先日、週末を挟んでお借りしていたボルボの電気自動車「XC40」を日常生活の中で数日間使ってみました!このクルマはGoogleが搭載されていて自分のGoogleアカウントでログインすることでスマホの延長線上の感覚で使えちゃうのだけど「今の時代、こうあるべきよなあ」と思う点が詰まっていてクルマメーカーにもこういうクルマが作れるんだってちょっと感激しました。 The other day, I had the opportunity to use the Volvo electric car XC40 for a few days in my daily life, with a weekend in between! This car features Google integration, and by logging in with your Google account, it feels like an extension of your smartphone. The fact that it's packed with features that make you think, "This is how it should be in this day and age," was a bit inspiring, showing that car manufacturers can create cars like this.