A Framework for Personal Revelation | Dale G. Renlund | October 2022 General Conference

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General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ

General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ

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@hennore 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly what I needed to hear 🙏🏾 Thank you , Elder Renlund 😇
@Rudyard_Stripling 2 жыл бұрын
It is so easy to ask for things that we want instead of asking for counsel from the Lord. A great reminder and teaching Elder Renlund, thank you.
@8mauigirl 2 жыл бұрын
One of my very favorite if not my favorite talk from this conference, thank you Elder Renlund
@jasonsworld333 Жыл бұрын
This is very plain, in word and expression. This is of God.
@levitate7142 2 жыл бұрын
This talk was amazing. Principles I really needed to hear. Thank you
@timothyhudson7999 2 жыл бұрын
This is Tim in Noble, Oklahoma and I approve of this message.
@leswalker2639 Жыл бұрын
Hello hope all is good in the great state of Oklahoma🙏😊
@emilybailey4283 2 жыл бұрын
I have sought for revelation from God and been blessed to receive it. I'm so grateful for the blessing of personal revelation. I'm so grateful that I can receive. I'm grateful that I can measure the thoughts and feelings I get with the commandments God has already revealed as truth, and judge my feelings righteously, and be aware of deception. I'm grateful to know this is true.
@leswalker2639 Жыл бұрын
Believe that was explained very well.
@shandrews 2 жыл бұрын
Such important and needed clarification for our times. ❤
@carlosrobertohernandez934 Жыл бұрын
The most important in this life is recognice that our father can see all the things before that me.
@recursosyvaloreshumanos9582 Жыл бұрын
@marioferrari8374 2 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful talk, thank you very much for the reminder of asking God for personal revelation ❤️
@Nelsoh_ 2 жыл бұрын
Giving a talk on this tomorrow or technically today. Absolutely loved it!
@teachervictor7114 6 ай бұрын
How did your talk go? I am giving a priesthood class tomorrow on this talk.
@worldatmyfingertips7771 2 жыл бұрын
This answered a question I've had all my life, in this very moment, why is it that I feel so much remorse and guilt when I'm about to do something I'm not supposed to do which for others seems normal, like going out drinking and sleeping with beatiful women, etc. I am so free! to do all of those things! Yet, just commenting about it terrifies me! Also, as a motorcycle driver and food application delivery associate I could so easily give in to anger and do bad things to others on the street, yet in my mind I sort of feel constrained not to, instead, I receive inspiration on how to handle the many horrendous and difficult situations that arise during my motorcycle trips while working.....It's so easy to argue that it's all me, all these ideas, I am soo intelligent! NOT to get in trouble out there as I drive my bike in the middle of danger and still manage to come home safely each day but no! I completely feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in me and it is because of my obedience that I have been saved, practically by miracle in more ocassions than I can remember.
@brentgarner3143 Жыл бұрын
Wow this is so awesome, this word speaks to my soul, thank you for this word so true
@ihitaafrin2696 2 жыл бұрын
Nice talk
@debfryer2437 Жыл бұрын
Elder Bruce R McConkie taught that personal revelation is “the bedrock of the church”. Imagine what the church, let alone the world would be like, if everyone asked God for guidance and then did it. ❤
@geofredotappan9777 Жыл бұрын
Too simple. We are too prideful to listen.
@jessenashvillejames150 Жыл бұрын
The scriptures teach us that we should pray in our closets and in our secret 🙏 places. Pray unto him when ye are your feilds, over all your crops. Or as referenced to in your talk, when ye are in your mountains. Let me tell you something my dear friend. God hears the sincere and earnest prayer 🙏 whether you are sitting in church or in your closet or in your feilds or in your mountains. And for you to imply in your talk that unless a person is going to church, he or she is not in a line with getting answers or revelation from their prayers 🙏 it is simple just not the case nor is it true. The first principle I learned when leaving this church, was that God still hears and answered my prayers.
@leswalker2639 Жыл бұрын
Is that the teachings of the Apostle Paul in the church and 1st and 2nd Corinthians? Is that the teachings and Doctrine of our of the church of Jesus Christ now, no, maybe pray about it🙏
@recursosyvaloreshumanos9582 Жыл бұрын
wpnderful elder ..I want to received line upon line
@Rudyard_Stripling 2 жыл бұрын
The anit's are getting to be more in number, just like the spirits filling up spirit prison.
