Thank you for sharing! It’s definitely important to be cautious in today’s connected world. Here are a few thoughts to build on your points: 1. Learn to make money, not just work - This mindset focuses on financial literacy and understanding how to generate passive income, so you aren’t working just to live paycheck to paycheck. 2. Live within your means - It’s vital not to accumulate debt beyond what you can handle. Financial discipline is key to maintaining long-term stability. 3. Surround yourself with like-minded people - The people around you shape your mindset and habits. To achieve success, it helps to be around individuals who share similar goals and values. 4. Create assets, not liabilities - Focus on building assets that generate income or appreciate in value, like real estate, investments, or businesses. Your additions are thoughtful and a great guide to maintaining a balanced and successful life!
@youaretop1percent4 ай бұрын
Wow ! thank you for your English summary, really appreciate that, it must be helpful for our friends.