7 Signs You’re Suffering from An Inner Child Wound

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Kati Morton

Kati Morton

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@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
I'm hosting a 2-part LIVE Inner Child Workshop August 12 and 19. It will also be available on-demand for those unable to join live. For more details or to register now, go to: katimorton.com/the-shop
@j0.ZEF-Who 2 жыл бұрын
Ah Doc! Katie that's my work hours. Love those pillows 💕 These workshops going to be supah different? Love ya vids - seems like I'm still creating new wounds as I'm trying 2 progress which suxs a lot
@mistypfitzer111 2 жыл бұрын
Do you by chance offer any scholarships for your course(s)? And if so, how would I go about applying for one?
@edwardianspice1 2 жыл бұрын
What time will it be, Kati? I’m in the U.K. x
@KWatsonMUSIC 2 жыл бұрын
I live in NZ so can't attend live, but I bought the pre-recorded version :)
@richardsarabi4947 2 жыл бұрын
Can I get this sent to ups as a parcel?
@foreversweaterweather 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 13 I met a man who told me he would take care of me and that he had drugs that would make me feel better, I was so desperate for someone to take care of me and so miserable I would have done anything to feel better. I did drugs until I was 20 and got clean all on my own. And I can confirm drugs do not fix anything, they just cause more problems. I've been clean almost 5 years now and it's still a struggle every single day. Do not go down that path, it will not fix you or help you.
@timtreefrog9646 2 жыл бұрын
Well done for everything. You deserve to be very proud of yourself ❤️
@suzysurgent62 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that's sad unbelievable how did u overcome it
@foreversweaterweather 2 жыл бұрын
@@suzysurgent62 When I was 18 I was in yet another abusive relationship, I'd gotten kicked out of school for missing too many days, and I did nothing but self harm, drink, get high, and hangout at my boyfriends house (now ex boyfriend). Then I finally saw my life for what it was, and what it would be forever if I didn't change. It took a few years and a lot of hard work but I haven't done drugs since 20, I rarely drink, and I haven't self harmed in a year. I just keep reminding myself if I go back to who I was before I'll never have the life I want. Plus it helps that my best friend is also clean and I know if I relapsed it would let him down.
@hannahboebanna Жыл бұрын
@@foreversweaterweather thankyou for sharing!!! i’ve come to that realisation of “if i don’t stop now, i’ll never heal” in my own life. it’s so hard but yeah my struggle is restrictive eating/undiagnosed anorexia. well done for how far you’ve come, it must be a relief thinking about those moments, to know you got YOURSELF out of that! it’s amazing and truly incredible x
@arwa93117 Жыл бұрын
@TheLookingGlassAU 2 жыл бұрын
Best tool my therapist taught me was visualising a safe place in my mind and taking my younger self there and explaining I have to go do adult things now and I'll be back to pick you up. It helps me calm down to do a social task. Another one was looking at a photo of myself as a child and smile at him and telling him I love him and all the things I needed to hear at that age. Doing that every day was helpful over time.
@hannahboebanna Жыл бұрын
thankyou for sharing this!!! 🙏🏼
@LPoper Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I felt that, like a little bit of relief when I pictured myself explaining to 4 yr old me when I have to physically leave my house. I've been struggling with agoraphobia, something completely new and surprising. I finally realized it was literally the terror of a 4 yr old, bc tiny children aren't equipped for adult life, no wonder she's terrified. I've been looking for and trying ways to reassure her adult me is up to the task of protecting us, ways to calm and comfort. This feels like something I should try. Appreciate you sharing!
@abbycadabbie Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this!
@HB2490 Жыл бұрын
This brought me to tears. I've reached out to a therapist and when I get some quiet time at home I will try this practice. Thank you for sharing.
@despicabledavidshort3806 Жыл бұрын
I immediately thought I'll do this, I'll put her in "the closet" and then caught my breath bc bad things are in the closet and she can't deal with them, that's WHY they're in the closet. And now my chest is about to explode
@smushface3999 Жыл бұрын
I prefer the “emotional bank account” analogy. When you have plenty of money in your account, small debits don’t have much impact because your high balance gives you a nice safety buffer. If you have a low balance, a small debit could easily bring you below 0. If you have a negative balance, every tiny debit is compounded with overdraft fees. It’s easy to let the little things slide when your world is big and life is full of good things but when your world is small and full of troubles, any new thing adding to your emotional load feels like death by a thousand cuts.
@daviddanielsson3643 2 жыл бұрын
Started therapy for C-PTSD recently. I was asked to bring some photos of when I was a little boy to a session. Guess the purpose of that was to start connecting with my inner child. My therapist would look at the pictures with me and ask me if I can see how little I really was.
@kylewood9078 2 жыл бұрын
That's a very important starting point, the world needs more therapists like yours who understand childhood wounding
@carpathianken 2 жыл бұрын
That's why child abusers/molesters/neglecters need locking up & throwing away the key.That they could knowingly damage a defenceless & fragile child is despicable.
@BestMoviesInLessTime 2 жыл бұрын
Such a sweet way to heal your childhood wound.
@justjue1 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been asked the same and I can understand why and why it will help now
@mendingmandy869 2 жыл бұрын
I have CPTSD too! I have a picture of me and my abuser when I was a toddler and I'd sit and just talk to my inner child and tell myself how sorry I am that my childhood was so horrible. It's helped me so much to feel more compassion for myself instead of judgement
@rushdaa1840 4 ай бұрын
Why am I getting emotional watching this?
