A Powerpoint theorizing Superstar S2 Ending

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@electroneurons 8 ай бұрын
As for season 3 i'll probably lower my expectations....
@RisingSon4 8 ай бұрын
My personal favorite working theory is that Margarete's sister used her influence (I think something about that was mentioned) to overrule the school's decision to accept Kanon and Margarete due to her own personal biases (e.g., believing that Margarete doesn't deserve it and not wanting some random japanese girl at the school). She'll form a group to compete with Liella at the Love Live to teach them that they're inferior (even if she's an adult, she can still organize the group even if she can't perform with them). This leads to Liella defeating that famous music school and putting Yuigoaka on the path to becoming a famous music school in its own right. Note: this will probably not happen. But it's an idea I've had floating around in my head for a while.
@patrickstar9113 8 ай бұрын
I like the theory 4 due to the possibility of kanon eventually discover the truth behind the cancellation , and probably leads to a major confrontation and reconciliation of her and margerete, kinda likes the slapping in sip, then with that the final problem solved and whole team truly working as one to win the lovelive
@noire664 8 ай бұрын
They could pull the "The council was not satisfied" excuse and say that the school ended up rejecting her because the final live, which does come after she got invited to study abroad, was "Not good enough" or "Made them reconsider", since characters in Anime seem to have this unrealistic standard for abroad studying. Other than that I would have to leave it to the writers to cook with this one, it's quite interesting and I hope the reason is good enough that it shuts up all the haters picking on Season 2. My hopes for Season 3 is for Liella! to be the first group to win the Love Live twice in a row, as well as a subplot of turning Yugaoka into the renowned and top tier Music school thanks to Liella!'s achievements. Why do foreign schools get to constantly try to take *our* school idols, it's time we make an elite school in Japan and take *theirs.* HM! ...Oh also more SumiKeke pls and thx. Good video!
@BlueEighthNote 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I also like the excuse you got. Considering the various barriers of studying abroad that Anime characters face, suddenly rejecting Kanon sounds not like the ordinary somehow.
@longforari 8 ай бұрын
My only hope is that Saku gets a solo career asap (or at least Tomari gets a solo song) i adore her voice
@Yui.Hirasawa. 8 ай бұрын
theory 4 looks interesting, 1st 3 episode might be about the chaos: Kanon canceled trip, Margarete transfer, next 3 might be focused on sub group, next few episode, probably 2 might be drama, remaining might be rival introduction and competition i wonder who will be rival this time
@Denielle-V 8 ай бұрын
Bro, you REALLY love PowerPoint. Like, as much as you love Love Live. XD
@BlueEighthNote 8 ай бұрын
Hmm maybe next time I can try using Keynote instead
@yachie7 8 ай бұрын
More Tomari cute moments? YES YES YES
@Drissa_L0A 8 ай бұрын
bro season 3 (donut ciao no !?)
@SdooFy 8 ай бұрын
5 minutes, NEW RECORD
@Gruskinator 8 ай бұрын
I've only watched up to sunshine so i have no idea what's happening
@kyonmarcablanca6559 8 ай бұрын
Good video. I think that the end on season 2 was a bad end and only for the last scene. I think that maybe the staff think that make a movie with kanon study in vienna but at the end decided make a 3 season. And the chage was in a long moment in the creation of the anime and this was the only forme who think to make this. I don't known why think that this can be a posibility for this end. But the end is stranger and the plot twist is a 3 minutes to the end that I think is for a chage to do a 3 season at last moment. And the original idea was a movie with canon in viena. Maybe not but this still on my mind since watched the episode. I think that 1 of these theories could be kanon. It's love live hers animes was goods but tend to have bad argumentals ideas. first 1 don't say that was a bad idea only say that the 1 theori perfectly could be in the anime i think, And second there are a lot of example tha love live do bad argumental idea like the end of first season of µ's or the 3 episode of the nijigasaki that in 1 second end the central trama. However good video sorry If i can explain well the inglish is not my strong point. My first language is spanish and for this I'm so happy to read in minute 2:10 Why Liella! is named after french world yet Kanon is 1/4 spanish (the meme of spanish kanon is hilarious for me and I known that the group name was chosen by vote but seriusly french, the spanish grandmother's kanon probably was disappointed xd ok no).
