Advanced German Weapons of WWII - Part 1 of 3

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@USMarineRifleman0311 13 жыл бұрын
@grahwo the same army that fielded the Me 262 was at this point in the war using horse propelled artillery like it was 1890s again.
@Gumbypotty 17 жыл бұрын
Johannes Steinhoff suffered severe burns in a crash with a Me-262 on April 18 1945. He spent two years in a hospital and had many surgeries.
@AxelMansoor 16 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know who made/published this video?
@LoganBauglir 12 жыл бұрын
They also felt surrounded due to the Triple Entente which had only recently been formed. The Dual Alliance, dating back to 1879 was merely one of dozens of Bismarckian alliances and no real garuantee of security, particularly given the military weakness of the Habsburg Empire. The latter was facing South Slav separatism and thought that facing down Serbia would solve its internal problems. However, both Austria and Germany did not want a general war with Russia.
@Cosmin1511 15 жыл бұрын
Germany had 2 teams working to create an atomic weapon . One was lead by Heisenberg , who persuied the obtaining of plutonium inisde a working reactor . The second team was lead by Kurt Diebner , the leader of the Uranverein . They persued the atomic project by the proces of enirichment of uranium . It is belived that Diebner had constructed a working nuclear reactor,and even, as some people clam , tested a crude nuclear device in Ohrdruf on the 4th of March 1945 .
@contentlocked99 16 жыл бұрын
what about the landkreuzer, the behemoth tank that was like a 4-1 tank to man ratio? it had a 280mm cannon lol
@yatter1 14 жыл бұрын
@Lintflas I think you´ll find that the jet engine was co invented by whittle and Hans von Ohain, neither of whom knew anything about the other
@Estragon17 13 жыл бұрын
@mightyrighty1 Thats some nice fiction you are writing there. Isn't it always so much easier for things to go the way you think they would when you just make up alternate histories?
@georgeorwelI 17 жыл бұрын
it made me smile somehow, when this fucking awesome jet-sound came up beneath the plane.
@johneamer 14 жыл бұрын
@xGothimox The German people seemed fairly excited and supportive at the start of the war.
@MrFreeman0179 Жыл бұрын
If the ME-262 was perfected earlier, the outcome of the allied aerial warfare would have been devastating.
@bob75ify 15 жыл бұрын
yes he did.He was a infantryman in WW1
@gyraxxus12 14 жыл бұрын
Its amazing to see these inventions, their origins compared to what they are now today. I should really look into my German ancestry.
@Himmlerdude 15 жыл бұрын
German fighter aces were such awesome men
@Kelthuzad126 15 жыл бұрын
Well MatteV2 they couldn't conquer Brittain so that's why they moved on to trying to invade Russia. The Luffwaffe was never able to destroy the RA, so therefore they couldn't move ground troops further than the channel islands.
@VonGrav 13 жыл бұрын
@Cerb11 The most amazing part is the story of one of the first pilots flying the 262 with the R4M missiles.. The description of attacking the massive bomber formations and fire a few rockets into the bombers.. watching it disintergrate into a could of metal and larger bits.. Most funny part is how the amercians reinveted the Air to air missile 10 years later =P
@CoriolanusAtrox 14 жыл бұрын
@raab155 (continued) It's telling that as early as 1942, the Red Army had a higher degree of motorisation than the vaunted Wehrmacht. It's also noteworthy that much of the supply problems that plagued the Ostheer were due to the fact that German horses kept dying in the Russian winter. Further, the history of German atrocities against both civilians and enemy POWs - especially in Russia and the Balkans - is sufficiently well established that it need not be repeated here.
@cPalleon 16 жыл бұрын
He was a great politician, and a moderately good tactician, by the end of the war (according to those closest to him) he was stressed and frantic, and as such made many many terrible decisions, hindsights 20/20 I suppose.
@sky2cpittman341 3 жыл бұрын
They were there from the start seeing something wasn't right,later knowing they were right it is just a matter of time.Seems they were genuine.
@Cerb11 14 жыл бұрын
"What the hell is that? It went by like we were standing still" Can you imagine that "oh shit" moment if you sit in that bomber...
@carnage2681 16 жыл бұрын
Steinhoff tries to start one day in his 262 and overseen a bomb crater on the runway. His plane crashed in the crater, and the R4m rockets under the wing exploded, resulting leaving the plane as a burning hell. He could escaped, but his face was horrible burned. he spents a lot of time in hospitals after the war ironicly, he was voted as the best looking guy in the german luftwaffe years before his accident
@klausvonschmit4722 5 жыл бұрын
Finally, the HNIC's within the German government consolidated enough of them in one location to muster of enough brains to making such an outstanding decision, and enough testosterone to provide the necessary courage needed to perform such a task!! Those young men deserve to be back in Germany or at the very a German cemetery among their fellow comrades!