@Moraenil Жыл бұрын
What's bad is when you're in your 40s and the inner child is STILL being wounded regularly and you have resources or ways to get help to deal with it and are stuck in the situation.
@doddiemcclure2115 Жыл бұрын
Im right there with you. I'm 45
@fortellastaton7920 4 ай бұрын
This is really bad. And I can relate.. I'm sorry and I hope that you'll be able to get free soon!
@margomoby684 Жыл бұрын
I was a heroin addict for 5 years back in Iran. I left my country to feel at peace. Get away from toxic parents and environment. I started studying clinical psychology to heal myself and to understand people around me better. Things have changed for me in a better way but I still am suffering from PTSD. I have flashbacks to my childhood. To my addiction, to my parents neglect. This wound is so deep ... I lost the connection between my brain and my body. Today I wanted to remove my spine and move like a worm (we were actually worms with no brain ! ) because You know Trauma keeps the score... It all landed on my shoulders and neck. I can't sit straight feels like I want to hold and keep my pain in between my arms ... Kati, in this world of chaos I realized that I don't need to search. I need to build. Love is helping me a lot. Having a partner who hears you, and understands you without judging you is healing because not everyone understands. Not everyone will open their arms to you when they hear what happened to you in the past.
@nancyayotte2297 14 күн бұрын
😢 I'm so sorry for you. I too turned to drugs to numb the pain . I truly hope you are doing well now. Please be kind to yourself. 💜
@brittanywilcox7377 2 жыл бұрын
My mother would threaten to run away all the time. If I tried to tell her something, she'd sigh heavily and ask if this was going to be a long story. I never felt safe growing up.
@Malin0908 2 жыл бұрын
I have extreme fear of abandonment along with low self esteem. I just feel people leave me because they cant stand me. I have talk with my therapist about this. She asked me how i would cope with her having 4 weeks summer break. I told her i would be fine. I was anxious but i knew i would talk to her after those four weeks, we had set up three appointments and that was comforting to know. Then before our first appointment after summer she told me she had to cancel all her sessions due to illnes. I spiraled so bad. Cried for two days straight. And one week after, i am still sad. I really miss talking to her, i have seen some therapist over The years but she is The first i have opened up to and told my deepest secrets that makes me so ashamed. At The same time i feel an attatchment to her. I dont know anything about her outside therapy, but she has been my steady point since december and she has helped me cope and keep my head abow water. I fear she is seriously ill and i worry about her, because i do care about her in some way. Not knowing if or when i will Get to talk to her again is so hard. I hate this feeling of not knowing. I was going to tell her about my attatchment to her and how i have had many female figures during The years who i have felt a strong attatchment to. I feel emberasst for it, but i wanted to sort it out with her. I’m so sad, she has been a great help for me, and i am so thankful.
@dumabel3351 2 жыл бұрын
I understand your feeling. I have three therapists, we talk through internet. I worried lost therapy, so I found three for myself.
@j_freed Жыл бұрын
Maybe this helps: don’t be ashamed of what you’ve shared or your feelings of dependence… view these experiences as honest steps towards learning your own strong acceptance & independence. You’re not alone and nothing you’ve therapeutically shared (or weakness you have felt) makes you any less than the rest of us. It makes you committed to completing an inner goal… regardless who walks the path beside you.
@aborch7 2 жыл бұрын
#3 hit me like a brick wall. I often tell my fiancé “I don’t deserve you” when he’s super thoughtful or caring (which I was/am not used to) and I didn’t realize until this video how much I *really believed that* or that thinking that way was flawed ☹️ whoa
@j_freed Жыл бұрын
Yes it’s acceptance - and the sooner we get past ‘I don’t deserve / I’m such a loser’ type thinking - stuff casually said which drags us down - the better.
@allyson-- 2 жыл бұрын
00:52 Overraction (2:42 Inner Child Workshop) 02:56 Attachment Issues 04:12 Difficulty in Relationships 07:52 Addiction 09:34 Unprocessed Abuse 11:18 Self-Injury 12:14 Eating Disorders 13:13 How to Heal Inner-Child Wounds
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Allyson :)
@jelemil 2 жыл бұрын
@nikkimitchell5440 Жыл бұрын
Allyson... All heroes don't wear capes, but you are one ! Thanks for this bullet point summary ❤💯🙌
@kelliehorn1082 Жыл бұрын
I've recently started reading my childhood journal, and it has brought up A LOT of emotional things for me. I'm so grateful to my 8-year-old self for writing the things that I did. It allowed me to look back at my childhood without my current perspective modifying anything. I have nothing but compassion for my childhood self (well, I have sympathy, gratitude and admiration, too). She was so tender and vulnerable, and went through so much.
@JustSomeUmbreonfromJohto 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, this really speaks to me...I remember stuffing my emotions down when I was a kid because I never felt like I was ok to express my emotions. I'm still working on healing from my childhood...I sometimes overreact, especially when I get overstimulated (I deal with sensory issues like loud noises, crowds, etc) and it can cause me to overreact or lash out...or sometimes I see things that aren't there...or old insecurities come out like people pleasing even though I'm in a better place now...I'm still working on healing...and this video was a reality check that reminded me I have some more work to do.
@Mushroom321- 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, i resonate, the lights, so many voices from work, & the over overstimulation ...
