pay attention. Again, they are like toddlers. What they fail to recognize is that they probably had the best partner, children, sister, brother and true-blue friend they ever had. Unfortunately, it's their loss. Thank you, Danish
@mossbergEROCK1 Ай бұрын
Exactly. It's amazing how completely predictable they are.
@paulkocyla1343 2 ай бұрын
What I noticed in narcissists who used me in the past was that they will try to come back to you to reestablish the "friendship". They will be charming, complimental etc. until they see another opportunity to take advantage of you. My solution was pretending I have no time and losen communication.
@fabridose7017 Ай бұрын
exactly what i couldn't do..pretending i had no time
@mrtt7972 2 ай бұрын
Just came up against narcissist abuse this should be taught in schools.
@Pistonhammer 2 ай бұрын
110% !!!
@amafoodie1728 2 ай бұрын
Exactly 💯
@dakoderii4221 2 ай бұрын
They teach to be narcs in schools. They don't want you successful. Then you wouldn't need Big Daddy government. They punish kids for defending themselves but the bully can punch people all day, every day and the teacher sees it but won't do anything until you defend yourself. Kids get into trouble for being too smart and doing extra work. You are only to do as much as the dumbest, laziest kid in class(you know, the narc!). Everything revolves around THEM! Now, you have two choices. Do you want to be the narc or the punching bag? That's the only two options allowed! NO authenticity allowed! That offends and upsets the narc. They never fix schools. They just dump more tax dollars into the hands of corrupt people. Then they say we need more money! Things continue to slide downhill. So they start teaching the kids that the lighter colored ones are causing all this by some vague mystical force that no one can identify, but it's definitely real since the experts said so. You kids hate each other now. Good! Do you feel the love and tolerance? It's "good" to teach kids that definitions of words don't matter. It helps them to become better narcs or punching bag of narcs.
@liagutierrez4297 2 ай бұрын
Wouldn't work tho, narcs would take the rhetoric and scapegoat their purer peers with it.
@reesedaniel5835 Ай бұрын
@@dakoderii4221 That pretty much sums it up!! 💯
@ashton1952 2 ай бұрын
They implode when they realize they're not playing you but you're one step ahead of them, when they realize you're giving/helping because you genuinely care and not because you're deceived and needy of getting something back, because you know they have nothing to give.
@ClearChoiceAquatics 2 ай бұрын
Not really. They'll just keep pushing the boundaries..take, take, take, take, take. Then, eventually treat you like shit, & discard you. Been there. Don't show too much empathy, in general..
@ashton1952 Ай бұрын
@@ClearChoiceAquatics I know, this was someone I cared about deeply, and in the decade I knew him he somehow thought I couldn't see through him because he is highly intelligent prided himself on always being 4 steps ahead of everyone else in the game. He just couldn't handle it when he realized I was doing everything out of genuine love for him, and not to get anything in return, because he's used to playing with people who need something. The look of utter disbelief on his face was priceless but it was also the moment of intense injury. The saddest thing was I could never reach in there and love him; they repel love like something water-repellent can't let water on it.
@ClearChoiceAquatics Ай бұрын
@ashton1952 I see what your saying. Even after all the abuse, she did @ least say I treated her right. One of the few honest things that ever came out of her mouth. She's been hoovering non-stop lately. I was getting upwards of 8-10 calls/day, & it's been a year. I can't get myself to go back. They truly are incapable of receiving love. I think it's because they're afraid of being vulnerable, which stems back to their childhood. I also heard it's because they know @ some point it will end, & they don't want to get too attached, also heard it's because they can't connect with people. Probably all 3. It was flipped around on me that all I wanted was s3x, when all I wanted in reality was to show I cared. In the end, the abuse was too much.
@a.williams9 2 ай бұрын
This is so empowering, Danish. It completely resonates. The more aware you are the more powerful you become and that's precisely what narcissists don't want! They constantly need victims to abuse. Set strong boundaries, stand your ground, give them no reaction and see what happens.
@pantheraleo1694 2 ай бұрын
A super empath is the only narcs worst nightmare. As you said, in deal with a super empath, chance is 0% for narc! All of these 5 ways that possess by a super empath is the most kryptonite for narcissists!
@fernandosanches3696 2 ай бұрын
they nightmare are only psycopaths
@fernandosanches3696 2 ай бұрын
narcs dont care about empaths only psycopaths can truly trigger the narcisist
@RR-oo2wf 2 ай бұрын
​@@fernandosanches3696Well You Don't Know Empaths Really
@theonlydjtopcat Ай бұрын
Yeah in a comic book lol Empaths are pure fiction. Name one accredited academic institution in the world that accepts that term in their psychology curriculum please? I'll wait.
@emeraldlight4727 2 ай бұрын
They have no time to spend with you because they are so self important in the community and have to show how Grady they are and extremely accomplished!
@amafoodie1728 2 ай бұрын
This was my ex 😂 Always helping people in the community while he puts his house on fire 😂
@mariamanuelaneto6916 2 ай бұрын
We don't need to spend time with them. The enough to make us stronger to the callenge. Who cares if he doesn't spend time with me. Soner or later he will regret and we are helping them for the next relatioship. We are independent by ourselfs no men or woman in this world can make us unworthy because we are not. Our backs are protected with God❤❤and the Universe gives US signs but sometimes we are blind to see It. Once you decide to not Accept beeing treated like a victim and not let people offend you they Universe Will send you help. Just look for the signs. It depends on US always❤
@hdskl2150 2 ай бұрын
Yes!!! God sees us for who we really are. Not our social status, pay bracket, job titles, lavish vacations. Etc Narcissistic individuals don’t get it!
