Etrian Odyssey 4 Review (3DS)

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@dannykazari 2 жыл бұрын
My first Etrian Odyssey game :) Randomly saw it on a store shelf in that big box with the soundtrack and thought it looked cool. So happy I got into this series
@SCA713 2 жыл бұрын
Funny how the encounter was the same for me, but I was blind and didn’t realize it wasn’t the fifth game. Still so worth it.
@NGRevenant Жыл бұрын
i got into EO around the time IV released but I only played II and III, never actually got around to buying IV lol
@robbobiii5345 Жыл бұрын
Literally how I got into the series, too!!
@joshuafoote5144 Жыл бұрын
It was mine too.
@joshuafoote5144 Жыл бұрын
I had trouble dodging the nomad baboons at first but I figured it out.
@HitokiriKurtai 2 жыл бұрын
Like a lot of people, this was my first game in the series. I found out about it about two or so weeks before it was released in the US. I was looking on the E-shop for an RPG to play on my 3DS and happened to see the demo. Already being a fan of Atlus and having heard about the series in passing, I decided to give it a download. I absolutely fell in love with the game and pre-ordered it as soon as I finished the demo. The fact that the game just so happened to come out on my birthday only made it better, as though it were some kind of sign. Years later, Etrian Odyssey still remains to be one of my favorite video game series.
@o_o_o_o_o-o_o_o_o_o 9 ай бұрын
"still remains to be" is impressively redundant
@shawesomest Жыл бұрын
I feel like the lack of mentioning scanning Guild QR Codes during the section about Treasure Maps is a missed opportunity to discuss how this game handled QR code implementation as the first series to use them. Especially how, even on emulator, it would deal with your gripe about the Sky exploration being tedious with no reward. It would still be tedious in regards to the scanning itself, but it has its perks. You’d even have been able to discuss the various QR Quests and Equipment, and to mention the content that was effectively cut from the Western release due to region locking the QR codes.
@shawesomest Жыл бұрын
*first in the series. My bad with the typo lol.
@donchindle2958 2 жыл бұрын
I fuckin love this game! What a gem!
@LamaQDOS 2 жыл бұрын
EOIV is probably the best entrypoint in the saga for new players: the game is shorter, more beautiful, more streamlined, and the classes are all strong and have very nice interactions. I really love this game, and I disagree that the early game is such a slog: it seems that way for veterans, but it is an excellent introduction to many mechanics. Lots of tutorials on elements, binds, status, buffs, enemy interactions, IA, formations... are placed in the first two stratums, such that the mid and late game can get creative with formations. I feel like the devs wanted to have such formations quite early in the series, but technical limitations were too strong. Now, with the two rows and stronger AI scripts, they also were quite creative with the postgame conundrums (Thunder Spawn, Hollow Magnus and Red Lion together? HELP). I also enjoyed the air exploration, even though there might have been too much with too little scattered around. But it never felt like a timewaster to me, since air exploration was something to do to settle a little, to defuse the tension of the mazes. Then, again, I didn't feel the need to 100% the map, and just went on to find the side dungeons. And, funnily, I disliked the fact that the fifth stratum was only one floor long, with the trek back through puzzles I already knew how to solve... After the exceptional fourth stratum (one of my favourites among all the entries), it felt very anticlimactic. Although the sixth stratum did soften the blow, since it's amazing. The NPCs were a bit weaker, even though I really liked the Outland Count, Whirlwind, and the other airship explorers that you could interact with. Another thing I loved was the different classes, how none feels necessary and all have strengths and combo possibilities. I ran with a Fortress, a Runemaster, an Arcanist and two Imperials (using a Nightseeker, a Dancer and a Sniper before unlocking classes), and had a blast. I also loved that subclassing was weaker, and thus could be used to either increase your potential (Bushi subclass on physical attackers, for example) or supplement a lack of your team (Medic subclass on the Arcanist, so that your downtime after casting a Circle can be used more efficiently). The core classes being stronger, it felt less overpowered than EOIII subclassing. So... a long comment to offer a complement to your review. I think that some of your misgivings with the game come from your experience with the series: the early game is a series of very clever tutorials, teaching you about lots of mechanics quite quickly. The stratums are smaller so that you have small mazes focusing on a single mechanic that would have been out of place in the larger labyrinth, making each individual place feel more like its own, with a stronger theme and cohesion. The classes are strong such that no one can get stuck with only trap options. Speaking of classes, I liked that they made it so that if you took a standard core (Landsknecht-Fortress-Medic-Runemaster for the famous DPS-tank-medic-mage), you had to pick a "weirder" class (Sniper and its binds, Nightseeker and its status, Dancer and its weird self-buffs), so that you had to experiment. Good design! And the music is amazing, of course. So, overall, I feel like this game is very well-designed, especially for newcomers. =D Thanks for the review, now I really want to play EOIV again, but I don't have the time. ;~;
@myopiniondoesntmatter7068 2 жыл бұрын
I liked how you could force world FOE's into being rare breeds with the right food. Made grinding 100x easier. Also I prefer the FM sounds but that's the case for pretty much every game, however the new music isn't bad.