@Geotubest 9 ай бұрын
@nicolejeffries740 3 күн бұрын
My mother was emotionally unavailable, and didn't give affection, didn't say I love you. When I tried to hug her she'd push me off and tell me to go away. When I told her I loved her she wouldn't respond. I was the family scapegoat. The black sheep. When I was in my 20's I mentioned to my grandma in tears, that I didn't understand why my mom treated me differently than my older sister. She said she never understood it either and tried telling my dad when I was a kid. But my grandma was literally the most loving, affectionate woman ever. It wasn't forced, she genuinely loved me unconditionally. I remember in my later teens and early 20's I developed friendships with older women, it's like I literally sought them out. I don't do that anymore and I feel like I've healed a bit because I confronted my mom in my late 20's, and she was remorseful, cried and apologized and tried giving me a hug but I told her I didn't need it anymore it was too awkward. She still doesn't say I love you, she doesn't hug...she was abused as a kid, her mama was abused by her husband (my mom's dad), he was an alcoholic and addicted to gambling, they were poor and my mom was neglected on every level. Her dad finally got sober once her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, she passed away from it and she was 54 at that point. I was 3 when her mom died and she still cries about losing her mom. So in a way I think my mom did her best as a parent, she always made sure we had everything we needed and wanted. We never went hungry or without a home like she did. I have compassion and empathy for her, and I've forgiven her but still wish I could've had affection and love. I would like to try and heal my inner child so I can be the best mom possible. I tell my kids I love them daily, multiple times a day, but struggle with affection and I'm hoping I can somehow develop that with them. I do give them some affection but in my opinion it's not enough. I just don't think about it, if they come and hug me I hug them back, and kiss their heads, or my daughter on the lips or cheeks. If they sleep with me (which is mostly every night) we cuddle. Anyway! I wish I could be the perfect mom, so I don't cause any trauma for them.
@Shindai 2 жыл бұрын
Well shit. I don't often immediately rewatch a video unless it's a song I really like, but I think I need to watch this a couple more times
@chaimleo5860 2 жыл бұрын
I will play this video at my next therapy session appointment so my therapist knows who I am this is so accurate!!!
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
@stevensawyer5924 2 жыл бұрын
At 65 and over a year into therapy for c ptsd with no progress, I feel I'd be doing my therapist and the planet a great favor by just disappearing. Can not live with this pain another moment.
@MB-dt7xk 2 жыл бұрын
Steven Sawyer ~ I understand that you're feeling like things aren't getting better, but you are a beautiful, valuable and worthy person who is willing to do the work to help yourself out of the pain. Please don't give up! God bless you!
@sandramirelez1926 2 жыл бұрын
God loves you! He put you on this planet for a reason. I am sorry you are feeling this way. My heart goes out to you….
@lolawallace8390 2 жыл бұрын
Steven, at 68 I am struggle everyday. I have 11 (eleven) plus years in individual, group, and self-help therapy. I hear your struggle in this post. My struggle is within me. It is my anger, rage, why did it all happen, why is it still as painful as if it is NOW not then. This past year I have made a commitment to ME. I will, in the present, I will have PEACE. It has taken a full year to finally "click, get it". I have to give up the ANGER, the RAGE...I have every right to both, they do not bring me Peace. Before I die of natural cause, I will have Peace because I have a clear mission!... No one gets to say what any of our missions are, YOU will know as you process. We are given tools in therapy, no one has our answer necessary to heal...Wishing you insight as you journey.
@nancyayotte2297 14 күн бұрын
I hope you're ok Steven. I pray life has gotten better for you and I really hope you are still here with us. 💜
@danieladuran2899 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Kati! I am in a difficult situation with my elderly parents and today I found myself bursting into tears instead of using words and being assertive. I couldn’t understand the reason. Even as a grown up, there are things that still hold me back from a having a healthy relationship with them. As I watched this, I realized what path I need to start to follow in order to heal and be better. For my parents but mostly for me
@rebeccaoprea9917 2 жыл бұрын
Most people check out to escape their reality , but we won’t find what we’re looking for there , it’s only when we check in that we do .
@eclairb.5628 Жыл бұрын
I love how you said “withholding” something is a form of abuse, too. This is a great clip for us to reflect what kind of wounds we have and should work on❤
@altafischer3948 5 ай бұрын
Hi from SA. Your message resonated with me. I shared this with 3 friends. Its been a year now that I can't cry, laugh or be happy. I feel so isolated and misunderstood.
@WhatsMarlyUpTo 2 жыл бұрын
Your upcoming workshop is very reasonably priced but still sadly beyond my means at this time. So grateful that it will be on file as my situation may change. Makes me TRULY appreciate all the free videos you bless us with. Like this video today. Was in tears at the end when I realized how many of them applied to me but also hopeful as you gave a solution for each. Thank you Kati, for all your compassion and generosity. The world needs more people like you!!!!!❤❤❤❤
@idlenaut_ 2 жыл бұрын
You making and publishing this video at this exact time given what is going on in my life seems almost serendipitous. Everything in this video has clicked with me, and now I have a much better idea of the path I need to grow and heal - and inner child work will be a huge part of it. Thank you so much! I'll definitely be signing up for the workshop!
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you found the video helpful. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the workshop :)
@Mmistyharber 2 жыл бұрын
Kati, I disagree about "thinking we DESERVE" to be treated poorly in relationships. That happens, but I believe it's more about the "bad" being our normal so the initial red flags are not as evident and it's familiar and comfortable even if we don't want it.
@gabbyyak2080 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who feels both ways in relationships, I think she was 100% correct. I definitely think I deserve to be treated badly.
