Abrogation in the Quran Explained & Islam Spread by the Sword

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Rob Christian

Rob Christian

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@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
🕑 Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro: Islam spread by the Sword! 4:20 - Verse 1: Q2:256 Abrogated 5:05 - Verse 2: Q109:6 Abrogated 5:51 - Verse 3: Q18:29 Abrogated 6:09 - Verse 4: Q60:8 Abrogated ℹ️ Notice: Regarding verse Q60:8 being “Abrogated”, Muslim scholars like always contradict one another and even *insult* each other: Al-Qurtubi said: “There is *no meaning for the one* who said that this verse is abrogated..” Going by Al-Qurtubi’s logic, the giant sunni scholar *ibn Hazm has no meaning!* 🤣👌
@mynameis......23 10 ай бұрын
-moh.am.mad said fight and strive the unbelievers. qu..ran 9:29& 9:73 - he said fight untill they believe in a.l.lah. and accept that moham..mad is true pro.phet= sahih mus.l.im 129. -he said don't take Christ.ian and Je..ws as friends qur..an 5:51 -Je.ws & Chr,.istian& idolaters (i.e pa.gans) are called worst of the creatures(q.u.ran98:6). -Lord Jesus does say in the qur,,an that He will die and be raised up alive again qur.,an 19:33. -moh.amm.ad allowed killing of woman and children in raid (sah.ih m.usli.m 1745 a,b,c). -s.ah.ih al bukhari 2:14:68 people came out on street and celebrated for killing warriors and taking their children and wife as captive. -al.lah says "I will instill terror in unbelievers heart" and tell mu.s.li.ms to kill unbelievers by cutting their head q.ur.an 8:13-17. - moh.amm.ad was ordered to fight unbelievers till they worship al.la.h. sa.hih bu.khari 4:196. - he said kill exmus..lims s.ah.ih al b.ukh.ari 6930, sahi.h al buk.hari 6922, sahi.h al buk.hari 6878, s.unan an-N.asa'i 4059, Ja.mi` at-Tirm.idhi 1458. -he said those who disbelieve are worst of creatures q.ur.an 8:55 -he said non believers are like cattles, created for hell. qu.ra.n 7:179. -moha.mmad said end would not come until musli.ms fights and k.ills j.e.w.s (sa.hih mu.s.lim 2922, sa.hih al b.uk.hari 2926). -And moh.am.mad is supported to be the "best example of conduct for muslims" qu.r.an 33:21.
@jondoe598 10 ай бұрын
Blessing my bro 💙🙏🏻☦☦☦🙏🏻💙
@Dr.Sheikh.Al.Hikmah 10 ай бұрын
Don't fully understand Sura 60:8 and 60:9.. Am I missing something, or is there something contradicting itself?
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
Regarding Q60:8 being “Abrogated”, scholars like always contradict one another and even *insult* each other: Al-Qurtubi said: “There is *no meaning for the one* who said that this verse is abrogated..” Going by Al-Qurtubi’s logic, the giant sunni scholar *ibn Hazm has no meaning!* 📣😆
@Mephaqedim.official 10 ай бұрын
It is so funny when you look at Islam, full of demonic references and deceiving lies, it is a religion of weak-minded and lost souls, that they will see Yeshua who is salvation.
@drenamir1647 10 ай бұрын
When someone explains that he is happy that his cult spread through violence, it is a clear sign that this person is a son of the devil. Thank you RC
@mynameis......23 10 ай бұрын
-moh.am.mad said fight and strive the unbelievers. qu..ran 9:29& 9:73 - he said fight untill they believe in a.l.lah. and accept that moham..mad is true pro.phet= sahih mus.l.im 129. -he said don't take Christ.ian and Je..ws as friends qur..an 5:51 -Je.ws & Chr,.istian& idolaters (i.e pa.gans) are called worst of the creatures(q.u.ran98:6). -Lord Jesus does say in the qur,,an that He will die and be raised up alive again qur.,an 19:33. -moh.amm.ad allowed killing of woman and children in raid (sah.ih m.usli.m 1745 a,b,c). -s.ah.ih al bukhari 2:14:68 people came out on street and celebrated for killing warriors and taking their children and wife as captive. -al.lah says "I will instill terror in unbelievers heart" and tell mu.s.li.ms to kill unbelievers by cutting their head q.ur.an 8:13-17. - moh.amm.ad was ordered to fight unbelievers till they worship al.la.h. sa.hih bu.khari 4:196. - he said kill exmus..lims s.ah.ih al b.ukh.ari 6930, sahi.h al buk.hari 6922, sahi.h al buk.hari 6878, s.unan an-N.asa'i 4059, Ja.mi` at-Tirm.idhi 1458. -he said those who disbelieve are worst of creatures q.ur.an 8:55 -he said non believers are like cattles, created for hell. qu.ra.n 7:179. -moha.mmad said end would not come until musli.ms fights and k.ills j.e.w.s (sa.hih mu.s.lim 2922, sa.hih al b.uk.hari 2926). -And moh.am.mad is supported to be the "best example of conduct for muslims" qu.r.an 33:21.