@alainmona268 2 ай бұрын
13 years ago I started off my relationship being almost capable of being a super empath. As I’ve stayed with my girlfriend for this entire time, I’ve found myself regressing back into a immature emotional state from the years of narcissistic abuse. I’ve lost the confidence, communication, self love and empathy I used to have so plentifully when I first met her. Now I’ve been so trauma bonded that I am unable to remove myself from the cycles of toxic emotional immature abuse. I find myself diving head first into the sea of despair with a controlling manipulating narcissist that uses endless empty threats, dismisses all my interests, friends, or dreams. And so much more, if anyone sees the red flags of a narcissist please don’t think you can fix them or overcome it. Find someone else, save yourself the suffering, and move on with your life. Don’t waste a decade like me.
@Michael_Arguello 2 ай бұрын
I like these darker videos. What can I say? Suffering narcissists make me happy. We suffered first. Now it’s their turn to understand real suffering. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
@herelieskittythomas3726 2 ай бұрын
I agree! It's really awesome listening to this and living it at the same time. I can sit back and really appreciate all the hard inner work. Seeing the results is amazing.
@zamboniclean 2 ай бұрын
Empaths play the long game with their life. While the narcissist plays the instant gratification game with theirs. When the clash comes, we've got plans, and they have regrets.
@christinacatalano 2 ай бұрын
I love this! I always use “long game” in my personal narrative to myself. Reading it form someone else is affirming ❤
@sabri83f 2 ай бұрын
very well explained ❤
@zamboniclean 2 ай бұрын
@christinacatalano Definitely easier said than done, and while the payoffs can happen farther down the road for us. We still have ourselves in the end. Thank-you for your affirmation, I often need it as well.
@DSW-dq5bx 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. We plan sometimes for years, waiting to strike at the appropriate time when it will inflict the most damage. Empath vampire slayers unite!😂
@justmyopinion2205 2 ай бұрын
Very very true! A very abusive childhood caused me to fight every single day of my childhood for my own safety, protection and life. I did so with the trauma based survival skills that C-PTSD uses over it victims as well as being an Empath. When I was an adult married to a narcissist, he would come up to me out of the blue as I’m doing laundry, dishes, putting clothes away, etc… and he would say ridiculous things to me. EX: All your friends are lowlifes. I replied, “Hummmm I don’t think Tom, Donna, Belinda, Joe, Levy, Mike, Bev, etc… will appreciate you calling them lowlifes”. He just walked away without making a sound. He hated me helping other people and acted like I needed his permission. So he was really mad because I was going to help someone and he didn’t want me to. A couple days later he came to me and said, I forbid it! As in he was forbidding me from helping someone. I coughed sarcastically and asked him to repeat what he just said because I know I misunderstood him. Silence. I said, I’m sorry, you for-what-me? Please say it again, im sure I heard you incorrectly. Silence. Yea I thought so. I’ll pretend you experienced momentary episode of insanity. I added that he knew exactly who I am and knew I don’t ever do orders or demands, I make my own decisions and choices and nobody controls me but me. He never said a word and walked away speechless yet again. Another time while I’m putting laundry away, he came out of the blue to tell me I am an embarrassment to him causing him to be humiliated at his company parties because I am inappropriate. I asked him to tell me how I am inappropriate causing him embarrassment. He said you don’t behave in an acceptable way. I asked that he tell me what I do that is inappropriate. He says I don’t know how to describe your behavior. I say okay, give me an example of one party where I behaved in an embarrassing way. He got mad and yelled that he can’t give me an example on the spot! I told him whenever I bring something up that he does and causes me discomfort I always have many examples that support what I’m referring to. He got even more frustrated and snapped, not everyone can come up with examples on the spot like you do. I replied I didn’t need an example from everyone, I just needed one from him. I don’t have one! We’ll take your time, think about it and the moment you come up with one example of a situation when I was embarrassing you come back and tell me. Until then your complaint of my embarrassing behavior holds no water and is considered unfounded and without merit. Walked away speechless again and he never came back with that example. Not one of his attempts to rattle me with completely false attempts at character assassination ever worked on me. But I love to apply logic, reasoning and rationale thought process in debating illogical, unreasonable and irrational people. So I got A LOT OF PRACTICE in that marriage before divorcing the narcissist.
@Lovecats956 2 ай бұрын
He walked away because you showed logic and not emotional pain telling him my friends won't like you saying this instead of how can you say this about my friends and act hurt as if he hurt you. If he sees weakness he tries to hurt you even more but not other people that he does not live with.
@JennPaustian 2 ай бұрын
I journal, I keep healing, I tell absolute truth to 1 safe person - including my mistakes/choices so that this person can reflect back to me with words what I share. Then I deeply introspect and take time alone. I exercise, meditate and pray. Then once I’m grounded I strategize. I’m learning how to do all this bc I set the intention of not reacting any more but responding instead. I turn my back on fear and speak out loud “it all works out for my best” and then I do all of these things over and over again until I no longer worry and completely accept myself.
@manologue 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. What you are doing is a roadmap that a lot of people coming out of Narc abuse should follow. I, for one, am inspired by this. ❤
@helpinyerdasellavon 2 ай бұрын
This is wonderful, it all resonates! I've always loved helping others and despised injustice. There's nothing better than being true to yourself. Narcissists are enslaved to their lies and fears.
@sherrymurphy855 2 ай бұрын
Well said.
@Spocklee 2 ай бұрын
That's so true, their enslaved to their lies and fears.
@tess31053 2 ай бұрын
I smiled, as I listened...I believe I've incorporated each of these methods..with different people (all narcissists). Boyfriend, sisters, mother... and all the same, I would suggest it is healthiest and best to just walk away...leave them. Your mind will have less clutter, and your body will thank you..because you will have so much more peace. Why put yourself in a fenced yard with a bull, when you can protect yourself by being on it's outskirts. Your cortisol levels will balance, you'll sleep better...Ahhh...peace at last. Give yourself the gift of peace. You deserve it! No need to continue the annoying unhealthy charade because it's a habit. Or you feel obligated, because it's family... walk away. I did. Yes, I look back on the few times when I mastered the game...and it does make me smile. But the best way to master the game is to leave.