@whereloveblossoms 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is related to how sometimes Negative Self-Talk that a lot of us can struggle with, be impacted by - even without being aware of just how deep rooted or how often that negative Self-Talk affects us consciously + unconsciously.. and whilst a lot can be influenced by how poorly other people treat each other.. only we can claim ownership over our lives and practice + build skills to challenge that negative Self-Talk + reshape it into lessons we can learn and grow from + build our Resillience as we choose to be /become more Self-aware..
@FriendlyNeighborhoodUnclePete 2 жыл бұрын
So much of what you said, rings true. My over attachment issues and Fawn. You’re are such an amazing person.
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad the video was helpful. xoxo
@jackiespeich.sport2001 Жыл бұрын
Can EMDR therapy help with healing inner child wounds!
@CreativeChameleonMediaTM 3 ай бұрын
I know this was posted quite a while ago - but I was able to find it at the exact right time for myself personally. My healing journey began a long time ago, but I don't think I would have ready to hear my own inner child at that point in my life. I now have the great benefit of years of therapy and learning healthy coping skills under my belt along with a fabulous base of support, which makes this a particularly good time to approach/connect with/comfort and care for my own inner child. I want to Thank you for posting the content that you do and the genuine and relaxed way that you create it. You are one of those 'shining lights' in an often dark world. ❤️‍🩹🌎❤️💫
@sandancer45 Жыл бұрын
When you do the inner work, alot changes, you do not put up with people disrespecting you. You have more self respect and walk away from people and situations that hurt you. You cannot undo things you have learned, you go back to your past and try and put the puzzle together and you loose people because you have changed so much. The version that was you in the past is no longer there, the people pleaser and most do not like this, it is a shock for some. In the end i have found that i can spot people who just want to use me a mile off now and i can assess situations quicker and this gives me time to exit or stay until i can do so safely. Never tell someone your plans , it could save your life in some situations.
@debraowen6723 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. You really hit every nail squarely in the head. I see some of these signs in my whole family and myself. The effects are so long lasting and don't just go away as time goes by. It's helpful just hearing you SAY outloud, the signs AND the causes that mark our development from childhood forward. Thank you!
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
You are very welcome :) So happy I could help. xoxo
@MiaKatharine 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been doing this all a long time, but I still struggle with making and keeping friends. Its hard for me to know how much to reveal how soon, my usual is to say nothing which just makes me really closed off in general. Its so hard when you were never given any examples of how to relate to people effectively and also I didn’t live a “normal” life so I often dont relate to ppl my age. Kinda sucks.
@ShintogaDeathAngel 9 ай бұрын
I can empathise - my adoptive family were pretty insular, and while I did make some friends it was difficult and still is, as an adult, even after a few years of therapy. I think I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, though, but it's still confusing and scary at times! My main problem is not feeling like I know what to say and then I just stay quiet, stew and get anxious instead.
@brigidspencer5123 Жыл бұрын
What about abuse from peers? In middle school and high school the mean girls syndrome and being bullied by peers for years can wreak havoc with our self image, wondering what is wrong with us or our family if they are immigrants who barely speak English or speak English with an accent? Watching parents being disrespected and bullied by other adults can be terrifying for children.
@timtreefrog9646 2 жыл бұрын
Kati. I have said it before and I'll say it again. You're beyond amazing. 😍 I struggle to attach, therefore this really resonates. The tips you give are super helpful. Thank you.
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
Aww I am so glad I could be helpful!! xoxo
@melissamason2983 2 жыл бұрын
I remember my mom always saying I was such a good baby. I realize now they thought I had adjusted well to the adoption. What they didn't register was that I didn't cry or cause any bother BECAUSE I'd already given up. Switching so many homes until I was officially adopted when I was 1 1/2... i wasn't able to attach to anybody. Crying was useless because my needs were not met. Sometimes...most of the time I hate them for being so stupid and not noticing.
@caleuxx9108 2 жыл бұрын
Love these definitions of reaction versus response. Every healing process requires energy, patience and time. Yet the modern world that now knows so much about trauma does not give enough resources to help the really traumatized. Eg. a person from a healthy functional family who goes through a trauma might get support of various kinds (financial, food, cooking, cleaning, stay at their place, etc.) BUT a person from a dysfunctional family of orgin (parents never worked out their trauma, are toxic, etc. ) has less to lean on... so not working full time can be a problem.... Even in Europe, where there is generally accessible healthcare for all, society still has in many respects not figured out the details of facilitating how to allow the injured to seek help without sigmatizing them with a psychiatric diagnosis and for being lazy and not working full time. Most jobs are from 8 to 16 (4pm), but therapists also work from 8-16. Big companies are not expected to have emotion processing rooms for people who get triggered by eg. a toxic client or toxic coworker. No, people are expected to work and stuff their negative emotions till they get home. Even in Europe. Stuffing emotions is a basic survial strategy.... it keeps us functioning in other more important realms...... the Maslow Pyramid of needs and motivation shows us why..... Processing complex emotions and situations requires energy and time, yet in modern life in the western world we many times do not have that time. Social norm many times says that getting manicure is self care.... but real self care actually meets basic needs for the different parts of our bodies and soul: quality sleep, quality food, hygiene, time to rest outside of sleep, etc. .... AND processing life is a basic need.
@jacksaintjack2844 Жыл бұрын
I'm broken. Perfectionism, ruminating a negative outcome from any setback, retreated from the world in my appt., alone with my kitties. My mom destroyed my life and set me up for a pattern of bad decisions thru life. I must say it is so nice to hear your voice and see your face.