@leswalker2639 Жыл бұрын
Opposition is always going to be there. The great and spacious building is deadly increasing in size, steady building on more big rooms to house the new tenants flowing in by the thousands that has rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You better hang tight to the rod of iron with your armor on, if not you will be a casualty that slipped and fell back into the pit after working so hard to hold onto the rod.
@bobhappy991 2 жыл бұрын
Please explain Samuel the lamenite, who by the way was not the prophet at the time, which was nephi, why did God/Christ not give one of the greatest warning/prophetic message ever to nephi? Samuel was despised and they tried to kill him and was never heard of again? Please answer.
@siennamafua 2 жыл бұрын
Bob, The Book of Mormon is an abridgment of many records and because of that Mormon couldn’t compile all the teachings of the prophets. Nephi could have very well known and he was preaching and prophesying to the Nephites- but they were so wicked they wouldn’t listen and tried to put him to death. This shows the Lord’s mercy and love to send another messenger, Samuel. It would require great humility for the Nephites to repent and listen to him- and some did. 2 Corinthians 13:1 says, “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established”. Another example of this is in the Old Testament when the ancient Prophet Jeremiah was commanded to prophesy to the Jews concerning the destruction of Jerusalem if they didn’t repent. They would not listen and cast him into prison. The Lord spoke to another man in the city, whose name was Lehi (which we read about in 1st Nephi). He commanded Lehi to go among the Jews and prophesy again that if they didn’t repent they would be destroyed. The Jews didn’t repent and were destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar. Lehi left the city like Samuel and was never seen again by the Jews. That doesn’t discredit his prophecies or standing as a servant of the Lord. The thing to remember is that God does all He can to save His children. I would encourage you to continue to seek answers to your questions and with a desire to believe. I know if you sincerely read and study the Book of Mormon and pray and ask Heavenly Father if the Book of Mormon is true, you will receive a witness like I have that the book is true, and all that is taught therein. That Joseph Smith was called of God and translated it by the power of God. And that the true church that Jesus Christ organized while He was on the earth was restored and it is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints, and it is true. And find the peace that comes from His gospel truths. Hope that helps. God bless you Bob Happy.
@robertgibbons740 Жыл бұрын
I’m confident Nephi I was teaching that. You have to remember at this time there are many righteous Lamanites. And Samuel was a prophet. And was actually commanded to go back a second time which was when he was on the wall to deliver his message.
@nathanbanks2935 Жыл бұрын
Hi Bob, Good question. If Samuel the Lamanite taught things that contradict what the prophet Nephi taught, than there would be a problem, but since Nephi approved of Samuel's message, it's perfectly fine for another ordained disciple of Christ to prophecy of him. In fact in 3rd Nephi, Jesus actually rebuked the Nephite people for not having written down the words of Samuel the Lamanite. To sum it up, if you have Christ's approval, what else matters? "Verily I say unto you, I commanded my servant Samuel, the Lamanite, that he should testify unto this people, that at the day that the Father should glorify his name in me that there were many saints who should arise from the dead, and should appear unto many, and should minister unto them. And he said unto them: Was it not so? 10 And his disciples answered him and said: Yea, Lord, Samuel did prophesy according to thy words, and they were all fulfilled. 11 And Jesus said unto them: How be it that ye have not written this thing, that many saints did arise and appear unto many and did minister unto them? 12 And it came to pass that Nephi remembered that this thing had not been written.13 And it came to pass that Jesus commanded that it should be written; therefore it was written according as he commanded." -Book of Mormon 3Nephi 23:9-13 I hope this helps. God bless you brother!
@leswalker2639 Жыл бұрын
Bob if you pray and for help,help is on the way for you to understand. We all have to do the same ,pray and ask. We will always have questions even after we die. Like us all we will have many more questions the more we educate ourselves in the scriptures. Don't ever feel bad if you have a question , but if you are looking to find fault that is too bad for you. If we don't ask, how are we ever going to receive the true answer.
@coalhouse1981 2 жыл бұрын
if the lost 116 pages came from God, why is it a problem that they were lost? Couldnt God just tell Smith the same thing again
@leahhawks2654 2 жыл бұрын
He could have, but Joseph had to suffer the consequences of going against God's instructions.