@fluffy1931 13 жыл бұрын
@CoriolanusAtrox ..over 4/5 ths of the wehermacht depended on horse drawn wagons for transportation. The average german soldier in ww2 went into battle just like his father or grandfather before him did in ww1. On foot with his supplies and artillery behind him propelled entirely by horse drawn wagons. Imagine the spearheads went varooom! and the rest of the army went clippty - clop!! Germany used over 2.3 million horses during ww2.
@TheMohawkNinja 13 жыл бұрын
@Blackofheart221 I thought it was one assassin?
@KrautGoesWild 15 жыл бұрын
I once read in a book that Steinhoff had to wear protective goggles, because his eyelids were actually gone...
@Ace1000ks 13 жыл бұрын
German Me-262s had a lot of problems, like an engine that lasts 10s of hours. The Germans didn't have the access to the right metals to make these engines last longer.
@Rex1987 13 жыл бұрын
@masterblaster12000 exept that it was the germans that invaded belgium in august of 1914.
@LoganBauglir 12 жыл бұрын
Of course additional factors include the dangers of balkan nationalism, the alliance system, and even as Mr. Taylor has suggested, mobilization timetables. It is thus wrong to conclude that Germany alone started the war: the First World War was the result of the complex interaction of multifarious factors, including the behaviour of both its friends and its enemies, as well as various long term factors.
@CoriolanusAtrox 14 жыл бұрын
@raab155 The efficiency of the Wehrmacht, such as it was, and what there was of it, owes far more to the excellent training given to its soldiers than to any imagined technological advantage. And while the frontline elements were equipped adequately, the rear services, most specifically the supply services, but also artillery, remained firmly second-rate. Only Germany employed horse-drawn arty in 1943, frex. (continued)
@DannyBoy777777 3 жыл бұрын
@CoriolanusAtrox I'm not sure about a user name with anus in it. Anywho; this excellent training you speak of is also imagined. In the last quarter of 1942 Lufttwaffe training programs were starting to be cut. By mid-1944 it consisted of 8 months, little of which was on operational types. Soldier training was no better than the British and Americans throughout. Generalship was just as bad. In the Luftwaffe, which is the arm of the Wehrmacht I know best, they cut out strategic planning, logistics and economic warfare because they didn't have enough time to train the enormous numbers of staff officers they needed in six years of peace. This left the OKL full of tacticians, operators and technocrats, but few logisticians, economists, managers and strategists.
@qgxii 13 жыл бұрын
love that gangster-pilot seating in the cockpit at 2:35 with a burning cigar in his mouth :D
@zerstorer335 16 жыл бұрын
Wow. I didn't know that the german servicemen weren't allowed to be part of a party (rather, I didn't know that anybody, at any time and in any way, said they couldn't).
@LoganBauglir 12 жыл бұрын
Sorry to follow you across videos, but I noticed that you are very active, and I hope you won't mind if I butt in. The strategic situation was far more complex. The Germans feared the Russian rearmament programme, due to finish in 1917 which had the potential of revolutionizing the balance of power in Europe.
@Blackofheart221 13 жыл бұрын
@masterblaster12000 It was those damn Assassins who started WW1!
@DonMeaker 15 жыл бұрын
A measure of the economy back then was the number of cyclotrons. Britain had 1, Germany had 2, Japan had 1, the US had 30.
@yatter1 14 жыл бұрын
@benhoshinji england was financially and materially weak at the time, that´s as much as you can say, england have the usa to thank for material support to a large degree, but as for the fighting itself, not so much, the usa entered the war a bit late for that
@ClaymateoftheYear 15 жыл бұрын
You have to remember that he was OK at the VERY VERY! beginning of him coming to power (excluding Mein Kampf), in an economic sense. He brought Germany AND most of the world from a massive depression, and he gave hope to his people! Before the ridiculousness that he went through, he was a hero to his people for easing the overwhelming difficulties of everyday life!
@F_ckAllTrumpVoters 3 жыл бұрын
Anti-Jewish & immigrant policies were there right from the beginning. Nazism was and is always disgusting.
