Hello sir, i have some queries about the affiliates program: If an email copywriter decides to promote coursera, will he be able to access the existing customer emails from Coursera's database. This is because most money is usually made from existing customers rather than from new customers. So, will he be able to send email adverts to coursera learners through their given email address? Thank you
@kechimonye4746 ай бұрын
Hello, how do I start and is it wholly virtual?
@coursera6 ай бұрын
Hey, MSc Cyber Security is a 100% online degree, you can find more information here:kzbin.info?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmdOeW5oUG92WTYxSTFUdW15Ujhac2ZxOUdBUXxBQ3Jtc0tuQm9TZFZBaWdJVEpQNXVnQ3JQa3JoTXdWVUNzUkRoRGFaS1ZGcHZtTVluRVlncDhuRkV5QXAyUWpBbDhzTzJ6M1ZNYWl3a2d6Z2d5cWpDQ0NGWlNsWTY5SEVYempON1UwbTVYb1Y2YzIzdGJ2b3h3aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coursera.org%2Fdegrees%2Fmsc-cyber-security-london&v=QasLycu_H0c