29:06: 38 When a man is in the line of duty for God, there’s no gate, no nothing can stand in his way. The devil tried to fence God’s man and people in one day, with the Red Sea, but he went right on through it just the same. When as long as a man is in the service of God, as long as the anointing and blessing is upon him, he shouldn’t fear nothing, because He’s promised us He would be with us, and nothing would bother us by no means. 63-0120E - Just One More Time, Lord
@moise_ndala Жыл бұрын
1:26:43: 133 You fathers, you mothers, are you ready to establish an altar in your house, and take that television out? Are you ready to take that deck of cards off the table? Them comic books that your children’s reading, preparing their little minds for a blast that the devil’s going to give them. Are you ready to establish the old family altar again? Or do you just want to continue on the way you are? You want to continue on, you’re not in condition of coming yet; but I pray that you’re like Samson, you see the price and you’re ready, “Lord, let me die with them.” 63-0120E - Just One More Time, Lord