@HazeGreyAndUnderway 16 жыл бұрын
ohhhhh...... those be some bad burn scars; me wonder where he got 'em from :/
@CoriolanusAtrox 14 жыл бұрын
@raab155 An army that depended on horse-drawn wagons for logistics from regimental level on down, like the Wehrmacht demonstrably did, can hardly be described as "the most efficient". Don't confuse elite units like the Großdeutschland or the PzGren Divisions with the majority of the Wehrmacht. As to atrocities, I suggest looking up the survival rate of Russian POWs in German hands. For even more "fun", look into the civilian death toll in German-occupied Russia.
@Chardor 16 жыл бұрын
DavidMed58: its called fatherland i think its here on youtube the whole movie
@bolacapoeira 17 жыл бұрын
Very good video
@roadrodent1952 16 жыл бұрын
I'd say he got burned, maybe a fire in the cockpit of his plane , likely from an engine hit.
@ZeitgeistWI 14 жыл бұрын
German troops were some of the most professional troops in the world. For those who think that the German soldier was no different from any other, you are right, they were not. Training and an officer corps as well as an elite military tradition did make the difference. With bolt action rifles, they had control over most of Europe. No small feat. It is only with highly trained troops that you can accomplish such a feat, much like Frederick The Great did in the 1700's.
@Paboozala 14 жыл бұрын
@ganzer88 Wow, I really messed that up didn't I?
@0n0a0m0e 15 жыл бұрын
he wasnt stupid he knew what he was doing when it came to the economy and running a country but military standards he wasnt so bright.
@Kelthuzad126 15 жыл бұрын
Yeah i have heard that to mezzer99 he may have, or it could have been very intense stress. But that is one theory. But Hitler openly admitted that a war on 2 fronts would be a disaster, most likely he done it to get resources which he did strip badly from Poland I think I could be wrong. I do know he begged the Japanese not to attack the US, he wanted them to attack Russia first.
@HazeGreyAndUnderway 16 жыл бұрын
got it... they brought it up in the part 2 vid
@ganzer88 14 жыл бұрын
@Paboozala the Russians weren't on the western front they are to the east of Germany.
@CoriolanusAtrox 13 жыл бұрын
@fluffy1931 Yeah, I know. Been pointing it out, too. Although the infantry did make daily advances in Russia that still turn professional soldiers green with envy. IIRC, they averaged some 50km, which is nearly double the distance expected of a modern mechanised division. But, as always, amateurs discuss toys and tactics. Professionals study logistics. Few people know that the German log system nearly broke down during the 1940 Western campaign. That it would collapse in Russia was a given.
@Riso-Musik 13 жыл бұрын
1st WW started in Sarajevo with an assassination.
@boibisyo16 14 жыл бұрын
2:06 the 1st Jet powered plane ..
@jctopgun 15 жыл бұрын
I know the facts I have a BA in History. Fortitude was a operation using only phoney decoys, radio traffic and patton as head of the opertion. No Canadian nor Uk troops were used nor lost or wiped out in it. The Canadains and UK landed at Juno Gold and Sword and were not a deversion nor wiped out period!Heisenberg made math error in 1939-1940 how much material was required he came up with wrong figured of 13 tons instead only 13 lbs was required.
@mjeshaw 13 жыл бұрын
5:57 "In the Battle of Britain we were victors." Yeah, that's why Operation Sealion went ahead and why I'm writing in German now! As for 'sportsman like", I don't suppose the refugees who were deliberately strafed on the roads of France, Belgium and Holland felt that they had much of a sporting chance. Obeying an insane meglomaniac, which they were happy to do when he was winning, meant Hitler's stupid decisions cost them the war, but then there'd have been no war if they'd not followed him.
@RYAN57HEINZ 16 жыл бұрын
DUDE WHATS WITHT EH GERMANS ACES FACE, not to be rude did he get like burned up in the face
@MatteV2 15 жыл бұрын
Yeah im aware of that. But im just saying that they should have waited and tried harder on england so that they wouldnt have had a two front war and it would have been a lot easier for them... or they could have told the russians to invade england with them using them as meathshields
@daniel2999999999 13 жыл бұрын
At 1:11, everybody looks at the guy shooting like "WHAT the Hell dude!?"
@oldtamilcinema 15 жыл бұрын
Very true. Either wise, if Japan had attacked russia from its east, as Hitler hoped, Russia would have been lost to the axis.
@reginaldmcnab3265 6 жыл бұрын
The German soldier is highly disciplined and resolute!
@LoganBauglir 12 жыл бұрын
Essentially the Austro-Germans took a gamble which failed to pay off, that Austrian military action against Serbia would restore the crumbling Austrian position without getting Russia involved. At least part of the blame is due to Russian intransigence. And lets not get started about the British: the Belgian alliance was little more than a legalistic pretext for action and the decision could have gone both ways.