@melon3109 2 жыл бұрын
I've never* played a game in this series but am infinity fascinated by these deepdive videos. *well I played maybe 30 minutes of a DS one once when I worked at gamestop way back in the day when they had that employee "check out"/"rent" program. But that hardly counts.
@lukedevine9006 Жыл бұрын
i’ve been aggressively searching for good etrian odyssey videos since the remaster of the first three games has gotten me excited about the franchise again. Loving all of the videos and how comprehensive you are about everything!
@charlesearle2055 Жыл бұрын
lol, just a random crawler here, have to give you a shout out for the Star Wars names :)
@Luuw Жыл бұрын
I've only played EO IV. I finished it 2 years ago but never forget it. Sign of a great game. I recently pick it back in order to play the post game and it's so good! I just bought EO 1 on DS and I can't wait to play it. Did you play EO mystery dungeon ? Is it good ? Waiting your EO V review 😁
@boltblackjoker 2 жыл бұрын
36:39 I agree wholeheartedly. Hard to put 3 above 3, but 3 did so many things better than 3, 3 has to stand tall over 3.
@georgelongcoal1117 Жыл бұрын
Man I love 3 but also the sidequest of the ninja and astrologer is sad🗿
@limeslagaard 2 жыл бұрын
I'm someone that played each game as it came out. EO4 felt like a simplified EO meant to bring people into the fandom which is fine. I personally was a little disappointed that the labyrinths were smaller and more simple and the battles seemed less hard. I am glad it brought more people i though.
@Valtrass69 2 жыл бұрын
Never played the Fourth but it seems so beautiful compared to the Fifth ! The Fifth in the series is my very first one. I never played a dungeon crawler before in my life, and i fell in love with it. I'm actually at the fourth stratum and it's kinda... hard... really hard. And the dungeons are getting longer. I take my time and i investigate every square. Never thought it would be so pleasant to mapping lol. The fact that we create our characters, imagine their stories, their personalities, etc, is amazing. PS : And damn the monsters hit hard in this game lol !
@werbearjack 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I only noticed with replays is how incredibly slow EOIV is both during exploration and in combat. While it did bring a lot of QoL over EOIII this is still the series in its infancy on the 3DS and they barely make use of its possibilities. EOU and especially EO2U add a whole lot of things that make playing so much smoother and faster. Sometimes even too fast if you put everything on the highest speed. But it brought so much good stuff. Two enemy lines add a huge amount of variety to the encounters, binds and ailments are finally a viable part of the game and Runemaster being all about affecting areas with their spell makes them my favourite mage class in the series - too bad their Fireball, Icicle and Lightning got stolen by all future mages, making them EO's version of Blaziken and the Fire/Fighting type everyone got really tired off real fast. EOIV also has probably my favourite story of the franchise and while that is not a huge focus of EO it is certainly a bonus. Fantasy races are always interesting, especially once the post-game ties things together. Great review, looking forward to the EOV one.
@no_1_one 2 жыл бұрын
kfp werbear?!
@karamarakamarama 2 жыл бұрын
@TheCrawl 2 жыл бұрын
YESSS. Commenting early to express my excitement.
@GH2MI 2 жыл бұрын
I picked this one up on a whim after ATLUS put this on sale (digitally so that kinda sucks) and I saw your review on 3. This one's a contender for my favorite game this year. It is really interesting seeing a series veteran's take on this game. Oh and I have given 3 a good few hours of my time and really enjoyed it. The class selection and dungeon design instantly hooked me
@CallumDark 2 жыл бұрын
This was my first experience of EO. I never saw 1 original release in Europe and 2 and 3 just never came out here. As soon as I booted up the demo and heard the first dungeon theme I pretty much just bought the game and tracked down DS copies of the others. Been a fan since then. I have found going back to 4 harder than most, Untold and 2 Untold just feel faster to play thanks to being able to sprint.
