Good analysis. There's a lot of symbolism packed in this Gospel. Of the four Gospels, Mark's is the briefest in words, but it is action or power packed. Jesus casted out a lot of unclean spirits and healed a lot of people. Jesus' actions with the power of the Holy Spirit spoke louder than words. Often the word 'eutheos' or immediately/straightway is used in this Gospel. It was appropriate for John to do his baptism of repentance or metanoia in the Jordon River. The Jordon means descent or down flowing. Its headwaters are in the pure snow capped Mt Hermon range, and it drops or descends rapidly, eventually into the Dead Sea which is one of the lowest spots on earth below sea level. It first pools into the Sea of Galilee which is a living body of water. Water from the Jordon flows in and out of the Sea of Galilee. It isn't stagnant, but teeming with life and activity. In contrast, the Dead Sea has no outflow. It's stagnant. John baptized south of the Sea of Galilee. Symbolically, the dead sins of those baptized in the living water of the Jordan washed into the Dead Sea. It was appropriate that Jesus called his first disciples from the Sea of Galilee. You could say he caught his first fish there. Ironically, they were fishermen. He baptized not with water, but with the Holy Spirit. At his baptism, the Spirit descended from heaven (waters above) onto him, anointing him. Like the living body of water, the Sea of Galilee, Christ, the Anointed, was the living body or life giving well of the Spirit. The Spirit flowed into him and out of him, reviving those sick and dying who came to him. He being the Well of Life from whom we are washed clean and of whom we drink.
@OrthodoxChristianPodcast10 ай бұрын
Thanks! Yes, I appreciate how brief but meaningful the Gospel of St Mark is.