6 years and it’s only happened to me once over flood coverage on a HO3 policy. The homeowner was also conveniently an attorney.
@johntrevett2944 Жыл бұрын
All this is irrelevant in FL. I've worked over 5k claims and had never been deposed until Hurricane Ian in 2022. I've talked to many seasoned adjusters and we're all getting deposed. You can be the nicest and most efficient adjuster and you "going to court" is going to happen in FL if you work in that state enough.
@daves2921 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Very similar to my history - (5000 day/CAT claims since 2011, never getting deposed, nice/efficient adjuster) UNTIL Hurricane Ian Florida 2022 - got deposed within the last 30 days for 2 claims - both involved PA's - I think Adjuster TV needs to provide a disclaimer "how not to get deposed OTHER THAN FLORIDA" lol
@2stepper2000 Жыл бұрын
Did a lot of clean up in MN, tons of bad adjustments . Mostly missed damages from adjusters trying to do 10 hail claims in a day , causing them to be short and rude to the insured. I did a reinspection on a Roof , insured stated claim adjuster walked around the house found no damage and never went on the roof. I personally never Been to court , should be able to resolve issues as long as you have a good rapport.