@QueenViolet8 2 жыл бұрын
Still got this series on my Backlog 😩 and here I am starting Xenoblade 3 😱 to many games I would love to see this on the Switch 😘
@puppylover4865 2 жыл бұрын
Great video 👍.
@JohnGaming55 2 жыл бұрын
36:39 "Overall, Etrian Odyssey III is a great game. I'm not sure I'd put it above Etrian Odyssey III..." I got a kick out of this. Another great video, been enjoying every EO review, they're very fun to watch.
@Abedeuss 2 жыл бұрын
Etrian Odyssey IV is the Elden Ring of dungeon crawling RPGs. ...also my first EO game. Liked it, kinda dropped after hitting 3rd dungeon, but then came back and finished in a week or so. EO5 was similar but thanks to no overworld I had more incentive to finish it faster (though I did pre-order it and wait until my trip to Japan, so I had something new to play on plane). Haven't played Nexus yet but I've been meaning to.
@MartinHernandez-xv1mc 2 жыл бұрын
Love the Etrian vids. My first entry with this series was OG EO1 on an ds card emulator in 2008 - 2011. Brutally hard that i couldn't get past the 3rd stratum. EO2 was also on the card, but i guess the iso was bad since the game froze every time after getting off the title screen. Enjoy the remakes more. E04 was the first one i beat... With a long hiatus at the 3rd major boss. I checked post game in October shortly after beating the main game... Felt like a spooky addition. Its also when i found out the other post game super bosses were mandatory to contend with the ultimate boss. I stopped at Wyrm. Looking the designs of certain post games bosses, I'm thinking " why isn't the SMT dlc?"
@BringbackSenranKagura Жыл бұрын
I really hope the 3ds titles get ported over to the switch (4,5,Nexus and even untold 1 and 2)
@Animus_Altia Жыл бұрын
As someone who just found your channel via these Etrian reviews, I really hope you hit Untold 2 as well! It is head and shoulders above the first Untold game, in my opinion.
@xvct2661 2 жыл бұрын
Algorithm comment
@sul8802 Жыл бұрын
Came to this vid bcs it hooked me intrestly, seems like i just dug up another lost treasure
@prog00017 Жыл бұрын
EO4 was, oddly enough, where I fell off with the series. I got in with 2, loved 3 to death, and between starting college and the opening 2 stratums of EO4 not really feeling all that great I kinda fell off the series for a bit as a result. Glad you're taking the time to show the progression and giving me a reason to revisit!
@thegobbojones 2 жыл бұрын
*Sees Tasha Yar on the front-line* Uh oh. Edit: 9:29 Ah, there it is.
@andrewmattle7956 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you at least made an Imperial or Bushi to try out; those classes were insane. Bushi sub class Nightseeker was a beast (no pun intended) in its own right. Imperial sub class Bushi made your character a nuclear warhead. Blood Rage and Drive skills made fast work of FOE and bosses alike.
@jimbroom4036 2 жыл бұрын
P.s. and yes I agree, I’ve seen Yggdrasil and divine judgment/the rapture as common themes in Japanese games such as Dragon Quest.
@Demi-Joker 2 жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this! Also, imma share the party I used because why not: L/B, N/I, M/D S/A, A/R
@diegovargascortes4971 2 жыл бұрын
You deserve a lot more views, keep the great work, love your videos!
@thatanonwholurksmoar7386 Жыл бұрын
I'm already missing this series. I wish they would release a new game on the switch but it's been 5 years already. Damn...
@cooldud7071 2 жыл бұрын
@theinktician 2 ай бұрын
His opinion on the stratums are surprising to me, as most vets I've spoken to, mainly in the discord server and reddit, dislike the 3rd stratum the most of the EO4 stratums. Some say its the worst in the series lol. I don't think that, but its jarring to hear someone with the same experience say essentially the opposite. Of course, a tone of people started with EO3 so maybe thats the case. The similarities between EO2s 1st and EO4s 1st cant be overstated, but i also hate when people compare those two. Even down to the chord progression (Allegedly)
@reviewspiteras 2 жыл бұрын
I liked that you actually put thought on how you translated the star trek tng crew into your EO party
@obligatoryfate6849 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this informative and entertaining review. Your humor is appreciated. Please also review PQ1/2 and EMD 1/2. We need more love for EMD 2 so we can get a fixed game in the West.
