What's broken can be mended.What hurts can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets,the sun is going to rise again..// #Istandwithdalailama/#Westandwithdalailama/ #savetibet
Пікірлер: 98
@skyerlog5487 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for good explanation. We need to educate every tibetan how to use social media platform smartly. Report any abusive posting right away and unmask those people hiding behind the internet.
@Tyg1950 Жыл бұрын
Your idea with the advice of educating our childrens and also this is clear explanation. Thank you
@pemajacobson3577 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining about the brave girl. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@jack6780 Жыл бұрын
We all stand with her 🙏
@dickeykalsang Жыл бұрын
You are quite right that we must use the free chance we have got from bloody CCP to puch back their sinister campaign against our beloved religious leader.👍
@jinpawangmo1694 Жыл бұрын
Yes, please let us know about the girl’s situation. We are worried about her. Thank you 🙏
@lhakar1882 Жыл бұрын
Compassion is not deserve for that teacher. She will spoil the students life.
@sonamtoronto1959 Жыл бұрын
Thank you everyone for your beautiful comments,support and encouragement.
@dolkertsering3727 Жыл бұрын
We stand with holiness the Dalai Lama 🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷
@pemadolmayeshi7607 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your explanation….in France,we don’t have right to discuss religion…it's forbidden
@freetibet3330 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for explaining 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@Tsekyi-v8p Жыл бұрын
We stand with you holiness and we love you holiness ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
@karmadolma3429 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thought.
@tsepotala7557 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Great Job 👍
@DolnamYal_5 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for clear explanation 😊
@thankyounwaitingnextupload6645 Жыл бұрын
Thank you ❤
@21td51 Жыл бұрын
That is not the issue. As a teacher, if the student is trying to explain to the teacher that she is very offended by the statement, it's the teachers job to de escalate the situation not make it wore and get other kids opinions. What the teacher did is totally unacceptable. The ignorance of the teacher is no excuse.
@TD-iz1me Жыл бұрын
I too wish to disagree totally with Sonam's logic. His talk is no where close to "TALKING SENSE" ?? Anyone with common sense would agree that his talk was nothing but nonsense. I can feel the stench of hypocrisy. I’m an ardent follower of whatever is being talked on social media which means I’ve watched many of his previous videos among others. Honestly Tibetans like Sonam who are on social media really amaze me. It’s evident they all are suffering severely from the “KNOW-IT-ALL” syndrome which is why he and his friends are always seen passing stupid opinions and judgments on everything under the sun. In the eagerness to say something they are absolutely unaware that it’s exposing the shallow level of their knowledge and hypocrisy. The sooner they come out of this “know-it-all” sickness it’s better for them and the entire community for they talk everything but sense. The phrase “little knowledge is dangerous” actually applies to him and the likes of him, who always keep blabbering senselessly on social media. Here he has come out trying to project himself as a down to earth “compassionate” individual, someone with a heart of gold which I beg to disagree. Allow me to break down his words and expose his shallow knowledge and hypocrisy. Let’s analyze all that he uttered in defense of the teacher, he said it wasn’t the poor teacher’s fault at all as the teacher reacted on the spur of the moment and said whatever she said without having any knowledge whatsoever about the DALAI LAMA. As if this wasn’t stupid enough he further added that “this TEACHER” had no sources or resources to refer or verify as to who the personality in the video is and whatever took place between the two in the video. And then he went a step further by saying it’s simply a case of a TEACHER having “LITTLE KNOWLEDGE”. What fantastic logic!! FYI, an individual having “little knowledge” is not qualified to be a “TEACHER” in the first place. I believe the university or the school would’ve allowed her to teach in the institute only after verifying her knowledge and credentials as a teacher with due diligence. So here it has nothing to do with KNOWLEDGE, it's simply more to do with “COMMON SENSE” and the state of mind. What does COMMON SENSE actually DO? it's COMMON SENSE that tells us if one doesn't have the KNOWLEDGE or information about someone or something or anything, the first thing you do is CHECK and in this age of easily accessible internet and a handset almost 24 hrs. in our hands what more SOURCES OR RESOURCES does one need?? With a handset clubbed with the internet, we have the world of information in our hands, at the tip of our fingers. And he says that there was no sources or resources whatsoever for the “poor teacher” to check or verify the content of the video. It’s shocking and laughable at the same time. Let me remind him, this