@ArnStar 16 жыл бұрын
Canada was with British and U.S forces in the Normandy landings. I love how US doco makers love to rewrite history.
@ganzer88 14 жыл бұрын
@Paboozala hey it's all in good fun..I thought you were being a wise guy so I decided to be one hard feelings I hope?
@YouAreTheRaidBoss 17 жыл бұрын
lol that´s typically in a german war-reportage there would never be something like "our B-42"
@sambulls 17 жыл бұрын
nice vid
@rysio92 11 жыл бұрын
in overwhelming number
@Gsusdizzle 16 жыл бұрын
Will he stop saying BOMMERS instead of bombers?
@Paboozala 15 жыл бұрын
I really don't agree with how the narrator makes it sound like as soon as America joined the fight they won the war by themselves. While America's assistance was very valuable it took the efforts of many nations to bring down the Nazis. Russia had to fight the Germans on the western front almost by themselves, the British fought through the entire length of the war and gained little, even the French Resistance fought even while the French army failed. By the way, I am an American.
@CoriolanusAtrox 14 жыл бұрын
@raab155 "Apres moi, la deluge" is generally attributed to the French King Louis XV, not any German monarch. Although Goebbels correctly predicted the Nazis would be known as the worst criminals in human history. What made the Nazis different from any clique of mass murderers before or since was that they wanted to systematically exterminate any ans all peoples they thought were "sub-human". To say nothing of the horrifying medical experiments conducted in the camps.
@roskildahphreak 16 жыл бұрын
Not at such a late point in the war. These weapons should have been mass produced not any later than 1942
@DarkSight1994 15 жыл бұрын
and he made the fault of making the messerschmidt 262 an bomber in stead of an fighter... even in games i played it is better as an fighter then bomber.. but thanks to his speed it would be an heck of an american bomber destroyer, in my opinion
@veso5554 15 жыл бұрын
He didn't really bring the whole world out of depression,just Germany.A good part of Europe(especially France and Britain)found themselves in a worse position than before with all the war debts and destruction of industrial complexes thanks to bombings.The debt didn't pile up,because the creditors weren't very organized and the relative peace(or "quiet tension" as a friend of mine calls it)allowed for the world economy to pick itself back up. As for overpopulation, that's pretty speculative...
@friedcrispy 16 жыл бұрын
true dat. when you see youre losing, nothing comes to you clear. you just think you must win
@DrPepx 15 жыл бұрын
yes it seems so
@zero00tolerance 14 жыл бұрын
@nethead4223 yes i remembered the saddam case.. look your german people and your scientists are one of the best in the world without u guys we would be still flying and not exploring other planets.
@LoganBauglir 12 жыл бұрын
Hence the British acted in 1914 not to save poor Belgium, but to safeguard its Imperial interests, which were threatened by Russia's own imperial presence, and to weaken a growing economic rival.
@Spitfire347 13 жыл бұрын
@ace16807 16 жыл бұрын
Technology alone wouldn't turn the war. Wrong, AK and Stg are aesthetically similar, but mechanically different.
@LoganBauglir 12 жыл бұрын
As for the French, well too bad for the French: they wanted their Russian alliance to recapture the so-called lost regions of Elsass-Lothringen/Alsace (mixed French/German speaking so belonging fully to neither!) which they had originally seized at the time of Napoleon from the Holy Roman Empire and which they had then subjected to a period of intense Frenchification. Well they got their war, if not in the form they had wanted it.
@bill541000 14 жыл бұрын
Germany did make advances that are still modern by today's standards but look what they did with it: murder war, and enslavement. Anything that they achieved before and during WW 2, was nothing compared to the destruction they caused in the world.
@MatteV2 15 жыл бұрын
no they should have kept the Panzer 4, Tiger I and whatever other he had at 1942 and just kept it that way, crushed britain, then russia, let it be like that for a couple of years and go at the defensive to let the economy grow, and at the same time develop and produce the Panther to replace the Panzer 4 and then keep it up..
@liljgoneman 16 жыл бұрын
tell that to the 82nd.. and the 101st.
@Tigelinus 12 жыл бұрын
@rysio92 Wrong. There were numerous fascist movements all over Europe in the 30s and 40s, it's not a German-only phenomenon. Whether they are called nazis or fascists is of minor significance. This ideology was spead all across Europe back then.
@Mubishi2015 16 жыл бұрын
Yes indeed, the old guy is Adolf Galland, shortly before his death in 1996.
