Life Should Never Had Been This Hard

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Financial Courses: theclareyschoo...
Bachelor Pad Economics:
How Not to Become a Millennial:

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@DoktorJeep 11 ай бұрын
Boomers had the carrot. They ate the carrot and then bought all of the carrot farms for pennies on the dollar and right after college with enough money left over to buy a Corvette. The boomers put the carrot on a stick and told Generation X "If you pick yourself up by the bootstraps like I did, and use a firm handshake, and always show up early for work and leave late, you too can have this carrot". Of course there was no carrot. GenX started to figure that out too late. Some were on the "last train" and still managed to enjoy a Boomer Birthright Bonanza and buy a house at age 22. Other's, seeing the lies early on, just signed out. They were the ones who went surfing or something. They were the ones about whom the boomers were saying "What wrong with kids these days?". Unfortunately the internet was not in force then, so these GenXers just wore cool windbreakers and went surfing or did EXTREEEEME sports and acted more cool than they deserved to act. So they didn't warn their peers. Later on, the boomers, still in power because even now, with 30 percent of them gone they still outnumber GenX, showed a picture of the carrot to the millennials. The millennials were told "if you check all the right boxes and think all the right thoughts, you will be ENTITLED to this carrot. But there was no carrot. So when the millennials checked all the boxes and recited all the woke platitudes required of them, they got mad. Then the boomers lampooned them for their "sense of entitlement". Zoomers are lucky. Zoomers know there is no carrot. They are being beaten with the stick, as they are told their future is female, they will own nothing and like it, and they will live in the pod and eat the bugs.
@abyss5883 11 ай бұрын
Learning European culture makes you feel a lot better and gives you perspective. In Italy guys don't move out until they're 25-30 or maybe never. In America, boomers kick their kids to the curb as a power play. Many boomers have severe trauma issues Ive noticed
@grebsolbsinned5438 11 ай бұрын
Good words
@Z28videogates 11 ай бұрын
@@abyss5883biggest issue - narcissism
@Rempast 11 ай бұрын
@bryck7853 11 ай бұрын
@@abyss5883 most are disappointed they grew up under cold war so they figured it is gonna end any time, "I'll get mine while I'm here!" and the world didn't end. So now they need to produce >> $ or admit they were wrong to "party like it's 1999"
@mbc00295 11 ай бұрын
The older I get, the more I realize most people don't know what they're doing.
@nigerianprince5374 11 ай бұрын
They've never known since the mayans and aztecs could kill people to make their crops grow better...
@rollingdudes8859 11 ай бұрын
We are ALL WINGING IT and we are ALL full of BULL SHIT!!!
@joeyboedeker2047 11 ай бұрын
Keep seeing "we're hiring" signs, yet get e mails that state "we're looking at other candidates at this time. Thank you for applying though." Weeks later, the "we're hiring" signs are still up.
@SDRBass 11 ай бұрын
The lies are bad enough. But the margin for error when you decide to get your act together is basically zero. You’re one misstep, one pissed off coworker, one woke idiot away from being right back where you started. That’s the truly depressing part.
@grebsolbsinned5438 11 ай бұрын
Happens at all levels of life. The more you have, the more you have to lose
@vex6559 11 ай бұрын
mhmm...I spent 7ish years rebuilding last time. It's way too easy to trip up
@exmuslimnfreee6102 11 ай бұрын
Congrats. At least u worked at it and can now enjoy ur fruits
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
Indeed. No margin of error, and even if you do what you are supposed to, you could still get knocked off the ladder. The system is fueled by everyone climbing it and believing they will be at the top, and few ever will.
@coltburks5450 11 ай бұрын
That's a fact
@sk8n854 11 ай бұрын
I'm a 40 year old Millennial, trying to turn my life around. Lemme tell you it ain't easy, but you're right about one thing. Life didn't have to be this hard. I'm a recovering addict with nothing to show for the past 40 years.. busting my ass every day to try to make up for it now.
@Rempast 11 ай бұрын
Stay sober, stay strong. Be proud of yourself you made it this far and you'll keep fighting for your life until your HEART stops 🏅😊🙏
@SeanWinters 11 ай бұрын
It's your damned Irish blood Anglo pride, AHOY!
@sk8n854 11 ай бұрын
@SeanWinters lol yeah I know. God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the entire planet.
@b-41subject57 11 ай бұрын
@mark7362 11 ай бұрын
"Our dark past is our greatest possession." ... "no matter how far down the scale we have gone we will see how our experience can benefit others." Nothing to show for it? Your experience (and my experience) of what it was like being addicted can help other people who are trying to stay sober. Even by doing the bare minimum - making living amends, you're helping other people, showing people firsthand that it is possible to get sober & turn your life around. But I hear ya, things will get so much better slowly but surely. I'm 4 years sober and my life is x1,000 better now, but I'm still trying to save up for my own place again since I stupidly sold my old place for dirt cheap out of desperation back in 2017. I've had to make mistakes and learn from them sober, been homeless sober - still stayed sober, had to change my career which has been hard... But at least I've gotten out of debt, I have money in my account, I have everything I need, I'm not in jail & I know I'm not going there anytime soon, perfectly healthy, not in any pain today, my life is not a mess, by the grace of God I have been restored to sanity, I'm grateful to have a job in this recession/depression we're in, where it seems like everybody is struggling.
@luciusseneca2715 11 ай бұрын
My mom had a habit of buying old books at library fundraiser sales. The last hour you could get a box full of books for $1. I had things like medical textbooks and history books written by Cambridge professors in the 1890's in my private library. Flipping through them was a real education.
@Rempast 11 ай бұрын
Dude your so lucky I love old books
@bernie57 11 ай бұрын
wonderful to read a comment where somebody is not blaming some other demographic on his problems! We are all individuals in this world and we alone have the capacity to change our life path. I totally don't agree with the grouping of humanity into "boomers", "gen X", "millenials' ......we are all individuals in this world.
@IaintTheHerb 11 ай бұрын
Thsts exactly what Eric Rudolph did when he was on the run from the FBI. Very self educated.
@cdybft9050 11 ай бұрын
FBI says everyone not a establishment democrat is a terrorist.
@MemphisKennedy-xy5ye 11 ай бұрын
Old Books are the best. Try My Struggle by A.Hitler.
@maddmaxxpain 11 ай бұрын
I knew I was being lied to, but I was forced to apply for every school, scholarship, you name it. Jobs were hell, and I was treated like a subhuman, even in college. It killed every dream I had. My friend calls people still clinging to the lies “Obama’s Children.”
@bryck7853 11 ай бұрын
they are doing the grind too?
@rightwingsafetysquad9872 11 ай бұрын
Not sure this can be pinned on Obama. This goes back at least 20 years before Obama.
@b-41subject57 11 ай бұрын
Obama, or any 21st century president has little, if nothing to do with your failures. Its your own parents fault for not teaching you the realities of life, and how to navigate/succeed in our society.
@foxotcw30 11 ай бұрын
@@rightwingsafetysquad9872 Oh definitely. It's still a good term because of the inane, giddy optimism people had about Obama "we are the ones we have been waiting for" even in the midst of the financial crisis, student loan explosion, social polarization, and increasingly obvious government failure.