@nathanbanks2935 2 жыл бұрын
It certainly wasn't a problem for the Lord, because he told Nephi to write the same principles and Doctrine, that were lost when Joseph had the 116 pages lost. In other words since God is omnipotent, and omnipresent he knew way back when Lehi wrote his book, that his book would be lost, so he had his son write another version of it. It was a problem for Joseph because he disobeyed a commandment from God, and had to suffer the consequences for his actions, so that he might not disobey again. I believe that the 116 pages remain lost to teach us that we should always obey God's commandments and not put off promptings from him.
@BekahYT Жыл бұрын
@@leahhawks2654 why couldn’t Joseph’s punishment be dark skin like the other curses that are taught? Why a curse that adds confusion, leaves room for doubt, weakens credibility, and seems so much like someone caught in a lie? Why curse the church for one person’s disobedience?
@Katharine888 Жыл бұрын
​@@BekahYT Nathan Banks' and Cesar Guillen's comments addressed this.
@shootingstars6762 9 ай бұрын
​​@BekahYT The reason why God decided to use Nephi's writings instead of the lost writings was because the lost writings were now in the hands of men who sought to destroy the Church. They would use those lost pages against the Church, and that would cause even more confusion than just replacing them with different writings that covered the same time period and history. God knows us perfectly, which is why He knew to have another record written that covered the same time period and history. He will not take away our choice, our free will, which is why He had another record written. He knew Jospeh so well that He knew those pages would be lost, so He prepared a way for us to still have access to that history and doctrine.
@Mitth-raw-nuruodo Жыл бұрын
Hey @GeneralConference, the link to this talk in the video description is returning a "server not found" error.
@Mitth-raw-nuruodo Жыл бұрын
I'm guessing the abn server redirect isn't doing it's job. I'm on firefox, windows 11fwiw.
@churchofjesuschristgeneralconf Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making us aware of this problem, Jonathan. We'll work to get it resolved as quickly as possible!
@ToddCellaUtah 2 жыл бұрын
Please direct me to the revelations received by Russell M. Nelson. I know Joseph received them because I have examined his fruits. But I am seeking a confirmation Pres. Nelson is actually a Prophet of God and therefore need to examine his prophecy’s and revelations. Please provide me a link to those.
@quoror747 2 жыл бұрын
There’s a difference between president of the church and positions like lords anointed, seer and other things. Joseph smith was both lords anointed, president of the church, and president of the priesthood. Once Joseph smith died the keys went to the church. After that the keys of the priesthood were given to the school of the prophets in around 1880. The school of the prophets got blown to pieces during the manifestos. There was no revelation giving the keys of the priesthood back to the church. And the Lord has said that the lords anointed must be established through thus said the lord revelation. It is worth looking into this subject. Especially the events surrounding the school of the prophets and the manifestos. God is the same god as he was yesterday, today and tomorrow. I still think this was a good talk though.
@charlestobler1 2 жыл бұрын
Read his talks, follow his counsel, and seek to know how the Lord is directing the church through him right now in the daily decisions that keep the gathering of Israel moving forward, and you will receive a witness. I know I have.
@paniasmith810 2 жыл бұрын
Look up how Russell m Nelson receives revelation. There he shares how he receives specific counsel
@biganimefan84 2 жыл бұрын
To the best of my knowledge, there have been no revelations from President Nelson. Fulfilled or otherwise. And the other reply is problematic because these men are sustained as "prophets, seers and revelators". Joseph Smith may be the Prophet of the restoration and this dispensation. However, these current apostles are still supposed to be like those we hear about throughout the Bible. There is no evidence that they are, even when using a more faithful lens.
@saintpaxman4403 2 жыл бұрын
He has no published prophecies. The one I know of is the change to "Home centered Church" announced July 2018 and started January 2019 just before the pandemic response stopped church globally. In 2018 prepping for this change I spoke to my ward and prophesied that the change was being made because a time would come that the signs of the times would keep us from being able to gather together. I assume prophet Nelson had that same prophecy. But yeah I hear you, Joseph Smith had revelations and pursued them and we are open and hungry for more.