@sarahmottram3369 Жыл бұрын
@selfhelpchampion9664 2 жыл бұрын
Beautify your inner dialogue. Beautify your inner world with love light and compassion. Life will be beautiful. Amit Ray,
@tiinaheinikangas3936 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I am crying here noticing, how many of these I have.😓
@shawnykaltenbach9713 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I’m gonna need to watch these videos over and over. It’s almost too much information to process at once. I am coming to this as an older person and even though I have done a lot of inner work, I can see I still need a lot more. Yes I am a recovering perfectionist. I am thinking the inner child workshop would be super good for me. Super tired of my own inner talk telling me not to have a hair out of place… thanks so much for these videos. Cannot explain in entirety how much they help. And yes, I am in therapy too and have been for years. I read a lot too. Body Keeps the Score, and books by Pia Mellody on intimacy. But it goes to show you it’s a lifelong journey, this quest for wholeness. Blessings to all the people brave enough to undertake the work!! ❤
@avahartwell3985 2 жыл бұрын
So very glad I stumbled upon your youtube channel. The way you explain things in clear, nonjudgemental ways has really helped me to think about some things lately. You're doing a public service. Thank you.
@sapphirecole506 2 жыл бұрын
This video is really touching and I feel so helpful in this video. And finally found the reason that why I still suffering with something in the past. Neglect is the main causing me to still have same issues right now as 21. And also learn about “ inner child” and “child abuse” and it can happen for a long time without knowing and it can be worse if we don’t notice and speak up. And you say “ emotional abuse doesn’t leaves a mark that people can see” I can’t be more agree with that. Because that is how I feel but I don’t have any of words to express that feelings, and everyone just acting let you’re freak or too sensitive. It sucks. You also explained what cause self injury so well. And include the reason why people doing that. In my case, I do self injury for quite a long time of my life, maybe at least 10 years. I would self injury when I feel so numb and I got to feel something to get myself back in. Or I feel I’m not good enough and the fault is my own and I do it as a punishment. Sometimes I do it to transfer the pain I feel emotionally to physically that I can control. I had a time of explaining this to somebody else but that can’t understand why or even not understand the words I said. That is not making any sense to them. But this video it explain it so well as a therapist who is professional. Well done, thanks again. And by the way, I suffer from CPTSD as well, and I finally got myself into medication and therapy. But my problem might be too big cause I’m not only suffer from cptsd but also MDD, Anxiety, DID, Dissociation Amnesia. So wish me luck :)
@helenwillis2493 2 жыл бұрын
I am a new listener to your channel. And it is funny how I have become more open to looking into the ‘why’ of my behavior patterns. It is said in Al-Anon that ‘you find it when you are ready to find it’. In this case I truly believe that is true. Before I came to Al-Anon I could not have even considered looking at my behavior in anyway and seeing it as dysfunctional at all. But Al-Anon held a mirror up to me and I started to SEE myself and forgive myself, as I only knew how to handle what I had the tools to handle. I found peace. But with the peace that surrounded the way I interacted with other people and helped me adjust the way I communicated, I still had anxiety. I had been seeing a therapist for several years, but sadly she died due to COVID December 2021. In addition, I had to send my kitty of twelve-years to the other side in December; and am only now re-emerging. (Well the pandemic isolation hasn’t helped) And now your video popped into my stream on KZbin. I do definitely believe that I could benefit from inner child work; I believe my mother was emotionally unavailable. Thanks to Al-Anon I have been able to forgive my mother internally and let go of the anger I carried. But now I see I still have yet to connect with myself. Thank you for sharing your thoughts online with us. I know you have struggles too; but it is so much easier to help others. At sixty, almost sixty one I am finally on the path to serenity ☺️
@EvolvingNHD 3 ай бұрын
i fall in love way to quick and deep no holds bared!!! it takes me a little to agree to a relationship but i just jump right on because i think i have abandonment issues while i am fine being alone and independent it’s always an adjustment and i used to be a people pleaser
@stoffls 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, from your last two videos I realized how much I actually need inner child work. Thank you for these videos!
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
You're so welcome Christoph!! xoxo
@dawngw26 2 жыл бұрын
I realize now that I have lots of inner child work to do. I hit every mark on your list, except for the unprocessed abuse. I can't remember any physical abuse at all, though there was a lot of emotional abuse that I am finally accepting as reality rather than me just needing to 'toughen up' or being too sensitive. Thank you for this Kati, and all your videos. I'm new to your channel and will be following.
@sarastepp5488 2 жыл бұрын
This is an excellent summary of common and often very tough symptoms many of us experience with some really useful skills we can try. Thank you so much for sharing your work! Your warm heart really shines through these videos and it's a beautiful way to start the day!
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad you found the video helpful!! xoxox
@prophecyempresslerena358 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being on KZbin. Your videos really give me things to think about. Although inner child work may sound ridiculous at first, the reality of it is actually much darker in many cases. Someone's inner child can be wounded for any number of reasons so when an adult goes back to think about their inner child, it might be shocking to find out that they have wounds they don't remember ever developing. This was the case for me when I first learned about my abandonment issues. I went through most of my life so far not knowing they were there so they must have developed at a very young age but were stuffed down. I probably didn't have the words to say I felt that way at the time and my memory faded as I grew up. The older I became, the less in-touch I was with the wounds that caused my abandonment issues to develop. I don't blame anyone for my abandonment issues, but the fact they're there still means I need to work through them.