@rollingdudes8859 11 ай бұрын
DUBYA was AWFUL and he was the reason we got BARRY O as president who made things worse!!!@@rightwingsafetysquad9872
@idonomaeatomoku9322 11 ай бұрын
I was lucky enough to have parents who taught me how to work hard at least, and didnt give me liberal values. Sadly I was still unfortunate to be born in modern times. I worked hard doing mostly construction type work since I was 14, worked overtime, did nasty jobs like insulating attics in 105 degree weather, crawling under houses fixing electrical issues and plumbing in two feet of crawl space. And about all I got from it was a golden shower. None of my employers would ever give me raises, if I ever traded up jobs then prices would increase to make the pay increase worthless. None of the older guys I worked with bothered to teach any of us younger guys shit because they were petrified we might have the same position as them and they might have to clean up their own trash. Everything I know Ive had to learn by watching without getting explanations and through experimentation. Ive been in a few relationships but the girls always turned into liberal fruit loops or flakes who were utterly worthless and couldnt make Campbells soup. All while being told I was toxic and evil and getting taxed to death to pay for Pelosi's gay husband's drug addled prostitute induced hospital visit.
@smeekle2000 11 ай бұрын
Facts. Trade jobs are full of BS.
@barry5138 10 ай бұрын
What a comment 👏 BTW none of these women can or want to cook anything, they're princesses after all!!
@EmergencyChannel 7 ай бұрын
Trade jobs pay well, but at least in my area you are going to have to learn Spanish and get used to working with drug addicts that do stupid shit that gets you and them hurt. Plumbing seems to be better than carpentry, but HVAC will destroy your body. I worked helping install AC units in new construction attics and it's not a job for men over 6ft tall if you value your back.
@The_Natalist 7 ай бұрын
​@@smeekle2000 Name a job that isnt by comparison? Or do you sit on your ass?
@rightwingsafetysquad9872 11 ай бұрын
One reason the trades suck so much is that the company owners refuse to adjust to the modern labor market. There's 2 types of people that get in now, ex-convicts and those who were ahead of the game enough to go to vocational high school. Those of us who attempted a different path then tried to come back are met with potential employers who refuse to train for a job making more than minimum wage. Someone with a stupid degree can probably make a lot more money waiting tables at Olive Garden or Texas Roadhouse than they can as a plumber's assistant. Someone who just got done studying sociology for 6 years probably can't afford to spend another 2 years getting an SAE certification. Other times there are jobs that there is no schooling for, such as industrial machine maintenance, but no company is willing to over staff even a little so there's never an opportunity for on the job training. They'll only hire someone with experience, but the only person who has experience with those machines is the guy who just retired. Then they complain that no one wants to work.
@davidmiranda9227 7 ай бұрын
Wow I honestly didn't know that about the trades
@docking9532 6 ай бұрын
I've got a stupid degree and am trying to get into the trades and have been experiencing exactly this. Anything with a low barrier to entry doesn't provide for the expensive living cost.
@joeylaramie7398 2 ай бұрын
I’m in industrial maintenance. You have to start in small shops for shit pay to move up and get experience
@Impalingthorn 11 ай бұрын
Millennial speaking, child of '94 specifically. I have forever HATED my generation for being as politically and culturally dense as they are, but looking back at things I realize a lot of those problems stemmed from the prior generation of parents. They really DON'T know anything and you see this absolutely everywhere and unfortunately "everywhere" does in fact include economics, women, and constitutional rights. And the reason for this was us being the Common Core generation who were effectively trained to just REGURGITATE any information we receive. I myself am even guilty of this, I just happened to get lucky and listen to the right people; under different circumstances I could have turned out a lot differently but thankfully I had a good father figure in my life (my mother was and still is a good person herself, obviously though as we all know men and women generally take after their same sex parent more than the other. They were both Conservative leaning and instilled a lot of good principles and virtues in me). We weren't taught how to do our taxes or how to replace a tire or anything actually useful, but you know what we DID hear about nonstop? Anti-bullying campaigns, slavery and feminism. Not everyone fell for it but because most of us only learned how to internalize whatever came to us first, a LOT of us DID. And unfortunately, these same people are the ones teaching kids and writing political documents now. This is why kids need to be protected from invasive politics, WE are the generation where society really reaped what they sowed.
@zephyrr108 11 ай бұрын
Shut up dude. Such an amount of conceit my head is spinning
@doctordetroit4339 11 ай бұрын
Correct....the millennials were made, not born. Problem that you are approaching middle haven't grown up as a group. At all. That is on y'all. Everyone has to survive their upbringing. Time to adult.
@mikesteelheart 11 ай бұрын
Well said. I think the root issue is that Boomers were generally spoiled and coddled as a generation that didn't have any "real problems" in hindsight so they raised their kids even more spoiled and coddled following the same path. Just watch an episode of literally any Boomer sitcom show like "Three's Company" from the late 70's and 80's. They talk about the same dumb mundane crap and act pretty much the same as sitcoms from the 2000's lol.
@Autonomous15 11 ай бұрын
@@doctordetroit4339 Are you willing to sell one of your homes to us for only 3x the median wage instead of 20x it?
@grebsolbsinned5438 11 ай бұрын
​@@mikesteelhearttry divorce @ mid 40's and starting over with $500k in debt. Everyone has their own to own and rise above. It's FOCUS vs waiting for someone to save you from your world. None of us were raised to accommodate what our parents didn't experience (they didn't know what they didn't know). Things constantly change and so, we must adapt and buckle up.
@buickmclean8163 11 ай бұрын
Watch the film ' Falling Down ' . Defens last line is ' What I'm the bad guy ? , I did everything they told me ' .
@longapathy6949 11 ай бұрын
Turning 27 in a few days.. Quit my job a few weeks ago and got enough money outside of my retirement accounts to survive a few years. I was gonna use that money as a down payment on a house but what’s the point anymore when you have to wake up every day and go to a sh*t job. Just trying not to kill myself at this point.
@doctordetroit4339 11 ай бұрын
All jobs are shit, playtime is over son. Time to adult.
@tayloryeates9484 11 ай бұрын
That’s what I did two years ago this month
@longapathy6949 11 ай бұрын
@@doctordetroit4339watch true detective season 1 and get back to me
@longapathy6949 11 ай бұрын
@@tayloryeates9484that’s awesome. Got a plan?
@adisc7475 11 ай бұрын
​@@tayloryeates9484how's it going for you? Any new job prospects?
@invadernik 11 ай бұрын
as a millenial, i can say that i really havent been fed to much ideological BS. only BS that i heard was about going to college and any degrees a good degree and that sort of shit. also, This was right around the time online dating first came out and I was appalled at the level of hypocrisy, gaslighting and other crap that girls we`re pulling. That only made my depression at the time way worse and i tortured myself for years thinking it was me. When i tried to talk about it, i was just dismissed. lol. ah good times.
@manager4409 11 ай бұрын
it changed drastically around 2012. I was in highschool 2001-2005 I think that was the last normal, healthy view of what America was. College was when smartphones and texting really changed everything then it got significantly worse from there.