@justsomejojo 4 ай бұрын
So, this was my second EO game YEARS after EO1 on DS (which I didn't beat until this year) and even though it's supposed to be geared towards newcomers, I kinda bounced off it? It's strange. In theory, the restrictive nature of skill trees should have eased me into the game better than the lists of the DS games, but at the same time, now that I've actually beaten EO1 and 2, they feel suffocating. One of the fun things in EO1 and 2 is that you can beeline certain setups if you replay them with knowledge, something that just doesn't work here and makes each subsequent try to get into this game more annoying. The other thing, funnily enough, is the world map. I'm not as bothered by the issues with automapping - I just don't see the point in giving the player this much freedom if they can't capitalize on it in any way, blind playthrough or no. This is admittedly me being petty though, because every time I return to this game and try to see it through, I forget that despite the open nature, the game's level curve is VERY particular of the order of dungeons. Managed to sneak past the kangaroos to get to the Small Orchard? Yeah well, too bad, because every random encounter there bar the rats can oneshot underleveled characters, making the trip pointless. After a bunch of experiences like this, I stopped trying to explore the map in favor of letting the story characters tell me my next objective because clearly the game wasn't having any of my aspirations to explore. I kind of hope that once I get to this entry on my current series playthrough, I'll be more receptive to it.
@Puddincess 2 жыл бұрын
there it is, the peak in the series. Thank you for covering the series so far, looking forward to the rest
@alyoshasdream8843 2 жыл бұрын
I think the soundtrack to EO IV is great even though I prefer FM. What I really have to commend Yuzo for is what he did with EO V, where he did a full orchestral AND full FM OST with the FM OST available as a DLC. Understandably he didn't do this again because its such a massive effort on his end but it really was the best of both worlds and EO V has one of his best soundtracks overall.
@ZioName Жыл бұрын
I hope you'll end up covering Untold, even in a shorter video. I went in with low expectations since a lot of my friends were disappointed by it, but I'm enjoying it so far. I still have to play IV and Nexus, so I'm also curious about your opinion on the last one.
@baldured8859 2 жыл бұрын
eo4 was my favorite game for a while and my second eo after untold, it still holds a special place in my heart. btw i love the comfy vibes of your vids, super great to relax to
@glassofmilk9489 2 жыл бұрын
25:20 I remember somebody uploading a zip folder filled with guild cards that unlocked the maps for each treasure though your point still stands. Also not sure how'd you scan QR codes on citra
@Aboveup 2 жыл бұрын
Citra has a QR code scanner that can read them on images with them on it.
@franciscobutte 2 жыл бұрын
Everytime I see that a new EO video was uploaded is a better day.
@1invag 7 ай бұрын
My issue, I just can't get my head around the idea I'm supposedly diving the depths of some Dank never visited dungeon and I come across... a technicolour kangaroo wearing boxing gloves 😂
@lucassworldofletsplays9270 2 жыл бұрын
This was my first Etrian Odyssey game. I first heard about this game when I was just getting into Persona back in seventh grade. I had just found out that both Persona Q and Q2 were on the 3DS. I had also recently received a 3DS, and I wanted new games to play on it, so I was definitely interested. When I checked the Megaten Wiki, I found out that Persona Q was running on Etrian Odyssey IV’s engine. I looked up an LP of EOIV on KZbin to see if the game was good. I only watched a couple episodes of it, but that was enough to make me think, “I want this game.” A couple months later, I got the game, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED it. Years later, I got EOV and Nexus, as well as Persona Q and Q2, and they’re all amazing games that everyone should experience at least once. 10/10 Would get my ass kicked by Petaloids again.
@azurecorviknight4189 Жыл бұрын
For EO5, Go name your team after i dunno.. Sonic 06 charaters, like Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Elliese, & Blaze.
@flumphflumph6021 2 жыл бұрын
Ah. This is where you've been. Did you enjoy the game?
@thirteenthirtyseven4730 Жыл бұрын
The comment on downright vile enemy combinations in later parts of the game resonated quite a bit. There are some mobs on the last (postgame) floor that are so evil and a real puzzle to solve. I especially love the combination of monsters you want (and theoretically could) kill right away with monsters that are ultrastrong, but don’t become active until you killed something else. I also feel that it is here where the burst system really shines. Managing that gauge to make critical binds last longer to give you another turn to solve tue puzzle, to land these binds in case your arcanist fumbles (or dies) or to gtfo if things go awry becomes really a meaningful part of exploring the last floor. It’s great.