@gailrobey4316 4 ай бұрын
Just found this channel... had an alcoholic mother, a lot of emotional abuse, neglect and crazy behavior. Appreciate this video ❤
@undercoversmokelover Жыл бұрын
I recall being told if I cry or got caught crying that if I wanted something to cry about then she’d give be me something to cry about unless your bleeding or have visible injuries you are not allowed to cry or you’ll be beaten
@faygal2 8 ай бұрын
I am currently in Therapy for the second time at the age of 67. The first time a few years ago was from SA from my older brother. All 4 of us children had major issues with our Mum. I have worked out with my therapist that she was a Narcissist. But the other day, sparked by something my sister said brought up a memory I was unaware of. It was to do with Mum washing my hair in the bath when I was about 6 years old and I couldn’t breathe because of the water pouring down my face. I told my Mum but she just pushed down and kept my head under the water. I was spluttering and panicking but she didn’t care. I have done EMDR tapping on that memory with my therapist. I want to say how good doing inner child work is.
@superpoodlehead 5 ай бұрын
❤ Don’t worry. Everything you say makes sense. ❤
@metubetomuch 2 жыл бұрын
Just watching this started me thinking of my childhood. Without going into a lot of detail here, it is starting to make sense to me why I think the way I think.
@baileymoran8585 10 ай бұрын
Also, omg I’ve never actually known it was a problem to expect love to be earned. Like, I have heard people say ‘I don’t need to do anything to deserve (something from a loved one, or some luxury). I deserve it because I’m me.’ I thought this was an extreme privilege and a lack of awareness about it.
@queerskiesahead847 2 жыл бұрын
This was really well done. I have a LCSW, but currently not practicing, so I logically know these things, but when it comes to my own mental health it's like the knowledge just escapes me. It's great to be reminded to take care of my inner child and get back to work I was doing on it in the past.
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad it was helpful.. as clinicians it can be hard to apply things we logically know to our own life. xoxo
@ifonlyseethrumyeyes8957 2 жыл бұрын
oh yeah, that hit the spot. My thing is that if someone hurts me I get rid of them! I treat myself good, but my memories still haunt me. Thank you Kati
@carolyn19611 2 жыл бұрын
Finding this video made me realize how much I needed to look back, analyze and understand why the past has such a presence today. Thank you for such an insightful message
@Lamkins._. 2 жыл бұрын
I was binge watching ur older videos and it’s crazy to see how much your channels grown but also how much you have grown as a person! In your older videos you had more energy as u do when you have a newer channel but years on your so use to it and you are so calm I love you both ways hope you are well :)
@CocoaBeans567 Жыл бұрын
I really clicked with all of these issues so far but especially the one's with abusive relationships and the feeling of not deserving the love, care and attention that is needed. especially with the feeling of mistrust in those that do show that towards me
@CaseyBlake-n8o 5 ай бұрын
I was treated the best I ever have, kind, affectionate, so caring. Turns out while I was at work he would go to happy endings massage parlors a couple times a month! 😳 found out year 6
@asimadash6694 6 ай бұрын
I was always told that if i cried i would be beaten really badly. I just really hope i heal myself from everything. My inner child really really needed protection, love and lots of support from all the bullying and pain
@isabellabihy8631 2 жыл бұрын
If you work with these feelings I think that you're not trying to put the blame on someone (care-givers) is important. Blaming does not help, it is giving up on self-responsibility and self-respect. As you said, Kati, the past is past, no chance of altering it. Acknowledging the hurt and trying to find out why it might have happened, is a way for me not to get taken over those feelings. Of course, I struggle, with the signs #2, #3, and #4. BUT: this is not an excuse for physical abuse, actually any kind of abuse!!! Inner child work is hard for me because I didn't and don't like children. When I was about 14, I asked my mom how much and adult weighs. She answered: "About 70kg." I tried to get there. Because I wanted recognition as a person. It didn't work, but nonetheless my parents were pleased with my eating. When they were young, there wasn't always sufficient food on the table, of which the men were fed first, the women and children with the remainder. Thus, eating meant my parents were able to provide, and that I was healthy, not sickly. I wasn't overweight then, but at around eighteen I ballooned, and have been overweight ever since (45 years). I know why, YT just isn't the place to discuss it. My way of treating my inner child is with food: once a month I make fish fingers and fries with mayonnaise.
@rachaelharper3778 Жыл бұрын
Take breaks, or your body will take a break for you at the most unconvient time 🙏❤️ this is the quote I needed
@ccharles848 8 ай бұрын
Holy cow! I’ve just found your channel and the few videos I just watched speak directly to me! This one especially. Thank you so much!!!❤️ I have a new therapist and I haven’t been fully truthful with him. I’m not lying but not telling full truth. I feel these few videos of yours I’ve just watched helped me see my issues-and the origins of the issues. I need to regroup, journal and try to be more open with my therapist. I want to get better.
@BestMoviesInLessTime 2 жыл бұрын
These videos really show off your kind heart, and they're a lovely way to start the day. Thank you so much!
@Thysta Жыл бұрын
It took me a long time to realize that lot of my problems stem from serious childhood neglect. I had goals which I did not pursue and couldn't understand why. Then I realized that a lot of times I simply rebel against my own plans (narcissistic father). The "child me" just took over and I did not do things I actually wanted to. These things are real.
@jeremyspiegelman7576 4 ай бұрын
I finally met someone while dating who I connect with on a deep emotional level. This is something that I've wanted for so many years. It's triggering my inner child constantly. I cry sometimes after dates, when I get text messages and whenever I think that I might lose this person. I have struggled to get proper sleep for over a week.
@Rabdom50 2 жыл бұрын
I hit just about every note in this video. Thank you for helping ne through this.