@whiterabit09 11 ай бұрын
I can tell you are a millennial by how many redundant and unnecessary words you add to your writing. Constructive criticism.
@MrKillswitch88 11 ай бұрын
Graduated just in time for the crash of 2008 and cluster fuck the job market for years and had to exist on student loans so yea great times. Our generation gotten a rotten deal as did a fair bit of gen x and most zoomers but the ideology pretty seals the deal besides demographic collapse for society in the modern era going to mid never mind late century. Who or whatever is left in the 2100s is going to be left a broken world.
@bryck7853 11 ай бұрын
@@whiterabit09 You are very talented!
@ryank6322 11 ай бұрын
What you're describing is being called Complex PTSD by therapists. CPTSD. A combination of a crappy upbrining, dysfunctional dating and relationships, and trying to make my way in the world as a millennial have done a number to my psyche.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
Mental destruction by thousands of paper cuts instead of one cannon shell.
@starc. 11 ай бұрын
Shell shock, PTSD, CPTSD, same thing being renamed....
@adamd9166 11 ай бұрын
These past few decades have basically been an unrelenting psychological assault.
@goldenlizard92 11 ай бұрын
​@@starc.While that is true for shellshock and PTSD, what seems to be described by complex PTSD (as far as I can gather) is quite different. As far as I can tell, it's something like this: PTSD/shellshock is that one horrible moment in someone's life that they keep coming back to, while CPTSD sounds more like a form of learned hopelessness from a series of (often unrelated) failures and pitfalls throughout life occurring often and consistently to the point that the sufferer becomes convinced they are "cursed" or are otherwise doomed. Essentially, one describes someone who can't escape from the worst moment of their life, and the other describes someone worn down by a continuous stream of smaller failures/tragedies to such a degree that _everything_ seems like it can and will go wrong.
@starc. 11 ай бұрын
@@goldenlizard92 so characterising the same spectrum of trauma recurrence using different terms for more severe or more mild
@madmack69 10 ай бұрын
We were all lied to. Everyone told us to do what was in their best interest, not ours.
@eliasmalison2011 11 ай бұрын
I'm a millennial and grew up poor. I do junk removal and cleaning for a living and make more then all my friends that went to school
@trevorgibbsnc 11 ай бұрын
This hits different!!
@deconstructingnarcissism3062 11 ай бұрын
Do you own your own business or do you work for someone?
@eliasmalison2011 11 ай бұрын
@@deconstructingnarcissism3062 I own it.
@deker0954 11 ай бұрын
Well done.
@witnessforchrist7778 3 ай бұрын
@@deconstructingnarcissism3062 The only way anyone is making more money than their friends is if they run their own business. Wage slaves will never outcompete a business owner, hell we're at the stage where a business taking a nosedive towards bankruptcy is still better than being a wage slave. Because at least the business owner can declare bankruptcy.
@tristanbackup2536 11 ай бұрын
That's the thing. You shouldn't HAVE to get a second job.
@pauljensen4773 11 ай бұрын
Depends on what you do and where you do it.
@garrygrant2394 11 ай бұрын
Outsourcing your thinking to third parties will always end in tears. Right now all I see are zombies walking around. I'm not convinced they can be woken up at this stage.
@Rempast 11 ай бұрын
Your not even going to try? At least try to tap into their subconscious. It's a very passive deprogamming technique and doesn't require much trying. At least if it doesn't work you never wasted much time anyway but to just flat out say IT'S OVER. It ain't over til it's over.
@bryck7853 11 ай бұрын
@@Rempast on another show he calls them 'walking brain stems'
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
@@Rempast there are only so many failed tries people can tolerate before they give up. Motivational liars that profiteer off the status quo have to keep up the lie that everyone accomplishes want they want if they just keep trying. I loved pissing off school council by saying "Funny, if you try hard and follow the life script, you can be a president or an astronaut. However, nobody can count on being a rap star or pro athete."
@christianedwards9025 11 ай бұрын
Cappy's right about the lies. My generation of millennials were lied to heavily about anything and everything. We weren't taught financial skills, how to cook, work ethic, changing a flat tire etc. I've been lucky enough to have learned or been taught a fair amount to get me by, but I'm only 31 and I've seen the destruction it's caused. The biggest lie I was told and thankfully didn't believe was, as he said, go to college. I asked, how would i afford it. Would anybody help me out somehow? Crickets or, well, you'll just have to manage. To me that was code for figure it out when the time comes instead of plan for it. I was like, no college it is then.
@Tony-mf9jp 11 ай бұрын
I'm about Cappy's age. They started lying to us and it continues to this day. Boomers need future generations to be ignorant so they can fleece us and live high on the hog at our expense.
@h-therearethosethatcallmet684 11 ай бұрын
My younger two definitely understand the college lie. Doing homework around the table the youngest (*sniff*) said "you don't have to go to college" ... she is teaching herself video editing (thank you KZbin) and is a bit of a script kiddy ... oh and she said it at the table w/ the one in college now (too late there)...
@shadowhunter0176 11 ай бұрын
I remember when you could buy an item and it worked out of the box. Now you need an app for every bloody thing. I'm 42.
@adamd9166 11 ай бұрын
I'm in my mid-30s and have recently decided this is going to be my "catch-up" year. Nose to the grindstone and get to where I can be proud of. But as Cappy said, I'm so tired. People in their 30's are exhausted from things being so much harder than it should be. And the bitter pill is that the only way to come out on top is to double-down and work even harder (and smarter, of course). I can see why his friend now has some PSTD even after making it. If you push yourself continuously past physical exhaustion, you'll eventually do long-term damage... it is the same with your psyche.
@blairl6304 11 ай бұрын
It’s harder than it used to be - but let’s be honest, it’s still not that hard, people in the west are just extraordinarily soft and lazy…. Which is why it’s not that hard to outcompete and get ahead. I’m top 3% income and I’m nothing special, I just work harder (10-12hr days for 10+ years now) I’m consistent, and I’m disciplined. Most people aren’t willing to sacrifice even the smallest amount of comfort or convenience.
@theleehasleeway 11 ай бұрын
@@blairl6304Agreed. I’ve worked multiple jobs and after seeing so many workers shuffle through everywhere, I’m shocked at how weak most men are. World doesn’t have enough testosterone
@alexanderjackson8389 11 ай бұрын
​@@blairl6304everyone is "soft and lazy" to you people
@joaoportugal8618 11 ай бұрын
​​​@@alexanderjackson8389He probably works very hard for himself and not as an employee and had access to money to start his company. Maybe his parents gave him the money to start, same way Elon Musk parents did for Elon Musk. Elon Musk also works very hard... This kind of people usually loves slaves to work for them and in return they like to bully them. It's the same almost everywhere in the western country's.
@FoB39 10 ай бұрын
@@blairl6304just have no life bro and work 10-12hr days feeding a system that hates you so ez bro 😎
@immortaljanus 11 ай бұрын
"Imagine if all the stupid people went away..." Oh Cappy, don't do this to me. Don't give me inspiration.