@TurboSke 9 ай бұрын
My fav class is the Princess from EO3, which made a return in Etrian Odyssey Nexus.
@Fuudo_123 Жыл бұрын
Just beat it recently, was my 2nd last eo game, with the 1st one being the last albeit on remaster tomorrow haha, but yeah I got one shot in 1 turn sometimes near the end. enemy combinations be damned sometimes
@Lady_Lilith666 2 жыл бұрын
Nightseeker ohegao is the main reason why I added this class to my party. Also I loved qr-quests for this game, especially for the last post-game horror dungeons where were no any normal quests.
@Okamiguy Жыл бұрын
My first Etrian Odyssey game and I have to say it's really fun so far! I really enjoyed the detailed review and I'm glad that I chose this as my first entry into the series! Thanks again!
@klissattack Жыл бұрын
I think I dropped off this game around the 3rd area. The airship part was extremely annoying
@KingAges 2 жыл бұрын
I am really interested in seeing these review videos of my favorite dungeon crawler franchise. EOV is gonna be a treat to watch. Also I realized between the EOIII video and this one, you finished this game much faster than I anticipated.
@kevinlee6398 2 жыл бұрын
didnt know that my pick random of game from back then, etrian odyssey I, can become what it is today.
@renegaderaven3777 2 жыл бұрын
4 was indeed my first entry in Etrian Odessey. And yes, Nightseeker and Arcanist are my favorite classes in this one. I dig the utility and damage output. I did eventually decide to try the older ones, (way back when the prices of physical copies of them weren’t absurd mind you) and ended up loving the series and getting every single entry since. I do think I’m a bigger fan of the fm synth soundtracks though. Alas, I wonder if the series can even continue without the ds and 3ds though.
@noidblakout2773 2 жыл бұрын
love the etrian content
@MARK111174 9 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Garak was played by Scorpio from Dirty Harry
@HSnake5 2 жыл бұрын
tasha as the dancer LMAO
@wolffster25 2 жыл бұрын
This is the first entry I finished that final boss is still incredibly epic. I also like that you named your team after characters from Star Trek both Next General and DS9. I love those shows especially DS9, “In The Pale Moonlight” is one of my favorite episodes of TV in general I literally applauded at the ending. This video was a great treat I’m curious to see which entry you will tackle next is it going to be V or are you going to check out the Untold games?
@Aboveup 2 жыл бұрын
In the Pale Moonlight is my favorite Star Trek episode as well. It's excellently written and executed start to finish, and the speech by Garak near the end is just simply great. Next will be V. Nexus after that. And maybe as a bonus Untold 2 at some point in the future, since it does more of its own thing than the first one did.
@papervoxels Жыл бұрын
A big mistake I made is that I played a good amount of EO5 and the demos for both EOU and EOU2 before I tried EO4, so I had an incredibly negative impression of it, since the developers of the other 3DS games learned from the mistakes made in EO4, making it feel incredibly inferior in comparison. I'm sure I would have a more positive opinion of EO4 if I had played it first.
@hemangchauhan2864 2 жыл бұрын
What classes are good for a first time run?
@Aboveup 2 жыл бұрын
Its hard to go especially wrong, but I'd suggest having a more proper tank or healer in the lineup for sustainability. Especially in the early game. 4 is the one entry that gives you plenty of opportunities for roster changes with tickets to level boost fresh recruits, so you're less locked in than past entries in general.
@tepigninja7198 Жыл бұрын
This game has its flaws, but its my second favorite game in the series. (of what I played anyway, I played all the 3DS titles) for one, it introduced my favorite class in the series, the Imperial. I already love classes that use swords, but a mechanical sword that can charge up to deal huge elemental explosive slashes? Sign me the heck up! Bushi, Arcanist, and Nightseeker were all VERY fun too. Its a shame Bushi never came back for Nexus. It would have been fun to use a Bushi subclassed with Nightseeker in Nexus like I did with it in 4. lol
@njnjhjh8918 2 жыл бұрын
You play games at the rate I do Haha, I kid. I still haven't finished EO3
@Aboveup 2 жыл бұрын
I mean I also played through Elden Ring, Sekrio, Monster Hunter Rise (still have to start Sunbreak), caught up with all the Vampire Survivors achievements, and played a bunch of Apex Legends and Slay The Spire - Downfall. But the main thing is just a workschedule with no set hours that makes it hard to plan things properly.