@XoxoMS 10 ай бұрын
What’s amazing is that a lot of Muslims in the west will loudly harp on modern westerners/Christians in general concerning the historical wrong doings/colonialism/violence of the past (that no one really advocates for now and was never commanded by Christ anyway) while maintaining its a good thing that Islam did the same thing around the world (even to their own ancestors)
@Xbalanque84 10 ай бұрын
May God have mercy on their souls...
@drenamir1647 10 ай бұрын
@@Xbalanque84 God is always ready to have mercy on their souls. The fact is that they do not want to accept God's mercy.
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
@@XoxoMSit’s called gaslighting. Typical method of those who want to have Teflon skin but demand that you have sticky skin.
@anastasiamamis6441 10 ай бұрын
As in the Holy Scripture, those who live by the sword will be killed by the sword..tq Bro Rob. Thank God its blackout so can listen to yr video.
@onlylove556 10 ай бұрын
@Real-Ma89 10 ай бұрын
Glory be to Allah ❤
@Beluna798 10 ай бұрын
wow . May our God bless you and ur family
2 ай бұрын
he was not a warlord he was a coward... never declared war he only invaded. further more warriors have valour and honour.
@YManik 10 ай бұрын
Why do Momo and his people hate Israel so much??? 1. During his life, Momo was often made fun of by Jews about his new religion. 2. Momo died at the hands of Jews, particularly a woman. This is embarrassing them. The most powerful leader died in hands of kafir woman. 3. This Momo promised to expel all Jews from the Arabian Peninsula. Dream that Momo had not achieved in his lifetime. All this is written in their books. Hatred blinds their hearts.
@mo_51_married_aisha_6 10 ай бұрын
Hi Rob. I am having a discussion with a Muslim about the authenticity of this Hadith. Just wondering if you can clarify; Narrated by Anas Ibn Malik "I heard from the Apostle of Allah (Peace and blessing be upon him) that he said "Allah was satan in the form of an angel that revealed to me the verses and his book the Quran and I' am his prophet.(Umdah al-Ahkam:Vol.3,Hadith no.460) رواه أنس ابن مالك "سمعت من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه" كان الله شيطان في شكل ملاك كشف لي الآيات وكتابه القرآن وأنا نبي .
@mo_51_married_aisha_6 10 ай бұрын
@@koenboomsma92 Why? Islam is a house of cards. It only looks good to those who build it up on nothing but smoke and mirrors. With absolutely no foundation or substance of truth holding it together, Islam collapses with real scrutiny every single time.
@alphabeta1337 10 ай бұрын
The main context of the Quran is the Meccan-Medinan conflict
@XoxoMS 10 ай бұрын
Never made sense to me why they believe the Koran revelations needed to be abrogated/corrected/updated, while they’re also claiming this is a book that’s existed for all of eternity.. And if it needed to be entirely delivered to one man during his lifetime (and not a progressive revelation to many ppl /groups over thousands of years like the Bible) why not just give the one guy accurate info and revelations for all of humanity the first time, so he’s not spreading misinformation for years that he obviously won’t be able to truly correct before the damage is done (star worshippers go to heaven, etc)? And why would the untrue/no longer valid revelations need to be in this eternal book anyway, especially since it was eternally written in a confusing non-chronological order where you can’t really decipher what’s new or old without consulting a third party??? 🤔 How is this helpful to humanity??
@rensiusmnainggolan5210 10 ай бұрын
Allah said something in the morning, something else in the evening.
@sharoonmichael9324 10 ай бұрын
Hallelujah Brother in Chhrist May Christ OUR LORD Bless you and your Family and give you more knowledge.❤❤❣❣✝✝
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
Brother, please help me a little bit... How can a non Muzlim (christian, hindu, buddhist or atheist) respond to a arrogant muzlim if the muzlim starts to bully the non muslim by saying: *"Come to our mosque even if you aren't a Muzlim come to our mosque, leave everything."* How can a non Muzlim respond to diffuse the situation? Please reply..