@uddinminhaj1229 2 ай бұрын
I can relate.. they will not understand your emotions 😢
@antoinettegorman8833 2 ай бұрын
It’s too much to be on a relationship with a narcissist. It’s not worth it . Leave, don’t look back . Love YOU
@vacationeyes6430 2 ай бұрын
Empathy is not a weakness. Empathy allows you to read people like an open book that nobody can fool them for too long. Narcissists will learn it the hard way.
@user-bf3wn1fb9n Ай бұрын
Yes, empathy let's you walk on their shoes before making an assertion about them, so every thing you hear from them specially at the beginning it's crystal clear. You can read them like a book
@SK-qh5ps 2 ай бұрын
This is absolutely true. Not trying to destroy them or use their weakness against them, I have empathy for them too but I can see through their toxic behavioral patterns and call them out. I am very sensitive, intuitive, observe people deeply and I am a deep thinker. I don’t take their BS and counter them.its true I treat everyone equally including animals. I take solace in nature, animals, birds, water. My sense of smell is sensitive and strong so I use aroma to calm my sensory organs. I practice breathing techniques.
@alfordromney9080 2 ай бұрын
@cherylberk4593 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this excellent video. You have been such a blessing. I found that I had to control myself! If I went shopping I found myself thinking I should buy this or that for the narc! Always thinking or noticing things they would like.I had to STOP myself. I had gotten them out of my life but not out of my head. Same thing for negative thinking, their voice of constant criticism. So in the mornings I take a little time to think of MY accomlishments, not theirs. Before I go to sleep I ennumerate what I accomplished this day, not them. These narcs are like ghosts we have to banish, interrupt our own thoughts. I actually say "Stop It!" out loud when I start this. Being mindful is really important bcs the thoughts just arise. When dealing with people there are no more second chances. I am never rude, I have far fewer " friends" but I am much happier and healthier. This takes time and mental energy, so I try not to push myself to perfection like I used to. Nobody loves you any more if you are a doormat. Much love and appreciation❤️
@dv52528 2 ай бұрын
Same here, I used to buy things I know they would like, but no more !
@kerrytaggart8206 2 ай бұрын
Interesting about the negative self talk that these demons park in our minds. I like the command “Stop it”. Seeking ways of how to toss these strong holds.
@jennyharris3638 2 ай бұрын
I have given myself to the Lord and he has healed all my hurt and anger and keeps me safe. After 60 yrs of marriage and betrayal I realize that he at 84 will never change, only get worse. I am happy, very careful and do not let his evilness effect me anymore. For decades he has been prisoning my food to keep me docile and have had some very suspect accidents which have caused serious injury. My family are aware of all this and support me as well as my medical team .
@sacredwaters9 2 ай бұрын
"Love yourself radically!" Yes! Took a lot of work, a long time, and it's always a work in progress. ❤ Thank you so much for your expertise. You've helped me to become more self-aware and validated my final lap as a survivor and the acceptance of having been diabolically abused. There is no going back to when I was blind trying to figure my parents and others out. I don't like labels but super empathetic I am. That is something that has saved my life! It's assisted me in not being destroyed by these demons. For me being an empath is unleashing a weapon of natural resistance to anything or anyone abusive. A bully. A liar. A boundary stepper. A thief etc. Of course with Narcs any form of resistance is not allowed, too bad I gave it, from a very young age. I questioned everything and eventually did things my way. If what they were telling me doesn't feel right or sound right I would not do it. Of course, they smear campaigned me with extended family, friends, and coworkers something I didn't realize until much later. With that said the more I gained exposure to knowledge about their behaviors, and labels about what these behaviors are called, went through the 5 stages of grief [got stuck for a few yrs on anger], and stopped holding out for hope that my parents could change, when I accepted that they did NOT love me, when I accepted that they were evil and processed my entire life with them and saw it for the truth that it was, is when my superpower exploded! Now, that I see clearly, those tactics of survival and self-actualization have become more powerful, potent, and empowering. I take no prisoners, and yet at the same time I heal with every successful maneuver out of the Narcs trap. Some days I'm better than others. But I'm getting better every time. Self-reflection is key! It's fuel. You have to be aware. Something narcs hate. I'll shut up now. 😅 Thanks Danish❤
@dspine6 2 ай бұрын
Oh, hun, you really shouldn't shut up! I really liked your post, and applaud all your hard work! Bravo!
@sacredwaters9 2 ай бұрын
@dspine6 Thank you. I wrote that for ALL of us. Heal and be that empowered super empath! ❤️
@christicarver1581 2 ай бұрын
I’ve got them all except he can occasionally get me to lose my cool. I’m working hard on that.
@lauraknight7258 2 ай бұрын
The empath has become expert at keying in on the most unpredictable person in the room--we learned as children that this was best for our own protection.
@eponymoususer8923 2 ай бұрын
Your observations in so many videos are valuable. This „empath“ narrative is absolutely destructive. It’s ego protective and grandiose. After we are abused by a narcissist, who has made us feel insignificant, we often go overboard trying to make ourselves feel special by creating a narrative. Truth is we’re victims of abuse. Disempowered. We’ve often betrayed ourselves by allowing someone unsafe to be so close to us. To recover from a narcissist, you can’t emulate them. You have to do what a narcissist can’t: exercise humility, take personal responsibility, and heal your broken relationship with your Self. Like you wish the narcissist would.