isn’t the first time, this 14-year-old child clearly stated, she had been experiencing racial discrimination against Asians since years. This particular incident finally blew the lid off her patience and forced her to speak out. Imagine the mental torture and pain this little girl would've undergone for all these years, day in and out. How this little girl managed to bear all this suffering and at the same time maintain her cool for so long speaks a lot about her. Any other individual of her age would've lost their mind and not survived this torture. On the other hand, to our horror her tormentor is non other than a "TEACHER", supposedly undergoing training to be one in the future, what an "IRONY"!!! when a 14-year-old child can be so intelligent, sensitive, and mature, what should one logically expect from a "TEACHER" who is definitely a MATURE, GROWN UP ADULT!! Teenagers being immature and naive are accepted norms in societies whereas a teacher is looked up to as someone learned, experienced, well-informed and above all mature and sensitive. He or She is one upon whose shoulders lies the major part of the responsibility, apart from parents, to educate the student not only academically but educate and influence the child positively in other fields of life. HOWEVER, here the case is absolutely "other way round", it's horrifying, to say the least!! Her words and actions have proven without a doubt that her central nervous system, I mean her "mind" is corrupted. She is corrupted from within and has a “set mind” against Asians and this raises serious questions about her parents too, her upbringing, and the environment in which she would've grown up. If this teacher had a sound state of mind, a sound sensible unbiased mind, a clear conscience not corrupted by negativity, religion, ideology, race, selectivism, and politics, surely her common sense would’ve kicked in and the first thing she would’ve done is to check and verify the video, the content, the people involved before even raising the topic in the class. But unfortunately her already corrupted biased mind didn’t give the slightest of chance for her common sense to kick in. Her “set mind” had already blindfolded her from all her senses. How could an already “set mind” see reason, the fact is reasoning stands no chance when dealing with an already “set mind”. Allowing her to continue as a teacher would mean jeopardizing the lives of many more students belonging to a particular continent in the future. Are you ready to take due responsibility for that, Sonam? Driven by his urge to project himself as a compassionate person, instead of condemning he has come out in rescue of such a "mentally corrupt, methane spewing teacher" by pushing forward some illogical silly arguments. His “compassionate soul” filled your heart with pity and forgiveness for what might befall on the poor teacher BUT failed miserably to see the sickening heart wrenching pain and trauma this wretched teacher had brought upon a child. Does he mean to say let’s save the poor teacher’s career and let the lives of hundreds or even more students go to hell. This is nothing but heights of hypocrisy!! This is the shallow state of his knowledge and the likes of him who have this laughable mentality of always trying to impart your shallow knowledge to others. Let me remind him, “little knowledge is really dangerous”. The other thing I must tell him is the moment he needlessly uttered “shunu” and “chu shi gang druk” I couldn’t help but notice the stench of politics. It's not a secret anymore and it's well-known that there's two main pseudo-political parties or groups within the Tibetan society, Dharnak and Nyenpa Lharso, both sworn enemies of each other. And it's also well known Sonam la is a member of Nyenpa Lharso. The harsh fact is politicians and those affiliated to such politicians and parties are always on the look to promote their selfish divisive agenda. They say money makes the world go round but here I wish to add “hypocrisy and lies”. The world is strewn with hypocrisy and lies without which the world wouldn’t be able to budge an inch. And politicians and those connected to politics and politicians are those who have procured “PhD” in the field of “hypocrisy and deceit” I wish to end with this, there’s so much going on within our Tibetan community, so much dirty politics against each other, could he and the likes of him stop playing their dirty divisive politics and be compassionate and honest first and foremost towards their own fellow Tibetans!!!!
@wangmowangmo1113 Жыл бұрын
Well explained thanx🙏🙏🙏🙏
@noynordon1821 Жыл бұрын
What ཁག་ཡོད་མ་རེད།??????? She is not a child she was there to teach the children! Even though she did not know who is Dalaï-lama , but it’s her common sense that she can’t show that video to all class by telling those harsh words to the little girl !!! The little girl is really kind! Long life your holiness the great dalaï-lama ❤
@veera5734 Жыл бұрын
I'm more worry about the lit gal than that teacher loosing her job She should lose her job so she can learned a lesson who really is the Dalai Lama we Tibetans useless Nyingjey sometimes we should learn not to Nyingjey sometimes
@tsepalkyab2244 Жыл бұрын
extremely true
@sonamtoronto1959 Жыл бұрын
Please listen my whole content and analyse it.