@islambolsipahilerifan-sili2399 10 ай бұрын
your fake gods not will save you-qur'an
@gpaul9206 10 ай бұрын
Thank u bro for sharing this blessings always I pray for you and your family
@NotoriousKnives 10 ай бұрын
Quran has so many updates 😂😂
@HeLpLOstGOdAny1 10 ай бұрын
Mohammad said : "Sometimes it is (revealed) like the ringing of a bell, this form of Inspiration is the hardest of all and then this state passes off after I have grasped what is inspired" [Sahih al-Bukhari 2] "The bell is the musical instrument of the Satan" [Sahih Muslim 2114]. ، "Mohammad was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done" [Sahih al-Bukhari 3175]
@jamalkhan3708 10 ай бұрын
Very informative. Thank you brother RC for sharing.
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
Brother... I need some help form you... How can a non Muzlim (christian, hindu, buddhist or atheist) respond to a arrogant muzlim if the muzlim starts to bully the non muslim by saying: *"Come to our mosque even if you aren't a Muzlim come to our mosque, leave everything."* How can a non Muzlim respond to diffuse the situation? Please reply.
@ndor1429 10 ай бұрын
​@@OmarHamza-nz9ob Call on Jesus to protect you. Run and flee if you dont have the Holy Spirit to protect you.
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
Imagine the eternal golden tablet in jannah constantly being rewritten over and over again!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@neilhenriques9435 10 ай бұрын
6:49 Talking of how to deceive. Allah is a Handicap statue without a spirit has 2right hands and no left hand and no left leg. How can a statue create the world. They just copied and pasted to deceive the world. Good job Rob. We need people like you 7:39
@ankitanandy6076 10 ай бұрын
extremely grateful there are people like you who fearlessly tirelessly keep doing this work. as ignorance melts away so will this cult.
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
Need some help... How can a non Muzlim (christian, hindu, buddhist or atheist) respond to a arrogant muzlim if the muzlim starts to bully the non muslim by saying: *"Come to our mosque even if you aren't a Muzlim come to our mosque, leave everything."* How can a non Muzlim respond to diffuse the situation?
@beloved_sun 10 ай бұрын
Read Jesus pbuh words in Matthew 7:21-23 and you will see who invented cult haha
@ankitanandy6076 10 ай бұрын
@@beloved_sun when your prophet asks you to follow the Bible, its pretty weird you mock it. that is exactly what the verses 21-23 say, you need to be clean of heart and not just say "Lord" for greed of Heaven. You have greed in your mind, it never goes well. btw, where is the "cult"?
@beloved_sun 10 ай бұрын
@@ankitanandy6076 My prophet Muhammad pbuh never said that for Bible.He said to jews to follow their Tanakh because in his city(Mekkah,Medina) in that time(7c) Tanakh wasn't corrupted so much.In Matthew 7 Jesus pbuh is speaking to his followers(christians) about christians(those who preach and cast devils in his name) who will end in hell.Cult is extreme false religion like Paul's Christianity.Jesus pbuh teached same as Muhammad pbuh and all prophets before.Christians have greed for heaven and earth.Btw christians are the one saying that Tanakh is true but still changed it.
@ankitanandy6076 10 ай бұрын
@@beloved_sun where is the cult and where is the change? "So much corruption" there is no proof of any corruption. And you have no greed for heaven? Look at your actions, who will believe that?
@mistmurth 10 ай бұрын
I love you Rob, you have no idea how much I'm learning, and I'm sharing every thing that I'm learning, to wake people up, especially these days, thank you thank you thank you I have personally succeded to get my sisters away from this evil religion, by forcing then, I say again forcing them to read the quran, hadith, sunnah, sira, and the taffassirs, and of course to listen to you and cross check all the facts that you provide, you are a saviour
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
Happy to read that. Keep doing what you do, we are all here to serve. Blessings of Christ, RC.
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
@@RobChristian Rob Christian,... Usa and European countries must passs a law for the protection of ex muzlams.
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
Excellent work! Yup, you have to force Muslims like the Jibril forced the dead Arab prophet to read, Read, REEEAAAADDD!!!!
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
@@RobChristian Thank you so much RC... Please make the western right wing stronger and stronger...