@szynqus 2 ай бұрын
His observations are very vague and are sometimes completely false in every country there are different customs and culture. It is only his subjective experience it is pure nonsensical sometimes. He talks about his mother and father in India and you can't transplant that experience somewhere else to a country with different society. Studying cluster b disorders is not only about the individual but in relation to the society u live in. People behave differently around the world what is considered anti-social in India might be perfectly fine in Canada. Nothing like this exists in clinical terms and there are no studies plus they dont teach that at universities. There are no empaths, super empaths or supernova empaths. Actually there are about 20 youtube channels which talk about this all trying to get views it is a professional victimhood bussiness model. They are run by people not showing their faces hiding behind AI, some shady life coaches, or spiritual gurus and psychopathic narcissists. The biggest one is empath refuge with over 2 million subscribers. Covert narcissists behave exactly the same way the described here empaths do. They take the moral high ground to beat you with their morality. They quite enjoy virtue signalling plus very often even compete with each other on victimhood all over online on who is the biggest victim. They are all over youtube leveraging their victimhood to garner attention and adulation from their viewers. High Sensitive People (HSP)which are really sensitive are mostly loners afraid to cross the street they dont use their victimhood card for attention and money and they are mostly not even online. They dont want to talk about that with anyone else too. People like to think of themselves as innocent victims and as pure as snow and yet they stayed with that kind of person for many years and dont want to take responsibility for their life. It is not so simple as good vs evil narrative in sci-fi movies. This is splitting it is one of the defense mechanism a narcissist uses daily. Type in Sam Vaknin Empathy: It is about YOU, not the OTHER person to find out how empathy really works before consuming this type of content also check out his channel if u want to learn from a real expert.
@flower18777 Ай бұрын
It all comes down to this. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16
@jojo1960uk 2 ай бұрын
So very helpful Danish. After a lifetime of narcissistic abuse of one sort or another I know I have boundaries to set and to not fear setting them. That was the key, that phrase hit home and I'm going to do the work to keep myself safe for the rest of my days. No more of that awfulness will I tolerate 😊
@RKX_Errant 2 ай бұрын
This is a stellar description of what an empath/super empath is. IMHO this is what the human experience is all about. Spiritually, this is what we should strive for, as it places the being on a higher frequency level. A benefit to that is the capacity and capability to greater understanding. Thank you, Danish! You've helped me affix this thought in a fluent way.
@lionspirit360 2 ай бұрын
I let the beast play out itself. They are blind but I see more dimensions, I can move in, dwell in, operate from...
@FridaFlory23 2 ай бұрын
Wow 😳 Thank you ❤
@patricianeville1941 2 ай бұрын
Yes, you are right, thanks!👍
@divergentone777 2 ай бұрын
Me too! Definitely the best strategy, because they will be the one to "cut you off" and then you never have to deal with them again
@minako3351 2 ай бұрын
It's been a long battle, but I think I may have finally got win. Because now, as a super empath, I'm in charge and have more control "our" relations and can get what "we" want. I feel like I have succeeded in making him realize that the relationship belongs to both of "us".
@marypatterson8053 2 ай бұрын
VERY helpful video. I have been doing a LOT of inner work and your words were a confirmation for me. I am realizing that the higher I climb up the mountain, the further away the narcs are at the bottom, where they cannot reach me. thank you
@user-df3eo9qx9p 2 ай бұрын
Good for you on your healing journey. Narcissists won't go to high altitudes b/c of less oxygen. So, great strategy! 🙂
@tanialeslie1807 2 ай бұрын
Yes this makes sense 💯 been taking notes on their behaviour, deeds, and calling it out (calmly) as i see it 💯 , they run , go off spending on extravagant things ,all the new bling ,trips yet wont help with anything in the way of work , paying back way overdue debts ,nor current bills (breadcrumbing me with what they think is ok , when i see them , i see the pattern and know that one day no one will ever replace the loving healing +aware ones ) so ill will keep on being me, do my healing and whats right (forgive myself,set even more firmer boundaries if needed and appreciate just how far ive come and overcome as well 💯) Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏 i am truly grateful for all the information you help us with on this healing journey 🙏🙏🙏🥰
@samreenrazzak9053 2 ай бұрын
I heal myself with the help of your videos.then I heal my mother from my sister in law s abuse .I expose her to my brother.she don't let me marry she practice black magic on mei.i have healed myself then I leave those people who trust her.i make strong bonding With people with my act of service's,kind,love people whole heartedly,I shine in every aspect of my life,I am super empathetic,born in June like u danish,soi m resilient ,powerful I do things against the wish of sister in law .I am unmarried but confident than ever ,pray a lot,love my self, love others very positive , enjoy every activity,stand tall alone,most happy person in family, people get influenced from my positive attitude, playful Ness and wonder high vibration aura.thankyou danish.may Allah protect u,bless u
@user-bd9qe4tb9k 2 ай бұрын
Belated Happy Birthday......I also suffering she sabotage everything but one day i will definitely be a super empath.
@MG-ot2yr Ай бұрын
I've only dealt with two narcs in my 60 years, one was a guy I dated after my husband passed away, and the other more recently was a friend. The one I dated was constant chaos, I had no idea what was going on, my late husband was super secure so I had no exposure to mind games, chaos, triggering, exploiting reactions, the demands and ultimatums....that didn't last long but still came out of it confused, then educated myself on narcs. The friend had been jerking me around for his I just cut him off, blocked email, etc. That was about 18 months ago, he hasn't tried any other contact. Don't put up with other people's crap, stay strong, nobody needs that nonsense in their life.