@tix2164 8 ай бұрын
Lol it’s funny you post this today because I just finished season 2 yesterday 😂😂 i will now rant about it because i’m silly I think theory one is highly probable, and it probably needs to happen for the sake of the plot (aka for margarette to join liella). But I’m also confused as to why margarette gets transferred to yuigoka NOW because it’s stated multiple times that she’s not even in high school yet?? maybe season 3 will take place during towards the end of the year/in the next year when sumire, kanon, ren, keke, and chi-chan are all third years. that or maybe the director made an exception for margarette to move up a grade and be a first year. (i am glad she gets to stay though, otherwise we wouldn’t have SHIBUYA KANON) about theory four, while i do think that margarette would be mad about having to work so hard to enter the academy of her dreams then failing after all her hard work, and then some random dopey school idol getting in just like that, i don’t think she’d take it that far. she is mad about it, but she never brings it up after hearing it (she just vents to chi-chan), so she must not even be that mad. My hopes for season 3 (and I do remember commenting this on someone else’s other random video) is to find out more about keke’s family and why her time in Japan as a school idol is limited. i want her sister to fly over or something and be like “yo wassup dad is pissed at you” and maybe during her stay they could drag a couple of goofy showing-keke’s-older-sister-around-japan moments out of it that’ll make for good content. if that happens i kinda hope they get another chinese speaking seiyuu on board or something because idk why but i like hearing mandarin in love live especially because i love lanzhu and keke sm,,,, ANYway i’m getting off track yeah these were my own thoughts sorry they’re so long love your content blue eighth note keep it up ❤❤❤
@Ksan2019 8 ай бұрын
Sorry to ask, mind if I can provide Chinese subtitles on your video? I wish those on Chinese circle would understand
@BlueEighthNote 8 ай бұрын
Sure! Definitely
@Ksan2019 8 ай бұрын
@@BlueEighthNote I’ll just leave my work here then
@Ksan2019 8 ай бұрын
很感謝大家來到發佈會。 我是藍色的8分音符(YT名字),這裡是LL!SuperStar第2季結尾的分析。 這影片是專門為看了第2季的觀眾而設的,即使不是也沒關係,你也會享受的。 第2季有甚麼看點呢? 4個新成員加入Liella!,我暫時不會談及這爭議,而且該季的結尾也令不少粉絲感到困惑。 劇透警告~~~~~ 上回 (第11集)提及,千砂都建議香音去追尋夢想,去維也納留學。香音和瑪格麗特談妥之後,在其他成員支持之下,香音最後接受這個提議,並轉告理事長。最後Liella!贏了決賽,一切都看似不錯的時候……除了結尾 穿着結丘校服的瑪格麗特在校門出現,並通知香音留學計劃已經取消,留下無語的香音,片尾曲切入。 所以到底發生了甚麼事?其實我們也不知道。 首先,亞理亞(香音妹)和香音媽都沒開信件,香音媽只說她不懂德文,亞理亞就叫她爸爸過來。除了信件封面外,我們對內文一無所知,一起分析一下封面。 首先,(紫色字)這裡是維恩,是維也納(德語音譯),別跟角色搞混。 另一邊是(黃色字),德文的譜號,圓號的圖案(綠色字)和寫着「給澀谷香音小姐」。(藍色字:圖片是一座噴泉) 現在我發表這些理論會可能會和劇情設定有出入,謹作參考之用。 到目前為止,我們知道香音的留學計劃告吹,信件是由維也納國家音樂學院發出的,並用德文寫成,或者從香音媽口中印證,這封信是用德文寫的。 那我們不知道的地方是,信中的確實內容,還有留學告吹的原因,因為我們不知道信裡寫了甚麼……直到瑪格麗特告訴香音之前,香音對留學取消一事並不知情的原因,這些要等第3季才知道,不過在播出之前,先聽聽我的(無聊)想法。 (引號是他裝是學院的反應,理論4是瑪格麗特的想法) 理論1:她們可以一起讀 (維也納)學院覺得瑪格麗特應該和香音讀,「既然香音要去維也納一起讀書,何不直接讓瑪格麗特留在日本和香音一起讀呢?」對,你會覺得這樣的想法很笨。不過從我猜LL動畫編劇的邏輯,是有可能的。除了香音不能去心儀學院之外,這像是一個雙贏局面。 理論2:拍謝,學園偶像在維也納並不是熱門活動 學院假設瑪格麗特喜歡學園偶像,「(學園偶像)但在歐洲還沒得到關注,不如在日本讀書,和其他學園偶像見面不是更好嗎?」(之後的東西不譯了,是他的牢騷) 理論3:(香音)不是音樂系學生 學院對結丘推薦的學生感到不解,因為香音並不是音樂系學生。「不好意思,我們以為結丘是一間音樂學校。可能葉月戀會更有機會報讀我們的學系。」對學院來說,一開始,給丘的定性很容易被搞混,原本它是一間音樂學校直到後加插普通班別,而且貌似分開管理的。在第2季有提及過,兩邊的學生都能互享資源。我猜維也納那邊也是對LL動畫編劇的做法感到困惑。 在提及最後一個理論之前,我要感謝這個朋友(的漫畫),他的理解比我上述的理論更有道理(編按:4張圖的意思都是在弄梗),(引述圖內意思)「我不去維也納了,我要留在日本,因為我喜歡香音(*他讀錯了,漫畫是說瑪格麗特不想在維也納看到香音)」 理論4:瑪格麗特的「脅逼」 瑪格麗特對學院施壓,令他們拒絕香音的申請。理論上我們猜瑪格麗特是了解狀況的。「既然我進不了學院,那香音也不該進!」之後學院拒絕了香音申請,因為瑪格麗特也進不到,之後瑪格麗特通過了日語測試,成功申請在結丘入學。(我們)面對現實吧,薇恩・瑪格麗特的日語非常流利,根本不像外國人。既然她的日語那麼流利,那肯定在日本讀書是沒問題的。 總括以上,為什麼我要弄這影片呢?因為我覺得(結尾)必須有個說法,所以我嘗試弄一些垃圾話。 我對第3季有甚麼希望呢?Liella!再次奪冠,小花能順利聲演冬毬。感謝各位聆聽。
@BlueEighthNote 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the translation! I'm so glad that this video is helpful for Chinese circles as well. May I ask if I can time the Chinese subtitles onto this video as CC subtitles as well? I will make sure to credit your name too :)
@Ksan2019 8 ай бұрын
@@BlueEighthNote Feel free to add time. It would be a better experience for those audiance to watch.
@alpha-sama 8 ай бұрын
My theory is that it's not the academy, but Margarete's parents pulling the strings. Remember, Margarete had to either win Love Live or bring Kanon as a mentor figure if she still wanted to enroll. These conditions were not set by the academy (it wouldn't make sense for a school to have that level of negotiations with a potential student) but by Margarete's parents (who just have a buttload of influence on the academy). My guess is that Margarete's parents kept a close eye on her daughter and realize that she's doing much better in Japan. After all, she failed her entrance exam in Vienna, yet managed to do really well in Love Live, on her own no less. So they used their influence to make the school undo their offer to Kanon and had Margarete enroll in Yuigaoka. This makes sense because it means she'll be learning under Kanon (which was their intention from the start) and they'll know for sure she'll join a good group, seeing how Liella was the group that won the competition.
@BlueEighthNote 8 ай бұрын
I'm now convinced that your theory to be the real canon in Season 3 Margerete's parents absolutely would do such a thing
@axelblazev3 8 ай бұрын
@iceteal1611 8 ай бұрын
Still waiting for season 2 eng dub.
@buli_4ka 8 ай бұрын
Thee can try to move out of yourself Japan, therefore Japan reject to free you from it💀 ... So it's all bout corruption? Anti-corruption Blue Foundation Arc? 🤭 "tis funny oranji is mi amore, so do anything to force her stay with me 😈" P.S. ... any Tomari moments, thanks, at least conversations with other members🥺🤭
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