@watermelonmanied 10 ай бұрын
"By the grace of God Islam will fall". Let this be the chant.
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
Exactly... Bad days of ezlam have started....now let islam die... I need some intellectual support... How can a non Muzlim (christian, hindu, buddhist or atheist) respond to a arrogant muzlim if the muzlim starts to bully the non muslim by saying: *"Come to our mosque even if you aren't a Muzlim come to our mosque, leave everything."* How can a non Muzlim respond to diffuse the situation?
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
I prefer ‘Without Lies, Islam Dies!’
@watermelonmanied 10 ай бұрын
That's good too@@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
@@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid without excuses ezlame loses.
@MOUNTAINZION-kp6gi 10 ай бұрын
One thing i can say is if allah is God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob why did people to fight for him. And secondly anything that forced on people to embrace is not true, the truth show up for people not by force
@gracelema4849 9 ай бұрын
Even Christianity was spread by sword in Afrika using means of slavery and colonialism. Pope in sixteen century permitted the spanish and portuguese to sell and treat afrikans as property using the so called bible and Jesus name.So Christianity and Islam no difference.
@dandeiji5712 10 ай бұрын
some people just want to watch the whole world burn
@GeorgeEsterhuysen-vv1bz 10 ай бұрын
Do not sugarcoat,say muslims.
@magnuscritikaleak5045 10 ай бұрын
You mean hard core religious Anarchists.
@faddy2812 10 ай бұрын
Yasir Qadhi is a legend 😂
@Coptic-2024 10 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 I really dont understand how he still is a muslim. His brains are infected by the ☪️ virus 😢
@elianvelazquez1217 10 ай бұрын
The first muslim convert were the arab Pagan
@Sheep_of_God 10 ай бұрын
When weak, spread by lies.. When strong, spread by sword..
@Coptic-2024 10 ай бұрын
@DanielApologetics 10 ай бұрын
Great video Rob
@overlord0824 10 ай бұрын
Did you study the quaran or did you find all these things yourself. Would be pretty cool to know
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
I only studied Islam for like 15 years or so..
@qasmb1546 10 ай бұрын
What a strange question. Obviously he studied it or else would he find it by himself?
@scienceandmatter8739 10 ай бұрын
​@@RobChristianSOAP PRIVILEGE.
@overlord0824 10 ай бұрын
@@RobChristian THATS CRAZY
@Real-Ma89 10 ай бұрын
Islam Only Truth ❤❤❤
@jeffreydsouza7273 10 ай бұрын
but who is muhammad
@Dr.Sheikh.Al.Hikmah 10 ай бұрын
Fantasy, Never existed, An Invention, A missunderstanding, or a filthy Cult leader with a Big Ego, a Lot of sexual harrasment power, carrying unspeakable violence and crime, coupled with hatred, ignorance and out for one's own well-being.
@MOUNTAINZION-kp6gi 10 ай бұрын
Satan himself
@jondoe598 10 ай бұрын
​@@MOUNTAINZION-kp6gi Bravo 😊
@anreass 10 ай бұрын
a person born out of wedlock
@S_F_D_ 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your good work!
@anastasiamamis6441 10 ай бұрын
What a shock..11 wives
@shelbyd.2450 10 ай бұрын
God bless u all in the Name Jesus the Christ
@samuelflores1419 10 ай бұрын
So again Without their Lies and Excuses islaaam Loses! They call themselves the Religion of Peace except there is No Peace amongst themselves, go figure! God bless you brother RC and your ministry!
@bernadettesolomons1870 10 ай бұрын
Does Abrogation mean that Allah changed his mind 🤣🤣
@Arabian_Abomination 10 ай бұрын
"It abrogated every agreement of peace between the Prophet and any idolator, every treaty, and every term." Ibn Kathir on 9:5
@josecarlosramolete6109 10 ай бұрын
What do Allah and Jerry Maguire have in common? HELP ME HELP YOU!!
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 Show me the MONEY!!!
@josecarlosramolete6109 10 ай бұрын
@@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid Muslim: I can't hear you, Allah!!! Say it, "Show me the money!!"
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
@@josecarlosramolete6109 🤣🤣🤣
@areyeh4979 10 ай бұрын
The beautiful head is use for self-promotion and public relation. The ugly head will come out later when needed for all the ugly things! And then switch back to the beautiful head again.🤪 If those verses has been abrogated, why not remove them? They still have uses? Aha! 🤔
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
Yup they ONLY use the abrogated verses when they are weak, Islam is like a parasite 🦠 or a flesh eating decease. It’s ugly and it feeds on the Muslim zombie brains.