@kalsangchodon1836 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 👏
@namso1381 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@thankyounwaitingnextupload6645 Жыл бұрын
To the point. Need to clarify that video clip to our kids. Karting chee.. Such a nice openion.
@Dreamone12148 Жыл бұрын
Iam agreeing with your suggestion
@tashidolma8082 Жыл бұрын
@tsering5709 Жыл бұрын
@lhakar1882 Жыл бұрын
That teacher must be arrested
@tseringyangzom8642 Жыл бұрын
Tashi Delak good morning thank you 🙏 Sonam la very good job 👍 thank you 🙏 have a good day 👍
@khanrabchotar5451 Жыл бұрын
❤🙏🎉 Thank you
@sonampalmo8588 Жыл бұрын
@wangmowangmo1113 Жыл бұрын
@khamtudoeshi9891 Жыл бұрын
You don’t mixed compassion to tolerance against bullying . Plus this is not bully on individual this is bullying on all Buddhism and to all Tibetans . And you don’t let this go because she will lost her job it’s more scary if she become a permanent teacher she will mis guide all the students because she is not qualify to be a teacher
@explorenatural2348 Жыл бұрын
We all Tibetan United to stand with her,we need to kick that teacher out of the school
@dddd-ii1sp Жыл бұрын
It must be reported to the school authority. If we let go, tomorrow the same Teacher will comment on another religion /caste or any other culture. Look what happened in Leh DPS , the principal had to resigned for her comment .
@veera5734 Жыл бұрын
I'm more worry about the lit gal than that teacher loosing her job She should lose her job so she can learned a lesson who really is the Dalai Lama we Tibetans useless Nyingjey sometimes we should learn not to Nyingjey sometimes 😇
@peaceofboy94 Жыл бұрын
@jigmelhamo5020 Жыл бұрын
Definitely! I am worried about Tibetan children’s status at this time especially the kids of age 10-15. They must be in deep dilemma when handling negative comments 😢.
@lobsangdawa3573 Жыл бұрын
Long live dalaï-lama
@kyikyilhamo5377 Жыл бұрын
Bully is not acceptable at all.plz all tibetan who lives in belgian plz make sure that teacher will get punishment for what she had done on student.if we let this go then it will happen to other student too in future ...dont need to think compassion about this teacher as she dont deserve to be a teacher .she doest know and understamd what teacher stands and what teacher mean to student.if they do bully then they should change their career of being teacher. Gril is nice but plz remeber bully is not accept at all.
@radeonblue1816 Жыл бұрын
I want an update in english please.
@sekainohana Жыл бұрын
@tenzingjimbabhutia6264 Жыл бұрын
Young children who was bully by teacher is worried about that teacher.
Better we need to show our direction towards those who made this clip viral like NDTV. I don't know about the Hindus or the Christians that much and we never thought to speak on those topics when the mischievous happen. We Tibetan respect others' beliefs as well. So protest or online campaign with peaceful and respectful lines is totally fine I think.
@tashiyoudon1624 Жыл бұрын
@labsumdhondup7762 Жыл бұрын
རྣམ་དཔྱོད་ལྡན་པའི་བསོད་ནམས་ལགས། 👍🌷👍
@tashitsering8325 Жыл бұрын
Bhod gyallo 🙏🌹🇮🇳
@tashitsomo1394 Жыл бұрын
@nanjordolkar1714 Жыл бұрын
@Atanzi Жыл бұрын
Nice suggestion... the teacher should atleast tell her sorry in front of all staffs and then to the same class where her classmates got mislead n made fun of her... if possible, these student should also tell her sorry.