@Black.rose59 2 ай бұрын
Everything said is true. The narcs return after 4 years was a piece of cake.. they tried everything to convince me that we are just made for each other. Nothing about them has changed, I called them out, shut them down and reminded them plenty of times how awful they are. I knew how to play the game they started from the first time I met them. She would listen very closely to what I had to say and it was like she liked it but in a vampire type way.. kinda spooky. I ignored her for almost a week then she reached out questioning why I’m being silent. Telling me how she realizes that I “balance” her out and how much we are made for each other. I blocked her the next day 😂 I don’t want anything to do with that ever again in my life. Don’t play yourself
@amandadickenson9061 2 ай бұрын
Shattered the entitlement. For awhile he said he was literally chosen by God and only he understood what God wanted. I was like why? What makes you so special. He told me because he was the most honest, kind, humble (yea lost on him) person that ever lived. He was serious. I countered with examples of bad things he'd done to me just that month. He got mad and left.
@dylans0630 2 ай бұрын
That’s awesome 😎
@charlie-girl72 2 ай бұрын
All truth, I'm still try to fight out financially. The last phase is the hardest. They keep trying sabotaging you as long as they can. Distract you to concentrate, you know it when see the patterns but to break the trauma feelings and thoughts is very hard. I don't give up but I'm not sure if I become fully free.. be blessed you all❤
@rajniduggal4240 2 ай бұрын
Because of what I know now, I don’t give any emotional supply he is looking for as I am able to keep myself calm during my interactions with him and don’t take his bad words personally. Thank you for all you do Danish as this is empowering and encouraging!
@Isha89 Ай бұрын
I have been in narcissistic abuse relationship and within a year i discoverered everything and have created strong boundaries with people. I have rewlsied alot about myself and now i am working in myself and healing my inner wounded soul❤
@HeartOfTheSource 2 ай бұрын
Super Empaths aka Demon Slayers Unite!( In Our Own Peaceful Homes, Far Away From Narcissists )🦸✨
@keithstewart7514 2 ай бұрын
Hey, I completely Resemble that Remark!
@jevans1805 2 ай бұрын
ithink the whole show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, was about dealing with different types of energy sucking beings including sociopaths and narcissists.... its a great show, i heartily recommend having daughters watch it. and yes we should teach about the shitpersonality disorders in high school
@sabri83f 2 ай бұрын
mine liked to watch vampire movies but wouldn’t listen to positive wordly music. perhaps because what I like is to be disliked by him. of course i told him “how can you dislike this positive music but watch vampire movies? don’t you think they are going to affect your soul?!”.. ridiculous good comment only problem i see is isolation in our sweet home which is also not good..
@theonlydjtopcat Ай бұрын
You're also disordered. Just a different colored fruit loop in the same Cluster B cereal bowl. Toxic people attract toxic people.
@Puglover4life1 2 ай бұрын
Calling them out is a BIG ONE. They can’t stand it. Removing emotion by grey rocking. Equally important and necessary. This will require you to have a support system in place so that you can vomit when you need to and channel your emotions in a safe place. This is exhausting work I’ll tell you, but it eventually builds a platform where you can be like Danish says, their kryptonite. But it also builds areas in you that need to ultimately heal. Danish is right, you will struggle, and sometimes you will breakdown or shutdown too, but the only place you can go is up, so you should go up then. They want you to be miserable because they are miserable, but stay in your lane and “self love”, which is what I teach my child. The best way to show yourself is by being well. Danish said it well “they are developmentally arrested kids in an adult body”.
@emeraldlight4727 2 ай бұрын
I did this to my husband, he got angry & ran out the front door!
@fatimaahmed445 2 ай бұрын
How did you do that please explain me My husband narc
@Jessica-J.ones. 2 ай бұрын
Yep mine took off and left. Snuck out, in fact, as if I would've bothered to stop him.
@ashton1952 2 ай бұрын
@@fatimaahmed445 see grey-rocking, it's about giving the smallest reply necessary, and also not reacting emotionally (fighting back) with them
@maryhall1181 2 ай бұрын
Thank for making videos bite sized. I don't have hrs and hrs. To the point, right for me, oive this, thank you much.
@maryhall1181 2 ай бұрын
@fatimaahmed445 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Thank you Thank you soooooooo much danish Savings this video ❤❤❤❤❤ Bless you Please make more videos on how to be a super empath tips and tricks. And how to apply this in examples. ❤❤❤
@maggiepearson2598 2 ай бұрын
You are doing an Excellent job, plus you are, very brave & you always hit the nail on the head. You know what, I think I am one of those Super Empath. No joke.
@cgss2213 Ай бұрын
I felt the deceit, lies, pattern changes and her darkness. She has two young girls being tormented by her. I had her in therapy for one session and failed. Had to let her go and go no contact. I know she’s suffering, but for her own regulation needs. A sad story and failure due to my arrogance to heal her. Recovering in isolation now, but I was close to losing myself. A lesson learned.
@gailhare790 2 ай бұрын
We took my narcissistic neighbors to court because of their abuse and control. They lost control of our property because I called them out, and it ended up costing them thousands of dollars (13,000) in arbitration. The court will conclude the case once they recieve the arbitrators report. I suspect my neighbor will loose this as well, again costing them thousands of dollars due to not following court orders or the rules of court.
@Jessica-J.ones. 2 ай бұрын
What did they do? Mine claims the property line is half way into my yard and when I get the grass he called the law and I got a warning for trespass.
@gailhare790 2 ай бұрын
@@Jessica-J.ones. Did you get my last messages?
@Jessica-J.ones. 2 ай бұрын
@@gailhare790 no I didn't. I only see where you asked if I have.
@pamelalynn5955 2 ай бұрын
@@Jessica-J.ones. Get a qualified property survey done. File it as a matter of public record.
@Jessica-J.ones. 2 ай бұрын
@@pamelalynn5955 thankyou. I appreciate you for this information. I'm assuming it means have the property surveyed? I was wondering if I went to the courthouse if I could veiw property line/surveys? I don't know much about this. If it's been surveyed before why would it need to be surveyed again? Surely there is a line that hasn't changed. I don't understand these things.