@nigerianprince5374 11 ай бұрын
My fathers a millennial. Divorced because well wife cheated gee I bet you guys didn't see that coming. Anyhow, he's done construction for over 20 years. Bodies a wreck and has ZERO investment in his 401k. This video hits hard right in the places that hurt because it reminds me this is all generational bs. And reminds me neither America or most people want you incentivizing to be happy. It wants to remind you you are a slave and will remain like so until your body and brain are complete mush. Or the govt throws you into and IED and makes you incapable of doing anything. What a joke. Mens 3 things they have to worry about is their survival mechanism of wealth, security, and having a loving and fulfilling life. But most people are beyond those wants. They just want you in the meat grinder for as long as possible until your a loose screw on a ship.
@rollingdudes8859 10 ай бұрын
The trades are a GREAT THING and provide VALUE TO SOCIETY and the REAL WORLD!!! However, the reality is that you will get OLDER and when you are middle-aged you need something to fall back on. If you do go to college start out at a community college first. take online classes, and if you get a 4-year degree make sure it is in STEM, otherwise you are PISSING AWAY YOUR MONEY!!!
@PAX---777 11 ай бұрын
Cappy.....a serious "well-done" for changing your mind about, " work hard + pull yourself up by the bootstraps " advice/attitude........ EVERYTHING IS WRONG, BACKWARDS, INVERTED, UPSIDE-DOWN in the West in this current reality. Most people will never change and/or admit to altering their position. Very much enjoy and agree w/ your rants__spreading Truth & wisdom to the masses! Respect + cheers Cappy....
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
Indeed. Even if you ignored the wrong info, you are still screwed. So much hard work just ends up benefitting some c suite nepo baby.
@EightFrancs 11 ай бұрын
​@@nothing67440that's 100% TRUTH.
@CyberFighter-hu7xo 11 ай бұрын
How the “why don’t you go to X place” moron as expected
@SartorialisticSavage65 11 ай бұрын
On point.
@gradualpull2171 11 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, parents don't care enough to teach or care for their kids to be prepared for life. It's usually a terrible deal for most kids that have to learn through failures and experiences alone.
@motorbreath22 11 ай бұрын
A lot of bad parents, some don't care some just don't know any better, alot just surviving and couldn't really handle being parents.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
@@motorbreath22 I think about how many births were because "We are supposed to have kids." "God commands you to go forth and multiply" Or someone didn't wear a condom. The result was unprepared parents having kids they aren't raising.
@b-41subject57 11 ай бұрын
​@@motorbreath22true. Many modern people, in my opinion, are financially and mentally unprepared to have children. Its always the kids who suffer because of their dumb parents breeding.
@chriscunanan 11 ай бұрын
The fallout from degrading to a low/no-trust society is unfathomable. I stopped counting how many Boomers I've been screwed over by, for providing the most honest upfront work possible. There's increasingly few/no real good examples/role models to go by, so of course the younger generations are lost as to how to navigate and resolve issues/circumstances that were setup to fail and in motion since long ago.
@rollingdudes8859 11 ай бұрын
It is more important than ever to learn how to read non-verbal communication and to take in as much information as possible and do the math to determine what the TRUTH really is!!! All communication today is non-verbal. There will ALWAYS be and endless quest for the TRUTH!!!
@waynearonson9076 11 ай бұрын
There would be no human beings on the planet if everyone waited till they could afford it.
@realfreedom8932 11 ай бұрын
You just spelled out their mission
@airmax5614 11 ай бұрын
While my parents never taught me anything else besides having good manners and good grades. I wasn't prepared for this harsh reality at all. Now my life's miserable suffering not only financially but physically and emotionally. One of the things that caused that was my stupid and regretful decision. Now there's no hope for me.
@bingflosby 11 ай бұрын
I’m 44 years old My father was a career criminal and mom was the heroin addict stripper who he believed he should definitely impregnate twice before he goes to prison for my entire childhood Then he gets out and is confused about how im 44 years old and still trying to figure out what the fuck that just was my childhood was like being raised in a blender and being a adult is trying to put everything whole again lol I have multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia now and thankfully no children got a hernia when I was three and my dad was on the run at the time very bad timing for a hernia they accidentally gave me a vasectomy but I don’t find out until recently
@goldenlizard92 11 ай бұрын
The saddest part of this story is that as crazy as it sounds, I can easily believe it. I feel like that wouldn't be the case if things were going better (or at least _seemed_ to be).
@bingflosby 11 ай бұрын
@@goldenlizard92 he forced prostitutes onto me when I was a child as well
@Bob_Lob_Law 6 ай бұрын
That's atrocious. Sounds like something out of a movie. Hard to to believe some people have lives like that. I hope things get better.
@dariusthurman8835 11 ай бұрын
Even with all the crappy baby boomer advice I've made too many personal mistakes. Being fat, getting fat again after losing 100 pounds. 2 car crashes, working dead end jobs. As messed up as the Pandemic was it might have been the happiest time of my life. Unemployment plus the Crypto boom. Since then I've gotten lazy, my work ethic deteriorated.
@b-rainwash410 11 ай бұрын
When the tire technician changes the perfectly good tire and not the bald tire. 🤪
@idiotengineer3925 11 ай бұрын
I love having an engineering degree without student loans, paid off car, and a 22 year old venezuelan girl friend at the age of 32. All i need now is a house to complete my ultimate revenge against the divorced boomer scumbags i met in the army who all drove $65k fully loaded F150s shitting on me for leaving the military and driving a paid off chevy S10
@timmellow1353 11 ай бұрын
@isaacwalter8014 11 ай бұрын
I have under $4000 in the bank and am unemployed/possibly unemployable living at home. I asked a boomer what I can do to change my situation... he told me to buy a motorcycle.
@isaacwalter8014 11 ай бұрын
@@alexdenton9176 I applaud your determination, that is no small undertaking. I am struck by the quote from Hagakure: `The end is important in all things.` Each night I lie in my bed and prepare to meet my death by practicing continuous prayer like the Hesychast of old. Even if that is all I can offer at least it is something.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
Wow, sounds like Marie Antoinette saying "Let them eat cake."
@Bob_Lob_Law 6 ай бұрын
​@@isaacwalter8014Buying a motorcycle is a good idea as a man, but probably won't *immediately* imrprove your situation.
@Christian-nc4gd 11 ай бұрын
One of the worst products on today's market are new construction homes. Never in my life have I seen such poor craftsmanship and absence of detail. Even worse is when you have to research construction methodologies in order to confront the builders so you can successfully debunk the lies they gaslight you with as they try to persuade you that what you are citing as a problem is really not a problem.
@nigerianprince5374 11 ай бұрын
Blame democrats and liberals for giving all those jobs to illegals who apparently know how to build better houses than America. LOL 😂😜.
@Ty-at-random 11 ай бұрын
100% agree, new subdivisions look like monopoly houses. Builders can’t even do weather stripping for doors properly. For 400k$??, hell no
@nigerianprince5374 11 ай бұрын
@@Ty-at-random I don't even make but like less than 4k a month at a dead end overstaffed job dishwashing. You think ima buy a house in the next 10 years or even have 400k for one? America has to be joking considering how much the average person is forced to pay in insurance, taxes, and bills I don't even want to talk about 😂. No one in my city even makes above 60k in annual salary. What kinda chernobog society are they trying to sell us for the next 10 years? I'll be living in a cave until the bombs drop. Maybe trying to go on some kind of government assistance soon considering i'm 23. Still living with my parents and have been working dead end jobs since I was 18. I'd rather buy a car and call it my home before I spend 400k shitmoney on a shithouse.