@CoriolanusAtrox 14 жыл бұрын
@masterblaster12000 Yes, well, the Austrians declaring war on Serbia started the Great War. Not that they would have done so without Germany's backing; Serbia was allied with Russia at that time. Germany did, however, violate Begian neutrality from the start.
@Helicopterpilot16 14 жыл бұрын
@xGothimox I'm german and I love you comment!
@SimonMr7 12 жыл бұрын
Yes, that could well be, that Germany had a fear of a modernizing Russia, but how does that mitigate its main war plan being the Schlieffen Plan---which involved attacking a country it had committed itself to defending? If Germany wanted to avoid the reputation of a warmonger, it shouldn't have done that, never mind doing it after nine or so years aforethought and practice! If Germany had simply defended itself along the French/German border, it might have avoided fighting Britain entirely.
@Paboozala 14 жыл бұрын
@ganzer88 No hard feelings. I've just been hearing a lot of hate about the USA lately and I just thought your comment was just another insult. Regardless, thanks for clearing that up. :)
@jctopgun 15 жыл бұрын
Gemrnay never was even clsoe to a nuke, heisenberg made amth error in 1939-1940 how much material was required he came up with wrong figured of 13 tons instead only 13 lbs was required. He was a arrogant SOB no one would dare challenge because of his temper.
@OPE08 15 жыл бұрын
At no point in WWII could Germany have successfully attacked the British Isles. Try looking at Operation "Seelowe", it was laughable at best. Oddly enough, early in the war, had Germany attempted to run Seelowe it would have helped the UK immensely, as the German Army would have suffered a painful defeat that might have seen the western Alliance back in France earlier in the war...
@VonGrav 13 жыл бұрын
@USMarineRifleman0311 Why waste gasoline on artillery? =) Not their fault theres no endless oilfields to occupy in central europe.
@LoganBauglir 12 жыл бұрын
The British had a choice of a Russian dominated continent or a more stable, German dominated one, and chose to assault the old order (since 1871) in favour of the new, scared as they were of German economic competition, though neither of its navy nor its imperial reach, the latter of which Russia possessed. They completely ignored the fact that a German dominated Europe had seen tremendous economic and cultural growth across the continent, as opposed to times of a weak German state.
@dima2 16 жыл бұрын
why japan was in the war!?
@OPE08 15 жыл бұрын
Actually no, they never made any saucers, these claims never even appeared until the late 1940's early 1950's, when the UFO craze started. Claiming "The Nazi's did it" is still common today, when making claims about supposed, secret, hi-Tech. It certainly wasn't uncommon back then. The Nazi's DID look into circular and delta wing aircraft, just like every other Aircraft-producing Nation did at that time. Like the "Flying Flap-jack" and the N1M/N9M
@Olli120 17 жыл бұрын
Ouhh Steinhof´s Face looks horrible is it yust the Age or something other?
@ganzer88 14 жыл бұрын
@Paboozala well seeing as the western front was France Belgium etc. etc. and the Russians never set foot there, yes i'd say you really did mess that up. well you are American and most Americans never even seen a map so I won't hold it against you.
@CHITOWNGANGSTA1981 15 жыл бұрын
He was burned bad....
@RobN2097 15 жыл бұрын
2:05 to 2:23 .... epic!
@ClaymateoftheYear 15 жыл бұрын
And I'm not trying to justify the killing of millions of people. if those 11 million hadn't died (We'll assume 10mil, fro arithmetic purposes), then each of those probably would have had somewhere around 5 or 7 kids. That's 50 million people, just in the 1950s. Then those 50 mil would've had 5 kids, 250 mil by 1975. Then the original 10 million probably would've died, but then the 250 could have 3 kids each! That's 740 million more people by about 2000.
@MatteV2 15 жыл бұрын
aha.... well you got me there. I've got no more answers... ^^
@jmegonzalez 16 жыл бұрын
my post was in response to AlexanderPiotrovsky
@clarkcolt45 15 жыл бұрын
yes, he was the great founder of the reich.. BUT he only trusted german tactics in the start of the war, later on he did too much planning himself without having any education in that field (because he was a corporal not a general)
@JazzJaRa 14 жыл бұрын
@de4th1snt3nough It took a lot more Nations then just america to beat Germany in WW2. If America decided to invade Germany on its own, they would have lost. The military equipment of the germans were way better quality then the americans.American tanks or weapons were cheap and mass production. The kill ratio of an Tiger Tank vs Sherman is 1 to 4! Does america use still WW2 weapons? Germany still use the WW2 MG42 as MG3 and it is STILL the best squad MG
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