@sonamgonpo9615 Жыл бұрын
@lobsanggyatso9179 Жыл бұрын
@tashi9538 Жыл бұрын
Reporting is useless. I reported many times, but twitter, Facebook and KZbin says : we don’t see see any thing against our community guidelines. 😢😢😢
@sonamSonam-n5l Жыл бұрын
@anitseyangtseyang6313 Жыл бұрын
@kawadukpa7531 Жыл бұрын
@pemadechen5967 Жыл бұрын
@migmartshering6851 Жыл бұрын
What is this
@sonamgonpo9615 Жыл бұрын
@namgyalg2989 Жыл бұрын
@SonamDolker-vm8ye Жыл бұрын
@raibinbatto9797 Жыл бұрын
But we have to together to talk with directions of that school about this …ps Religious discrimination and misrepresentation - need to talk seriously with the principal
@karmadolma4162 Жыл бұрын
Negative admire for world/medias but good for Tibet/Tibetans as whole specially in side Tibet They got HH audient
@sonamtoronto1959 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your idea😂
@Mrgamer-np4jz Жыл бұрын
@jampa8825 Жыл бұрын
ཧ་ཅང་བདེན་པ་འདུག་བཀའ་དྲིན་ཆེ། 🎉
@tenzinlekdhen9790 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining but we can’t comment bad and make funny poster .
Sonam la. I disagree your opinion and assumption about teacher’s general knowledge. According to this girl, the teacher did not allow her to explain nor listen to her explanation. Teacher said, Dalai Lama is a pedophilia in front of her and explained rest of the students what it means. A teacher or in training who explained with perfect confidence and humiliated the one has the right answer is not worth to hide or let it go. Let it go mean, you accepted what accusation made against His Holiness and let those innocent students fall even deeper into the misleading notion. The Teacher is very important figure in every student’s life. Their misleading and misguide impact huge in students life. It is, therefore, this matter has to resolve out of smart compassion not with narrow compassion. Your present idea of compassion is concern about person’s career but what about all those students living in the darkness and state of obstinate.
@TD-iz1me Жыл бұрын
I too wish to disagree totally with Sonam's logic. His talk is no where close to "TALKING SENSE" ?? Anyone with common sense would agree that his talk was nothing but nonsense. I can feel the stench of hypocrisy. I’m an ardent follower of whatever is being talked on social media which means I’ve watched many of his previous videos among others. Honestly Tibetans like Sonam who are on social media really amaze me. It’s evident they all are suffering severely from the “KNOW-IT-ALL” syndrome which is why he and his friends are always seen passing stupid opinions and judgments on everything under the sun. In the eagerness to say something they are absolutely unaware that it’s exposing the shallow level of their knowledge and hypocrisy. The sooner they come out of this “know-it-all” sickness it’s better for them and the entire community for they talk everything but sense. The phrase “little knowledge is dangerous” actually applies to him and the likes of him, who always keep blabbering senselessly on social media. Here he has come out trying to project himself as a down to earth “compassionate” individual, someone with a heart of gold which I beg to disagree. Allow me to break down his words and expose his shallow knowledge and hypocrisy. Let’s analyze all that he uttered in defense of the teacher, he said it wasn’t the poor teacher’s fault at all as the teacher reacted on the spur of the moment and said whatever she said without having any knowledge whatsoever about the DALAI LAMA. As if this wasn’t stupid enough he further added that “this TEACHER” had no sources or resources to refer or verify as to who the personality in the video is and whatever took place between the two in the video. And then he went a step further by saying it’s simply a case of a TEACHER having “LITTLE KNOWLEDGE”. What fantastic logic!! FYI, an individual having “little knowledge” is not qualified to be a “TEACHER” in the first place. I believe the university or the school would’ve allowed her to teach in the institute only after verifying her knowledge and credentials as a teacher with due diligence. So here it has nothing to do with KNOWLEDGE, it's simply more to do with “COMMON SENSE” and the state of mind. What does COMMON SENSE actually DO? it's COMMON SENSE that tells us if one doesn't have the KNOWLEDGE or information about someone or something or anything, the first thing you do is CHECK and in this age of easily accessible internet and a handset almost 24 hrs. in our hands what more SOURCES OR RESOURCES does one need?? With a handset clubbed with the internet, we have the world of information in our hands, at the tip of our fingers. And he says that there was no sources or resources whatsoever for the “poor teacher” to check or verify the content of the video. It’s shocking and laughable at the same time. Let me remind him, this isn’t the first time, this 14-year-old child clearly stated, she had been experiencing racial discrimination against Asians since years. This particular incident finally blew the lid off her patience and forced her to speak out. Imagine the mental torture and pain this little girl would've undergone for all these years, day in and