@nigerianprince5374 11 ай бұрын
Not to mention they've now held retirement up to 67. There's people who are foster or been homeless since 16 and this is the world we created? 🤡 I think at this rate everyone knows retirement is a joke too. My dads like what 20+ years in construction. Wife divorces him. Not a penny to his name. I can't wait for the government to collapse. Were gonna have another 2008 in like less than a decade mark my words.
@witnessforchrist7778 3 ай бұрын
All those cheap migrant "hard workers" that liberals love to emphasize as being more hard working than american workers.
@Shoegazebasedgenre0. 11 ай бұрын
the name of the dragon is negation. once you realize nothing else literally matters. It is the most liberating feelings you ever experienced.
@gadflyofhumanity_6847 11 ай бұрын
Still doesn't change the fact that crippling poverty still exists and both sides of the aisle don't give a crap.
@sci-fi.tsunami 11 ай бұрын
5:31 The new American Dream is to GTFO of America. My dream is to somehow get money coming in so I can *ESCAPE AMERICA!*
@rollingdudes8859 11 ай бұрын
Me too but most western nations are screwed up!!!
@jonhstonk7998 11 ай бұрын
I’m 21 and so I was spat out of the School system in my country not too long ago, I was always a bit more “down to earth” than the other kids in my school so it didn’t hit me as hard but yeah the fact I was basically forced to lose half of my days for about 5 years of school(I mean late middle school and my high school years that were mostly a colossal fucking waste of time) that didn’t really added anything to me and actively robbed my time away making it so I had to actually skip class to go study in the library to the point of where everything I learned I learned DESPITE the school system instead of because of it? I mean yeah I’m pissed: if you are being forced to study for 8 hours a day by sitting still in a boring classroom where you can’t even read your damn book in peace and you STILL have to go do self study in the library just to learn the BASICS? I mean yeah then the system of education is fucking shit! I mean I was hungry and tired as shit all the time because the food was so shit in school…and then they would actually call security when I tried to go eat actual food outside because God forbid I have an allergy I don’t know about and die in their care(actual justification they gave me) so I better eat the sloppy spoiled shit food or be hungry, obviously I chose to go hungry and my parents didn’t noticed because they were too busy to notice that their son being 50 kilos at age 16 while practicing 3 sports isn’t normal(yea I was attacked by the school for being “TOXICALLY MASCULINE” and DARING to practice boxing, lifting and Muay Thai after school hours OF MY OWN FREE TIME AND FREE WILL) after I said “fuck it” and got myself expelled I ended up going to the doctor who said I had clinical malnutrition and I could have died, there’s actually marks in my bones where the growth stopped and then resumed, then I went to another school: still shit but at least I could eat food again, and I spent my time skipping class, passed the exams got my HS diploma, passed my countrys equivalent of the SAT without studying, went for university and it was somehow fucking worse! The people there must have been clinically retarded or smth. But yeah after that I went through a LOT of suffering that I really wouldn’t have gone through if I had a good school, no not even that, if I actually never had been put through formalized education at all and instead used that time to spend time being tutored by my grandpa and uncle like I was before I had to go to school, if I just had spent more time learning from them before they passed away I would probably have been in a much better spot to endure suffering in life but also paradoxically I would just have never gotten myself in many retarded situations in the first place! Fuck modern society I learned more in one evening of reading books and going to the gym than I ever could in a month of going to high school.
@Frogman1212 11 ай бұрын
Public school (speaking insofar as english countries) is the biggest fucking problem and nobody wants to talk about it, because rarely do people have the *moral self confidence* It's seen as childish, and we want to forget about it, but it takes up a majority of children's time, thoughts, and feelings for more than a decade, and gives them potentially tons of pain to the point of psychological dysfunction, while offering nothing but *maybe* socialization, which absolutely does not require the context of schooling. I'm 21, jobless, and I was telling my mother some days ago that nobody remembers anything from school and with all those years they may as well teach us trades instead. So we can actually have skills and experience before we even have to go into the workforce. Additionally we barely touch on the most vital aspects of human life. Sex, health, and psychology. All of which are extremely related, but you won't see our education system telling you that. Or anything about cutting edge, fundamental research.
@bryck7853 11 ай бұрын
more and more people are getting their drivers license, GED, and apprenticeship in a trade at 16. They can retire at 40.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
@@bryck7853 I really hope so. I love seeing people get the right to get a GED and get out. School steals more than enough of our life and puts filler material there.
@peterpumelig861 11 ай бұрын
You can see the product of these things aswells as generally awfull policies, with the "nazi" party being at around 20% here in germany. And the most laughable is that even the mainstream media is almost forced to admit that our current goverment is the best advertisement the "nazi" party could get
@georgesontag2192 11 ай бұрын
As a man, life got really hard after family court judges got a hold of me. They just take any amount of resources you have.... and your house is the first thing they take.
@454lin 11 ай бұрын
This video reminds me of the movie Falling Down
@snakeplissken3063 11 ай бұрын
Maybe it's because I'm stoned, but this has got to be one of Cappy's funniest rants.
@HisBortness 11 ай бұрын
Yeah man, it's the incredible series of lies that bothers me. Being lied to twice for every truth. It made my life so goddamn much harder.
@SartorialisticSavage65 11 ай бұрын
Yeah it gets you in a maze huh? It's very ummm exhausting
@HisBortness 11 ай бұрын
@@nothing67440 Sure, but you can't say the same for the political and social establishment, such as in how the entirety of human culture was pulling violently in a massively destructive direction for the past 40 years straight.
@rollingdudes8859 11 ай бұрын
In today's world you have to gather ALL THE INFORMATION you can about something and do the math to determine what the truth really is. I think this is a skill we must teach the kids of today so they will be ready for this SCREWED UP WORLD!!!
@marknichols3714 11 ай бұрын
Man you are so right about these topics . I give you a double thumbs up.
@SSNESS 11 ай бұрын
One of the smartest kids growing up, ended up being correctional officer standing around doing nothing & a photographer snapping pictures 😅
@BOSSDONMAN 8 ай бұрын
Thank God I found Aaron as a junior in highschool some 10 years or so ago. I instantly started looking up starting salaries by major as a result - people think I was a genius for what was doing the most basic bit of research. Wild most people are still not even doing it today.
@ghostrr7690 11 ай бұрын
As i am in my early 30 i seen more connections involved then people with brains and degree working at hr.
@tonyohalloran8817 11 ай бұрын
The advent/impact of television on the world view/thinking/ideologies of the generation where it was introduced cannot be overstated/underestimated. They don't call them programs for nothing.