@saintpaxman4403 2 жыл бұрын
Good counsel to examine revealed truth for answers before inventing our own. Renlund's approach to resist someone professing revelation and potential scripture is imprudent. In scripture people receive revelation for others frequently: ● Joseph (son of Israel) as a boy received revelation regarding his elder brothers and subsequently he received revelation regarding his mother and father. His father was the patriarch Israel and higher in authority to Joseph. (Gen 37:5-11) ● Samuel as a child received revelation for the acting high priest who clearly was in a higher position of authority. This occurred before he was established as a prophet. (1 Sam 1:1,11-14) ● All saints can prophesy. Paul counseled the church: “For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.” (1 Corinthians 14:31) In this example a saint prophecies something important for a large group of people and then the apostles Saul and Barnabas acted on the information. Here multiple saints, including Agabus, prophesy to and about Paul an Apostle. (Acts 11:27-30; 21:4-12) ● Abinidi prophesies to priests and a king who had regional authority over him. (Mosiah 12: 25) ● Women without any stewardship received a revelation from angels which they then told the apostles! Luckily the Apostles did not 'hang up the phone', but went to see. (Luke 24:9-10) ● Simeon prophesies very intimate information to Jesus’ parents and things regarding their child. Luke 2:25-35 ● Jesus himself revealed things unto children who in turn told them to their fathers and to the people; both higher in authority and out of their strict “stewardship.” (3 Nephi 26:14) I think of when Joseph Smith heard about possible scripture and how he pursued it and obtained the egyptian mummies and now the book of Abraham.
@nathanstokes9013 2 жыл бұрын
There is a difference between recieveing revelation for others and receiving revelations for the Church as a whole. While I was listening to this talk yesterday I was thinking about the young man who had that vision. Those scriptures he may have found if he had acted on the prompting he had received may not be scripture for the whole church but may simply be a guide post in his personal spiritual journey. Imagine if when he dug deep into the foundation all he was able to find was a pamphlet for an old playwright from many decades ago? Would we want to transcribe the literature, that clearly was relevant to the discover who had the vision it was important, to the whole church? Or could it have been that revalation was meant to help him or someone close to him in their journey to come unto Christ and god? It reminds me of the Fallout series ironically, where there are mysteries from the past that have significance to the people both uncovering and those who are burying them yet the significance rarely translates to anyone else.
@larklawrence6156 2 жыл бұрын
Revelation can be received for ourselves, our children, or those who fall within our calling. (Ie- a Bishop receiving revelation for his ward). The prophet can receive revelation for the church. Joseph received revelation about himself. It pertained to his family, but the revelation was about him. Samuel was established as a prophet at a young age. The spirit of Prophecy is also known as a testimony of Jesus Christ. With examples you shared, I do not believe direct revelation was given for someone else outside of how the Spirit works. Elder Renland speaks truth.
@saintpaxman4403 2 жыл бұрын
@@larklawrence6156 the appropriate distinction appears to be that the ordained prophet receives the canonical published revelation for the Church, where others can receive revelations and truth for others. Like the women receiving revelation for the world and for the whole church of disciples. Or Agubus receiving revelation for the Apostle Paul. The Holy Spirit isn’t so narrow in its reach
@nathanbanks2935 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Paxman, Of course we believe in personal revelation, and even sharing the gospel with all the world, because the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. However there is a notable difference between our own spiritual gifts and that of a prophet. For example president Russell M Nelson, received specific Revelations, concerning women serving as witnesses for temple baptisms. In other words president Nelson has the final say, concerning church policy changes, which are given by revelation to the prophet, seer, and revelator on the earth, who is president Russell M Nelson. We can't have church policy changed for the entire church without his approval. Also things like: (The restoration of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: a bicentennial proclamation to the world), had to have President Russell M Nelson's final authorization. I don't believe any of your examples in scripture referenced a prophet, changing policy for a huge number of followers of God, in church policy changes, or what specific direction the church as a whole should take. I hope this helps to clarify some things. God bless you!
@johncato4412 2 жыл бұрын
I guess Jesus and John should have stayed in the framework. They teach for doctrine the commandments of men.
@jamesmaclean5586 2 жыл бұрын
Ye need to understand Priesthood authority chain brother.... its a big subject to study.... Hebrews 6 at the end speaks of our great High Melchizedek Priesthood holder who is.... who is our great high Priest?
@byufan 2 жыл бұрын
Ummmm… what?! 😂
@Rudyard_Stripling 2 жыл бұрын
You know nothing of Jesus, he was then, is now and always has been without sin and can not make mistakes unlike a fallen man like you.
@nathanbanks2935 2 жыл бұрын
Hi John, I respectfully disagree with what you're saying. Both Jesus and John taught the commandments of God to men, not the commandments of men. God bless you brother!
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