@user-ud2yt9cj7c 2 ай бұрын
When a narcissist attempts to revisit my life with multiple tests until they get the answer they are after, I have recognized this unauthorized psychological abuse and don't have to tolerate it because if they are unwilling to accept my truth they will keep repeating their narcissistic tactics to cause a problem where there wasn't one with toxic accusations and or down grades of my character.
@free2be748 2 ай бұрын
Being raised by a narcissist came in handy years later when I encountered my narcissistic boyfriend: 1. During the first few months with these people please listen to how they talk about their exes, their stories are usually confessions. 2. Give any new relationship a probation period and observe any changes in behavior, the devaluing incrementally increases over time but may start quite early on. 3. Have a dealbreaker offense, mine was Gaslighting, once he did that it was a wrap...(the relationship lasted a solid 3 months, all in all I had a lucky escape) ❤
@Just_Me_Tee 4 күн бұрын
Habits take about 30 days...don't feel like your making change for at least 30 days. Enjoyed the "it's alright" video after leaving a narcissist ❤❤❤
@catherinejames2734 Ай бұрын
Extremely helpful, thank you. I have experienced everything you mentioned. I really didn’t think I’d ever fall for it again until I met one that presented as so insecure and vulnerable as a victim of extreme abuse, I felt so sorry for her and tried to help her . Ultimately,overtime I could see the game she was playing as she constantly criticised everyone around me and worked her way into my life with more and more control. Then it came to a point where she well and truly crossed all boundaries and my anxiety around her became too much. I then spoke to my friends and explained what I was experiencing and that I had to remove her from my life, but I wanted them to know the truth about why. It was an extremely uncomfortable situation, but what I had to build up was my inner strength and confidence to just shut her down and get ready for the aftermath, if she was going to try and turn people against me. I don’t expect it’s over yet, but what you have explained is very helpful to me, thank you.
@R34M 2 ай бұрын
man this is resonant. my open heart is mightier than a sword 🗡️
@anuradhatayade8432 5 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 this information helps me a mother in law is narcissist mother of my narcissist husband... They both plays mind games with me... And traped me... Argue with me without any reason...& When I say about this to my parents, my mother in law lie to my parents that "your daughter have some psychological or mental issues" I was so confused.... I was started doubting myself..... Now I understand the problem is not in me..... The problem is within them....
@asthasrivastav6736 2 ай бұрын
Love you Danish❤this video give me a lot of boost up,again life becomes soo blissful and now i can breathe peacefully
@mosher121 Ай бұрын
Thank you. What a gift this video is. I'm so grateful for the work you are doing. You have given me a roadmap. Radical self-acceptance is hard work. I'm somewhere on the journey to that. At least I see that this is where the healing is, and I see that this is how I learn all the many things that were never given when I was a child -- safety, support, the ability to just know that it's ok for me to be here. Amazing that this is the kryptonite for all the narcissists in my life, too. And, yes, it's true, once you begin to taste this healing, there is no room for this injustice. It's not personal. It's just right.
@Shut-up-Shelly 2 ай бұрын
Holy moley I have done every single thing you said!!! Especially the documenting their toxic behavior I used to video or voice record the fights and rage and injury behaviors from my ex narc…and I use this all to tell him I’m going to show everyone I can find to show them who you really are. I told him I will tell all his new supply all his red flags to watch out for and to get std tests results from him before he touches you…yeah he gets super scared of me Exposing him!!!!! I also got in social media and screenshot all the messages I could that showed how sick his mind is! Thank you Danish!!!!❤
@shandagibbs2192 2 ай бұрын
I directly address their actions. Stick to the facts. Don't allow them to derail the topic of discussion towards something that isn't about the topic of discussion. Don't allow them to shift the blame on you. Stand strong in your boundaries. Don't show any emotional reactions. Stay calm, don't defend yourself. Truth needs no defense. Don't be afraid and don't allow gaslighting. Don't take anything personally. I have learned every narcissistic trick and tactic through experience. Being a healed super empath i have grown to understand and realize that their actions aren't my fault. Remember it's not your fault. Trust what you see not what you hear from them. You cant help them heal, they must want to do that for themselves. Stay strong, always remember your stronger than them.
@kellishomaker8060 Ай бұрын
I need a play book. Thanks.
@kit2130 2 ай бұрын
Can you explain more about how they are developedly arrested as a kid? My ex’s dad (who he idolized) died when he was 13 & I know that pivoted his life. His mother had 7 other children to care for & she was an enigma-very empathetic but didn’t care about people, she could pretend so easily but was ruthlessly self serving. My ex was just like her minus the empathy.
@michellewaterhouse7373 Ай бұрын
You are brilliant 😄 I have been in this marriage for over 30 yrs and have tortured myself for not knowing why i have done so. You have explained so much. I am a fighter, of sorts, and have always been the first one to pin him up against the wall if he wad wrong. I have had to heal and learn while still in this relationship. Currently Iam setting things up so that I can file for divorce and move out. Its not easy to do because I am epileptic and live 14 miles from town. Regardless I am determined and my youngest son , whos 18, is with me. Thank You 🙏
@travislee9396 2 ай бұрын
Brother thank you for arming me to fight my narcissistic wife. You are a Light. Bless you
@lizacosta1139 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Danish! Raised by a narcissist, attracted a narcissistic husband (now ex) and siblings also attracted narcissists. I recently came to the aid of my niece who stood up to her super narcissistic mother. I must finally be healed because I handled it like a super empath. Thank God!