@jimbroom4036 2 жыл бұрын
@TheeDeathCaster Жыл бұрын
I'm looking into picking up either EO4 or Nexus before the eShop closes for good. What are the pros and cons of each game?
@love_heaven Жыл бұрын
bruh i wanna play this do bad but im too poor
@tallynnyntyg6008 2 жыл бұрын
12:45 My first party had a similarly-stupid setup: Landsknecht/Nightseeker Dancer/Medic/Runemaster. And back then I didn't know how the Dancer or Nightseeker really worked. Only reason I actually got any distance was luck. Oh, and being able to completely null Logre's drive skills.
@nicobeans 2 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@Flightnight1000 Жыл бұрын
Imma play it then come back in a year
@rachelhilton1196 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your in depth review, I wanted to see if I could get into this type of game but I don’t think I can. I love Zelda and Luigi’s mansion where there is moving action and can’t get my head around these turn based strategy battles. It’s the same with Pokémon for me…as I missing something?!
@kingarc5997 Жыл бұрын
My first entry to the series. Really like that I gave it a whirl. Just bought Nexus so waiting for my copy in the mail in like a week. Took me a while, but I've just been busy with other games and life itself. Looking forward to it.
@DweezyBreezey 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with your assessment that IV starts off kinda meh. It was my first EO, and despite liking a lot of what it was going for, I was turned off and for years I would pick it up, progress a little, and then put it back down. I finally powered through just a month or two ago, and it really picked up once I did. Now I feel more confident that the series is for me, but part of me wishes I had started with another game first.
@JesusMorales-cx8vv 2 жыл бұрын
I started EO4 several years after having played the first 3 in the DS, it was a nice re introduction to the series and all the QoL improvement where a welcomed addition. My first impression was actually really positive, yeah the 1st "stratum" is short and not particularly original, but it's was good enough to start. I loved the new classes and the stratums, Thought, I aren't particularly fond of the the 3rd one, the gimmick is interesting, but the difficulty suddenly increased a lot, maybe too much in the first half, and trying to advance became a slog until I reached subclassing. after that, the game truly opened and the difficulty probably broke because Arcanist/Medic and Sniper/Bushi are that broken. Something I'm mixed about is the skyship, it has certain ideas that were lacking in EO3 while at the same time lacks part of the charm that sailing had. The exploration in EO3 was more like a puzzle about how to optimize your movement to reach a certain place or get a sidequest done, and for every little progress you get a reward to keep sailing, and because the progress is not entirely dependant on the story, you can go at your own pace. Now in EO4 the exploration is dependant on the progress of the story, the areas are open but apart from the foes, resources and finding a new mini labyrinth once, there isn't much to do. The endgame and postgame are also kind of strange, the 5th stratum has one of the best themes of the franchise, but if you don't count the journey through all the past stratums, it's only one floor. And the postgame was sweet but short on content, with only the New stratum and the sidequest of the dragons, certainly better than sidequest of recollecting hard drops from enemies. At the end of the day EOIV was a great game, don't know if better than EOIII but very close and the good ideas were there, but I consider it didn't reach it's full potential, probably because it was more designed to introduce newcomers.
@Faceless_time_traveler 2 жыл бұрын
Etrian Odyssey 4 is probably one of my lesser favorite ones in the series . Even without comparing it to later entries , it has less classes to choose from , and the subclass system makes that even more apparent . It's still a great game , but it pales comparing to everything else in the series
@floshjix02 Жыл бұрын
God I miss this series. Really wish Atlus would make a new one for the switch. Personally I’d love to see an untold 3 entry
@none5020 2 жыл бұрын
I only have time to play the first, I beat it after 7 years but eventually I'll play the other games which I already bought.
@nicobeans 2 жыл бұрын
36:40 Wouldn't put 3 above 3, huh?
@MaidLeila90 2 жыл бұрын
16:45 Why does everyone insist on torturing poor O'Brien? Leave the man alone he's been through enough!