@amjmmint4786 11 ай бұрын
you are abso-fuckin-lutely right about the having to fix new shit all the time. I was repairing an old wheelbarrow, rigid, just needed some attention. It gets fixed, with an asterix, will function, keep an eye on X to get it lasting. This thing gets dismantled, burned in the firepit, and replaced (without my input, not like it's mine or anything) and replaced by some grandma-duty flimsy, plastic strut, no corner enforcement piece of shit. Now I'm practically rebuilding this fuckin trash so it can be ultimately half as good as the old busted up wheelbarrow. This is just an example of many, like you said, fucked by 1000 incompetence. I've been chasing a stubborn idiot destroying things in my house my whole life, fighting me on everything, with no sight of anything rational. I go everywhere and see the same thing. You nailed it, aint no one give 2 shits about quality, might as well be commie quotas.
@jamestunedflat8942 11 ай бұрын
I picture myself on the beach tripping on a land mine, being blown into the air to land on another; repeat until I reach the golden shores of old age. Battered and bruised and missing a couple of limbs, but proud I stayed alive. I am the first year millennial who had ADHD before it was cool. Lies, damn lies, and a truth that I am incapable of achieving by normal means. It's all good though because now I have Cappy to tell me the truth in my 40's. At least my kids will hear the truth, but I'm not sure if they'll believe it because they live with their young millennial mother, but hey, they have a chance if nothing else.
@_Arugula_Salad_ 10 ай бұрын
Holt fuck if the imagery of being a body flying from mine to mine isn't accurate.
@2d4e 4 ай бұрын
that mental image of flying from mine to mine is hilarious
@jakeviolet2195 11 ай бұрын
If a woman ever cancels on you at the last minute, here is what you do. Tell her "I'm glad you called because I was just about to call you. I just had something come up and I can't make it tonight either. Maybe we can do it another time?" Then hang up and DO NOT CONTACT HER AGAIN until she calls you to apologize and reschedule. If that call never comes, then you know she was jerking your chain. But, even if she was, the fact that you got something else going on will eat at her brain, like an earworm, and she'll probably be calling you back before you know it.
@gcanaday1 11 ай бұрын
Even better is when you go somewhere else, see her there with someone else. You let her see you pick up your phone and delete her number. It's still a rejection to her.
@the_expidition427 7 ай бұрын
Saving this
@rollingdudes8859 10 ай бұрын
In today's world you need to do EVERYTHING on your OWN until you are at the point you need help. The great thing about the Internet is that you can get information on ANYTHING, and you can teach yourself how to build things, fix things, take care of your health, etc...
@SC-gw8np 9 ай бұрын
Yup, this is the conclusion I also came to. I need to learn how to do everything on my own cuz I wasn’t taught anything and the all advice I got is useless or outdated. Moreover, the current ‘knowledge’ on most things is rooted in ignorance/surface level thinking is simply not TRUE because of the corruption capitalism produced. For example, the current knowledge on health/nutrition is mostly bogus and based on fraudulent research and collusion between food industry and science. Low fat diet, for example, has replaced sugar in place of good and healthy fats in diets and made us fatter and gave us brain fog. The world has gone to HELL because of perverse incentives and corruption and we can’t rely on anyone else besides ourselves because of this.
@BTChanOSRS 11 ай бұрын
Peak gov interventionism, taxation, regulations and bad shape of public finances. Time is running out to get lifeboats
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
The elites get theirs, then rig the game in the name of environment and diversity so that competitors can't just "build their own." The oligarchy of the donor class must end.
@Wastelandman7000 11 ай бұрын
To be honest, things were screwed up way before the Boomers showed up. If you study how the founders did things that was a different world. You became an apprentice to a master craftsman who ran a FAMILY BUSINESS, and if you applied yourself you became a journeyman and saved up to become your own master. When the industrial revolution hit it fundamentally changed society. You became dependent on other people for a job. Men and women started working in factories (which is where feminism came from) And that led to being dependent on the government because so many people don't even know how to run a business. Because the government run schools don't teach us. Most people don't even know the difference between an asset and a liability. I had to find out AFTER I left school. We're being dumbed down to keep us dependent.
@Wastelandman7000 11 ай бұрын
Oh btw, your master gave you a dorm with the other apprentices and you got clothed. And sometimes they sent you to night school to learn math and accounting or even higher math as well as Latin and Greek at the master's expense. And they did all of this without insurance, government assistance etc. And what you bought was made by an expert so it lasted. Our current society has been FUBAR, and the worst part is its been done deliberately.
@manager4409 11 ай бұрын
You could argue America fell when the south lost the civil war. Or when the fed reserve was founded. Everything after that was largely due to those. Wholesale ethnic replacement of whites took a lot longer but it's becoming obvious now.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
The industrial revolution and it's consequences. It became about making the big men even bigger.
@TheElectronicaman 11 ай бұрын
It is not the technology if that is what are you implying, it is the fucking psychopaths and so called elite rulers, and the apathy of the people that is the problem. I dont want to go back to agrarian times.@@skylinefever
@the_expidition427 7 ай бұрын
Saving this
@Santaheckler 11 ай бұрын
This is SPOT ON! One of the things about it all working out in life is you can’t just do the right things, you need to do them in the right order. At least as close as possible… For example, going to college without having ANY work experience whatsoever is a major problem! How the hell does anyone expect a person to pick a CAREER when they don’t even know what it means to WORK in the real world? Good luck with that whole “work satisfaction” thing…👊😆
@MrDaros89 11 ай бұрын
"How much time do we waste fixing faulty equipment or peoples mistakes? I'm sure the IT industry knows how this works" DON'T GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON THAT ONE!
@gcanaday1 11 ай бұрын
Don't blame us from Gen X. We were closer to the lies and were lied to directly from the source.
@jackw1014 6 ай бұрын
One of life's major frustrations is having to do other people's jobs for them - like pulling teeth to get the insurance company to call you back. It inevitably happens when dealing with people who pay no price for failure.
@TamVu77 11 ай бұрын
There's a *HIGH* flake rate on women / young girls when Interviewing tenants for my property near a Military Academy; I'll only rent to men with preference to service members (BAH hack). Yes, I always had to hound my tech recruiter like they owed me money. Thank goodness I'm not in that industry anymore.
@Stanthemilkman 11 ай бұрын
I got a 23year old Australian made Holden commodore. Never had a problem. Just replaced the exhaust that had corroded at the join
@tristanbackup2536 11 ай бұрын
@polaropposites1701 11 ай бұрын
28 year old commodore here man, very solid 👌
@Stanthemilkman 11 ай бұрын
@@polaropposites1701 like break downs are completely alien to me. Such good cars.
@polaropposites1701 11 ай бұрын
@@Stanthemilkman indeed
@RayWilliamJohansen 11 ай бұрын
im 31, live with my dad, 8 dollars in the bank, most likely owe 12k in taxes for the side jobs ive done and theres no way i can pay that....its not that i dont have a good work ethic but ive only made enough to not be homeless or to go so lucky to have a dad that puts up with my BS to be honest ad i think its bc he knows that life was easier when he was my age but idk i dont see things getting better unless something major happens
@grebsolbsinned5438 11 ай бұрын
Life wasn't better when he was your age, assuming he's in his 50's. We did more with less. Labor, landscaping, finish the basement electrical work, plumbing, drywall, finish and rough carpentry, auto work, you name it. We HAD to do it ourselves because we recognized we were broke. No choices. Put in the sweat and life will make more sense as you advance and prosper.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
@@kimilsungthefirst6840 Gotta climb that ladder and grease the ladder so the next person can't. This is why I laugh at "Day of the pillow" messages.