@DF-dd5nf 2 ай бұрын
Dear Danish, I really enjoyed watching this video. I have learned a lot. I am a Super Empath and you thought me a lot about my self to understand myself. ❤❤❤
@daljitvirdi1024 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Danish for this video and the tips you've shared with us so that we can continue on our healing path😊💖😇🙏.
@b8akaratn 2 ай бұрын
Nothing to really add, just wanted to say everything here had me agreeing heartily 😊 🙏💙❣️ & "hi!!"
@hmarc2401 15 күн бұрын
Constantly tell myself not to react with emotions. I see right through them now, I remove my personal feelings when interacting. Prep myself to even deal with them.
@liveeverydaylikeitsyourlas984 2 ай бұрын
Healing is the key ,I walk in my power now,I do right by them now,but they can't play their games one,I keep them at their level,and still showing them love,,I am thankful for healing
@neeleymountain Ай бұрын
There was a time after he was gone that Universe asked me if I would want him back is he was ‘fixed’, so to speak, and I said yes. So Universe told me that he would encounter a female who would treat him as he treated me. That was years ago and I have been following his unfortunate life. I don’t know if/when he might come back but I sure learned to trust the universe. 🙏🏼
@laquithasnow4520 Ай бұрын
This is all true. I did all of these things. I knew I was an empath but to realize I’m a super empath is enlightening. Thank you for this video.
@josechai4082 2 ай бұрын
I just started therapy to start healing. The realization that I was with one for years if very fresh. I already had CBT for a year so I’m a bit more self aware. So, what really hit the most that you mentioned about healing is Really searching deep down who you are” Thanks, now I have a lot of processing to do.
@PR1SVX_CRYSTALS 2 күн бұрын
Very well explained, Thank you so much for your awakening words , led us guide in dealing Narc people .
@shimidharma 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for you talks … I’ve received much from these explanations. Truth is a super power around a narcissist 🫶🏼
@user-bd9qe4tb9k 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely.....but they hate Truth taller.....
@lawrencedavis5459 2 ай бұрын
I had to start my own healing as I kept attracting narcissistic females. The last one tried really hard to get under my skin but I rejected her
@user-wo5xs9jd6o 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, Danish. I am setting boundaries, and of course it triggers the narcissist saying I'm selfish. Growing up with all the guilt making and manipulation, I would normally responds with once again, putting them first, jeopardizing my job, etc because I would be manipulated into doing things NOW. I am trying very hard to break the old patterns. I have gentle boundaries where I'm still kind and loving, but the boundaries are firm. The hardest thing for me is over coming the guilt so I'm trying to remind myself in a very loving way that I matter too and I am not selfish for not saying yes all of the time. It's a constant work in process and thank you again for reminding me to not give into guilt and manipulation. The manipulation is so subtle but with the deepest look of disappointment that gets me every time. I'm praying for strength at every step. Thank you for your amazing videos. God bless you
@juliecurtis4045 2 ай бұрын
To some that are commenting....just because you were in a bad relationship or dealing with a jerk, doesn't mean that person was actually a narcissist. 🤷‍♀️
@patriciapetit766 2 ай бұрын
TALK What You KNOW and NOT What You Don't. When They talk about Narcissist they have proof
@yulistriana5891 Ай бұрын
Am so blessed the narc triggers my trauma wounds.... gain my spirituality to God . For me after heals my self i ever judging no body ❤... love you all
@natashaj5450 Ай бұрын
I’m a super empath with a narcissist father and empath mother. Thankfully my dad was absent a lot. Married a covert narcissist at a young age. Learned and healed a lot from their abuse. Also dealt with narcissistic friends. The way I deal with them is watch and listen to them very well. Educate yourself on manipulation tactics so you can recognize it when you see it. Stay calm and be mentally strong and smart when dealing with them. When they start showing the signs of narcissism/ manipulation just walk away. You can let them know that they are being manipulative and you won’t tolerate having that in your life but then walk away and don’t interact LOVE AND PROTECT yourself and your peace , mental health above all. When you do that it’s easier to not tolerate manipulative/ narcissistic/ abusive behavior. Also know that not all narcissists are obvious monsters. Many are so good at putting up a facade to come across as nice , trustworthy but they can’t keep that up forever and eventually usually when they don’t get what they want or their ego feels threatened the signs or narcissism will start to show. Don’t tolerate it. Don’t feel sorry for them. Just remove yourself.
@kathyfarley2773 Ай бұрын
You are helping me save myself. Thank you
@vickithompson2680 2 ай бұрын
Danish thank you my friend...i am in fierce battle with this demon..who thinks it has rights by birth to me. You are a light..keep shining. 💜💜💜
@bluebutterfly244 2 ай бұрын
It's my aspiration to be that calm, wise person who knows these things intellectually in all the points you make. The challenge is that in the moment, I feel caught up in whatever someone is throwing at me and clam up. Then later I think something I should have said, etc.
@treasure1046 2 ай бұрын
i feel like i've finally healed. i find energy for love and joy. and i see narcissists clear as day and say goodbye or simply ignore pretty quickly.
@pocketally Ай бұрын
I loved your video, as a psychologist myself. Excellent job. ❤
@outoftheblue4412 2 ай бұрын
Strength is Key! Self Assurance! My parents lifted! I believe this is the Medallion ❤
@jett70710 Ай бұрын
I've had so much practice with this super empath stuff because of 10 yrs of living with and taking care of my narc mom. Maybe I can be one someday! ❤
@doreepentz2617 2 ай бұрын
yes very true. i have been healing and becoming a super empath since i left the final narcissist and now have a very loving partner. when you look back and realize all that we put up with in the past...
@raidenewalden4354 2 ай бұрын
I am a giver , kind , understanding to people my family , and partner but also I have boundaries and principle in life that I always keep to follow and I can be patient and give more understanding to a problem but at the end if none is resolve and will have a last say .