@maximmillennia 2 жыл бұрын
Most people who watch already played it I guess. >w
@R4nD0m57 2 жыл бұрын
Played this for the first time recently, thankful to have all the ones that i am able to on the 3ds, will be knocking them out in due time
@frds_skce 2 жыл бұрын
Man, I would play EO4 just because everything is green
@johandymartinez733 Жыл бұрын
A great game, it was the first EO game i have ever finished, and that post game omg marvelous‼
@cyncynshop Жыл бұрын
Im seeing way more Etrian Ofyssey vide in my feeds recently and thats awesome!
@hacksaw491 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know if you've just left out that part for spoiler reasons (probably :p), but as much as I love this game, it has to have the most bullshit secret dungeon I've ever experienced in an RPG. Getting sent back at the entrance in just one big square map every time you take a wrong step was just unfun as all hell to explore (and you have to do this for 2 floors, without any save points fighting enemies that applies party wide status that can game over you like petrify). Just to top it off, the boss at the end is probably one of the hardest fight I've seen in an RPG although it's not very original (just a MUCH harder version of the final boss of the game). Did anyone bother getting through that mess?
@ApocalypticSalad Жыл бұрын
Regarding the darkened rooms that send you back to the entrance if you step off the path, the "safe" tiles are an exact copy of the damage tiles in the corresponding room. Once you figure this out there's no trial and error as long as you're mapping properly.
@mothlantern 2 жыл бұрын
The thing that makes it hardest to go back to older titles is how walls didn't auto-map. If EO3 came out with auto-mapping walls, I'd be all over it. For now, I'm slowly going through it.
@NeoMusicGamer Жыл бұрын
EO3 was my first game, but I introduced this series to a few friends with EO4 and I wholeheartedly believe they would not be as big of fans as they are if they started with the DS trilogy. I never finished EO4 myself but the classes were a big highlight imo, Imperial is one of my favorites out of the entire franchise alongside EO5 Fencer and EO3 Sovereign
@blakewiseman7340 2 жыл бұрын
The game that got me into etrian odyssey though I haven't completed it yet.
@zyonhunter 2 жыл бұрын
RIP Nichelle Nichols
@trexlordlol6108 Жыл бұрын
AHAHAHA, yeah grinding that took a long time. (Proceedes to do the AFK grind method that involves leaving 3ds on overnight as you put down auto path that the party follows and a rubber band that presses down the A button which automatically makes the characters attack enemys that are just low leveled enough to be killed while having the passive skill on that heals the party after the fight.)
@johanandersson8252 2 жыл бұрын
I personally think that the fourth one is the best for new beginners.
@alexevaldez Жыл бұрын
Still here waiting for the next video
@Cuprite1024 2 жыл бұрын
I've only played the demo so far (Tho I can play more since I bought the full thing last night), but it doesn't feel that bad to me. Hell, I actually like the overworld mechanic so far. Granted, I've never played an EO outside of demos prior to this one, but still. :P Again, it could just be cause I'm so early in, idk. Edit (1 year later): I stopped playing for a few months just before the 3rd maze (No real reason, I just sometimes unintentionally do that with games), but I recently came back and am now in the 4th, and I *really* love this game. Definitely glad I started with this one.
@satibel 2 жыл бұрын
I think I didn't play this one actually, I thought, but I actually just played 1,2 and 5.
@Javifaa 2 жыл бұрын
PSA: U1 and U2 aren't 1 and 2 with a new coat of paint, there are big differences between them (even if we exclude the extra floors).
@AeirEclipseHayastin 2 жыл бұрын
You never forget your first. For me, it was in college when a friend recommended I try out the demo for Etrian Odyssey 4. I was at first a bit hesitant, but then I got the full version after I got hooked. My god, I was enthralled by it. The exploration, the dangers, the thrills. I was in class waiting for it to start when I beat the main story final boss, and I remember breathing "oh hell yes!" A bit too loudly. And from then on, I went and got into the rest of the franchise. Thanks, EO4.
@AeirEclipseHayastin 2 жыл бұрын
Also on the subject of the battle themes, changing from Storm to Faith is My Pillar, that's a whole goddamn mood. But then 6th Stratum battle theme hits us with them PEWS.
@SayuriMiki Жыл бұрын
Can't wait till the next one!
@cajunmane7272 2 жыл бұрын
bruh just fuckin set the game speed to fast I swear there was a fast setting in there
@Aboveup 2 жыл бұрын
It is set to that. Its still half speed pf the rest of the series.
@Lady_Lilith666 2 жыл бұрын
Why animations in battle is a big problem? Just hold (A) for fast forward!
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