@pauljensen4773 11 ай бұрын
@@skylinefever what is "Day of the pillow" messages?
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
@@pauljensen4773 Day of the pillow is a joke about people not caring about end end of boomers. Maybe it was a joke based on what Arthur Fleck did to his mother in Joker.
@pauljensen4773 11 ай бұрын
@@skylinefever I guess I'll have to watch Joker now. HAHAHA
@Wastelandman7000 11 ай бұрын
I agree that they should stay with their parents and squirrel away money.
@deconstructingnarcissism3062 11 ай бұрын
If I didn't have Narcissistic parents who I would have stayed home for as long as possible. Right now I'm looking for roommates to save money. $1500-3500 for an apartment is out of the question. Even if I could afford it they still want you to make three times the rent. Not happening.
@josefadams647 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for all you do
@chemtrooper 11 ай бұрын
What dream? I was born and this is who I am.
@filthyfrankblack4067 11 ай бұрын
Their sqeeuzing the middle class on purpose.
@user-kn9of9oh9i 11 ай бұрын
@doppler327 10 ай бұрын
@@user-kn9of9oh9i Dude understands the overarching plan of the Oligarchs but can't be bothered with basic grammar, that's how obvious it is these days 🤣
@hellboundbuddha912 3 ай бұрын
​@@doppler327This is KZbin, fucker.
@RyanTheEpic 11 ай бұрын
Cappy you are incorrect about the Asian parents part. I have a South Korean girlfriend who is the child of immigrants. Those two didn't give her the slightest bit of guidance regarding life skills, driving, school, or career choice. They're letting her become an art major with no significant pushback. Since I am her boyfriend and quite possibly her future husband, now it's my responsibility apparently to pick up where they left off. The parents stayed together, but aside from providing a place to live and food, nothing much else is there. This situation may be unique to her, but it doesn't bode well for the notion the stereotypical Asian upbringing here in the US. 37:20
@ekanata 11 ай бұрын
Damn I thought Koreans don’t date outside their race
@RyanTheEpic 11 ай бұрын
@ekanata Generally speaking, you are correct, but I'm just that good lmao (joking). She was raised in American culture, which is why she was open-minded to date a caucasian like myself. Her parents didn't like me. But, the fact that I have my shit together, I am fairly articulate, have an entirely paid off car, and have a mortgage made them unable to poke holes in my character.
@ekanata 11 ай бұрын
@@RyanTheEpic fair enough. I have yellow fever myself but keep my Filipina in her country and go and visit several times a year (don’t need them westernizing here) . Once you go Asian you’ll never go Caucasian ;)
@the_expidition427 7 ай бұрын
@@ekanata Saving this
@MrKillswitch88 11 ай бұрын
Poverty is hell never mind more usual problems like having an alcoholic parent who was not only neglectful for many years but also abusive but anyway for half of my fourth grade year we ended up living at some dudes house so far out in the middle of nowhere there weren't even utilities like running water etc. Was fairly common to not have clean drinking water so had to get by what had collected in a barrel outside so yea life wasn't good and have been dealing with depression on an episodic bases since June or July 2001 as a consequence of a crappy childhood. I do wish that I had grown up in a middle class family that had reasonable access to a standard of living that most millennials as well like a good third of gen x would consider being a fantasy at this point like having retirement at a reasonable age etc.
@geoffn1530 11 ай бұрын
The mechanics at Meineke did a shitty job on my brakes. They said they replaced the front but it still squeaks non stop. For $600
@grebsolbsinned5438 11 ай бұрын
Grab a wrench and figure it out for $42 in material. That's all you
@2d4e 4 ай бұрын
new brakes squeak for some time.
@nap871 11 ай бұрын
accept the world is the way it is and adapt.. Get rid of your tv. Stop watching you tube horseshittttt. Enough RP. Youknow what chicks are really like. Done. Move on. Focus on working within the world that your in not the one you think it ought to be. Offer value. Pick you fights. Every guy i know who battles the system loses. Dont swim upstream.
@starc. 11 ай бұрын
@@nothing67440 it is not impossible for one guy to beat the system. Being intelligent enough to do so is the problem. After decades of searching I have found one way to defeat the system but it will take time, an amount of time that can be anywhere from years to realistically generations. Theres a Greek proverb that goes something like "the world grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”
@adamd9166 11 ай бұрын
And that is the rub of it. I personally think people have every right to be furious at "the system" but thinking practically, what are they going to do with it? May as well try to make it work for oneself.
@cobruh836 11 ай бұрын
my life is way harder than it should have been, because ive only gotten terrible advice from adults. i was a top tier script kiddie when i was around 15 or so, could have gone into IT (which was my dream living the newage of switching from analog to digital) but i got talked out of it and now im working in a f*king warehouse as a lonely bottom earner with a dysfunctional family and no perspective. im not even mad that i got bad advice, my teachers and parents were just too dumb. i just shouldnt have listened to them. but its not even the main problem anyways, if the gov wasnt so absolutely incompetent and overbloated with waterheads i may earn the same as my dad did, but im not even close. a ruined economy is the real issue here. my dad had minimal school education, because he had to switch languages three times as a kid. all he did was work as a plumber and then on an assembly line. he had three kids, his own house, two cars and could still affort holiday vacations to other countries. meanwhile i tried to make up for my bad start by continuing school for a bit longer, to get a better degree, worked like five different job types, climbed the ladder in my current company as high as i could, finished my "chamber of commerce instructor examination" as second best in my year, had multiple successful apprentices and i cant even affort a car and live in a 55m² flat. GG... GE F*ing GE ontop everybody sh*ts on me because im a white male and feminists continue ruining my hobbies for no reason started drinking lately btw early millenial from germany, so mileage may vary but i can relate edit: im actually not very susceptible to lies, but sometimes bad advice is even worse than straight dumb lies also havent watched the video past like 15 minutes yet. just wanted to throw all that out there
@Rudeboii1k 10 ай бұрын
Stop drinking
@guest3858 11 ай бұрын
yeah that "fix all the stupid mistakes" thing resonated with me. even though admittedly i was put in the position because of my dad's engineering corporation, the genx fuck before me basically gave an external incompetent company complete control over all our software developments on our main custom CRM. legacy one branch version control (subversion), NO TESTING ENVIRONMENTS (only prod), the dev only worked 8 hours out of the week but earned 130k a year,, ridiculously complicated leagcy framework no one uses, devs refuses to meet 3 times a week, no documentation; i dont think a single thing was done right and i was told to just build ontop of it without knowing the situation. i didnt even know PHP but had some full stack experience. i did accomplish all the automation stuff and reversed all screwups (dockerized the complicated crm, configured it to work in azure + azure dev opts, fired the dev and hired the new one who is now building and fixing everything very well) but after it all, to add onto manlet Aaron Clarey's idea is the people who would take us further are burned out after stuff like this. like i was ready to start AI stuff but tbh after what i had to do, i just wanna coast now tbh
@TurtlesAreFromGod 11 ай бұрын
This is so true. I had this realization a few months ago. Like, it's astounding how quickly people will embrace lies and spread them to young, vulnerable kids.