@nomathembandawo5631 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this constructive information, I nearly had a heart attack, since I met him he has been taking and taking as if I owe him money, he showed no remorse of taking, I felt sorry for him with his manipulating stories . Thank you, now I am off the hook for you good teachings and constructive advises Thanks a million
@anatriellociucci1224 Ай бұрын
I think a SA is also made of integrity: his value is within himself always, regardless of other's validation. He can walk through a narcissist lover, take a hit, move on twice as strong. Did you notice how narcissists use the same tactic for attracting people over and over? Sooner or later they will hit the wall and will go fom being ttract8ve to ridicolous in no time
@Skylightwolkers Ай бұрын
That's true. I am a sigma empath and I have the gift of reading people like open books. I only need a few minutes to see through the narcissist's intentions. I often meet them on my way and amazing situations arise from these meetings. I often end up confronting them with their true selves and leaving them angry and surprised. the brutal truth is refreshing although I don't believe it would change their behavior. but they avoid me like the plague. the awakened empath is enemy number 1 for narcissists. my advice to empaths. connect with nature. its gentle loving energy will bring you closer to your heart and from there it is a short way to being on the right path and full protection against individuals such as narcissists and other such individuals.✌️🙏❤️
@annbelindaclark7368 Ай бұрын
Thanks for your sharings, I don't really know the super empath but it doesn't matter if we experience it, we recognize it and what you describe is mirror mine as I worked a lot on knowing myself at a point that i recognize others and love, compassion and wisdom that i received heal my own wounds and see others wound clearly.But i don't go chasing them, they want to compete because they think competition is how we show our strength and a lot of people don't understand that life is not a field of battle but a life force of inner peace to master,no one can have peace if not inside.Thanks.
@erinbeebe2517 2 ай бұрын
I saw the signs since High School, but I thought I was stronger. Empathy is my weakness and he knew it which is why during one of his nonsensical rages last year, I attempted suicide, it was a cry for help but the response I got showed me how little I actually mattered; what was weird was I had said it, he screamed while daring me to do it as he walked away and down the hall but then he came back and acted like me being his friend was actually different from me being his wife. He started getting emotional and said he was scared and depressed because his wife was threatening suicide and out of instinct I started consoling him as if I were a different person. Reassuring and calming him down, and I had to double back because I realized how self centered he really was. Didn't try to console me, talk me out of it or even just stop me....just jumped over me so that we could focus on his emotions. ... He knew that, he knew I would just jump over myself every time so he felt free to tear me into pieces to the point that I thought I was so horrible that the world would do better without me, and then he would turn it around to make himself the victim of my selfishness, I had no boundaries. We'd been married for 15 year (separated now) so he knew exactly what buttons to push and how to benefit the most from it. Empathy is my weakness, he knew if it looked like he was hurting then I would forget myself to go and make sure he was fine....
@rajeshwarim5225 2 ай бұрын
I started to gnore the shit narcissit . Started working on my weight loss,driving skills 2 wheeler ,4 wheeler , ways to earn good money with a positive way, .. started to shine infront of him ❤😂😂
@knittingpassion6106 2 ай бұрын
I dont know about npd before 8:26 2yrs but i saw they enter house and always ready for fight so i try to less contact do all work self nothing said him to do all my intuition i thought something wrong with that person he always give silent treatment for small things but no way to escape god nothing give me iamhopeless
@nehasable8347 10 күн бұрын
Thank u Danish u r helping us to save our life
@this-abledtheextravertedhe5299 2 ай бұрын
🥰 I doing it 😆 I’m handling a person like this as a champ! 🤣 I decided to start saying, Thank you and walk away smiling to the insults… I never thought I’d see a person like this have their jaw drop, but it happened 😂 Lort 🙏🏻 I hope I can keep it up. Thanks for all your guidance 😁
@paulineklostermann5877 2 ай бұрын
I left my familie because of familie scapegoat abuse. Narcisist who are also alcoholic. I am grandmother, they abuse me in front of the grandchilderen. Also one of them hit me in the face and broke my glasses in my face. All the fysieke problems. They offend me and bulli me with 5 persons when i come for a birthday. And also the silenttreatment. I am broken, the people i love the most abused me for years .Thank you ,you saved my life ,my body could not take it anymore . I live in Holland en wich you love .❤
@dylans0630 2 ай бұрын
I am so sorry 😢 I can’t imagine how much that hurts. Please take care of yourself 🤍
@paulineklostermann5877 2 ай бұрын
@@dylans0630 Thank you .
@wendylees1110 2 ай бұрын
Currently stuck in a narcissistic relationship. Trying to get the strength to get out, so keeping a diary. This is my 4th narcissistic relationship, including my mother. Your videos help. Thanks Danish.
How to Trigger a Narcissist's Shame and Shut them down
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 43 М.
Destroy a Narcissist's Gaslighting Using Three Sentences
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 93 М.
Underwater Challenge 😱
Topper Guild
Рет қаралды 46 МЛН
❌Разве такое возможно? #story
Кэри Найс
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН
Рет қаралды 118 МЛН
When a Narcissist Realizes They have Lost the Real One
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 58 М.
5 Things a Narcissist does when they're alone
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 549 М.
10 Seconds Technique to Detect a Narcissist
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 72 М.
5 Ways Your Silence Destroys a Narcissist
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 42 М.
5 Weird Things a Narcissist Does when they hit Collapse
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 143 М.
5 Weird Eating Habits of a Narcissist
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 375 М.
5 Ways To Manipulate a Narcissist & Shut them Down
Danish Bashir
Рет қаралды 31 М.
Sigma Empaths vs. Super Empaths - Which One Are YOU?
Wellness Lenses
Рет қаралды 43 М.
6 Undeniable Signs A Narcissist Is Cheating On You | Danish Bashir