@hannahriley8085 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much, just discovered you and you are teaching me so much and subsequently making me feel so much better about myself and my life
@FriendlyNeighborhoodUnclePete 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You for being Awesome!
@kathythureen9341 10 ай бұрын
@laurieford6373 Ай бұрын
Me, too😢
@hollybritton7255 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you again!! I eat to pacify myself. I also moan and rock. When I binge eat, I'll feel an adrenaline rush and a wave of happiness will come over me. People want to fix my weight with some diet (been on many) but I know the healing has to come from within.
@Tin047 2 жыл бұрын
this makes so much sense with people who age regress! as someone who has been with people who age regress, i noticed due to social norms, alot of the time they suppress that side of them and therefore they dont have many chances or people they trust to ACTUALLY be themselves and try not only to cope with their traumatic past, but actively explore it and find some sort of peace with it and move past it meanwhile growing as a person and i just love seeing them grow as i actively encourage them to go into their 'little space', as they explore that side, learning about it and who they were and are all the while being in a safe and stress-free environment both mentally and physically
@TheCematrixX 2 жыл бұрын
Her "Welcome" is so fking cute❤❤❤
@CronYcK1 5 ай бұрын
omg , i m on my 30 and in can see and feel how this wound are more and more vizible, my childhood... destroyed my mind
@bartangel4867 2 жыл бұрын
All of this makes perfect sense and I fit all of those criteria except addiction and eating disorder. Good video.
@dumabel3351 2 жыл бұрын
me too!
@Bluubrie 2 жыл бұрын
Me bawling to this whole video
@Dafij Жыл бұрын
When I was 10 I met a girl who was my age and she was so charismatic, everyone loved her and cherished her but I was an outcast now after 10 years I suddenly remembered all this and its been a struggle to get it out of my head good thing that Now I can heal it.
@juliecarson4332 Жыл бұрын
Im going to start talking to my childhood self now. I'm 62 and have had many unhealthy relationships with alcoholics, drug addicts and recently a sex addict who was a narcissist. I want to face my childhood pain and heal. Cry, pray but be careful not to become bitter and a angry. You can only love yourself and help yourself, not the abuser.
@gracielaxochitecatl2740 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for the information it does help to understand me. I did suffer as a child didn’t have a dad I meet my mom when I was 11 and along with so much more until now I can’t cope with the problems from those situations. I fell I need to fill that emptiness.
@GeneralDame77 2 жыл бұрын
I suffer from CPTSD the first point is deffinitely something I am really struggling with right now. These all reasonated with me deeply though
@MarkHeiskell 10 ай бұрын
I only very sometimes but never have this problem. Attachment issues was biggest problem growing up in my childhood years.
@AXAWELLNESS 8 ай бұрын
7:03 When we don’t believe to be treated well & someone good comes along we can think “wait I don’t trust this, this weird” Then we sabotage the relationship because we’re used to being treated poorly.
@babylove3885 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for putting this video out
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
You are so welcome! I hope it's helpful. xoxo
@azimarslantas9326 Жыл бұрын
I think the only problem is security and love which we didn't feel when we were baby and child. Behaviours aren't problems those are symptoms. So we have to learn security and love as a baby, in my opinion.
@edwardianspice1 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, Kati, this makes so much sense! I really relate x
@cairosilver2932 Жыл бұрын
I honestly don't see anything in the human world that confirms the idea I deserve to be loved. If you don't have money then you live under a bridge. I think people with good enough or better parents can gain the impression they deserve to be loved from their parents and then that basically blocks out how the world is and it is partially true as their parents will support that notion, even if that's just one or two people doing that in society. Is it a wound or just accepting reality without blinking?
@geniecamacho2454 Жыл бұрын
Wow!! This sounds all to familiar and It’s a hard pill to swallow though 😣 I just recently decided to ask for therapy from my doctor
@hannahriley8085 Жыл бұрын
omg I feel like this all the time , it's like I'm often just a few seconds from Bursting into tears. I know I desperately need therapy regarding childhood sexual abuse but it is absolutely terrifying to even think about digging all that crap up . can I ask you if its quite common for people who think they have dealt with crap years ago because they hardly ever think about it and then get 30 years down the line and suddenly become overwhelmed with it all ? I thought I was fine until I got to about 45 years old and my head randomly fell off about it all ?!! had to add to that , when you got to addiction. I fought all my life that I was using because I enjoyed crack cocaine and heroin and its only lately I've come to realise that sexual abuse has to have a huge effect on us and affect our subsequent behaviours! and I'm half way through this video and realise you are completely answering my questions!
@bopishu Жыл бұрын
English is not my native language so I watch your videos with subtitles. The "imitates time machine" at 3:40 really caught me off guard. :D Great content BTW :)
@marciaajoseph Жыл бұрын
This was so depressing to watch. Described all of my life problems because of a terrible childhood
@nitemarequeen 11 ай бұрын
The Body Remembers, an important book and thing we need to talk deeply about. FND and CRPS have a HIGH rate of prior abused patients. The brain is rewired from abuse, and can cause our neural-pathways to change the way they send messages. I wish there was a video about abuse and these chronic pain sort of conditions.
@dailydoseofmedicinee 2 жыл бұрын
important topic, thanks
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you think so! :)
@EBTIHAL.V10 Жыл бұрын
Im just starting to understand my self and understand my behaviors and healing my inner child is one of my first steps in attempting it .