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
@garybowings1538 10 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@IslamicPropaganda 10 ай бұрын
God Bless You and your work and keep on exposing the Filth of Islam May God Give You speed recovery God Bless You Rob❤
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
So, Mecca was the place when people used their heads by reason and logic. The moment they left that and went to Medina, they lost their heads and threw away their logic and reason there! And Abduls and pitiful Muslimahs left the God given reason and logic and facts since then until today!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@KingWolf01-f8h 10 ай бұрын
Any god who has to Abrogate his Commands is Subjected to being Unwise and not All Knowing!
@bernadettesolomons1870 10 ай бұрын
Yasir Quadi at least does not lie
@samdevadas6638 10 ай бұрын
Islam thrives on lies
@taheelshahid5615 10 ай бұрын
Great video again, love ur work Rob. God bless U, I always keep ur video safe which are very helpful and easy to show others with references and scholars work.
@Farfalle91 10 ай бұрын
This book is useless
@mikegreen2229 10 ай бұрын
Islam is Satan’s Pandoras Box
@brettspearman3706 10 ай бұрын
I have more respect for guys like this who say it like it is instead of sugar coating like the KZbin dawahgandists
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
Need some help.... I encounter a dawah gangster... How can a non Muzlim (christian, hindu, buddhist or atheist) respond to a arrogant muzlim if the muzlim starts to bully the non muslim by saying: *"Come to our mosque even if you aren't a Muzlim come to our mosque, leave everything."* How can a non Muzlim respond to diffuse the situation? Please reply
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
@@OmarHamza-nz9obafter you attend the mosque, then come to our church right after that!!!
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
@@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid If the bully said yes I will cometo the church, then what to say?
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
@@OmarHamza-nz9ob - then ask him, since we respected your wish and respected your mosque, do the same with us before coming, ok?
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
@@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid If he said in an intimidating way, " No! you have to come first", then what should I say to them?
@Arabian_Abomination 10 ай бұрын
That clip of Qadhi is Gold! I saved it. Qadhi admits Islam spread by sword
@faddy2812 10 ай бұрын
God bless Rob Christian 🙏
@Siah999 10 ай бұрын
I used the abrogated surah as a toilet paper. Why need to be put in the Quran if it is useless and outdated?
@egosum7 10 ай бұрын
You either need to be sick in the mind or have some personal interest to be a devout Muslim.
@Charlie-955 10 ай бұрын
Very good video brother, this video need more views
@Olga____ 10 ай бұрын
Чис 6:24-26: "да благословит тебя Господь и сохранит тебя! да призрит на тебя Господь светлым лицем Своим и помилует тебя! да обратит Господь лице Свое на тебя и даст тебе мир!"
@dollahmusa6705 10 ай бұрын
Ya, Without Lying Islam Dies..
@maryjemyfreeman7639 10 ай бұрын
Choudhary himself acknowledged, there are holes in Quran in an interview with hijab
@wollicreek-gb3oc 10 ай бұрын
The conqueror can be conquered as well.
@starlyvil 10 ай бұрын
God bless you Rob, may God continue to strengthen you in good health for his glory in JESUS Name Amen
@al-haqqiqat-al-masihiyah 10 ай бұрын
Thank You For You Work !❤ God Bless You
@Aam0khaas. 10 ай бұрын
Well said .. 👏 👌 👍
@raywise3454 7 ай бұрын
always contra...one verse and others...holy? holy shit?
@ellenFslam 10 ай бұрын
❤ thanks Rob for the video
@kiwisaram9373 10 ай бұрын
So embarrassing that they actually wrote these things down for everyone to see.
@ALLAHwithdaughterALLAT 10 ай бұрын
police be upon him
@fareerforsuk6609 10 ай бұрын
Hello Rob. Nothing could I say but thank you for exposing this mohaamed cult❤
@bapu8984 10 ай бұрын
Very informative indeed 😀
@ulka7777 10 ай бұрын
So what are his reasons to believe in Islam? If he admits it was spread by the sword and he is grateful many of his ancestors died? If Quran is such a miracle and people didn't believe? Virgins maybe?
@gracelema4849 9 ай бұрын
Even Christianity was spread by the sword in Sub sahara Afrika through slavery and colonialism. So both are just the same.