out. How this little girl managed to bear all this suffering and at the same time maintain her cool for so long speaks a lot about her. Any other individual of her age would've lost their mind and not survived this torture. On the other hand, to our horror her tormentor is non other than a "TEACHER", supposedly undergoing training to be one in the future, what an "IRONY"!!! when a 14-year-old child can be so intelligent, sensitive, and mature, what should one logically expect from a "TEACHER" who is definitely a MATURE, GROWN UP ADULT!! Teenagers being immature and naive are accepted norms in societies whereas a teacher is looked up to as someone learned, experienced, well-informed and above all mature and sensitive. He or She is one upon whose shoulders lies the major part of the responsibility, apart from parents, to educate the student not only academically but educate and influence the child positively in other fields of life. HOWEVER, here the case is absolutely "other way round", it's horrifying, to say the least!! Her words and actions have proven without a doubt that her central nervous system, I mean her "mind" is corrupted. She is corrupted from within and has a “set mind” against Asians and this raises serious questions about her parents too, her upbringing, and the environment in which she would've grown up. If this teacher had a sound state of mind, a sound sensible unbiased mind, a clear conscience not corrupted by negativity, religion, ideology, race, selectivism, and politics, surely her common sense would’ve kicked in and the first thing she would’ve done is to check and verify the video, the content, the people involved before even raising the topic in the class. But unfortunately her already corrupted biased mind didn’t give the slightest of chance for her common sense to kick in. Her “set mind” had already blindfolded her from all her senses. How could an already “set mind” see reason, the fact is reasoning stands no chance when dealing with an already “set mind”. Allowing her to continue as a teacher would mean jeopardizing the lives of many more students belonging to a particular continent in the future. Are you ready to take due responsibility for that, Sonam? Driven by his urge to project himself as a compassionate person, instead of condemning he has come out in rescue of such a "mentally corrupt, methane spewing teacher" by pushing forward some illogical silly arguments. His “compassionate soul” filled your heart with pity and forgiveness for what might befall on the poor teacher BUT failed miserably to see the sickening heart wrenching pain and trauma this wretched teacher had brought upon a child. Does he mean to say let’s save the poor teacher’s career and let the lives of hundreds or even more students go to hell. This is nothing but heights of hypocrisy!! This is the shallow state of his knowledge and the likes of him who have this laughable mentality of always trying to impart your shallow knowledge to others. Let me remind him, “little knowledge is really dangerous”. The other thing I must tell him is the moment he needlessly uttered “shunu” and “chu shi gang druk” I couldn’t help but notice the stench of politics. It's not a secret anymore and it's well-known that there's two main pseudo-political parties or groups within the Tibetan society, Dharnak and Nyenpa Lharso, both sworn enemies of each other. And it's also well known Sonam la is a member of Nyenpa Lharso. The harsh fact is politicians and those affiliated to such politicians and parties are always on the look to promote their selfish divisive agenda. They say money makes the world go round but here I wish to add “hypocrisy and lies”. The world is strewn with hypocrisy and lies without which the world wouldn’t be able to budge an inch. And politicians and those connected to politics and politicians are those who have procured “PhD” in the field of “hypocrisy and deceit” I wish to end with this, there’s so much going on within our Tibetan community, so much dirty politics against each other, could he and the likes of him stop playing their dirty divisive politics and be compassionate and honest first and foremost towards their own fellow Tibetans!!!!
@khamtudoeshi9891 Жыл бұрын
Totally not acceptable and it’s not about individual it’s about our root lama this teacher needs to be terminated
@b-honest6562 Жыл бұрын
The teacher, doesn't know Google searching who is his Holiness,? we are 2023 may b she don't have Mobil phone ha ha , no excuse
@tadinchoephel5188 Жыл бұрын
Dear Sonam la, I don't agree with your eat my tongue explanation. This will create more confusion in the minds of listeners. Eat my tongue itself sounds funny thing. Playfully the Dalai Lama said suck my tongue and after pulling back he was looking at the boy and laughing, meaning he was simply kidding with the boy. Simple. Why explain it the other way around. I think This shouldn't be taken to customs and cultural context. At this moment people should be made to understand things easily. This is what I feel.
@sonamtoronto1959 Жыл бұрын
No doubt about that the world see in different direction but most important thing is his holiness intention and it’s pure. that’s the most important