@cfredz1001 2 жыл бұрын
thanks a lot Kati, for all your work...it´s amazing how you can discuss about very deep and complexes problems in a very understandable and pratical way....you are certanly changing lots of lives!
@Katimorton 2 жыл бұрын
You're so welcome! And THANK YOU for the kind words.
@confidentsuccessfulwomen Жыл бұрын
I think what trips people up is the use of the word "abuse". Many people will say that they had a great childhood and they don't recall any abuse. I believe it's the way as a child we interpret the world and make it mean something about ourselves. For example if you had a mother who was always overwhelmed by her responsibilities i.e. doing all the cooking and cleaning, taking care of the children, etc. and doesn't take the time to play with the child, that child has been fed and clothed and seemingly had everything provided to them but all the child wants is to have the mother play with them - the child may make that mean that they are not worthy and interpret this as neglect. Abuse and neglect are very strong words. Children are very fragile humans and I don't think we give that enough airtime.
@johnbillings5260 Жыл бұрын
Not that it will work for everyone, but cannabis has helped me start to figure things out by allowing me to think about things without dissociating or ruminating.
@yayhoo8848 2 жыл бұрын
I have far too much anger to even start healing at this point. Instead I just keep hurting myself over and over out of the anger I have about how I was abused as a child. My favorite song is by Nine Inch Nails, "I hurt myself today", because it fits me exactly.
@devidigs-lofichillhop8645 2 жыл бұрын
don't let them win
@juliecarson4332 Жыл бұрын
I hope you can listen to some Joyce Meyer videos. She was sexually abused by her father. I admire her for her honesty and how she has healed.
@yayhoo8848 Жыл бұрын
@juliecarson4332 unfortunately I am strongly averse to anything religious as that is a factor of my abuse as my mother used religion as a weapon to manipulate me and others into believing she was an innocent victim when she was the victimizer all along. Took me a long time to realize and finally start saying no to my mom, and that almost killed me as my mom resorted to ever more drastic actions to manipulate me, which then resulted in me cutting off all contact with my mom, which was the hardest thing I ever did as I felt extremely guilty and stressed out to the point I wound up in the hospital with a stomach ulcer and almost bled to death. So religion is the opposite of helpful for me, which is part of my resentment as I hurt myself badly in rejecting the church and its teachings as a dysfunctional way of retaliating against my moms abuse. Whatever the church said, I did the opposite to hurt myself, which then hurt my mom in a passive aggressive way, which was the only way I could say no to my moms abuse, as I was raised to respect her directly and her abuse by my father. I had a crazy upbringing far worse than most I think, but I am headed in the right direction overall as I need to be angry and resentful now even though my way of being angry and resentful involves being self destructive in ways that I cannot control due to my abuse starting at a very young age.
@purrfectmusic 2 жыл бұрын
I've been getting a little more into inner child work lately, especially with inner child meditation. It can be so easy to push our childhood experiences aside, even telling ourselves we should be stronger than this. All too often the real strength comes from not suppressing but expressing. Thanks for the helpful video, I'm looking forward to checking out your workshop. :)
@barbaralavoie1045 2 жыл бұрын
I suffer from a lot of guilt with my neglect of my two children. Things I did that were not acceptable while raising children. I always worked but I did not participate in a lot of activities with them or spend quality time with them physically or mentally. Put them first ahead of other people. My emotional being was suffering at that time in my life. Not that was as excuse but may be why I reacted to disappointing relationships by acting inacceptable ways.
@stephaniehesters9759 2 жыл бұрын
This video hits hard, really. Thank you Kati
@Lost-by9rl 2 жыл бұрын
I created this account just so I could put something here. I’m so desperate to let go of what I’ve been thinking, I have nowhere to go and no one to talk to. I live in a country where I’ll be punished for my sexuality, I’m gay. I’ve had a very miserable childhood, my mother was very abusive physically and emotionally. I sought comfort outside my home because I couldn’t get any inside of it, and that lead to a lot of unfortunate events which I don’t feel like talking about, but it’s nothing that any kid should be exposed to or experience. The thing is, most people sympathize with my story when I tell them, but they don’t realize how fucked up in the head you get when you are treated like shit most of your life. I really think I’m a narcissist of sorts, it’s really hard for me to experience genuine love and connection, I’m not a psychopath, though sometimes I wish I was because I won’t be suffering as much as I am today. I really try to be there for my nephews and nieces and shower them with “love” at least my version of it, it’s hard to give something you’ve never had. But I try to be there, take them out and listen and comfort them whenever is needed. Maybe that’s my narcissistic way of healing my inner child? The way I feel about my family is the closest I’ve ever felt to experiencing love, and for that reason I don’t want to lose them, but that means I have to hide my genuine identity and live a very lonely life. I honestly don’t want to die, but at the same time, it really feels like the most logical thing to do. I’m depressed asf but I hide it well, I’m quite functional, I workout 5-6 times a week, I eat good, I have a good job with a nice salary. I don’t plan on doing anything right now, it’s just gives me comfort that I could just “leave” whenever I want, and weirdly enough that makes me less depressed? I can’t really put it into words. I really wish I could go back to being a kid, as difficult as my childhood was, I really miss it for some reason and can’t seem to be able to let it go.
@l00c55 Ай бұрын
I hope you're still here. My heart goes out to you for all you've endured. Your self awareness and reflection in beautiful. A narciast would not self reflect like you did. You my friend are not a narcissit, do not believe that lie. Jesus loves you more than you could ever fathom. He sees every part of you, the good and the bad and still adores you so deeply. Rest in that everyday.
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