@ulka7777 9 ай бұрын
@@gracelema4849 source?
@Krthivj12 10 ай бұрын
Great information and thanks for sharing..but it should to world..share on platforms..
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
I can’t do it on my own, if just 10 people share the link of this video on social media, it will spread like wild fire 🔥 Unfortunately people are too lazy or very afraid to speak against Islam.
@m.s3377 10 ай бұрын
@introhiki7855 7 ай бұрын
its so convenient to quote one or two radical muslim and forget everyone else. who are these people you quoted anyway?
@scienceandmatter8739 10 ай бұрын
Tribvtes from Germany Europe
@grantmaree3537 10 ай бұрын
@Mephaqedim.official 10 ай бұрын
There are many many many revivals that people choose Yeshua (Jesus) Korean Revival is a really good example.
@TheLearnedFool 10 ай бұрын
How do we know that the later verses were actually added later?
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
Easy: you can split the Quran in 2 parts: Part 1: Momo was is in Mecca, weak no army, forced to be “peaceful”; Part 2: Momo left Mecca and is now in Medina, he has an army and starts to rob caravans of his family and attacks Jews as well. There is no need for peace anymore, full attack mode.
@TheLearnedFool 10 ай бұрын
Were those secondary verses added afterwards? Is there some ancient Hadaif that says this verse abrogates that verse?@@RobChristianJust want to confirm the source if there is one, or was it a cultural thing
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
Brother you need to understand that Muhammad supposedly was receiving Quran for at least 2 decades. So he didn't receive the Quran in 1 day. As said: Later verses in the life of Muhammad, when he was in Medina (he was in full-power) abrogated the "peaceful" ones when he was in Mecca without an army. On top of that, yes we have tafsirs and many other books that confirm this abrogation. For example, a secondary source for Q2:256 "There is no compulsion in Religon" was abrogated by Surah 9, here is the proof: "This was before the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, was commanded to fight the people of the Book. But then Allah's saying (There is no compulsion in religion…) was abrogated and the Prophet was commanded to fight the people of the Book in Surah Repentance.” Reference: www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTafsirNo=86&tSoraNo=2&tAyahNo=256&tDisplay=yes&Page=2&Size=1&LanguageId=2@@TheLearnedFool
@frankc-k3q 10 ай бұрын
This guy looks evil 👿
@allahisaslavemaster364 10 ай бұрын
👋 @ Rob Christian
@ad2k767 10 ай бұрын
Great work Rob
@rewereset1584 10 ай бұрын
Hope All is Well My Bro ALWAYS 🙏🏻
@OmarHamza-nz9ob 10 ай бұрын
Will you please help me with one thing.... How can a non Muzlim (christian, hindu, buddhist or atheist) respond to a arrogant muzlim if the muzlim starts to bully the non muslim by saying: *"Come to our mosque even if you aren't a Muzlim come to our mosque, leave everything."* How can a non Muzlim respond to diffuse the situation?
@jaybhavani8416 10 ай бұрын
We expect discussion on Spiritual science and philosophy Parapsychology of Religious literature w.r.t. Non God believers ( Atheist , Rationalist , Agnostic , Communist , Budhist , ......) Also on Metaphysics Cosmology Theology Science varces Religions
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 10 ай бұрын
Do your own videos. Don’t be lazy and expect others to keep doing it for you and feed you.
@jaybhavani8416 10 ай бұрын
​@@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pidnot for me but for all Do you know about Self realisation Iternal spiritual awareness Way to know the God ?
@Truth_Seeker1 10 ай бұрын
You are so ignorant it’s unbelievable 9:5 is talking about a peace treaty between the Muslims and non Muslims which the non Muslims broke it gives them 4 months to do anything that includes peace if not then a war, 9:4 explains 9:5 is only for those who broke the treaty, 9:6 says if they want peace give it to them and escort them to a place of security.
@gracelema4849 9 ай бұрын
Even christianity was spread by sword. Both in Afrika, Carribbean and Latin amerika especially to black people.Through most brutal and savage slavery in history and worst form of colonialism. Same as islam.
@skateVlogger 10 ай бұрын
I love this muslim guy man 🔥he is not lier like other mulsims 🔥👍
@RobChristian 10 ай бұрын
He is a liar like any other Muslim, but when they are among themselves they can be “honest”. But when Muslims know that Christians are listening they will even throw their own mothers under the bus to “protect” allah, Muhammad & Islam with Lies! 🤥
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