@TurtlesAreFromGod 8 ай бұрын
@@adamshebel2320 it's extremely lonely
@SartorialisticSavage65 11 ай бұрын
The amount of support for what my time went through from you has been nice to hear, Cappy.
@SSNESS 11 ай бұрын
I’ll never understand why people want kids in the 21st century and beyond
@goldenlizard92 11 ай бұрын
​@@SSNESSSimple: it represents hope for them that they can succeed against the odds, move past troubled times to a stable yet meaningful life, and potentially leave a lasting legacy which will endure beyond their own lifetime. I doubt many who aspire to it really believe they can pull it off, though. At the very least, I don't: every step I take that seems to be in the right direction seems to inevitably come with BS that inevitably lands me back where I started or worse. I find it harder and harder each to find the motivation to do much of anything beyond some meager minimum, and I feel like the aspirations I remember now only exist to taunt me and remind me of my failings.
@davescott9062 11 ай бұрын
It used to be a man's word was everything, your reputation was everything.
@bryck7853 11 ай бұрын
Idiocracy is the name of the movie that is what you're talking about 21:00
@bartcobb877 11 ай бұрын
I was cut in 98, cashed out in 2002 and emigrated to cheap country. Won't tell you where because I don't want you coming...cheers
@n.thadddeusmcthaddeus5416 11 ай бұрын
I’ve made my mistakes, but I bounced back somewhat. I bought an apartment before everything went haywire in 2020. I’m not living high, but I’m not doing badly. Count your blessings, I guess.
@SSNESS 11 ай бұрын
I watch the documentary “Rich kids” and cry myself to sleep every night
@starc. 11 ай бұрын
reminds me of raging few years ago after being manipulated into leaving therapy by the mental health staff. Realised therapists lied to me so raged about not being able to make the correct decisions based off of false information word for word like you said it just like raging at doing what parents and teachers told me. They robbed the only remaining opportunity for help leaving no reason to live for. These psychologists create their own patients I'm on the heads on spikes train with Cappy after that - well done do-gooders
@snakeplissken3063 11 ай бұрын
I don't understand how any woman over 25 thinks she has a golden hooch.
@mikeylitchfield4651 11 ай бұрын
I think Aaron should be honest. Finance and economics might be what he studied and worked in but it's a very small portion of his content these days. Actually I wish he would do some presentations on economics and finance on his channel instead of just hot takes all the time. For people looking to get into that line of work it would be helpful. If he's a better analyst and economist than most people as he claims you would think he would share the knowledge book. Most of his books on economics so far have been autobiographies about his experiences working in the field. He's never written an actual economics for dummies book.
@labfixit 11 ай бұрын
Columnist Paul Craig Roberts had a column sometime ago lamenting how things like customer service in the 1980s just worked with a phone call.
@kevinwilliams2184 10 ай бұрын
Thanks cappy keep spreading the good word about to fire up the bike 🏍
@markwint605 11 ай бұрын
Great commentary.
@citysleuth5713 11 ай бұрын
Americans can't even follow instructions, just try ordering food online and watch.
@Biosynthnut 11 ай бұрын
The generational blame game is a weird tske.
@thegamerfrominside 11 ай бұрын
HR Karen's runnig super hell That got me laughing hard
@RoseShoen Ай бұрын
Lmfao 😂 why does It smell like a campfire 🔥 😅 this checks, it’s so bad out here
@Joshdifferent 3 ай бұрын
Aaron speaks facts 💯
@ekanata 11 ай бұрын
Doesn’t matter if successful…no amount of money is enough to compensate me for staying in this crap collapsing society. My only motivation at this point is to make enough remote income to where I can leave the collapsing western world for greener pastures in developing countries where the women aren’t fat, the people aren’t woke etc.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
The reason I do anything to avoid giving advice is because the advice will be be counterproductive in a few years. Suppose the new tactic exists. How long before it becomes useless? I think of all the people who did get a head start in life by getting some degree. They got that degree, then distorted the economy by acting like it was a fast track to wealth for everybody. I think about how many people bought houses because line go up. The system is built on telling everyone to chase the leprachaun's rainbow because there is a pot of gold on the end. The pot of gold is never there, and some oligarchs found out how to profiteer off of your chase. I guess I should tech cutlery and tell the youth that guiltines might become a thing again? Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh just want to dupe the masses into spawning more Daily Wire subscribers.
@kosmicspawn 3 ай бұрын
I know one thing that is left that seems to actually work, coffee☕ and starbucks and the rest are trying to make a mess of that lol
@kylewitter2806 11 ай бұрын
I absolutely love that you opened with a LazerPig sound bite😂
@sammencia7945 3 ай бұрын
You want hard? Until 1945 farmers harvested by hand. Took 20+ people 2 to 4 weeks to harvest 160 acres by hands. Work from 315am to 745pm every day or you starve to death in winter. No days off. Livestock don't know it is Christmas or your birthday.
@raziax9603 11 ай бұрын
Addressing the issue to get a point of reality out there is all good. But complaining about it and choosing to be a victim of circumstances never helps anybody. Seriously. Just because things worked a certain way in the past and that same method doesn't work today, it doesn't mean that we are hopeless. We just need to figure out a new method and introduce a new mindset that can be normalised so that we can feel good about our lives. The age of prosperity is OVER!! OK? IT'S OVER. And we are entering a new age of depression. So, be smart and act accordingly. If you are smart, you'll understand that materialism doesn't mean shit, and being resourceful and independent is the equivalent to being rich.
@duppyman7112 11 ай бұрын
I figured this out years ago, it's got so bad I lived my life rolling some dice,, evens = yes, odds = no, dubbles = 50/50 take a chance, I know others have done the same or familiar 😂😂😂
@primozmokorel3589 11 ай бұрын
My favorite flake case was "my cat has a virolent bowl inflamation". She said it totally seriously. 😂
@doctordetroit4339 11 ай бұрын
Excuses are lies. If you learn that now while will solve many of your problems.
@Frogman1212 11 ай бұрын
"Just be 14 and attain tremendous knowledge bro" Look at you, a pillar of wisdom😂
@c1a2t3a4p5i6l7l8a9r 11 ай бұрын
You know where else the weather is pretty good most of the time Texas.
@Spice1_ 7 ай бұрын
Thank you
@TurtlesAreFromGod 11 ай бұрын
"'Small things... but when you multiply it BY EVERYTHING" LOLLLLLLLL SO TRUEEEE cappy spits facts all day
@Zomfoo 11 ай бұрын
“Life should never HAD been this hard”? HAVE. It’s HAVE been.
@SartorialisticSavage65 11 ай бұрын
I'd be interested in talking to you about how overly sexualized yet repressed we were. Pr0N in your pre-teens, s3xting; hell loads of girls (with much bigger breasts than previous Generations) were getting laid at 12 for example. Or otherwise. Eek. But then many guys were encouraged even-back-then not to flirt, stare and other assorted shit.
@skylinefever 11 ай бұрын
I think about how the MENA region is sexually repressed. The incels just steal what they can't buy or charm.
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